. "Twi'lek"@nl . . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@it . . "Twi'leks were a humanoid species native to the planet Ryloth, distinguishable by their Lekkus, or braintails, which extended into an abnormally vulnerable fashion. In fact, the name \"twi'lek\" was thought by many to be derived from the combination of the words \"twin\" and \"lekku\". Twi'lek females were commonly used as slaves or dancers by crimelords like Jabba the Hutt. This terrible reality was known by all in the galaxy. However, as Ryloth was not officially in the Republic, little was done to prevent the operation and growth of the Twi'lek slave trade."@en . . . . . "*Blue\n*Green\n*Light\n*Orange\n*Pink\n*Purple\n*Red\n*Teal\n*White\n*Yellow"@en . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438"@it . . . . . . . . "Piros, narancs, s\u00E1rga, z\u00F6ld, k\u00E9k, lila, barna, s\u00E1rg\u00E1sbarna, r\u00F3zsasz\u00EDn, feh\u00E9r, cs\u00EDkos \u00E9s s\u00F6t\u00E9tsz\u00FCrke"@hu . . "Twi'Lek"@en . . . . . . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438"@nl . . "Twi'leks sind die Bewohner des Planeten Ryloth. Sie haben humanoide Gestalt, allerdings besitzen sie statt Haaren zwei lange Tentakel auf ihren K\u00F6pfen. Einige ber\u00FChmt Twi'lek waren Aayla Secura, eine Jedi-Meisterin, und Orn Free Taa, der zur Zeit der Klonkriege Senator von Ryloth war."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . "Twi'leks are tall, thin humanoids indigenous to the Ryloth star system, located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Their most distinguishing features are the twin tentacular appendages, called lekku which protrude from the back of their skulls. These 'head tails' serve both sensual and cognitive functions, which help the Twi'leks survive the harsh environs of their homeworld. Capable of learning and speaking most humanoid tongues, the Twi'lek language combines both speech and movement of the head tails, making it a very difficult language for even the most skilled linguists to interpret."@en . . . "Twi'leks waren zoogdieren afkomstig van de planeet Ryloth in de Outer Rim. Twi'leks behoorden tot de bekendste species in het universum."@nl . "Twi'leks were a near-human race from the planet Ryloth. They had tentacles that come out of the back of their heads called Lekku. Most females were taught the art of seductive dance and were sold as slaves. There have been several Twi'lek Jedi. One of the most well-known male Twi'leks was Bib Fortuna, the majordomo of Jabba the Hutt."@en . . . . . "Twi'leker"@pt . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . "Bipedal"@en . . "*Bib Fortuna\n*Aayla Secura\n*Cham Syndulla\n*Hera Syndulla\n*Lyn Me\n*Isval"@pt . . . . "1,80 m"@es . . . . . . "Zuurstof"@nl . "*Aayla Secura\n*Bib Fortuna\n*Cham Syndulla\n*Hera Syndulla\n*Orn Free Taa"@fr . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . . . . . "Twi'leks sind die Bewohner des Planeten Ryloth. Sie haben humanoide Gestalt, allerdings besitzen sie statt Haaren zwei lange Tentakel auf ihren K\u00F6pfen. Einige ber\u00FChmt Twi'lek waren Aayla Secura, eine Jedi-Meisterin, und Orn Free Taa, der zur Zeit der Klonkriege Senator von Ryloth war."@en . "Twi'lek.jpg"@es . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . "Lekku, sharp teeth , conical external ears"@en . . . . . . . . "Twi\u2019lek"@es . . . "Rojo, Verde, P\u00E1lido, Viol\u00E1ceo, Rosa y otros colores."@es . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . "Twi\u2019lek"@hu . . . . "The Twi'lek were a species of humanoids that originated from the planet Ryloth, a desert planet known for it's heat storms. They were several different colors, such as purple, blue, yellow, red, green, and others. The only Twi'lek minifigures known currently are Oola, Bib Fortuna, and Aayla Secura."@en . "\u0422\u0443\u0430\u0439'\u043B\u0435\u043A"@hu . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . "Twi'leks sind die Bewohner des Planeten Ryloth. Sie haben humanoide Gestalt, allerdings besitzen sie statt Haaren zwei lange Tentakel auf ihren K\u00F6pfen. Einige ber\u00FChmt Twi'lek waren Aayla Secura, eine Jedi-Meisterin, und Orn Free Taa, der zur Zeit der Klonkriege Senator von Ryloth war."