"no"@en . "2"^^ . . . "Tom 72 Shih\u014Din.png"@pl . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@es . "Askin Nakk Le Vaar"@en . . . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 657. GOD OF THUNDER 2\nIskierki pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 w jej oczach, a naelektryzowane w\u0142osy unosz\u0105 si\u0119 na podobie\u0144stwo rog\u00F3w \u2013 to Yoruichi si\u0119ga po technik\u0119 Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei. Ugadza ni\u0105 Stern Rittera \u201ED\u201D, a okolic\u0119 zamienia w gruzowisko. Z zawieruchy wyci\u0105ga Orihime, kt\u00F3rej poleca uzdrowi\u0107 siebie i pozosta\u0142ych, a nast\u0119pnie rusza\u0107 w dalsz\u0105 drog\u0119. Dawna mentorka zapewnia, \u017Ce ruszy ich \u015Bladem po upewnieniu si\u0119, \u017Ce wr\u00F3g nie \u017Cyje.\n\nYoruichi wyczuwa, co si\u0119 \u015Bwi\u0119ci \u2013 ze znudzon\u0105 min\u0105 unika nadci\u0105gaj\u0105cego Y\u016Bshir\u014D i wyci\u0105gni\u0119tych do u\u015Bcisku ramion. M\u0142odszy brat z entuzjazmem ponawia pr\u00F3b\u0119 przytulenia jej, lecz siostra odpiera ataki braterskich uczu\u0107 i koniec ko\u0144c\u00F3w nokautuje go. Gdy Y\u016Bshir\u014D wo\u0142a, \u017Ce przyby\u0142 jej z pomoc\u0105, w oczach Yoruichi zapalaj\u0105 si\u0119 z\u0142owr\u00F3\u017Cbne ognie. Z ironi\u0105 stwierdza, \u017Ce Y\u016Bshir\u014D wzr\u00F3s\u0142 w si\u0142\u0119. Na to z kolei oczy przyw\u00F3dcy klanu wzbieraj\u0105 \u0142zami, a z jego ust p\u0142yn\u0105 podzi\u0119kowania za dostrze\u017Cenie jego mocy. Yoruichi przypomina sobie, \u017Ce bratu obce jest poj\u0119cie sarkazmu.\n\nW t\u0119 \u2013 jak sam j\u0105 nazywa \u2013 serdeczn\u0105 rozmow\u0119 wkracza Askin. Si\u0142y odzyskuje te\u017C Ichigo, kt\u00F3remu Yoruichi nakazuje rusza\u0107 dalej. Przed odbiegni\u0119ciem z Chadem i Inoue, Kurosaki ostrzega j\u0105, by by\u0142a ostro\u017Cna. Zak\u0142opotany Askin obawia si\u0119, \u017Ce Jego Wysoko\u015B\u0107 udzieli mu reprymendy za wypuszczenie Kurosakiego, lecz rywalka twierdzi, \u017Ce pokonaj\u0105 i jego i Yhwacha. Nakk Le Vaar kpi\u0105co przeinacza nazw\u0119 techniki dawnej kapitan oraz bierze Y\u016Bshir\u014D za dziewczynk\u0119, czym nara\u017Ca si\u0119 na jego gniew. Pi\u0119\u015B\u0107 Y\u016Bshir\u014D uderza prosto w nos autora drwin. Kolejne kuksy spadaj\u0105 na Askina, kt\u00F3ry poznaje si\u0142\u0119 ch\u0142opca. Y\u016Bshir\u014D Sakimune Shih\u014Din wymienia sw\u00F3j tytu\u0142 obok stwierdzenia, \u017Ce n\u0119dzny Quincy nie mo\u017Ce go przewy\u017Cszy\u0107. Uwalnia si\u0119 z naramiennika, po czym u\u017Cywa Shunk\u014D: Bakuen Mus\u014D.\n\nSiostra przyznaje, \u017Ce Y\u016Bshir\u014D w kr\u00F3tkim czasie opanowa\u0142 Shunk\u014D, kt\u00F3rego go uczy\u0142a. Rodze\u0144stwo jest zdiwione, gdy obj\u0119ty p\u0142omieniami Askin odzywa si\u0119 i oznajmia, \u017Ce dostarczyli mu olbrzymiej ilo\u015Bci Reiatsu, przez co ju\u017C nie jest ono w stanie go zabi\u0107."@pl . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@es . "\u56DB\u6953\u9662 \u591C"@es . "Peace Sells... but Who's Buying.png"@en . . . "no"@en . . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 662. GOD OF THUNDER 3\nRozci\u0105gni\u0119ty na ziemi jak w trumnie Nakk Le Vaar nie pr\u00F3buje unikn\u0105\u0107 od\u0142amk\u00F3w kolumny, pierwszej ofiary tocz\u0105cej si\u0119 w g\u00F3rze walki, kt\u00F3re lec\u0105 prosto na niego. Mimo to spory kamie\u0144 wbija si\u0119 obok jego g\u0142owy. Askin przyznaje, \u017Ce czuje si\u0119 daleki od grobu. Spytana o zdanie Yoruichi \u2013 powalona na kolana, pokryta potem Yoruichi \u2013 rzuca, \u017Ce nie s\u0142ucha\u0142a jego monologu. Truciciel wyra\u017Ca przekonanie, \u017Ce po przyj\u0119ciu Gift Ball nie mog\u0142a go s\u0142ysze\u0107. Na zainteresowanie przeciwnika jej stanem, pi\u0119kno\u015B\u0107 stwierdza, \u017Ce bawi si\u0119 on dawkami tak, by utrzyma\u0107 j\u0105 na skraju \u017Cycia i \u015Bmierci. Quincy przeczy temu i prosi j\u0105, by zaakceptowa\u0142a fakt bycia besti\u0105. Bogini B\u0142ysku spogl\u0105da na rannego brata z my\u015Bl\u0105 o pomocy mu i wtedy podskakuje do niej wr\u00F3g. Poniewa\u017C nie zareagowa\u0142a na jego podej\u015Bcie, Askin os\u0105dza, \u017Ce jest bliska \u015Bmierci.\n\nZ tym, \u017Ce jest to fatalna sytuacja, zgadza si\u0119 Kisuke Urahara, kt\u00F3ry pojawia si\u0119 na ty\u0142ach przyjaci\u00F3\u0142ki. Niewybrednym komentarzem o wpijaj\u0105cej si\u0119 odzie\u017Cy Yoruichi zas\u0142uguje u niej na kopni\u0119cie i sprzeczk\u0119. Kapelusznik zostaje rozpoznany, co mu pochlebia. Na wie\u015B\u0107, \u017Ce zosta\u0142 zaliczony jako Jednostka o Wybitnym Potencjale Bojowym odpiera, \u017Ce czuje si\u0119 zaszczycony i przeceniony. Gdy dotyka kole\u017Canki tam, gdzie plecy trac\u0105 sw\u0105 szlachetn\u0105 nazw\u0119, Shih\u014Din wzbija si\u0119 w g\u00F3r\u0119, zdumiewaj\u0105c Askina i daj\u0105c mu do my\u015Blenia. Cz\u0142onek Wandenreich przywo\u0142uje w my\u015Blach wiedz\u0119 o potencja\u0142ach bojowych i Uraharze, wybranym za pomys\u0142y. Oczy Askina mru\u017C\u0105 si\u0119, a k\u0105ciki ust podnosz\u0105, cho\u0107 w duchu Quincy uskar\u017Ca si\u0119 na przytrafiaj\u0105ce si\u0119 mu trudno\u015Bci.\n\nYoruichi dowiaduje si\u0119, \u017Ce zaaplikowany jej via anus \u015Brodek b\u0119dzie dzia\u0142a\u0142 5 minut. Si\u0119ga po Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei, lecz Kisuke namawia j\u0105 do u\u017Cycia innej techniki. Kobieta stanowczo odmawia transformacji. Gdy rozmow\u0119 przerywa im strza\u0142a Askina, Yoruichi rusza do natarcia, jednak wr\u00F3g unika cios\u00F3w i powala j\u0105. Mi\u0119dzy jego nogami kobieta dostrzega stukaj\u0105cego w kartk\u0119 Urahar\u0119. Zgodnie z napisem na kartce, gdy ta zostaje przez naukowca rozerwana, Shih\u014Din ulega metamorfozie."@pl . "Chap591Pg1IchigoCharaPic.png"@en . "Yoruichi Shih\u014Din"@es . "AllStars_Ichigo72.png"@es . "Ep329UraharaProfileOption4.png"@en . "654"^^ . "655"^^ . "no"@en . "653"^^ . . ""@en . . "Askin Nakk Le Vaar"@pl . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 662. GOD OF THUNDER 3.