"*Khoonda\n*Garang"@en . "Dantooine"@no . . . . "\u039D\u03C4\u03B1\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03AF\u03BD"@fr . . . . "Dantooine"@pl . . . "Dantooine oli harvaan asuttu vihermaita t\u00E4ynn\u00E4 oleva maaseutuplaneetta, jossa oli my\u00F6s paljon jokia ja j\u00E4rvi\u00E4. Dantooine sijaitsi Raioballon sektorilla ulkokeh\u00E4n alueilla, joten planeetta oli kaukana Galaktisen Tasavallan kauppaliikenteest\u00E4. Planeetalla oli hyvin pieni populaatio ja asukastiheys oli eritt\u00E4in harva. Dantooinelaiset asuivat omilla yhden perheen tiloillaan tai pieniss\u00E4 yhteis\u00F6iss\u00E4 valtavilla mailla. Planeetan humanoidipopulaatio koostui suurimmilta osin ihmisfarmareista, vaikka Dantooine oli Dantarin rodun kotiplaneetta. Syntyper\u00E4isiin villiel\u00E4imiin kuului kath houndit, iriaz, kinrath, ja graul. Planeetalla ei ollut teollisia alueita tai edistyneen teknologian v\u00E4lineit\u00E4."@fi . "Dantooine"@en . "Oceans, grassland, savanna"@en . "Dantooine"@nl . "Dantooine"@it . "Dantooine"@pl . . "Dantooine, sometimes called Nebraska on old star charts, was a sparsely populated planet located in galactic flyover country. It was covered with wheat. Fields of wheat. Fields of rippling wheat. All there is in life is wheat. Jedi seemed drawn to this planet and kept putting enclaves and temples there. It all started thousands of years ago when a Jedi named Ray crashed there. He wandered around the wheat fields for months. He soon got tired of making specialty breads and decided to drive himself insane through hunger. During his fast, baking in the sun, Ray heard a voice whisper: \"If you build it, they will come.\" So Ray built a Jedi Enclave, and within weeks, dozens of Jedi showed up, asking where the hors d'oeuvres were. Ray informed them there was nothing on the planet but wheat, so they ordered pizza and built a colony. Eventually, Dantooine became a center of Jedi learning, visited by Revan and the Jedi Exile, respectively, before and after it was visited by Darth Malak. But it was still an out-of-the-way nowhere planet, too remote to make an effective demonstration by being blown up by the Death Star. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong took over and shaped all the wheat into monstrous killer acid-spitting...wheat. The Galactic Alliance let the Vong keep the planet after the war, where they cultivated normal, nourishing wheat in peace and fuckin' harmony. Oh, and did I mention there were cavemen living there? Yep. Cavemen."@en . "Oceans"@en . . "Dantooine"@ro . . "Dantooiniano"@es . "2"^^ . . "Garang Khoonda Eol Sha Colony"@pl . "None"@en . "Dantooine"@it . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@es . . "*Basic Standard Galattico\n*Datoriano\n*Prima lingua degli Yuuzhan Vong"@it . "Dantooine"@es . . "Dantooine"@nl . . . . . "Dantooine"@pl . . "Dantooine (pronunciato /'d\u00E6ntuin/) era un mondo piacevole di praterie, fiumi e laghi. Il pianeta era situato nel Settore di Raiballo dell'Orlo Esterno ad un punto finale della Freccia di Myto, l'altro punto finale del quale era nel Settore di Obtrexta, sebbene lo stesso Dantooine era ancora lontano rimosso dalla maggior parte del traffico galattico. Ospitava una piccola popolazione diffusa tra villaggi di singole famiglie e piccole comunit\u00E0 con grandi possedimenti terrieri. La sua popolazione senziente conisteva principalmente di semplidi agricoltoiri Umani, sebbene Dantooine fosse anche il pianeta di origine della primitiva razza Dantari. La natura natia includeva il segugio Kath, l'iriaz, il kinrath ed il graul. Fin da prima delle Guerre Mandaloriane, Dantooine rappresent\u00F2 un luogo chiave per l'Ordine Jedi, essendo la sede del Consiglio Jedi. Il pianeta divenne quindi un bersaglio militare durante la Guerra Civile Jedi. I membri del