"The first seal he created was the input seal, which, as its name suggests, only allows the user to \"input\" things, such as large scale jutsu and whatnot. The size of the input seal can vary depending on the user's preference, and it can be used to shield the user from attacks by having the input seal absorb it for them, similar to the Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder technique. The difference is, Bobu has added an additional \"intermediary\" dimension, categorized even further into 2 types \"stored jutsu\" and \"combat jutsu\". He has to consciously command the input seal to direct techniques into one of the 2 intermediary dimensions, depending on which one he plans to use for battle. The second seal he created is the output seal, which basically allows the user to release techniques stored inside the intermediary dimensions. The size of the output seal (dictated by the user) affects the pressure and speed of the techniques being unleashed. For example, if the intermediary dimension contains a massive amount of water, opening up a small hole (output seal) would cause the technique to flow out at extremely high pressures, becoming extremely dangerous to the opponent. Similarly, the output seal may be made extremely large, allowing for even Tailed Beast Bombs to come out instantaneously. The reason why it cannot transport people is because the intermediary dimension is unsuitable for any human to exist in, as it is specially designed to contain and transport attacks of all kinds. Depending on the kind of jutsu stored in the intermediary dimension, it may even affect the techniques unleashed. For example, if the dimension is filled with powerful fire jutsu, if the user decides to fire mud into it, it may come out of the output seal as lava. The most important part of the output seal is that it can select which techniques it intends to output. This is a result of Bobu's incredible sealing mastery. There can be any number of output seals at any point of time, though only a maximum of 4 input seals can be created."@en . . "Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary"@en . "Anime, Manga, Game, Movie, Fanon Canon"@en . . "The first seal he created was the input seal, which, as its name suggests, only allows the user to \"input\" things, such as large scale jutsu and whatnot. The size of the input seal can vary depending on the user's preference, and it can be used to shield the user from attacks by having the input seal absorb it for them, similar to the Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder technique. The difference is, Bobu has added an additional \"intermediary\" dimension, categorized even further into 2 types \"stored jutsu\" and \"combat jutsu\". He has to consciously command the input seal to direct techniques into one of the 2 intermediary dimensions, depending on which one he plans to use for battle."@en . "A"@en . "Seal of Jutsu Teleportation"@en . "Bobu Nomi,"@en . "No"@en . "No"@en . "Short, Mid, Long"@en . "Snake \u2192 Horse \u2192 Rat \u2192 Ram \u2192 Technique Specific Seal"@en . . "Fuuinjutsu,"@en . "Flying Thunder God: Guiding Thunder"@en .