. "Ajilon Prime"@en . . "United Federation of Planets"@en . . "Ajilon Prime"@de . . . "Ajilon prime"@nl . . . . "]] Sektor [[| ]] Region System [[| ]] Mond [[]] Bev\u00F6lkerung [[]] Klasse [[|]] Fraktion [[]] Orbitale Ein\u00ADrich\u00ADtungen [[]] |Die Oberfl\u00E4che des Planeten Ajilon Prime]]|}}Der Planet Ajilon Prime Ajilon Prime ist ein Planet, auf dem sich eine Kolonie der F\u00F6deration befindet. Er befindet sich etwa einen Sektor entfernt von Deep Space 9, in der N\u00E4he des Lembatta-Clusters. Auf Ajilon Prime befindet sich der St\u00FCtzpunkt Tananda Bay. Im Jahre 2373, w\u00E4hrend des zweiten F\u00F6deral-klingonischen Krieges, greifen die Klingonen die dortige Kolonie an. Man vermutet, dass sie dies aus Rache f\u00FCr die Niederlage auf Ganalda IV tun. Die Schlacht von Ajilon Prime wird mit gro\u00DFer H\u00E4rte gef\u00FChrt, und richtet verheerende Sch\u00E4den unter der Bev\u00F6lkerung an. Unter den Verteidigungskr\u00E4ften der F\u00F6deration befinden sich unter anderem auch Dr. Julian Bashir, der sich um die medizinische Versorgung der Verwundeten k\u00FCmmert und Jake Sisko, der, eigentlich als Journalist anwesend, w\u00E4hrend des Angriffs auf das unterirdische Lazarett von Ajilon Prime, einen wichtigen Dienst zur Rettung der evakuierten Patienten vor den herannahenden Klingonen leistet, indem er einen H\u00F6hleneingang zerst\u00F6rt. Der sp\u00E4ter ausgerufene Waffenstillstand zwischen der F\u00F6deration und den Klingonen, beendet die Kampfhandlungen auf Ajilon Prime. (DS9: )"@de . . . "Ajilon Prime"@en . "In orbit of Ajilon"@en . . . "Ajilon Prime surface.jpg"@nl . "Ajilon Prime is a Federation world located in the Ajilon system of the Beta Quadrant, near the Klingon border. It is also in or near the Archanis sector. The Decker Memorial Hospital was located there. (ST reference: Star Trek: Star Charts, ST video game: Starship Creator) It was invaded by the Klingon Empire in early 2373, after the ceasefire ordered by Chancellor Gowron broke down. After the planet was invaded, the personnel sent out a distress call, which Julian Bashir and Jake Sisko responded to."@en . . . . . "Ajilon Prime est une plan\u00E8te de classe M dans le syst\u00E8me Ajilon situ\u00E9e dans l'espace de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 de l'Empire Klingon."@fr . "Ajilon Prime surface.jpg"@en . . "Ajilon prime"@nl . . . . "Ajilon Prime"@pl . . . . . . . "Entrance to the subterranean battlefield hospital on Ajilon Prime"@en . "Ajilon Prime"@fr . . "Ajilon Prime was a world located in the Ajilon system, the Archanis sector, of the Beta Quadrant, near the Klingon border. It was also the only class-M World in the star system. The planet has a Federation colony. The Decker Memorial Hospital was located there. (ST reference: Star Charts, ST video game: Starship Creator, ST website: Startrek.com) Locations on the planet included Tananda Bay, which had a Starfleet base. (DS9 episode: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\") Ajilon Prime required rebuilding after the Dominion War. (SCE eBook: Ishtar Rising)"@en . "Ajilon Prime"@en . "Ajilon Prime was the inhabited prime planet in its star system. This planet was located near the Federation-Klingon border. In the 24th century, this planet was home to a Federation colony with several settlements. The colonial government was partially administrated by Resource. The planet was located \"three days at best\" from Deep Space 9. In early 2373, the planet was attacked by the Klingons during the Federation-Klingon War, breaking the cease fire that was initiated a few weeks earlier. In the ensuing Battle of Ajilon Prime, the Klingon forces were quickly able to capture two settlements in the northern hemisphere, trap over half the colonists on the planet and then advance further. During the battle, colonists were evacuated to a base on Tananda Bay by Resource. Reinforcements were dispatched aboard the USS Farragut, but the vessel was destroyed before reaching the planet. The USS Defiant reached the planet two days later, and Klingon forces pulled out following the reinstatement of the ceasefire. (DS9: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\")"@en . . . . . . "Ajilon Prime jest ...liczba... z ...liczba... planet w systemie Ajilon, po\u0142o\u017Cony w Beta Kwadrant. Planeta klasy M na kt\u00F3rej znajdowa\u0142a si\u0119 kolonia Federacji."@pl . . . . . . . . . "class M"@en . . "Ajilon Prime jest ...liczba... z ...liczba... planet w systemie Ajilon, po\u0142o\u017Cony w Beta Kwadrant. Planeta klasy M na kt\u00F3rej znajdowa\u0142a si\u0119 kolonia Federacji."