\nAs parts of Silbern fall away due to the clash inside it, the pieces fall toward Askin and miss him. Askin lies on the ground, commenting that no matter what he went through, he could not die, and asks Yoruichi for her opinion. Yoruichi ignores Askin as she struggles to keep herself up due to being blasted with a Gift Ball containing Reishi, oxygen, and nitrogen. Askin expresses his surprise that Yoruichi is still alive, and Yoruichi replies that she does not know what to think about him playing with her. However, Askin says that he was trying his best to kill her and tells her to stop putting him down just to make herself look stronger. Yoruichi looks at the fallen Y\u016Bshir\u014D, knowing he could not last much longer in his state but she did not have the strength to heal him. However, Askin gets right in front of her, saying that she is as good as dead if he could get this close to her. \n\nSuddenly, Kisuke arrives, touches Yoruichi's rear end, and comments on it, causing her to kick him in the chin. Kisuke is annoyed that Yoruichi treated him this way after he came to rescue her, and Yoruichi replies that he should not have touched her and said a vulgar line. Askin recognizes Kisuke, which flatters the Shinigami, but Askin says that he does not care for acquaintances and only knows that Kisuke was recognized as a special war power by Yhwach. Kisuke says that that was an overestimation as Yoruichi leaps up into the air, shocking Askin. Askin realizes that this was why Kisuke was part of the special war powers, five Shinigami chosen for specific qualities which were enough to be considered unknown variables: Ichigo Kurosaki for his latent ability, Kenpachi Zaraki for his fighting strength, Ichib\u0113 Hy\u014Dsube for his wisdom, S\u014Dsuke Aizen for his Reiatsu, and Urahara for his unknown schemes. Askin realizes that this must be why he constantly has difficulties now.\n\nYoruichi asks Kisuke what he injected into her rear end, but figures out that it was an immunity strengthening drug. Kisuke confirms it, but since it was rushed, it will only last for about five minutes. Yoruichi activates Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei again, but Kisuke stops her and suggests that she activate another technique. Yoruichi immediately refuses, saying she would never transform into that form again. However, Kisuke says it was unfortunate that she would need a nudge, and they dodge Askin's Heilig Pfeil. Yoruichi rushes toward Askin, but he dodges her strike and comments on how fast she is moving again as he punches her in the stomach. Yoruichi collapses again as Kisuke shows her a piece of paper, saying that once he peels it off, she would transform. Kisuke peels the paper, causing a massive explosion around Yoruichi which pushes Askin back. Askin looks in shock at Yoruichi, who has gained animalistic features with Shinshun Ch\u014Dhenge."@en . "Tom 72 Ok\u0142adka.png"@pl . "Kisuke Urahara"@es . "no"@en . "no"@en . . "3"^^ . "SR"@en . . . "658"^^ . "659"^^ . "Tom 72 Nakk Le Vaar.png"@pl . "656"^^ . "657"^^ . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 663. GOD OF THUNDER 4\nOtoczon\u0105 b\u0142yskawicami, bogatsz\u0105 w ogon i szpony Yoruichi Askin nie bez szoku pyta, czym jest ta forma. Nazw\u0119 Shunk\u014D: Raiju Senkei: Shunry\u016B Kokuby\u014D Senkei podaje mu u\u015Bmiechni\u0119ty kapelusznik, przez co Quincy orientuje si\u0119, \u017Ce pi\u0119kno\u015Bci odt\u0105d obca jest ludzka mowa. W akompaniamencie ryku kocica doskakuje do Stern Rittera i, ku jego zdumieniu, rani go w rami\u0119. Jej drugi cios wysy\u0142a go w woja\u017C przez budynki.\n\nZaatakowany zastanawia si\u0119 nad sytuacj\u0105; stwierdza, \u017Ce posiad\u0142 odporno\u015B\u0107 na Reiatsu Shih\u014Din, a nie mo\u017Ce ono ulec zmianie w trakcie walki. Urahara wyrasta obok z wyja\u015Bnieniami. Jak t\u0142umaczy, Reiatsu jego przyjaci\u00F3\u0142ki zmienia si\u0119 jak kaprysy kota. Yoruichi, jeszcze przed chwil\u0105 zaj\u0119ta lizaniem \u0142apy, z u\u015Bmiechem pojawia si\u0119 przed Askinem i atakuje go. Podczas gdy naukowiec na przyk\u0142adzie wirusa grypy obja\u015Bnia, dlaczego truciciel nie b\u0119dzie w stanie obroni\u0107 si\u0119 przed zmieniaj\u0105cym si\u0119 46 razy na sekund\u0119 Reiatsu Yoruichi, ta szar\u017Cuje na przeciwnika. Askin zostaje trafiony przez wielk\u0105 b\u0142yskawic\u0119 i spada w\u015Br\u00F3d zabudowa\u0144.\n\nUrahara wo\u0142a kotk\u0119, kt\u00F3ra zatrzyma\u0142a si\u0119 na wie\u017Cyczce, wymachuj\u0105c zabawk\u0105. Ta reaguje na to rado\u015Bnie, ob\u015Blinia jego policzek i sk\u0142ada g\u0142ow\u0119 na jego kolanach. Sklepikarz komentuje wady jej transformacji \u2013 fakt, \u017Ce jedynie on potrafi nad ni\u0105 zapanowa\u0107, a kobieta wr\u00F3ci do swej ludzkiej postaci, gdy b\u0119dzie w humorze \u2013 po czym zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce min\u0105\u0142 efekt podanego jej \u015Brodka. Postanawia wyko\u0144czy\u0107 Nakk Le Vaara, lecz wtedy okolica zostaje obj\u0119ta przez Gift Ball Deluxe. Stern Ritter \u201ED\u201D przedstawia sw\u00F3j Quincy: Vollst\u00E4ndig, Hasshein."@pl . "662"^^ . "663"^^ . "660"^^ . "661"^^ . "200"^^ . . "no"@en . "200"^^ . "Gerard Valkyrie"@es . "My Last Words"@en . . "AllStars_Uryu72.png"@es . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 657. GOD OF THUNDER 2.\nAs her Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei levels the nearby buildings, Yoruichi rescues Orihime from Gift Bad and tells her to heal herself and the others before promising to follow them once she confirms Askin is dead. However, she is interrupted when Y\u016Bshir\u014D attempts to hug her from behind, only for her to casually dodge before headbutting him when he moves behind her. When Yoruichi questions why he is not with Urahara and the others, Y\u016Bshir\u014D claims that he came to her rescue because there were already several captain-level combatants in his group. Yoruichi sarcastically praises Y\u016Bshir\u014D's growth, only for him to believe it is genuine, before the two of them are interrupted by Askin, who apologizes for ruining the family reunion. Seeing Ichigo getting to his feet behind her, Yoruichi tells him to go on ahead, prompting him to do so alongside Orihime and Sado. When Askin wonders if Yoruichi is going to attack him with her \"Wonder Dog\" technique again, Y\u016Bshir\u014D angrily corrects him and, upon being addressed as a girl, punches Askin in the face multiple times. Proclaiming his title as the head of the Shih\u014Din family, Y\u016Bshir\u014D activates his Shunk\u014D and uses Bakuen Mus\u014D, engulfing Askin in an enormous explosion. As Yoruichi grudgingly commends Y\u016Bshir\u014D for having developed his Shunk\u014D so far despite having only recently learned it, Askin, having survived the attack, thanks them for attacking him with so much Reiatsu before revealing that they will not be able to harm him with it any longer."