. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rom es el hermano de Quark, este \u00FAltimo es el encargado del bar en la estaci\u00F3n Deep Space 9. Rom naci\u00F3 en Ferenginar alrededor de 2335. Su hermano Quark siempre lo considero un in\u00FAtil y le recordaba constantemente que no iba a hacer buenas ganancias en su vida; a pesar de todo eso Quark tenia un gran afecto por su hermano Rom. Rom trabajaba como empleado de su hermano en el bar. Un dia luego de que Quark le rebajara sus salarios a \u00E9l y al resto de los empleados, decidi\u00F3 formar un sindicato, y hacer una huelga hasta que Quark les vuelva a aumentar los salarios. Rom se caso por primera vez en Ferenginar con Prinadora, con quien tuvo a su hijo Nog. Pero dur\u00F3 poco la relaci\u00F3n, se separaron y se fue a vivir con Quark a Deep Space 9 y se llevo consigo a su hijo. Luego de pasar algunos a\u00F1os en la estaci\u00F3n, y de estar rodeados por un gran n\u00FAmeros de oficiales y personal de la Federacion, Nog decidi\u00F3 pedir una recomendaci\u00F3n al Capit\u00E1n de la estaci\u00F3n, Benjamin Sisko, para entrar en la Academia de la Flota, solicitud que fue aceptada. Luego de que Nog se fuera a la academia, Rom le demostr\u00F3 al Jefe O\u00B4Brien que pod\u00EDa trabajar en su equipo de ingenieros en el mantenimiento de la estaci\u00F3n. No tard\u00F3 mucho en demostrar que era de los mejores ingenieros de la estaci\u00F3n. Estando all\u00ED, Rom se cas\u00F3 por segunda vez con una chica \"Davo\" que trabajaba para Quark llamada Leeta. Tiempo despu\u00E9s, cuando termin\u00F3 la guerra contra el Dominio, Rom fue elegido por el Gran Nagus, para reemplazarlo en el cargo."@es . . . . "Kategorie:Rom"@de . . . "145348938"^^ . . . "Rom"@sv . "Rom \u2013 starszy brat Chico, razem z siostr\u0105 i innymi sierotami mieszka w opuszczonym budynku. Rodze\u0144stwo znajduje na pla\u017Cy Son Gohana i zabiera go do kryj\u00F3wki. Razem zdobywaj\u0105 jedzenie i uciekaj\u0105 przed pracownikami opieki spo\u0142ecznej. W ko\u0144cu Rom razem z pozosta\u0142ymi dzie\u0107mi trafia do domu dziecka."@pl . . . . . "A bloke called DaViD ROM once told me that in the far future, one of his descendants would grow up to be a big-earred communist, who would spend several years working as an engineer and bartender for nothing, before one day becoming rich thanks to the retirement of the man his estranged mum would end up sleeping with."@en . "Rom ist eine Stadt, die eines der vielen Reiseziele von Polo darstellt."@de . "miniatur| Das Wappen von Rom Die Universit\u00E4tsstadt Rom ist die Hauptstadt von Italien und der Verwaltungssitz von der Region Latium und der Metropolitanstadt Rom. Innerhalb der Stadt bildet der unabh\u00E4ngige Staat der Vatikanstadt eine Enklave. Sie grenzt an die Provinz Viterbo, Provinz Rieti, Provinz L\u2019Aquila in der Region Abruzzen, an die Provinz Frosinone und die Provinz Latina. Rom ist in 4 Stadtbezirke, 15 Munizipien und 155 Stadtbereiche gegliedert."@de . . "1.6213E10"^^ . . . . "#8A2BE2"@en . "C"@en . . . . "Corpse crushed in Grim Batol"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Flag of Rom.png"@en . "Rom \u2014 \u043D\u0435\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u043E\u044F\u0437\u044B\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0412\u0438\u043A\u0438\u044F."@ru . . . . "Rom"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Waiter, Quark's, Terok Nor and Deep Space 9"@en . . . "Occupation"@en . . . . . "A ROM (an acronym for Read-Only Memory) is"@en . "#8A2BE2"@en . "ROM is a MUD codebase derived from Merc, which is based on DikuMUD. Russ Taylor (Alander) released Rom 2.3 in 1993. In 1994 he formed The Rom Consortium with his then-wife Gabrielle Taylor (Satin/Antoinette) and their close friend Brian Moore (Zump). Brian Moore passed away on January 5th, 2011 from congestive heart failure. He will be missed. Aardwolf, one of the most popular MUDs in the late 1990s, used ROM 2.4. The most current publicly available version of Rom is 2.4b6, which was released in May 1998. ROMolc is an unofficial port of the popular online creation add-on, and is distributed with the package and as an add-on."