"1.0"^^ . . . . . . . "Type of Hero"@en . . . "God of Time and Space"@en . . . . . . . "Yukiteru Amano \u300C\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, ?\u300D es el protagonista masculino y el primer usuario del Diario del Futuro. \u00C9l posee el Diario del Azar. \u00C9l se muestra como una persona amable, inteligente, t\u00EDmido e ingenuo, la mayor\u00EDa de los estudiantes lo consideran un solitario. \u00C9l sobre todo observa las cosas a su alrededor, como un espectador y lo escribe en su diario en el tel\u00E9fono m\u00F3vil. Cuando obtuvo el diario, al principio, usaba a Yuno solamente para que lo protegiera, lo cual da a entender, por lo menos al principio, que Yukiteru nunca se intereso por Yuno."@es . . "Yukiteru Amano is the main male protagonist of the anime/manga series Future Diary. Introduced as a bystander who barely talks and spends most of his time writing a diary in his cell phone, Yuki is given the ability to see the future in his diary by Deus Ex Machina, the God of Space and Time who he initially believed to just be a figment of his imagination. He then is suddenly pulled into a battle to the death to determine who is the rightful successor to Deus's throne. Initially having little desire to win the Survival Game, Yukiteru is nonetheless forced to play in order to survive, especially considering that he is Deus's favourite to win. He ultimately teams up with his stalker, Yuno Gasai, who, for reasons he can't fathom, is obsessively in love with him and willing to kill anyone who could get in the way of the two of them being together. He is also the love interest of Aru Akise. He is voiced by Mizuzu Togashi in the Japanese version of the anime and Josh Grelle in the English version."@en . . . . . . "Writing in his Diary"@en . . "300"^^ . "2.3"^^ . . . "53.0"^^ . . "#CC0000"@en . "Random Diary"@en . . . . "Student"@en . "His Diary , which written from his point of view, gives a detail explanation of his surroundings very accurately, whether it be the present or the future, Very good aim with darts."@en . "Minene Uryu"@en . . . "15"^^ . . "3"^^ . . "mirai-nikki"@es . . . . "2"^^ . . . "Goal"@en . . . . . . "Mirai Nikki"@es . "Keigo Kurusu"@en . . . . "To survive , Win the Survival Game and become God , Prevent Yuno from killing her third world self"@en . "14"^^ . "Yukiteru \"Yuki\" Amano is the male protagonist turned anti-hero of the anime/manga series Future Diary. (Mirai Nikki in Japanese) He is the First Diary Holder and in possession of the \"Random Diary\". He is also the love interest of Yuno Gasai. He is voiced by Mizuzu Togashi in the Japanese version of the anime and Josh Grelle in the English version, the latter of whom also voices Victor Kresnik."@en . . . . "Image Gallery"@en . "Become the next God by winning the Diary Game"@en . "Black"@en . "Aru Akise"@en . "Deceased"@en . . . . "Hobby"@en . "\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D"@en . "#000000"@en . . "230"^^ . "Yuno Gasai"@en . "Yukiteru \"Yuki\" Amano (\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, Amano Yukiteru) is the main male protagonist of the Future Diary series. He is the First Diary Holder and in possession of the \"Observance/indiscriminate Diary\". He is the love interest of Yuno Gasai and Aru Akise."@en . . "Powers/Skills"@en . "Yukiteru \"Yuki\" Amano (\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, Amano Yukiteru) is the main male protagonist of the Future Diary series. He is the First Diary Holder and in possession of the \"Observance/indiscriminate Diary\". He is the love interest of Yuno Gasai and Aru Akise."@en . "thumb 'Yukiteru Amano '(\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, Amano Yukiteru) es el protagonista masculino de la serie y el primer usuario de diario. Tambi\u00E9n conocido como Yuki (\u30E6\u30C3\u30AD\u30FC Yukki), Es un chico de 14 a\u00F1os de edad, que es un ni\u00F1o m\u00E1s bien tranquilo de que no habla thumb|leftmucho. \u00C9l sobre todo ve las cosas a su alrededor, como un espectador y lo escribe en su diario del tel\u00E9fono celular. \u00C9l lleva el nombre de J\u00FApiter, el dios romano del cielo, el clima y los rayos."