"2005-10-10"^^ . . . . . . . . . "8"^^ . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Gitara. Obraz oddala si\u0119, wida\u0107 Charlie\u2019go, kt\u00F3ry usi\u0142uje przypomnie\u0107 sobie akordy piosenki. Ju\u017C w\u0105tpi, denerwuje si\u0119. Locke proponuje mu spacer, jednak Charlie odmawia. Tymczasem, Jack usi\u0142uje przekona\u0107 Kate by posz\u0142a do jaski\u0144, a Sawyer przenosi si\u0119 do namiotu na pla\u017Cy. Charlie idzie mi\u0119dzy drzewami, s\u0142yszy co\u015B, wydaje mu si\u0119 \u017Ce potwora, wi\u0119c ucieka. Retrospekcja: widzimy konfesjona\u0142, Charlie spowiada si\u0119, m\u00F3wi \u017Ce ulega\u0142 pokusom, kt\u00F3re spotyka\u0142y go jako rockow\u0105 gwiazd\u0119. Po nauce ksi\u0119dza, Charlie rozwa\u017Ca odej\u015Bcie z zespo\u0142u, dop\u00F3ki jego brat Liam nie zdob\u0119dzie kontraktu na nagranie p\u0142yty."@pl . . "The reflecting in the mirrors and the boom-mic in the window."@en . . "Dominic Monaghan - Charlie Pace"@en . . . . . "Charlie at confessional."@en . . . . . "7"^^ . . "Villain"@en . "250"^^ . "The Moth transcript"@en . . . "Jack is vast te komen zitten door een instorting en de anderen doen hun uiterste best om hem te bevrijden. Intussen proberen Kate en Sayid de Franse uitzending in kaart te brengen, een poging die echter wordt gedwarsboomd door een geheimzinnige aanval."@nl . . "\"[[|]]\" es el episodio siete de la primera temporada de Lost. Charlie comienza una dura batalla para dejar las drogas, sorprendentemente ayudado por Locke, cuyo verdadero motivo para ayudar a Charlie es un misterio. Mientras, los supervivientes luchan por encontrar y liberar a Jack que ha sido enterrado vivo en un derrumbamiento de una cueva, y alguien debe estar frustrando en secreto el plan de Sayid, Kate y Boone para encontrar la fuente de la transmisi\u00F3n en franc\u00E9s. Flashback de Charlie Pace."@es . "Kate learns the truth."@en . . . . . . . . . "& Paul Dini"@en . "2004-11-03"^^ . . "The Moth"@pl . "& Paul Dini"@es . . . "Sayid is knocked unconscious before he can finish the task."@en . . "100"^^ . . . "Maggie Grace - Shannon Rutherford"@en . . "The Moth lead Moth Flight throughout Moth Flight's Vision, including to aid Moth Flight and Micah in the discovery of the Moonstone."@en . "Episode_1-7.png"@en . "\"The Moth\" is the seventh episode of Season 1 of Lost. Charlie struggles with withdrawal symptoms after giving his remaining heroin stash to John Locke. Elsewhere, Sayid sets his plan in motion to isolate the origin of the French distress signal, in the hope that it could provide means of finding a way off the Island. Flashbacks in this episode center around Charlie's struggles with the temptations involved with being a rock star and also his older brother's massive ego."@en . "right"@en . "Locke, proud of Charlie."@en . "La polilla"@es . . . . . "Charlie attempts to deal with a conflict plaguing him. Jack becomes trapped in a cave-in and Charlie makes an effort to rescue him. Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid try and triangluate the source of the French Transmission."@en . "The Moth"@en . . "2004-11-03"^^ . "Being Evil"@en . "Lost1x07TheMoth34.png"@en . "Charlie leaves to catch his plane."@en . "Jorge Garcia - Hugo Reyes"@en . "105"^^ . . . . . . "3"^^ . . "Jack is vast te komen zitten door een instorting en de anderen doen hun uiterste best om hem te bevrijden. Intussen proberen Kate en Sayid de Franse uitzending in kaart te brengen, een poging die echter wordt gedwarsboomd door een geheimzinnige aanval."@nl . . . . . "Male"@en . "The Moth"@nl . . "1"^^ . "Sawyer finds Kate, but neglects to tell her about Jack."@en . "Charlie \"sees Jack\" in the jungle."