@en . . "Rom was de zoon van Keldar en Ishka, de jongere broer van Quark en de vader van Nog. Hij was een mislukking als zakenman maar in techniek een genie. Hij werkte enkele jaren in Quark's bar op Deep Space 9 voordat hij een ingenieur werd in de Bajoran militie. Hij volgde uiteindelijk Zek op als Grote nagus van Ferenginar."@nl . "Rom ist eine alte Stadt, die von einem noch \u00E4lteren Herrn regiert wird. Eigentlich ist so ziemlich alles aus Rom und was mit Rom zu tun hat recht alt. Das liegt daran, dass der R\u00F6mer schlechthin nichts wegwerfen kann. So hortet er alles und jedes und das ganze Zeug passt schon gar nicht mehr in die H\u00E4user. Dshalb stellen die R\u00F6mer ihre alten Sachen auf die Stra\u00DFe. Da spielt es keine Rolle, ob die Statuen keine Arme mehr haben oder ob ihnen gar der Kopf fehlt."@de . "Rom"@de . . . . . . . . "Rom was a male Ferengi, the second child of Keldar and Ishka, father of Nog and the brother of Quark. Rom ascended to the position of Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance in 2375. (DS9 episodes: \"A Man Alone\", \"The Dogs of War\")"@en . . "Marvel / Parker Brothers"@en . "Rom \u2013 starszy brat Chico, razem z siostr\u0105 i innymi sierotami mieszka w opuszczonym budynku. Rodze\u0144stwo znajduje na pla\u017Cy Son Gohana i zabiera go do kryj\u00F3wki. Razem zdobywaj\u0105 jedzenie i uciekaj\u0105 przed pracownikami opieki spo\u0142ecznej. W ko\u0144cu Rom razem z pozosta\u0142ymi dzie\u0107mi trafia do domu dziecka."@pl . "Alliance"@en . . "Rom"@de . "Rom"@en . . . "Resistance fighter"@en . "Rom"@en . . "Secession from the United Kingdom"@en . "Green"@en . . . . . . . "Spaceknight"@en . "Image Gallery"@en . . . "The Plandanium Armor and Cybernetic Grafts that make Rom a Spaceknight at the cost of his humanity, gives him a myriad of abilities: \n* Super strength to lift roughly 15 tons and super speed enhancing his reaction time and combat prowess. \n* Super durability to withstand powerful Dire Wraith energy attacks, and strikes from even The Hulk and Wolverine. \n* Energy absorption and discharge with a touch, to maintain internal systems and generate repulsor fields. \n* Flight through the use of his rocket-pods attached to his back, in atmospheres, underwater, and outer space. Rom employs the use of subspace storage to carry his arsenal: \n* The Universal Translator, allowing instant understanding of any spoken or written language, as well as gather information en masse from text or digital sources. \n* The Energy Analyzer, capable of revealing the true nature of shapeshifters and pierce illusions and disguises. It is also able of gathering information based on scans of the target's biology. \n* The Neutralizer, capable of negating or draining the flow of energy in a target, generating powerful concussive blasts, and banishing targets to Limbo. When he was humanoid, Rom was also a gifted scholar and poet, traits he kept even after being stripped of his humanity."@en . . "177772.17"^^ . . "N/A"@en . . . . . "ROM, or read-only memory, is a term used to refer to the game code (binary) written to or extracted from the N64 cartridge."