"right|thumb|200px|Pacifica Planeta mayoritariamente oce\u00E1nico, famoso por sus concurridas playas, lugar donde se dirig\u00EDa el Enterprise-D en el a\u00F1o 2364 para una investigaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica cuando el Capit\u00E1n Picard recibi\u00F3 una inquietante comunicaci\u00F3n de su viejo amigo, el Capit\u00E1n Walker Keel. Un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s, El Enterprise-D traslad\u00F3 a ese planeta a un grupo de dignatarios antedeanos para evaluar el ingreso de su mundo a la Federaci\u00F3n."@es . . . . "Ice Caps"@en . . . "Ata Atua"@en . . . "Pacifica ist die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Es ist eine Unterwasserwelt, die nur Wasser-Level enth\u00E4lt, mit Cliffside Blast existiert eine Ausnahme. Ihr Boss ist Barbos."@de . "Pacifica.jpg"@it . "Pacifican"@en . . . "\u30D1\u30B7\u30D5\u30A3\u30AB\u5927\u9678\u306F\u60D1\u661F\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3057\u305F6\u5927\u9678\u306E1\u3064\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 UNSC\u6B96\u6C11\u5730\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u540C\u60D1\u661F\u306F\u30D7\u30ED\u30AD\u30AA\u30F3\u661F\u7CFB\u306B\u3042\u3063\u305F\u3002\u304C2531\u5E74\u306E\u7B2C1\u6B21\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u653B\u9632\u6226\u4E26\u3073\u306B2549\u5E74\u306E\u7B2C2\u6B21\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u653B\u9632\u6226\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u5B8C\u5168\u306B\u653E\u68C4\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002"@ja . . "22.0"^^ . . . . . "12.7"^^ . . "Bei Pacifica handelt es sich um die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Sie stellt eine Unterwasser-Welt dar und beinhaltet mit einer Ausnahme nur Unterwasser-Level. Als Boss der Welt gilt der weibliche Lurchin Barbos. Ihr Level hei\u00DFt Barbos Barriere. Ihren urspr\u00FCnglichen Platz auf dem Gipfelgrat \u00FCbernimmt Kroctopus, der Kampf gegen ihn spielt im Level Kroctopus Krush."@de . . . "1173.6"^^ . . . . "January 2008"@en . . "thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht Pacifica. Der Planet Pacifica ist fast g\u00E4nzlich vom Pacifica-Ozean bedeckt und befindet sich in der N\u00E4he des Sektors 63. Der Planet ist \u2013 \u00E4hnlich wie Risa \u2013 ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel vieler Touristen und bietet vielf\u00E4ltige Erholungsm\u00F6glichkeiten. Zudem werden dort einige Konferenzen ausgetragen. Im Jahr 2364 ist die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) unter Captain Jean-Luc Picard auf dem Weg nach Pacifica, damit sich die Crew dort erholen kann. Doch auf dem Weg dorthin erh\u00E4lt die Enterprise einen Ruf im Code 47 und die Enterprise fliegt nach Dytallix B. Die geplante Ankunft verz\u00F6gert sich zun\u00E4chst nur um einige Stunden. Als jedoch die USS Horatio zerst\u00F6rt wird, sagt man Pacifica ab und fliegt stattdessen zur\u00FCck zur Erde. (TNG: ) 2365 bef\u00F6rdert die Enterprise einige antedeanische Delegierte sowie Botschafterin Lwaxana Troi nach Pacifica. Allerdings stellt sich heraus, dass die Antedeaner ein Attentat geplant haben und unter ihren M\u00E4nteln, nicht durch Standardscans zu ortenden, Sprengstoff mit sich f\u00FChren. (TNG: )"@de . . . "DKC3GBA Screenshot Pacifica.png"@de . . "thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht Pacifica. Der Planet Pacifica ist fast g\u00E4nzlich vom Pacifica-Ozean bedeckt und befindet sich in der N\u00E4he des Sektors 63. Der Planet ist \u2013 \u00E4hnlich wie Risa \u2013 ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel vieler Touristen und bietet vielf\u00E4ltige Erholungsm\u00F6glichkeiten. Zudem werden dort einige Konferenzen ausgetragen."@de . . "Pacifica"@nl . "Pacifica is a world exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. It is located where the Banana Bird Cave cache used to be. This world differs from the other worlds in Donkey Kong Country 3 because it has six levels instead of five."@en . . "\u30D1\u30B7\u30D5\u30A3\u30AB\u5927\u9678\u306F\u60D1\u661F\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u306B\u5B58\u5728\u3057\u305F6\u5927\u9678\u306E1\u3064\u3067\u3042\u308B\u3002 UNSC\u6B96\u6C11\u5730\u3067\u3042\u3063\u305F\u540C\u60D1\u661F\u306F\u30D7\u30ED\u30AD\u30AA\u30F3\u661F\u7CFB\u306B\u3042\u3063\u305F\u3002\u304C2531\u5E74\u306E\u7B2C1\u6B21\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u653B\u9632\u6226\u4E26\u3073\u306B2549\u5E74\u306E\u7B2C2\u6B21\u30A2\u30EB\u30AB\u30C7\u30A3\u30A2\u653B\u9632\u6226\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u5B8C\u5168\u306B\u653E\u68C4\u3055\u308C\u305F\u3002"@ja . . "High"@en . "planet"@en . . . "Pacifica est une plan\u00E8te oc\u00E9anique, dont les eaux bleues chaudes et les plages blanches parfaites en font un bijou dans la galaxie."@fr . "Pacifica"@en . . "Plan\u00E8te"@fr . "Pacifica ist die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Es ist eine Unterwasserwelt, die nur Wasser-Level enth\u00E4lt, mit Cliffside Blast existiert eine Ausnahme. Ihr Boss ist Barbos."@de . "Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!"@de . . . . "60840"^^ . "Hauptstadt: Shark Bay Fl\u00E4che: 423.970 km\u00B2 Einwohner: es wurde noch nie eine Volksz\u00E4hlung durchgef\u00FChrt Die Pacificans leben in etwa zu gleichen Teilen in den Staaten PA, CI, FI und CA Regierungsform: Autokratie Flagge: siehe rechts H\u00F6chster Punkt: 5.327 m Spucknicht ( aktiver Vulkan in FI ) Tiefster Punkt: - 73 m Tiefuntendrin ( \u00F6des Tal in CI )"@de . . . . . . "-8"^^ . "Pacifica Pacifica is a series of eighteen islands that make up a lose confederation od island states. The confederation each has one representive that serves a life term. Each island has a king, queen, or count as a executive leader. Each island has it's own culture, language, sometimes religion, and Pacifica is a country only in name. The eighteen islands that make up the lose confederation of Pacifica are the following:"@en . "Pacifica, remastered.jpg"@en . . "Pacifica was incorporated in 1957, relatively recently in history of San Mateo County, as the union of nine previously separate, unincorporated communities, including Edgemar, Sharp Park, Pacific Manor (or just Manor), Vallemar, Rockaway Beach, Pedro Point, and San Pedro Valley."@en . "Pacifica was created by Doitzstantinople in January 2008. It is a crossover alliance from Cybernations and is the direct offspring of the New Pacific Order. Pacifica follows Francoism, a philosophy founded by Francos Spain in Nation States. Pacifica is currently allied with Polaris in-game, and has several other alliances not officially listed on the \"Country\" page in-game. -Pacifica Forum: [1] -IRC Channel: irc://irc.coldfront.net/pce"@en . "Screenshot"@de . "Pacifica Pacifica is a series of eighteen islands that make up a lose confederation od island states. The confederation each has one representive that serves a life term. Each island has a king, queen, or count as a executive leader. Each island has it's own culture, language, sometimes religion, and Pacifica is a country only in name. The most common religious belief on the islands are that cats are living gods and living divine beings. It is common law through out the land that if a cat is harmed that the person harming the cat will be harmd in the same way. People tend to mimic cat or feline culture, to hiss is to instigate a fight, etc. The eighteen islands that make up the lose confederation of Pacifica are the following:"@en . . . . . . . . . . "5000000"^^ . . . "Franco's Star"@en . . . "Pacifica was an ocean planet and Federation Member State in the Taurus Reach region, in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Selkie species and the location of a