@en . "2602.0"^^ . . "Moth2.jpg"@en . "Matthew Fox - Jack Shephard"@en . . "|} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por N\u00E3o creditados Imagens arquivadas \"The Moth\" foi o s\u00E9timo epis\u00F3dio da 1\u00AA temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar no dia 3 de novembro de 2004. Charlie come\u00E7a uma dolorosa jornada para se livrar das drogas, surpreendentemente apoiado por Locke, sendo o verdadeiro motivo para ajudar Charlie um mist\u00E9rio. Enquanto isso, os sobreviventes lutam para achar e salvar Jack, que foi soterrado por um desabamento das cavernas, e algu\u00E9m est\u00E1 secretamente se opondo a Sayid, Kate, e Boone quando eles afirmam um plano para localizar a fonte da transmiss\u00E3o da Francesa."@pt . "2594.0"^^ . "\"Mermaid Man Begins\""@en . "A cave-in occurs."@en . . . . "Daniel Dae Kim - Jin-Soo Kwon"@en . . "8"^^ . . "Terry O'Quinn - John Locke"@en . . . . . . "Drive Shaft performing in concert."@en . . "Evangeline Lilly - Kate Austen"@en . . . . "Light tan and pale green"@en . "Yunjin Kim - Sun-Hwa Kwon"@en . . "Red"@en . "3"^^ . . . . "The Moth"@en . . . "OK. So this episode starts out with Charlie attempting to strum his guitar. Unfortunately, the black circles under his eyes, the hood up and the dripping sweat all over his face means that he's starting to go through withdrawal, and even John Locke knows that the only person who could write well during that process was Kurt Cobain, so he suggests he and Charlie go for a midday stroll. Back at the beach, Jack is looking at Kate's mugshot when Kate comes up and tells him that she's got better pictures of herself, including ones that would fit in his wallet. Mm... sarcastic Kate. Flove it. Jack laughs cause he's been caught red-handed and tries to cover it up by making up some story about coming back for some things. He begrudgingly hands her back the picture and kicks himself cause now what's he going to look at while he's all alone at the caves? That's right, Kate. He's not staying at the beach. \"You're mad at me,\" she says, and we all \"aww\" for her. Nope, he's not mad, he just can't understand why she won't come with him. And we can't either, really. Alas, they need to do something to keep this fabulous couple apart and us chomping at the bit so I guess it'll have to be this. Then, to make matters worse, Sawyer shows his smarmy face and lays claim to Jack's tent, making some snide comment about sharing it with someone. We all collectively roll our eyes at how annoying he is. Jack leaves and Kate watches him go. Charlie's in the jungle all alone when he starts to hear noises and he freaks out, the sensations heightened by his withdrawal. FB to Charlie in a confessional (which makes me FB to my catechism days) telling some poor priest about his \"relations\" with crab-infested groupie whores. We meet his brother, Liam, who's awesome cause he's got his feet on the church pews. He tells Charlie that they've just scored a recording contract. Back on the island, Charlie's still running and it turns out he was just bait for Locke to catch a boar. Locke tells Charlie that he's got three opportunities to ask for his drugs before Locke gives them back. Something about wanting to give Charlie the choice, which is the only thing that separates him from the boar that Locke just sliced open with his knife. Yummy. On the beach, Sayid is telling Kate and Boone (Wow! Forgot he was on the show!) about his distress signal plan. Essentially he needs to create a triangle using... makeshift electronic gadgets... to try and figure out where the crazy French chick's distress call is coming from. Or something like that. I'm not sure. But it's Sayid's plan, so