"m\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "Negra"@pt . . "138.0"^^ . "New Republic"@en . . . "Approximately 30 BBY"@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Lando Calrissian#kanon"@fr . . . . "During the time when Han Solo was frozen in carbonite, Calrissian helped in the search for his long-time friend along with Chewbacca, Dash Rendar, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa."@en . "Adventurous, risk-taking, somewhat shallow, gentlemanly, humorous, helpful, sneaky, sly, distrustful , smooth taking"@en . . . . . . "\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u30FB\u30AB\u30EB\u30EA\u30B8\u30A2\u30F3"@es . . . "Lando was a gambler. He lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo during a sabaac game."@en . . "79"^^ . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . "31294344086852892"^^ . "siehe links"@de . . . . . "Man"@nl . "Humano"@es . "\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u30FB\u30AB\u30EB\u30EA\u30B8\u30A2\u30F3"@no . "Hold-out Blaster"@nl . "Marrones"@es . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . "31"^^ . . "siehe links"@de . . "Donald Glover"@en . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "79.0"^^ . "Lando Calrissian"@ru . . . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian is a person present within Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron and Star Wars Battlefront Elite squadron as a playable hero. He's a close friend of Han Solo. He was also made for Battlefront 2 through a BFX mod. In Battlefront 2's BFX mod, he only appears in Jabba's Palace, and in his regular uniform."@en . "\u010Dern\u00E1"@cs . . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt, einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin. Er ist der urspr\u00FCngliche Eigent\u00FCmer des Millennium Falken, den er beim Gl\u00FCcksspiel an Han Solo verlor. Kurz vor dem Eintreffen Han Solos und seiner Gef\u00E4hrten wurde Bespin von Darth Vader und den Sturmtruppen heimlich unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Lando hatte keine andere Wahl und schloss mit Vader eine Vereinbarung, um die K\u00F6pfe der Rebellen, die sich im Anflug auf Wolkenstadt befanden, gefangen zu nehmen. Lando merkte allerdings schnell, dass Vader es nicht f\u00FCr n\u00F6tig hielt, sich an laufende Vereinbarungen zu halten. Entgegen dieser sollte Han dem Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger Boba Fett \u00FCbergeben und Leia und Chewbacca auf Bespin verbleiben. Han Solo wurde zuerst gefoltert, u"@de . . . . . "During the time when Han Solo was frozen in carbonite, Calrissian helped in the search for his long-time friend along with Chewbacca, Dash Rendar, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa."@en . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "1.78"^^ . . . . . . "#CC0000"@en . "Lando Calrissian (f\u00F8dt cirka 30 f.s.Y.) er en tidligere smugler og god venn av Han Solo. Han tapte Tusen\u00E5rsfalken i et slag sabacc mot ham, men vant senere tittelen som baronadministrator for Skyenes by i et annet. Oppmerksomhet: dette stykket kommer fra Expanded Universe som ikke er kanoniske. Lando tok oppgaven sv\u00E6rt seri\u00F8st, og s\u00F8rget blant annet for at inntektene fra tibannagass \u00F8kte med 35 prosent. Han jobbet dessuten hardt for \u00E5 holde gruvekolonien selvstendig. __NOWYSIWYG__ Da Imperiet og Vader truet med \u00E5 ta over byen, m\u00E5tte Lando inng\u00E5 en avtale med Vader om \u00E5 assistere ham og Imperiet i kapringen av den kraftsensitive Luke Skywalker og sentrale oppr\u00F8rere, for \u00E5 hindre dette. Blant disse sentrale oppr\u00F8rerne var hans venn Han Solo, og etter hvert som avtalen ble d\u00E5rligere og d\u00E5rligere, bestemte Lando seg for \u00E5 trosse den, da han inns\u00E5 at Imperiet uansett ville bryte den. F\u00F8r Lando traff denne beslutningen hadde imidlertid Han allerede blitt fanget og fryst ned, men beslutningen reddet de andre oppr\u00F8rerne. Solo ble sendt til Tatooine og Jabba, hvor dus\u00F8rjegeren Boba Fett kunne innkassere en stor dus\u00F8r for ham. Ett \u00E5r senere deltok Lando i den suksessfylte redningsaksjonen av Han, ledet av Luke. Han ble dessuten en viktig skikkelse innen Oppr\u00F8rsalliansen. Som general var han med p\u00E5 \u00E5 lede angrepet mot Den andre d\u00F8dsstjernen, sammen med admiral Ackbar. Operasjonen endte med suksess og f\u00F8rte til Imperiets fall. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . "blue"@en . . . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@en . . . . . "1.77"^^ . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D"@nl . . . . "Neri"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian was a professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler and long-time associate of Han Solo. Calrissian, born on Socorro, went on to become the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for a time before it was taken over by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, he joined the Rebel Alliance and successfully led the dangerous mission to enter the second Death Star's core and destroy its reactor. For a time circa 10 ABY-13 ABY, he served as the Finance Minister for the New Republic. FC Log: From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki."@en . . "Human"@en . "tmav\u00E1"@cs . "*Imperiumin nousun aikakausi\n*Kapinallisten aikakausi\n*Uuden tasavallan aikakausi\n*Uuden jediritarikunnan aikakausi\n*Perinn\u00F6n aikakausi"@fi . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D"@it . . . "7754"^^ . . . "Lando Carlissian"@pl . . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@pt . . . "*Cloud City Administrator\n*Rebel General"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@fi . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . "7"^^ . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . "Lando Calrissian"@de . "Lando_Calrissian_6210.jpg"@en . . . . . "Lando Calrissian era un humano que en diferentes momentos de su vida fue un apostador profesional, empresario, contrabandista y general. Natal de Socorro, se convirti\u00F3 en apostador y estafador en sus primeros a\u00F1os de vida, eventualmente ganando su propia nave, el Halc\u00F3n Milenario, en un juego de sabacc a un hombre llamado Cix Trouvee. Tuvo muchas aventuras con el Halc\u00F3n y su droide piloto, Vuffi Raa, y en ellas se enemist\u00F3 con un Hechicero de Tund llamado Rokur Gepta, a quien Calrissian termin\u00F3 dando muerte. Despu\u00E9s de que una serie de sucesos resultaran en que perdiera el Halc\u00F3n Milenario ante un corelliano llamado Han Solo en Bespin, Calrissian acab\u00F3 convirti\u00E9ndose en Bar\u00F3n Administrador de la Ciudad de las Nubes por un tiempo\u2014cargo que tambi\u00E9n adquiri\u00F3 jugando sabacc."@es . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@fr . . . . . "Lando Calrissian was a professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler and long-time associate of Han Solo. Calrissian, born on Socorro, went on to become the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for a time before it was taken over by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, he joined the Rebel Alliance and successfully led the dangerous mission to enter the second Death Star's core and destroy its reactor. Lando continued to help the Republic throughout the subsequent years of the War, retaining his rank of General and leading the New Republic's dummy fleet on its mission to ram into the Death Star III at the Third Battle of Sluis Van. For a time circa 10 ABY-13 ABY, he served as the Finance Minister for the New Republic. FC Log: From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki."@en . "Nel 3 ABY la principessa Leila Organa, lo Wookie Chewbacca, Ian Solo ed il droide C-3PO arrivano su Bespin per cercare rifugio dalle truppe imperiali. Tuttavia gli imperiali erano arrivati prima con l'aiuto del Cacciatore di taglie Boba Fett. Sfortunatamente Lando, amico di vecchia data di Ian, si trova costretto a consegnare quest'ultimo proprio a Darth Fener, intenzionato ad utilizzarlo come esca per attirare Luke Skywalker. A malincuore accetta quindi di consegnare il vecchio amico all'Impero Galattico sotto la minaccia di un'occupazione militare di Cloud City. In seguito, per\u00F2, con l'arrivo di R2D2 e di Luke, che impegna in battaglia il padre Dart Fener, si crea l'occasione per Lando di cogliere di sorpresa la guarnigione imperiale e di riprendere il controllo della stazione. Tramite una trasmissione comunica a tutta Cloud City l'occupazione imperiale del pianeta, consigliando l'evacuazione immediata. Lando, insieme a Leila e Chewbacca, tenta inutilmente di recuperare Ian da Boba Fett. Il gruppo, riunitosi con l'astrodroide R2D2 recupera il Millennium Falcon. Grazie alla Forza, Luke riesce a mettersi in contatto con Leila e ad essere recuperato. Da quel momento Lando entra a far parte dell'Alleanza Ribelle contro l'Impero, con il grado di generale. In seguito Lando, accompagnato da Chewbacca, parte per Tatooine infiltrandosi nel palazzo di Jabba the Hutt per fornire un appoggio dall' interno e permettere a Luke e Leila di salvare Ian Solo. Grazie all' aiuto di Ian e Chewbacca riesce a salvarsi per miracolo da un Sarlacc. Star\u00E0 a lui pilotare il Millenium Falcon durante la pericolosa missione d'attacco contro la seconda Morte Nera in orbita attorno alla luna boscosa di Endor. Dopo la guerra egli stabil\u00EC un complesso minerario su Nkllon, il pianeta pi\u00F9 vicino alla stella Athega. Il complesso prese il nome di Nomad City e si specializz\u00F2 nell'estrazione di materiali dal sottosuolo e nella produzione di scudi con speciali rivestimenti isolanti per fornire alle astronavi in transito da e verso la stazione di resistere al caldo intenso prodotto dal vicino sole. Una particolarit\u00E0 di questo centro di produzione era quella di trovarsi costantemente sulla faccia non illuminata del pianeta, e di potersi muovere per rimanere in tale posizione. Tale stratagemma fu adottato poich\u00E9 la temperatura sul lato illuminato del pianeta avrebbe causato la fusione di ogni tipo di materiale. Il complesso di Nomad City venne distrutto dall'Ammiraglio Thrawn durante il suo tentativo di guidare le restanti truppe imperiali ad una vittoria contro la Nuova Repubblica. Lando Calrissian riprese il suo ruolo di generale nelle forze della Repubblica solamente altre due volte: quando la minaccia di Palpatine si ripresent\u00F2 in un nuovo corpo-clone, e quando la razza degli Yuuzhan Vong fece la sua apparizione nella galassia. Con la fine di quest'ultimo conflitto, Lando si ritir\u00F2 a vita privata. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@it . . . "Lando Calrissian was a gambler and cardplayer. He lost the Millennium Falcon in a game of sabaac to his friend Han Solo. He lived in the Cloud City of Bespin, and was forced by Darth Vader to trap Han Solo and his friends, and put Han Solo in Carbonite. He later went to Jabba's Palace incognito with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia to rescue Han Solo from the carbonite. Later, a battle on the Great Pit of Carkoon emerged, where he almost fell into the Sarlacc Pit. At the time of the Battle of Endor, Lando Calrissian served as a general of the Rebel Alliance."@en . . "Lando Calrissian is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi."@en . . "Socorro"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@hu . . . . "10"^^ . . "Lando Calrissian es un personaje del universo Star Wars.thumb|link=Archivo:Lando_Calrissian.png"@es . "10123"^^ . "New Republic Faction Head"@en . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . "31"^^ . "Lando appears as one of the judges of the \"Coolympics\" in \"Back To Cool\"."@en . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . "Neutral, later Good"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "Faucon Millenium"@fr . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . "2004"^^ . . . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@no . . . "Lando_.jpg"@en . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@pl . "Lando Callrissian is the Baron Administrator of Cloud City and appears in Episodes 5 and 6. He originally owned the Millennium Falcon, but would lose it to Han Solo in a Sabbaac game. He was a pivotal figure in the Galactic Civil War by helping Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker escape Cloud City after it was taken over by the Empire. Later, he would pilot the Falcon into the 2nd Death Star and help destroy it."@en . . "Lando appears as one of the judges of the \"Coolympics\" in \"Back To Cool\"."@en . "*Tasavallan palauttajien liitto\n*Vapaiden planeettojen liitto\n*Uusi tasavalta\n*Vapaiden liittojen galaktinen allianssi"@fi . "[Source] Lando Calrissian \u00E9tait un humain originaire de Socorro, ami de Han Solo, il est devenu Baron Administrateur de la Cit\u00E9 des Nuages sur Bespin avant de s'engager dans l'Alliance Rebelle."@fr . . . "31"^^ . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian/kanon"@pt . . . . "Lando Calrissian (portrayed by Billy Dee Williams) is a protagonist in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. He is rumored to be returning for Star Wars Episode VII. Fictionally, Lando was a previous owner of the Millennium Falcon, before Han Solo won the ship in a card game. He became the administrator of Cloud City, where he was forced to betray Han, Princess Leia, and their friends to Darth Vader in order to protect his city from the Galactic Empire. After Han was frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba the Hutt, Lando helped the others escape from the city, and later helped free Han from Jabba. After the rescue, Lando led the attack against the Death Star during the Battle of Endor, and fired the shot that destroyed the station and defeated the Empire."@en . . . . "Lando Calrissian was a scoundrel and friend of Han Solo who was the baron-administrator of Cloud City when the rebels arrived. He also disguised himself as a Palace Guard to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Calrissian lead the attack against the Death Star II, using Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. He eventually succeeded, along with Wedge Antilles."@en . . . "\u010Dlov\u011Bk"@cs . . . "mu\u017E"@cs . . . "[Source] Lando Calrissian \u00E9tait un humain originaire de Socorro, ami de Han Solo, il est devenu Baron Administrateur de la Cit\u00E9 des Nuages sur Bespin avant de s'engager dans l'Alliance Rebelle."@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Hero"@en . . . . "250"^^ . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . "170"^^ . . . . . "Masculin"@fr . . . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@es . "\u041B\u0430\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0438\u044F\u043D"@no . . . "31"^^ . . . . "BD-1 Cutter Vibro-Ax"@nl . "150"^^ . . . . "\u041B\u0430\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0438\u044F\u043D"@es . . "Millennium Falconin omistaja"@fi . . . . . "Barna"@hu . "Lando Calrissian"@it . "Lando Calrissian"@fr . . . . . "31"^^ . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian was \u00E9\u00E9n van helden van de Galactic Civil War. Hij was een professioneel Sabacc speler en de voormalige Baron Administrator van Cloud City totdat het Empire de stad innam in 3 ABY. Vervolgens vernietigde hij de Death Star II in de Millennium Falcon tijdens de Battle of Endor."@nl . . "* L\u00E1zad\u00F3k Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge\n* Szabad Bolyg\u00F3k Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge\n* \u00DAj K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g\n* Szabad Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9gesek Galaktikus Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge"@hu . . . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt , einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin ."@de . "Umano"@it . . "Rebel Storm"@en . . . . "Lando Calrissian is a person present within Star Wars Battlefront Renegade Squadron and Star Wars Battlefront Elite squadron as a playable hero. He's a close friend of Han Solo. He was also made for Battlefront 2 through a BFX mod. In Battlefront 2's BFX mod, he only appears in Jabba's Palace, and in his regular uniform."@en . . . "Preto"@pt . "C\u00E2non:Lando Calrissian"@en . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . "Han Solo, Lobot, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Sabine Wren, C1-10P, Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Garazeb Orrelios, Ezra Bridger"@en . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@nl . "cz\u0142owiek"@pl . . . . . . . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@es . . "Gwiezdne Wojny 5 Imperium Kontratakuje Gwiezdne Wojny 6 Powr\u00F3t Jedi"@pl . . . . "*Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica\n*Alleanza dei Pianeti Liberi\n*Nuova Repubblica\n*Federazione Galattica delle Alleanze Libere"@it . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . "5"^^ . . . . . . . . "Landoc.jpg"@cs . . . . "Lando Calrissian is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi."@en . . . . . . . . "Celebrates the Rebels' victory"@en . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@pt . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . "Mon Calamari Mercenary"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@cs . . . . "* Birodalom felemelked\u00E9s\u00E9nek kora\n* L\u00E1zad\u00E1s kora\n* \u00DAj K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g kora\n* \u00DAj Jedi Rend kora\n* Hagyat\u00E9k kora"@hu . . . . . "Jawa"@en . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian era un humano que en diferentes momentos de su vida fue un apostador profesional, empresario, contrabandista y general. Natal de Socorro, se convirti\u00F3 en apostador y estafador en sus primeros a\u00F1os de vida, eventualmente ganando su propia nave, el Halc\u00F3n Milenario, en un juego de sabacc a un hombre llamado Cix Trouvee. Tuvo muchas aventuras con el Halc\u00F3n y su droide piloto, Vuffi Raa, y en ellas se enemist\u00F3 con un Hechicero de Tund llamado Rokur Gepta, a quien Calrissian termin\u00F3 dando muerte. Despu\u00E9s de que una serie de sucesos resultaran en que perdiera el Halc\u00F3n Milenario ante un corelliano llamado Han Solo en Bespin, Calrissian acab\u00F3 convirti\u00E9ndose en Bar\u00F3n Administrador de la Ciudad de las Nubes por un tiempo\u2014cargo que tambi\u00E9n adquiri\u00F3 jugando sabacc. En el 3 DBY, la Ciudad de las Nubes fue asediada por el Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico durante la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica, como resultado de un acuerdo inequitativo. Calrissian hab\u00EDa accedido previamente a entregar a un grupo de Rebeldes al Imperio, incluyendo a Han Solo y a Leia Organa como parte de una trampa planeada para el Jedi Luke Skywalker. Sin embargo, Darth Vader alter\u00F3 el acuerdo hasta que Calrissian no crey\u00F3 poder tolerarlo m\u00E1s. En consecuencia de sus acciones, se uni\u00F3 a la Alianza Rebelde y llev\u00F3 a cabo varias misiones en nombre de su causa; particularmente, lider\u00F3 la b\u00FAsqueda de Han Solo, que hab\u00EDa sido congelado en carbonita tras la traici\u00F3n de Calrissian en Bespin. Calrissian termin\u00F3 participando en el rescate de Solo y la derrota de Jabba el Hutt. Tras el rescate de Solo, Calrissian sigui\u00F3 sirviendo en la Alianza, y durante la Batalla de Endor en el 4 DBY, Calrissian pilot\u00F3 su antigua nave, el Halc\u00F3n Milenario, dentro del n\u00FAcleo de la Segunda Estrella de la Muerte para destruir su reactor. Posteriormente, continu\u00F3 sirviendo en la reci\u00E9n formada Nueva Rep\u00FAblica en sus momentos de mayor necesidad, aunque pas\u00F3 la mayor parte de su tiempo dirigiendo diversos tipos de empresas, especialmente dedicadas al sector minero. Una empresa en el mundo soleado de Nkllon fue objeto de m\u00FAltiples ataques del Imperio encabezados por el Gran Almirante Thrawn, pero Calrissian se dedic\u00F3 a otras iniciativas, incluyendo operaciones mineras en Varn y Kessel. En el 18 DBY, Calrissian conoci\u00F3 a Tendra Risant, de quien se enamor\u00F3 y con quien se cas\u00F3 poco despu\u00E9s de la firma de los Acuerdos del Basti\u00F3n. Durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong, Calrissian ayud\u00F3 a la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica liderando los droides YVH 1 que su compa\u00F1\u00EDa, Armas Tendrando, produjo para combatir a los invasores extragal\u00E1cticos. Igualmente, particip\u00F3 arreglando la elecci\u00F3n de Cal Omas como Jefe de Estado tras la reorganizaci\u00F3n de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica en la Alianza Gal\u00E1ctica. Calrissian, junto con su esposa Tendra, continu\u00F3 dirigiendo la empresa Armas Tendrando despu\u00E9s de la guerra. Sus droides YVH desempe\u00F1aron