Consiglio per\u00F2 avevano previsto tale attacco e riuscirono a salvare buona parte dei manufatti Jedi inviandoli su Telos IV. Con la Riforma di Ruusan si decise di spostare il Consiglio Jedi su Coruscant sotto la supervisione del Cancelliere Supremo. Su Dantooine, nel 22 BBY si svolse una battaglia delle Guerre dei Cloni a seguito di un tentativo di invasione dei separatisti. La battaglia venne vinta dalla Repubblica, in particolare grazie alle eroiche azioni di Mace Windu.Durante la Grande Purga Jedi gli abitanti di Dantooine fecero sapere all'Impero Galattico che essi erano contrari all' Ordine 66. Darth Fener comprese che con molta probabilit\u00E0 stavano dando asilo ad un cavaliere Jedi e invi\u00F2 lo Squadrone Zeta della 501esima Legione con il compito di ucciderlo. Il clone X2 scelse di aiutare lo Jedi che si dimostr\u00F2 essere suo padre Falon Grey. Con l'aiuto degli abitanti di un villaggio del pianeta, riuscirono a bloccare l'avanzata delle truppe imperiali fino a quando il comandante imperiale X1 uccise Falon Grey e ordin\u00F2 la ritirata dopo il successo della missione. X2 visse in questo villaggio per quindici anni. Nel 2 BBY l' Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica, guidata dal Generale Jedi Rahm Kota, vi costru\u00EC una base segreta, evaquata prima dello 0 BBY, quando l' Impero vi invi\u00F2 i suoi ricognitori (dopo aver interrogato Leila Organa sulla Morte Nera) e scopr\u00EC che la base era stata abbandonata da tempo. Il pianeta non aveva colonie industriali o tecnologia avanzata al tempo della Guerra Civile Galattica, tranne ci\u00F2 che vi fu portato dai Separatisti, dalla Repubblica Galattica, e dall'Impero durante le Guerre dei Cloni e negli anni successivi. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@it . "*Humans\n*Dantari\n*Mandalorians"@en . "Dantooine"@it . "2"^^ . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@pt . . "Dantooine"@fr . . "Kinrath Arthropod"@nl . "Dantooine"@pt . "Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes. A battle happened here during the Clone Wars. The Separatists Alliance struck at the Republic because they had beaten them on Muunilinst, and Dooku wanted to find a new apprentice. Master Mace Windu of the Jedi Order lead a clone force to the planet to take the planet for the Republic."@en . "250"^^ . "45000"^^ . . "*Ruokatarvikkeita"@fi . . . . "Fabool"@nl . "L-4"@pl . "Dantooine was once a small village in the nation of Star Wars. It was the home of the famous Jedi Revan until it was wiped out by the Sith during the Great Civil War. Dantooine is now the capital of the nation of the Jedi Revan. It is a large city that sits in the waters off the coast (France on the map). It is a sprawling city that never seems to go to sleep. The Jedi Temple and many other important buildings are located here. Image:Dantooine.jpg Image:Manaan.jpg"@en . . "Dantooine"@ro . "Rivieren"@nl . "Type I"@en . "Dantooine"@pt . "Dantooine"@no . . . . . . . . . "Dantooine"@pt . . . . "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One?"@en . . "4"^^ . . . . "Standard"@it . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@no . . "25"^^ . . . "Dantooine"@nl . . "Dantooine is little more than a podunk in a backwards corner of the galaxy. It is about as far from the Core as you can get without entering the empty reaches of space where stars become rare, and habitable planets doubly so. Still, the world is highly hospitable to life, sporting broad grasslands and thick forests. This hospitality has lead to optimistic attempts to colonize the world, but none of them have stuck."@en . . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@ro . "Verlaten Rebel Base"@nl . . . "Dantooine, to planeta po\u0142o\u017Cona na Zewn\u0119trznych Rubie\u017Cach, ok. 45 tys. lat \u015Bwietlnych od J\u0105dra Galaktyki. Znane okazy fauny z Dantooine to m.in. ogary Kath, iriazy oraz kinrathy. Z uwagi na cz\u0119ste wyst\u0119powanie kryszta\u0142\u00F3w do mieczy \u015Bwietlnych w tamtejszych jaskiniach, Dantooine w dawnych czasach zosta\u0142a wybrana na miejsce szkolenia rycerzy Jedi."@pl . . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . "Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes. A battle happened here during the Clone Wars. The Separatists Alliance struck at the Republic because they had beaten them on Muunilinst, and Dooku wanted to find a new apprentice. Master Mace Windu of the Jedi Order lead a clone force to the planet to take the planet for the Republic."@en . . . "*Oceano\n*Savana\n*Montagna\n*Praterie"@it . "Pirates Lane, Deadmans Dive"@en . . . "Dantooine"@ro . . . . "Humains"@fr . "Dantooine was a pleasant world that was home to the kath hound. It also hosted the Jedi Enclave where Revan was trained. Dantooine was mostly a farming planet, inhabited by peaceful settlers. It was devastated in an orbital bombardment initiated by the Sith when they pounded the Enclave into dust. File:Dantooine.png"@en . . "Dantooine was once a small village in the nation of Star Wars. It was the home of the famous Jedi Revan until it was wiped out by the Sith during the Great Civil War. Dantooine is now the capital of the nation of the Jedi Revan. It is a large city that sits in the waters off the coast (France on the map). It is a sprawling city that never seems to go to sleep. The Jedi Temple and many other important buildings are located here. Image:Dantooine.jpg Image:Manaan.jpg"@en . . . . . "Dantooine"@fi . . "Territory/Rim"@en . . . "*Umani\n*Selkath\n*Chalactani\n*Sullustani\n*Ithoriani\n*Duros\n*Mandaloriani\n*Rodiani\n*In passato: Rakata"@it . . "Normaal"@nl . "Mild"@en . . . . "[Source] Dantooine \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te des Territoires de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure dans le secteur Raioballo."@fr . "Terrestre"@it . . "Terrestrial"@en . "*334,000 \n*1000"@en . . "Cl\u00E9ment"@fr . . "Although it's the home of the \"Abandoned\" Rebel base, Dantooine is mostly known for its hunting. From newbies to veterans often gather at the Pirate Outpost in order to find and/or form groups. But, your character also has to be careful, because in addition to the Bol, Piket, and Thune, the planet is also home to such dangerous creatures such as the Graul and even has random spawnings of Dark Jedi. Players can place houses on Dantooine, as they can on Lok. These two planets similar to \"pre-advanced\" planets that can help prepare players for the dangers of Yavin 4, Endor, and Dathomir. Although walking about in the Dantooinian wilderness is not as dangerous as it is in Lok, there are many places, particularly in caves, that are much more dangerous than Lok and should be explored with great caution. Like Lok, it is similar to a transition between the starting worlds and the advanced worlds due to players' ability to place houses, but lack of substantial cities. Some interesting areas on Dantooine include The Warren , the Abandoned Rebel Base, and the Dantari Rock Village."@en . "Dantooine"@sk . . . . . "*Ihmiset\n*Selkath\n*Chalactanit\n*Sullustalaiset\n*Ithorialaiset\n*Durosit\n*Mandalorilaiset\n*Rodialaiset\n*Monta lajia"@fi . . "1"^^ . "Dantooine"@pt . . . . "378"^^ . "Mostly an agricultural world, Dantooine was nonetheless an important colony in the Outer Rim. The Galactic Republic had no military protecting Dantooine so the task was given to the Jedi Order, who established a Jedi Enclave there. Many notable Jedi of the time trained at the Dantooine Enclave including Exar Kun, Revan and Malak. Garang was the original capital of Dantooine but the capital was moved to Khoonda following an attack by Darth Malak."