you know it makes sense and will work even though he's working with more candy transcievers. However, the candy battery was eaten by seagulls out of the last one and he needs one, preferably from a lap top. What do you know, he can't find any. But Kate knows where they are. So she goes to GoldiSawyer (who's still reading Battleship Down. Wasn't he reading that like, a week ago? Slow reader, eh, Sawyer?) and is incredulous to hear he doesn't have any. Yeah, right. Like we believe him. Anyway, he makes a comment about her breaking up with Jack and she makes a zinger about him being a parasite. He's got nobody back on the island and she pities him. Skaters mistake this for sexual tension; I just see blind hatred. Back at the caves, Charlie tries to make himself useful by dumping supplies all over the floor. Then he starts looking through the medicine and gives Jack a lame story about having a headache. Poor Chahlie's feeling useless. FB back to the church where Liam is trying to convince Charlie to join DriveShaft, but Charlie is worried. He makes Liam promise that if things get too crazy and he says they're done, then they walk away. In the caves, Jin tries to control Sun but she's a new woman and isn't having it; Hurley tells Charlie to move his guitar because it's in the way; Charlie follows Jack into another cave and starts yelling about being a \"bloody rock god\" and shit starts to fall. The caves shake collapse and Charlie comes out. But Jack doesn't come out. And we're all peeing ourselves because our main man is stuck inside the caves and we don't know if he's OK. Hurley's screaming for him but there's no answer, and in typical Primo Island Jater #1 fashion, tells Charlie to run down to the beach to get help and more specifically says, \"Make sure you tell Kate!\" We all virtually hug Hurley at being so awesome. Kate and Sayid are walking through the jungle where Kate is expressing her uncertainty over his plan. Then they talk about surviving a plane crash and how that's lucky. Or something. Not sure why that's relevant, really. Sounds more of something Locke would be talking about. Charlie makes it to the beach and tells everyone they need help back at the caves to save Jack. Michael, Scott, Steve, Walt Boone and a few others race away. Boone turns around and tells Shannon (who's wearing a dress and dangly earrings, for goodness sake) about Sayid's plan. He tells her the instructions like she's three years old (he should have written it doesn for the princess) but she says she can do it. Charlie then remembers that he's supposed to tell Kate about Jack but Sawyer (who just so happens to be randomly not wearing a shirt) tells him that she's not around but he'll go find her. FB to Charlie being a rock God on stage. He's got red streaks in his hair and lots of guyliner but it's cool cause he's a musician. Then he's surprised when he sees Liam taking a coke bag out of a film canister. Classy, Liam. Real classy. In the caves, Michael comes up and goes all Frank Lloyd Wright on everyone's ass and tells them where to dig so the wall doesn't collapse. Sawyer meets up with Kate and Sayid in the jungle and when Kate (rightfully) gives him attitude, he doesn't tell her about Jack. He makes it sound like he's ready to help triangulate the call and we all want to gut him for being a piece of crap. Ugh. Why can't he disappear?? Charlie approaches Locke in the jungle and tells him about Jack, but Locke's not too concerned because he's currently skinny a dead boar carcus. Thank you, director, for not focusing on that too much. Charlie asks for his drugs a second time, which, for those of you counting at home, means he's got one chance left. Be