"Brun"@fr . . "\u30DC\u30B5\u30F3"@es . . . . . . "Bothanie"@hu . . "Bothawui"@it . . "A Tale of Two Bothans: Interpreting Star Wars Aliens"@en . "1.5"^^ . . . . "Yavin 4 Rebels: Guardians of the Hidden Fortress"@en . "Bothan"@es . . . . . . . "Bothano"@hu . "A bothanok 4000 YE k\u00F6r\u00FCl csatlakoztak a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1ghoz, \u00E1m igaz\u00E1n jelent\u0151s szerepet nem tudtak bet\u00F6lteni. Ennek ellen\u00E9re a Galaktikus Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA alatt m\u00E1r nagyobb jelent\u0151s\u00E9get tudtak magukra v\u00E1llalni: hivatalosan semlegesk\u00E9nt tev\u00E9kenykedtek, \u00E1m h\u00EDrhedt k\u00E9mszervezet\u00FCk mindk\u00E9t oldalon egyar\u00E1nt beleavatkozott a konfliktusba, hab\u00E1r a bothanokat szinte minden esetben a profit hajtott. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . . . "\u00C9rz\u00E9keny bunda, eml\u0151s\u00F6k jellemvon\u00E1sa"@hu . . . "*Bothese \n*Botha"@hu . . "Bothan"@it . . . . . "nincs"@hu . "Bothan Names"@es . . "Sapient"@en . . . . . "*Both\u00E9s \n*Botha"@es . . "Bothese"@en . . "Homeworld: Bothawui Description: Bothans are a species first mentioned, though not seen, in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi, the third film of the Star Wars saga. Many members of this race, often sought out as spies and intelligence agents, died to obtain information about the second Death Star battle station under construction at Endor. In addition, a few have been a part of Rogue Squadron. The incident in which they obtained this information is documented in the Steve Perry novel Shadows of the Empire. These spies are celebrated among the Bothans as the Martyrs."@en . "Up to 84 years."@en . "Bothaner"@it . . "Bothan"@es . . . . . . . . "Homeworld: Bothawui Description: Bothans are a species first mentioned, though not seen, in the 1983 film Return of the Jedi, the third film of the Star Wars saga. Many members of this race, often sought out as spies and intelligence agents, died to obtain information about the second Death Star battle station under construction at Endor. In addition, a few have been a part of Rogue Squadron. The incident in which they obtained this information is documented in the Steve Perry novel Shadows of the Empire. These spies are celebrated among the Bothans as the Martyrs. Bothans make their first appearance as 1.5-meter-tall feline humanoids in the Timothy Zahn novel Heir to the Empire. As represented by Borsk Fey'lya (who would later become the New Republic's Chief of State), Bothans are eager to advance their personal power any way that they can. They are also brave, and loyal to those they care about. From their forested home world of Bothawui, Bothans operate an advanced intelligence apparatus that rivals both Rebel and Imperial intelligence gathering, and in some ways surpasses them."@en . . "1.4"^^ . . . . . "Bothans were furry mammalian humanoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differ in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. The Bothans were members of the Galactic Republic at least from 4,000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits. The Bothans played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government. Bothese was the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where Botha was the written form."@en . "Pelaje sensible a su estado de \u00E1nimo, caracter\u00EDsticas y apariencia facial canina, felina y equina"@es . . . . . "Bothalaiset"@it . . . "Bothano"@es . . . . "Barna"@hu . . . "Bothan"@hu . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0446"@it . . . . "Inteligentes"@es . "250"^^ . "Bothan Names"@es . . . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u044B"@it . . . . . . . . . "Bothan"@en . . . . . "Mood sensitive fur, canine, feline, and equine features and facial appearances"@en . "Une paire, brun \u00E0 vert"@fr . . . . "Bothans are a species of furry mammalian humanoids from the planet Bothawui. They stand about 1.5 meters tall and have canine, feline, and equestrian characteristics in appearance. The race has a history of being well-known diplomats and spies."@en . . "Fattezze e caratteristiche canine, equine e feline"@it . . . . . . . . . . . "Native Languages: Bothese. Average Height: 1.3 to 1.54 meters A humanoid species identified by their short builds and fur-covered faces, Bothans are widely known as proficient and intrepid spies. However, members of the species have also become fearless leaders, relentless warriors, courageous pilots, and brilliant scientists. As a species, Bothans have been mastering the art of information-gathering for nearly 300 years. The resulting Bothan spynet is among the largest and most renowned intelligence organizations, with operatives stationed throughout the galaxy. In fact, spying has become the Bothans primary industry. Since the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, the Bothan spynet has primarily benefited the Rebel Alliance, although both the Empire and the criminal underworld occasionally make use of Bothan spies as well. Due largely to their reputation