. "ciemno-brunatny"@pl . . "Darth Bandon oli Darth Malakin sithoppilas jedien sis\u00E4llissodan aikaan. H\u00E4n oli my\u00F6s sithien imperiumin vaarallisimpia mets\u00E4st\u00E4ji\u00E4 vaikkei h\u00E4nest\u00E4 ollutkaan mit\u00E4\u00E4n vastusta entiselle mestarilleen, Revanille."@fi . "Darth Bandon"@es . . "Nessuno"@it . "3956"^^ . . . . . . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0411\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E\u043D"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . . . . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . "*Jedi no identificado \n*Darth Malak"@es . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@de . . . . . . "Darth Bandon fu un Padawan Jedi umano che pass\u00F2 al servizio dell'Impero Sith durante la Guerra Civile Jedi, conflitto iniziato per opera dei Signori dei Sith Darth Revan e Darth Malak. Qualche tempo dopo il tradimento di Malak nei confronti del suo maestro Revan, durante un agguato dei Jedi e delle forze repubblicane atto a catturarli, Bandon divenne la sua nuova Mano Ombra, trovandosi cos\u00EC al rango di secondo in comando all'interno dell'Impero Sith. Quando i Sith attaccarono l'Endar Spire sopra il pianeta Taris, Darth Bandon abbord\u00F2 la nave con un gruppo di trooper Sith e i Jedi Oscuri sotto il suo comando e cercarono di catturare Bastila Shan. Uccise l'alfiere repubblicano Trask Ulgo, che sacrific\u00F2 la sua vita per proteggere l'ex Signore dei Sith Revan, mentalmente riprogrammato dal Consiglio Jedi ad essere fedele alla Repubblica e a servire come semplice soldato. Dopo la distruzione di Taris, il cacciatore di taglie Calo Nord venne arruolato da Malak per scovare Bastila Shan, scampata al bombardamento con l'aiuto di Revan e i suoi compagni. Nord fu ucciso da Revan; Malak ordin\u00F2 dunque a Bandon di trovare e catturare lo Jedi. Bandon trov\u00F2 Revan immerso nel kolto nella base di raccolta Hrakert sul pianeta madre dei Selkath, Manaan. L'Apprendista Sith affront\u00F2 Revan e i suoi alleati dopo aver trovato la quarta mappa stellare che avrebbe dato loro la posizione dello Star Forge - l'antica stazione spaziale dei Rakata sotto il controllo di Malak. Bandon sottovalut\u00F2 l'ex Signore Oscuro e i suoi compagni; ci\u00F2 fu l'inizio del suo fallimento, poich\u00E9 Revan e il suo gruppo sconfisse la Mano Ombra di Malak e i due Jedi Oscuri che erano con lui. Dopo la sua morte, la testa di Bandon fu staccata dal corpo e protetta dai Sith. Tre secoli dopo fu esposta nel Museo Reale della famiglia Alde su Alderaan."@it . . . . . . . "Galactic Republic"@en . "Darth Bandon fue un padawan Jedi humano que desert\u00F3 al Imperio Sith durante la Guerra Civil Jedi, un conflicto iniciado por los lores Sith Darth Revan y Darth Malak. Poco despu\u00E9s de que Malak traicionase a su Maestro Sith, Revan, durante una emboscada de fuerzas de los Jedi y Rep\u00FAblica en un intento de capturarlos, Bandon se convirti\u00F3 en la primera Mano Oscura del nuevo Se\u00F1or Oscuro de los Sith, elev\u00E1ndolo a segundo al mando del Imperio Sith. Cuando estos atacaron la nave de guerra de la Rep\u00FAblica, la Espiral Endar sobre el planeta Taris, Bandon abord\u00F3 la nave junto a soldados Sith y Jedi Oscuros bajo su mando e intent\u00F3 capturar a la Caballero Jedi Bastila Shan. Mat\u00F3 al alf\u00E9rez de la Rep\u00FAblica Trask Ulgo, quien se sacrific\u00F3 para salvar al antiguo Lord Sith Revan, quien hab\u00EDa sido reprogram"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@it . . "Darth Bandon was a former Jedi Padawan turned Sith apprentice of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Malak. He was sent by Malak to kill his former master Revan. Bandon was killed by Revan along with two Dark Jedi with Bandon at the time."