. "In 2387, the Narada was drilling on a planet in the Hobus system. The crew discovered trace amounts of iridium, deuterium and, most notably, large deposits of decalithium. Glad at the valuable find, Nero immediately ordered the start of mining operations, but was forced to cancel his plans when the Hobus star's activity increased dangerously, sending a large solar flare towards the planet. The star's activity also caused interference, preventing the Narada's transporters from locking onto the crew on the drilling platform below. Nero ordered the ship's evac shuttle to launch and warp to the platform, retrieve the crew and return to the Narada. With the crew aboard, the Narada went to warp without even having time to retract the drill into the ship as the solar flare destroyed the entire planet. Nero took the Narada to Romulus, where he attended a Senate debate on the Hobus star. Ambassador Spock proposed that Hobus would soon go supernova, and due to its unusual properties would threaten the entire Romulan Star Empire. Spock also offered a solution: use decalithium to create red matter and in turn generate a black hole to stop the supernova. However, despite Nero's testimony on the Hobus situation, the Senate rejected Spock's proposal. After the hearing, Nero offered to assist Spock by taking him to the Kimben system to mine the required decalithium. After persuading his crew of the necessity of the mission, Nero gave a final farewell to his wife and left for Kimben. (TOS/TNG comic: \"Countdown, Number One\") At Kimben the Narada began mining, but was attacked by three Reman warbirds who boarded the ship and declared it their property. Fortunately, the USS Enterprise had been tracking Spock's identification beacon and arrived in time to intervene. However, the Narada had already taken damage to its communications systems and a plasma power conduit, the latter disabling the Narada's mining capabilities. They had only collected seventy-eight percent of the required decalithium. Fortunately, Captain Data of the Enterprise continued to be a valuable ally and sourced the rest of the decalithium from contraband the Enterprise had detected in the Remans' holds and subsequently confiscated. (ST - Countdown comic: \"Number Two\") After assisting in repairs to the Narada, the Enterprise escorted her to Vulcan, while Nero was welcomed aboard as a guest, and took the opportunity to study Starfleet history on the computer in his guest quarters. Once they arrived at Vulcan, the Narada was initially ordered to leave the area. However, Ambassador Jean-Luc Picard intervened to get permission for the Narada to stay, and Spock and Nero went before the Vulcan Science Council to request the creation of red matter to go ahead with the plan. The Council refused, unwilling to share top-secret Vulcan science with the Romulans. Nero transferred the Narada's decalitihum to the Enterprise, hoping they would manage to complete the plan, and decided to return to Romulus. As the Narada re-entered Romulan space, she witnessed the shockwave from the Hobus supernova destroy Romulus. (ST - Countdown comic: \"Number Two\") Shortly after Romulus' destruction, a convoy of Federation medical frigates arrived, too late to provide assistance in the evacuation. Nero perceived their timing as conspiracy, turning up to claim Romulan space. He ordered his crew to beam mining explosives aboard the ships. Near the remnants of Romulus, the Narada also encountered the Ruling Council, who had escaped Romulus in a Senate shuttle. Nero had the Romulan elite beamed aboard and then killed them, in revenge for their poor decisions that led to the destruction of Romulus. (ST - Countdown comic: \"Number Three\")"@en . "Narada"@nl . "Narada"@en . . . . . . . "yes"@en . . "Distrutta"@it . . . . "destroyed"@en . "Le Narada \u00E9tait un vaisseau de forage minier de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien, command\u00E9 par Nero. Suite \u00E0 un voyage dans le temps vers l'ann\u00E9e 2233, sa pr\u00E9sence changea la chronologie."