Federation colony. (ST reference: Star Charts; TTN novel: Orion's Hounds; VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind) Pacifica was famed for its warm blue waters and fine beaches, considered to be a \"jewel in the galaxy\", and making it a popular tourist destination. Other attractions on Pacifica, include the vast underwater city of hi'Leyi'a. (TNG episode: \"Conspiracy\"; TTN novel: Taking Wing)"@en . . . . "USS Enterprise in orbit of Pacifica"@it . "No intelligent life"@en . "It's 2020, the world superpowers resorted to nuclear warfare, plunging the world into darkness. Several groups survived the war and resorted to traveling to the once protected island of Pacifica, a island virtually untouched by mankind. Located in the South Pacific the island has a variety of ecosystems. Beneath its rich fertile soil is abundant amounts of natural resources ready to be tapped in and used to rebuild human civilization."@en . "Pacifica was an inhabited ocean planet, renowned for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches. Some considered it a jewel of the galaxy. It was a Federation planet. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D was en route to Pacifica for a scientific mission when Captain Jean-Luc Picard diverted it to Dytallix B for a secret meeting. Picard canceled the visit to Pacifica due to ensuing events, causing the leader of the planet, Governor Delaplane, to contact Starfleet Command. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\" ) In 2365, a conference was held on Pacifica concerning the admission of the Antedians into the Federation. The Enterprise-D was assigned to transport two Antedian dignitaries to the planet, as well as Ambassador Lwaxana Troi. She would state that she wished to marry William T. Riker on the shores of Pacifica's Western Sea, though she was affected by the Betazoid phase at the time. (TNG: \"Manhunt\" ) According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 37) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library (\"Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385\"), there was a star system named Pacifica, in which this planet might possibly have been located, in the Alpha Quadrant. The system's primary was a G-class star. According to the Star Trek: Titan novels, Pacifica was part of the Federation and home to a spacefaring aquatic civilization known as the Selkies (\u03B2)."@en . "Monthly Income of Ride Tickets: $8000"@en . . "Urban Jungle"@en . . "planet name Class: Affiliation: Star system: Surface: Dominant species: Pacifica is the common name for a Class O oceanic planet in the Alpha Quadrant. A member of the Federation, Pacifica is known for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches, which make it \"the jewel of the galaxy.\" Pacifica is home to a variety of sentient lifeforms, including the indigenous Selkie. Humans, Betazoids, Risans and other humanoid species have lived on the planet since it was colonized by the Federation. (Star Trek: Star Charts, Star Trek: Titan, Star Trek: Pendragon) The planet's police and peacekeeping force is known as Pacifica Security, and the Federation Naval Patrol also maintains a strong presence on Pacifica. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace; Star Trek: Pendragon)"@en . . . . "Humans"@en . . . . . "8.0"^^ . "Donkey Kong Country 3"@en . . "Note: This is Just a code of Conduct, every man Got free will. Codigo De conducta --- Eticas Bushido Eticas del Bushido \n* Las Siete virtudes \n* \u7FA9 \u2013 Gi \u2013 Rectitud -> \"solo existe lo correcto o el error, no medios tonos\" \n* \u52C7 \u2013 Y\u016B \u2013 Corage -> \"Esconderte en tu escudo no es forma de vida\" \n* \u4EC1 \u2013 Jin \u2013 Benevolencia -> \"Tu poder debe ser usado para el bien de todos\" \n* \u793C \u2013 Rei \u2013 Respect -> \"Se gentil & respetuoso, hasta con tu enemigo\" \n* \u8AA0 \u2013 Makoto - Honestidad -> \"Dar tu palabra y hacer lo prometido, son una sola accion\" \n* \u540D\u8A89 \u2013 Meiyo \u2013 Honor,Gloria -> \"No puedes esconderte de ti mismo\" \n* \u5FE0\u7FA9 \u2013 Ch\u016Bgi \u2013 Lealtad -> \"Cuidado con el camino que elijes\""@en . "http://www.ci.pacifica.ca.us/| \nfootnotes ="@en . . "Pacifica"@de . . . . ".gif"@en . . "Pacifica"@cs . . "Pacifica as it appears in Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!."