@de . . . . "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, white, and dark gray"@en . . . . "Twi'lek"@fr . . . . . . "Rouge, jaune, bleu, vert, blanc"@fr . . "Twi'leker"@nl . . . . . . . "*Aayla Secura \n*Lyn Me \n*Lunae Minx\n*Orn Free Taa\n* Ayy Vida\n*Bib Fortuna\n*Oola \n* Jor Drakas \n* Hera Syndulla\n* Darth Talon\n* Mission Vao\n* Cham Syndulla \n*Komad Fortuna \n*Yuthura Ban \n*Nawara Ven\n* Guun Han Saresh\n* Numa\n* Z'ozpheratu\n* Sedriss\n* Rianna Saren\n* Kolovish\n* Vanel"@es . . "The Twi'lek were a species of humanoids that originated from the planet Ryloth, a desert planet known for it's heat storms. They were several different colors, such as purple, blue, yellow, red, green, and others. The only Twi'lek minifigures known currently are Oola, Bib Fortuna, and Aayla Secura."@en . . . . "Twi'lek are an alien species in the Star Wars continuum. They are native to the planet Ryloth, but are spread throughout the galaxy. They have skin colors ranging from pink to red, blue, green, and more and are notable for the two lekku or brain-tails that protrude from the back of their heads. In very rare instances, such as Senator Orn Free Taa, a Twi'lek may be born with more than two lekku. Lekku are moderately prehensile and their movements are used in communication as much as spoken language. They are very important culturally and are biologically sensitive organs."@en . . "Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Dark Grey, Purple, Brown, Tan, Pink, White"@en . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks have natural extra energy, and thus are very suited as entertainers and combat professions that have heavy action specials. While there have been Twi'lek Jedi, not many are known to exist at this time."@en . . . "Twi'lek are a highly variable humanoid species that have noticable sexual dimorphism and a wide range of color variation."@en . "Twi'lek are a highly variable humanoid species that have noticable sexual dimorphism and a wide range of color variation."@en . "\u0422\u0443\u0430\u0439'\u043B\u0435\u043A"@es . "Twi'leker"@it . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@fr . . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "1.75m"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Los twl'leks eran una especie omn\u00EDvora humanice originaria del planeta Ryloth. Entre sus rasgos m\u00E1s distintivos, destacan una piel que var\u00EDa de un color a otro seg\u00FAn el individuo y un par de tent\u00E1culos torneados prensiles que nacen de la base del cr\u00E1neo. Estos tent\u00E1culos, llamados \"lekku\", o \"tchun-tchin\" son \u00F3rganos avanzados usados para la comunicaci\u00F3n y las funciones cognitivas. Las hembras twi'lek sol\u00EDan usarse como bailarinas o esclavas debido a su belleza."@es . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks are a prominent species in the universe, and can often be found in the service of many cultures. They are most notably kept as slaves by the Hutts and come in a variety of colors, including blue, green, red, and orange. On their homeworld of Ryloth, they live in a clan-based society. Due to the nature of their world\u2019s orbit, Twi\u2019leks live in the \u201CLife Zone\u201D, a zone on the equator of the world where day and night meet, forcing the Twi\u2019leks to live in a perpetual twilight. To live outside of the zone would be to burn or freeze to death. Many Twi'leks find themselves in service to criminal organizations."@en . . . . . "*Aayla Secura\n*Mission Vao\n*Yuthura Ban\n*Casandra Mateil\n*Griff Vao\n*Komad Fortuna\n*Alora\n*Darth Talon\n*Zhar Lestin\n*Bib Fortuna\n*Anglu\n*Zaerdra\n*Oola"@en . . . . . . . . "Average Height: 1.8 meters Average Lifespan: 65 years The Twi'leks are a race of smooth-skinned humanoids whose skin tones vary from red to blue to maroon to indigo to pale green to neon yellow to violet ... and so on. They are naturally hairless, and are generally thought to be peculiarly attractive life-forms. Besides their skin pigmentation and hairlessness, they are distinguished from humans by their teeth (small, pointy, triangular), their claws, and their head-tails, or 'lekku,' which not only function as extra limbs but are also centers of neural activity. It is said that Twi'leks deprived of their head-tails become listless, lose all sense of balance, and cease to take an interest in those around them."@en . . "Twi'lek"@en . . . "A twi\u2019lek egy mindenev\u0151, a Ryloth bolyg\u00F3r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaz\u00F3 humanoid faj volt. Termesztett pen\u00E9sszel, gomb\u00E1kkal \u00E9s rycrit h\u00FAssal t\u00E1pl\u00E1lkoztak. A faj megk\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6ztet\u0151 jegyei k\u00F6z\u00F6tt szerepelt a sz\u00EDnes b\u0151r, amely egy\u00E9nr\u0151l-egy\u00E9nre v\u00E1ltoz\u00F3 volt, valamint egy p\u00E1r, a fej\u00FCkb\u0151l kin\u00F6v\u0151 kapaszkod\u00F3cs\u00E1p. Ezek a cs\u00E1pok (vagy m\u00E1s n\u00E9ven \"agyfarkak\", \" lekkuk\", \"tchun-tchin\" vagy \"fejfarkak\") \u00E9rz\u00E9kszervek voltak, amik egyar\u00E1nt t\u00F6lt\u00F6ttek be kommunik\u00E1ci\u00F3s \u00E9s \u00E9szlel\u0151 feladatokat. A hangjuk hasonlatos volt a t\u00F6bbi humanoid faj\u00E9hoz, \u00E9s az idegen fajok nyelveinek elsaj\u00E1t\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ban is tehets\u00E9gesek voltak, azonban jobban szerett\u00E9k a saj\u00E1t nyelv\u00FCket, a rylt, amelyben nagy szerepe volt a lekkujuk finom mozgat\u00E1s\u00E1nak is. Ha akart\u00E1k, akkor sokoldal\u00FA agyfarkaik seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel teljes titokban kommunik\u00E1lhattak egym\u00E1ssal. A n\u0151nem\u0171 twi\u2019lekeket gyakran alkalmazt\u00E1k t\u00E1ncosk\u00E9nt vagy tartott\u00E1k rabszolg\u00E1nak sz\u00E9ps\u00E9g\u00FCk miatt."@hu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Ryl, Galactic Basic Standard"@en . . . . "Average Height: 1.8 meters Average Lifespan: 65 years The Twi'leks are a race of smooth-skinned humanoids whose skin tones vary from red to blue to maroon to indigo to pale green to neon yellow to violet ... and so on. They are naturally hairless, and are generally thought to be peculiarly attractive life-forms. Besides their skin pigmentation and hairlessness, they are distinguished from humans by their teeth (small, pointy, triangular), their claws, and their head-tails, or 'lekku,' which not only function as extra limbs but are also centers of neural activity. It is said that Twi'leks deprived of their head-tails become listless, lose all sense of balance, and cease to take an interest in those around them. Twi'leks originated on Ryloth, and most still consider that desert world their home. Their society is tribal--but few Twi'leks pay terribly close attention to tribe nowadays. They prefer to look out for themselves, and can quote legal and ethical precedents which suggest that their so-called selfishness is not only justified but mandatory."@en . . . . . . . "Twi'lek are an alien species in the Star Wars continuum. They are native to the planet Ryloth, but are spread throughout the galaxy. They have skin colors ranging from pink to red, blue, green, and more and are notable for the two lekku or brain-tails that protrude from the back of their heads. In very rare instances, such as Senator Orn Free Taa, a Twi'lek may be born with more than two lekku. Lekku are moderately prehensile and their movements are used in communication as much as spoken language. They are very important culturally and are biologically sensitive organs. Slavery is common in Twi'lek society, especially since Twi'lek females are considered very attractive to a large range of other species. While many Twi'leks live as merchants or even criminals, the race also has a proud and honorable warrior tradition. Twi'lek personal names are incorporated into one with their clan name, though that convention seems to have fallen out of favor during the waning period of the Old Republic. Prominent Twi'lek in the films include Jabba the Hutt's majordomo, Bib Fortuna, an exile from his clan (as indicated by the breaking in two of his original name, Bibfort'una) and Aaylas'ecura (also known as Aayla Secura), a Jedi Knight and General in the Clone Wars. There are Twi'lek agents in the PPC, but the only ones who have been seen so far are Isolde Van and Tira Avrona."@en . . . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@nl . . . . . . "Omnivoor"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks (pronounced /'twil\u025Bk/) were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. They tended to eat cultivated molds, fungi, and rycrit meat. Their distinctive features included colorful skin, which varied in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles were called lekku, or brain-tails. Twi'leks possessed a fairly standard humanoid vocal structure and were capable of learning most alien languages; however, they usually preferred their native language of Twi'leki, which incorporated subtle movement of the lekku."@en . . . . . . . . "Lethan and Rutian"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . . . . . . . "1.6"^^ . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . . . . . . . . "Homeworld: Ryloth Description: Twi'leks have colored skin and and at least two tails\u2014called lekku, singular lek\u2014protruding from their heads; the name \"Twi'lek\" means \"twin lekku.\" Part of the brain grows into the base of the lekku, and the width of them is proportional to the girth of the Twi'lek in question. Although it is most common for Twi'leks to have two lekku, it is possible (although rare) for a Twi'lek to naturally have three or four lekku."@en . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@it . . "Twi'lek"@it . . . . . "Twi'leks are a prominent species in the universe, and can often be found in the service of many cultures. They are most notably kept as slaves by the Hutts and come in a variety of colors, including blue, green, red, and orange."@en . . . "Twi'lekit"@hu . . . . . . "Twi\u2019lek"@hu . . . . . . "Others"@en . . . . . . . "C\u00E2non:Twi'lek"@fr . "Twi'lekit"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . . . . "\uD2B8\uC70C\uB809"@it . . "Tw\u0113'-l\u0115k"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uD2B8\uC70C\uB809"@nl . "Agyfarkak, \u00E9les karmokhoz hasonl\u00F3 k\u00F6rm\u00F6k, sz\u0151rtelen b\u0151r"@hu . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks are an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. Their distinctive features include colorful skin, which varies in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles, called \"brain-tails,\" \"lekku,\" \"tchun-tchin,\" or \"head-tails\" are advanced organs used for communication and cognitive functions. Naturally quick and cunning, they excel in both physical and cognitive skills, and Twi\u2019leks can generally perform feats of dexterity that significantly surpass other species\u2019 capabilities. Twi'leks are often used as slaves, the females primarily as dancers because of their beauty."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . "KotOR, KotOR II y TOR"@es . . . . "twi'lek"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "sim"@pt . . . . . "Sec"@fr . . "Poss\u00E8de des lekku"@fr . . "Twi-lek"@en . . . . . . . "Zoogdier"@nl . . . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@hu . "Twi'lekowie"@nl . . . . . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438"@hu . . "Los twi'leks eran una raza de seres humanoides omn\u00EDvoros originarios del planeta Ryloth."@es . . . "news/die-wanna-wanga-encounters-of-the-twilek-kind"@pt . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@es . . . . . . . "None other than eyelashes"@en . "Twi'lekowie"@it . . . "Twi'lek"@fr . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . . . . . "Twi'lekowie"@pt . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . . . . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438"@es . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leki ou Ryl"@fr . . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2.0"^^ . "Twi'leks were either very hot or very not. Fanboys worshiped the hot ones, but we're not sure what they did with the ugly ones."@en . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . "[Source] Les Twi'leks \u00E9taient une esp\u00E8ce humano\u00EFde originaire de la plan\u00E8te Ryloth, dont la peau pouvait \u00EAtre de diff\u00E9rentes couleurs, en fonction de l'individu : rouge, jaune, bleue ou encore verte. Ils poss\u00E9daient une paire de tentacules sur le cr\u00E2ne appel\u00E9s lekku, dont ils se servaient, en plus des mots, pour parler leur langue, le Twi'leki, qui n\u00E9cessitait ces deux moyens pour \u00EAtre comprise."@fr . . "Twi'leker"@hu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi\u2019lek"@nl . "Twi'lek"@nl . "Twi'leks were either very hot or very not. Fanboys worshiped the hot ones, but we're not sure what they did with the ugly ones."@en . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . . . "Lekku, tall, thin"@en . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . "Twi\u2019lek"@it . . . . "Twi'leks were a near-human race from the planet Ryloth. They had tentacles that come out of the back of their heads called Lekku. Most females were taught the art of seductive dance and were sold as slaves. There have been several Twi'lek Jedi. One of the most well-known male Twi'leks was Bib Fortuna, the majordomo of Jabba the Hutt."@en . . "Twi'leks are exotic, brightly colored humanoids with no hair and two head tails called Lekku (brain tails), and are native to the planet Ryloth. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors in both the canon sources and SWRP. The race is often associated with dancers or entertainers because of the slave trade that exists among their kind. Twi'leks are sometimes referred to as \"tail heads\" but the term is used in a derogatory manner."@en . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . "fff"@pt . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . . . "Rutian"@en . "\u0422\u0443\u0430\u0439'\u043B\u0435\u043A"@pt . . "Twi\u2019lek"@pt . . . "Die Wana Wanga: Encounters of the Twi'lek Kind"@pt . . . . . "Yes"@en . . "Homeworld: Ryloth Description: Twi'leks have colored skin and and at least two tails\u2014called lekku, singular lek\u2014protruding from their heads; the name \"Twi'lek\" means \"twin lekku.\" Part of the brain grows into the base of the lekku, and the width of them is proportional to the girth of the Twi'lek in question. Although it is most common for Twi'leks to have two lekku, it is possible (although rare) for a Twi'lek to naturally have three or four lekku. Twi'lek females are prized for their natural beauty and gracefulness, and between genetic predisposition and social conditioning, are naturally submissive. As such, they are thus sold to slavery as dancers for crimelords and such, while others take jobs to dance at cantinas. Twi'lek females have conical ears, while males have human-like ears. They understand most alien languages but prefer to speak their own. Twi'leks live in a clan-based society. They are naturally completely hairless."@en . . . "Lekku, Smooth skin"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u0422\u0443\u0430\u0439'\u043B\u0435\u043A"@nl . . . . . "Twi'lek"@nl . . "Twi'leker"@es . . . . "\u0422\u0443\u0430\u0439'\u043B\u0435\u043A"@it . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks are exotic, brightly colored humanoids with no hair and two head tails called Lekku (brain tails), and are native to the planet Ryloth. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors in both the canon sources and SWRP. The race is often associated with dancers or entertainers because of the slave trade that exists among their kind. Twi'leks are sometimes referred to as \"tail heads\" but the term is used in a derogatory manner."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\"La mia gente, i Twi'lek, hanno un'antica e ricca storia di non violenza. Noi preferiamo l'intelletto e l'abilit\u00E0 che alla brutalit\u00E0 totale\" I Twi'lek (pronuncia /'twil\u025Bk/) sono una specie umanoide onnivora originari del pianeta Ryloth. Tendono a cibarsi di funghi e carne di rycrit. Le loro caratteristiche sono la pelle colorata, i cui pigmenti variano da individuo a individuo e un paio di armoniosi e prensili tentacoli che crescono alla base del cranio. Questi tentacoli vengono chiamati \"code del cervello\", \"lekku\", \"tchun tchin\" o \"code della testa\". Questi organi avanzati sono stati per la comunicazioni e le funzioni cognitive della specie. I Twi'lek possiedono una struttura vocale umanoide abbastanza standard ed erano in grado di apprendere pi\u00F9 lingue aliene, tuttavia, preferiscono la "@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Sporting twin head tails known as lekku, Twi'leks hail from the planet Ryloth, a very dry and rocky world along the galactic rim."@en . "Twi'lek"@cs . . . . "Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, white, and gray"@en . . "Twi'leks (pronounced /'twil\u025Bk/) were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. They tended to eat cultivated molds, fungi, and rycrit meat. Their distinctive features included colorful skin, which varied in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles were called lekku, or brain-tails. Twi'leks possessed a fairly standard humanoid vocal structure and were capable of learning most alien languages; however, they usually preferred their native language of Twi'leki, which incorporated subtle movement of the lekku."@en . . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@en . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . . . "Twi'leks were a humanoid species native to the planet Ryloth, distinguishable by their Lekkus, or braintails, which extended into an abnormally vulnerable fashion. In fact, the name \"twi'lek\" was thought by many to be derived from the combination of the words \"twin\" and \"lekku\". Twi'lek females were commonly used as slaves or dancers by crimelords like Jabba the Hutt. This terrible reality was known by all in the galaxy. However, as Ryloth was not officially in the Republic, little was done to prevent the operation and growth of the Twi'lek slave trade."@en . . . "Los twl'leks eran una especie omn\u00EDvora humanice originaria del planeta Ryloth. Entre sus rasgos m\u00E1s distintivos, destacan una piel que var\u00EDa de un color a otro seg\u00FAn el individuo y un par de tent\u00E1culos torneados prensiles que nacen de la base del cr\u00E1neo. Estos tent\u00E1culos, llamados \"lekku\", o \"tchun-tchin\" son \u00F3rganos avanzados usados para la comunicaci\u00F3n y las funciones cognitivas. Las hembras twi'lek sol\u00EDan usarse como bailarinas o esclavas debido a su belleza. Las clases jugables para los twi'lek son el C\u00F3nsul Jedi, el Contrabandista, el Caballero Jedi y el Inquisidor Sith. El personaje de acompa\u00F1amiento Vette es de esta especie."@es . . "Ryl & Lekku"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A twi\u2019lek egy mindenev\u0151, a Ryloth bolyg\u00F3r\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmaz\u00F3 humanoid faj volt. Termesztett pen\u00E9sszel, gomb\u00E1kkal \u00E9s rycrit h\u00FAssal t\u00E1pl\u00E1lkoztak. A faj megk\u00FCl\u00F6nb\u00F6ztet\u0151 jegyei k\u00F6z\u00F6tt szerepelt a sz\u00EDnes b\u0151r, amely egy\u00E9nr\u0151l-egy\u00E9nre v\u00E1ltoz\u00F3 volt, valamint egy p\u00E1r, a fej\u00FCkb\u0151l kin\u00F6v\u0151 kapaszkod\u00F3cs\u00E1p. Ezek a cs\u00E1pok (vagy m\u00E1s n\u00E9ven \"agyfarkak\", \" lekkuk\", \"tchun-tchin\" vagy \"fejfarkak\") \u00E9rz\u00E9kszervek voltak, amik egyar\u00E1nt t\u00F6lt\u00F6ttek be kommunik\u00E1ci\u00F3s \u00E9s \u00E9szlel\u0151 feladatokat. A hangjuk hasonlatos volt a t\u00F6bbi humanoid faj\u00E9hoz, \u00E9s az idegen fajok nyelveinek elsaj\u00E1t\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ban is tehets\u00E9gesek voltak, azonban jobban szerett\u00E9k a saj\u00E1t nyelv\u00FCket, a rylt, amelyben nagy szerepe volt a lekkujuk finom mozgat\u00E1s\u00E1nak is. Ha akart\u00E1k, akkor sokoldal\u00FA agyfarkaik seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel teljes titokban kommunik\u00E1lhattak egym\u00E1ssal. A n\u0151nem\u0171 twi"@hu . . . "Ryl, Lekku, Rarely Basic"@en . . . . . . . . . "[Source] Les Twi'leks \u00E9taient une esp\u00E8ce humano\u00EFde originaire de la plan\u00E8te Ryloth, dont la peau pouvait \u00EAtre de diff\u00E9rentes couleurs, en fonction de l'individu : rouge, jaune, bleue ou encore verte. Ils poss\u00E9daient une paire de tentacules sur le cr\u00E2ne appel\u00E9s lekku, dont ils se servaient, en plus des mots, pour parler leur langue, le Twi'leki, qui n\u00E9cessitait ces deux moyens pour \u00EAtre comprise."@fr . "All"@en . . . . . "Twi'leks waren zoogdieren afkomstig van de planeet Ryloth in de Outer Rim. Twi'leks behoorden tot de bekendste species in het universum."@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Rutian, Lethan"@nl . . . . . . . . . "Colors held more meaning to a Twi'lek than simple skin tone. Colors aligned a Twi'lek with where on Ryloth they were born. Typically each clan or family was composed of a certain color, various shades thereof. The exceptions of course being the rare colors which were so uncommon, that is was seldom there were even two of them in one family over generations, let alone more than that. There were various different reasons that Twi'leks were different colors, some of those having to do with elements and other various means. Blue and aqua colored Twi'leks, called Rutian, were born of the Water Doctrin and were known for being peaceful mediators. Those born brown or gray, called Darian, were born of the Earth Doctrin and they were known for being violent warriors. If a child was born yellow or orange, called Tolian, they were born of the Fire Doctrine and would be known for being headstrong explorers. Green Twi'leks, called Tukian, were born of the Spirit Doctrine and were known for being religious priests. Finally, there were those born with purple and pink skin, called Tyrian, that were born of the Music Doctrine. They were known for being adept in the arts such as music, poetry and dancing and were typically artists. There were also rarer colors such as white, red and black."@en . "Twi'leks sind die Bewohner des Planeten Ryloth. Sie haben humanoide Gestalt, allerdings besitzen sie statt Haaren zwei lange Tentakel auf ihren K\u00F6pfen. Einige ber\u00FChmt Twi'lek waren Aayla Secura, eine Jedi-Meisterin, und Orn Free Taa, der zur Zeit der Klonkriege Senator von Ryloth war."