@es . . . "thumb 'Yukiteru Amano '(\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, Amano Yukiteru) es el protagonista masculino de la serie y el primer usuario de diario. Tambi\u00E9n conocido como Yuki (\u30E6\u30C3\u30AD\u30FC Yukki), Es un chico de 14 a\u00F1os de edad, que es un ni\u00F1o m\u00E1s bien tranquilo de que no habla thumb|leftmucho. \u00C9l sobre todo ve las cosas a su alrededor, como un espectador y lo escribe en su diario del tel\u00E9fono celular. A diferencia de la mayor\u00EDa de los concursantes, Yuki no quiere ser Dios, \u00E9l s\u00F3lo quiere vivir en paz y no quiere matar a nadie, pero est\u00E1 obligado a jugar para sobrevivir, y s\u00F3lo va a matar como \u00FAltimo recurso, porque Deus ve a Yuki como su favorito para ganar. \u00C9l es d\u00E9bil, con el fin de protegerse a s\u00ED mismo, r\u00E1pidamente hace amigos y aliados para ayudar a \u00E9l, incluyendo Gasai Yuno, una chica de su clase que est\u00E1 locamente enamorada de \u00E9l y otro usuario del diario. Yuki es una persona muy amable pero es ingenuo en confiar en la gente de forma r\u00E1pida, ya sean amigos u otros usuarios diarios ya que pueden tener motivos ulteriores. La relaci\u00F3n m\u00E1s compleja que tiene es Yuno, mientras Yuno es un aliado formidable, su loco amor obsesivo por \u00E9l hasta el punto que est\u00E1 dispuesto a matar o usar por el para sobrevivir le asusta pero a pesar de las muchas cosas que ella hace que le asuste, incluyendo secuestro de \u00E9l contra su voluntad y el conocimiento de que ella mat\u00F3 a sus padres, Yuki todav\u00EDa se apoya en Yuno con el fin de protegerse a s\u00ED mismo. Originalmente, el objetivo principal de Yuki era encontrar una manera de terminar el juego en paz sin matar a nadie, pero el objetivo cambia r\u00E1pidamente cuando en el medio del juego, su madre es asesinada accidentalmente por su padre, quien tambi\u00E9n es asesinado m\u00E1s tarde por agentes del usuario del diario Und\u00E9cima. Luego, Yuno seduce y lo convence de que con el fin de traer a sus padres de vuelta a la vida, debe ganar el juego y una vez que se convierte en el nuevo Dios del tiempo y el espacio, puede usar sus poderes divinos para traerlos de entre los muertos. Con este nuevo objetivo, Yuki se vuelve decidido a ganar, no importa lo que incluye mentir, matar, pu\u00F1aladas por la espalda y la destrucci\u00F3n. Sus cambios en el comportamiento, tanto de sus amigos como de \u00E9l y las acciones de Yuno causan una serie de ataques terroristas en toda la ciudad. \u00C9l lleva el nombre de J\u00FApiter, el dios romano del cielo, el clima y los rayos."@es . "Amano Yukiteru"@en . "Blue"@en . . . "Yukiteru Amano"@es . "Overview"@en . . . . "161.0"^^ . "#CC0000"@en . "1.0"^^ . "Yukiteru2.jpg"@es . . . . "Writing in his diary"@en . . . . . . . "Yukiteru Amano.jpg"@en . "Mirai Nikki"@en . . "Yukiteru Amano \u300C\u5929\u91CE \u96EA\u8F1D, ?\u300D es el protagonista masculino y el primer usuario del Diario del Futuro. \u00C9l posee el Diario del Azar. \u00C9l se muestra como una persona amable, inteligente, t\u00EDmido e ingenuo, la mayor\u00EDa de los estudiantes lo consideran un solitario. \u00C9l sobre todo observa las cosas a su alrededor, como un espectador y lo escribe en su diario en el tel\u00E9fono m\u00F3vil. Cuando obtuvo el diario, al principio, usaba a Yuno solamente para que lo protegiera, lo cual da a entender, por lo menos al principio, que Yukiteru nunca se intereso por Yuno. Yukiteru es un chico joven, tiene 14 a\u00F1os de edad, es de car\u00E1cter m\u00E1s bien tranquilo y no habla mucho, tiene los ojos azules y su pelo es color oscuro. Es delgado y de estatura media, su atuendo com\u00FAn consiste en un pulover negro con una campera de cuero color marr\u00F3n claro, se le sobresale una camisa blanca, tiene un short y unas botas marrones."@es . . "Male"@en . . . . "Yukiteru Amano"@en . . . . . . . "Anti-Hero"@en . . . . . "Yukiteru Amano"@en . "Wiki Mirai Nikki"@es . . . . "Self-Hating Coward , In love Anti-Hero, Heroic Hegemony, Villain's Lover"@en . . . . . "Yukiteru Amano"@es . . . . "God Wannabe"@en . . . . . "The main male protagonist of the series and the First Diary user. Also known as Yuki (\u30E6\u30C3\u30AD\u30FC, Yukk\u012B), he is a 14 year old middle schooler who is a rather quiet boy with an anti-social behavior who doesn't talk much. He mostly sees things around him as a bystander and writes it down in his cell phone diary. Yuki becomes involved in the Diary Game when to his shock that Deus, a god-like being whom he thought was an imaginary friend turns out to be real, selects him as one of twelves contestants in a 90 day battle royale where they must kill each other using their special diaries where the last survivor becomes Deus' new heir. Yuki's diary is called the Random Diary, which written from his point of view, gives a detailed explanation of his surroundings very accurately whether it be the present "@en . "Junior High School student"@en . "1"^^ . . . . "Volume 1, Chapter 1"@en . . . . . . . "Yukiteru Amano is the main male protagonist of the anime/manga series Future Diary. Introduced as a bystander who barely talks and spends most of his time writing a diary in his cell phone, Yuki is given the ability to see the future in his diary by Deus Ex Machina, the God of Space and Time who he initially believed to just be a figment of his imagination. He then is suddenly pulled into a battle to the death to determine who is the rightful successor to Deus's throne. He is voiced by Mizuzu Togashi in the Japanese version of the anime and Josh Grelle in the English version."