@en . "De Enterprise-D was in 2364 voor een wetenschappelijke opdracht onderweg naar Pacifica, toen kapitein Jean-Luc Picard voor een geheime ontmoeting de koers wijzigde naar Dytallix B. De stop bij Pacifica kwam vanwege de daaropvolgende gebeurtenissen te vervallen. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\") In 2365 werd een conferentie gehouden waarop vergaderd werd over de toetreding van de Antedeans tot de Federatie. De Enterprise moest twee Antedean hoogwaardigheidsbekleders naar de planeet vervoeren, evenals ambassadeur Lwaxana Troi. (TNG: \"Manhunt\") Aangezien de conferentie op Pacifica gehouden werd, is het aannemelijk dat de planeet zelf lid is van de Federatie."@nl . . "Pacifica was one of the six continents on the planet Arcadia, a UEG colony in the Procyon system."@en . "Lumana'i, more commonly known as Pacifica, was a planet in the Hundred Worlds, settled by humans of Polynesian descent."@en . "Various Polynesian religions"@en . . . "Lumana'i"@en . . "DADEE4"@en . . "V roce 2364 let\u011Bla na Pacifiku USS Enterprise 1701 D, kapit\u00E1na Picarda ale p\u0159emluvil jeho p\u0159\u00EDtel, kapit\u00E1n Walter Keel z lodi USS Horatio k setk\u00E1n\u00ED na Dytallix B. Informac\u00EDm o zvl\u00E1\u0161tn\u00EDm chov\u00E1n\u00ED velen\u00ED Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily Picard nev\u011B\u0159il. A\u017E do chv\u00EDle, kdy Enterprise narazila na trosky zni\u010Den\u00E9ho Horatia. Na Pacifiku u\u017E Enterprise nedolet\u011Bla, vr\u00E1tila se k Zemi, aby odhalila infiltraci velen\u00ED nep\u0159\u00E1telsk\u00FDm parazitn\u00EDm druhem. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\") O rok pozd\u011Bji se na Pacifice konala konference, na n\u00ED\u017E m\u011Bl b\u00FDt do Federace p\u0159ijati Antedean\u00E9. Enterprise na konferenci p\u0159ev\u00E1\u017Eela vyslankyni Lwaxanu Troi a tak\u00E9 dva antedeansk\u00E9 deleg\u00E1ty. Lwaxana si na pob\u0159e\u017E\u00ED pacifick\u00E9ho Z\u00E1padn\u00EDho mo\u0159e cht\u011Bla vz\u00EDt za man\u017Eela Williama Rikera (kapit\u00E1n Picard p\u0159ed n\u00ED utekl). (TNG: \"Manhunt\")"@cs . . . "Pacifica is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction."@en . . . . . . "Pacifica was a continent on Earth circa 200100, presumably based around the Pacific Ocean. In the Battle of the Game Station, Pacifica was bombed by the Dalek Fleet so ruthlessly it became unrecognisable in seconds. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)"@en . . . "12.6"^^ . "Portland"@en . . "Pacifica.jpg"@nl . . . "Loopy Landscapes"@en . . "Pacifica was a continent on Earth circa 200100, presumably based around the Pacific Ocean. In the Battle of the Game Station, Pacifica was bombed by the Dalek Fleet so ruthlessly it became unrecognisable in seconds. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)"@en . . "Pacifica est une plan\u00E8te oc\u00E9anique, dont les eaux bleues chaudes et les plages blanches parfaites en font un bijou dans la galaxie."@fr . "yes"@en . "Pacifica is a world exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. It is located where the Banana Bird Cave cache used to be. This world differs from the other worlds in Donkey Kong Country 3 because it has six levels instead of five."@en . "Diverse"@en . . . "Island"@en . . . . . . "Pacifica is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction."@en . "Pacifica was an inhabited ocean planet, renowned for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches. Some considered it a jewel of the galaxy. It was a Federation planet. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D was en route to Pacifica for a scientific mission when Captain Jean-Luc Picard diverted it to Dytallix B for a secret meeting. Picard canceled the visit to Pacifica due to ensuing events, causing the leader of the planet, Governor Delaplane, to contact Starfleet Command. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\" )"@en . "Nevermore Park"@en . . . "Donkey Kong Country 3"@en . . "Like Good Knight Park, this park is an island, but this park does not have a medieval theme. The terrain itself is very uneven, making construction difficult. Another note is that since Vertigo Views had a goal of $8,000 in ride tickets, Wacky Warren had a goal of $9,000, and Icarus Park had a goal of $10,000, you'd expect this park to have a goal of $11,000 in ride tickets, but you'd be wrong."@en . "fed"@en . "South Vancouver"@en . "38390"^^ . . . "Pacifica"@en . "Pacifica"@fr . . . . . . . "21"^^ . "De Enterprise-D was in 2364 voor een wetenschappelijke opdracht onderweg naar Pacifica, toen kapitein Jean-Luc Picard voor een geheime ontmoeting de koers wijzigde naar Dytallix B. De stop bij Pacifica kwam vanwege de daaropvolgende gebeurtenissen te vervallen. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\") In 2365 werd een conferentie gehouden waarop vergaderd werd over de toetreding van de Antedeans tot de Federatie. De Enterprise moest twee Antedean hoogwaardigheidsbekleders naar de planeet vervoeren, evenals ambassadeur Lwaxana Troi. (TNG: \"Manhunt\")"@nl . . . "0.04"^^ . . . . "Islands"@en . . . . . . . . "De USS Enterprise-D bij Pacifica"@nl . "Pacifica was an ocean planet and Federation Member State in the Taurus Reach region, in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Selkie species and the location of a Federation colony. (ST reference: Star Charts; TTN novel: Orion's Hounds; VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind) Pacifica was famed for its warm blue waters and fine beaches, considered to be a \"jewel in the galaxy\", and making it a popular tourist destination. Other attractions on Pacifica, include the vast underwater city of hi'Leyi'a. (TNG episode: \"Conspiracy\"; TTN novel: Taking Wing) Pacifica was first colonized by the Federation in the 2260s. In 2266, the USS Lovell was assigned to Pacifica to help set up its civil infrastructure. (VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind) In early 2268, Cervantes Quinn had heard about some easy-money jobs hauling gray-market cargo to Pacifica. Quinn also wanted to spend some time on Pacifica for a tropical vacation. (VAN - Declassified novella: The Stars Look Down) In 2310, Captain John Harriman and Amina Sasine vacationed on Pacifica, in the city of Jannita where they danced throughout the night. (TLE novel: Serpents Among the Ruins, TLE novel: One Constant Star) In the early 24th century Pacifica was the subject of an oceanographic study headed by Doctor Gillian Taylor. The project was based on a drift-station (dubbed Madrigal) located on the ocean surface. Among the project members was a humpback whale named Harpo. Circa 2310, Pacifica was selected as a testbed for a modified Genesis Device created by Dr. Carol Marcus. These tests were halted when a race of sentient beings were discovered hidden in the depths of the ocean. (TOS short story: \"The Hero of My Own Life\") This would seem to be contradicted by the information from Reap the Whirlwind and Serpents Among the Ruins, as such a test would not have been considered on an established, inhabited colony world. It may also be inconsistent with the Selkie species established in the Titan series; In \"Hero of My Own Life\" the inhabitants of Pacifica are established as non-natives who had been kidnapped from their homeworld by Orion slavers in the early 22nd century, and escaped to an uninhabited planet. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D was scheduled to conduct a scientific mission on Pacifica, but was diverted to Dytallix B before the start of the mission. A year later, the Enterprise ferried two Antedean dignitaries to Pacifica when the planet was hosting a conference to discuss the admission of the Antedeans into the Federation. (TNG episodes: \"Conspiracy\", \"Manhunt\") Following the Raid on San Francisco by the Breen during the Dominion War and the broadcast of images of the damaged Golden Gate Bridge, applications to join Starfleet from Pacifica increased. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire) In 2376, Carol Abramowitz spent part of her leave time on Pacifica, following her mission to Vrinda. (SCE eBooks: Age of Unreason, Breakdowns) Also in 2376, a Council of Governors meeting was held on Pacifica; Nanietta Bacco had been in attendance and met Admiral William Ross, who was the guest speaker. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace) Pacifica hosted the Federation Trade Council's annual meeting in 2377, 2378, or 2379. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) During her eventually successful campaign for the office of Federation President, Bacco made her last campaign stop on Pacifica. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace) During the Borg Invasion of 2381, numerous evacuation ships from around the Federation fled for Pacifica, including one from Cestus III carrying the family of Miranda Kadohata. (ST - Destiny novel: Mere Mortals) Several thousand evacuees who had lost their homes were forced to take refuge on Pacifica, many of them on the island of iy'Dewra'ni. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)"@en . . . . . "6"^^ . "n/a"@en . . "Ancient Polynesian"@en . . . . . "Note: This is Just a code of Conduct, every man Got free will. Codigo De conducta --- Eticas Bushido Eticas del Bushido \n* Las Siete virtudes \n* \u7FA9 \u2013 Gi \u2013 Rectitud -> \"solo existe lo correcto o el error, no medios tonos\" \n* \u52C7 \u2013 Y\u016B \u2013 Corage -> \"Esconderte en tu escudo no es forma de vida\" \n* \u4EC1 \u2013 Jin \u2013 Benevolencia -> \"Tu poder debe ser usado para el bien de todos\" \n* \u793C \u2013 Rei \u2013 Respect -> \"Se gentil & respetuoso, hasta con tu enemigo\" \n* \u8AA0 \u2013 Makoto - Honestidad -> \"Dar tu palabra y hacer lo prometido, son una sola accion\" \n* \u540D\u8A89 \u2013 Meiyo \u2013 Honor,Gloria -> \"No puedes esconderte de ti mismo\" \n* \u5FE0\u7FA9 \u2013 Ch\u016Bgi \u2013 Lealtad -> \"Cuidado con el camino que elijes\" Nota: esto es solo un codigo de conducta todo hombre tiene libre albedrio"@en . . "*Charter\n*Membership Application"@en . . "V roce 2364 let\u011Bla na Pacifiku USS Enterprise 1701 D, kapit\u00E1na Picarda ale p\u0159emluvil jeho p\u0159\u00EDtel, kapit\u00E1n Walter Keel z lodi USS Horatio k setk\u00E1n\u00ED na Dytallix B. Informac\u00EDm o zvl\u00E1\u0161tn\u00EDm chov\u00E1n\u00ED velen\u00ED Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily Picard nev\u011B\u0159il. A\u017E do chv\u00EDle, kdy Enterprise narazila na trosky zni\u010Den\u00E9ho Horatia. Na Pacifiku u\u017E Enterprise nedolet\u011Bla, vr\u00E1tila se k Zemi, aby odhalila infiltraci velen\u00ED nep\u0159\u00E1telsk\u00FDm parazitn\u00EDm druhem. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\")"@cs . . . . "Pacifica"@en . . "B0C4DE"@en . "Like Good Knight Park, this park is an island, but this park does not have a medieval theme. The terrain itself is very uneven, making construction difficult. Another note is that since Vertigo Views had a goal of $8,000 in ride tickets, Wacky Warren had a goal of $9,000, and Icarus Park had a goal of $10,000, you'd expect this park to have a goal of $11,000 in ride tickets, but you'd be wrong."