@en . "Yoruichi Shih\u014Din"@pl . "no"@en . "Gerard Valkyrie"@en . "Ch537Pg16UryuCharaPic.png"@en . "MY LAST WORDS es el septuag\u00E9simo segundo volumen de Bleach que fue publicado el 2 de Mayo del 2016."@es . "no"@en . "250"^^ . "Ep246YoruichiCharaPic.png"@en . "\u6D66\u539F \u559C\u52A9"@pl . . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 660. The Visible Answer.\nOrihime and Sado notice the blast created by Haschwalth's attack and rush to Ichigo's location, only to be shocked upon seeing Ury\u016B standing before them. Noting that all the players have arrived, Haschwalth steps through the hole in the wall and tells Ury\u016B that he should prove his loyalty by killing Ichigo, Orihime, and Sado before claiming that he can already see how Ury\u016B is going to respond. Ury\u016B fires two Heilig Pfeil at Ichigo, who dodges before leaping forward and clashing with Ury\u016B. As Ichigo demands to know why Ury\u016B is fighting them at Haschwalth's behest, Ury\u016B pushes him back with a Seele Schneider before firing it at the ground underneath Ichigo, who is initially caught by Sado before falling down along with him and Orihime, who manages to cushion their fall with Santen Kesshun. However, Ury\u016B follows them down there, prompting Ichigo to ask him why he is siding with the Quincies. Ury\u016B tosses him a Sun Key and explains that it will allow Ichigo and his friends to get down to the Sun Gate connected to the Human World. Revealing that he intends to stay behind and destroy Wahrwelt, Ury\u016B explains how the chips he has scattered will activate and obliterate the city. Ichigo demands to know why he has to do this alone, prompting Ury\u016B to reveal that only his Reiatsu can activate them because they were handed down to him by S\u014Dken Ishida. As Ury\u016B tells Ichigo to leave before Haschwalth notices something is wrong, Haschwalth interrupts and reminds Ury\u016B that he already knew how Ury\u016B would respond."@en . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@en . "thumb|left|190px|The cover page of 655. THE MIRACLE.\nGerard explains that miracles should only occur under certain circumstances so that people recognize them for what they are, prompting Renji to ask him if he always talks like this. As Gerard proclaims that he will show the Shinigami a true miracle, Byakuya engulfs his head with Senbonzakura before flicking the blades sideways, which causes Gerard's bloody helmet to fly off. Seeing this, Momo wonders if they needed to go so far for someone who was close to death, only for Shinji to point out that Gerard would have likely turned the entire situation around with a single attack if they had let him live and figure out how their abilities worked. After blasting Gerard with Senbonzakura a second time, Byakuya attempts to leave alongside the other Shinigami, only to be interrupted by a giant foot smashing into the ground next to them.\n\nAs the Shinigami wonder what is going on, an enormous Gerard appears before them, smashing through nearby structures in the process, and reveals that The Miracle allows him to convert damage that he takes into increases in size and power before admitting that he has never been damaged to this extent before. Gerard breaks off and throws a tower at the Shinigami, forcing them to scatter as Shinji grabs Momo by the hand when she begins to fall off. After Gerard smashes his hand into the area where Shinji and Momo are, Byakuya attacks him with Senbonzakura, only for Gerard to block the petals with his hand before destroying the building where Byakuya is standing. After blowing away Rukia and Renji with his breath, Gerard proclaims that there are no miracles coming to save the Shinigami."@en . "BABY HOLD YOUR HAND"@es . "Askin Nakk Le Vaar"@es . "MY LAST WORDS is the seventy-second volume of the Bleach manga series."@en . "5"^^ . . "Metal"@en . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 656. GOD OF THUNDER.\nAs Gerard smashes through more buildings, Askin observes him from afar while noting that Gerard has unleashed his Schrift before admitting that Gerard probably does not know that Lille has been defeated. Revealing that Lille was the leader of the Schutzstaffel, Askin notes that Gerard and Pernida Parnkgjas had possessed powers prior to Yhwach bestowing a Schrift upon them and that Pernida was rumored to be the left hand of the Soul King while Gerard is rumored to be his heart. Asking Ichigo if this was a short enough summary for him, Askin notes that it is probably difficult for him to take it all in as Ichigo lies motionless on the ground.\n\nUpon seeing Orihime and Sado moving toward him, Ichigo warns them to stay back, only for Sado to attack Askin with Brazo Derecha de Gigante. However, as Askin leaps back, Orihime and Sado fall to their knees and wonder why they cannot stand, prompting Askin to reveal that they have entered his Gift Bad and explains how those who enter it can have their resistance to something lowered before stating that he has lowered their resistance to Reishi, which is causing them to be \"poisoned\" by the dense Reishi of the Royal Realm. As Askin explains how he has to take a substance into his body in order to lower the resistance of others to that substance, Yoruichi appears on a ledge behind him and notes that he should just strangle his opponents while they cannot move, prompting Askin to inform her that Bambietta Basterbine said the same thing to him before kicking at her while asking if it is too hard for her to have any delicacy.