@pl . . "Ajilon Prime was a world located in the Ajilon system, the Archanis sector, of the Beta Quadrant, near the Klingon border. It was also the only class-M World in the star system. The planet has a Federation colony. The Decker Memorial Hospital was located there. (ST reference: Star Charts, ST video game: Starship Creator, ST website: Startrek.com) Locations on the planet included Tananda Bay, which had a Starfleet base. (DS9 episode: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\") It was invaded by the Klingon Empire in early 2373, after the ceasefire ordered by Chancellor Gowron broke down. After the planet was invaded, the personnel sent out a distress call, which Julian Bashir and Jake Sisko responded to. Although initially excited about experiencing the Battle of Ajilon Prime firsthand, Jake later saw the true horrors of war there - the death, destruction and the actions taken by desperate people. (DS9 episode: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\") During the Klingon occupation of Deep Space 9 in 2373, Jake kept remembering his experiences with the Klingons on Ajilon Prime. (DS9 novel: Vengeance) Ajilon Prime required rebuilding after the Dominion War. (SCE eBook: Ishtar Rising) In 2376, Jake mentioned Ajilon Prime in a log he believed might be his last, before he was rescued by the Even Odds. (DS9 novel: Rising Son) In 2379, Section 31 operatives L'Haan and Dietz was able to monitor the progress of the Orion Syndicate freighter Caedera from Ajilon Prime (possibly as part of the Starfleet Perimiter Defense Network); the Caedera was headed to Ajilon after it made its last drop of cargo to the freighter Damascus. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)"@en . . "Ajilon Prime was the inhabited prime planet in its star system. This planet was located near the Federation-Klingon border. In the 24th century, this planet was home to a Federation colony with several settlements. The colonial government was partially administrated by Resource. The planet was located \"three days at best\" from Deep Space 9."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Ajilon Prime"@en . . "In 2373 werd de planeet aangevallen door de Klingons gedurende de Federatie-Klingon oorlog, waarmee het staakt-het-vuren verbroken werd dat sinds enkele weken van kracht was. Tijdens de eerste aanval wisten de Klingon troepen twee nederzettingen op het noordelijk halfrond in handen te krijgen, en meer dan de helft van de kolonisten op de planeet gevangen te zetten. Er werd versterking gestuurd aan boord van de USS Farragut, maar het schip werd verwoest voordat het de planeet kon bereiken. De USS Defiant bereikte de planeet twee dagen later, en de Klingon troepen trokken zich terug na de herstelling van het staakt-het-vuren. (DS9: \"...Nor the Battle to the Strong\")"@nl . . . . "Ajilon Prime.jpg"@en . "]] Sektor [[| ]] Region System [[| ]] Mond [[]] Bev\u00F6lkerung [[]] Klasse [[|]] Fraktion [[]] Orbitale Ein\u00ADrich\u00ADtungen [[]] |Die Oberfl\u00E4che des Planeten Ajilon Prime]]|}}Der Planet Ajilon Prime Ajilon Prime ist ein Planet, auf dem sich eine Kolonie der F\u00F6deration befindet. Er befindet sich etwa einen Sektor entfernt von Deep Space 9, in der N\u00E4he des Lembatta-Clusters. Auf Ajilon Prime befindet sich der St\u00FCtzpunkt Tananda Bay."@de . "Ajilon Prime est une plan\u00E8te de classe M dans le syst\u00E8me Ajilon situ\u00E9e dans l'espace de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration, \u00E0 proximit\u00E9 de l'Empire Klingon."@fr . . . "Ajilon Prime is a Federation world located in the Ajilon system of the Beta Quadrant, near the Klingon border. It is also in or near the Archanis sector. The Decker Memorial Hospital was located there. (ST reference: Star Trek: Star Charts, ST video game: Starship Creator) It was invaded by the Klingon Empire in early 2373, after the ceasefire ordered by Chancellor Gowron broke down. After the planet was invaded, the personnel sent out a distress call, which Julian Bashir and Jake Sisko responded to. Although initially excited about experiencing the Battle of Ajilon Prime firsthand, Jake later saw the true horrors of war there - the death, destruction and the actions taken by desperate people. (DS9 episode: \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\") In 2376, Jake mentioned Ajilon Prime in a log he believed might be his last, before he was rescued by the Even Odds. (DS9 novel: Rising Son) In 2379, Section 31 operatives L'Haan and Dietz was able to monitor the progress of the Orion Syndicate freighter Caedera from Ajilon Prime (possibly as part of the Starfleet Perimiter Defense Network); the Caedera was headed to Ajilon after it made its last drop of cargo to the freighter Damascus. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)"@en . "Het oppervlak van Ajilon prime"@nl . . . . "Near the Federation-Klingon border"@en . . "Ajilon Prime.jpg"@nl . "In 2373 werd de planeet aangevallen door de Klingons gedurende de Federatie-Klingon oorlog, waarmee het staakt-het-vuren verbroken werd dat sinds enkele weken van kracht was. Tijdens de eerste aanval wisten de Klingon troepen twee nederzettingen op het noordelijk halfrond in handen te krijgen, en meer dan de helft van de kolonisten op de planeet gevangen te zetten."@nl . .