strong, Charlie! Locke believes in you! He shows Charlie a moth cocoon and gives him the speech about struggle being nature's way of making us stronger. It's uplifting and we actually believe that baldy cares about the lad and his well being. At the caves, we still don't know whether or not Jack is alive or dead. Thanks to all that is good and holy, he is, but he's pinned. Jack, being the amazing guy that he is, asks whether or not Charlie's OK. Awwww. He's so thoughtful! On the walk, Sayid gives Sawyer another candy antenna and tells him to put it up in the tree and we get a nice Kayid moment where Sayid worries about Kate's well being with Sawyer. Let's face it - we're all a little worried because Sawyer is smarmy and we've seen him grab her before. Yick. He asks her what it is about Jack that gets her all \"weak in the loins.\" She voices our collective unconscious thought and asks him if being a pig comes naturally and he laughs at her cause he knows she's right (and yes, it does). Then he tells her that with a bottle of peroxide and a bandaid he could run the island just like Jack and Kate scoffs because he's actually comparing himself to Jack. Sawyer looks visibly offended and takes that opportunity to drop the bomb that Jack is trapped in the cave and Kate freaks out because the idea of losing him is like her worst nightmare coming true. She high tails it out of there and Sawyer pities himself because he's a jerkface. Charlie's volunteered to go into the cave to get Jack and we FB to Charlie and his brother arguing about cancelling the tour because the drug use has gone too far. Liam makes Charlie feel like crap by saying that he's a nobody and a loser and Charlie considers it because he's got one blue fingernail and four black ones. How emo of you, Chahlie. Charlie makes it into the cave and to Jack but unfortunately, the hole he came in collapsed again. While everyone's trying to figure out what to do Kate comes in all \"Where's Jack\" and we love her because she's so concerned and the true feelings are coming out. She runs to the front of the line and starts digging. Inside the cave, Charlie moves a rock off of Jack and Jack says his shoulder's dislocated and that Charlie needs to pop it back in. In a nice juxtaposition of the story with Locke, Jack tells Charlie that he can do it, and he does. FB to Charlie at his now-clean brother's house in Australia where he's got the house and the kid and the perfect life. Charlie asks him to come back to the band but Liam won't have any of it and Charlie leaves, upset. Back in the cave, Jack asks Charlie when he last fix was and said he should have said something so he could have helped. \"Yeah. You think I'm useless and a junkie to boot,\" Charlie says, and Jack is shocked because Charlie isn't useless. They then go on to have a wonderful exchange about the cave feeling like confession and how Jack's not a saint (why do I automatically make that dirty? Yeesh, I have a problem) when Charlie sees a moth. Wow! The symbolism is blinding, really. Charlie then starts digging his way out as Kate is killing herself digging her way in. She doesn't heed any of Michael's warnings because Jack is trapped and she needs to get to him. Charlie and Jack break their way through and we're all happy cause Jack is OK. But nobody's as happy as Kate is! In quite possibly the greatest hug ever recorded on television, Kate stumbles away from the wall, pure relief and ecstasy on her face when she sees Jack. Totally ignoring every other person in that cave (and there's like, 15 of them), she launches herself into his arms. Jack laughs and says something about his arm and she pulls back, completely silent. Everyone's happy