\n\nDodging Askin's kick, Yoruichi asks him if he believes his opponents are beneath him, only for Askin to claim that controlling lethal doses has much more finesse than strangling people. When Yoruichi activates Shunk\u014D and claims Askin is trying to explain how the beautiful must do things, Askin summons his Heilig Bogen before proclaiming that a woman's value lies in her style and presentation. Askin fires two Heilig Pfeil at Yoruichi, who dodges one before throwing the other back at Askin, who is hit in the shoulder. Stating that Askin will let them through now, Yoruichi activates Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei before engulfing Askin in a massive blast."@en . . "no"@en . "no"@en . "Tom 72 Valkyrie.png"@pl . . "no"@en . "My Last Words is a song by Megadeth {| class=\"collapsible collapsed\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: center;\""@en . "Ciebie, stoj\u0105c w ciemno\u015Bci\u201D"@pl . "Male"@en . "\u30B8\u30A7\u30E9\u30EB\u30C9\u30FB\u30F4\u30A1\u30EB\u30AD\u30EA\u30FC"@es . "0978-04-08"^^ . "yes"@en . "\u77F3\u7530\u96E8\u7ADC"@es . "MY LAST WORDS"@es . . "Megadeth"@en . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 656. GOD OF THUNDER \nZanosz\u0105cego si\u0119 \u015Bmiechem olbrzyma z oddali taksuje wzrokiem Askin. Obserwator czyni uwag\u0119 na temat uwolnienia Schriftu przez pana Gerarda i poddaje w w\u0105tpliwo\u015B\u0107 odnotowanie przez kolosa pora\u017Cki Lille. Korzystaj\u0105c z okazji, postanawia uchyli\u0107 r\u0105bka tajemnicy na temat Schutzstaffel. \n\nOpis rozpoczyna w\u0142a\u015Bnie od Lille, ciesz\u0105cego si\u0119 niepodwa\u017Caln\u0105 pozycj\u0105 lidera formacji. Wedle jego s\u0142\u00F3w, strzelec by\u0142 pierwszym Quincym obdarzonym przez Yhwacha moc\u0105. Inaczej, jak opowiada, mia\u0142a si\u0119 sprawa z Pernid\u0105 oraz Gerardem, kt\u00F3rzy od pocz\u0105tku posiadali swe zdolno\u015Bci. Wspomina, \u017Ce z tego powodu wok\u00F3\u0142 to\u017Csamo\u015Bci tej dw\u00F3jki naros\u0142y plotki. Mawiano, \u017Ce Pernida jest lew\u0105 r\u0119k\u0105, a Gerard samym sercem Kr\u00F3la Dusz. Askin, d\u017Awigaj\u0105c si\u0119 na nogi, nazywa te pog\u0142oski absurdem. Cho\u0107 pyta o zdanie rozm\u00F3wc\u0119, rozci\u0105gni\u0119ty na ziemi Kurosaki nie by\u0142 w stanie wys\u0142ucha\u0107 jego s\u0142\u00F3w.\n\nChad i Orihime zjawiaj\u0105 si\u0119, aby uratowa\u0107 koleg\u0119. Ciche ostrze\u017Cenie Przedstawiciela Shinigami pozostaje bez echa. Meksykanin zd\u0105\u017Ca wyprowadzi\u0107 zaledwie jeden atak, kiedy teren obleka mrok. Dziwne symptomy dotykaj\u0105 Chada i Orihime. Nie mog\u0105 oni podnie\u015B\u0107 si\u0119 z kl\u0119czek, chocia\u017C Nakk Le Vaar nie wyj\u0105\u0142 nawet d\u0142oni z kieszeni.\n\nJak z gestykulacj\u0105 obja\u015Bnia winowajca, ma to przyczyn\u0119 w technice zwanej Gift Bad, dzi\u0119ki kt\u00F3rej jest w stanie zmniejszy\u0107 odporno\u015B\u0107 os\u00F3b, znajduj\u0105cych si\u0119 w polu ra\u017Cenia, na wybrany czynnik. Wyjawia, \u017Ce tym razem jego wyb\u00F3r pad\u0142 na Reishi \u2013 to wysokie st\u0119\u017Cenie Reishi w Wahrwelt sta\u0142o si\u0119 truj\u0105ce dla jego przeciwnik\u00F3w. Przyznaje, \u017Ce w celu zabicia poprzez manipulowanie dawk\u0105 \u015Bmierteln\u0105 danej substancji, najpierw sam musi j\u0105 za\u017Cy\u0107. Dotyka swego brzucha, wzd\u0119tego po wypiciu zbyt wielu fili\u017Canek kawy, co t\u0142umaczy, dlaczego zabijanie musi chwil\u0119 zaczeka\u0107.\n\nAskin nie jest wstrz\u0105\u015Bni\u0119ty, gdy za jego plecami odzywa si\u0119 historyczna G\u0142\u00F3wnodowodz\u0105ca Onmitsukid\u014D. Gdy jednak Yoruichi czyni komentarz o skr\u0119caniu kark\u00F3w, kt\u00F3ry przypomina mu dra\u017Cni\u0105ce s\u0142owa Bambi-chan, podrywa nog\u0119 w pr\u00F3bie pocz\u0119stowania jej kopniakiem. Kobieta zwinnie l\u0105duje poza stref\u0105 dzia\u0142ania Gift Bad. Nakk Le Vaar przyznaje w rozmowie, \u017Ce preferuje zabija\u0107 z doz\u0105 elegancji. Brutalne metody przypisuje, jak wnioskuje Yoruichi, osza\u0142amiaj\u0105cym pi\u0119kno\u015Bciom. Energia otacza ramiona belle femme. Askin nie odmawia jej urody, lecz wo\u0142a, \u017Ce o warto\u015Bci kobiety przes\u0105dza styl. Z bransolet na jego r\u0119ce wysuwa si\u0119 \u0142uk, a z tego z kolei wypuszczone zostaj\u0105 strza\u0142y. Hurysa przechwytuje jedn\u0105 z nich, wiruje w locie i ugadza ni\u0105 \u0142ucznika. Po tym rozk\u0142ada r\u0119ce, si\u0119gaj\u0105c po technik\u0119 zwan\u0105 Shunk\u014D: Raijin Senkei, kt\u00F3ra przy\u0107miewa m\u0119\u017Cczyzn\u0119."@pl . "\"''If my words were to take form,"@en . "Peace Sells... but Who's Buying?"@en . "Ury\u016B Ishida"@pl . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 653. The Theatre Suicide SCENE 7.\nIn the past, Nanao's mother gives Shunsui's brother one of her hairpins, saying that while he is away fighting Hollows, knowing that they he has one of her pins will help comfort her. Upon seeing a young Shunsui leering at him, his brother headbutts him before telling him to go home and study. However, when Shunsui claims that he has mellowed out in his old age, his brother clarifies that this is simply the goodness of Nanao's mother finally showing on him.\n\nIn the present, Nanao tumbles to the ground after slicing off Lille's hand and notes that she did not realize fighting with a sword could be this frightening before realizing that the light which burst out of the wound has cut her leg. As Nanao panics over how much it hurts and how she cannot move her legs, Shunsui appears behind her, prompting Lille to note that he has finally emerged before calling him pathetic for hiding behind his subordinate. Forming an enormous Reishi trumpet in the air above him, Lille tells Shunsui and Nanao to listen to his Trompete and perish as Shunsui assures Nanao that he will always be right behind her. Nanao notes that Shunsui is providing support for her like he always has as Trompete fires, erasing a large chunk of the city below. However, Lille suddenly has a large portion of his body blown off and sees Nanao and Shunsui standing on a sliver of ground below, with Nanao having reflected the blast at him. Calling the idea of reflecting a god's power a grave sin, Lille crumbles away."