. . . "Dark Horse"@en . . "Yoshi has been Mario's best friend since Super Mario World for the SNES. His undeniable cuteness has lent him a cult following among the younger and some older Mario Kart fans. He says his name repeatedly and in Mario Kart Wii, he talks in a high-pitched voice. He falls under the medium weight class in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Kart Wii, and Mario Kart 8, but a lightweight in Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Mario Kart DS, and Mario Kart 7. . He is one of the most popular characters in the Mario Kart series."@en . . . . "Fire?"@en . "[[Bild:Moonlight_SY-3_Tada_Okada_Ariara_Yoshi.jpg|thumb|left|Yoshi (im Hintergrund) in der Moonlight SY-3]] Yoshi ist ein Astronaut und Wissenschaftler aus Katsuos Team in Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All, wobei er von Wataru \u00D4mae gespielt wird.Er ist aber eigentlich nur eine Nebenfigur und tritt nur kurz zusammen mit seinen restlichen Teammitgliedern auf."@de . "Blau"@de . "Yoshi ist ein Dinosaurier und hat eine lange Zunge. Er ist ein guter Freund von Mario. Er geh\u00F6rt zur Gattung der Yoshis."@de . . . . . "Exclamation_Question's version"@en . . . . "Super Smash Bros. N3DS"@de . "darkred"@en . "Green"@en . . "#0000FF"@en . "Super Mario 64 DS"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi is an anthromorphic dinosaur from the Mario series and the Yoshi series. Yoshi is a generally friendly creature that rarely ever gets mad. This is due to the fact Shigeru didn't insert emotion into Yoshi's programming system. Over the years, Yoshi has gotten himself a lot of fans, and is generally one of the most liked characters in the Mario series. If not, he's liked the most. Yoshi's primary attack means are its long, chameleon-esque tounge and its feet. But his Final Smash breaks these laws, as he says \"screw this, I have WINGS\" before instantaneously flying off to get drunk and score female Yoshi's as well as KOs. However, Yoshi could be either male or female, so he can go with any other Yoshi."@en . . . "Coordinadora Pok\u00E9mon"@es . "Bount"@es . . . . . . . . . "Paper Yoshi"@en . . . . . "115"^^ . . . . . . . . "Yoshi was Skrump's pet tooke, named after the fictional character from the mario series. It holds similarities to the character, as it even has a slightly longer tongue than its cousins."@en . . "Le fid\u00E8le compagnon de Mario peut planer apr\u00E8s avoir saut\u00E9 et n'a pas peur des \u00E9pines !"@fr . "Kazumi Totaka"@es . . "Mensch"@de . . . . "YOshi iz a dinozaur fromz teh mario games. If he's a dinosaur, why isn't he dead? STUPID NINTINDO."@en . . . "Es gibt mehrere Seiten, die den Namen Yoshi tragen. \n* Yoshi (Charakter) - Ein Charakter. \n* Yoshi (Serie) - Eine Spiele Serie. \n* Yoshi (Spiel) - Ein Videospiel f\u00FCr das NES und dem Game Boy. \n* Yoshi (Spezies) - Eine Spezies. 25px Diese Seite ist eine Begriffskl\u00E4rung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe."@de . . . . . . . "KoopaKingdom.com's version"@en . "Zunge"@de . . "[[Bild:Moonlight_SY-3_Tada_Okada_Ariara_Yoshi.jpg|thumb|left|Yoshi (im Hintergrund) in der Moonlight SY-3]] Yoshi ist ein Astronaut und Wissenschaftler aus Katsuos Team in Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All, wobei er von Wataru \u00D4mae gespielt wird.Er ist aber eigentlich nur eine Nebenfigur und tritt nur kurz zusammen mit seinen restlichen Teammitgliedern auf."@de . "yoshi"@en . . "The Yoshi franchise is a spin-off of the Mario franchise. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is usually considered the first entry in the series, though some titles such as Yoshi on the NES came beforehand. It is estimated that the main series has sold about 24 million copies all together (including spin offs)."@en . . . . . "Lookie yourself now, you get little dinosaur tinkle on you. -Yoshi, The Death of Mario Yoshiis a dinosaur creature appearing in a lot of Marit games. He is good friends with Mario."@en . "ninguna"@es . "Yoshi je jedna z Bount\u016F. Yoshi m\u00E1 dlouh\u00E9 zelen\u00E9 vlasy a oble\u010Den\u00ED podobn\u00E9 \u010D\u00EDnsk\u00E9mu stylu. Zd\u00E1 se \u017Ee je svalnat\u00E1 a jej\u00ED pohyby napov\u00EDdaj\u00ED, \u017Ee je mo\u017En\u00E9, \u017Ee je wushu bojovnice. Yoshi se zaj\u00EDmala pouze o moc a byla horliv\u00E1, kdy\u017E \u0161lo o pit\u00ED \u017Eiv\u00FDch du\u0161\u00ED. Pom\u00E1hala pouze Kariyovi, proto\u017Ee si myslela, \u017Ee to bude z\u00E1bava. Je velmi krvela\u010Dn\u00E1 a p\u0159ipom\u00EDn\u00E1 Kenpachiho nebo Nnoitru. P\u0159i boji s Rukia pou\u017Eila jako rukojm\u00ED jedno mal\u00E9 d\u00EDt\u011B. Po boji s Ishidou mu \u0159ekla t\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed smrt\u00ED, \u017Ee se bavila. M\u011Bla zaj\u00EDmav\u00FD vztah s Mabashim, prakticky se nen\u00E1vid\u011Bli, proto\u017Ee j\u00ED \u0159\u00EDkal, \u017Ee je \"star\u00E1 a o\u0161kliv\u00E1\". Neust\u00E1le se fyzicky a psychicky napadali a kdy\u017E zjistila, \u017Ee je Mabashi po boji se Soifon mrtv\u00FD, vypadala b\u00FDt opravdu spokojen\u00E1 a nazvala ho \"odopad\". Yoshi se nejprve objevila s ostatn\u00EDmi Bounty a prakticky se cel\u00FD \u010Das napadali jen s Mabashim. Pak v Soul Society bojovala s Rukiou, ale zachr\u00E1nil ji Byakyua. Yoshi ode\u0161la. Pozd\u011Bji se dostala do konfliktu s Ishida, ale ten si uv\u011Bdomil jej\u00ED slabiny, tak za\u00FAto\u010Dil tak, aby se nemohla br\u00E1nit a um\u00EDr\u00E1. T\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed smrt\u00ED \u0159ekla Ishidovi, \u017Ee bojovat s n\u00EDm byla z\u00E1bava. Yoshino loutka se jmenovala Nieder (n\u011Bm. p\u0159ekl. Dol\u016F) a uvol\u0148ovala se fr\u00E1z\u00ED jako ka\u017Ed\u00E1 jin\u00E1 loutka \"Zeige dich\" (n\u011Bm. p\u0159ekl. Uka\u017E se). Loutka je vlastn\u011B me\u010D a v\u011Bj\u00ED\u0159 spojen\u00FD \u0159et\u011Bzem. Ka\u017Ed\u00E1 zbra\u0148 m\u00E1 vlastn\u00ED osobnost, \u010Dasto se s Yoshi pov\u00EDdaj\u00ED, ale \u010Dast\u011Bji si nad\u00E1vaj\u00ED. V t\u00E9to form\u011B v\u011Bt\u0161inou me\u010D slou\u017Eil na \u00FAtok a v\u011Bj\u00ED\u0159 na ochranu, ale tak\u00E9 v\u011Bj\u00ED\u0159 dok\u00E1zal za\u00FAto\u010Dit jehlami. Loutka se dok\u00E1zala p\u0159etransformovat. V obrann\u00E9 pozici se v\u011Bj\u00ED\u0159 zv\u011Bt\u0161il a Yoshi m\u011Bla brn\u011Bn\u00ED p\u0159es \u00FAsta a levou ruku, v \u00FAto\u010Dn\u00E9 pozici m\u011Bla me\u010D a brn\u011Bn\u00ED na prav\u00E9 ruce a p\u0159es \u00FAsta.V ka\u017Ed\u00E9 pozici nemohla pou\u017E\u00EDt jinou schopnost. \u010Cili kdy\u017E byla v obrann\u00E9 pozici nemohla \u00FAto\u010Dit a kdy\u017E byla v \u00FAto\u010Dn\u00E9, nemohla se br\u00E1nit. Takto Ishida zjistil jej\u00ED slabinu a porazil ji."@cs . "#000000"@en . . . "Yoshi est un Dinosaure vivant exclusivement sur l'\u00EEle des Yoshis, avec ses amis les Yoshis et se nourrissant de tout sauf d'autres Yoshis. Comme on le voit, Yoshi est beaucoup moins mignon quand il n'est pas maquill\u00E9... ... comparez par vous-m\u00EAme. L'\u00EEle des yoshis est un monde virtuel totalement fictif n\u00E9 de la r\u00E9flexion du savant fou Shigeru Myamoto, lors d'une r\u00E9union avec son \u00E9quipe, atteinte comme lui du syndrome de Peter Pan, doubl\u00E9 d'une perception humoristique centr\u00E9e sur l'absurde d\u00FB \u00E0 leur nationalit\u00E9 Japonaise."@fr . . "Masculino"@es . . . . . "Wiki Yoshi"@es . "F"@en . "thumb Yoshi \u00E9 um dinosaurinho verde que ajuda a Mario para salvar a princesa peach o yoshi pode comer enemigos e ma\u00E7\u00E3s mais quando pega 5 ma\u00E7\u00E3s mario ganha um Power-Up e o yoshi pode correr rapido e pular bem alto ou tambem engolir alguns inimigos usando sua lingua enorme e longa e existe muitas esp\u00E9cies de Yoshi principalmente no yoshi island a ilha onde vive os yoshi."@pt . . . . "1988-08-23"^^ . . . "Kanohi Hau"@en . . "Do-Gooder"@en . . . "H\u00E9roe"@es . . . . "Yoshi"@de . . "Yoshi"@en . . "DEF"@en . . . . . . . "Performer(s) Appeared in T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas, better known by his nickname Yoshi, is a character from the Super Mario Bros. video game series, introduced in Super Mario World. He is a green dinosaur who is one of many identical, different-colored dinosaurs, also called Yoshies (according to an episode of the animated series, it's short for \"Yoshisaur\"). He is a recurring ally to Mario and Luigi, and he has also starred in his own spin-off video game series and is also a playable character in every Mario spin-off game."@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur who is the ally of Mario and Luigi."@en . . . . "Yoshino"@es . . "black"@en . "???"@en . . . "Pueblo Hoja Verde"@es . . "Red shell, orange and yellow shoes"@en . . . . . "\"Mario's Challenge\""@en . . . . "Mario Kart 8"@en . . . "grey"@en . . . . . . . . . "Dizzy?"@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi's Island"@en . . . . . . "BI-BUUUHM You just lost The Game. Sorry guys."@en . "*Darth Squidward\n*Mario\n*Donkey Kong\n*Link\n*Luigi\n*Pikachu"@en . "The Dinosaur"@en . . . . . . . "Japan, 16. Jahrhundert"@de . . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7) ist ein Charakter, der nur im Anime und nicht in Manga vorkommt, deswegen wird sie zu den Filler-Charakteren gez\u00E4hlt."