@en . "Les roms ne sont pas non plus des SDF. Ils sont moins cons et ont donc des maisons. Moches d\u2019accord, mais maison quand m\u00EAme. Ils vivent en g\u00E9n\u00E9ral dans des roulottes (C'est pour \u00E7a qu'on parle de vol \u00E0 la roulotte) tir\u00E9es par des BMW ce qui leur permet de se d\u00E9placer plus facilement en cas de descente de police de besoin. Enfin les roms ne sont pas des \u00EAtres humains. Enfin si, mais pas comme nous. Ils sont diff\u00E9rents quoi. Enfin c\u2019est ce que pensent certaines personnes. __TOC__"@fr . . . . . . . "Alter Ego"@en . "First TG Appearance"@en . . "Rom, Desert giant, Jungle giant, Common"@en . . . "Coat of arms of Rom - full achievement.png"@en . . . . . . . . "Other"@en . . . . ".sf.rm"@en . "Laputa Station"@en . . . . . . . "Rom"@pl . . . "Rom were undead giants that inhabited some underground areas of Zakhara."@en . . . . . . "+191"@en . . . . . . "Rom"@hu . . "Rom"@nl . . . . . . . . "ROMs are the games you can execute in the emulator, this rom must have a *.gba extension in order to be emulated. in download sites all games are refered as ROMs. For example; In terms of the Visual Boy Advance program being the virtual Gameboy Advance, ROMs are the virtual game cartridges. ROMs can be saved externally by the \"Save Game\" option and loaded externally by the \"Load Game\" option both found in the \"File\" section of the toolbar or Saved and Loaded internally by the current ROM's functions. (10/30/2013) ~Spade This article still needs more work to meet quality standards. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it]."@en . "transparent"@en . . . . . . . . "Rom; Rom 001.jpg"@en . . . . . . "Rom es el hermano de Quark, este \u00FAltimo es el encargado del bar en la estaci\u00F3n Deep Space 9. Rom naci\u00F3 en Ferenginar alrededor de 2335. Su hermano Quark siempre lo considero un in\u00FAtil y le recordaba constantemente que no iba a hacer buenas ganancias en su vida; a pesar de todo eso Quark tenia un gran afecto por su hermano Rom. Rom trabajaba como empleado de su hermano en el bar. Un dia luego de que Quark le rebajara sus salarios a \u00E9l y al resto de los empleados, decidi\u00F3 formar un sindicato, y hacer una huelga hasta que Quark les vuelva a aumentar los salarios."@es . "Les roms ne sont pas non plus des SDF. Ils sont moins cons et ont donc des maisons. Moches d\u2019accord, mais maison quand m\u00EAme. Ils vivent en g\u00E9n\u00E9ral dans des roulottes (C'est pour \u00E7a qu'on parle de vol \u00E0 la roulotte) tir\u00E9es par des BMW ce qui leur permet de se d\u00E9placer plus facilement en cas de descente de police de besoin. Enfin les roms ne sont pas des \u00EAtres humains. Enfin si, mais pas comme nous. Ils sont diff\u00E9rents quoi. Enfin c\u2019est ce que pensent certaines personnes. Maintenant que nous avons vu ce que n\u2019\u00E9taient pas les roms, essayons de savoir ce qu\u2019ils sont vraiment et comment ils ont atterri chez nous pour \u00E9gorger nos femmes et nos compagnes. Image:Searchtool.jpg Vous pouvez \u00E9galement consulter l'article Peuple rom si vous d\u00E9sirez en savoir plus sur leur destin\u00E9e et leurs flux migratoires. __TOC__"@fr . . . . . . "Rom were undead giants that inhabited some underground areas of Zakhara."@en . "thumb|Rom Rom ist kein Ferengi im herk\u00F6mmlichen Sinne. Er ist im \u201EQuark's\u201C als \u201EM\u00E4dchen f\u00FCr alles\u201C besch\u00E4ftigt und wird dabei st\u00E4ndig von seinem Bruder daran erinnert, dass er nicht die richtigen Ohren f\u00FCr das Gesch\u00E4ft hat. Dabei ist er ein begnadeter Ingenieur, der fast alles reparieren kann. In dieser Eigenschaft arbeitet er gelegentlich mit Chief Miles O'Brien zusammen. Rom bedeutet seine Mutter Ishka sehr viel."