@en . . "*Jedi Rend\n*Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g\n*Sithek\n*Sith Birodalom"@hu . "Darth Bandon"@it . . "Darth Bandon byl lidsk\u00FD mu\u017E a padawan, kter\u00FD p\u0159eb\u011Bhl k Sithsk\u00E9 \u0159\u00ED\u0161i b\u011Bhem Ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky Jedi\u016F, konflikt zah\u00E1jil Sithsk\u00FD lord Darth Revan a Darth Malak. Nosil dvoub\u0159it\u00FD \u010Derven\u00FD sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D. O Bandonov\u011B ml\u00E1d\u00ED nen\u00ED moc zn\u00E1mo, jen to \u017Ee studoval v Akademii Jedi na Coruscantu a pozd\u011Bji z \u0159\u00E1du ode\u0161el a p\u0159idal se k sith\u016Fm. Jeho mistrem se stal Darth Malak, jakmile se chytil titulu Temn\u00E9ho P\u00E1na ze Sithu a vycvi\u010Dil ho, jak nejl\u00E9pe um\u011Bl. Kdy\u017E na republikov\u00E9 lodi Endar Spire cestovala ryt\u00ED\u0159ka Jedi Bastila Shan, kter\u00E1 ovl\u00E1dala s\u00EDlu Bitevn\u00ED Meditace, s jej\u00ED\u017E pomoc\u00ED mohla povzbuzovat voj\u00E1ky, tak Malak na\u0159\u00EDdil \u00FAtok na Endar Spire a velen\u00ED sv\u011B\u0159il pr\u00E1v\u011B Bandonovi. Bandon p\u0159i operaci zabil mnoho republikov\u00FDch voj\u00E1k\u016F a nakonec t\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed zni\u010Den\u00EDm lod\u011B narazil na dva voj\u00E1ky, Traska Ulga a nezn\u00E1m\u00E9ho voj\u00E1ka."@cs . . "Apprentice to Darth Malak"@en . . . "Darth Bandon"@pl . . . "Darth Bandon, by\u0142 pocz\u0105tkowo Jedi, w okresie wojny domowej Jedi dzia\u0142a\u0142 ju\u017C po stronie mroku. Po zamachu Malaka na Revana sta\u0142 si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnym uczniem i praw\u0105 r\u0119k\u0105 tego pierwszego. Bra\u0142 udzia\u0142 w pr\u00F3bie pojmania Bastili Shan nad Taris, na pok\u0142adzie statku Endar Spire (Endarowy Szczyt), a nast\u0119pnie wraz z grup\u0105 podleg\u0142ych sobie Mrocznych Jedi \u015Bciga\u0142 i pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 zabi\u0107 j\u0105 oraz stopniowo odzyskuj\u0105cego pami\u0119\u0107 Revana. Ostatecznie przygotowa\u0142 na Revana i jego towarzyszy zasadzk\u0119 (na Manaanie, Kashyyyku, Tatooine lub Korribanie, zale\u017Cnie od poczyna\u0144 gracza), kt\u00F3ra nie powiod\u0142a si\u0119 i Bandon poni\u00F3s\u0142 \u015Bmier\u0107 w walce. Kategoria:Sithowie Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:M\u0119\u017Cczy\u017Ani Kategoria:Jedi"@pl . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@it . "Bald"@en . . "* Darth Malak"@fi . . . . "*Jedi Order \n*Galactic Republic \n*Sith \n**Sith Empire"@en . "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic"@en . "YE 3956, Hrakert \u00E1llom\u00E1s, Manaan"@hu . . . . "Darth Bandon byl lidsk\u00FD mu\u017E a padawan, kter\u00FD p\u0159eb\u011Bhl k Sithsk\u00E9 \u0159\u00ED\u0161i b\u011Bhem Ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky Jedi\u016F, konflikt zah\u00E1jil Sithsk\u00FD lord Darth Revan a Darth Malak. Nosil dvoub\u0159it\u00FD \u010Derven\u00FD sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D. O Bandonov\u011B ml\u00E1d\u00ED nen\u00ED moc zn\u00E1mo, jen to \u017Ee studoval v Akademii Jedi na Coruscantu a pozd\u011Bji z \u0159\u00E1du ode\u0161el a p\u0159idal se k sith\u016Fm. Jeho mistrem se stal Darth Malak, jakmile se chytil titulu Temn\u00E9ho P\u00E1na ze Sithu a vycvi\u010Dil ho, jak nejl\u00E9pe um\u011Bl. Kdy\u017E na republikov\u00E9 lodi Endar Spire cestovala ryt\u00ED\u0159ka Jedi Bastila Shan, kter\u00E1 ovl\u00E1dala s\u00EDlu Bitevn\u00ED Meditace, s jej\u00ED\u017E pomoc\u00ED mohla povzbuzovat voj\u00E1ky, tak Malak na\u0159\u00EDdil \u00FAtok na Endar Spire a velen\u00ED sv\u011B\u0159il pr\u00E1v\u011B Bandonovi. Bandon p\u0159i operaci zabil mnoho republikov\u00FDch voj\u00E1k\u016F a nakonec t\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed zni\u010Den\u00EDm lod\u011B narazil na dva