@de . . . "Super Mario World"@en . . "Miembro de la comunidad Bount"@es . . . . . "Turtles"@de . . "Kazumi Totaka"@en . . . . "Super Mario World"@en . . . . . . "Image Gallery"@en . . . . "Yoshi is a creature who is 50% pickle, 20% dinosaur, 10% donkey, and 20% dragon who is perhaps best known for his participation in the Yoshi's Island Scandal during the late 1900s. He is a fan of Weird Al. He was once almost ate Princess Peach however during the scandal escaped and his dinner left so he could go with Mario. He now lives with his wife Birdo and 1,000 kids. Despite all of this, he is a member of the Fantastic Four after escaping prison. He loves collecting guns and shoots people as a hobby. Yoshi got mutated once right before the release of Yoshi's Book, where he fell into toxic waste and made him go through vocal loss, which also affected his voice, and became known as New Yoshi. Before Yoshi was transformed, that epic fail plumber tried to drop him of a cliff."@en . . . . . . "#000000"@en . . "SSBB"@it . "Green dinosaur has been one of the eight star characters in the series. Appears to share a relationship with Birdo."@en . "16"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Queta Calder\u00F3n"@en . "none"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur and comes from the yoshi race."@en . "YochiThMaster333's first version"@en . "The Liberation of Wiki Nui"@en . . "Yoshi"@en . . "He also reportedly likes playing Call of Duty online with his real deep morbid Russian voice."@en . "Yoshi was Skrump's pet tooke, named after the fictional character from the mario series. It holds similarities to the character, as it even has a slightly longer tongue than its cousins."@en . "Es gibt mehrere Seiten, die den Namen Yoshi tragen. \n* Yoshi (Charakter) - Ein Charakter. \n* Yoshi (Serie) - Eine Spiele Serie. \n* Yoshi (Spiel) - Ein Videospiel f\u00FCr das NES und dem Game Boy. \n* Yoshi (Spezies) - Eine Spezies. 25px Diese Seite ist eine Begriffskl\u00E4rung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe."@de . . . "Human"@en . "Yoshi ist der kleine Bruder von Mitsu und ein Freund der Turtles im Life Actionfilm \"Turtles III\"."@de . . "1000"^^ . . . . . . . . . "74.0"^^ . "Goals"@en . "Yoshi"@en . . "LVL"@en . "Mario's sidekick"@en . . "\"The Night Before Cave Christmas\""@en . . . . . . "SSB"@it . . . . "200"^^ . . . . . "Chapter 5"@en . . . "Yoshi is a Missing-nin of kirigakure. Before she started working for Orochimaru, Yoshi was a student of Mei Terum\u012B , the Fifth Mizukage, who has the same kekkei genkai as Yoshi. She was later recruited into Sasuke Uchiha's group Taka, which was initially called Hebi at the time of its creation."@en . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yosshi) is Misa Amane's original manager."@en . . . "Yoshi's Island"@de . . . . . . "Yoshis sind fiktive, Dinosaurier\u00E4hnliche Charaktere. Sie geh\u00F6ren zum Mario-Universum, obwohl das Yoshi-Universum manchmal (z.B. in SSBB) als eigenst\u00E4ndiges Universum gesehen wird. Es gibt Yoshis in vielen verschiedenen Farben, darunter ein gr\u00FCner Yoshi, der als Protagonist in den Yoshi-Spielen fungiert. Gr\u00FCn ist auch Yoshis Standardkost\u00FCm in der Smash Bros.-Reihe."@de . . . "Sensei Yoshi"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi"@de . . . . . "Good"@en . . . . "gender"@en . . . . . "Yoshi, as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS."@en . . . "Yoshi.png"@de . "Yoshi is that awesome dinosaur who first appeared in Super Mario World. He has since appeared in many games since, including a few of his own. Also, he rules. Yoshi has no less than 8 starring roles, including 4 puzzle games. He also has widespread cameos in games where he doesn't belong such Link's Awakening."@en . . . . . . . "1900"^^ . "Dinosaur/Reptile"@en . "2000"^^ . "*Darth Darth Binks\n*Darth Vader"@en . "Yoshi (Japanese: \u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B, sometimes specified as Green Yoshi) is one of the heroes of the Mario series, an ally of Mario and Luigi, and the protagonist of his own series. He is a member of the Yoshi species and has aided his brethren in saving their homeland on multiple occasions. In his youth, Yoshi managed to rescue and protect Baby Mario and Baby Luigi from the wrath of Kamek and the Koopa Troop. According to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Yoshi is one of the few members of his species who can speak the language of the other characters, though it seems that this is not his first language, since, as in other games, his statements are translated through parentheses. In the Mario series, he is a major character and often acts as a steed for Mario and other protagonists, w"@en . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Good"@en . . "Yoshi is a tribe of dinosaur that lives mainly on Yoshi's Island. The main Yoshi from the Mario series come from the picture. Even though the main Yoshi is a male, he can lay eggs."@en . . . . . "Personajes"@es . . "Speed"@en . . . . . . "Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island"@en . "team"@en . "Hero"@en . . . . . . . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@en . . . "Super Smash Bros. Wii U"@de . . . . . . "Yoshi is an anthropoid koopa usually referred to as a dinosaur. This page is about Yoshi the individual, for info on the species see yoshi's"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "alive"@en . . . . . "MUGENX's version"@en . . "Super Mario World"@fr . . . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) is a character appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He appears relatively unchanged, except for one thing--he can now use his Egg Toss as a recovery move (though it only gives him a very small boost). His smashes appear less powerful, but his aerials and tilts are slightly more powerful. He has also taken on his upright posture and his appearance is like the younger Yoshi in Yoshi's Story. He appears to be slightly larger now in relation to the human-sized characters as well. Yoshi ranks 33rd on the Tier List due to his fairly mediocre matchups, over reliance on his second jump to recover (making footstool jumps very dangerous), only character unable to jump out of his shield, poor and slow roll and shield, poor kill power with only average attack speed as well as lackluster tourney results. However, due to grab release chaingrabs (in conjunction with an excellent pivot grab and ability to either KO chaingrab victims with his Up Smash or spike them off the edge with his Forward aerial), he has one of the best Meta Knight matchups (around 50/50), and is one of the best Wario counters in the game despite his tier placement. This leads many smashers to believe that he will rise in tier placement once his metagame starts to develop, as Meta Knight and Wario are both high tier characters that do well at tournaments."@en . "150"^^ . "Male"@en . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi ?) es una mujer Bount que hace su aparici\u00F3n en una temporada exclusiva del anime, y por tanto no es un personaje \"can\u00F3nico\" en la l\u00EDnea temporal oficial de Bleach. Como los dem\u00E1s Bount, Yoshi es uno de los antagonistas principales en esta parte de la serie, que buscar\u00E1 una forma de acceder a la Sociedad de Almas para fortalecer sus poderes a base de absorber las almas y las part\u00EDculas espirituales presentes en aquel lugar."@es . "Nieder"@pl . "Act I Part 1"@en . . . . . . . "thumb Yoshi \u00E9 um dinosaurinho verde que ajuda a Mario para salvar a princesa peach o yoshi pode comer enemigos e ma\u00E7\u00E3s mais quando pega 5 ma\u00E7\u00E3s mario ganha um Power-Up e o yoshi pode correr rapido e pular bem alto ou tambem engolir alguns inimigos usando sua lingua enorme e longa e existe muitas esp\u00E9cies de Yoshi principalmente no yoshi island a ilha onde vive os yoshi."@pt . . . . . . . . . . "\"Mario's Challenge\""@en . . . "Yoshi is a Yoshi who is old friends with Mario and Luigi. He is set to appear in Super Mario Bros. Z to help fight against Metallix."@en . "Fire"@en . . . "Shigefumi Hino"@es . . . . . . . "170"^^ . "Toa Yoshi is a Toa of Fire and one of several Toa who helped save Wiki Nui from danger."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Prussian Blue"@en . "Sudden KO?"@en . . "Yoshi"@en . "Yoshi es una Coordinadora Pok\u00E9mon rival secundaria de William en los Concursos, a lo largo de la Primera y Segunda Temporada de Pok\u00E9mon Aventura Universal (PAU)"@es . "Yoshi is a character you can choose to appear as in Super Mario Online . His base stats are 10 Life (HP), 5 Special (FP), and 1 Action Point (AP). This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . "Yoshi es una Coordinadora Pok\u00E9mon rival secundaria de William en los Concursos, a lo largo de la Primera y Segunda Temporada de Pok\u00E9mon Aventura Universal (PAU)"@es . . . . "250"^^ . . . "Terran"@en . . . . "Yoshi ist ein Dinosaurier und hat eine lange Zunge. Er ist ein guter Freund von Mario. Er geh\u00F6rt zur Gattung der Yoshis."@de . . . . "150"^^ . . . "Yoshi - to smoczek Mario. Spotykany w grach takich jak: Yoshi's Island, Baby Mario Yoshi"@pl . . . "150"^^ . . . . . . . "Yoshi/Mario"@en . . . . "1,86 m"@es . "Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World"@en . . . . . . . . "Mario, Luigi, Birdo, fruit, cookies, helping babies, eating, Princess Peach, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Rosalina, Silver Princess Daisy, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Amy Rose, Toad"@en . . . . "Stat Down?"