@de . "Rom ist eine alte Stadt, die von einem noch \u00E4lteren Herrn regiert wird. Eigentlich ist so ziemlich alles aus Rom und was mit Rom zu tun hat recht alt. Das liegt daran, dass der R\u00F6mer schlechthin nichts wegwerfen kann. So hortet er alles und jedes und das ganze Zeug passt schon gar nicht mehr in die H\u00E4user. Dshalb stellen die R\u00F6mer ihre alten Sachen auf die Stra\u00DFe. Da spielt es keine Rolle, ob die Statuen keine Arme mehr haben oder ob ihnen gar der Kopf fehlt. F\u00FCr den Fremden- und Wallfahrtsverkehr ist diese Sitte eher f\u00F6rderlich. Gerne nimmt der geneigte Tourist die Beschwerlichkeiten, die durch herumstehende Gegenst\u00E4nde im Stadtbild verursacht werden, in Kauf - schlie\u00DFlich springt dabei so manch lustiges Foto heraus. Katholische Wallfahrer besuchen z.B. gern den Vatikan, ein kleiner Stadtteil in Zentrumsn\u00E4he, um sich mit den dort rumgammelnden Statuen ablichten zu lassen."@de . "2012"^^ . "ROMs (Read Only Memory) are the game files used in console cartridge. The ROM files are loaded into an emulator in order to play the game."@en . "Parliamentary republic, unitary state"@en . . . "A ROM (an acronym for Read-Only Memory) is"@en . . "thumb|300px|Rom Rom ist die Hauptstadt von Italien. Die Stadt wurde der Gr\u00FCndungssage nach am 21. April 753 v. Chr. gegr\u00FCndet. Im Spiel Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood ist Rom die gr\u00F6\u00DFte begehbare Stadt."@de . "x"@en . . . "Zakhara, subterranean"@en . . "Hyper Dimension"@en . . "Rom, Spaceknight"@en . . "thumb|300px|Rom Rom ist die Hauptstadt von Italien. Die Stadt wurde der Gr\u00FCndungssage nach am 21. April 753 v. Chr. gegr\u00FCndet. Im Spiel Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood ist Rom die gr\u00F6\u00DFte begehbare Stadt."@de . . . "Series 3 - Dream State"@en . "ROM"@en . "15"^^ . . "Active"@en . "A bloke called DaViD ROM once told me that in the far future, one of his descendants would grow up to be a big-earred communist, who would spend several years working as an engineer and bartender for nothing, before one day becoming rich thanks to the retirement of the man his estranged mum would end up sleeping with."@en . . "thumb|Rom Rom ist kein Ferengi im herk\u00F6mmlichen Sinne. Er ist im \u201EQuark's\u201C als \u201EM\u00E4dchen f\u00FCr alles\u201C besch\u00E4ftigt und wird dabei st\u00E4ndig von seinem Bruder daran erinnert, dass er nicht die richtigen Ohren f\u00FCr das Gesch\u00E4ft hat. Dabei ist er ein begnadeter Ingenieur, der fast alles reparieren kann. In dieser Eigenschaft arbeitet er gelegentlich mit Chief Miles O'Brien zusammen. Rom bedeutet seine Mutter Ishka sehr viel."@de . . "Rom ist die Haupstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reiches."@de . . "Man"@nl . . . . . . "The Republic of Rom and Islands is one of the nations of the Seafaring Confederation. With approximately 91,201 inhabitants, the Republic of Rom is the second least inhabitated nation of the Seafaring Confederation and thus sends 20 representatives to the House of Representatives of the Seafaring Confederation. The capital of Rom is Minais na Mara."@en . "Married"@en . "thumb|250px|Die Ewige Stadt Rom (lat. R\u014Dma; ital. Roma) ist die Hauptstadt Italiens. Rom liegt in der Region Latium an den Ufern des Flusses Tiber. Rom wird wegen seiner Rolle in der Antike als Hauptstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reichs auch als \u201EEwige Stadt\u201C bezeichnet. In der Episode The Romans weilen der Erste Doctor, Vicki Pallister, Barbara Wright und Ian Chesterton in Rom, zur Zeit des Kaisers Nero."@de . "ROMs are copies of the read-only memory contained in game cartridges or disks. They are a full copy of the game, excluding save files which aren't read-only memory. Roms have been known to be run using an Emulator on a computer."@en . "ROM was a funkey released as part of series 3. Being a chat funkey, ROM has no game in its area, but instead houses a chat room."@en . "ROM was part of an R2-series astromech droid's hardware. Its ROM library stored design plans and schematics of over seven hundred designs to allow the astromech to interface effectively."