"Koala"@en . . "Aruno Tahara"@en . "Bazooklaw"@en . . "Rizzo owns a male Jellicent which was used to fight Volcarona and Ash's Krokorok."@en . . "Jimena"@en . "Male"@en . "Rizzo \u00E8 una Leggende di Chima minifigure rilasciati nel 2013."@it . "Ravens"@en . . "4"^^ . . "70003"^^ . "Rizzo was a BSAA operative who participated in the BSAA infiltration of a ziggurat in Urador."@en . . . . "female"@en . . "Ensign Rizzo was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during Kirk's historic five-year mission, where he was assigned as one of the ship's security officers. Rizzo attended Starfleet Academy together with his friend, Ensign Garrovick. Rizzo died soon after the interview, a result of the creature draining at least 60% of his red blood cells. (TOS: \"Obsession\" ) Rizzo was played by Jerry Ayres, who also portrayed O'Herlihy in \"Arena\" ."@en . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . . "Unova"@en . . . . . . . "thumb|F\u00E4hnrich Rizzo (2268) F\u00E4hnrich Rizzo dient im Jahr 2268 als Sicherheitsoffizier an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain Kirk. Rizzo ist Mitglied eines Landetrupps, der den Planeten Argus X untersucht. Kurz vor Ende der Au\u00DFenmission bemerkt Captain Kirk einen seltsamen Geruch, der ihn an ein Ereignis aus seiner Vergangenheit erinnert. Er weist Rizzo an, sich mit seinen beiden Kollegen ein wenig umzusehen und nach Dikironium in der Atmosph\u00E4re zu scannen. Kirk fordert den Sicherheitstrupp auf, die Phaser auf volle Energie zu schalten und sofort zu schie\u00DFen, wenn sie ein wolken\u00E4hnliches Gebilde sehen sollten. Er gibt Alarmstufe Rot aus. Wenig sp\u00E4ter misst Rizzo mit Hilfe des Tricorders f\u00FCr einen kurzen Augenblick Dikironium. Er sagt, dass es so auss\u00E4he, als wenn es ein Wesen w\u00E4re, das merkt, dass es beobachtet wird und darum die Struktur ver\u00E4ndert, was seiner Ansicht nach aber v\u00F6llig unm\u00F6glich ist. Pl\u00F6tzlich greift das wolken\u00E4hnliche Wesen die beiden M\u00E4nner an, die Rizzo begleiten. Rizzo ist davon so \u00FCberrascht, dass er den Befehl des Captains zun\u00E4chst vergisst. Anstatt auf das Wesen zu feuern, ruft er Captain Kirk \u00FCber den Kommunikator. Doch das Wesen greift nun auch ihn an. Kirk und Spock finden ihn wenig sp\u00E4ter bewusstlos auf dem Boden liegend. thumb|Kirk an Rizzos Krankenbett Rizzo wird zusammen mit dem Landetrupp zur\u00FCck an Bord der Enterprise gebeamt und in die Krankenstation gebracht. Es steht sehr schlecht um ihn. Das Wesen hat ihm einen Gro\u00DFteil seiner roten Blutk\u00F6rperchen entzogen und auch eine Transfusion kann seinen Zustand nicht wesentlich verbessern. Kirk ist jedoch auf die Aussage Rizzos angewiesen und bittet Dr. McCoy ihn wieder zu Bewusstsein zu bringen. Nach einer Injektion von Cordrazin ist Rizzo in der Lage mit seinem Captain lange genug zu sprechen, um diesen darin zu best\u00E4tigen, dass das Wesen intelligent sein muss. Rizzo wird wieder bewusstlos, doch Kirk hat alles was er wissen wollte. Kurze Zeit sp\u00E4ter meldet Lt. Uhura auf der Br\u00FCcke, dass Rizzo gestorben ist. Kirk, der gerade dabei ist, den diensthabenden Sicherheitsoffizier F\u00E4hnrich Garrovick einzuweisen, fragt diesen, ob er Rizzo gekannt habe. Garrovick bejaht dies und sagt, dass er und Rizzo befreundet und gemeinsam auf der Sternenflottenakademie gewesen sind. (TOS: ) F\u00E4hnrich Rizzo wurde von Jerry Ayres gespielt und von Klaus Kindler synchronisiert. In der deutschen Synchronfassung erhielt Rizzo, wie auch sein Kollege Garrovick, den Rang eines Lieutenants obwohl die dazu notwendigen Rangabzeichen fehlen."@de . . "Ravens"@en . . . . . ""@en . "Rizzo was a BSAA operative who participated in the BSAA infiltration of a ziggurat in Urador."@en . . . "Mabu"@en . . "\u30EA\u30F3\u30BE\u30FC Rinz\u014D"@en . . . "Becky"@en . "70003"^^ . "Rizzo is a warrior of the Raven Tribe. view \u00B7 talk \u00B7 edit Legends of Chima Minifigures"@en . "Ninja Shirt"@en . . . . . . . "Rizzo \u00E8 una Leggende di Chima minifigure rilasciati nel 2013."