@en . . . "Friends:"@en . "#FF0000"@en . "\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC"@en . "Yoshi is a character you can choose to appear as in Super Mario Online . His base stats are 10 Life (HP), 5 Special (FP), and 1 Action Point (AP). This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Toa Yoshi is a Toa of Fire and one of several Toa who helped save Wiki Nui from danger."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Yuka Shioyama"@en . . . . . "ROMASAGA EX's version"@en . . . . . . "The Yoshi franchise is a spin-off of the Mario franchise. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is usually considered the first entry in the series, though some titles such as Yoshi on the NES came beforehand. It is estimated that the main series has sold about 24 million copies all together (including spin offs)."@en . "Yoshi"@nl . "Yoshi was originally just one dinosaur who lived millions of years, but it started barfing, and every time it barfed, a new Yoshi was formed. It's gross, but it's true. The real Yoshi is by far the most important one, but the other ones are good at some things. No, not really. All of the cloned Yoshis are pathetic and useless. Yoshi now hides out in the darkest corners of Mushroom Kingdom, with only three bones that aren't broken, most of his organs replaced with cybernetic parts, and a disease that makes him go crazy. He is a fan of Weird Al. He also has Mario's Cap File:Betrayal.jpg"@en . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur from Yoshi's Island. For many years he has been a loyal friend and ally to Mario. Yoshi is known for kindness and bravery as he has helped defend the world and rescue captives from the evil Bowser many times. Yoshi has appeared alongside Mario in every one of his cross-overs with Sonic the Hedgehog."@en . . "unbekannt"@de . "Yossh\u012B"@en . . . . . "male"@en . . "black"@en . . "180"^^ . . . "Yoshi Dragon"@en . "50"^^ . "thumb|left Les Yoshis (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) sont des dinosaures qui apparaissent dans de nombreux jeux vid\u00E9o de Nintendo. Yoshi signifie \"orphelin\" en japonais."@fr . "Yoshi is the name used for several characters in the TMNT universe. \n* Hamato Yoshi, who is either the master of Splinter, or is Splinter himself \n* Yoshi, a young boy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III \n* Yoshi Chen, also known as Chien Khan \n* Oroku Yoshi, a heroic version of Shredder from an alternate universe"@en . . "Actors who have portrayed Yoshi"@en . "Yoshi"@es . "POW"@en . "Likes"@en . "anime"@es . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur-like creature from the Super Mario series. He has made cameo appearances in several Metal Gear games, specifically those that were developed for Nintendo systems."@en . "Super Mario"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi"@de . . . "Mario, Luigi, Mushroom Kingdom Dry bones"@en . . . "BI-BUUUHM You just lost The Game. Sorry guys."@en . . . . "Drops"@en . . . . . "Yoshi was originally just one dinosaur who lived millions of years, but it started barfing, and every time it barfed, a new Yoshi was formed. It's gross, but it's true. The real Yoshi is by far the most important one, but the other ones are good at some things. No, not really. All of the cloned Yoshis are pathetic and useless. The real Yoshi is usually the only one who appears in Mario shames. He once almost ate Princess Peach; however, during the scandal escaped and his dinner left so he could go with Mario. Mario ditched him, so Yoshi wandered the streets until he found Invisible Cat. Yoshi hates cats, but Invisible Cat showed him where a McDonald's was, so Yoshi lived there for a while. After a while, he married Birdo and had 1,000 kids. Despite all of this, he is a member of the Fantastic Four after escaping prison. He loves collecting guns and shoots people as a hobby. Yoshi got mutated once right before the release of Yoshi's Book, where he fell into toxic waste and made him go through vocal loss, which also affected his voice, and became known as New Yoshi. Before Yoshi was transformed that epic fail plumber tried to drop him of a cliff. Yoshi now hides out in the darkest corners of Mushroom Kingdom, with only three bones that aren't broken, most of his organs replaced with cybernetic parts, and a disease that makes him go crazy. He is a fan of Weird Al. He also has Mario's Cap File:Betrayal.jpg"@en . "First Appears:"@en . "Brak"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi is a recurring caricature in the D.Gray-man series, present in various, humorous situations and noticed only by the readers, save his image imprinted on Komui Lee's coffee mug, which members of the Black Order use to identify it as his."@en . "33"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC', Yoshi-sama) is a member of The Hakuri Pirates, working as Demetrius\u2019s personal attendant. Always seen by his side and does the day to day things for him as well, Yoshi was a former Doctor and Medicine man. However being called by Demetrius to come and be his personal attendant, but killing many members of his family and then faking his death. Taking the name Yoshi, unknown to what his original name was."@en . . . "red"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Super Mario Brothers"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Super Mario World"@en . "thumb Yoshi es una especie conocida por el particular juego de MARIO, esta especie muy famosa se escabullo y fue a parar en el omnitrix, una muestra de ADN de un yoshi verde (recordemos que ahi de distintos colores) puede comer muchas cosas y transformarlas en huevos que puede usar en proyectiles, una cosa mas es que puede hacer un smash!! que es muy poderoso, (fans matter) \n* Puede comerse lo que sea \n* Puede convertirse en huevo para defenderse \n* si se consentra muy bien le salen alas \n* Puede dar muchas patadas consecutivas. \n* puede hacer un super salto \n* su escudo de huevo puede romperse con facilidad \n* le cuesta trabajo volar \n* su supersalto es muy breve \n* es algo torpe"@es . . "Artwork from Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle"@en . . . . . "Friends: Mario and Luigi, Girlfriend: Birdo, Rivals: Baby Bowser, Kamek, and Bowser"@en . "untilade"@en . . . . "Yoshi"@de . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7) ist ein Charakter, der nur im Anime und nicht in Manga vorkommt, deswegen wird sie zu den Filler-Charakteren gez\u00E4hlt."@de . "BIRD's version"@en . "Mario Party: The Top 100"@fr . "Yoshi"@es . "Y\u014Dko S\u014Dmi"@pl . "#C0C0C0"@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi_SSB4.png"@en . "Glory Pit"@en . . . . . . "[[starwars:Yinchorri"@en . . "300"^^ . "Stupid Mario World"@en . . . . . . "Stephanie Sheh"@pl . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) is a character appearing in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. He appears relatively unchanged, except for one thing--he can now use his Egg Toss as a recovery move (though it only gives him a very small boost). His smashes appear less powerful, but his aerials and tilts are slightly more powerful. He has also taken on his upright posture and his appearance is like the younger Yoshi in Yoshi's Story. He appears to be slightly larger now in relation to the human-sized characters as well."@en . . "Nieder"@es . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B?, sometimes Romanized Yossy in earlier Japanese language materials) is a major character in the Mario series, who eventually spun off into its own series."@en . . . . "Yoshi ist das Reittier des Nintendocharakters Mario und daf\u00FCr bekannt alles mit seiner langen, klebrigen Zunge zu verspeisen, was in seinen Weg kommt und \"Yoshi-Eier\" zu produzieren. Er tritt in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U mit Mega Man in Verbindung."@de . . . . "Yoshi is the Competition Coordinator on the Pokeplushies Forum. He manages the Trainer Card Competition, an on-going competition designer for spriters of all skill levels. Hw joined on December 5th and has since become both a well respected member and an equally hated member of the Pokeplushies Staff. His methods are slightly more laid back and and \"chill\" compared to other mods and staff, but he knows when it's time to get serious."@en . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC,Yosshi in Japanese) is a playful, kind, cute, sweet and fun-loving dinosaur who appears as one of the main characters in the Mario series. He has normally appeared as a Green Yoshi, but has been shown in many different colors, including Red, Pink, Yellow, Light Blue, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, White/Gray, Black, and Brown. He later had his own series with several platform and puzzle games, including Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi Touch and Go. However, Yoshi does still appear quite frequently in the Mario series. The Yoshi series includes characters from the Mario series (usually in their baby forms) as well. He also appeared in many of the spin-off Mario games, such as the Mario Party series, the Smash Bros series, the Mario Kart series as well as in other various Mario sports titles, such as Mario Sport Mix. He has also appeared in the Mario Party series. 4 September 2006"@en . . . . "Yoshi - Posta\u0107 z gier nintendo i ze \u015Bwiata Mario. Wygl\u0105dem przypomina zielongo dinozaura.Jego g\u0142\u00F3wnym domem jest wyspa Yoshich.Yoshi maj\u0105 wiele kolor\u00F3w (zielony, r\u00F3\u017Cowy, jasno niebieski, \u017C\u00F3\u0142ty, fioletowy, pomra\u0144czowy (w grze Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's island - br\u0105zowy), czerwony, granatowy, czarny, bia\u0142y) i sw\u00F3j w\u0142asny j\u0119zyk. Mario i Luigi jako jedyni rozumiej\u0105 swojego zielonego przyjaciela. Plik:I9NBETCAE04454CA2NGHX7CAHS2CLQCAE9R8UECAU2KW74CAZXLZ06CAB66Y95CAOEW6YKCA3GGHSGCAKR2MK5CAIQNOL6CA0DJCQNCA6RZSO2CAT31UK6CA3VUH3YCARL2FA9CAU8NEWX.jpg - Mario i Luigi Yoshi poraz pierwszy pojawi\u0142 si\u0119 w grze Super Mario World. Seria gier z Yoshi'm: \n* Mario & Yoshi \n* Yoshi's cookie \n* Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's island \n* Yoshi's Wolly Word \n* Yoshi's Safari \n* Yoshi's Story \n* Yoshi's Universal Gravitation (znane tak\u017Ce jako Yoshi Topsy - Turvy) \n* Yoshi Touch & Go! \n* Mario Party \n* Mario Party 2 \n* Mario Party 3 \n* Mario Party 4 \n* Mario Party 5 \n* Mario Party 6 \n* Mario Party 7 \n* Mario Party 8 \n* Mario Party DS \n* Mario Party Advance i inne... --Yoshi6 12:18, lis 6, 2009 (UTC)"@pl . "Yoshi ist der kleine Bruder von Mitsu und ein Freund der Turtles im Life Actionfilm \"Turtles III\"."@de . . . . . . "Pingurules's version"@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi is Mario and Luigi's pet dinosaur and Donkey Kong's best friend. When Mario and Luigi first went to the Real World, they left him behind in the Mushroom Kingdom. However, as revealed in the film, Yoshi eventually found his way back to them and was angry at them for leaving him. When Mario asks him what he can do to make it up to him, Yoshi suggests that he give him a piggyback ride all over the area and Mario complies. Afterwards, Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi finally make amends and forgive each other."@en . . . . "Idiot's Yoshi Egg"@en . "Various"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi - Posta\u0107 z gier nintendo i ze \u015Bwiata Mario. Wygl\u0105dem przypomina zielongo dinozaura.Jego g\u0142\u00F3wnym domem jest wyspa Yoshich.Yoshi maj\u0105 wiele kolor\u00F3w (zielony, r\u00F3\u017Cowy, jasno niebieski, \u017C\u00F3\u0142ty, fioletowy, pomra\u0144czowy (w grze Super Mario World 2 : Yoshi's island - br\u0105zowy), czerwony, granatowy, czarny, bia\u0142y) i sw\u00F3j w\u0142asny j\u0119zyk. Mario i Luigi jako jedyni rozumiej\u0105 swojego zielonego przyjaciela. Plik:I9NBETCAE04454CA2NGHX7CAHS2CLQCAE9R8UECAU2KW74CAZXLZ06CAB66Y95CAOEW6YKCA3GGHSGCAKR2MK5CAIQNOL6CA0DJCQNCA6RZSO2CAT31UK6CA3VUH3YCARL2FA9CAU8NEWX.jpg - Mario i Luigi Seria gier z Yoshi'm: i inne..."@pl . . . . "Yoshi was captain of The Silent Bell, a Tortoise Clan kobune. On a trip back from the Phoenix lands, his boat was attacked by Skull Tide Gaki who turned his crew upon itself. Only the ship's shugenja, Toritaka Mai kept her wits and protected the surviving crew. The Silent Bell crashed upon the shore, losing all its cargo and then being destroyed. Yoshi survived the attack but was horrified that the skulls attacked so far north."@en . . "Yoshi (officieel: Green Yoshi) is een schattig draakachtig wezen, hij is geen dinosauri\u00EBr, maar simpelweg gewoon een Yoshi. Hij is intelligent, vriendelijk en is 1 van de allerbeste vrienden van Mario."@nl . . . . . . "Black Yoshi"@en . . . "Yoshi is Luigi's pet dinosaur. He appears in Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World where he, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Wario are members of the Department of Hotness."@en . . . . . . "Green and White"@en . "64"^^ . . . . . . "etc."@en . . . "Nintendo"@de . . . . . . . . . . "Fr\u00FCchte und kleine Tiere"@de . . "94"^^ . "A Super Mario World"@en . "Grandfather"@en . . "Tanicfan22's version"@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC', Yoshi-sama) is a member of The Hakuri Pirates, working as Demetrius\u2019s personal attendant. Always seen by his side and does the day to day things for him as well, Yoshi was a former Doctor and Medicine man. However being called by Demetrius to come and be his personal attendant, but killing many members of his family and then faking his death. Taking the name Yoshi, unknown to what his original name was. With a bounty of File:Bsymbol10.gif 50,000,000 murdering his family members, defecting from the marine\u2019s doctors and the cover up of a mysterious disappearance of a commodore. He ate the Nebai Nebai no mi, which gave him the name of \u201CThe Slimy Helper\u201D. With this Yoshi sets out to serve Demetrius until the day he dies and give his body and soul to the cause of the Hakuri Pirates."@en . . "Yoshi is a dinosaur-like creature who appears in the Mario series. He later had his own series with several platform and puzzle games, including Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. However, Yoshi does still appear quite frequently in the Mario series. The Yoshi series includes characters from the Mario series (usually as their baby forms) as well. He has also appeared in many of the spin-off Mario games, such as the Mario Party, the Mario Kart series as well as in other various Mario sports titles."@en . . "Yoshi ist ein gr\u00FCner Dinosaurier, der in der Mariowelt auf Yoshis-Island lebt. Er ist einer der Helden im Pilzk\u00F6nigreich, ein treuer Gef\u00E4hrte von Mario und Luigi und dient meistens als Reittier, falls die Klempnerbr\u00FCder Peach wieder aus den Klauen von Bowser befreien m\u00FCssen. Er und seine Arten sind bekannt wegen ihrer extrem langen Zunge, die sie benutzen k\u00F6nnen um weit entfernte Fr\u00FCchte von B\u00E4umen aus sich zu schnappen. Au\u00DFerdem k\u00F6nnen sie h\u00F6her als Mario springen und beherrschen den sogenannten \"Flatterflug\", der ihnen erm\u00F6glicht l\u00E4nger in der Luft fast zu schweben, um somit h\u00F6her gelegene Zonen zu erreichen."@de . "Nieder"@en . . . "110"^^ . . "Dark Yoshi"@en . . "Super Nintendo Entertainment System"@en . . . . . . . "Swallowing enemies and laying eggs"@en . "Super Mario World"@en . . . . "1"^^ . . . . . "Alias"@en . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur and comes from the yoshi race."@en . . "Yoshi was a terran who resided in the Gohbus Moon Refugee Camp due to the moon's planet being torn apart in a terraforming accident. This would result in the moon losing its orbit and drifting away from the system's star, rendering it uninhabitable. Unfortunately, there were not enough craft to get everyone off the planet in time."@en . . "Yoshi was a 23rd century Human man. By the 2280s, Yoshi had joined the crew of space station Regula I, as the facility's chef. When Khan Noonien Singh used the Federation starship USS Reliant to travel to the station and board the facility in the year 2285, the laboratory complement were taken prisoner by Khan's boarding party. Yoshi's was the first throat slit by Khan when the augment superman tried to \"convince\" the scientists to give up the secrets of the Genesis Device. (TOS - Duty, Honor, Redemption novelization: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . . . "Shake before serving with ice."@en . . . . . "Kobieta"@pl . . . "36"^^ . "--05-29"^^ . "Dw\u00F3r Bount, Karakura, \u015Awiat Ludzi"@pl . "Gender"@en . "Eating enemies"@en . . "3000"^^ . . . . . "Flame Sword"@en . . "Occupation"@en . . . . "Location"@en . . . . "Yoe-shee"@en . "Yoshi as he appears in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U"@en . . "60"^^ . . . . "black"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi"@es . . "Full Name"@en . . . . "25"^^ . . "Yoshi (officieel: Green Yoshi) is een schattig draakachtig wezen, hij is geen dinosauri\u00EBr, maar simpelweg gewoon een Yoshi. Hij is intelligent, vriendelijk en is 1 van de allerbeste vrienden van Mario."@nl . "Yoshi was the largely unseen gardener of Niles and Maris Crane. He likes to create elaborate garden hedges. He frequently feuds with the Cranes over the zen garden he wishes to add, and eventually does. He is mentioned in many episodes by Niles, only once briefly seen. He died during \"The Fight Before Christmas\" from a heart attack while trimming Maris's hedge maze. Niles said \"the paramedics never had a chance\" given the extent of the shrubbery. Niles first mentioned Yoshi as he ordered coffee at Caf\u00E9 Nervosa in the pilot."@en . . . . "SSBM"@it . . . "Performer(s) Appeared in T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas, better known by his nickname Yoshi, is a character from the Super Mario Bros. video game series, introduced in Super Mario World. He is a green dinosaur who is one of many identical, different-colored dinosaurs, also called Yoshies (according to an episode of the animated series, it's short for \"Yoshisaur\"). He is a recurring ally to Mario and Luigi, and he has also starred in his own spin-off video game series and is also a playable character in every Mario spin-off game. In the Super Mario World Christmas episode \"The Night Before Cave Christmas\", he is first seen fighting over a barbecued mammoth rib with Oogtar the caveboy. Mario manages to get the two to stop by telling them about Christmas. When Princess Peach catches him in the act of eating the candy canes that she has been hanging on a tree, she reminds him that Santa Claus only brings presents to good children. Later, Yoshi accompanies Mario into Bowser Koopa's castle to recover the stolen toys."@en . "Yushee, New Yoshi, Yoob"@en . . . "Bount"@es . . . . "Mean people, Bowser and Dr Eggman's henchmen, chili, Tabuu, water, bees, Metal Sonic, Bowser Jr, Wario, Waluigi, King Boo, Petey Piranha"@en . . . . . "Rescue Princess Peach and protect Yoshi's Island"@en . . . "Yoshi was a 23rd century Human man. By the 2280s, Yoshi had joined the crew of space station Regula I, as the facility's chef. When Khan Noonien Singh used the Federation starship USS Reliant to travel to the station and board the facility in the year 2285, the laboratory complement were taken prisoner by Khan's boarding party. Yoshi's was the first throat slit by Khan when the augment superman tried to \"convince\" the scientists to give up the secrets of the Genesis Device. (TOS - Duty, Honor, Redemption novelization: The Wrath of Khan)"@en . . . . . "YOshi iz a dinozaur fromz teh mario games. If he's a dinosaur, why isn't he dead? STUPID NINTINDO."@en . . . . . . . "290"^^ . . "Yoshi is the Competition Coordinator on the Pokeplushies Forum. He manages the Trainer Card Competition, an on-going competition designer for spriters of all skill levels. Hw joined on December 5th and has since become both a well respected member and an equally hated member of the Pokeplushies Staff. His methods are slightly more laid back and and \"chill\" compared to other mods and staff, but he knows when it's time to get serious."@en . . . . "Travis Moon"@de . "Lookie yourself now, you get little dinosaur tinkle on you. -Yoshi, The Death of Mario Yoshiis a dinosaur creature appearing in a lot of Marit games. He is good friends with Mario."@en . . "Super Mario World"@en . . "Schwarz"@de . . . . "Yoshi ist ein Dinosaurier der urspr\u00FCnglich aus dem Mario-Universum stammt. Mittlerweile gibt es aber so viele Spiele mit Yoshi im der Hauptrolle, dass daraus ein eigenes Sub-Universum entstanden ist."@de . "Yoshi ist das Reittier des Nintendocharakters Mario und daf\u00FCr bekannt alles mit seiner langen, klebrigen Zunge zu verspeisen, was in seinen Weg kommt und \"Yoshi-Eier\" zu produzieren. Er tritt in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U mit Mega Man in Verbindung."@de . "Mario11766's edit is currently offline"@en . . . . "Super Mario World"@it . "Freundlicher Dino"@de . "Frank Welker"@en . . . "Durability, Speed, Prehensile tongue, Egg generation and projection, Jumping Skills"@en . . "Yoshi est un Dinosaure vivant exclusivement sur l'\u00EEle des Yoshis, avec ses amis les Yoshis et se nourrissant de tout sauf d'autres Yoshis. Comme on le voit, Yoshi est beaucoup moins mignon quand il n'est pas maquill\u00E9... ... comparez par vous-m\u00EAme. L'\u00EEle des yoshis est un monde virtuel totalement fictif n\u00E9 de la r\u00E9flexion du savant fou Shigeru Myamoto, lors d'une r\u00E9union avec son \u00E9quipe, atteinte comme lui du syndrome de Peter Pan, doubl\u00E9 d'une perception humoristique centr\u00E9e sur l'absurde d\u00FB \u00E0 leur nationalit\u00E9 Japonaise."@fr . "Yoshi is a Missing-nin of kirigakure. Before she started working for Orochimaru, Yoshi was a student of Mei Terum\u012B , the Fifth Mizukage, who has the same kekkei genkai as Yoshi. She was later recruited into Sasuke Uchiha's group Taka, which was initially called Hebi at the time of its creation."@en . . . "Yoshi is a Dinosaur of Yoshi's Island. It has a Chemelon like tounge & lays eggs. Yoshi can only say it's own name"@en . "Overview"@en . "ya"@en . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B?) \u00E8 un personaggio dell'Universo di Mario, anche se nella serie di Super Smash Bros. appartiene all'Universo di Yoshi. Apparso per la prima volta nel 1991 in Super Mario World, Yoshi \u00E8 diventato rapidamente uno dei personaggi pi\u00F9 popolari della serie."@it . . "Place"@en . . . . . . . . . "Shigeru Miyamoto stated that Nintendo had wanted Mario to have a dinosaur companion ever since the first release of Super Mario Bros.; however, it was not possible because of the limitations of the NES. The inspiration for Yoshi can be traced back further, to the green dragon Tamagon in the 1984 video game Devil World. Coincidentally, both are green lizards that hatch from eggs and can eat enemies with their large mouth, and also make the same noise when they hatch. During the development of Super Mario Bros. 3, Miyamoto had a number of sketches around his desk, including an image of Mario riding a dinosaur. Takashi Tezuka, a Mario series developer, speculated that Miyamoto's love of horse riding as well as country and western themes influenced Yoshi's creation. The concept of Mario ridin"@en . "SSBB"@en . . . . . "Yoshi ist ein Dinosaurier der urspr\u00FCnglich aus dem Mario-Universum stammt. Mittlerweile gibt es aber so viele Spiele mit Yoshi im der Hauptrolle, dass daraus ein eigenes Sub-Universum entstanden ist."@de . . . . . . . . . . "Masculino"@es . . "Yoshi war ein Einwohner des Dorfes Tonika-mura."@de . . . . "yoshi is a plumers best friend.he has heped mario many times like he was in mario galaxy and his first game he was in was super mario world there he was in the second level."@en . . . . . . "Dinosaur"@en . . . . "Yoshi is an ally to Mario, and is the protagonist of his own series, Yoshi was playable in every Mario spin-off game and first appeared in Super Mario World for the SNES, he was also playable in every Super Smash Bros game to date. He is voiced by Kazumi Totaka who also voices Professor E Gadd and King Boo."@en . "Yoshi was a male Yinchorri who worked for The Super Smash Brotherhood. He was trained in the Jedi arts by Mario and Darth Squidward. However he was killed by Darth Vader along with his teammates."@en . . "150"^^ . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) is a recurring character in the Mario series. He has made several appearances in these Mario games and his own game series. He is known to be either a dragon or a dinosaur but is a very friendly helper. He is a playable veteran in Super Smash Flash 2 and appears in one intro of A Super Mario World."@en . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur-like creature from the Super Mario series. He has made cameo appearances in several Metal Gear games, specifically those that were developed for Nintendo systems."@en . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yosshi) is Misa Amane's original manager."@en . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . "Bount, Soul Society"@pl . . . "DUMBO , lucy , Birdo and a sister"@en . "Masculin"@fr . . . . . . . . . "SSB"@en . . . . "Yoshi Wiki.png Titel Wissenschaftlicher Name Ern\u00E4hrung Verbreitung Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit F\u00E4rbung Ma\u00DFe Werk Die Yoshis sind Dinosaurier von Yoshi's Island und tauchen seit \"Super Mario World\" immer wieder in der \"Super Mario\"-Serie auf. Es gibt Yoshis in verschiedenen Farben. Manchmal erhalten sie Fl\u00FCgel, au\u00DFerdem k\u00F6nnen sie Feuer speien, was sie in die Verwandtschaft der Drachen stellt. __KEIN_INHALTSVERZEICHNIS__"@de . . . . . . "Yoshi is a tribe of dinosaur that lives mainly on Yoshi's Island. The main Yoshi from the Mario series come from the picture. Even though the main Yoshi is a male, he can lay eggs."@en . . . . . "2016"^^ . . . . "Yoshi's Stats"@en . . "Origin"@en . . . "episodeeliminated"@en . "Yoshi - to smoczek Mario. Spotykany w grach takich jak: Yoshi's Island, Baby Mario Yoshi"@pl . . "Yoshi"@en . . . "Yoshi"@en . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi) by\u0142a Bount i podw\u0142adn\u0105 Jina Kariyi. Wyst\u0119puje w anime w serii Bount."@pl . . . . . . . "Yoshi (Japanese: \u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B, sometimes specified as Green Yoshi) is one of the heroes of the Mario series, an ally of Mario and Luigi, and the protagonist of his own series. He is a member of the Yoshi species and has aided his brethren in saving their homeland on multiple occasions. In his youth, Yoshi managed to rescue and protect Baby Mario and Baby Luigi from the wrath of Kamek and the Koopa Troop. According to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Yoshi is one of the few members of his species who can speak the language of the other characters, though it seems that this is not his first language, since, as in other games, his statements are translated through parentheses. In the Mario series, he is a major character and often acts as a steed for Mario and other protagonists, while in most of the Mario sports and party games, he is a playable character."@en . . . "Coins"@en . "Bowser, Kamek"@es . "w:c:de.mario"@de . . "Female"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi appears as a playable character in Super Paper Bros. along with two other Yoshis, Oshi and Goshi."@en . "Mario sport games"@en . . . . "Yoshi"@pt . . . "Green dinosaur has been one of the eight star characters in the series. Appears to share a relationship with Birdo."@en . "Yoshi en Mario Party 9."@es . "Yoshi is a species in the Paper Mario series. They appear in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, though were referenced in Super Paper Mario at least two times. In Paper Mario, you would find the species on an island where they would have their own village. Your goal here was to go out and save a bunch of Yoshi children, and would also gain the help of Sushie. In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, there is sometimes a Yoshi on the Excess Express, but the only prominent Yoshi is the Yoshi Kid, but his Stampede attack calls in a small herd of other, normal Yoshis to trample the enemy."@en . . "500"^^ . "Yoshi is Mario and Luigi's pet dinosaur and Donkey Kong's best friend. When Mario and Luigi first went to the Real World, they left him behind in the Mushroom Kingdom. However, as revealed in the film, Yoshi eventually found his way back to them and was angry at them for leaving him. When Mario asks him what he can do to make it up to him, Yoshi suggests that he give him a piggyback ride all over the area and Mario complies. Afterwards, Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi finally make amends and forgive each other."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi.jpg"@de . . . . . . . . "HP"@en . . "Yoshi was captain of The Silent Bell, a Tortoise Clan kobune. On a trip back from the Phoenix lands, his boat was attacked by Skull Tide Gaki who turned his crew upon itself. Only the ship's shugenja, Toritaka Mai kept her wits and protected the surviving crew. The Silent Bell crashed upon the shore, losing all its cargo and then being destroyed. Yoshi survived the attack but was horrified that the skulls attacked so far north."@en . . "Yoshi"@en . . "Shigefumi Hino"@it . . . "The Yoshi has been released in the following 1/64 scale versions:"@en . . . . "normal"@en . . "es.yoshi"@es . . . "Mario"@en . . . . "Yoshi"@en . . . "voiced by:mario video game"@en . "Sinoh"@es . "Yoshi"@en . . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Powers / Skills"@en . . . "SNS' version"@en . . "untilade"@en . . . . . . . "Yoshi Touch & Go"@en . . "Burn?"@en . "thumb Yoshi es un dinosaurio que aparece en la Saga de Super Mario. M\u00E1s tarde tuvo su propia serie independiente y varios juegos de puzzle, incluyendo Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Sin embargo, Yoshi sigue apareciendo con bastante frecuencia en la los videojuegos de Super Mario."@es . "Super Mario World"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi was a terran who resided in the Gohbus Moon Refugee Camp due to the moon's planet being torn apart in a terraforming accident. This would result in the moon losing its orbit and drifting away from the system's star, rendering it uninhabitable. Unfortunately, there were not enough craft to get everyone off the planet in time. Yoshi and his grandfather managed to make it to an available craft, though it only had room for one more. Yoshi's grandfather placed him on the ship despite his grandson's protests, arguing that \"life is for the young.\" In a cruel twist of fate however, a meteor from Gohbus descended as the craft took off, destroying the ship and killing all on board, Yoshi included."@en . "Femenino"@es . . . "Yoshi"@es . . . "N/A"@es . . . . "80"^^ . "Yoshi is a character in Nintendo's Mario franchise whose in-game role is to help Mario. In \"REJECTED MARIO GAMES\", Yoshi is seen as a Sprite in the \"Mario Tax Returns\" segment where Mario finds he can claim him as a dependant, but still runs off a cliff to his death when Mario jumps off his back."@en . . . . . . . . "DRACUL's version is currently offline"@en . . . . "Little_Yoshi_User.gif"@es . . . . "Yoshi"@it . "Main page"@en . . . "Yoshi \u00E8 un piccolo dinosauro giapponese cavalcato da Mario. Molti dicono che sia un essere senza cervello, ma non \u00E8 cos\u00EC, infatti esso in realt\u00E0 \u00E8 situato dentro il suo naso. Di recente molti di essi sono stati deportati dalla loro isola natia allo Yoshi Park."@it . . . . "MetalGuy213's version"@en . . "Shigefumi Hino"@en . "Shake before serving with ice."@en . . "Mario series, Yoshi series"@en . . . . . . . . . "Silke Haupt"@en . "Hero"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi je jedna z Bount\u016F. Yoshi m\u00E1 dlouh\u00E9 zelen\u00E9 vlasy a oble\u010Den\u00ED podobn\u00E9 \u010D\u00EDnsk\u00E9mu stylu. Zd\u00E1 se \u017Ee je svalnat\u00E1 a jej\u00ED pohyby napov\u00EDdaj\u00ED, \u017Ee je mo\u017En\u00E9, \u017Ee je wushu bojovnice. Yoshi se zaj\u00EDmala pouze o moc a byla horliv\u00E1, kdy\u017E \u0161lo o pit\u00ED \u017Eiv\u00FDch du\u0161\u00ED. Pom\u00E1hala pouze Kariyovi, proto\u017Ee si myslela, \u017Ee to bude z\u00E1bava. Je velmi krvela\u010Dn\u00E1 a p\u0159ipom\u00EDn\u00E1 Kenpachiho nebo Nnoitru. P\u0159i boji s Rukia pou\u017Eila jako rukojm\u00ED jedno mal\u00E9 d\u00EDt\u011B. Po boji s Ishidou mu \u0159ekla t\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed smrt\u00ED, \u017Ee se bavila. M\u011Bla zaj\u00EDmav\u00FD vztah s Mabashim, prakticky se nen\u00E1vid\u011Bli, proto\u017Ee j\u00ED \u0159\u00EDkal, \u017Ee je \"star\u00E1 a o\u0161kliv\u00E1\". Neust\u00E1le se fyzicky a psychicky napadali a kdy\u017E zjistila, \u017Ee je Mabashi po boji se Soifon mrtv\u00FD, vypadala b\u00FDt opravdu spokojen\u00E1 a nazvala ho \"odopad\"."@cs . . "Tongue"@en . "Flutter Kick"@en . . "Dinosaurierland , Lavalava Island, Wald , Isla Delphino, Yo'ster Isle, Bohnenstadt"@de . . . . . "150"^^ . "\u30E8\u30B7"@es . "Male"@en . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) is a recurring character in the Mario series. He has made several appearances in these Mario games and his own game series. He is known to be either a dragon or a dinosaur but is a very friendly helper. He is a playable veteran in Super Smash Flash 2 and appears in one intro of A Super Mario World."@en . . . . . . "Gallery"@en . . . . . . . . "Le fid\u00E8le compagnon de Mario peut planer apr\u00E8s avoir saut\u00E9 et n'a pas peur des \u00E9pines !"@fr . . . "Yoshi appears as a playable character in Super Paper Bros. along with two other Yoshis, Oshi and Goshi."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Liberation of Wiki Nui"@en . "his enemies"@en . . . . "MarioWiki"@de . . . . "Yoshi's Island DS"@en . . "Yoshi"@fr . . "Nopic.jpg"@de . "EXP"@en . . "Yoshis are found in many places. These places include: Jamaica, Canada, Gay Pride Parades, under small children, on top of other Yoshis, under other Yoshis, trapped within eggs, McDonald's Breakfast Menu and in a Snuggie. However their original habitat was on the fittingly named \"Yoshi's Island\". Yoshi's Island was an esoteric place, where clumsy storks watched meteors rain down on the dinosaur sodomites below, God angry over for the death of Raptor Jesus. It also rained Italian children and toast. Yoshi's Island is also home to various strange forms of fauna and flora. These include masked midgets, pygmy aboriginals, and completely useless tomatoes, with no function whatsoever. Yoshi locals have the propensity of being changed to a 2D, book-like state."@en . "Eggs"@en . . . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshis sind fiktive, Dinosaurier\u00E4hnliche Charaktere. Sie geh\u00F6ren zum Mario-Universum, obwohl das Yoshi-Universum manchmal (z.B. in SSBB) als eigenst\u00E4ndiges Universum gesehen wird. Es gibt Yoshis in vielen verschiedenen Farben, darunter ein gr\u00FCner Yoshi, der als Protagonist in den Yoshi-Spielen fungiert. Gr\u00FCn ist auch Yoshis Standardkost\u00FCm in der Smash Bros.-Reihe."@de . . . "Type of Hero"@en . . "Bewohner seines Dorfes"@de . . "Yoshi \u00E8 un piccolo dinosauro giapponese cavalcato da Mario. Molti dicono che sia un essere senza cervello, ma non \u00E8 cos\u00EC, infatti esso in realt\u00E0 \u00E8 situato dentro il suo naso. Di recente molti di essi sono stati deportati dalla loro isola natia allo Yoshi Park."@it . . "GALLERY[1][2][3][4] [5]"@en . . . "Yoshi is a species in the Paper Mario series. They appear in Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, though were referenced in Super Paper Mario at least two times. In Paper Mario, you would find the species on an island where they would have their own village. Your goal here was to go out and save a bunch of Yoshi children, and would also gain the help of Sushie. In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, there is sometimes a Yoshi on the Excess Express, but the only prominent Yoshi is the Yoshi Kid, but his Stampede attack calls in a small herd of other, normal Yoshis to trample the enemy. In \"Paper Mario Color Splash\" Yoshi appears in the \"Dark Bloo Inn\" level. A ghost Toad owns \"It\" and Mario has to get it back from the \"Shy Guy\" after battling a \"Shady Sledge Bro\". When Mario returns \"It\" to the room it came from and paints it, it's revealed to be a \"Yoshi\". Mario can try to ride him but, he runs away before he can successfully mount on him. es:Yoshi(raza)"@en . . "Yoshi"@it . "Yoshi was a male Yinchorri who worked for The Super Smash Brotherhood. He was trained in the Jedi arts by Mario and Darth Squidward. However he was killed by Darth Vader along with his teammates."@en . "immune"@en . "Alies"@en . . . . . "Les Yoshis poss\u00E8dent une \u00EEle, diff\u00E9rentes couleurs (vert, rouge, jaune, bleu ciel, bleu, rose, violet et noir) et des pouvoirs gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 leurs couleurs (Yoshi Rose : Yoshi Baudruche ; Yoshi Bleu : Yoshi Bulle ; Yoshi Jaune : Yoshi Lumi\u00E8re...) Le Yoshi Vert est le Yoshi qu'utilise ou que chevauche Mario, celui qui revient le plus souvent dans la s\u00E9rie, et aussi le plus connu. Ils aiment manger des fruits (qui dans certains jeux le font changer de couleurs comme dans Super Mario Sunshine). Yoshi Vert est apparu pour la premi\u00E8re fois dans Super Mario World et dans bien d'autres jeux."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur from Yoshi's Island. For many years he has been a loyal friend and ally to Mario. Yoshi is known for kindness and bravery as he has helped defend the world and rescue captives from the evil Bowser many times. Yoshi has appeared alongside Mario in every one of his cross-overs with Sonic the Hedgehog."@en . . . . "Yoshi is that awesome dinosaur who first appeared in Super Mario World. He has since appeared in many games since, including a few of his own. Also, he rules. Yoshi has no less than 8 starring roles, including 4 puzzle games. He also has widespread cameos in games where he doesn't belong such Link's Awakening."@en . . . . "ya"@en . . "Cyberlizard's version"@en . . . . . . "Yoshi es un personaje protagonista de la serie de juegos hom\u00F3nima y personaje secundario en Super Mario Bros."@es . . . "Yoshi as he appears in Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@en . . "Les Yoshis poss\u00E8dent une \u00EEle, diff\u00E9rentes couleurs (vert, rouge, jaune, bleu ciel, bleu, rose, violet et noir) et des pouvoirs gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 leurs couleurs (Yoshi Rose : Yoshi Baudruche ; Yoshi Bleu : Yoshi Bulle ; Yoshi Jaune : Yoshi Lumi\u00E8re...) Le Yoshi Vert est le Yoshi qu'utilise ou que chevauche Mario, celui qui revient le plus souvent dans la s\u00E9rie, et aussi le plus connu. Ils aiment manger des fruits (qui dans certains jeux le font changer de couleurs comme dans Super Mario Sunshine). Yoshi Vert est apparu pour la premi\u00E8re fois dans Super Mario World et dans bien d'autres jeux. Il existe aussi les B\u00E9b\u00E9s Yoshis, ils sont de plusieurs couleurs qui ont des capacit\u00E9s diff\u00E9rentes (Baudruche, Bulle, Lumi\u00E8re...) Les Yoshis peuvent aussi faire des sauts plan\u00E9s. Yoshi Vert sert \u00E9galement de monture \u00E0 Mario et Luigi et il est rapide comme l'\u00E9clair."@fr . . . "Yoshis sind Dinosaurier in allen Farben des Regenbogens. Der bekannteste ist jedoch der gr\u00FCne. Dieser wird oft als Repr\u00E4sentant f\u00FCr alle Yoshis gesehen."@de . . . . "w:c:de.mario:Yoshi"@de . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC,Yosshi in Japanese) is a playful, kind, cute, sweet and fun-loving dinosaur who appears as one of the main characters in the Mario series. He has normally appeared as a Green Yoshi, but has been shown in many different colors, including Red, Pink, Yellow, Light Blue, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, White/Gray, Black, and Brown. He later had his own series with several platform and puzzle games, including Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Yoshi Touch and Go. However, Yoshi does still appear quite frequently in the Mario series. The Yoshi series includes characters from the Mario series (usually in their baby forms) as well. He also appeared in many of the spin-off Mario games, such as the Mario Party series, the Smash Bros series, the Mario Kart series as well as in other var"@en . "c. 2500, Gohbus Moon"@en . . "Yoshi is a character in Nintendo's Mario franchise whose in-game role is to help Mario. In \"REJECTED MARIO GAMES\", Yoshi is seen as a Sprite in the \"Mario Tax Returns\" segment where Mario finds he can claim him as a dependant, but still runs off a cliff to his death when Mario jumps off his back."@en . . "Tylor the Hedgehog's version"@en . "250"^^ . . "Yoshi is a green dinosaur who is the ally of Mario and Luigi."@en . . "Kazumi Totaka"@en . . . "Formerly: Yoshi's Island\nNow: Mushroom Kingdom"@en . "Dislikes"@en . . . . "Mushroom Kingdom"@en . "Hobby"@en . . . "Racing, Playing Sports, and Eating"@en . . . . . "Yoshis are found in many places. These places include: Jamaica, Canada, Gay Pride Parades, under small children, on top of other Yoshis, under other Yoshis, trapped within eggs, McDonald's Breakfast Menu and in a Snuggie. However their original habitat was on the fittingly named \"Yoshi's Island\". Yoshi's Island was an esoteric place, where clumsy storks watched meteors rain down on the dinosaur sodomites below, God angry over for the death of Raptor Jesus. It also rained Italian children and toast. Yoshi's Island is also home to various strange forms of fauna and flora. These include masked midgets, pygmy aboriginals, and completely useless tomatoes, with no function whatsoever. Yoshi locals have the propensity of being changed to a 2D, book-like state."@en . . . . . "Yoshi"@pl . "1000"^^ . "Yoshi is a creature who is 50% pickle, 20% dinosaur, 10% donkey, and 20% dragon who is perhaps best known for his participation in the Yoshi's Island Scandal during the late 1900s. He is a fan of Weird Al."@en . "He also reportedly likes playing Call of Duty online with his real deep morbid Russian voice."@en . . . . . . . "white"@en . "Dinosaur"@en . . . . . "Yoshi Dinosaur"@en . "His friends, Yoshis, Yoshi's Island, Birdo"@en . . . "Yoshi es un personaje protagonista de la serie de juegos hom\u00F3nima y personaje secundario en Super Mario Bros."@es . . . . . . . "15"^^ . . "Misa Amane's manager"@en . "Green Machine"@en . . . "Species"@en . "\u2022 Saga de Mario\n\u2022 Saga de Yoshi"@es . . . "Enimes"@en . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi) is a female Bount under the service of Jin Kariya."@en . . "GALLERY[1][2][3][4] [5]"@en . . . "2.3"^^ . . . . . . "Super Smash Flash 2"@en . "Mario Kart games"@en . . . . . "Species:"@en . "Yoshi ist ein gr\u00FCner Dinosaurier, der in der Mariowelt auf Yoshis-Island lebt. Er ist einer der Helden im Pilzk\u00F6nigreich, ein treuer Gef\u00E4hrte von Mario und Luigi und dient meistens als Reittier, falls die Klempnerbr\u00FCder Peach wieder aus den Klauen von Bowser befreien m\u00FCssen. Er und seine Arten sind bekannt wegen ihrer extrem langen Zunge, die sie benutzen k\u00F6nnen um weit entfernte Fr\u00FCchte von B\u00E4umen aus sich zu schnappen. Au\u00DFerdem k\u00F6nnen sie h\u00F6her als Mario springen und beherrschen den sogenannten \"Flatterflug\", der ihnen erm\u00F6glicht l\u00E4nger in der Luft fast zu schweben, um somit h\u00F6her gelegene Zonen zu erreichen."@de . . . . . . . . "black"@en . "Yoshi is the name used for several characters in the TMNT universe. \n* Hamato Yoshi, who is either the master of Splinter, or is Splinter himself \n* Yoshi, a young boy in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III \n* Yoshi Chen, also known as Chien Khan \n* Oroku Yoshi, a heroic version of Shredder from an alternate universe"@en . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi) by\u0142a Bount i podw\u0142adn\u0105 Jina Kariyi. Wyst\u0119puje w anime w serii Bount."@pl . . . . . "Yoshi is an ally to Mario, and is the protagonist of his own series, Yoshi was playable in every Mario spin-off game and first appeared in Super Mario World for the SNES, he was also playable in every Super Smash Bros game to date. He is voiced by Kazumi Totaka who also voices Professor E Gadd and King Boo."@en . . "T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas"@es . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi) is a female Bount under the service of Jin Kariya."@en . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B, su nombre deriva de \u826F, que significa \"feliz\") es un drag\u00F3n antropom\u00F3rfico ficticio que aparece en varios videojuegos de Nintendo, sobre todo en la franquicia de Super Mario, aunque tambi\u00E9n tiene su propia serie de juegos."@es . . . . . "Shigefuni Hino"@en . . . "thumb Yoshi es una especie conocida por el particular juego de MARIO, esta especie muy famosa se escabullo y fue a parar en el omnitrix, una muestra de ADN de un yoshi verde (recordemos que ahi de distintos colores) puede comer muchas cosas y transformarlas en huevos que puede usar en proyectiles, una cosa mas es que puede hacer un smash!! que es muy poderoso, (fans matter)"@es . . . . . "thumb|left Les Yoshis (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC, Yossh\u012B) sont des dinosaures qui apparaissent dans de nombreux jeux vid\u00E9o de Nintendo. Yoshi signifie \"orphelin\" en japonais."@fr . . . "Yoshi"@en . . . "thumb Yoshi es un dinosaurio que aparece en la Saga de Super Mario. M\u00E1s tarde tuvo su propia serie independiente y varios juegos de puzzle, incluyendo Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. Sin embargo, Yoshi sigue apareciendo con bastante frecuencia en la los videojuegos de Super Mario."@es . . "Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@de . "Shigeru Miyamoto stated that Nintendo had wanted Mario to have a dinosaur companion ever since the first release of Super Mario Bros.; however, it was not possible because of the limitations of the NES. The inspiration for Yoshi can be traced back further, to the green dragon Tamagon in the 1984 video game Devil World. Coincidentally, both are green lizards that hatch from eggs and can eat enemies with their large mouth, and also make the same noise when they hatch. During the development of Super Mario Bros. 3, Miyamoto had a number of sketches around his desk, including an image of Mario riding a dinosaur. Takashi Tezuka, a Mario series developer, speculated that Miyamoto's love of horse riding as well as country and western themes influenced Yoshi's creation. The concept of Mario riding a dinosaur also came from the NES video game Excitebike, which featured people riding motorcycles. He again wanted to feature Yoshi in Super Mario Bros. 3, but was still unable to. Tezuka designed two power-ups (the frog suit and racoon tail) to make up for this limitation. Once the more powerful Super NES was released, Miyamoto was finally able to implement Yoshi into the series, putting Yoshi into the video game Super Mario World. Yoshi proved to be popular in this debut, which caused the next game in the series, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, to focus on the Yoshi species. The version of Yoshi seen in the Super Mario Bros. film was made using an animatronic dinosaur. Yoshi was designed in the film by Dave Nelson. The animatronic had nearly 200 feet of cable and hundreds of moving parts inside of it, and was controlled by nine puppeteers. The body was cable-controlled, while the head was radio-controlled. Nelson described the overall process as being \"difficult.\" The creation of Yoshi was handled by a company independent from the filmmakers."@en . . . . "sein Gro\u00DFvater"@de . . . . . . . . "Super Mario World"@en . . "Yoshi is a Yoshi who is old friends with Mario and Luigi. He is set to appear in Super Mario Bros. Z to help fight against Metallix."@en . "Yoshi war ein Einwohner des Dorfes Tonika-mura."@de . . "SSBM"@en . . "The Yoshi has been released in the following 1/64 scale versions:"@en . . . . . . "Yoshisaurus"@de . . . "DemonicDrPhil's version"@en . . . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B?, sometimes Romanized Yossy in earlier Japanese language materials) is a major character in the Mario series, who eventually spun off into its own series."@en . . "The Darkness"@en . "Dino & Aliens"@en . "Wiki Yoshi es la comunidad dedicada al conocido personaje de Nintendo, y los productos donde aparece, como su saga propia o las entregas de Super Mario Bros."@es . "gestorben"@de . . . . . "The other Yoshis"@en . "Yoshi is an anthromorphic dinosaur from the Mario series and the Yoshi series. Yoshi is a generally friendly creature that rarely ever gets mad. This is due to the fact Shigeru didn't insert emotion into Yoshi's programming system. Over the years, Yoshi has gotten himself a lot of fans, and is generally one of the most liked characters in the Mario series. If not, he's liked the most. Yoshi's primary attack means are its long, chameleon-esque tounge and its feet. But his Final Smash breaks these laws, as he says \"screw this, I have WINGS\" before instantaneously flying off to get drunk and score female Yoshi's as well as KOs. However, Yoshi could be either male or female, so he can go with any other Yoshi. In Brawl, Yoshi ranks 32nd on the Tier List due to his mediocre stats overall, somewhat bad match-ups and abysmal tournament rankings (because the tourney managers are extremely biased and base everything from tourney results), but he is said recently to nearly go 50-50 with Meta Knight, Snake, and King Dedede, which is a super huge bonus. Many expect him to rise up soon. Yoshi apparently has the power, like Rocky in the Balboa films. Sonic, Tutankoopa, Kiske, and Kirbyfan66 are among the few Yoshi mainers. Resurgence is also occasionally known for using him when he gets bored of his Top 5 and wants a change of pace. Yoshi however is much faster then NR's Sonic, as Sonic is so slow he can't even get MSN yet."@en . . . . . "Yoshi is an anthropoid koopa usually referred to as a dinosaur. This page is about Yoshi the individual, for info on the species see yoshi's"@en . "Chameleon-like tongue, Eating enemies and turning them into eggs, spitting fire, throwing eggs, flutter kicking, flutter jumping, Ground Pound, tail whip, Super Dragon transformation"@en . . . . . "Shigefumi Hino"@en . "Mario Party games"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Super Mario World"@en . . "1"^^ . . . "320"^^ . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B?) \u00E8 un personaggio dell'Universo di Mario, anche se nella serie di Super Smash Bros. appartiene all'Universo di Yoshi. Apparso per la prima volta nel 1991 in Super Mario World, Yoshi \u00E8 diventato rapidamente uno dei personaggi pi\u00F9 popolari della serie."@it . . . . "TBA"@en . . "Akiko Hirono"@en . . . . . . . . "Abandonada"@es . "Yoshi is a dinosaur-like creature who appears in the Mario series. He later had his own series with several platform and puzzle games, including Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. However, Yoshi does still appear quite frequently in the Mario series. The Yoshi series includes characters from the Mario series (usually as their baby forms) as well. He has also appeared in many of the spin-off Mario games, such as the Mario Party, the Mario Kart series as well as in other various Mario sports titles."@en . "TBA"@en . . . "Yoshi"@fr . . . "Yoshi has been Mario's best friend since Super Mario World for the SNES. His undeniable cuteness has lent him a cult following among the younger and some older Mario Kart fans. He says his name repeatedly and in Mario Kart Wii, he talks in a high-pitched voice. He falls under the medium weight class in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, Mario Kart Wii, and Mario Kart 8, but a lightweight in Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Super Circuit, Mario Kart DS, and Mario Kart 7. . He is one of the most popular characters in the Mario Kart series."@en . . "Yoshis sind Dinosaurier in allen Farben des Regenbogens. Der bekannteste ist jedoch der gr\u00FCne. Dieser wird oft als Repr\u00E4sentant f\u00FCr alle Yoshis gesehen."@de . . . . . . . . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30C3\u30B7\u30FC Yossh\u012B, su nombre deriva de \u826F, que significa \"feliz\") es un drag\u00F3n antropom\u00F3rfico ficticio que aparece en varios videojuegos de Nintendo, sobre todo en la franquicia de Super Mario, aunque tambi\u00E9n tiene su propia serie de juegos."@es . "Yoshi was the largely unseen gardener of Niles and Maris Crane. He likes to create elaborate garden hedges. He frequently feuds with the Cranes over the zen garden he wishes to add, and eventually does. He is mentioned in many episodes by Niles, only once briefly seen. He died during \"The Fight Before Christmas\" from a heart attack while trimming Maris's hedge maze. Niles said \"the paramedics never had a chance\" given the extent of the shrubbery. Niles first mentioned Yoshi as he ordered coffee at Caf\u00E9 Nervosa in the pilot."@en . . . . . . . . "Yoshi Wiki.png Titel Wissenschaftlicher Name Ern\u00E4hrung Verbreitung Zugeh\u00F6rigkeit F\u00E4rbung Ma\u00DFe Werk Die Yoshis sind Dinosaurier von Yoshi's Island und tauchen seit \"Super Mario World\" immer wieder in der \"Super Mario\"-Serie auf. Es gibt Yoshis in verschiedenen Farben. Manchmal erhalten sie Fl\u00FCgel, au\u00DFerdem k\u00F6nnen sie Feuer speien, was sie in die Verwandtschaft der Drachen stellt. __KEIN_INHALTSVERZEICHNIS__"@de . . . "Stupid Mario Brothers"@en . . "The Darkness"@en . . . . "Yoshi is a Dinosaur of Yoshi's Island. It has a Chemelon like tounge & lays eggs. Yoshi can only say it's own name"@en . . . . "Tako's version"@en . . . "Masanori Sato"@en . . . . . . . "Not dead"@en . . "unterschiedlich"@de . . . . . . . . "The Yoshi Tribe"@en . "Filme"@de . "DMH76"@en . "That Stupid Video Game Show"@en . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Yoshi Topsy Turvy"@en . . "Red Yoshi"@en . "Yoshi's Story"@en . . "Dinosaurio / Yoshi"@es . "Gender:"@en . "yoshi is a plumers best friend.he has heped mario many times like he was in mario galaxy and his first game he was in was super mario world there he was in the second level."@en . . "Yoshi"@cs . . . . . . "(Yoshi's typical green color)"@en . . . . . "Yoshi is a recurring caricature in the D.Gray-man series, present in various, humorous situations and noticed only by the readers, save his image imprinted on Komui Lee's coffee mug, which members of the Black Order use to identify it as his."@en . . "Super Smash Bros. Melee"@de . . "Yoshi"@es . "Yoshi is Luigi's pet dinosaur. He appears in Hottie 3: The Best Fan Fic in the World where he, Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Wario are members of the Department of Hotness."@en . . . . . "Lex-ph"@es . . "Yoshi (\u30E8\u30B7, Yoshi ?) es una mujer Bount que hace su aparici\u00F3n en una temporada exclusiva del anime, y por tanto no es un personaje \"can\u00F3nico\" en la l\u00EDnea temporal oficial de Bleach. Como los dem\u00E1s Bount, Yoshi es uno de los antagonistas principales en esta parte de la serie, que buscar\u00E1 una forma de acceder a la Sociedad de Almas para fortalecer sus poderes a base de absorber las almas y las part\u00EDculas espirituales presentes en aquel lugar."@es . . . "Archivo:18px-Bandera Mexico svg.png Mar\u00EDa Fernanda Morales"@es . . .