@en . . "(The Sea takes us all, the Land lives forever)"@en . . . . . . . . . "Rom was a male Ferengi, the second child of Keldar and Ishka, father of Nog and the brother of Quark. Rom ascended to the position of Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance in 2375. (DS9 episodes: \"A Man Alone\", \"The Dogs of War\")"@en . . . . "Rom \u2014 \u043D\u0435\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u0432\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0443\u0447\u0430\u0441\u0442\u043D\u0438\u043A \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043A\u043E\u044F\u0437\u044B\u0447\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0412\u0438\u043A\u0438\u044F."@ru . . . . . . . . "The Plandanium Armor and Cybernetic Grafts that make Rom a Spaceknight at the cost of his humanity, gives him a myriad of abilities: \n* Super strength to lift roughly 15 tons and super speed enhancing his reaction time and combat prowess. \n* Super durability to withstand powerful Dire Wraith energy attacks, and strikes from even The Hulk and Wolverine. \n* Energy absorption and discharge with a touch, to maintain internal systems and generate repulsor fields. \n* Flight through the use of his rocket-pods attached to his back, in atmospheres, underwater, and outer space."@en . . . . . . "thumb|250px|Die Ewige Stadt Rom (lat. R\u014Dma; ital. Roma) ist die Hauptstadt Italiens. Rom liegt in der Region Latium an den Ufern des Flusses Tiber. Rom wird wegen seiner Rolle in der Antike als Hauptstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reichs auch als \u201EEwige Stadt\u201C bezeichnet. In der Episode The Romans weilen der Erste Doctor, Vicki Pallister, Barbara Wright und Ian Chesterton in Rom, zur Zeit des Kaisers Nero."@de . "Rom is a member of the Solstar Order."@en . . . "Nein, Mailand Kategorie:Beantwortete Fragen Kategorie:Rom"@de . "-2330.0"^^ . "Rom(Romani Tribe); Needed.png"@en . . . "Powers and Abilities"@en . "17.0"^^ . . . . "Rom was de zoon van Keldar en Ishka, de jongere broer van Quark en de vader van Nog. Hij was een mislukking als zakenman maar in techniek een genie. Hij werkte enkele jaren in Quark's bar op Deep Space 9 voordat hij een ingenieur werd in de Bajoran militie. Hij volgde uiteindelijk Zek op als Grote nagus van Ferenginar."@nl . . . . . . "ROM was a funkey released as part of series 3. Being a chat funkey, ROM has no game in its area, but instead houses a chat room."@en . . . . "Rom was a dwarf who helped Vereesa Windrunner and Falstad Dragonreaver in the book Day of the Dragon. He saved them from cannibalistic trolls, and then helped them reach the outside of Grim Batol through dwarven tunnels. He had a talisman which allowed him to communicate with Krasus, which he later gave to Vereesa, in order to be guided by the dragon mage. Veterans like himself had aged quicker and a good many had died before their time. (NotD 141) He killed, and was in turn killed by, the drakonid Rask during the recent incident involving Dargonax. (NotD 287)"@en . . . . . . "Rom \u00E4r en stad p\u00E5 jorden, och huvudstad i Italien. Rom \u00E4r k\u00E4nd bland de stora civilisationerna i Tau'ri: de talade latin, och var byggare av de f\u00F6rsta v\u00E4garna p\u00E5 jorden. De s\u00E4gs ha l\u00E4rt v\u00E4gbyggen fr\u00E5n gudarna de kallade \"De ur\u00E5ldriga\". (SG1: \"The Fifth Race\")"@sv . . . . . . . . "2375"^^ . . "Traitor Game History"@en . "Rom (italienisch/lateinisch Roma) ist die Hauptstadt Italiens. Mit zirka 2,7 Mio. Einwohnern im Stadtgebiet sowie rund 3,3 Mio. Einwohnern als Agglomeration ist sie die gr\u00F6\u00DFte Stadt Italiens. Rom liegt in der Region Latium an den Ufern des Flusses Tiber. Octavian war der erste Kaiser des r\u00F6mischen Reichs. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:St\u00E4dte"@de . . . . . "Rom"@de . "City"@en . . . "Mobile"@en . . "ROM (\uB86C) \uC740 read-only memory\uC758 \uC57D\uC5B4\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4."