voj\u00E1ky, Traska Ulga a nezn\u00E1m\u00E9ho voj\u00E1ka. Trask se pro voj\u00E1ka ob\u011Btoval a za\u010Dal s Bandonem bojovat i kdy\u017E v\u011Bd\u011Bl, \u017Ee nem\u016F\u017Ee vyhr\u00E1t a Bandon ho po chv\u00EDli zabil a utekl se zb\u00FDvaj\u00EDc\u00EDmi sithsk\u00FDmi voj\u00E1ky z Endar Spire. Pot\u00E9 se objevuje znovu na sc\u00E9n\u011B, kdy\u017E Darth Malak zji\u0161\u0165uje, \u017Ee onen nezn\u00E1m\u00FD voj\u00E1k je ve skute\u010Dnosti b\u00FDval\u00FD Malak\u016Fv mistr Darth Revan. Darth Malak tomu v\u0161ak nev\u011B\u0159il a poslal na n\u011Bj n\u00E1jemn\u00E9ho lovce Cala Norda, kter\u00E9ho Revan zabil na Tatooine. Pot\u00E9 u\u017E bylo i Malakovi jasn\u00E9, \u017Ee je to opravdu Revan a poslal na n\u011Bj Bandona. Bandon ho vystopoval na Manaanu, kde se strhl velk\u00FD souboj, kter\u00FD Bandon prohr\u00E1l a zem\u0159el rukou Revana. Kategorie:Sithov\u00E9"@cs . . . . . . "Darth Bandon is the Shadow Hand and apprentice of Darth Malak an antagonist in the video game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic."@en . "Darth Bandon fue un padawan Jedi humano que desert\u00F3 al Imperio Sith durante la Guerra Civil Jedi, un conflicto iniciado por los lores Sith Darth Revan y Darth Malak. Poco despu\u00E9s de que Malak traicionase a su Maestro Sith, Revan, durante una emboscada de fuerzas de los Jedi y Rep\u00FAblica en un intento de capturarlos, Bandon se convirti\u00F3 en la primera Mano Oscura del nuevo Se\u00F1or Oscuro de los Sith, elev\u00E1ndolo a segundo al mando del Imperio Sith. Cuando estos atacaron la nave de guerra de la Rep\u00FAblica, la Espiral Endar sobre el planeta Taris, Bandon abord\u00F3 la nave junto a soldados Sith y Jedi Oscuros bajo su mando e intent\u00F3 capturar a la Caballero Jedi Bastila Shan. Mat\u00F3 al alf\u00E9rez de la Rep\u00FAblica Trask Ulgo, quien se sacrific\u00F3 para salvar al antiguo Lord Sith Revan, quien hab\u00EDa sido reprogramado mentalmente por Consejo Jedi para ser leal a la Rep\u00FAblica y servir como un soldado com\u00FAn. Poco despu\u00E9s de la destrucci\u00F3n de Taris, el cazador de recompensas Calo Nord fue contratado por Malak para perseguir a Shan, quien huy\u00F3 del bombardeo con ayuda de Revan y sus compa\u00F1eros. Despu\u00E9s de que Nord fuese asesinado por Revan, Malak envi\u00F3 a Bandon a encontrar y capturar al Jedi. Bandon localiz\u00F3 a Revan en la base de la cosechadora de kolto submarina conocida como la estaci\u00F3n Hrakert, en el planeta natal de los selkath Manaan. El aprendiz Sith se enfrent\u00F3 a Revan y sus aliados despu\u00E9s de que se encontrasen un cuarto Mapa Estelar que les dar\u00EDa la localizaci\u00F3n de la Fragua Estelar\u2014una antigua estaci\u00F3n espacial rakata bajo el control de Malak. Bandon subestim\u00F3 al antiguo Se\u00F1or Oscuro y a sus compa\u00F1eros, asumiendo que no ser\u00EDan desaf\u00EDo para \u00E9l. Esto demostr\u00F3 ser su ca\u00EDda, pues Revan y su equipo eliminaron a la Mano Oscura de Malak, junto a los dos Jedi Oscuros que lo acompa\u00F1aban. Despu\u00E9s de su muerte, la cabeza de Bandon fue separada de su cuerpo y preservada por los Sith. Trescientos a\u00F1os m\u00E1s tarde, termin\u00F3 por ser exhibida en el Museo Real de la casa de Alde en Alderaan."