. . . "They have been assigned the mission of destroying soccer by an evil organization, El Dorado."@en . . "0"^^ . . . "\u30D7\u30ED\u30C8\u30B3\u30EB\u30FB\u30AA\u30E1\u30AC"@en . . . "Protocol Omega"@en . . . . . . . . . "Protocol Omega"@en . . . "Protocol Omega"@en . . "\u30D7\u30ED\u30C8\u30B3\u30EB\u30FB\u30AA\u30E1\u30AC"@vi . . "They have been assigned the mission of destroying soccer by an evil organization, El Dorado."@en . . . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . "Protocol Omega"@vi . . "Alpha"@en . . . . . . . . "Protocol Omega"@vi . . . . . "Protocol Omega first appeared in episode 1. Their captain, Alpha, met Matsukaze Tenma in his era, and told him soccer had been erased, and that he was the only vestige of it. Tenma didn't understand and asked if he was responsible of Raimon's players' attitude, which Alpha said he had done it. Tenma wanted him to undo it but Alpha teleported him using a Sphere Device. Alpha and Tenma reappeared in the past, at the moment when he was saved by a soccer ball. To avoid it, Alpha deflected the ball that Gouenji shot to save Tenma. Thus, his feelings for playing soccer were diseappearing, but he resisted. Alpha teleported him at a field to convince him to stop soccer and made his team, Protocol Omega, appear. They started shooting to Tenma so he would understand how soccer harms, but suddenly, someone arrived and stopped Alpha from shooting a last time. He revealed him to be Fei, and said to Tenma he wanted to protect soccer as he thinks it is a precious thing. He duplicated himself into Duplis to play against Protocol Omega and called the newly-made team Tenmas. The match started with Tenma shocked while looking to how they were playing. However, Fei said he didn't get used to their style of play so far, and showed they weren't that good as he got the ball. The two teams' level were equal, until Alpha used his Kehin, Tenkuu no Shihaisha Houou and fused with it to create an armor. Tenma became surprised again and Fei said it was Keshin Armed. Using his Armed, Alpha easily scored a goal. At the end of the episode, Fei said to Tenma he was waiting for something to come, and the Inazuma TM Caravan appeared. A bear appeared, seen to be driving it. The match continued in episode 2. Clark Wonderbot appeared and said it was impossible to win without a coach such as him. As Tenma didn't understand and looked to the Dupli, Fei made them disappear and explained they were copies of him. The match finished 2-1 with Raimon winning by give up. In the same episode, they played another time against Tenmas, this time to prevent the creation of the Raimon's soccer club 11 years ago by Endou Mamoru. They failed because of Tsurugi Yuuichi's arrival and lost the match 2-0. In episode 4, they played against Raimon but lost again this time 1-0, due to Yuuichi's Mixi Max with his brother. They were replaced by Beta and Protocol Omega 2.0 in episode 5, as they weren't able to stop Tenma, Fei and the others from changing the timeline back to it normal. Though, most of their members joined Protocol Omega 2.0, except the most important, Alpha, and three others members: Jini, Kual and Netan."