@en . . . . . . . . . "*Rosa-claro\n*Azul\n*Laranja\n*Verde"@pt . "Sporting twin head tails known as lekku, Twi'leks hail from the planet Ryloth, a very dry and rocky world along the galactic rim."@en . . "The Twi'leks are a humanoid alien species from the Star Wars Universe whose females are considered very sexually attractive, even by the non-humanoid Hutts. For this reason, they have been often enslaved. A Twi'lek is readily recognizable by a pair of long tentacles protruding from their head, which in fact contains part of their brain. Their skin color is highly variable. They hail from the planet Ryloth."@en . "Une paire"@fr . . . "2.524608E9"^^ . . . "Twi'leks are an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. Their distinctive features include colorful skin, which varies in pigment from individual to individual, and a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grew from the base of their skulls. The tentacles, called \"brain-tails,\" \"lekku,\" \"tchun-tchin,\" or \"head-tails\" are advanced organs used for communication and cognitive functions. Naturally quick and cunning, they excel in both physical and cognitive skills, and Twi\u2019leks can generally perform feats of dexterity that significantly surpass other species\u2019 capabilities. Twi'leks are often used as slaves, the females primarily as dancers because of their beauty. The base playable classes for the Twi'lek are the Jedi Consular, Smuggler, Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor, however like all species they may be unlocked for other classes via the Legacy System or Cartel Market. The Companion Characters Vette and Zenith is of this species."@en . "Twi'lek"@it . . "Twi'lek"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . "Twi'leks have natural extra energy, and thus are very suited as entertainers and combat professions that have heavy action specials. While there have been Twi'lek Jedi, not many are known to exist at this time."@en . . . . . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@en . . . . "Twi'lek"@hu . . . . . . . . "Los twi'leks eran una raza de seres humanoides omn\u00EDvoros originarios del planeta Ryloth."@es . . . "*Tekku Aylay\n*Bib'vena\n*Bib'vena's mother\n*Tae Boon\n*Nilim Bril\n*Dahna\n*Dardama\n*Dek\n*Jan Dez\n*Orgadomo Dokura\n*Finn Ertay\n*Beezer Fortuna\n*Bib Fortuna\n*Gobi Glie\n*Xosad Hozem\n*Iania\n*Issa-Or\n*Jinx\n*Eldra Kaitis\n*Liana Kor\n*Krev\n*Jek Lawquane\n*Shaeeah Lawquane\n*Suu Lawquane\n*Luta\n*Lyn Me\n*Nowk\n*Numa\n*Okuvim\n*Oola\n*Sammo Quid\n*Ratch\n*Reveth\n*Ra Sara\n*Aayla Secura\n*Sotna\n*Supi\n*Cham Syndulla\n*Hera Syndulla\n*Hera Syndulla's mother\n*Orn Free Taa\n*Tormo\n*Ayy Vida\n*Xira\n*Yendor\n*Yunnarha\n*Zheela"@en . . . . . . "Star Wars"@en . . "*Black\n*Blue\n*Brown\n*Green\n*Hazel\n*Orange\n*Pink\n*Purple\n*Yellow"@en . . . "Twi'lekit"@it . "Lethan"@en . . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . . . . "\uD2B8\uC70C\uB809"@es . "Twi'lek"@pt . "Twi'lekit"@pt . "C\u00E2non:Twi'lek"@en . "Twi'lekit"@nl . . . . "Intelligent"@nl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "\uD2B8\uC70C\uB809"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "*Yuthura Ban\n*Bib Fortuna\n*Komad Fortuna\n*Zhar Lestin\n*Numa\n*Oola\n*Lyn Me\n*Alema Rar\n*Guun Han Saresh\n*Aayla Secura\n*Cham Syndulla\n*Orn Free Taa\n*Darth Talon \n*Desvin Tor'thal\n*Mission Vao \n*Nawara Ven \n*Z'ozpheratu"@hu . . "Twi'lek"@it . . "\uD2B8\uC70C\uB809"@pt . . . . "*Lethan\n*Rutian"@es . "Colors held more meaning to a Twi'lek than simple skin tone. Colors aligned a Twi'lek with where on Ryloth they were born. Typically each clan or family was composed of a certain color, various shades thereof. The exceptions of course being the rare colors which were so uncommon, that is was seldom there were even two of them in one family over generations, let alone more than that."@en . "\"La mia gente, i Twi'lek, hanno un'antica e ricca storia di non violenza. Noi preferiamo l'intelletto e l'abilit\u00E0 che alla brutalit\u00E0 totale\" I Twi'lek (pronuncia /'twil\u025Bk/) sono una specie umanoide onnivora originari del pianeta Ryloth. Tendono a cibarsi di funghi e carne di rycrit. Le loro caratteristiche sono la pelle colorata, i cui pigmenti variano da individuo a individuo e un paio di armoniosi e prensili tentacoli che crescono alla base del cranio. Questi tentacoli vengono chiamati \"code del cervello\", \"lekku\", \"tchun tchin\" o \"code della testa\". Questi organi avanzati sono stati per la comunicazioni e le funzioni cognitive della specie. I Twi'lek possiedono una struttura vocale umanoide abbastanza standard ed erano in grado di apprendere pi\u00F9 lingue aliene, tuttavia, preferiscono la loro lingua nativa di Ryl, che riprende anche il movimento sottile dei lekku. Quando c'\u00E8 la necessit\u00E0 possono anche comunicare in completa segretezza utilizzando le loro versatili code cerebrali. A causa della loro bellezza le femmine Twi'lek sono state usate come schiave o ballerine."