funciones esenciales en las subsiguientes Crisis del Nido Oscuro, Guerra del Enjambre, y Segunda Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica. Durante el \u00FAltimo conflicto, Calrissian asisti\u00F3 a sus amigos Han y Leia Solo en su lucha contra su hijo Jacen, que hab\u00EDa sucumbido ante el lado oscuro de la Fuerza y se hab\u00EDa convertido en un Sith, hasta que Calrissian supo del embarazo de Tandra; desde ese momento pas\u00F3 el resto de la guerra con ella. Cuando la guerra concluy\u00F3, Calrissian se asent\u00F3 junto con Tandra en una vida de peque\u00F1a opulencia, dirigiendo Armas Tendrando y criando a su hijo, Lando Calrissian, Junior. Posteriormente Skywalker contact\u00F3 con \u00E9l para que asistiera a una misi\u00F3n a Las Fauces junto a los aliados Sith de Skywalker. Calrissian acept\u00F3 de mala gana, y complet\u00F3 exitosamente la misi\u00F3n. Despu\u00E9s, regres\u00F3 a Coruscant y advirti\u00F3 a los Jedi tanto del peligro de los Sith como de la amenaza oculta que Skywalker y los Sith persegu\u00EDan. Para realizar su cometido, envi\u00F3 una gran cantidad de cazas Alas X Sigilosas Jedi a ayudar a los Skywalker."@es . . . . . . . "Socorro"@en . . . . . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt , einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin ."@en . . . "*Cit\u00E9 des Nuages\n*Alliance Rebelle\n**Flotte Rebelle\n***Corps des chasseurs de l'Alliance Rebelle\n****Escadron Gold\n*Nouvelle R\u00E9publique"@fr . "For the Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy parodies of the original trilogy in which he appeared, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, and It's A Trap!, Lando is played by Mort Goldman, who has the same color of skin as Lando. In It's A Trap!, Entertainment Tonight celebrated his 42nd birthday, and thus, according to the episode, was born in 38 BBY according to the franchise timeline. However, according to his Wookieepedia page, he was born in 31 BBY[1]. He shares his birthday with Pignose and IG-88."@en . . . . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@no . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . . . "Fringe"@en . . . . "Smooth Human"@en . "Lando Calrissian is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is the tertiary antagonist turned anti-hero of The Empire Strikes Back and a supporting character of Return of the Jedi."@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . "Lando was a gambler. He lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo during a sabaac game."@en . "1.78"^^ . "Cobra"@nl . . "Mustat"@fi . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@fr . . "250"^^ . "Lando Calrissian was a gambler and cardplayer. He lost the Millennium Falcon in a game of sabaac to his friend Han Solo. He lived in the Cloud City of Bespin, and was forced by Darth Vader to trap Han Solo and his friends, and put Han Solo in Carbonite. He later went to Jabba's Palace incognito with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia to rescue Han Solo from the carbonite. Later, a battle on the Great Pit of Carkoon emerged, where he almost fell into the Sarlacc Pit. At the time of the Battle of Endor, Lando Calrissian served as a general of the Rebel Alliance."@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . . . "Star Wars rebelianci"@pl . . . "Negro"@es . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "Rebel Alliance"@nl . . "Menneske"@no . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian (portrayed by Billy Dee Williams) is a protagonist in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. He is rumored to be returning for Star Wars Episode VII."@en . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt, einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin. Er ist der urspr\u00FCngliche Eigent\u00FCmer des Millennium Falken, den er beim Gl\u00FCcksspiel an Han Solo verlor. Kurz vor dem Eintreffen Han Solos und seiner Gef\u00E4hrten wurde Bespin von Darth Vader und den Sturmtruppen heimlich unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht. Lando hatte keine andere Wahl und schloss mit Vader eine Vereinbarung, um die K\u00F6pfe der Rebellen, die sich im Anflug auf Wolkenstadt befanden, gefangen zu nehmen. Lando merkte allerdings schnell, dass Vader es nicht f\u00FCr n\u00F6tig hielt, sich an laufende Vereinbarungen zu halten. Entgegen dieser sollte Han dem Kopfgeldj\u00E4ger Boba Fett \u00FCbergeben und Leia und Chewbacca auf Bespin verbleiben. Han Solo wurde zuerst gefoltert, um Luke den Schmerz seines Freundes durch die Macht sp\u00FCren zu lassen, danach in Karbonit eingefroren, um die Anlage zu testen. Lando verhalf anschlie\u00DFend Leia, Chewbacca und den Droiden R2-D2 und C-3PO zur Flucht, als dieser erkannte, dass Vader vielleicht die gesamte Vereinbarung brechen w\u00FCrde und Bespin unter seiner Kontrolle behielt. Ein Jahr sp\u00E4ter half er ihnen bei der Rettung von Han Solo und zerst\u00F6rte w\u00E4hrend der Schlacht von Endor den zweiten Todesstern."