@en . "2"^^ . . . . "Protocol Omega first appeared in episode 1. Their captain, Alpha, met Matsukaze Tenma in his era, and told him soccer had been erased, and that he was the only vestige of it. Tenma didn't understand and asked if he was responsible of Raimon's players' attitude, which Alpha said he had done it. Tenma wanted him to undo it but Alpha teleported him using a Sphere Device. In the same episode, they played another time against Tenmas, this time to prevent the creation of the Raimon's soccer club 11 years ago by Endou Mamoru. They failed because of Tsurugi Yuuichi's arrival and lost the match 2-0."@en . "\u30D7\u30ED\u30C8\u30B3\u30EB\u30FB\u30AA\u30E1\u30AC"@en . . "Protocol Omega \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c giao nhi\u1EC7m v\u1EE5 h\u1EE7y di\u1EC7t b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 b\u1EDFi t\u1ED5 ch\u1EE9c \u0111\u1ED9c \u00E1c, El Dorado. \u0110\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng xu\u1EA5t hi\u1EC7n l\u1EA7n \u0111\u1EA7u trong t\u1EADp phim 1. \u0110\u1ED9i tr\u01B0\u1EDFng \u0111\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng, Alpha \u0111\u00E3 ch\u1EB7n tr\u00E1i b\u00F3ng m\u00E0 Gouenji s\u00FAt \u0111\u1EC3 c\u1EE9u Tenma (l\u00FAc nh\u1ECF). Nh\u01B0 v\u1EADy, t\u00ECnh y\u00EAu m\u00E0 c\u1EADu ta d\u00E0nh cho b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 s\u1EBD bi\u1EBFn m\u1EA5t, nh\u01B0ng Tenma c\u01B0\u1EE1ng l\u1EA1i \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c, qu\u00E1 kh\u1EE9 b\u1ECB thay \u0111\u1ED5i nh\u01B0ng con ng\u01B0\u1EDDi c\u1EADu kh\u00F4ng h\u1EC1 \u0111\u1ED5i thay. Sau \u0111\u00F3, Alpha \u0111\u01B0a c\u1EADu \u0111\u1EBFn m\u1ED9t s\u00E2n b\u00F3ng r\u1ED3i g\u1ECDi to\u00E0n b\u1ED9 \u0111\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng ra, s\u00FAt li\u00EAn t\u1EE5c v\u00E0o c\u1EADu, h\u00F2ng \u0111\u1EC3 Tenma ch\u1ECBu \u0111\u1EF1ng nh\u1EEFng n\u1ED7i \u0111au n\u00E0y r\u1ED3i \u0111i \u0111\u1EBFn vi\u1EC7c ch\u1EA5p nh\u1EADn b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 ho\u00E0n to\u00E0n kh\u00F4ng c\u1EA7n thi\u1EBFt v\u1EDBi cu\u1ED9c s\u1ED1ng c\u1EE7a m\u00ECnh. Tuy nhi\u00EAn, m\u1ED9t nh\u00E2n v\u1EADt m\u1EDBi \u0111\u1ED9t ng\u1ED9t ra m\u1EAFt, Fei Rune. V\u00E0 Protocol Omega ph\u1EA3i \u0111\u1EA5u v\u1EDBi Tenmas. Trong t\u1EADp phim 2, h\u1ECD t\u00E1i \u0111\u1EA5u v\u1EDBi Tenmas \u1EDF m\u1ED9t th\u1EDDi \u0111i\u1EC3m kh\u00E1c, nh\u1EB1m ng\u0103n Endou Mamoru th\u00E0nh l\u1EADp c\u00E2u l\u1EA1c b\u1ED9 b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 c\u00E1ch \u0111\u00E2y 11 n\u0103m. H\u1ECD thua tr\u1EADn