@en . "-7"^^ . . . "6"^^ . . . "Pacifica RCT1.png"@en . . . "Pacifica"@de . . . "USS Enterprise in orbit of Pacifica"@en . . . . . . . . "Oregon\n\nWashington\n\nBritish Columbia"@en . "pce"@en . "Bei Pacifica handelt es sich um die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Sie stellt eine Unterwasser-Welt dar und beinhaltet mit einer Ausnahme nur Unterwasser-Level. Als Boss der Welt gilt der weibliche Lurchin Barbos. Ihr Level hei\u00DFt Barbos Barriere. Ihren urspr\u00FCnglichen Platz auf dem Gipfelgrat \u00FCbernimmt Kroctopus, der Kampf gegen ihn spielt im Level Kroctopus Krush."@de . . . "Mostly water, island chains"@en . . . . . "Hauptstadt: Shark Bay Fl\u00E4che: 423.970 km\u00B2 Einwohner: es wurde noch nie eine Volksz\u00E4hlung durchgef\u00FChrt Die Pacificans leben in etwa zu gleichen Teilen in den Staaten PA, CI, FI und CA Regierungsform: Autokratie Flagge: siehe rechts H\u00F6chster Punkt: 5.327 m Spucknicht ( aktiver Vulkan in FI ) Tiefster Punkt: - 73 m Tiefuntendrin ( \u00F6des Tal in CI )"@de . "Pacifica"@it . . . "-MichuDO-"@en . . "Pacifica"@fr . "Pacifica was incorporated in 1957, relatively recently in history of San Mateo County, as the union of nine previously separate, unincorporated communities, including Edgemar, Sharp Park, Pacific Manor (or just Manor), Vallemar, Rockaway Beach, Pedro Point, and San Pedro Valley."@en . . "Governor Chester Haskell"@en . . "Pacifica Prevails!"@en . "y"@en . . . "Pacifica was one of the six continents on the planet Arcadia, a UEG colony in the Procyon system."@en . "irc.coldfront.net"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "planet name Class: Affiliation: Star system: Surface: Dominant species: Pacifica is the common name for a Class O oceanic planet in the Alpha Quadrant. A member of the Federation, Pacifica is known for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches, which make it \"the jewel of the galaxy.\" Pacifica is home to a variety of sentient lifeforms, including the indigenous Selkie. Humans, Betazoids, Risans and other humanoid species have lived on the planet since it was colonized by the Federation. (Star Trek: Star Charts, Star Trek: Titan, Star Trek: Pendragon)"@en . . "As California seceded in 1930 to create the Nation of Hollywood, the people of Oregon and Washington began to consider their own options. As the other western states began the slide into what would become the Disputed Western Territories, the consideration became more urgent. With the collaspe of Canada, the choice became clear. Washington, Oregon and British Columbia formed the nation of Pacifica. Pacifica is also concerned with pirates operating out of Idaho, the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, and along the coast."@en . . "Jungles"@en . . . "Lumana'i, more commonly known as Pacifica, was a planet in the Hundred Worlds, settled by humans of Polynesian descent."@en . . . "Pacifica was created by Doitzstantinople in January 2008. It is a crossover alliance from Cybernations and is the direct offspring of the New Pacific Order. Pacifica follows Francoism, a philosophy founded by Francos Spain in Nation States. Pacifica is currently allied with Polaris in-game, and has several other alliances not officially listed on the \"Country\" page in-game. -Pacifica Forum: [1] -IRC Channel: irc://irc.coldfront.net/pce"@en . "2000"^^ . . . "Pacifica"@en . . . "right|thumb|200px|Pacifica Planeta mayoritariamente oce\u00E1nico, famoso por sus concurridas playas, lugar donde se dirig\u00EDa el Enterprise-D en el a\u00F1o 2364 para una investigaci\u00F3n cient\u00EDfica cuando el Capit\u00E1n Picard recibi\u00F3 una inquietante comunicaci\u00F3n de su viejo amigo, el Capit\u00E1n Walker Keel. Un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s, El Enterprise-D traslad\u00F3 a ese planeta a un grupo de dignatarios antedeanos para evaluar el ingreso de su mundo a la Federaci\u00F3n."