@en . . "\u77F3\u7530 \u96E8\u7ADC"@en . "2016-05-02"^^ . "BATTLE FIELD BURNING"@es . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@en . "\u56DB\u6953\u9662 \u591C\u4E00"@en . "2"^^ . "red"@en . . "654"^^ . "655"^^ . "no"@en . "653"^^ . . "no"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30EB"@es . "yes"@en . "no"@en . "no"@en . . "AllStars_Askin72.png"@es . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 658. Fatal Matters Are Cold.\nNoticing Askin's burns disappearing, Yoruichi asks him if he has healed his wounds, prompting Askin to confirm that he has become immune by raising the lethal dosage before reminding Yoruichi that she will be killed without even scratching him once if she keeps being shocked by this. Y\u016Bshir\u014D rushes toward Askin and attempts to hit him with another Shunk\u014D attack, but the attack dissipates as Askin shoots him through the chest with three Heilig Pfeil while reminding Y\u016Bshir\u014D that he already acquired immunity to this. As Yoruichi rushes over to a collapsed Y\u016Bshir\u014D, Askin informs her that taking this long to understand his true power was lethal.\n\nMeanwhile, as Gerard continues to walk around the city, Hiyori Sarugaki and Hachigen Ush\u014Dda hide within a building as Hiyori notes the others must have already been defeated. Lamenting how the captain-class fighters of the Gotei 13 have already been defeated, Gerard notes that he will simply have to search through the rubble for survivors before smashing another building while proclaiming that making the impossible possible is the definition of a miracle. However, he is interrupted by Hiyori, who tells him to shut up about miracles before donning her Hollow mask and firing a Cero. When Gerard brushes off the Cero and claims that it will take more than that to defeat him, Hiyori notes that no one said the Cero was meant to kill him as Hachigen, Love Aikawa, and Lisa Yad\u014Dmaru attack Gerard from behind, only for Gerard to easily withstand their attacks before sending all four of them flying into nearby buildings. Gerard decides to simply flatten the whole area, but has his right arm frozen in place as Hitsugaya tells him to stay frozen there for all eternity."@en . "Kisuke Urahara"@pl . "thumb|left|190px|The cover page of 654. Deadman Standing.\nPieces of Lille fall below the Royal Realm as Nanao collapses into Shunsui's arms. Commending Nanao for giving her all, Shunsui decides to return to the others before collapsing himself, which he notes is a sign that he should rest.\n\nMeanwhile, in the Seireitei, Aizen and several unseated Shinigami witness Lille's pieces crashing into the ground below and wonder what is going on. After blowing up one of the Shinigami, Lille emerges from the rubble in a new form while realizing that his halo is gone. Claiming that he has become sinful, Lille fires blasts in multiple directions while proclaiming that he will destroy Seireitei as revenge against Shunsui as several clones of him appear. However, Lille has his head split in half and explodes as Izuru Kira notes how annoying the clones are as he appears with his repaired body. Cutting through more clones, Izuru wonders how he survived this destruction before challenging the rest of the clones to battle.\n\nIn the Soul King Palace, a wounded Gerard is thrown into rubble as Renji reprimands him for thinking he could defeat multiple captains and lieutenants. However, Gerard merely grins while noting that doing so would be considered a miracle."@en . "Ichigo Kurosaki"@pl . "Tom 72 Urahara.png"@pl . "\u6D66\u539F \u559C\u52A9"@pl . "\u77F3\u7530 \u96E8\u7ADC"@pl . "yes"@en . . . "MY LAST WORDS is the seventy-second volume of the Bleach manga series."@en . "658"^^ . "659"^^ . . "\u9ED2\u5D0E \u4E00\u8B77"@pl . "656"^^ . "657"^^ . "662"^^ . ""@pl . . "663"^^ . "My Last Words is a song by Megadeth {| class=\"collapsible collapsed\" style=\"width: 100%; text-align: center;\""@en . "660"^^ . . "661"^^ . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 661. MY LAST WORDS.\nAs Haschwalth walks toward them, Ury\u016B tells Ichigo to head for the Sun Gate and that he will deal with Haschwalth. Ichigo attempts to protest, but Ury\u016B shouts at him to leave now. However, Haschwalth reminds Ury\u016B that he had already seen this happening, and the Sun Gate connecting to the real world had already been destroyed. Haschwalth says that he will put an end to this before Yhwach awakens, and he begins warping the shadows around him. Ichigo prepares to fight, but Ury\u016B realizes a meaning behind what Haschwalth said. He tells Ichigo that since Haschwalth currently has The Almighty, Yhwach no longer possesses omniscience and omnipotence. Ury\u016B then says to head up to Yhwach's location, and Ichigo asks in shock if Ury\u016B is staying. However, the Quincy replies that he had no intention of dying, and Ichigo smiles and heads upward with Sado and Orihime.\n\nUry\u016B asks Haschwalth why he is not making an effort to chase them down, but Haschwalth has seen that they will perish. Ury\u016B forms a Heilig Bogen and replies that fate could be changed, and his sudden change in demeanor surprises Haschwalth. Ury\u016B realizes in delight that Haschwalth had not foreseen what he would say then, and says that Haschwalth has yet to fully grasp The Almighty as the two begin to clash.\n\nIchigo, Sado, and Orihime run up the stairs to Yhwach, and Ichigo notices tears forming on Orihime's eyes. Orihime says that she was relieved that Ury\u016B directly confirmed his allegiance and that he was still on their side. Suddenly, two large Quincy statues appear behind them, and Ichigo pulls Orihime away as the statues attack them with rock spears. They are suddenly attacked again by another statue, but its strike is blocked by Sado. The force of the blow creates a chasm separating Ichigo and Orihime from Sado and the statues, and Sado tells his friends to keep going. Sado faces the statues, when suddenly Ganju jumps out of a sand hole in the ground. Revealing that he got lost and wandered here, Ganju shouts that he will unleash flashy and powerful attacks on the statues. Sado tells him to keep it simple and that it was their task to get rid of all the statues and clear the way for Ichigo to return."