"Ninguno."@es . . "Tourian"@it . . . "Super Metroid"@es . . . . . "Tourian est la zone la plus recul\u00E9e et la plus prot\u00E9g\u00E9e de Zebes. Il s'agit d'un complexe de tunnels artificiels enti\u00E8rement creus\u00E9s par les pirates de l'espace afin d'abriter leur chef Mother Brain. Seul ce dernier et les Metroids y demeurent, \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 que toutes les cr\u00E9atures pr\u00E9sentes auparavant ont servi de repas. Il est possible d'acc\u00E9der \u00E0 Tourian apr\u00E8s avoir vaincu Draygon, Ridley, Kraid et Phantoon dans Super Metroid. Cette zone est accessible dans Metroid: Zero Mission une fois Kraid et Ridley terrass\u00E9s. Cat\u00E9gorie:Zones Cat\u00E9gorie:Zebes"@fr . "Metroid"@it . . . "Tourian is an area in I Wanna Be The Guy that is based on the game Metroid. This area is very similar to the Tourian of the original game, as it has both the lava, and overall general appearance of it. The primary enemies in this area are metroids, just like the real Tourian. These metroids will appear if The Kid steps on certain areas, and will latch on to him to kill him. There are other enemies, however, that appear in room to obtain the secret item. These enemies include zoomers, and skrees. The boss of Tourian, just like Metroid, is Mother Brain. After the defeat of Mother Brain there begins a countdown, in which the The Kid must escape, or else he will die."@en . "Low"@en . "thumb|Der Eingang Tourian ist die Kommandozentrale der Weltraumpiraten, die tief im Tunnelsystem von Zebes verborgen liegt. Fr\u00FCher einmal war es der Versammlungsort der Chozo, nun aber kontrolliert Mother Brain von dort aus das gesamte \u00D6kosystem von Zebes und f\u00FChrt die Weltraumpiraten an. In Metroid z\u00FCchteten die Weltraumpiraten Metroids von SR-388 dort und untersuchten sie f\u00FCr millit\u00E4rische Machenschaften. In Super Metroid allerdings befinden sich dort Metroids, die aus dem Metroid-Baby geklont wurden. Tourian ist ein Ort voller Apparaturen und Maschinen, mit denen Mother Brain das \u00D6kosystem von Zebes kontrolliert, au\u00DFerdem ist er eine Festung, bewacht von Kanonen und reifenf\u00F6rmigen Projektilen. thumb|Samus in Tourian|left Mother Brain befindet sich in einem hochgesicherten Raum, abgeschi"@de . . . . "Cerebro Madre Fase 2"@es . . "Tourian es una zona bajo la superficie del planeta Zebes. Se encuentra debajo de Crateria y al oeste de Brinstar y consiste en una serie de laboratorios de alta tecnolog\u00EDa donde reside el Cerebro Madre. Si bien Tourian fue creado por los Chozo, en Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid, se ha convertido en la base central de operaciones de los Piratas Espaciales en el planeta Zebes."@es . "thumb|Der Eingang Tourian ist die Kommandozentrale der Weltraumpiraten, die tief im Tunnelsystem von Zebes verborgen liegt. Fr\u00FCher einmal war es der Versammlungsort der Chozo, nun aber kontrolliert Mother Brain von dort aus das gesamte \u00D6kosystem von Zebes und f\u00FChrt die Weltraumpiraten an. In Metroid z\u00FCchteten die Weltraumpiraten Metroids von SR-388 dort und untersuchten sie f\u00FCr millit\u00E4rische Machenschaften. In Super Metroid allerdings befinden sich dort Metroids, die aus dem Metroid-Baby geklont wurden. Tourian ist ein Ort voller Apparaturen und Maschinen, mit denen Mother Brain das \u00D6kosystem von Zebes kontrolliert, au\u00DFerdem ist er eine Festung, bewacht von Kanonen und reifenf\u00F6rmigen Projektilen. thumb|Samus in Tourian|left Mother Brain befindet sich in einem hochgesicherten Raum, abgeschirmt von W\u00E4nden aus Zebetit und besagten Kanonen. In Metroid und Super Metroid ist Tourian der einzige Ort an dem man Metroids antreffen kann. Nachdem Tourian in Metroid nach der Zerst\u00F6rung Mother Brains nur stark besch\u00E4digt wurde, wurde er endg\u00FCltig mitsamt Zebes nach der erneuten Vernichtung Mother Brains in Super Metroid ausgel\u00F6scht. Sektor 0 aus Metroid: Other M ist, laut MB, eine Nachbildung von Tourian, damit in ihm Metroids gez\u00FCchtet werden k\u00F6nnen."@de . "Mother Brain's Place"@en . . . "Se debe destruir la b\u00F3veda de cristar y luego atacar directamente a su ojo cuando est\u00E9 abierto y con misiles. Ataca con un rayo cerebral."@es . . . . "Metroid Boss Cerebro Madre.gif"@es . . . "Habitaciones artificiales y presencia de lava"@es . "No"@en . "L'entrata di Tourian in Metroid"@it . . "Tourian"@en . . . "No"@en . "Tourian es una zona bajo la superficie del planeta Zebes. Se encuentra debajo de Crateria y al oeste de Brinstar y consiste en una serie de laboratorios de alta tecnolog\u00EDa donde reside el Cerebro Madre. Si bien Tourian fue creado por los Chozo, en Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission y Super Metroid, se ha convertido en la base central de operaciones de los Piratas Espaciales en el planeta Zebes."@es . . "1"^^ . . "S\u00ED"@es . . . "Normal"@es . . "Tourian"@fr . "Artificial"@es . "Tourian is an area in I Wanna Be The Guy that is based on the game Metroid. This area is very similar to the Tourian of the original game, as it has both the lava, and overall general appearance of it. The primary enemies in this area are metroids, just like the real Tourian. These metroids will appear if The Kid steps on certain areas, and will latch on to him to kill him. There are other enemies, however, that appear in room to obtain the secret item. These enemies include zoomers, and skrees. The boss of Tourian, just like Metroid, is Mother Brain. After the defeat of Mother Brain there begins a countdown, in which the The Kid must escape, or else he will die."@en . "Madre Cerebro.jpg"@es . . . "Cerebro madre zero mission.gif"@es . "Metroid: Zero Mission"@es . . . . "RobotMonkeyHead's edit"@en . . . . "Tourian \u00E8 una regione del pianeta Zebes fondata dai Chozo e divenuta in seguito la fortezza dei Pirati Spaziali. Divenne il principale centro di duplicazione dei Metroid. \u00C8 la sede di Cervello Madre ed \u00E8 l'unica regione del pianeta creata artificialmente. Venne distrutta in Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission e ricostruita in Super Metroid per essere nuovamente distrutta insieme al pianeta nello stesso capitolo. In Metroid: Other M, il \"Settore Zero\" \u00E8 una replica artificiale di Tourian."@it . "No"@en . . . "Cerebro Madre Fase 1"@es . "|0=Samus runs through Tourian to confront Mother Brain with a hungry Metroid in tow on N64Mario's Super Metroid - Tourian\n|1=Samus Aran is downed by Mother Brain on Endoedgar's Mother Brain's Place\n|2=Lie Melling stands defiant against Ridley on EXShadow, MaxBeta & Waffles' METROID - Mother Brain's Lair"@en . . . "Tourian was the main headquarters and research facility of the Space Pirate fortress on planet Zebes, and was home to the Zebesian Command Center, which housed the heart of the Pirates' Zebes operations: Mother Brain. Tourian was composed almost entirely of metal materials and hardware, with corridors formed through alloy pipework. Pools of lava filled certain rooms of the area. Artificial lifeforms and constructs, such as Rinkas, Zebetites, along with Cannons, provided defense and security for both Mother Brain and presumably her Pirate forces. Hordes of Metroids were also present; it is here where they are researched, grown and multiplied through exposure to beta radiation."@en . "Tourian \u00E8 una regione del pianeta Zebes fondata dai Chozo e divenuta in seguito la fortezza dei Pirati Spaziali. Divenne il principale centro di duplicazione dei Metroid. \u00C8 la sede di Cervello Madre ed \u00E8 l'unica regione del pianeta creata artificialmente. Venne distrutta in Metroid/Metroid: Zero Mission e ricostruita in Super Metroid per essere nuovamente distrutta insieme al pianeta nello stesso capitolo. In Metroid: Other M, il \"Settore Zero\" \u00E8 una replica artificiale di Tourian."