v\u00EC Tenmas c\u00F3 s\u1EF1 tr\u1EE3 gi\u00FAp c\u1EE7a Tsurugi Yuuichi v\u1EDBi t\u1EC9 s\u1ED1 2-0. Trong t\u1EADp phim 4, h\u1ECD \u0111\u1EA5u v\u1EDBi Raimon (GO) nh\u01B0ng thua 1-0. El Dorado \u0111\u00E3 tr\u1EEBng ph\u1EA1t m\u1ED9t s\u1ED1 th\u00E0nh vi\u00EAn c\u1EE7a Protocol Omega, thay v\u00E0o \u0111\u00F3 l\u00E0 Beta v\u00E0 v\u00E0i th\u00E0nh vi\u00EAn m\u1EDBi, Protocol Omega 2.0 \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c th\u00E0nh l\u1EADp v\u00EC h\u1ECD kh\u00F4ng th\u1EC3 ng\u0103n ch\u1EB7n Tenma, Fey v\u00E0 nh\u1EEFng th\u00E0nh vi\u00EAn kh\u00E1c \u0111\u01B0a d\u00F2ng th\u1EDDi gian tr\u1EDF l\u1EA1i nh\u01B0 ban \u0111\u1EA7u. D\u00F9 h\u1EA7u h\u1EBFt c\u00E1c th\u00E0nh vi\u00EAn c\u1EE7a Protocol Omega 2.0 ph\u1EA7n \u0111\u00F4ng l\u00E0 c\u00E1c th\u00E0nh vi\u00EAn c\u0169 tr\u01B0\u1EDBc \u0111\u00F3, ngo\u1EA1i tr\u1EEB Alpha, v\u00E0 ba ng\u01B0\u1EDDi kh\u00E1c: Jini, Kual v\u00E0 Netan."@vi . . . . . "Protocol Omega"@vi . . . "Protocol Omega \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c giao nhi\u1EC7m v\u1EE5 h\u1EE7y di\u1EC7t b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 b\u1EDFi t\u1ED5 ch\u1EE9c \u0111\u1ED9c \u00E1c, El Dorado. \u0110\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng xu\u1EA5t hi\u1EC7n l\u1EA7n \u0111\u1EA7u trong t\u1EADp phim 1. \u0110\u1ED9i tr\u01B0\u1EDFng \u0111\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng, Alpha \u0111\u00E3 ch\u1EB7n tr\u00E1i b\u00F3ng m\u00E0 Gouenji s\u00FAt \u0111\u1EC3 c\u1EE9u Tenma (l\u00FAc nh\u1ECF). Nh\u01B0 v\u1EADy, t\u00ECnh y\u00EAu m\u00E0 c\u1EADu ta d\u00E0nh cho b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 s\u1EBD bi\u1EBFn m\u1EA5t, nh\u01B0ng Tenma c\u01B0\u1EE1ng l\u1EA1i \u0111\u01B0\u1EE3c, qu\u00E1 kh\u1EE9 b\u1ECB thay \u0111\u1ED5i nh\u01B0ng con ng\u01B0\u1EDDi c\u1EADu kh\u00F4ng h\u1EC1 \u0111\u1ED5i thay. Sau \u0111\u00F3, Alpha \u0111\u01B0a c\u1EADu \u0111\u1EBFn m\u1ED9t s\u00E2n b\u00F3ng r\u1ED3i g\u1ECDi to\u00E0n b\u1ED9 \u0111\u1ED9i b\u00F3ng ra, s\u00FAt li\u00EAn t\u1EE5c v\u00E0o c\u1EADu, h\u00F2ng \u0111\u1EC3 Tenma ch\u1ECBu \u0111\u1EF1ng nh\u1EEFng n\u1ED7i \u0111au n\u00E0y r\u1ED3i \u0111i \u0111\u1EBFn vi\u1EC7c ch\u1EA5p nh\u1EADn b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 ho\u00E0n to\u00E0n kh\u00F4ng c\u1EA7n thi\u1EBFt v\u1EDBi cu\u1ED9c s\u1ED1ng c\u1EE7a m\u00ECnh. Tuy nhi\u00EAn, m\u1ED9t nh\u00E2n v\u1EADt m\u1EDBi \u0111\u1ED9t ng\u1ED9t ra m\u1EAFt, Fei Rune. V\u00E0 Protocol Omega ph\u1EA3i \u0111\u1EA5u v\u1EDBi Tenmas. Trong t\u1EADp phim 2, h\u1ECD t\u00E1i \u0111\u1EA5u v\u1EDBi Tenmas \u1EDF m\u1ED9t th\u1EDDi \u0111i\u1EC3m kh\u00E1c, nh\u1EB1m ng\u0103n Endou Mamoru th\u00E0nh l\u1EADp c\u00E2u l\u1EA1c b\u1ED9 b\u00F3ng \u0111\u00E1 c\u00E1ch \u0111\u00E2y 11 n\u0103m. H\u1ECD "@vi . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ .