"L"@en . "#fff"@pl . "A whirling glyph"@en . "Deneir"@de . "W\u0142adca Wszystkich Glif\u00F3w i Obraz\u00F3w, Skryba Oghmy"@pl . "Library of All Knowledge"@en . . . . "Unbekannt"@de . . "1"^^ . ", , , Runes"@en . . . . . . . . . "Literature"@en . "#000"@pl . . . . . "Deneir"@de . "dobro, ochrona, runa, wiedza"@pl . "-"@de . . . . "Images"@en . . . . . . . "A lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil"@en . . . . "Lesser deity"@en . "Beastlands/Brux"@en . . . . "Glyphs, images, literature, literacy, scribes, cartography"@en . . . . "(Minor:) Animal, plant, sun, time, weather"@en . "House of Knowledge"@en . "fr\u00FCher: Gott der Literatur und K\u00FCnste, Bilder, Gelehrten, Glyphen, Kartographie, Wissen"@de . . "200px|left|thumb|Symbol Deneira W idealnej krainie lektura pojedynczego dzie\u0142a odkryje tajemnice multiwersum, wynosz\u0105c czytaj\u0105cego na szczyty bosko\u015Bci. Na razie jednak praca nad tym dzie\u0142em, zwanym Metatekstem, poch\u0142ania ca\u0142y czas Deneira (de-neir) i jego wyznawc\u00F3w. M\u00F3wi si\u0119, \u017Ce Deneir, s\u0142uga Oghmy, zdoby\u0142 swoj\u0105 pozycj\u0119 dzi\u0119ki temu, i\u017C rzuci\u0142 okiem na drobny fragment tego tekstu, zyskuj\u0105c tym samym cel na reszt\u0119 \u017Cycia - teraz bowiem pragnie przeczyta\u0107 je w ca\u0142o\u015Bci. Deneir wierzy, \u017Ce Metatekst odbija si\u0119 w Planie Pierwotnym poprzez ka\u017Cdy strz\u0119p tekstu zapisanego na kawa\u0142ku papieru. Jedno s\u0142owo, po\u0142o\u017Cenie liter, a czasem (lecz bardzo rzadko) ca\u0142e zdania szczeg\u00F3lnie o\u015Bwieconych dzie\u0142 odzwierciedlaj\u0105 to idealne dzie\u0142o. Jako patron artyst\u00F3w, nauczycieli, kartograf\u00F3w i skryb\u00F3w W\u0142adca Wszystkich "@pl . . "Glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography"@en . . "Historians, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes, seekers of enlightenment, and students"@en . . . . . . . . . "LG, NG, CG"@en . "Artists, poets, sages, scribes"@en . . . "Lord of All Glyphs and Images"@en . "Deneir (pronounced deh-NEER), often called the Scribe of Oghma, was the neutral good lesser deity of art, cartography, glyphs, images, knowledge, literature and scholars."@en . "The Scribe of Oghma"@en . . . "Historians, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes, seekers of enlightenment, students"@en . . "Ziemie Bestii/Bruks/Biblioteka Wszelkiej Wiedzy; Dom Wiedzy"@pl . "Glyphs"@en . . . "Deneir is a fictional Faer\u00FBnian minor deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Deneir together with Oghma, Milil and Gond are known as the Deities of Knowledge and Invention. Deneir answers the prayers of his organized priests, but he has also been known to choose a person who truly follows Deneir's ideals--to invent, to create, to learn. He himself seems to have a problem with some of his strictly-organized orders, whose devotion to a hierarchy and their duties impedes with his followers learning and inventing, to the point of their being little joy in their work. The two Chosen (Pertelope and Cadderly) shown so far were both more relaxed about rules and hierarchy, capable of teasing or joking with their more staid brethren. These two Chosen were granted direct access to divine spells, rather than having to study and pray for them and their god-given power exceeded that of older Deneiran priests. Despite their generally laid back attitude, the teachings of Deneir also dictate that his followers create with a conscience and refrain from casually designing weapons of war or death."@en . . "Deneir is a fictional Faer\u00FBnian minor deity of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Deneir together with Oghma, Milil and Gond are known as the Deities of Knowledge and Invention. Deneir answers the prayers of his organized priests, but he has also been known to choose a person who truly follows Deneir's ideals--to invent, to create, to learn. He himself seems to have a problem with some of his strictly-organized orders, whose devotion to a hierarchy and their duties impedes with his followers learning and inventing, to the point of their being little joy in their work. The two Chosen (Pertelope and Cadderly) shown so far were both more relaxed about rules and hierarchy, capable of teasing or joking with their more staid brethren. These two Chosen were granted direct access to divine spe"@en . . . . . . "NG Neutral Gut"@de . . . . "F"@en . . . . . "CG, LG, NG"@en . ""@en . . . . . "Historians, loremasters, sages, scholars, scribes, seekers of enlightment, students"@en . . . "Lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil"@en . . "Deneir (pronounced deh-NEER), often called the Scribe of Oghma, was the neutral good lesser deity of art, cartography, glyphs, images, knowledge, literature and scholars."@en . . . "Lord of All Glyphs and Images, the Scribe of Oghma"@en . "Scholars"@en . . "Neutral Good"@en . . "Deneir"@pl . "Pomniejsze b\u00F3stwo"@pl . . . "Deneir (ausgesprochen de-Nier), oft Oghmas Schreiber genannt, war der neutral gute Gott der K\u00FCnste, Kartographie, Glyphen, Bilder, des Wissens, der Literatur und der Gelehrten."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Dagger - A whirling glyph"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . "Deneir"@en . . "Literature, Art, Knowledge, Glyphs, Images, Cartography, Scholars"@en . "wiruj\u0105cy glif"@pl . "Art"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Knowledge"@en . "#000"@en . . "Deneir"@en . . . . "*Gott aller Glyphen und Bilder"@de . . . "NG"@en . . . . "A single lit candle, often above an eye"@en . . . "Deneir"@pl . . . . "Rune"@en . "Lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil"@en . . . "Lord of All Glyphs and Images, the Scribe of Oghma"@en . "glify, obrazy, literatura, skrybowie, kaligrafia"@pl . "Ig_hu_deneir.png"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "Name: Deneir Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): Lord of All Glyphs and Images, Scribe of Oghma Symbol: lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Cleric alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Domains: good, knowledge, protection, runes Favored weapon: \"Whirling Glyph\" (dagger) Festivals:"@en . . "Deneir"@en . "Name: Deneir Divine rank: lesser deity Title(s): Lord of All Glyphs and Images, Scribe of Oghma Symbol: lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil Home plane: Alignment: neutral good Portfolio: glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography Worshipers: Worshiper alignments: LN, N, CN, LG, NG, CG Cleric alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N, CN Domains: good, knowledge, protection, runes Favored weapon: \"Whirling Glyph\" (dagger) Festivals:"@en . "Art, literature"@en . . "Lit candle above purple eye with triangular pupil"@en . "150"^^ . . . "Glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography"@en . . . . . "200px|left|thumb|Symbol Deneira W idealnej krainie lektura pojedynczego dzie\u0142a odkryje tajemnice multiwersum, wynosz\u0105c czytaj\u0105cego na szczyty bosko\u015Bci. Na razie jednak praca nad tym dzie\u0142em, zwanym Metatekstem, poch\u0142ania ca\u0142y czas Deneira (de-neir) i jego wyznawc\u00F3w. M\u00F3wi si\u0119, \u017Ce Deneir, s\u0142uga Oghmy, zdoby\u0142 swoj\u0105 pozycj\u0119 dzi\u0119ki temu, i\u017C rzuci\u0142 okiem na drobny fragment tego tekstu, zyskuj\u0105c tym samym cel na reszt\u0119 \u017Cycia - teraz bowiem pragnie przeczyta\u0107 je w ca\u0142o\u015Bci. Deneir wierzy, \u017Ce Metatekst odbija si\u0119 w Planie Pierwotnym poprzez ka\u017Cdy strz\u0119p tekstu zapisanego na kawa\u0142ku papieru. Jedno s\u0142owo, po\u0142o\u017Cenie liter, a czasem (lecz bardzo rzadko) ca\u0142e zdania szczeg\u00F3lnie o\u015Bwieconych dzie\u0142 odzwierciedlaj\u0105 to idealne dzie\u0142o. Jako patron artyst\u00F3w, nauczycieli, kartograf\u00F3w i skryb\u00F3w W\u0142adca Wszystkich Glif\u00F3w i Obraz\u00F3w przy\u015Bwieca ka\u017Cdemu dzie\u0142u pisarskiemu, desperacko poszukuj\u0105c swego ulotnego celu. Jego ko\u015Bci\u00F3\u0142 koncentruje si\u0119 zatem na zbieraniu i zapisywaniu informacji, by nic, co zosta\u0142o stworzone, nigdy nie zagin\u0119\u0142o. Wi\u0119kszo\u015B\u0107 kap\u0142an\u00F3w prowadzi dzienniki swej dzia\u0142alno\u015Bci, w kt\u00F3rych zapisuje wiersze, pie\u015Bni i opowie\u015Bci zas\u0142yszane podczas w\u0119dr\u00F3wek. Ka\u017Cdy kap\u0142an sk\u0142ada przysi\u0119g\u0119, i\u017C b\u0119dzie za darmo pisa\u0142 dyktowane mu listy, odczytywa\u0142 dokumenty lub redagowa\u0142 teksty (ci z klient\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rych na to sta\u0107, p\u0142ac\u0105 koszt materia\u0142\u00F3w plus sztuk\u0119 srebra, zamo\u017Cni wnosz\u0105 pe\u0142n\u0105 op\u0142at\u0119), a tak\u017Ce uczy\u0142 innych czytania i pisania. Wielu z duchownych Deneira wybiera zreszt\u0105 atut Zapisanie zwoju, by tworzy\u0107 magiczne zapisy. Spisuj\u0105cy glify, jak nazywani bywaj\u0105 kap\u0142ani tego b\u00F3stwa, modl\u0105 si\u0119 o czary rano. Zachowuj\u0105 kopie ka\u017Cdego pisma, jakie sporz\u0105dzaj\u0105, a 3 dnia ches oddaj\u0105 zw\u00F3j najbardziej interesuj\u0105cych tekst\u00F3w do \u015Bwi\u0105tyni. Wy\u017Csi kap\u0142ani zag\u0142\u0119biaj\u0105 p\u00F3\u017Aniej te teksty, poszukuj\u0105c drobinek Metatekstu. Najbardziej obiecuj\u0105ce fragmenty, cz\u0119sto nie wi\u0119ksze ni\u017C jedno lub dwa s\u0142owa, trafiaj\u0105 do \u015Bwi\u0105tyni na G\u00F3rze \u017Belaznego Smoka ukrytej w G\u00F3rach Zimnej Opoki, gdzie zostan\u0105 przekazane Najwy\u017Cszemu Bibliotekarzowi Haliduthowi Orspriirowi."@pl . . . "Artists, cartographers, illuminators, scribes, Harpers"@en . . "Deneir (ausgesprochen de-Nier), oft Oghmas Schreiber genannt, war der neutral gute Gott der K\u00FCnste, Kartographie, Glyphen, Bilder, des Wissens, der Literatur und der Gelehrten."@de . . . . . . . "Neutral good"@en . "Lesser"@en . . . . . "Symbol of Deneir"@en . "zapalona \u015Bwieca nad purpurowym okiem o tr\u00F3jk\u0105tnej \u017Arenicy"@pl . . "#fff"@en . "Cartography"@en . . . . .