@en . . "*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n*Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . . . "Dantooine"@es . "378"^^ . . . . . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@it . . . "Dantooine"@ro . "Dantooine.jpg"@en . . . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@nl . . . . "Grasslands, rivers, lakes"@en . . . "Tipo I"@it . . . . "Hallittu"@fi . "90000.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Terrain"@en . "Dantooine was een planeet in de Outer Rim met steppes en grasvlaktes gelegen in de Raioballo Sector zonder een echte vorm van samenleving."@nl . . . . "Dantooine"@fr . . "Wheat"@en . "news/where-in-the-galaxy-are-the-worlds-of-rogue-one"@en . . "Temperert"@no . . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@no . . . "[Source] Dantooine \u00E9tait une plan\u00E8te des Territoires de la Bordure Ext\u00E9rieure dans le secteur Raioballo."@fr . . "Type I, Breathable"@en . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@it . . . . . . . "Dantooine"@ro . . . . . . "*Grasslands with wheat\n*Savanna with wheat\n*Rolling plains with wheat\n*Foothills with wheat"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "*Galaktinen Imperiumi\n*Sithien imperiumi\n*Khoondat\n*Vapaiden liittojen galaktinen allianssi\n*Galaktinen Imperiumi\n*Uusi tasavalta\n*Yuuzhan vongien Imperiumi"@fi . . . . "*Ocean\n*Savanna\n*Mountain\n*Grasslands"@en . . . . . . "Dantooine"@pt . "90000.0"^^ . "Dantooine"@en . . . . "Standard"@en . . "umiarkowany"@pl . . . . . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@ro . . "*Vuoristoja \n*Valtameri\u00E4\n*Savanneja"@fi . "*Dantari \n*Stalker lizard\n*Brith\n*Kath hound\n*Iriaz\n*Graul"@en . . . . "Dantooine"@pt . "Dantooine"@nl . . . . "Dantooine"@it . . . "Dantooine"@no . "Mennesker"@no . "Ukjent"@no . . . "Dantooine"@ro . . "Dantooine"@en . . "Humanos"@es . "None"@en . "Dantooine"@fr . . . "Dantooine"@ro . . . "3.26592E7"^^ . . "*Jedi Enclave\n*Dantooine Dungeon\n*Embassy of the Echani Coalition\n*Khoonda plains"@en . . "*Garang \n*Khoonda"@fi . . . . . "*Dantari\n*Lucertola Stalker"@it . . . "Dantooine"@nl . "2"^^ . "Dantooine"@pt . . "1"^^ . "9830"^^ . . . . "Humans"@en . "Dantooine"@nl . "tlenowa"@pl . . "Dantooine"@en . . . . "Dantooine"@nl . . "25"^^ . "Dantooine"@ro . "Dantooine fue un planeta en los Territorios del Borde Exterior de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica y m\u00E1s tarde del Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico."@es . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@fr . "Dantooine"@ro . . "Respirable a humanos"@es . . "Dantooine"@no . "A normal day on Dantooine lasted 25 standard hours, and a local year lasted 378 local days. Dantooine had several continents. There was an equatorial one that was connected to a larger northern one and a south polar one by slender land bridges, as well as a disconnected north-eastern continent. An olive, blue, and brown colored world, Dantooine was remote from the bustle of the galactic trade routes. Two moons floated in the skies above the savannahs of lavender and yellow grasses. Separated by forests of spiky Blba Trees, colonists maintained individual family estates largely isolated from each other. One of the major continents of Dantooine was identified by its various geographical regions. To the southeast, there were the Rielig Steppes, with the Burad Hills at their southeastern corner. The Northeast section was identified as the Fields of Banir, which held the ruins of an ancient Jedi temple. To the Northwest, there were the Arissi Plains, with the Mosa Rishin region and Taikaha Hills connecting to the southwestern Darjani Plains."@en . "9.83"^^ . . . . . . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . . . . . "Dantooine Kateg\u00F3ria:Plan\u00E9ty"@sk . . . . . "Dantooine"@no . . "Basic"@en . "Dantooine"@pt . . "Dantooine"@ro . "Dantooine"@it . "334000"^^ . "9.83"^^ . . . "Generi alimentari"@it . . . "Mostly an agricultural world, Dantooine was nonetheless an important colony in the Outer Rim. The Galactic Republic had no military protecting Dantooine so the task was given to the Jedi Order, who established a Jedi Enclave there. Many notable Jedi of the time trained at the Dantooine Enclave including Exar Kun, Revan and Malak. Garang was the original capital of Dantooine but the capital was moved to Khoonda following an attack by Darth Malak."@en . . "*Tribale\n*Oligarchia"@it . . . "Food that isn't wheat"@en . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . . . . . . "Ground bases undetectable due to its isolated location"@en . . "*Enclave Jedi\n*Prigione sotterranea di Dantooine\n*Pianure Khoonda\n*La Tana\n*Rovine Rakatan\n*Avamposto Imperiale\n*Avamposto Minerario\n*Propriet\u00E0 Matale\n*Propriet\u00E0 Sandral\n*Grotta di cristallo"@it . . "2000000"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Dantooine Kateg\u00F3ria:Plan\u00E9ty"@sk . . "Stalker Lizard"@nl . "*Yuuzhan vongien kieli\n*ennemmin: Galaktinen peruskieli"@fi . "Kath Hound"@nl . . . . . "90000.0"^^ . . "Dantooine"@fi . . . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@ro . . "Dantooine"@no . . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@nl . . . "Dantooinien"@fr . "250"^^ . "Dantooine was a pleasant world that was home to the kath hound. It also hosted the Jedi Enclave where Revan was trained. Dantooine was mostly a farming planet, inhabited by peaceful settlers. It was devastated in an orbital bombardment initiated by the Sith when they pounded the Enclave into dust. File:Dantooine.png"@en . . . . . . . . "Moon"@en . . . "Dantooine"@nl . . "Standardi"@fi . "Dantarikiedy\u015B: Ludzie , Dantari"@pl . "3.26592E7"^^ . . "Raioballo sector"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Lush forests and green landscapes"@en . "*Garang \n*Khoonda\n*Sulem"@it . . . "Temperato"@it . "news/where-in-the-galaxy-are-the-worlds-of-rogue-one"@fr . "Dantooine"@it . "Change of Heart"@en . . . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@fr . . . . "Dantooine a fost o lume pl\u0103cut\u0103 de c\u00E2mpii ierboase, r\u00E2uri \u015Fi lacuri. Planeta se afla \u00EEn sectorul Raioballo din Inelul Exterior la un cap\u0103t al S\u0103ge\u0163ii lui Myto, cel\u0103lalt cap\u0103t fiind \u00EEn sectorul Obtrexta, de\u015Fi Dantooine \u00EEn sine era destul de departe fa\u0163\u0103 de majoritatea traficului galactic. Avea o popula\u0163ie mic\u0103 grupat\u0103 \u00EEn a\u015Fez\u0103ri de c\u00E2te o singur\u0103 familie \u015Fi comunit\u0103\u0163i mici care de\u0163ineau mult p\u0103m\u00E2nt. Formele de via\u0163\u0103 ra\u0163ionale erau \u00EEn principal fermieri umani, de\u015Fi Dantooine era cas\u0103 \u015Fi pentru rasa primitiv\u0103 Dantari. Printre speciile native erau incluse \u015Fi c\u00E2inele kath, iriazul, kinrathul \u015Fi graulul. Planeta nu avea a\u015Fez\u0103ri industriale sau tehnologie avansat\u0103 p\u00E2n\u0103 \u00EEn vremea R\u0103zboiului Civil Galactic, \u00EEn afar\u0103 de o baz\u0103 temporar\u0103 a Rebelilor. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@ro . "Outer Rim"@en . "205"^^ . . "Dantooine system"@en . . . "Dantooine"@fr . . "Respirable"@fr . . . . "For\u00EAts luxuriantes et paysages verts"@fr . . . "9830.0"^^ . . . . "Dina"@en . . "*Galactic Republic\n*Confederacy of Independent Systems\n*Rebel Alliance\n*New Republic\n*Galactic Alliance"@en . . . . . "Dantooine"@no . . "Dantooine"@ro . . "*Impero Infinito\n*Repubblica Galattica\n*Impero Sith\n*Khoonda\n*Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica\n*Impero Galattico\n*Allineamento Pentastar\n*Nuova Prepubblica\n*Impero Yuuzhan Vong\n*Federazione Galattica delle Alleanze Libere"@it . . "Dantooine"@no . . . "Dantooine fue un planeta en los Territorios del Borde Exterior de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica y m\u00E1s tarde del Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico."@es . "Dantooine, sometimes called Nebraska on old star charts, was a sparsely populated planet located in galactic flyover country. It was covered with wheat. Fields of wheat. Fields of rippling wheat. All there is in life is wheat. Oh, and did I mention there were cavemen living there? Yep. Cavemen."@en . . "standardowa"@pl . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@nl . . . . . . "4"^^ . "Dantooinian"@en . "\u039D\u03C4\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03B9\u03BD"@pt . "Dantooine"@pt . . "*brith\n*iriaz\n*Kath hounds\n*kinrath\n*laigreks\n*stalker lizards"@en . "Dantooine"@no . "9830"^^ . . . "Dantooine"@it . "Dantooine"@it . "Dantooine"@no . . "Dantooine"@pt . . "Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes. The planet was located in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim at an endpoint of Myto's Arrow, the other endpoint of which was in the Obtrexta sector, though Dantooine itself was still far removed from most galactic traffic. It hosted a small population spread amongst single-family settlements and small communities with large land holdings. Its sentient population consisted primarily of simple Human farmers, though Dantooine was also home to the primitive Dantari race. Native wildlife included the kath hound, the iriaz, the kinrath, and the graul. The planet had no industrial settlements or advanced technology by the time of the Galactic Civil War, save for a temporary Rebel base there."@en . . . "Dantooine"@it . "\u039D\u03C4\u03B1\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF\u03C5\u03AF\u03BD"@en . . "*Galactic Basic Standard"@en . . "Dantooine"@nl . . "Untamed forest"@en . . . "Breathable to humans"@en . . . "Dantooine is little more than a podunk in a backwards corner of the galaxy. It is about as far from the Core as you can get without entering the empty reaches of space where stars become rare, and habitable planets doubly so. Still, the world is highly hospitable to life, sporting broad grasslands and thick forests. This hospitality has lead to optimistic attempts to colonize the world, but none of them have stuck. The world is now inhabited only by the native life-forms, and a few rugged individualists who enjoy living on the frontiers of inhabited space. Mostly farmers, traders and inn-keepers, the Dantooinan people are a hardy bunch, known for blasting first and asking questions later when off-worlders get smart. But, for all their ornery gristle, the planet does tend to attract Outer Rim travelers on their way to more important worlds like Paxo or Kessel-- and some smugglers or pirates have set up little dens and hideouts for when the heat is on them. Dantooine has little pretensions to organized government. The locals get together and vote for a Mayor, who makes sure the rough and rowdy don't stomp on the local farmers. It costs 100 credits to register to vote, and the pirates and riff-raff who hang out on Dantooine don't bother putting in their credits-- after all, who really cares? Apparently the small-time Outer Rim engineer Vyrr Ijaz does-- as he presently maintains the Mayorship of this little planet after seizing it from a group of criminals affiliated with a local Hutt syndicate."@en . . . "Ground bases undetectable due to its isolated location"@en . . . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@pt . "Far Too Remote"@en . . . . . "L-4"@en . . . "Khoonda"@nl . . . "Dantooine var en rolig planet best\u00E5ende av gressletter, elver og innsj\u00F8er. Planeten l\u00E5 i Rioballo sektoren i den Ytre Ringen. Den hadde en liten befolkning av familier som bodde i sm\u00E5 landsbyer og besto nesten utelukkende av mennesker. Planeten var ogs\u00E5 bebodd av kath hund, iriazer, kinrarth og grauler. Planeten hadde ingen industrivirksomhet eller avansert teknologi p\u00E5 tiden da den Galaktiske Borgerkrigen herjet galaksen. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] Kategori:Planeter"@no . "Sletter, elver og innsj\u00F8er"@no . "Dantooine"@pt . "planeta"@pl . . . . . . . "Dantooine"@no . . "Dantooine"@it . "*Galactic Republic\n*Galactic Empire\n*Alliance to Restore the Republic"@en . "Dantooine"@it . "Dantooine var en rolig planet best\u00E5ende av gressletter, elver og innsj\u00F8er. Planeten l\u00E5 i Rioballo sektoren i den Ytre Ringen. Den hadde en liten befolkning av familier som bodde i sm\u00E5 landsbyer og besto nesten utelukkende av mennesker. Planeten var ogs\u00E5 bebodd av kath hund, iriazer, kinrarth og grauler. Planeten hadde ingen industrivirksomhet eller avansert teknologi p\u00E5 tiden da den Galaktiske Borgerkrigen herjet galaksen. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] Kategori:Planeter"@no . . "planeta skalista"@pl . . . . . . "Dantooine"@nl . "Vyrr Ijaz"@en . "Dantooine"@pt . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@en . . "1.420092E9"^^ . "*Human\n*Selkath\n*Chalactan\n*Sullustan\n*Ithorian\n*Duros\n*Mandalorian\n*Rodian\n*Pacithhip"@en . "Alle 50%"@fi . "Dantooine"@no . "Dantooine was een planeet in de Outer Rim met steppes en grasvlaktes gelegen in de Raioballo Sector zonder een echte vorm van samenleving."@nl . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@no . . . . . "Tyyppi I"@fi . "2"^^ . "3.26592E7"^^ . . "Dantooine"@en . . "Dantooine"@pt . "1"^^ . . . "Dantooine"@nl . "1"^^ . . . . "Dantooine, to planeta po\u0142o\u017Cona na Zewn\u0119trznych Rubie\u017Cach, ok. 45 tys. lat \u015Bwietlnych od J\u0105dra Galaktyki. Znane okazy fauny z Dantooine to m.in. ogary Kath, iriazy oraz kinrathy. Z uwagi na cz\u0119ste wyst\u0119powanie kryszta\u0142\u00F3w do mieczy \u015Bwietlnych w tamtejszych jaskiniach, Dantooine w dawnych czasach zosta\u0142a wybrana na miejsce szkolenia rycerzy Jedi."@pl . . "Where in the Galaxy Are the Worlds of Rogue One?"@fr . . . "Dantooine oli harvaan asuttu vihermaita t\u00E4ynn\u00E4 oleva maaseutuplaneetta, jossa oli my\u00F6s paljon jokia ja j\u00E4rvi\u00E4. Dantooine sijaitsi Raioballon sektorilla ulkokeh\u00E4n alueilla, joten planeetta oli kaukana Galaktisen Tasavallan kauppaliikenteest\u00E4. Planeetalla oli hyvin pieni populaatio ja asukastiheys oli eritt\u00E4in harva. Dantooinelaiset asuivat omilla yhden perheen tiloillaan tai pieniss\u00E4 yhteis\u00F6iss\u00E4 valtavilla mailla. Planeetan humanoidipopulaatio koostui suurimmilta osin ihmisfarmareista, vaikka Dantooine oli Dantarin rodun kotiplaneetta. Syntyper\u00E4isiin villiel\u00E4imiin kuului kath houndit, iriaz, kinrath, ja graul. Planeetalla ei ollut teollisia alueita tai edistyneen teknologian v\u00E4lineit\u00E4."@fi . "Dantooine"@no . . "Dantooine"@pt . "Dantooine"@it . . . . . "Grasvlaktes"@nl . "Poor"@en . "A normal day on Dantooine lasted 25 standard hours, and a local year lasted 378 local days. Dantooine had several continents. There was an equatorial one that was connected to a larger northern one and a south polar one by slender land bridges, as well as a disconnected north-eastern continent. An olive, blue, and brown colored world, Dantooine was remote from the bustle of the galactic trade routes. Two moons floated in the skies above the savannahs of lavender and yellow grasses."