@fr . . . . . . "2258"^^ . . "2387"^^ . . "The Narada was a Romulan mining ship in service of the Romulan Mining Guild, and commanded by Captain Nero, in the 2380s. Mainly due to the destruction of Romulus Hobus supernova crisis (along with his wife and possible children) Nero had taken the ship on a personal mission of revenge against the single man he personally blamed for his homeworlds destruction Spock."@en . . . . ";Typ:Bergbauschiff\n;Fraktion:autonom\n;Bewaffnung:Torpedos\n;Status:Verschollen \n:zerst\u00F6rt"@de . . . "pre-2387"@en . . "Impero Stellare Romulano, successivamente rinnegato"@it . . . . . . "The Narada appears out of a black hole"@en . "2258"^^ . . "Narada is also said to have orated the maxims of the N\u0101radasm\u1E5Bti (100 BC \u2013 400 CE), which has been called the \"juridical text par excellence\" and represents the only Dharma\u015B\u0101stra text which deals solely with juridical matters and ignoring those of righteous conduct and penance. Tamil cultural proponents insist that sage Narada was invoked by legendary Carnatic musician, Thyagaraja, to produce his various compositions."@en . . . "yes"@en . "Narada"@en . "Narada_Schwarzes_Loch.jpg"@de . . "Destroyed"@en . "Narada over Vulcan.jpg"@nl . . . . . . . "Narada"@it . . . . . "2387"^^ . "Die Narada ist ein romulanisches Raumschiff, das 2387 unter dem Kommando Captain Neros steht. Das einfache Bergbauschiff ist von seinem Kommandanten mit \u00FCberlegener Technologie ausgestattet worden und verschwindet im selben Jahr durch ein Schwarzes Loch aus der bekannten Zeitlinie. Neue Zeitlinie"@de . "2233"^^ . . . . "Narada"@fr . . . . . . . . "De Narada was een Romulan mijnbouwschip onder het commando van Nero. Het schip was gebouwd voor mijnbouw operaties en was uitgerust met een boorplatform. Ook had het verschillende torpedo buizen om zichzelf te verdedigen."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Die Narada ist ein romulanisches Raumschiff, das 2387 unter dem Kommando Captain Neros steht. Das einfache Bergbauschiff ist von seinem Kommandanten mit \u00FCberlegener Technologie ausgestattet worden und verschwindet im selben Jahr durch ein Schwarzes Loch aus der bekannten Zeitlinie. Neue Zeitlinie In die Vergangenheit einer nun neu entstehenden Zeitlinie zur\u00FCckgeworfen gelingt es ihr durch die fortschrittliche Technologie, m\u00FChelos mehrere Schiffe der Sternenflotte mit Hilfe von Torpedos mit Mehrfachsprengk\u00F6pfen zu zerst\u00F6ren: Die USS Kelvin wird kurz nach der ersten Begegnung mit zwei dieser Torpedos beschossen. Der erste Torpedo trifft und richtet schwere Sch\u00E4den an der Kelvin an: Der Warpantrieb wird getroffen, die Waffen sind teilweise ausgefallen und die Hauptenergie liegt nur noch bei 38 %. Kurz darauf n\u00E4hert sich der zweite Torpedo und trifft den Rumpf und f\u00FChrt zu H\u00FCllenbr\u00FCchen, die atmosph\u00E4rischen Stabilisatoren reagieren nicht, die Sauerstoffversorgung auf den Decks 7 bis 13 versagt und die Schilde kollabieren. Nur durch das Kollisionsman\u00F6ver des Sternenflottenschiffes mit der Narada kann George Kirk, der f\u00FCr 12 Minuten Captain des Raumschiffes ist, die \u00DCberlebenden in den Rettungskapseln und Shuttles retten, darunter auch seine Ehefrau Winona Kirk und seinen Sohn James T. Kirk. Jedoch verliert George dabei sein Leben. Die Besatzung der Narada erzeugt im Jahr 2258 mit dem zur Bergbauausr\u00FCstung geh\u00F6renden Bohrer ein Loch bis zum Planetenkern von Vulkan. Der Bohrer verursacht au\u00DFerdem eine Interferenz, die jeglichen Beam-Vorgang verhindert und die Kommunikation beeintr\u00E4chtigt. Die Crew ist damit in der Lage, den Planeten zu zerst\u00F6ren, indem sie Rote Materie in den Planetenkern injiziert und damit ein Schwarzes Loch erzeugt. Nachdem der Versuch, selbiges mit der Erde zu