to see him and Hurley laughs and bear-hugs Charlie for being a hero but Kate can't take her eyes away from the man who has unmistakably become more important than she probably ever thought possible. Back to that other storyline involving Sayid and signals,(cause we all forgot that there was anything else actually happening for a second) he blows his flair and Shannon (who's talking about Malibu, *megaeyeroll*) fires her and the other ones goes off, too. Sayid's excited cause of course his plan is going to work but then someone comes up and hits him in the face with something! Oh no! Poor Sayid. Back at the caves, Charlie's going through some nasty withdrawal and Locke is basting a pig with leaves and I laugh cause now Locke is also the island chef. Wonder if he's a fan of Rachel Ray? Anyway, Walt asks Michael if they can live in the caves and then they show a shot of Sun and I think they're implying that Michael really wants her so he can't stay. Or something like that. It's vague, at best. In another squeeful moment (God, Season 1 was so epic, I swear) Kate puts a sling on Jack and we all fangirl because she's his nurse again. She makes a joke about safe caves and Jack asks her if she's going back and unfortunately, she is. He thanks her for the sling and they stare at each other for a second and it's pure love and adoration and my heart can't take it. Charlie approaches Lockey Flay and asks for his drugs. When Locke hands them over, Charlie dumps it in the fire. I wonder if anyone will get high when the flames throw the magic dust on the boar? Mm... heroin basted Boar. Bet they never serve that on Top Chef. Anyway, Locke tells Charlie he's proud and the strings come in and the tears fall and we're proud of Charlie, too."@en . "Harold Perrineau - Michael Dawson"@en . . "The Moth"@es . "|} Escrito por Exibido em Exibido em Elenco Convidados especiais Convidados Co-estrelado por N\u00E3o creditados Imagens arquivadas \"The Moth\" foi o s\u00E9timo epis\u00F3dio da 1\u00AA temporada de Lost, e foi ao ar no dia 3 de novembro de 2004."@pt . . . "Ian Somerhalder - Boone Carlyle"@en . "\"Night Light\""@en . . . . . . "The Moth is the name given to a non-canonical small moth that appears to Gandalf occasionally to advise that the Eagles are coming."@en . . "Gitara. Obraz oddala si\u0119, wida\u0107 Charlie\u2019go, kt\u00F3ry usi\u0142uje przypomnie\u0107 sobie akordy piosenki. Ju\u017C w\u0105tpi, denerwuje si\u0119. Locke proponuje mu spacer, jednak Charlie odmawia. Tymczasem, Jack usi\u0142uje przekona\u0107 Kate by posz\u0142a do jaski\u0144, a Sawyer przenosi si\u0119 do namiotu na pla\u017Cy. Charlie idzie mi\u0119dzy drzewami, s\u0142yszy co\u015B, wydaje mu si\u0119 \u017Ce potwora, wi\u0119c ucieka. Retrospekcja: widzimy konfesjona\u0142, Charlie spowiada si\u0119, m\u00F3wi \u017Ce ulega\u0142 pokusom, kt\u00F3re spotyka\u0142y go jako rockow\u0105 gwiazd\u0119. Po nauce ksi\u0119dza, Charlie rozwa\u017Ca odej\u015Bcie z zespo\u0142u, dop\u00F3ki jego brat Liam nie zdob\u0119dzie kontraktu na nagranie p\u0142yty. Wyspa. Okazuje si\u0119 \u017Ce to Locke u\u017Cy\u0142 Charliego jako przyn\u0119ty do schwytania dzika. Po posi\u0142ku, Charlie domaga si\u0119 jego narkotyk\u00F3w. Locke chce mu da\u0107 szans\u0119. Charlie ma go poprosi\u0107 o narkotyki 3 razy, za trzecim je dostanie. To by\u0142 pierwszy raz. Po tym, Charlie prosi Locke\u2019a by ten wyrzuci\u0142 narkotyki gdzie\u015B daleko st\u0105d, lecz zamiarem Locke\u2019a jest danie Charliemu mo\u017Cliwo\u015Bci wyboru \u2013 jedynej rzeczy kt\u00F3ra r\u00F3\u017Cni nas od zwierz\u0105t. Na pla\u017Cy, Sayid obja\u015Bnia Kate sw\u00F3j plan, maj\u0105cy na celu rozszyfrowanie