@ko . "\u041D\u0435\u0442"@ru . . . . . "Traitor Game 29"@en . . . . . . . . "Overview"@en . . . . "A computer industry acronym for \u201CRead-Only Memory\u201D, which is memory that cannot be altered once its initial contents have been written. (This may not always be strictly true; there are \u201CProgrammable Read-Only Memory\u201D (PROM or EPROM) devices which can be re-written, but such usually involves removing them from the circuit and installing them in a special programming fixture.) ROM memory is frequently used in synths for information which is not expected to change, such as the operating system code and the factory presets; it is so used because once written it does not require power to retain its contents and it is nearly invulnerable to electrostatic discharges and other adverse conditions that can upset the contents of RAM memory."@en . . . "rom.jpg"@nl . . . "2014"^^ . "2007"^^ . . . "g"@de . . . . . . . . "2375"^^ . . "Rom ist eine Stadt, die eines der vielen Reiseziele von Polo darstellt."@de . . "Rom bezeichnet einen Ort in Italien, welcher f\u00FCr seine besonders schlechte Stra\u00DFenanbindung bekannt ist. Nicht ein einziger Weg f\u00FChrt dorthin."@de . . "0.985"^^ . "4050471"^^ . "Rom war die Hauptstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reiches, sowie der Sitz des Caesars."@de . . . . "Rom (Gypsy Tribe); Needed.png"@en . . "Superhuman strength, durability, speed, and flight granted by cyborg enhancements. Wields the Galadorian Universal Translator, Energy Analyzer, and Neutralizer."@en . . . . . . . . "2330.0"^^ . . . . . "#8A2BE2"@en . . . . "Rom"@es . . . . . . . . . "Rom was a Rodian male who worked as an enforcer for Twin Horns Storage on Lothal."@en . "Rom; Marvel Universe Deluxe Handbook Rom spaceknight flat copy.jpg"@en . . "Rom est un Ferengi qui a travaill\u00E9 sur Deep Space 9 dans le bar de Quark puis comme ing\u00E9nieur pour le compte des Bajorans. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original."@fr . "Getrouwd"@nl . . "Group Affiliations"@en . . "Rom"@de . . "Romic"@en . "\u2122 / \u00A9 Owner"@en . "Criminal"@en . . . . . "Rom was a Rodian male who worked as an enforcer for Twin Horns Storage on Lothal."@en . "ROM, or read-only memory, is a term used to refer to the game code (binary) written to or extracted from the N64 cartridge."@en . . . . . . "miniatur| Das Wappen von Rom Die Universit\u00E4tsstadt Rom ist die Hauptstadt von Italien und der Verwaltungssitz von der Region Latium und der Metropolitanstadt Rom. Innerhalb der Stadt bildet der unabh\u00E4ngige Staat der Vatikanstadt eine Enklave. Sie grenzt an die Provinz Viterbo, Provinz Rieti, Provinz L\u2019Aquila in der Region Abruzzen, an die Provinz Frosinone und die Provinz Latina. Rom ist in 4 Stadtbezirke, 15 Munizipien und 155 Stadtbereiche gegliedert."@de . . . "24"^^ . . "250"^^ . "#000"@en . . . "Rom was a dwarf who helped Vereesa Windrunner and Falstad Dragonreaver in the book Day of the Dragon. He saved them from cannibalistic trolls, and then helped them reach the outside of Grim Batol through dwarven tunnels. He had a talisman which allowed him to communicate with Krasus, which he later gave to Vereesa, in order to be guided by the dragon mage. During the Second War, Rom's clan was left with forty-seven members where once they numbered in the hundreds. He participated in the Battle of Grim Batol with other hill dwarves alongside four of the Dragon Aspects against the orcs, and also Deathwing when he arrived to take advantage of the situation. (DotD 280) Years later, he was sent some time during the Burning Crusade by Magni Bronzebeard to discover what was going on at Grim Batol. As a veteran of the Battle of Grim Batol and his command experience, he was the perfect choice. He was later questioned by Vereesa about why he looked older than he should, to which he confided to her and Iridi that it was due to the evil inside Grim Batol. Veterans like himself had aged quicker and a good many had died before their time. (NotD 141) He killed, and was in turn killed by, the drakonid Rask during the recent incident involving Dargonax. (NotD 287) He has been described as a hill dwarf. (DotD #?)"