@es . "Coldfront"@en . "Pacifica"@es . . . . . "Pacifica is a world found exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. This world is water-themed. The bear Barnacle, who used to live in Lake Orangatanga, lives here in Pacifica. The boss of this area is Barbos."@en . "Pacifica"@it . "Pacifica"@ja . "Deserts"@en . "Pacifica"@nl . . . "It's 2020, the world superpowers resorted to nuclear warfare, plunging the world into darkness. Several groups survived the war and resorted to traveling to the once protected island of Pacifica, a island virtually untouched by mankind. Located in the South Pacific the island has a variety of ecosystems. Beneath its rich fertile soil is abundant amounts of natural resources ready to be tapped in and used to rebuild human civilization."@en . "As California seceded in 1930 to create the Nation of Hollywood, the people of Oregon and Washington began to consider their own options. As the other western states began the slide into what would become the Disputed Western Territories, the consideration became more urgent. With the collaspe of Canada, the choice became clear. Washington, Oregon and British Columbia formed the nation of Pacifica. Pacifica is widely regarded as one of the more peaceful nations in North America, focusing on technological innovation and a thriving trans-Pacific trade. However, the presence of the Boeing Aviation works, along with a large Hughes Aviation test facility, means that underestimating the military capacity of Pacifica has only ended badly for her enemies. The former states of Oregon and Washington have all they need to continue as an independent nation: farming, timber, light and heavy industry, , shipyards, higher learning, mineral reserves, ocean access, and self-sufficiency born of isolation. Either state could survive alone, together they could prosper. They lack but one crucial ingredient, however: population. Pacifica has a total population of about five million people, most of it along the Pacific Corridor stretching from Puget Sound to center-western Oregon. This gives Pacifica plenty of room to grow: with chaos to the east and the largely-empty mountains to the south. Pacifica has an ongoing border dispute with the Nation of Hollywood, to the south; Hollywood wants to crowd into Oregon, and tried to assume control of the border towns in the mid-1930s. Pacifica answered by moving into northern California with combat zeppelins, largely with the aid of the local northern Californians, who don't particularly like the Hollywood government. Firmly entrenched in the Sierra Nevadas, Pacifica\u2019s government (led by Governor Chester Haskell, a former attorney who saw combat in the Great War) is now concentrating heavily on the growing conflicts in the far north, where White Russians from the Alaskan Ranges are causing trouble in the coastal regions of the former British Columbia. This is bad enough, but just as worrisome is the looming threat of Imperial Japanese influences on the Eastern Pacific, particularly in Hawaii and the eastern Aleutian Islands. Poor relations with Hawaii threaten to cut off the southerly trade lanes, used to avoid Alaskan pirates, which forces Pacifica trade inland across Canada, south along the coast, or to thread dangerous routes between Alaska and Hawaii and along the Japanese fringes to the South Pacific. Pacifica is also concerned with pirates operating out of Idaho, the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, and along the coast."@en . "MalinchE"@en . "Pacifica is a world found exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. This world is water-themed. The bear Barnacle, who used to live in Lake Orangatanga, lives here in Pacifica. The boss of this area is Barbos."@en . "60840"^^ . . . . "rushu"@en . . . . "Taurus Reach region, Alpha Quadrant"@en . "Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!"@en .