@de . "Dark"@en . . "General"@nl . . . . "\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u30FB\u30AB\u30EB\u30EA\u30B8\u30A2\u30F3"@nl . . . "original"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . "16"^^ . "General of the Rebel Alliance"@en . "Star Wars"@en . "Lando Calrissian/DICE"@en . . "\u30E9\u30F3\u30C9\u30FB\u30AB\u30EB\u30EA\u30B8\u30A2\u30F3"@it . . . . "Lando Calrissian by\u0142 czarnosk\u00F3rym m\u0119\u017Cczyzn\u0105 rasy ludzkiej \u017Cyj\u0105cym w ostatnich latach istnienia Republiki oraz czasie panowania Imperium Galaktycznego. S\u0142ynny przemytnik i hazardzista, p\u00F3\u017Aniej baron administrator Miasta w Chmurach na Bespinie, ostatecznie za\u015B genera\u0142 Rebelii. Bliski przyjaciel Hana Solo i, przez pewien czas, w\u0142a\u015Bciciel s\u0142ynnego Millennium Falcona."@pl . "178"^^ . "*Era dell'Ascesa dell'Impero\n*Era della Ribellione\n*Era della Nuova Repubblica\n*Era del Nuovo Ordine Jedi\n*Era Legacy"@it . "Lando Calrissian"@no . "Lando Calrissian#kanon"@en . . . "*Aliance pro obnovu republiky\n*Galaktick\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium"@cs . . "30"^^ . . . "Blaster"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . "Lando Calrissian es un personaje del universo Star Wars.thumb|link=Archivo:Lando_Calrissian.png"@es . . . "Lando Callrissian is the Baron Administrator of Cloud City and appears in Episodes 5 and 6. He originally owned the Millennium Falcon, but would lose it to Han Solo in a Sabbaac game. He was a pivotal figure in the Galactic Civil War by helping Leia Organa, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca and Luke Skywalker escape Cloud City after it was taken over by the Empire. Later, he would pilot the Falcon into the 2nd Death Star and help destroy it."@en . . . . . "*Soul Train\n*Money\n*Cloud City\n*Rebel Alliance\n*Alliance of Free Planets\n*New Republic\n*Galactic Alliance"@en . . . . "Star Wars Rebels"@en . "Lando Calrissian was a card player, gambler, scoundrel, and later a general. He was a pimp and frequent attendee of the Cloud Disco on Cloud City, and he was the most happenin' dude in the galaxy. The Sith offered to make him a Darth out of sheer coolness. He turned it down. That was bad. The Jedi wanted to make him a master so they could 'save' his sorry behind. He turned it down. That was good. Then he called every body together for a Super Carbonite Rave Party. Nobody turned him down. That butt he had was SEXY with a capital S.. Towards the end of his life, Lando, through luck in a Sabacc card game became the Chief Baron Administrator to Lando Lakes Butter Company."@en . . "Medium"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . "Lando Calrissian byl lidsk\u00FD pa\u0161er\u00E1k a karetn\u00ED hr\u00E1\u010D, kter\u00FD se stal baronem Obla\u010Dn\u00E9ho m\u011Bsta na Bespinu."@cs . . "''Disney INFINITY: 3.0 Edition"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . "Marroni"@it . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . "Brown"@en . "6210"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian (f\u00F8dt cirka 30 f.s.Y.) er en tidligere smugler og god venn av Han Solo. Han tapte Tusen\u00E5rsfalken i et slag sabacc mot ham, men vant senere tittelen som baronadministrator for Skyenes by i et annet. Oppmerksomhet: dette stykket kommer fra Expanded Universe som ikke er kanoniske. Lando tok oppgaven sv\u00E6rt seri\u00F8st, og s\u00F8rget blant annet for at inntektene fra tibannagass \u00F8kte med 35 prosent. Han jobbet dessuten hardt for \u00E5 holde gruvekolonien selvstendig. __NOWYSIWYG__ \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . . . "YE 31, Socorro"@hu . "Lando Calrissian"@cs . . . . "Lando Calrissian is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga."@en . . "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back"@en . . "Lando.jpg"@no . . . "*Rebellion era\n*New Republic era\n*New Jedi Order era\n*Legacy era"@en . "9496"^^ . "250"^^ . "Lando Calrissian"@it . "Lando Calrissian is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He is the tertiary antagonist turned anti-hero of The Empire Strikes Back and a supporting character of Return of the Jedi."@en . "Jakub Szyd\u0142owski"@pl . . "Lando Calrissian was \u00E9\u00E9n van helden van de Galactic Civil War. Hij was een professioneel Sabacc speler en de voormalige Baron Administrator van Cloud City totdat het Empire de stad innam in 3 ABY. Vervolgens vernietigde hij de Death Star II in de Millennium Falcon tijdens de Battle of Endor."@nl . "50"^^ . . . . "yes"@en . . . . "Lando Calrissian byl lidsk\u00FD pa\u0161er\u00E1k a karetn\u00ED hr\u00E1\u010D, kter\u00FD se stal baronem Obla\u010Dn\u00E9ho m\u011Bsta na Bespinu."@cs . . . . "Lando Calrissian was a professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler and long-time associate of Han Solo. Calrissian, born on Socorro, went on to become the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for a time before it was taken over by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, he joined the Rebel Alliance and successfully led the dangerous mission to enter the second Death Star's core and destroy its reactor. For a time circa 10 ABY-13 ABY, he served as the Finance Minister for the New Republic."@en . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . "Black 'fro"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@hu . . . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D"@es . "Once a smooth-talking smuggler, Lando Calrissian changed from a get-rich-quick schemer to a selfless leader in the fight against the Empire. From adventures with the Ghost crew of rebels to the attack on Death Star II, his quick wit and daring proved to be invaluable."@en . "Relations"@en . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . . "250"^^ . "Lando Calrissian"@no . "hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . . "Rebelde"@pt . . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D"@no . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . "Lando Calrissian"@fi . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . "Lando Calrissian was a professional gambler, entrepreneur, smuggler and long-time associate of Han Solo. Calrissian, born on Socorro, went on to become the Baron Administrator of Cloud City for a time before it was taken over by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, he joined the Rebel Alliance and successfully led the dangerous mission to enter the second Death Star's core and destroy its reactor. Lando continued to help the Republic throughout the subsequent years of the War, retaining his rank of General and leading the New Republic's dummy fleet on its mission to ram into the Death Star III at the Third Battle of Sluis Van. For a time circa 10 ABY-13 ABY, he served as the Finance Minister for the New Republic."@en . . . "\u041B\u0435\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0456\u0441\u0441\u0456\u0430\u043D"@en . "1.78"^^ . "\u041B\u044D\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0438\u0430\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@cs . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . . "*Cloud City colony\n*Galactic Empire \n*Alliance to Restore the Republic\n**Gold Squadron\n*New Republic\n*Uprising"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "53"^^ . . "Lando Calrissian"@pt . "16"^^ . "60.0"^^ . . "FGAL"@es . . . "Species"@en . . . "Human"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . "*Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica\n*Alianza de Planetas Libres\n*Nueva Rep\u00FAblica\n*Federaci\u00F3n Gal\u00E1ctica de Alianzas Libres"@es . . . "*Episode V - VI\n50px|Rebellen"@de . "Ei ole"@fi . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@sk . "*Sniper nocturne X-8\n*Pistolet blaster lourd DL-44 modifi\u00E9"@fr . "Adventure, gambling, easy life, sabacc"@en . . . "2003200620092012"^^ . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga."@en . "Lando Calrissian"@en . "1"^^ . "Maschio"@it . "E-11 Blaster Rifle"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mann"@no . "Lando Calrissian was a scoundrel and friend of Han Solo who was the baron-administrator of Cloud City when the rebels arrived. He also disguised himself as a Palace Guard to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Calrissian lead the attack against the Death Star II, using Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. He eventually succeeded, along with Wedge Antilles."@en . . "Lando Calrissian"@es . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian/kanon"@cs . . "Primary Weapon"@en . . . . . . "*Cloud City\n*Rebel Alliance"@en . . . "thumb|220pxLando Calrissian Kateg\u00F3ria:Jedinci Kateg\u00F3ria:Mu\u017Ei"@sk . . "LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures"@en . "Oscura"@es . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . . . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@it . . . "Lando Calrissian was released in 2004 with the Rebel Storm set."@en . "\u041B\u0430\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0438\u044F\u043D"@it . "250"^^ . "Nel 3 ABY la principessa Leila Organa, lo Wookie Chewbacca, Ian Solo ed il droide C-3PO arrivano su Bespin per cercare rifugio dalle truppe imperiali. Tuttavia gli imperiali erano arrivati prima con l'aiuto del Cacciatore di taglie Boba Fett. Sfortunatamente Lando, amico di vecchia data di Ian, si trova costretto a consegnare quest'ultimo proprio a Darth Fener, intenzionato ad utilizzarlo come esca per attirare Luke Skywalker. A malincuore accetta quindi di consegnare il vecchio amico all'Impero Galattico sotto la minaccia di un'occupazione militare di Cloud City. In seguito, per\u00F2, con l'arrivo di R2D2 e di Luke, che impegna in battaglia il padre Dart Fener, si crea l'occasione per Lando di cogliere di sorpresa la guarnigione imperiale e di riprendere il controllo della stazione. Tramite u"@it . "\u039B\u03AC\u03BD\u03C4\u03BF \u039A\u03B1\u03BB\u03C1\u03AF\u03B6\u03B9\u03B1\u03BD"@nl . . . . . . . "Landoc.jpg"@en . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt , einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin ."@en . . "\u041B\u0430\u043D\u0434\u043E \u041A\u0430\u043B\u0440\u0438\u0437\u0438\u044F\u043D"@nl . . . "1,78 m"@cs . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . "Weapons, bounty hunters, complications, most beverages, Galactic Empire"@en . . . "For the Laugh It Up Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy parodies of the original trilogy in which he appeared, Something, Something, Something, Dark Side, and It's A Trap!, Lando is played by Mort Goldman, who has the same color of skin as Lando. In It's A Trap!, Entertainment Tonight celebrated his 42nd birthday, and thus, according to the episode, was born in 38 BBY according to the franchise timeline. However, according to his Wookieepedia page, he was born in 31 BBY[1]. He shares his birthday with Pignose and IG-88. In Blue Harvest, Calrissian was made the chief administrator of the Bespin mining facility, according to Rush Limbaugh."