@en . . . "My Last Words"@pl . "\u30B8\u30A7\u30E9\u30EB\u30C9\u30FB\u30F4\u30A1\u30EB\u30AD\u30EA\u30FC"@en . "no"@en . "Chap543Pg14AskinCharaPic.png"@en . "no"@en . . "AllStars_Gerard72.png"@es . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 661. MY LAST WORDS\nU\u015Bmiech wynurzaj\u0105cego si\u0119 z ciemno\u015Bci Jugrama to u\u015Bmiech z\u0142owr\u00F3\u017Cbny. Zdrajca Wandenreich deklaruje, \u017Ce zatrzyma lojalnego s\u0142ug\u0119 Yhwacha. S\u0142ysz\u0105c, jak Ishida pop\u0119dza przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 do ruszania w drog\u0119, Jugram przypomina, \u017Ce przewidzia\u0142 odpowied\u017A Ury\u016B. Wyjawia, i\u017C zniszczy\u0142 Bram\u0119 S\u0142o\u0144ca, kt\u00F3ra prowadzi\u0142a do \u015Awiata Ludzi. Prosi, by zako\u0144czyli sp\u00F3r, nim Jego Wysoko\u015B\u0107 si\u0119 przebudzi. Ichigo miarkuje, \u017Ce przyjdzie im walczy\u0107, lecz lepszy z uczni\u00F3w Liceum Karakura dostrzega drugie dno wypowiedzi Haschwaltha. Ury\u016B wyjawia Ichigo, \u017Ce noc\u0105 moc Yhwacha zamienia si\u0119 miejscem z moc\u0105 Stern Rittera \u201EB\u201D, czego oznak\u0105 s\u0105 oczy Jugrama, na kt\u00F3re zwraca uwag\u0119 Kurosakiego. Ishida zdradza, \u017Ce obecnie lider Wandenreich nie jest wszechmocny, a nast\u0119pnie informuje, \u017Ce znajduje si\u0119 on na najwy\u017Cszym poziomie Wahrwelt. Ucina obawy Ichigo, z lekkim u\u015Bmiechem zapewniaj\u0105c, \u017Ce nie jest to ich ostatnia rozmowa. Ichigo obdarza przyjaciela swym u\u015Bmiechem. Odbiega.\n\nUry\u016B zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce Jugram nie zamierza zatrzymywa\u0107 Kurosakiego. Profeta z niezachwian\u0105 pewno\u015Bci\u0105 oznajmia, \u017Ce nie ma powodu do po\u015Bcigu. Zgin\u0105 \u2013 obwieszcza. Ury\u016B przywo\u0142uje sw\u00F3j \u0142uk. Wyra\u017Ca przypuszczenie, i\u017C przysz\u0142o\u015B\u0107 mo\u017Cna zmieni\u0107. Te s\u0142owa zaskakuj\u0105 Haschwaltha, co te\u017C sam przyznaje. M\u0119\u017Cczyzna stwierdza, \u017Ce Ishida nie przypomina siebie sprzed chwili \u2013 dostrzega na jego twarzy nadziej\u0119. Syn Ry\u016Bkena punktuje, \u017Ce zaskoczenie Jugrama oznacza, i\u017C moc wszechwiedzy nie jest doskona\u0142\u0105, czym zmywa u\u015Bmiech jasnowidza. \u0141uk i miecz zostaj\u0105 uniesione. Rozpoczyna si\u0119 walka.\n\nPo pokonaniu d\u0142ugich schod\u00F3w Ichigo, Chad oraz Orihime wbiegaj\u0105 do galerii, po kt\u00F3rej dw\u00F3ch stronach na coko\u0142ach stoj\u0105 rze\u017Aby. Kurosaki zauwa\u017Ca \u0142zy, p\u0142yn\u0105ce z oczu kole\u017Canki. Ta odrzeka, \u017Ce czuje ulg\u0119. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce cho\u0107 nie wierzy\u0142a, by ich przyjaciel przeszed\u0142 na z\u0142\u0105 stron\u0119, ul\u017Cy\u0142o jej po us\u0142yszeniu s\u0142\u00F3w Ishidy. Wtedy przebiegaj\u0105cy zostaj\u0105 zaatakowani przez dwa pos\u0105gi. Ichigo odci\u0105ga Orihime przed pierwszym atakiem, przed drugim ratuje ich Chad. Na skutek cios\u00F3w od kopii, cz\u0119\u015B\u0107 korytarza zapada si\u0119, oddzielaj\u0105c przyjaci\u00F3\u0142 przepa\u015Bci\u0105. Ma\u0142om\u00F3wny jak zawsze Yasutora, kt\u00F3ry pozosta\u0142 w\u015Br\u00F3d pos\u0105g\u00F3w, pokazuje Ichigo uniesiony kciuk. Ten, cho\u0107 jego twarz jest zatroskana, odwraca si\u0119, by rusza\u0107 dalej.\n\nWielkie jest zdziwienie Chada, gdy obok niego \u2013 dzi\u0119ki u\u017Cyciu popisowego Seppa \u2013 wynurza si\u0119 Ganju. Syn rodu Shiba, zadowolony ze swojego efektownego wej\u015Bcia, opowiada, co si\u0119 z nim dzia\u0142o, lecz nie spotyka si\u0119 to z reakcj\u0105 Chada. Gdy kolejne pos\u0105gi opuszczaj\u0105 coko\u0142y, Fullbringer oznajmia, \u017Ce ich zadanie polega na oczyszczeniu ca\u0142ego zamku i przygotowaniu drogi powrotnej dla Ichigo."@pl . "Ury\u016B Ishida"@es . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 659. There Will Be Frost\nStern Ritter \u201EM\u201D i kapitan Hitsugaya przedstawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 sobie. Kolos kruszy skuwaj\u0105cy jego r\u0119k\u0119 l\u00F3d, a nast\u0119pnie burzy wie\u017C\u0119, przy kt\u00F3rej sta\u0142 bia\u0142ow\u0142osy. Hitsugaya wzlatuje w powietrze. Gdy m\u0142ody geniusz Gotei 13 uwalnia Bankai, Daiguren Hy\u014Drinmaru, obok niego pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 kwiaty lotosu. Hinamori, na kt\u00F3rej barkach spoczywa ranny kapitan Hirako, kieruje wzrok na lot T\u014Dshir\u014D.\n\nWspomnienie z dzieci\u0144stwa syna lekarza. Ry\u016Bken Ishida w fartuchu sta\u0142 nad le\u017C\u0105cym na stole cia\u0142em, gdy w uchylonych drzwiach stan\u0105\u0142 Ury\u016B. Syn spyta\u0142, dlaczego ojciec tnie cia\u0142o zmar\u0142ej mamy. Prosi\u0142 go, by przesta\u0142.\n\nPewnego dnia w szkole Ichigo spyta\u0142 Ury\u016B, czy ten aby na pewno powinien ucz\u0119szcza\u0107 do normalnego liceum. Stwierdzi\u0142, \u017Ce kolega odnalaz\u0142by si\u0119 w szkole dla wyj\u0105tkowo uzdolnionych i doda\u0142, \u017Ce zapewne syn lekarza chcia\u0142by p\u00F3j\u015B\u0107 w \u015Blady ojca. Cho\u0107 Ury\u016B odpali\u0142, \u017Ce ojciec Kurosakiego tak\u017Ce jest doktorem, Ichigo odpar\u0142, i\u017C Isshin jest bardziej go\u015Bciem z brod\u0105 ni\u017Ali lekarzem. Ishida przyzna\u0142, \u017Ce nie pragnie ju\u017C medycznej kariery. Unika\u0142 spojrzenie Ichigo, kt\u00F3ry postanowi\u0142 nie naciska\u0107. W dniu, gdy by\u0142 \u015Bwiadkiem sekcji zw\u0142ok w\u0142asnej matki, Ury\u016B zdecydowa\u0142, \u017Ce nigdy nie zostanie eskulapem.