@en . "Full Name"@en . "Rea Amano"@en . . . . "Human, God"@en . . . . "#000000"@en . . . . "First\nYukkii\n\nYuki-kun"@en . . "His Random Diary, which written from his point of view, gives a detail explanation of his surroundings very accurately, whether it be the present or the future."@en . "Alive"@en . . . "Yukiteru Amano"@en . . "Alias"@en . . "The main male protagonist of the series and the First Diary user. Also known as Yuki (\u30E6\u30C3\u30AD\u30FC, Yukk\u012B), he is a 14 year old middle schooler who is a rather quiet boy with an anti-social behavior who doesn't talk much. He mostly sees things around him as a bystander and writes it down in his cell phone diary. Yuki becomes involved in the Diary Game when to his shock that Deus, a god-like being whom he thought was an imaginary friend turns out to be real, selects him as one of twelves contestants in a 90 day battle royale where they must kill each other using their special diaries where the last survivor becomes Deus' new heir. Yuki's diary is called the Random Diary, which written from his point of view, gives a detailed explanation of his surroundings very accurately whether it be the present or the future. While versatile in any situation, the main disadvantage of the Random Diary is that it doesn't tells him what is happening to himself which leaves him vulnerable. Furthermore, since the diary is written from his point of view, Yuki can be tricked into thinking something he sees is true without realizing it which is a disadvantage for other people who use the Random Diary. Unlike most of the contestants, Yuki doesn't want any part of the game as he just wants to live peacefully and doesn't want to kill anyone, but is forced to play to survive and will only kill as a last resort as he is the main target by the other diary users because Deus sees Yuki as his favorite to win. Because he is weak, in order to protect himself, he quickly makes friends and allies to help him including Yuno Gasai, a girl in his class who is madly in love with him and is another diary user. Yuki is kind person yet is naive for quickly trusting people whether they be friend or other diary users as they may have ulterior motives. The most complex relationship he has is Yuno, while Yuno is a formidable ally, her mad obsessive love for him to the point she is willing to kill or use anyone so both of them can survive scares him yet despite the many things she does that shocks him including kidnapping him against his will and learning she killed her parents, Yuki still relies on Yuno in order to protect himself. Originally, Yuki's main goal was to find a way to end the game peacefully without killing anyone but that goal quickly changes when during the middle of the game, his mother is accidentally killed by his father, who is also later killed by agents of John Bacchus, the Eleventh Diary user. Grieving over his parents death, Yuno seduces and convinces him that in order to bring his parents back to life, he should win the game and once he becomes the new God of Time and Space, he can use his divine powers to bring them back from the dead. With this new goal, Yuki becomes determined to win no matter what including lying, killing, backstabbing and destruction. His new behavior shocks his friends as his and Yuno actions cause a series of terrorist attacks across the city. He is named after Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky, weather and lightning."@en . "300"^^ . "Yuki, The 1st"@en . . "Yukiteru \"Yuki\" Amano is the male protagonist turned anti-hero of the anime/manga series Future Diary. (Mirai Nikki in Japanese) He is the First Diary Holder and in possession of the \"Random Diary\". He is also the love interest of Yuno Gasai. He is voiced by Mizuzu Togashi in the Japanese version of the anime and Josh Grelle in the English version, the latter of whom also voices Victor Kresnik."@en . .