@en . "Outer Rim"@en . . . . . "250"^^ . "Zyss Conglomerate"@en . "1"^^ . "2"^^ . . "Steppes"@nl . . "\u30C0\u30F3\u30C8\u30A5\u30A4\u30F3"@it . . "Dantooine"@cs . . "90000.0"^^ . . "*Council of the Unified Force (Original)\n*Dantooine Jedi Alliance\n*Republic Rebuilt\n*Phoenix Imperium"@en . . "Ray Romano sector"@en . . "*Teknologiaa"@fi . . "The Trigger"@en . . . . . "378"^^ . . "Dantooine"@ro . . . . . . "Stalker lizardBrithOgar KathLaigrekIriazGraul"@pl . "Sun"@en . "\u0414\u0430\u043D\u0442\u0443\u0438\u043D"@pt . . . "\uB2E8\uD22C\uC778"@en . . "Dantooine"@pt . . "Dantooine (pronunciato /'d\u00E6ntuin/) era un mondo piacevole di praterie, fiumi e laghi. Il pianeta era situato nel Settore di Raiballo dell'Orlo Esterno ad un punto finale della Freccia di Myto, l'altro punto finale del quale era nel Settore di Obtrexta, sebbene lo stesso Dantooine era ancora lontano rimosso dalla maggior parte del traffico galattico. Ospitava una piccola popolazione diffusa tra villaggi di singole famiglie e piccole comunit\u00E0 con grandi possedimenti terrieri. La sua popolazione senziente conisteva principalmente di semplidi agricoltoiri Umani, sebbene Dantooine fosse anche il pianeta di origine della primitiva razza Dantari. La natura natia includeva il segugio Kath, l'iriaz, il kinrath ed il graul. Fin da prima delle Guerre Mandaloriane, Dantooine rappresent\u00F2 un luogo chiav"@it . "Dantooine"@en . . . "334"^^ . . . . "Dantari, Humans"@en . "Temperate"@en . "Dantooine"@es . . "Human"@en . "Dantooine"@nl . . "Although it's the home of the \"Abandoned\" Rebel base, Dantooine is mostly known for its hunting. From newbies to veterans often gather at the Pirate Outpost in order to find and/or form groups. But, your character also has to be careful, because in addition to the Bol, Piket, and Thune, the planet is also home to such dangerous creatures such as the Graul and even has random spawnings of Dark Jedi. Some interesting areas on Dantooine include The Warren , the Abandoned Rebel Base, and the Dantari Rock Village."@en . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . "All species"@en . . . . "Dantooine a fost o lume pl\u0103cut\u0103 de c\u00E2mpii ierboase, r\u00E2uri \u015Fi lacuri. Planeta se afla \u00EEn sectorul Raioballo din Inelul Exterior la un cap\u0103t al S\u0103ge\u0163ii lui Myto, cel\u0103lalt cap\u0103t fiind \u00EEn sectorul Obtrexta, de\u015Fi Dantooine \u00EEn sine era destul de departe fa\u0163\u0103 de majoritatea traficului galactic. Avea o popula\u0163ie mic\u0103 grupat\u0103 \u00EEn a\u015Fez\u0103ri de c\u00E2te o singur\u0103 familie \u015Fi comunit\u0103\u0163i mici care de\u0163ineau mult p\u0103m\u00E2nt. Formele de via\u0163\u0103 ra\u0163ionale erau \u00EEn principal fermieri umani, de\u015Fi Dantooine era cas\u0103 \u015Fi pentru rasa primitiv\u0103 Dantari. Printre speciile native erau incluse \u015Fi c\u00E2inele kath, iriazul, kinrathul \u015Fi graulul. Planeta nu avea a\u015Fez\u0103ri industriale sau tehnologie avansat\u0103 p\u00E2n\u0103 \u00EEn vremea R\u0103zboiului Civil Galactic, \u00EEn afar\u0103 de o baz\u0103 temporar\u0103 a Rebelilor."@ro . . . "Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes. The planet was located in the Raioballo sector of the Outer Rim at an endpoint of Myto's Arrow, the other endpoint of which was in the Obtrexta sector, though Dantooine itself was still far removed from most galactic traffic. It hosted a small population spread amongst single-family settlements and small communities with large land holdings. Its sentient population consisted primarily of simple Human farmers, though Dantooine was also home to the primitive Dantari race. Native wildlife included the kath hound, the iriaz, the kinrath, and the graul. The planet had no industrial settlements or advanced technology by the time of the Galactic Civil War, save for a temporary Rebel base there."@en . . . . . "2"^^ . . . . . "45000"^^ . . "Tecnologia e articoli di lusso"@it .