@it . "Raven Pilot"@en . "Rizzo"@en . . "95"^^ . "Pok\u00E9mon: BW Rival Destinies"@en . . "95"^^ . . . "Deceased"@en . "In battle, he is seen wearing an unusual uniform for the Army of Germanistan: an orange flight suit, possibly indicating that he is really a member of the Cormerra Army. In combat, he wields what is propably the first Combiner-like weapon featured in the series: a short sword incorporating a submachine gun. Biggs survives through most of the game. When Megastructure manifests on Eden-IV, he is apparently succesfully evacuated from Germanistan to Gond, where the Germanistan Army makes its last stand against invading HOUSE forces. Before he arrives, however, the remaining forces surrender and Biggs becomes a Commander of the Freedom Alliance forces. When the Freedom Alliance strikes against the planet of Megastructure, Biggs and Wedge are assigned to act as wingmen to Leon. Biggs is killed i"@en . . "Rizzo"@fr . . "--01-17"^^ . . "5"^^ . "Iconic"@en . . . . "Red"@en . "Vigilantes Axel Stone, Max Hatchet and Blaze Fielding captured Rizzo and took him, in the Battle Wagon, to an abandoned warehouse. Inside, they tied him up and hung him from the roof, demanding to hear information about Officer Murphy's computer disk of evidence. Rizzo continued to plead ignorance, insisting that he knew nothing about the disk despite Axel's threat of getting more \"persuasive\" with his fists. Instead, he diverted their attentions to Mr X's plans to bomb the Princess Grace. He was presumably set free after this, swearing not to tell anyone who kidnapped him."@en . . . . "2268"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . "Resident Evil"@en . "Rizzo ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Legends of Chima, die 2013 erschien."@de . . "Sydney"@en . . . . . "Vigilantes Axel Stone, Max Hatchet and Blaze Fielding captured Rizzo and took him, in the Battle Wagon, to an abandoned warehouse. Inside, they tied him up and hung him from the roof, demanding to hear information about Officer Murphy's computer disk of evidence. Rizzo continued to plead ignorance, insisting that he knew nothing about the disk despite Axel's threat of getting more \"persuasive\" with his fists. Instead, he diverted their attentions to Mr X's plans to bomb the Princess Grace. He was presumably set free after this, swearing not to tell anyone who kidnapped him."@en . "Rizzo"@en . . . "Lavender Robe"@en . "ghost"@en . "Rizzo is a warrior of the Raven Tribe. He is rarely depicted in the TV series but, like Razcal, has appeared in many of the sets."@en . "Rizzo is a member of the Raven Tribe. Rizzo is a Dungeon boss. He must be fought twice, once in two different dungeons. He reveals that he is working for Reegull, and when the flowers controlling him are smashed and he is defeated, he vows revenge against him."@en . . "Rizzo is a warrior of the Raven Tribe. He is rarely depicted in the TV series but, like Razcal, has appeared in many of the sets."@en . . . . . "CHI Raider"@en . "Character"@en . . "Rizzo"@de . . . "376"^^ . "siehe links"@de . "Rizzo is a member of the Raven Tribe. Rizzo is a Dungeon boss. He must be fought twice, once in two different dungeons. He reveals that he is working for Reegull, and when the flowers controlling him are smashed and he is defeated, he vows revenge against him."@en . . . "In battle, he is seen wearing an unusual uniform for the Army of Germanistan: an orange flight suit, possibly indicating that he is really a member of the Cormerra Army. In combat, he wields what is propably the first Combiner-like weapon featured in the series: a short sword incorporating a submachine gun. Biggs survives through most of the game. When Megastructure manifests on Eden-IV, he is apparently succesfully evacuated from Germanistan to Gond, where the Germanistan Army makes its last stand against invading HOUSE forces. Before he arrives, however, the remaining forces surrender and Biggs becomes a Commander of the Freedom Alliance forces. When the Freedom Alliance strikes against the planet of Megastructure, Biggs and Wedge are assigned to act as wingmen to Leon. Biggs is killed in during that attack, ensuring Leon safely demolishes the planet's impenetrable hull."