@es . "Oscuro"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@cs . "Right-Hand, Dark Knight"@en . . "3956"^^ . . . . . . "Castano scuro"@it . . "1"^^ . "Darth Bandon was a Human male Jedi Padawan who defected to the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Sometime after Malak betrayed his Master, Revan, during an ambush by the Jedi and Republic forces attempting to capture them, Bandon became the new Dark Lord's first Shadow Hand, elevating him to second-in-command of the Sith Empire. When the Sith attacked the Republic warship Endar Spire above the planet Taris, Bandon boarded the ship along with the Sith troopers and Dark Jedi under his command and tried to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. He killed the Republic ensign Trask Ulgo, who sacrificed himself to save the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been mentally reprogrammed to be loyal to the Republic and to serve as a common soldier by the Jedi Council. Shortly after the destruction of Taris, the bounty hunter Calo Nord was hired by Malak to follow in pursuit of Shan, who escaped the bombardment with the help of Revan and his companions. After Nord was slain by Revan, Malak dispatched Bandon to find and capture the Jedi. Bandon located Revan in Manaan's underwater kolto harvesting base known as Hrakert Station, on the Selkath homeworld Manaan. The Sith apprentice confronted Revan and his allies after they found a fourth Star Map that would give them the location of the Star Forge\u2014the ancient Rakatan space station under Malak's control. Bandon underestimated the former Dark Lord and his companions, assuming that they would be no match for him. This proved to be his downfall, as Revan and his team vanquished Malak's Shadow Hand, along with the two Dark Jedi accompanying him. After his death, Bandon's head was severed from his body and preserved by the Sith. Three hundred years later, it had eventually been put on display in the House Alde Royal Museum on Alderaan."@en . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@fi . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . . . . "100.0"^^ . . "Hunt down Bastila Shan"@en . . "Darth Bandon"@it . . "3956"^^ . . "Darth Bandon, by\u0142 pocz\u0105tkowo Jedi, w okresie wojny domowej Jedi dzia\u0142a\u0142 ju\u017C po stronie mroku. Po zamachu Malaka na Revana sta\u0142 si\u0119 g\u0142\u00F3wnym uczniem i praw\u0105 r\u0119k\u0105 tego pierwszego. Bra\u0142 udzia\u0142 w pr\u00F3bie pojmania Bastili Shan nad Taris, na pok\u0142adzie statku Endar Spire (Endarowy Szczyt), a nast\u0119pnie wraz z grup\u0105 podleg\u0142ych sobie Mrocznych Jedi \u015Bciga\u0142 i pr\u00F3bowa\u0142 zabi\u0107 j\u0105 oraz stopniowo odzyskuj\u0105cego pami\u0119\u0107 Revana. Ostatecznie przygotowa\u0142 na Revana i jego towarzyszy zasadzk\u0119 (na Manaanie, Kashyyyku, Tatooine lub Korribanie, zale\u017Cnie od poczyna\u0144 gracza), kt\u00F3ra nie powiod\u0142a si\u0119 i Bandon poni\u00F3s\u0142 \u015Bmier\u0107 w walce. Kategoria:Sithowie Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:M\u0119\u017Cczy\u017Ani Kategoria:Jedi"@pl . . "Lightsaber combat"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@cs . . "Darth Bandon fu un Padawan Jedi umano che pass\u00F2 al servizio dell'Impero Sith durante la Guerra Civile Jedi, conflitto iniziato per opera dei Signori dei Sith Darth Revan e Darth Malak. Qualche tempo dopo il tradimento di Malak nei confronti del suo maestro Revan, durante un agguato dei Jedi e delle forze repubblicane atto a catturarli, Bandon divenne la sua nuova Mano Ombra, trovandosi cos\u00EC al rango di secondo in comando all'interno dell'Impero Sith. Quando i Sith attaccarono l'Endar Spire sopra il pianeta Taris, Darth Bandon abbord\u00F2 la nave con un gruppo di trooper Sith e i Jedi Oscuri sotto il suo comando e cercarono di catturare Bastila Shan. Uccise l'alfiere repubblicano Trask Ulgo, che sacrific\u00F2 la sua vita per proteggere l'ex Signore dei Sith Revan, mentalmente riprogrammato dal Cons"@it . . "Darth Bandon fue un antiguo padawan Jedi, convertido en Lord Sith y aprendiz a Lord oscuro del Sith Darth Malak. Fue enviado por Malak para matar a su antiguo maestro, Revan. Darth Bandon fue asesinado por Revan junto con otros dos Jedi Oscuros que iban con \u00E9l."@es . "Darth Bandon"@it . . "1"^^ . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0411\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E\u043D"@en . . . . . . "250"^^ . "Darth Bandon is the Shadow Hand and apprentice of Darth Malak an antagonist in the video game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic."@en . "* Jedit \n* Galaktinen Tasavalta \n* Sithit\n* Sithien imperiumi"@fi . "250"^^ . . "Darth Bandon fue un antiguo padawan Jedi, convertido en Lord Sith y aprendiz a Lord oscuro del Sith Darth Malak. Fue enviado por Malak para matar a su antiguo maestro, Revan. Darth Bandon fue asesinado por Revan junto con otros dos Jedi Oscuros que iban con \u00E9l."@es . "Zakon JediSithowieImperium Dartha Malaka"@pl . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@hu . . . "None"@en . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Calvo"@es . . . . . "*Ordine Jedi \n*Repubblica Galattica \n*Sith\n**Impero Sith"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . . . "Force powers"@en . . "Sith"@es . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0411\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E\u043D"@it . . . . "*Ismeretlen Jedi mester\n*Darth Malak"@hu . "Darth Bandon"@it . "Darth Bandon"@en . . "Deceased"@en . . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . . . . . . . "jasny"@pl . "3956"^^ . "Darth Bandon"@es . . . . . "3956"^^ . . "Darth Bandon was a former Jedi Padawan turned Sith apprentice of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Malak. He was sent by Malak to kill his former master Revan. Bandon was killed by Revan along with two Dark Jedi with Bandon at the time."@en . "S\u00F6t\u00E9t Barna"@hu . . "DarthBandon.jpg"@es . . "Darth Bandon"@it . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . . . "m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Darth Bandon"@it . "Darth Bandon"@en . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@es . "Sith Empire"@en . "Kopasz"@hu . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Darth Bandon was a Human male Jedi Padawan who defected to the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Sometime after Malak betrayed his Master, Revan, during an ambush by the Jedi and Republic forces attempting to capture them, Bandon became the new Dark Lord's first Shadow Hand, elevating him to second-in-command of the Sith Empire. When the Sith attacked the Republic warship Endar Spire above the planet Taris, Bandon boarded the ship along with the Sith troopers and Dark Jedi under his command and tried to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. He killed the Republic ensign Trask Ulgo, who sacrificed himself to save the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been mentally reprogrammed to be loyal to the Republic and to serve as "@en . . "nezn\u00E1m\u00FD mistr Jedi"@cs . . . "Darth Bandon"@fi . "300"^^ . . "Jedi Order"@en . . "Darth Bandon"@es . . . "Vil\u00E1gos"@hu . . "Darth Bandon oli Darth Malakin sithoppilas jedien sis\u00E4llissodan aikaan. H\u00E4n oli my\u00F6s sithien imperiumin vaarallisimpia mets\u00E4st\u00E4ji\u00E4 vaikkei h\u00E4nest\u00E4 ollutkaan mit\u00E4\u00E4n vastusta entiselle mestarilleen, Revanille."@fi . . . "Darth Bandon"@pl . . . "Dark brown"@en . . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . "*Unidentified Jedi \n*Darth Malak"@en . . "Darth Bandon"@it . "Second-in-command of the Sith Empire"@en . "Bandon.jpg"@cs . "Jedi, Sith, \u017Co\u0142nierz"@pl . "Darth Bandon"@hu . . . "*Maestro Jedi sconosciuto\n*Darth Malak"@it . . . . "Light"@en . "*Orden Jedi \n*Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica \n*Sith \n**Imperio Sith"@es . "Male"@en . . . . "3.956"^^ . . "Darth Bandon"@en . . . . "250"^^ . "*\u0158\u00E1d Jedi \n*Galaktick\u00E1 republika \n*Sithov\u00E9"@cs . . . . . "Claro"@es . . "Sith"@en . "Darth Bandon"@es . "Plotting to take over the Sith Empire"@en . . . . "Darth Bandon"@en . "Darth Bandon"@it . .