francuskiego przekazu radiowego \u2013 maj\u0105 ustawi\u0107 3 anteny i wystrzeli\u0107 rac\u0119, gdy b\u0119d\u0105 gotowi do w\u0142\u0105czenia ich. Dzi\u0119ki temu w\u0142\u0105cz\u0105 je w jednym momencie. By plan wypali\u0142, potrzebne s\u0105 jeszcze baterie. Kate posz\u0142a wi\u0119c do Sawyera \u2013 dobrze wiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce gromadzi on r\u00F3\u017Cne rupiecie. Stara\u0142a si\u0119 go nak\u0142oni\u0107 do wsp\u00F3\u0142pracy. Nadaremnie. Powiedzia\u0142a, \u017Ce nie ma on do kogo wraca\u0107, dlatego zachowuje si\u0119 tak egoistycznie. Sprzeciwiaj\u0105c si\u0119 temu, Sawyer zgodzi\u0142 si\u0119 odda\u0107 baterie. Jack i Hurley kontynuowali przenoszenie rzeczy z pla\u017Cy do jaski\u0144. Charlie zaoferowa\u0142 swoj\u0105 pomoc, lecz za chwil\u0119 znik\u0142. Kiedy jedna z walizek otwar\u0142a si\u0119, Charlie zauwa\u017Cy\u0142 pojemnik z lekami i szybko schowa\u0142 jeden do kieszeni. Jack z\u0142apa\u0142 go na gor\u0105cym uczynku. Charlie t\u0142umaczy\u0142 si\u0119 \u201Eb\u00F3lem g\u0142owy\u201D, Jack na to, \u017Ce Diazepam jest za silny na b\u00F3l g\u0142owy i pozwoli\u0142 mu odej\u015B\u0107. Charlie wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do swojej gitary. Retrospekcja: Liam pr\u00F3buje nam\u00F3wi\u0107 Charlie\u2019go do pozostania w zespole \u2013 kusi go s\u0142aw\u0105 i bogactwem, apeluje do jego ego. Liam obiecuje opiekowa\u0107 si\u0119 nim. Charlie przystaje na to, jednak m\u00F3wi Liamowi, \u017Ce sko\u0144cz\u0105 z tym je\u017Celi sprawy zajd\u0105 za daleko. Wracamy na Wysp\u0119. W jaskiniach Hurley prosi Charlie\u2019go by ten przeni\u00F3s\u0142 swoja gitar\u0119 gdzie\u015B indziej, robi\u0105c miejsce dla zaopatrzenia. To wyprowadzi\u0142o Charliego z r\u00F3wnowagi, poszed\u0142 do Jacka i powiedzia\u0142 mu by przesta\u0142 si\u0119 rz\u0105dzi\u0107. Niespodziewanie jaskinia zacz\u0119\u0142a si\u0119 wali\u0107. Kiedy Charlie zdo\u0142a\u0142 uciec, Jack pozosta\u0142 uwi\u0119ziony w \u015Brodku! Kate i Sayid podr\u00F3\u017Cowali przez d\u017Cungl\u0119 by ustawi\u0107 anteny, podczas gdy Charlie pobieg\u0142 na pla\u017C\u0119 po pomoc. Boone zostawi\u0142 Shannon, gdy\u017C to on by\u0142 odpowiedzialny za ustawienie ostatniej anteny. Sawyer pobieg\u0142 powiedzie\u0107 Kate co przydarzy\u0142o si\u0119 Jackowi. Przenosimy si\u0119 w retrospekcji do okresu \u015Bwietno\u015Bci Drive Shaft. Podczas koncertu Charlie sta\u0142 na scenie obok Liama, rozentuzjazmowani fani krzyczeli. Kiedy zacz\u0119li sw\u00F3j przeb\u00F3j \u201EY\u2019all Everybody\u201D, Liam za\u015Bpiewa\u0142 refren. Za scen\u0105 Charlie upomnia\u0142 brata, \u017Ce za\u015Bpiewa\u0142 nie swoj\u0105 cz\u0119\u015B\u0107. Liam t\u0142umaczy, \u017Ce zamy\u015Bli\u0142 si\u0119 przez chwil\u0119 i zlekcewa\u017Cy\u0142 Charlie\u2019go. Charlie patrzy\u0142 na starszego brata, kt\u00F3ry wyci\u0105gn\u0105\u0142 znajomy br\u0105zowy proszek. Liam pu\u015Bci\u0142 oko i u\u015Bmiechn\u0105\u0142 si\u0119, nast\u0119pnie poszed\u0142 \u0107pa\u0107. Powr\u00F3t na Wysp\u0119. Wszyscy starali si\u0119 oczy\u015Bci\u0107 wej\u015Bcie do jaskini ze ska\u0142. Kiedy przyby\u0142 Michael, wykorzysta\u0142 swoje 8-letnie do\u015Bwiadczenie w budownictwie \u2013 koordynowa\u0142 prac\u0119 do momentu, w kt\u00F3rym m\u00F3g\u0142 oceni\u0107, kt\u00F3re miejsce jest do\u015B\u0107 stabilne by zacz\u0105\u0107 kopa\u0107. W d\u017Cungli Sawyer zatrzyma\u0142 Kate i Sayida, by przekaza\u0107 im wie\u015Bci odno\u015Bnie Jacka. Niemi\u0142e komentarze Kate powoduj\u0105, \u017Ce Sawyer postanawia nie m\u00F3wi\u0107 im o wypadku w jaskiniach, zamiast tego pod\u0105\u017Ca