\n\nPo powrocie do zamku Ishida spotyka Haschwaltha. Wielki Mistrz Stern Ritter ocenia, \u017Ce wygl\u0105da on na zaniepokojonego. To samo o Haschwalthcie m\u00F3wi Ury\u016B. Schodz\u0105c ze schod\u00F3w, Jugram przypomina, \u017Ce gdy Jego Wysoko\u015B\u0107 zapada w sen, moc jego i Yhwacha zamieniaj\u0105 si\u0119 miejscami. Oznajmia, \u017Ce dar spogl\u0105dania w przysz\u0142o\u015B\u0107 przynosi wy\u0142\u0105cznie zmartwienia. Ury\u016B ze zdumieniem dostrzega jego potr\u00F3jne \u017Arenice. Pyta, czy m\u0119\u017Cczyzna ujrza\u0142 jego zdrad\u0119. Jugram wyci\u0105ga zza pazuchy znalezione przez siebie kawa\u0142ki, kt\u00F3re wed\u0142ug niego Ury\u016B rozmie\u015Bci\u0142 na terenie Wahrwelt. Sukcesor Yhwacha nie przyznaje si\u0119. Haschwalth ujawnia, \u017Ce rozpoznaje w nich mechanizm podobny temu u\u017Cywanemu w Leidenhand, r\u0119kawicy, kt\u00F3r\u0105 zabra\u0142 S\u014Dken Ishida \u2013 mechanizm s\u0142u\u017C\u0105cy dezintegracji i rozproszeniu Reishi. Pyta, co Ishida zamierza\u0142 osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 przez pod\u0142o\u017Cenie ich. Ury\u016B nazywa to pustym oskar\u017Ceniem. W\u00F3wczas Stern Ritter \u201EB\u201D dobywa miecza i wo\u0142a, by Ishida udowodni\u0142 przed nim swoj\u0105 lojalno\u015B\u0107. Atak burzy \u015Bciany zamku i wyrzuca Ishid\u0119 do innego pomieszczenia. Tam Ury\u016B staje twarz\u0105 w twarz z Ichigo."@pl . "Yoruichi Shih\u014Din"@en . "By\u0142oby to niczym nieosi\u0105gni\u0119cie"@pl . . "\u30B8\u30A7\u30E9\u30EB\u30C9\u30FB\u30F4\u30A1\u30EB\u30AD\u30EA\u30FC"@pl . "no"@en . "2016-05-02"^^ . . "Ok\u0142adka MY LAST WORDS"@pl . . . "MY LAST WORDS es el septuag\u00E9simo segundo volumen de Bleach que fue publicado el 2 de Mayo del 2016."@es . "no"@en . "no"@en . . . "MY LAST WORDS"@en . "Tom 71 Kurosaki.png"@pl . "5"^^ . "no"@en . . "no"@en . "\u6D66\u539F \u559C\u52A9"@en . "\u6D66\u539F \u559C\u52A9"@es . "AllStars_Yoruichi72.png"@es . . . . "AllStars_Urahara72.png"@es . "DLC"@en . "Gerard Valkyrie"@pl . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 658. Fatal Matters Are Cold\nAskin przesuwa w palcach kosmyki w\u0142os\u00F3w, przywracaj\u0105c sw\u0105 fryzur\u0119 do \u0142adu. U\u015Bwiadamia przeciwnikom, \u017Ce poprzez zwi\u0119kszenie dawki \u015Bmiertelnej sta\u0142 si\u0119 niewra\u017Cliwy na Reiatsu, co potwierdzaj\u0105 znikaj\u0105ce z jego cia\u0142a obra\u017Cenia. Dostrzega szok Yoruichi i kieruje pod jej adresem gro\u017Ab\u0119. Z d\u0142o\u0144mi w kieszeniach Quincy patrzy na szar\u017Cuj\u0105cego Y\u016Bshiro, kt\u00F3rego ramiona otacza p\u0142omienne Shunk\u014D. Cho\u0107 pi\u0119\u015B\u0107 ch\u0142opca ugadza w brzuch Nakk Le Vaara, jedynym owocem ataku jest zdumienie Y\u016Bshiro. Trzy strza\u0142y przebijaj\u0105 m\u0142odego przyw\u00F3dc\u0119 rodu, przechodz\u0105c dok\u0142adnie pomi\u0119dzy \u0142opatkami. Siostra podbiega i otacza pluj\u0105cego krwi\u0105 brata ramieniem. Askin oznajmia, \u017Ce zbyt p\u00F3\u017Ano poj\u0119li jego umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci, a p\u00F3\u017Ane zrozumienie jest \u015Bmierciono\u015Bne.\n\nHiyori i Hatchigen kryj\u0105 si\u0119 przed stoj\u0105cym w\u015Br\u00F3d zniszcze\u0144 kolosem. Dawna wicekapitan 12. Oddzia\u0142u zauwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce pozostali prawdopodobnie zostali pokonani, lecz Hatchi karci j\u0105 za negatywne nastawienie. Gerard opiera si\u0119 o pobliski budynek. Narzeka, \u017Ce marnuje sw\u00F3j czas. Skar\u017Cy si\u0119 na wojownik\u00F3w Gotei 13. Ledwo wyczuwaj\u0105c niewielkie Reiatsu Shinigamich, gigant uwa\u017Ca, \u017Ce musi przeczesa\u0107 gruzy w poszukiwaniu ocala\u0142ych. Niszczy budynek i wo\u0142a, \u017Ce i tak odnajdzie rywali. Hiyori, pojawiaj\u0105c si\u0119 za Gerardem, w wulgarnych s\u0142owach sugeruje mu, co mo\u017Ce zrobi\u0107 z cudami, o kt\u00F3rych nieprzerwanie m\u00F3wi, a samego Valkyrie swoim zwyczajem nazywa \u0142ysolem. Sarugaki naci\u0105ga na twarz mask\u0119 Hollowa, po czym wypuszcza potr\u00F3jne Cero. Stern Ritter \u201EM\u201D drwi z ataku, lecz w tym czasie tu\u017C przy nim pojawiaj\u0105 si\u0119 Lisa, Love i Hatchi. Visoredzi atakuj\u0105 swymi technikami: Chocolate Bar Slider, Hifuki no Kodzuchi, Nij\u016Bichij\u014D Tonbokudari. Kombinacja jest pot\u0119\u017Cna, jednak Gerard wychodzi z sytuacji bez szwanku i odrzuca przeciwnik\u00F3w. Quincy utyskuje na nud\u0119. Wpada na pomys\u0142, by sp\u0142aszczy\u0107 ca\u0142\u0105 okolic\u0119, jego r\u0119ka zostaje jednak skuta lodem. Na lodowym pomo\u015Bcie pomi\u0119dzy dwoma wie\u017Cami stoi T\u014Dshir\u014D Hitsugaya. Kapitan 10. Oddzia\u0142u wyczuwa w okolicy kompan\u00F3w. Prosi olbrzyma, by pozosta\u0142 zamro\u017Cony na wieki."@pl . . "yes"@en . "no"@en . "no"@en . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 653. The Theatre Suicide SCENE 7 Shunsui wraca my\u015Blami do przesz\u0142o\u015Bci pochodzenia spinek brata. Zostaje skarcony za durn\u0105 min\u0119. M\u00F3wi, \u017Ce brat po \u015Blubie sta\u0142 si\u0119 \u0142agodniejszy. Brat Shunsuia komentuje \u017Ce przez mi\u0142o\u015B\u0107 do \u017Cony taki si\u0119 sta\u0142. \n\nNanao opada na ziemi\u0119 po ataku Lillie. Zdruzgotana podnosi si\u0119 i zaciska mocniej d\u0142onie na r\u0119koje\u015Bci. Strach opanowuje wicekapitank\u0119. Shunsui ostatkami si\u0142 podchodzi do niej i zaciska d\u0142onie na jej d\u0142oniach dodaj\u0105c jej si\u0142. Lillie zauwa\u017Ca jego przybycie. \n\nObra\u017Ca Wszechkapitana. Postanawia u\u017Cy\u0107 Trompete, by ich wyko\u0144czy\u0107. Shunsui zach\u0119ca swoj\u0105 wicekapitan do walki. Wspomina pocz\u0105tki swej walki z przeciwnikiem i my\u015Bli o trosce kapitana, kt\u00F3ra przesz\u0142a na ni\u0105. Technika Stern Rittera niszczy wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 Wahrwelt.\n\nJego prawe rami\u0119 zostaje zniszczone przez Shikai Nanao. Ten komentuje destrukcyjne moce miecza w stosunku do bog\u00F3w. Pod wp\u0142ywem ataku si\u0119 dezintegruje."@pl . "1986"^^ . "647"^^ . "Ury\u016B Ishida"@en . "red"@en . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 659. There Will Be Frost.\nAfter Hitsugaya introduces himself as the captain of the 10th Division, Gerard introduces himself as a member of the \"benevolent\" Schutzstaffel and shatters the ice covering his arm before proclaiming that they should be friends as he smashes the area where Hitsugaya is standing. However, Hitsugaya merely dodges and claims that he is not accepting any new applications before activating his Bankai, Daiguren Hy\u014Drinmaru, and engulfing the upper half of Gerard's body in ice as Momo, who is supporting a wounded Shinji, looks on from below.