@en . "Rizzo"@en . "Chicken"@en . "BSAA operative"@en . . "male"@en . . . . "Rizzo owns both a female Jellicent which was used to fight Brycen's Beartic and Ash's Krokorok."@en . . . . . . "Rizzo is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: BW Rival Destinies."@en . . . "water"@en . . . . . "L'Enseigne Rizzo \u00E9tait un officier de la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 de Starfleet durant les ann\u00E9es 2260 \u00E0 bord de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701 sous le commandement du capitaine James Kirk."@fr . . . . . "K.K. Lament"@en . . . . . "Rizzo"@en . . . . . "Rizzo is a character appearing in Pok\u00E9mon: BW Rival Destinies."@en . ","@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Random Kingdom VX"@en . . "Ally"@en . . "Rock"@en . "Chorokichi"@en . . "\u3061\u3087\u308D\u304D\u3061"@en . "Mouse"@en . . . . . "BW080"@en . "Normal"@de . . . "No milk,"@en . . . . "Rizzo"@de . "siehe links"@de . . . . . "Evil lurks everywhere."@en . . "Rizzo once owned a flower shop but he later became the founder and self-made Captain of the Mabu Defense Force to fight against the Trolls."@en . "Mocha,"@en . "Rizzo ist eine Minifigur der Baureihe Legends of Chima, die 2013 erschien."@de . . "The Biggest Race Ever"@en . . . . "250"^^ . . ""@en . . . . "John Kassir"@en . . . . . . "Rizzo once owned a flower shop but he later became the founder and self-made Captain of the Mabu Defense Force to fight against the Trolls."@en . "Pok\u00E9mon Hunter"@en . . . . "125"^^ . "Rizzo"@it . . . "No sugar"@en . . . . . "Rizzo ist ein ungepflegter Pl\u00FCnderer mit schroffem Gefieder und einer Augenklappe. Er ist stolz auf seinen Ruf als \u201EAbschaum des Abschaums\u201C. Sogar Raben haben ein wenig W\u00FCrde in sich stecken, nicht so aber Rizzo. Er nennt sich stolz den \u201ESchah der Schamlosen\u201C."@de . . . . . . . "2268"^^ . . "A hideout"@en . . "Subsistence living"@en . "squee"@en . "Sourizzi"@en . "Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!"@en . . "Ensign Rizzo was a male Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during Kirk's historic five-year mission, where he was assigned as one of the ship's security officers. Rizzo attended Starfleet Academy together with his friend, Ensign Garrovick. When the Enterprise encountered the dikironium cloud creature on Argus X, Rizzo was part of a landing party assaulted by the vampire cloud. He barely survived the creature's attack and lived long enough to be transported aboard and treated in sickbay. Rizzo, after an injection of cordrazine, was able to speak with his captain, long enough to support Kirk's contention that the cloud was intelligent. Rizzo died soon after the interview, a result of the creature draining at least 60% of his red blood cells. (TOS: \"Obsession\" ) Rizzo was played by Jerry Ayres, who also portrayed O'Herlihy in \"Arena\" ."@en . "Rizzo is a warrior of the Raven Tribe. view \u00B7 talk \u00B7 edit Legends of Chima Minifigures"@en . "thumb|F\u00E4hnrich Rizzo (2268) F\u00E4hnrich Rizzo dient im Jahr 2268 als Sicherheitsoffizier an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain Kirk. Rizzo ist Mitglied eines Landetrupps, der den Planeten Argus X untersucht. Kurz vor Ende der Au\u00DFenmission bemerkt Captain Kirk einen seltsamen Geruch, der ihn an ein Ereignis aus seiner Vergangenheit erinnert. Er weist Rizzo an, sich mit seinen beiden Kollegen ein wenig umzusehen und nach Dikironium in der Atmosph\u00E4re zu scannen. Kirk fordert den Sicherheitstrupp auf, die Phaser auf volle Energie zu schalten und sofort zu schie\u00DFen, wenn sie ein wolken\u00E4hnliches Gebilde sehen sollten. Er gibt Alarmstufe Rot aus."@de . "Amiibo 376 Rizzo.png"@en . . . . . "Police officer"@en . . "Capricorn"@en . "L'Enseigne Rizzo \u00E9tait un officier de la s\u00E9curit\u00E9 de Starfleet durant les ann\u00E9es 2260 \u00E0 bord de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701 sous le commandement du capitaine James Kirk."@fr . . . "10"^^ . . . . .