z nimi. Kiedy Locke oczyszcza\u0142 kolejnego dzika, Charlie przyby\u0142 i powiedzia\u0142 mu o sytuacji z Jackiem. Lecz Locke wiedzia\u0142, jaki jest prawdziwy pow\u00F3d, przez kt\u00F3ry Charlie do niego przyszed\u0142 \u2013 chcia\u0142 swojej dzia\u0142ki. Locke pokaza\u0142 Charliemu kokon, z kt\u00F3rego usi\u0142owa\u0142a wydosta\u0107 si\u0119 larwa. Wyja\u015Bni\u0142, \u017Ce m\u00F3g\u0142by jej pom\u00F3c, lecz wtedy b\u0119dzie za s\u0142aba by przetrwa\u0107 - uwalnianie si\u0119 z kokonu to jej naturalny spos\u00F3b wzmacniania si\u0119. Locke przypomnia\u0142 Charlie\u2019mu ze je\u017Celi jeszcze raz poprosi go o narkotyki \u2013 b\u0119d\u0105 jego. W jaskiniach, tunel zosta\u0142 odkopany na tyle, by mo\u017Cna by\u0142o s\u0142ysze\u0107 Jacka. Powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce jest przygnieciony i nie mo\u017Ce si\u0119 ruszy\u0107. Michael przekaza\u0142 t\u0119 wiadomo\u015B\u0107 grupie i powiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce kto\u015B ma\u0142y powinien p\u00F3j\u015B\u0107 po Jacka. Charlie, kt\u00F3ry akurat wr\u00F3ci\u0142 od Locke\u2019a, zg\u0142osi\u0142 si\u0119 na ochotnika. Sayid, Kate i Sawyer zatrzymali si\u0119 by ustawi\u0107 kolejn\u0105 anten\u0119. Sayid poleci\u0142 Kate by o 17 wystrzeli\u0142a swoj\u0105 rac\u0119. Nast\u0119pnie zostawi\u0142 Kate i Sawyera razem. Sawyer stara si\u0119 dowiedzie\u0107 co Kate widzi w Jacku. Kate m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce Sawyer nie dorasta Jackowi do pi\u0119t, a on na to \u017Ce Jack jest prawdopodobnie martwy. Charlie czo\u0142ga si\u0119 przez tunel do Jacka. Pojawia si\u0119 retrospekcja, w kt\u00F3rej tunelem jest droga przez t\u0142um za kulisami. Widzi Liama, kt\u00F3ry pije i \u0107pa. Podczas, gdy Liam uwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce nic si\u0119 nie sta\u0142o, Charlie grozi przerwaniem trasy koncertowej. Przypomina, \u017Ce sprawy zasz\u0142y za daleko i musz\u0105 zrezygnowa\u0107, tak jak to sobie obiecali. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce Liam zniszczy\u0142 Drive Shaft, Liam ripostuje, \u017Ce Drive Shaft to tylko i wy\u0142\u0105cznie on. Ponadto, powiedzia\u0142 \u017Ce Charlie jest niczym bez zespo\u0142u i odszed\u0142. Za\u0142amany Charlie bierze paczk\u0119 z narkotykami i wysypuje troch\u0119 na r\u0119k\u0119. Zastanawia si\u0119, czy wzi\u0105\u0107\u2026 W p\u00F3\u0142 drogi, tunel za Charlie\u2019m zawala si\u0119. Charlie zd\u0105\u017Ca dotrze\u0107 do Jacka, jednak teraz obaj s\u0105 uwi\u0119zieni w \u015Brodku. Charlie zdejmuje kawa\u0142ek ska\u0142y z ramienia Jacka, nast\u0119pnie nastawia mu bark. W retrospekcji przenosimy si\u0119 gdzie\u015B na przedmie\u015Bcia w Australii. Charlie puka do drzwi, otwiera mu ca\u0142kiem odmieniony Liam. Charlie m\u00F3wi, \u017Ce za\u0142atwi\u0142 im wyst\u0119p w Los Angeles. Lecz Liam zacz\u0105\u0142 nowe \u017Cycie \u2013 ma \u017Con\u0119 i dziecko. Kiedy Charlie \u015Bci\u0105ga okulary przeciws\u0142oneczne, Liam orientuje si\u0119, ze Charlie znowu bierze. Oferuje mu pomoc. W\u015Bciek\u0142y Charlie odchodzi, zmierza na brzemienny w skutki lot do Los Angeles. Na zewn\u0105trz, ludzie zacz\u0119li traci\u0107 nadziej\u0119. Kate przyby\u0142a i namawia\u0142a by nie zaprzestawa\u0107 wysi\u0142kom. Wewn\u0105trz, Jack szybko przekona\u0142 si\u0119, co jest nie tak z Charlie'm. Powiedzia\u0142 \u017Ce pomo\u017Ce mu, je\u017Celi uda im si\u0119 st\u0105d wydosta\u0107 \u2013 wyczerpuje im si\u0119 tlen \u2013 bardzo szybko. Charlie zauwa\u017Cy\u0142 \u0107m\u0119, kt\u00F3ra lata\u0142a wewn\u0105trz jaskini. Pod\u0105\u017Ca\u0142 za ni\u0105 do