@it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'lek"@es . . . . . . "Omnivorous"@en . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Twi'leks are tall, thin humanoids indigenous to the Ryloth star system, located in the Outer Rim of the galaxy. Their most distinguishing features are the twin tentacular appendages, called lekku which protrude from the back of their skulls. These 'head tails' serve both sensual and cognitive functions, which help the Twi'leks survive the harsh environs of their homeworld. Capable of learning and speaking most humanoid tongues, the Twi'lek language combines both speech and movement of the head tails, making it a very difficult language for even the most skilled linguists to interpret. Ryloth, homeworld of the Twi'lek species, is a dry, rocky world of shadowy valleys and mist-covered peaks. The atmosphere is rather thin, but breathable for most humanoid races. The planet's rotation divides it into two sides: one side is forever baked in the harsh rays of the sun, while the other is plunged into eternal darkness. It is this dark side of the world that houses the Twi'leks. The dark side is constantly swept by tornado-like 'heat storms' which blow in from the sun-blistered side of the planet at speeds up to 600 kph. But they are responsible for the heat which allows the Twi'leks to inhabit the otherwise frozen wasteland of the planet's dark side. The range of possible Twi'lek skin colors was extremely diverse, including green, orange, brown, yellow, white, and purple \u2014 all in varying shades and hues. Twi'leks of these skin colors were referred to as Ryloth Twi'leks, with green being the most common color. Other types of Twi'leks included the particularly rare blue-skinned Twi'leks, known as Rutian Twi'leks, and the rarest red pigment of the Lethan Twi'leks, whose skin color was caused by a mutation of the genetic code. \"One cannot defeat a heat storm... One must ride it.\" \u2014 Twi'lek proverb Twi'leks are omnivorous, but not warlike. They prefer cunning and slyness to direct combat. Their philosophy directs the Twi'lek view on the war between the Galactic Empire and the New Republic. The Twi'leks see both sides as opposing heat storms sweeping the galaxy, and the Twi'leks intend to outlive and profit from the war much as they do from collecting the warm air currents of the heat storms. Eventually, both storms will pass, and the Twi'leks intend to be around when the galaxy cools. Twi'leks in the galaxy will be found in positions ranging from pirate and smuggler, to merchant, to corporate executive. In the past, the Empire had been known to hire certain Twi'leks as spies, although the New Republic claims to have put a stop to that network. Twi'leks are also often involved in the trade, legal or otherwise, of Ryll, a very popular, but extremely dangerous and addictive, medicinal/recreational drug used in the Corporate Sector. When RP'ing a Twi'lek character, keep in mind that Twi'leks tend to shy away from open confrontation, instead relying on their skills of cunning and slyness. Twi'leks are alse extremely proud of thier head tails, keeping them meticulously groomed. Twi'leks also have been known to telegraph their moods and emotions, not always intentionally, through their head tails. As a race, they are not inclined to favor any particular faction over another."@en . . "Twi'lek"@it . . "Twi'lekowie"@es . . . . "\u0422\u0432\u0438'\u043B\u0435\u043A\u0438"@pt . . . . . "\u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@pt . . "The Twi'leks are a humanoid alien species from the Star Wars Universe whose females are considered very sexually attractive, even by the non-humanoid Hutts. For this reason, they have been often enslaved. A Twi'lek is readily recognizable by a pair of long tentacles protruding from their head, which in fact contains part of their brain. Their skin color is highly variable. They hail from the planet Ryloth."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Sapient"@en . "Twi'lekowie"@hu . . . . . . . . .