@en . "Rom bezeichnet einen Ort in Italien, welcher f\u00FCr seine besonders schlechte Stra\u00DFenanbindung bekannt ist. Nicht ein einziger Weg f\u00FChrt dorthin."@de . . . . . . . "Rom est un Ferengi qui a travaill\u00E9 sur Deep Space 9 dans le bar de Quark puis comme ing\u00E9nieur pour le compte des Bajorans. ALERTE JAUNECET ARTICLE EST INCOMPLET N'h\u00E9sitez pas \u00E0 [ \u00E9diter] cette page pour le terminer. Des pr\u00E9cisions sur les informations n\u00E9cessaires \u00E0 compl\u00E9ter peuvent figurer sur la page de discussion de l'article.Vous pouvez traduire le contenu figurant dans les autres versions linguistiques de Memory Alpha ou cr\u00E9er un texte original."@fr . . . "Galador"@en . "-1"^^ . . "ru-n, en-?"@ru . . "ROMs are copies of the read-only memory contained in game cartridges or disks. They are a full copy of the game, excluding save files which aren't read-only memory. Roms have been known to be run using an Emulator on a computer."@en . . . "Geographical map of Rom - with borders and towns.png"@en . . "ROM"@ko . . . "fer"@en . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . "Rom of the Bronzebeards"@en . . . . "Leeta"@nl . . . . . "Portrayed By"@en . "Super Dimension"@en . "Rom"@nl . . . . . "100.0"^^ . . . "Nein, Mailand Kategorie:Beantwortete Fragen Kategorie:Rom"@de . "Bronzebeard dwarf"@en . . "ROM is a MUD codebase derived from Merc, which is based on DikuMUD. Russ Taylor (Alander) released Rom 2.3 in 1993. In 1994 he formed The Rom Consortium with his then-wife Gabrielle Taylor (Satin/Antoinette) and their close friend Brian Moore (Zump). Brian Moore passed away on January 5th, 2011 from congestive heart failure. He will be missed. Aardwolf, one of the most popular MUDs in the late 1990s, used ROM 2.4."@en . . . . . "ROM (\uB86C) \uC740 read-only memory\uC758 \uC57D\uC5B4\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . . . "P\u00F2ibleacht a' R\u00F2m agus an E\u00F2lannan"@en . . "One son, Nog"@en . "Romwiki.png"@en . . . . . . . . "very high"@en . . . "Rom, Son of Keldar and Ishka"@en . . . . "An ex-father-in-law"@en . . . . . . "Nog , Bena , Unnamed son, Unnamed daughter"@en . "The Republic of Rom and Islands is one of the nations of the Seafaring Confederation. With approximately 91,201 inhabitants, the Republic of Rom is the second least inhabitated nation of the Seafaring Confederation and thus sends 20 representatives to the House of Representatives of the Seafaring Confederation. The capital of Rom is Minais na Mara."@en . . . . "9200"^^ . . . . . "Rom (italienisch/lateinisch Roma) ist die Hauptstadt Italiens. Mit zirka 2,7 Mio. Einwohnern im Stadtgebiet sowie rund 3,3 Mio. Einwohnern als Agglomeration ist sie die gr\u00F6\u00DFte Stadt Italiens. Rom liegt in der Region Latium an den Ufern des Flusses Tiber. Octavian war der erste Kaiser des r\u00F6mischen Reichs. Kategorie:Orte Kategorie:St\u00E4dte"@de . "6"^^ . . . "91201"^^ . . . "Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance"@en . "Rom"@fr . "Rom"@de . . "Rom (\u30ED\u30E0, Romu), also known as one of the White Sisters (\u30DB\u30EF\u30A4\u30C8\u30B7\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Howaito Shisut\u0101), is one of the CPU Candidates of Lowee and Blanc's younger twin sister who represent Nintendo DS handhelds along with Ram. Due to the Neptunia series being a game that revolves around different universes and dimensions, there are multiple Roms throughout the series though all of them retain more or less the same personalities and core aspects regardless of the setting."