@en . . "dobra"@pl . "Tumma"@fi . . "51"^^ . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . "1,78m"@pt . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . "LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales"@en . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . "Lando Calrissian"@pt . "Vibro-ax,Revolver"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian was a card player, gambler, scoundrel, and later a general. He was a pimp and frequent attendee of the Cloud Disco on Cloud City, and he was the most happenin' dude in the galaxy. The Sith offered to make him a Darth out of sheer coolness. He turned it down. That was bad. The Jedi wanted to make him a master so they could 'save' his sorry behind. He turned it down. That was good. Then he called every body together for a Super Carbonite Rave Party. Nobody turned him down. That butt he had was SEXY with a capital S.."@en . . . "My\u00F6hemmin Calrissian jatkoi Uuden tasavallan palveluksessa tarpeen niin vaatiessa, mutta k\u00E4ytti suurimman osan ajastaan erilaisissa liikeyrityksiss\u00E4, joista useimmat liittyiv\u00E4t jotenkin kaivostoimintaan. 18 ABY Lando tapasi Tendra Risantin ja meni t\u00E4m\u00E4n kanssa naimisiin pian rauhansopimuksen solmimisen j\u00E4lkeen."@fi . . "Landoc.jpg"@en . "Blaster"@en . . . . . "\u017Cyje"@pl . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . "Blaster pistol"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@no . . . . "C\u00E2non:Lando Calrissian"@fr . . . . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . "9496"^^ . "My\u00F6hemmin Calrissian jatkoi Uuden tasavallan palveluksessa tarpeen niin vaatiessa, mutta k\u00E4ytti suurimman osan ajastaan erilaisissa liikeyrityksiss\u00E4, joista useimmat liittyiv\u00E4t jotenkin kaivostoimintaan. 18 ABY Lando tapasi Tendra Risantin ja meni t\u00E4m\u00E4n kanssa naimisiin pian rauhansopimuksen solmimisen j\u00E4lkeen. Yuuzhan vongeja vastaan k\u00E4ydyn sodan aikana Lando jatkoi Uuden tasavallan auttamista sek\u00E4 omilla johtajan kyvyill\u00E4\u00E4n ett\u00E4 tappavilla YVH 1 droideilla, joita h\u00E4nen yrityksens\u00E4 Tendrando Arms tuotti. Lando ja h\u00E4nen vaimonsa Tendra jatkoivat Tendrando Armsin johtamista viel\u00E4 sodan j\u00E4lkeenkin. H\u00E4nen YVH droidinsa esittiv\u00E4t merkitt\u00E4v\u00E4\u00E4 roolia viel\u00E4 my\u00F6hemmin seuranneissa Swarmien sodassa ja Konfederaation ja Galaktisen allianssin sodassa. J\u00E4lkimm\u00E4isen konfliktin aikana h\u00E4n auttoi yst\u00E4vi\u00E4\u00E4n Han ja Leia Soloa n\u00E4iden pyrkimyksess\u00E4 vastustaa omaa poikaansa Jacen Soloa, kunnes sai kuulla vaimonsa Tendran olevan raskaana. H\u00E4n oli my\u00F6s ihastunut Mara Jadeen, mutta Mara ei vastannut Landon tunteisiin."@fi . . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@fr . . . "Allied Bespin Guards get +2 Attack"@en . "Lando Calrissian"@nl . . "Lando Calrissian was released in 2004 with the Rebel Storm set."@en . "250"^^ . . "1.77 m"@en . "Zwart"@nl . "Lando Calrissian by\u0142 czarnosk\u00F3rym m\u0119\u017Cczyzn\u0105 rasy ludzkiej \u017Cyj\u0105cym w ostatnich latach istnienia Republiki oraz czasie panowania Imperium Galaktycznego. S\u0142ynny przemytnik i hazardzista, p\u00F3\u017Aniej baron administrator Miasta w Chmurach na Bespinie, ostatecznie za\u015B genera\u0142 Rebelii. Bliski przyjaciel Hana Solo i, przez pewien czas, w\u0142a\u015Bciciel s\u0142ynnego Millennium Falcona."@pl . "''Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back"@en . . . "Lando Calrissian"@de . "Lando Calrissian"@fr . "Born"@en . . . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@en . "Pretos"@pt . . "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi"@en . . "Mustat"@fi . "Fekete"@hu . . . "Lando Calrissian"@en . . . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio\n*Era de la Rebeli\u00F3n\n*Era de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica\n*Era de la Nueva Orden Jedi\n*Era del Legado"@es . . "Lando Calrissian"@no . "Bruin"@nl . . . . "thumb|220pxLando Calrissian Kateg\u00F3ria:Jedinci Kateg\u00F3ria:Mu\u017Ei"@sk . . . "Rare"@en . "*Joueur\n*Contrebandier\n*Baron Administrateur\n*G\u00E9n\u00E9ral"@fr . "Lando Calrissian"@pt . "Once a smooth-talking smuggler, Lando Calrissian changed from a get-rich-quick schemer to a selfless leader in the fight against the Empire. From adventures with the Ghost crew of rebels to the attack on Death Star II, his quick wit and daring proved to be invaluable."@en . . . . "Double Attack"@en . . "\uB780\uB3C4 \uCE7C\uB9AC\uC2DC\uC548"@it . . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . . . . . . . "Administrator of Cloud City"@en . . "Lando Calrissian war Baron und Administrator der Wolkenstadt , einer Tibanna-Gasmine und Vergn\u00FCgungsst\u00E4tte auf dem Planeten Bespin ."@de . . . "Homeworld"@en . . . . . "Lando Calrissian"@it . . "31"^^ . . . . . .