\n\nIn the past, a young Ury\u016B finds his father cutting into the corpse of his mother, Kanae Katagiri, and asks him to stop because she has been dead for a while now. Several years later, Ichigo asks Ury\u016B if it is alright for him to be attending a normal high school when he is the son of a doctor, prompting Ury\u016B to reveal that he no longer has the desire to become a doctor as he notes that he would never want a job that requires him to mutilate the body of his dead wife.\n\nIn the present, Ury\u016B is confronted by Haschwalth, who points out that Ury\u016B appears to have a lot on his mind. When Ury\u016B claims that Haschwalth appears to have been thinking heavily, Haschwalth reminds him that his powers and Yhwach's switch at night before admitting that being able to see into the future reveals nothing but worry. Seeing Haschwalth's multiple pupils and irises, Ury\u016B wonders if he is implying Ury\u016B's betrayal, only for Haschwalth to note that he has not said anything about what he has seen before revealing that he has only found countless chips that Ury\u016B has scattered over Wahrwelt. Ury\u016B claims to have never seen the chips before, but Haschwalth notes that they are very similar to the one used by the Leiden Hant taken by S\u014Dken Ishida. As Ury\u016B states that he has the wrong idea, Haschwalth decides to confirm his suspicions of Ury\u016B being a traitor before unsheathing his sword and attacking Ury\u016B, who is sent flying back. Telling Haschwalth to wait, Ury\u016B finds himself confronted by Ichigo."@en . "thumb|left|190px|The cover pages of 663. GOD OF THUNDER 4.\nAskin looks in shock at Yoruichi's new Shunk\u014D form and asks what is going on with it, but gets no answer. Kisuke tells him that the name of the technique is Shunk\u014D: Raiju Senkei: Shunry\u016B Kokuby\u014D Senkei, and Askin wonders why he is answering for her, but realizes that she cannot comprehend their language. Suddenly, Yoruichi leaps into the air and confronts Askin, slashing him in the shoulder before he can react. Yoruichi throws Askin through several buildings, but Askin quickly flies back up, wondering how his immunity to her Reiatsu is not working. Kisuke then gets behind him and explains that it was all because of the mood, as Yoruichi's moodiness was significantly increased, and this applied to her Reiatsu as well. Yoruichi briefly does not feel the mood to fight Askin and licks herself during Kisuke's explanation, but quickly returns and hits Askin, sending him flying. Kisuke tells Askin that the smallest change in a pathogen can get around the body's immunity, and though Askin has fast-acting immunity, he cannot possibly keep up with Yoruichi's Reiatsu because it changes 48 times per second. Yoruichi engulfs Askin in a large blast of Reiatsu, sending him flying into the ground far away.\n\nYoruichi stands on a rooftop, and Kisuke calls her over to play. She flies into him and licks him affectionately before resting on his lap, and Kisuke reflects that Yoruichi's form is bad since only he could reign her in and she was so fickle, but he thinks it is fine because of how adorable she is. Yoruichi begins moaning in pain, and Kisuke realizes that the immunity drug is wearing off. He promises to drain the poison from Yoruichi, but first he will go look for Askin's body. Suddenly, Kisuke and Yoruichi are engulfed by Askin's Gift Ball Deluxe, and Kisuke looks in shock as he sees Askin in his Quincy: Vollst\u00E4ndig: Hasshein."@en . "no"@en . "My Last Words"@en . "thumb|left|190px|Ok\u0142adka 660. The Visible Answer\nOrihime i Chad do\u0142\u0105czaj\u0105 do Ichigo, tak\u017Ce w zdziwieniu na widok Ury\u016B. Haschwalth przekracza pozosta\u0142o\u015Bci \u015Bciany, komentuj\u0105c, \u017Ce pojawili si\u0119 wszyscy gracze. Ichigo dostrzega nietypowe oczy m\u0119\u017Cczyzny. Ten, kt\u00F3ry w nocy przywdziewa mask\u0119 w\u0142adcy orzeka, \u017Ce przeznaczenie u\u0142atwia Stern Ritterowi \u201EA\u201D dostarczenie dowodu. Jugram chce, by m\u0142ody Ishida dowi\u00F3d\u0142 lojalno\u015Bci poprzez zamordowanie dawnych sprzymierze\u0144c\u00F3w. Z u\u015Bmiechem zradza jednak, \u017Ce ju\u017C teraz wie, jaka b\u0119dzie odpowied\u017A Ishidy.\n\nZ powag\u0105 i zaci\u0119to\u015Bci\u0105 wypisan\u0105 na twarzy, Ichigo pr\u00F3buje rozmawia\u0107 z Ury\u016B o jego motywach. Stwierdza, \u017Ce je\u015Bli zrozumie jego pobudki, podejmie walk\u0119 i obudzi go. Gdyby jednak nie poj\u0105\u0142 powod\u00F3w Ury\u016B, r\u00F3wnie\u017C planuje go pokona\u0107. Quincy rzuca pod nogi Ichigo Klucz S\u0142o\u0144ca, wynalazek dany wszystkim Stern Ritterom. Wyja\u015Bnia mechanizm dzia\u0142ania Bram S\u0142o\u0144ca i wskazuje drog\u0119 do Bramy, kt\u00F3ra mia\u0142a pos\u0142u\u017Cy\u0107 inwazji na \u015Awiat Ludzi. Poleca Ichigo, by zabra\u0142 towarzyszy i wr\u00F3ci\u0142 do domu. Dziedzic Cesarza Wandenreich o\u015Bwiadcza, \u017Ce on pozostanie tu, by sprowadzi\u0107 zag\u0142ad\u0119 na Wahrwelt. Wedle jego s\u0142\u00F3w ma si\u0119 to sta\u0107, gdy aktywuje rozmieszczone kawa\u0142ki Sanrei Shut\u014D. Ichigo krzyczy, \u017Ce wystarczy, \u017Ce pokonaj\u0105 Yhwacha, lecz Ury\u016B wo\u0142a, i\u017C nie jest to mo\u017Cliwe. Ichigo w nerwach pyta, dlaczego Ury\u016B podejmuje si\u0119 tego samemu, a ten odpowiada, \u017Ce tylko on mo\u017Ce tego dokona\u0107 \u2013 tylko jego Reiatsu aktywuje pu\u0142apk\u0119. Orihime s\u0142ucha go z trosk\u0105, Ichigo w szoku. Quincy zapewnia, \u017Ce nie istnieje inne rozwi\u0105zanie. Pospiesza ich, by odeszli, nim Haschwalth odkryje jego intencje. Wtedy Jugram wychodzi z cienia. Przypomina Ishidzie, \u017Ce zna\u0142 jego odpowied\u017A."@pl . "It would be as my failure to reach you, standing in the darkness''\""@en . "English"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30EB"@pl . "red"@en . "Kisuke Urahara"@en . "MY LAST WORDS"@en . "Tom 72 Ury\u016B.png"@pl . "290.0"^^ . "no"@en . "\u30A2\u30B9\u30AD\u30F3\u30FB\u30CA\u30C3\u30AF\u30EB\u30F4\u30A1\u30FC\u30EB"@en .