@en . "Rom ist die Haupstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reiches."@de . . "Romic"@en . . . . . "ROM was part of an R2-series astromech droid's hardware. Its ROM library stored design plans and schematics of over seven hundred designs to allow the astromech to interface effectively."@en . "Rom"@en . . "Geographical map of the main islands of Rom, with the capital cities of the provinces, the seats of municipalities, and other larger settlements."@en . "Coat of arms"@en . "Grand Nagus Rom"@en . . "9997"^^ . . . . "Green"@en . . "Rom (\u30ED\u30E0, Romu), also known as one of the White Sisters (\u30DB\u30EF\u30A4\u30C8\u30B7\u30B9\u30BF\u30FC, Howaito Shisut\u0101), is one of the CPU Candidates of Lowee and Blanc's younger twin sister who represent Nintendo DS handhelds along with Ram. Due to the Neptunia series being a game that revolves around different universes and dimensions, there are multiple Roms throughout the series though all of them retain more or less the same personalities and core aspects regardless of the setting."@en . . . ""@en . "Rom_logo2.png"@en . "Humanoid"@en . "2363"^^ . . . "An Mar muinn-gich ghl\u00E0ich, tha'n Tirn gu bhe\u00F2cht i se\u00F2ir"@en . . "2.2"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Traitor Game Roles"@en . . . "Rom"@in . . "Rom"@en . "n/79/18704"@de . . . . . "Rom is a member of the Solstar Order."@en . . "A computer industry acronym for \u201CRead-Only Memory\u201D, which is memory that cannot be altered once its initial contents have been written. (This may not always be strictly true; there are \u201CProgrammable Read-Only Memory\u201D (PROM or EPROM) devices which can be re-written, but such usually involves removing them from the circuit and installing them in a special programming fixture.) ROM memory is frequently used in synths for information which is not expected to change, such as the operating system code and the factory presets; it is so used because once written it does not require power to retain its contents and it is nearly invulnerable to electrostatic discharges and other adverse conditions that can upset the contents of RAM memory."@en . . . "ROM"@en . . . "#fff"@en . . . . "12318"^^ . . . "skr"@en . . . . . . "Rom war die Hauptstadt des R\u00F6mischen Reiches, sowie der Sitz des Caesars."@de . . . . "1759"^^ . "60.0"^^ . "Male"@en . . . . . . "ROMs are the games you can execute in the emulator, this rom must have a *.gba extension in order to be emulated. in download sites all games are refered as ROMs. For example; In terms of the Visual Boy Advance program being the virtual Gameboy Advance, ROMs are the virtual game cartridges. ROMs can be saved externally by the \"Save Game\" option and loaded externally by the \"Load Game\" option both found in the \"File\" section of the toolbar or Saved and Loaded internally by the current ROM's functions. (10/30/2013) ~Spade"@en . . . . "Traitor Game Rivals"@en . "Rom"@en . . . . . . . . "Independence"@en . . . . "Rom"@ru . . . . "Laputa Station"@en . . . . "Rom in 2375"@en . . . . "ROMs (Read Only Memory) are the game files used in console cartridge. The ROM files are loaded into an emulator in order to play the game."@en . "M\u00EDnais na Mara"@en . "None."@en . . . . "Rom \u00E4r en stad p\u00E5 jorden, och huvudstad i Italien. Rom \u00E4r k\u00E4nd bland de stora civilisationerna i Tau'ri: de talade latin, och var byggare av de f\u00F6rsta v\u00E4garna p\u00E5 jorden. De s\u00E4gs ha l\u00E4rt v\u00E4gbyggen fr\u00E5n gudarna de kallade \"De ur\u00E5ldriga\". (SG1: \"The Fifth Race\")"@sv . . . "Base of Operations"@en . .