tun, von Kirk und seiner Crew vereitelt wird, l\u00E4sst Commander Spock das Raumschiff Botschafter Spocks, der ebenfalls aus der normalen Zeitlinie stammt, mit der Narada kollidieren. Dabei wird die \u00FCbrige Rote Materie freigesetzt und so ein Schwarzes Loch erzeugt, in das die Narada gezogen und so zerst\u00F6rt wird. Unterst\u00FCtzt wird dieser Prozess vom Beschuss durch die Enterprise. (Star Trek)"@de . "rom"@en . "Narada is also said to have orated the maxims of the N\u0101radasm\u1E5Bti (100 BC \u2013 400 CE), which has been called the \"juridical text par excellence\" and represents the only Dharma\u015B\u0101stra text which deals solely with juridical matters and ignoring those of righteous conduct and penance. Tamil cultural proponents insist that sage Narada was invoked by legendary Carnatic musician, Thyagaraja, to produce his various compositions."@en . "Narada"@de . "lost ; destroyed"@en . "Narada im Vulkanorbit.jpg"@de . "Narada"@fr . "unknown mining vessel"@en . "The Narada was a Romulan mining ship in service of the Romulan Mining Guild, and commanded by Captain Nero, in the 2380s. Mainly due to the destruction of Romulus Hobus supernova crisis (along with his wife and possible children) Nero had taken the ship on a personal mission of revenge against the single man he personally blamed for his homeworlds destruction Spock."@en . "Narada.jpg"@en . "Missing ()"@en . . . . . "Narada"@de . . . . "Empire Stellaire Romulien puis ren\u00E9gat"@fr . . "Romulan Star Empire, later renegade"@en . "220"^^ . . . . "La Narada era un vascello minerario al servizio dell'Impero Stellare Romulano, comandato da Nero il cui secondo al comando era Ayel."@it . "La Narada era un vascello minerario al servizio dell'Impero Stellare Romulano, comandato da Nero il cui secondo al comando era Ayel."@it . . "mining vessel"@en . . "The Narada drilling into"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In 2387, the Narada was drilling on a planet in the Hobus system. The crew discovered trace amounts of iridium, deuterium and, most notably, large deposits of decalithium. Glad at the valuable find, Nero immediately ordered the start of mining operations, but was forced to cancel his plans when the Hobus star's activity increased dangerously, sending a large solar flare towards the planet. As the Narada re-entered Romulan space, she witnessed the shockwave from the Hobus supernova destroy Romulus. (ST - Countdown comic: \"Number Two\")"@en . . "Le Narada \u00E9tait un vaisseau de forage minier de l'Empire Stellaire Romulien, command\u00E9 par Nero. Suite \u00E0 un voyage dans le temps vers l'ann\u00E9e 2233, sa pr\u00E9sence changea la chronologie."@fr . "Narada"@it . "Narada"@nl . . . . . "De Narada was een Romulan mijnbouwschip onder het commando van Nero. Het schip was gebouwd voor mijnbouw operaties en was uitgerust met een boorplatform. Ook had het verschillende torpedo buizen om zichzelf te verdedigen. Het schip zag de vernietiging van Romulus, toen het getroffen werd door een supernova. Spock, die de rode materie lanceerde in de supernova, zorgde voor een zwart gat. Nero wilde Spock pakken, omdat hij beloofd had om Romulus te helpen. De Narada viel Spock's schip de Jellyfish aan en samen werden ze door het zwarte gat opgezogen. De Narada kwam in het jaar 2233 terecht, waar het de Narade als eerste aankwam, en onmiddellijk de USS Kelvin aanviel. Door de komst van de Narada veranderde de tijd en er ontstond een alternatieve realiteit. De Narada reisde daarna naar Vulcan en vernietigde daar de Federatie vloot en Vulcan. Daarna zette de Narada koers naar de Aarde. Spock, die de Jellyfish gestolen had, ramde de Narada en werd op het laatste nippertje weggestraald. De rode materie van de Jellyfish veroorzaakte een zwart gat in de Narada. De Narada werd langzamerhand opgezogen en vernietigd door de USS Enterprise. (\"Star Trek\")"@nl . . . "Narada and Kelvin.jpg"@en . . . . .