@it . . "Tourian"@pt . "Tourian est la zone la plus recul\u00E9e et la plus prot\u00E9g\u00E9e de Zebes. Il s'agit d'un complexe de tunnels artificiels enti\u00E8rement creus\u00E9s par les pirates de l'espace afin d'abriter leur chef Mother Brain. Seul ce dernier et les Metroids y demeurent, \u00E9tant donn\u00E9 que toutes les cr\u00E9atures pr\u00E9sentes auparavant ont servi de repas. Il est possible d'acc\u00E9der \u00E0 Tourian apr\u00E8s avoir vaincu Draygon, Ridley, Kraid et Phantoon dans Super Metroid. Cette zone est accessible dans Metroid: Zero Mission une fois Kraid et Ridley terrass\u00E9s. Cat\u00E9gorie:Zones Cat\u00E9gorie:Zebes"@fr . "Metroid: Zero Mission"@it . . . "Tourian"@es . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Tourian \u00E9 a sede principal da fortaleza dos Space Pirates em Zebes,e o lugar onde reside Mother Brain. Ela \u00E9 thumb|Samus combatendo Metroids em Tourianquase totalmente artificial, com estruturas em grande parte feitas com materiais de metal, e de corredores formadas atrav\u00E9s de tubagens de metal. Piscinas de lava ocupam algumas salas da \u00E1rea. Formas de vida artificiais como Rinkas, Zebetites e Unidades Ring Beam fornecem defesa e seguran\u00E7a para Mother Brain, bem como hordas de Metroids, marcando sua primeira apari\u00E7\u00E3o. Surpreendentemente, enquanto este \u00E9 de fato o QG principal dos piratas, n\u00E3o havia aparecido nenhum no Metroid NES, mas isso \u00E9 mais tarde explicado em Metroid: Zero Mission, onde uma cena mostra uma explos\u00E3o de Metroid acontecendo; muitos corpos secos podem ser vistos por toda "@pt . . . "Various"@en . . "Tourian \u00E9 a sede principal da fortaleza dos Space Pirates em Zebes,e o lugar onde reside Mother Brain. Ela \u00E9 thumb|Samus combatendo Metroids em Tourianquase totalmente artificial, com estruturas em grande parte feitas com materiais de metal, e de corredores formadas atrav\u00E9s de tubagens de metal. Piscinas de lava ocupam algumas salas da \u00E1rea. Formas de vida artificiais como Rinkas, Zebetites e Unidades Ring Beam fornecem defesa e seguran\u00E7a para Mother Brain, bem como hordas de Metroids, marcando sua primeira apari\u00E7\u00E3o. Surpreendentemente, enquanto este \u00E9 de fato o QG principal dos piratas, n\u00E3o havia aparecido nenhum no Metroid NES, mas isso \u00E9 mais tarde explicado em Metroid: Zero Mission, onde uma cena mostra uma explos\u00E3o de Metroid acontecendo; muitos corpos secos podem ser vistos por toda Tourian. Ap\u00F3s a derrota de Mother Brain, uma bomba-rel\u00F3gio incinera a instala\u00E7\u00E3o e a destr\u00F3i."@pt . "Tourian was the main headquarters and research facility of the Space Pirate fortress on planet Zebes, and was home to the Zebesian Command Center, which housed the heart of the Pirates' Zebes operations: Mother Brain. Tourian was composed almost entirely of metal materials and hardware, with corridors formed through alloy pipework. Pools of lava filled certain rooms of the area. Artificial lifeforms and constructs, such as Rinkas, Zebetites, along with Cannons, provided defense and security for both Mother Brain and presumably her Pirate forces. Hordes of Metroids were also present; it is here where they are researched, grown and multiplied through exposure to beta radiation."@en . . . "Super Metroid"@it . . . "Endoedgar's version"@en . "Se debe destruir la c\u00FApula de cristal y luego disparar directamente al cerebro."@es . . "Metroid"@es . . . . . "Mapa_de_Tourian_SM.gif"@es . "Tourian"@de . "Metroid: Zero Mission:"@it . . . "Metroid_Tourian.png"@es . . . . . . . "Super Metroid Cerebro Madre hyperbeam.png"@es . "Mapa_de_Tourian_ZM.png"@es . "Tourian"@es . . "Tiene m\u00FAltiples ataques, bolas de fuego, rayos oculares, hiperrayo. Es vulnerable a los misiles, S\u00FAper Misiles, y rayos recargados en su cerebro."@es . . . "Se debe destruir la b\u00F3veda de cristal y luego atacar directamente al cerebro hasta que se rompa la boveda, se recomienda usar los misiles o los S\u00FAper Misiles."@es . "1"^^ . . "EXShadow, MaxBeta & Waffles' version"@en . "Centro de Mando Zebesiano"@es . . "Super Metroid:"@it . . . . "Tourian"@en . . . .