ma\u0142ego otworu i zacz\u0105\u0142 kopa\u0107 \u2013 podczas, gdy Kate i reszta kopali z drugiej strony. Charlie i Jack wydostali si\u0119 na powierzchnie i wr\u00F3cili do obozu. Kate szcz\u0119\u015Bliwa, \u017Ce widzi Jacka \u017Cywego, rzuci\u0142a mu si\u0119 w ramiona. Jack by\u0142 wdzi\u0119czny Charliemu za wyci\u0105gni\u0119cie ich stamt\u0105d. W mi\u0119dzyczasie, Sayid by\u0142 ju\u017C gotowy do w\u0142\u0105czenia swojej anteny, wi\u0119c wystrzeli\u0142 rac\u0119. Trzecia raca zosta\u0142a wystrzelona z pozycji Kate. Sayid w\u0142\u0105czy\u0142 anten\u0119 by z\u0142apa\u0107 sygna\u0142, wtedy niespodziewanie otrzyma\u0142 cios w g\u0142ow\u0119. Kto\u015B lub co\u015B nie chce, by opu\u015Bcili Wysp\u0119. Tej nocy w jaskiniach Charlie poprosi\u0142 Locke\u2019a o narkotyki. To by\u0142 trzeci raz, Locke dotrzyma\u0142 s\u0142owa i mu je odda\u0142 Charlie niespodziewanie wrzuci\u0142 je do ognia. Locke powiedzia\u0142 Charlie\u2019mu, \u017Ce jest z niego dumny i wiedzia\u0142, \u017Ce jest w stanie to zrobi\u0107. Charlie obserwowa\u0142 \u0107m\u0119 lataj\u0105c\u0105 wok\u00F3\u0142 ognia, nareszcie wolny od swego na\u0142ogu."@pl . . "Glenn Cannon - Padre Ingl\u00EAs"@pt . "The Moth is the name given to a non-canonical small moth that appears to Gandalf occasionally to advise that the Eagles are coming."@en . . . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . . . . . "Charlie begins to suffer from withdrawal symptoms."@en . "\"[[|]]\" es el episodio siete de la primera temporada de Lost. Charlie comienza una dura batalla para dejar las drogas, sorprendentemente ayudado por Locke, cuyo verdadero motivo para ayudar a Charlie es un misterio. Mientras, los supervivientes luchan por encontrar y liberar a Jack que ha sido enterrado vivo en un derrumbamiento de una cueva, y alguien debe estar frustrando en secreto el plan de Sayid, Kate y Boone para encontrar la fuente de la transmisi\u00F3n en franc\u00E9s. Flashback de Charlie Pace."@es . . "9"^^ . . . "2004-11-03"^^ . . "Moth"@en . . . "The Moth"@nl . "La polilla"@es . "200"^^ . "The Moth"@pt . . . "OK. So this episode starts out with Charlie attempting to strum his guitar. Unfortunately, the black circles under his eyes, the hood up and the dripping sweat all over his face means that he's starting to go through withdrawal, and even John Locke knows that the only person who could write well during that process was Kurt Cobain, so he suggests he and Charlie go for a midday stroll."@en . . "107"^^ . . . . . "\"The Moth\" is the seventh episode of Season 1 of Lost. Charlie struggles with withdrawal symptoms after giving his remaining heroin stash to John Locke. Elsewhere, Sayid sets his plan in motion to isolate the origin of the French distress signal, in the hope that it could provide means of finding a way off the Island. Flashbacks in this episode center around Charlie's struggles with the temptations involved with being a rock star and also his older brother's massive ego."@en . . "The Moth"@pt . . . . "The Moth lead Moth Flight throughout Moth Flight's Vision, including to aid Moth Flight and Micah in the discovery of the Moonstone."@en . "The Moth"@da . . "Malcolm David Kelley - Walt Lloyd"@en . . . . "Happy_Locke.jpg"@en . "1"^^ . . "Charlie attempts to deal with a conflict plaguing him. Jack becomes trapped in a cave-in and Charlie makes an effort to rescue him. Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid try and triangluate the source of the French Transmission."@en . "Sayid explains his plan to Kate and Boone."@en . . . . . "left"@en . "Light"@en . . . . "2005-04-15"^^ . "CharlieDriveShaf1x07.jpg"@en . . . "Josh Holloway - James Ford"@en . . .