as spies, Bothans are often regarded as power hungry, manipulative, cunning and paranoid. But Bothans are also well-organized, keenly intelligent, and very loyal. They live orderly lives, place great emphasis on family bonds, and are extremely protective of their allies. In addition, Bothans can be passionate and surprisingly eloquent orators, poets, and politicians. Bothans hail from Bothawui, a clean, cosmopolitan planet. They live in tight-knit clans and are ruled by a democratic Bothan Council. Bothans speak both Basic and their own native tongue. Statistic Bonuses at Level 90: +65 Precision, +25 Constitution, +50 Agility, +60 Luck Restrictions: None"@en . "Bothan"@hu . . . . "default.asp?x=starwars/article/sw20030717galactic"@es . "Los bothans o bothanos eran antropoides mam\u00EDferos peludos, de 1,5 metros de alto. Provenientes de Bothawui y varias colonias, los bothans se diferenciaban por su apariencia facial y estructura corporal, con caracter\u00EDsticas caninas, felinas y equinas. Eran conocidos por ser grandes pol\u00EDticos y esp\u00EDas, disfrutando de la intriga y el subterfugio. El idioma nativo de los bothans era el both\u00E9s, y la forma escrita era el botha."@es . . . . . "Bothans were sly furry humanoids from Bothawui. They were 1.4 to 1.6 meters tall on average and were covered in fur that rippled in response to their emotional state and they had tapered, pointed ears. As a species they were fond of spying, backstabbing, character-assassination, and political maneuvering. A typical Bothan's goal in life was to gain as much influence as possible and get more and more individiuals to listen to what s/he had to say. Culturally they followed The Bothan Way, which said each individual Bothan's own interests were more important than those of others, their family above other families, their clan above other clans, and the Bothan species above other species. In accordance with their sneaky natures, they ran the sneakiest organization in the galaxy, the Bothan Spyn"@en . . . "Bothan"@en . . . . "\u30DC\u30B5\u30F3"@it . . "Bothan"@fr . "Bothanie"@it . . . . . . . "Bothans are a species of furry mammalian humanoids from the planet Bothawui. They stand about 1.5 meters tall and have canine, feline, and equestrian characteristics in appearance. The race has a history of being well-known diplomats and spies."@en . . . "Bothans were a short race of furry humanoids. Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They possessed tapered pointed ears, and both males and females were known to sport beards. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge."@en . "A bothanok 4000 YE k\u00F6r\u00FCl csatlakoztak a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1ghoz, \u00E1m igaz\u00E1n jelent\u0151s szerepet nem tudtak bet\u00F6lteni. Ennek ellen\u00E9re a Galaktikus Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA alatt m\u00E1r nagyobb jelent\u0151s\u00E9get tudtak magukra v\u00E1llalni: hivatalosan semlegesk\u00E9nt tev\u00E9kenykedtek, \u00E1m h\u00EDrhedt k\u00E9mszervezet\u00FCk mindk\u00E9t oldalon egyar\u00E1nt beleavatkozott a konfliktusba, hab\u00E1r a bothanokat szinte minden esetben a profit hajtott. A bothan k\u00E9mek tal\u00E1n legh\u00EDresebb szolg\u00E1latukat azonban a l\u00E1zad\u00F3knak tet\u00E9k, amikor ellopt\u00E1k a M\u00E1sodik Hal\u00E1lcsilag terveit. Ezzel a l\u00E9p\u00E9ssel es\u00E9lyt adtak a felkel\u0151knek, hogy megsemmis\u00EDthess\u00E9k a harcb\u00E1zist. Borsk Fey'ly\u00E1val az \u00E9len fontos r\u00E9szt v\u00E1llaltak az \u00DAj K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g korm\u00E1nyalak\u00EDt\u00E1s\u00E1ban. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@hu . "Bothan"@es . . . . "Bothan"@hu . . . . . . "Bothans were a race from the planet Both'ii known for helping the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a network of spies, such as when they obtained the plans to the second Death Star."@en . "Bothan"@fr . . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0446"@es . . "[Source] Les Bothans sont les habitants de la plan\u00E8te Bothawui et d\"autres plan\u00E8tes comme Kothlis. Durant la Guerre des Clones, ils \u00E9taient alli\u00E9s \u00E0 la R\u00E9publique Galactique et d\u00E9fendaient ses id\u00E9aux. Des ann\u00E9es plus tard ils donn\u00E8rent des informations appartenant \u00E0 l'Empire Galactique \u00E0 l'Alliance Rebelle et notamment des codes imp\u00E9riaux leur permettant de se poser sur la lune Foresti\u00E8re d'Endor. Suite \u00E0 \u00E7a, la plupart se sont fait \u00E9liminer par l'Empire pour trahison. Le Bothan le plus connu est le Ma\u00EEtre Jedi Kai Hudorra, ayant surv\u00E9cu \u00E0 l'Ordre 66."@fr . . . . . . . . "Bothan"@cs . . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u044B"@hu . . "Native Languages: Bothese. Average Height: 1.3 to 1.54 meters A humanoid species identified by their short builds and fur-covered faces, Bothans are widely known as proficient and intrepid spies. However, members of the species have also become fearless leaders, relentless warriors, courageous pilots, and brilliant scientists. As a species, Bothans have been mastering the art of information-gathering for nearly 300 years. The resulting Bothan spynet is among the largest and most renowned intelligence organizations, with operatives stationed throughout the galaxy. In fact, spying has become the Bothans primary industry. Since the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War, the Bothan spynet has primarily benefited the Rebel Alliance, although both the Empire and the criminal underworld occasionally"@en . . . "Bothan"@es . . "1.4"^^ . . . . "Bothan"@hu . "*Asyr Sei'lar\n*Borsk Fey'lya\n*Hosk Trey'lis\n*Kai Hudorra\n*Koth Melan\n*Laryn Kre'fey\n*Oryon\n*Pers'lya\n*Polo Se'lab\n*Traest Kre'fey\n*Nek Bwua'tu\n*Ultric Sandov\n*Yaqeel Saav'etu"@it . . "110.0"^^ . . "Barna"@hu . . "I Bothan sono una razza umanoide mammifera, alta circa 1,5 metri in media. Il loro pianeta natale \u00E8 Bothawui. I Bothan possono avere un aspetto canino, felino o equino. Sono famosi per essere ottimi politici e spie e per essere esperti negli inganni. I Bothan sono membri della Repubblica almeno dal 4.000 BBY, ma si presume ne facessero parte gi\u00E0 da prima. Nonostante nella loro storia siano stati perlopi\u00F9 neutrali, i Bothan sono sempre stati presenti tramite la famigerata Rete di spionaggio Bothan e il commercio."@it . . . . "Bothans were a short race of furry humanoids. Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They possessed tapered pointed ears, and both males and females were known to sport beards. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge."@en . . . "Poss\u00E8dent une crini\u00E8re"@fr . . "Average Height: 1.4 meters Average Lifespan: 75 years Bothans are rather short, with broad shoulders and a thick fur, ranging in color from reddish brown, to almost black. They have excellent eyes, and even more sensitive ears and snouts. Combined with their padded feet and hands, this makes Bothans a notoriously quiet bunch when they want to be. When they don't want to be, Bothans make their statements very audibly, as they do on their homeworld of Bothawui. Here, the economic prowess and quiet subtlty of the Bothan people becomes obvious in the economic prosperity and order of their world."@en . . "Bothan"@it . . . . . . . "Star Wars"@en . "Bothan"@es . "Bothan"@es . . . "I Bothan sono una razza umanoide mammifera, alta circa 1,5 metri in media. Il loro pianeta natale \u00E8 Bothawui. I Bothan possono avere un aspetto canino, felino o equino. Sono famosi per essere ottimi politici e spie e per essere esperti negli inganni. I Bothan sono membri della Repubblica almeno dal 4.000 BBY, ma si presume ne facessero parte gi\u00E0 da prima. Nonostante nella loro storia siano stati perlopi\u00F9 neutrali, i Bothan sono sempre stati presenti tramite la famigerata Rete di spionaggio Bothan e il commercio. Durante la Battaglia di Korriban, molti Bothan si sacrificarono per rubare i piani della seconda Morte Nera che permisero all'Alleanza Ribelle di distruggere la stazione spaziale. Furono una delle specie di spicco durante la fondazione della Nuova Repubblica. La lingua madre dei Bothan si chiama Bothese per quel che riguarda il parlato, mentre la forma scritta si chiama Botha."@it . "Bothalaiset"@hu . "Bothans are a furry humanoid species characterized by stocky builds and fur-covered faces. About 1.5 meters tall, the fur acts as an emotional indicator, as different moods trigger different rippling responses on a Bothan's fur. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differ in facial structure from canine to feline to equine. The Bothans were members of the Old Republic at least from 4,000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits. The Bothans played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government. Bothan is also the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where"@en . "news/yavin-4-rebels-guardians-of-the-hidden-fortress"@en . "Bothans were sly furry humanoids from Bothawui. They were 1.4 to 1.6 meters tall on average and were covered in fur that rippled in response to their emotional state and they had tapered, pointed ears. As a species they were fond of spying, backstabbing, character-assassination, and political maneuvering. A typical Bothan's goal in life was to gain as much influence as possible and get more and more individiuals to listen to what s/he had to say. Culturally they followed The Bothan Way, which said each individual Bothan's own interests were more important than those of others, their family above other families, their clan above other clans, and the Bothan species above other species. In accordance with their sneaky natures, they ran the sneakiest organization in the galaxy, the Bothan Spynet. During the Yuuzhan Vong War the Bothan Council declared ar'kai against theYuuzhan Vong, which made it the duty of every Bothan to seek out and exterminate as many Yuuzhan Vong as possible until there were no more Yuuzhan Vong. The Bothans did not succeed at this however."@en . "Bothano"@it . . . . . . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0435\u0446"@hu . "*Asyr Sei'lar \n*Borsk Fey'lya\n*Kai Hudorra \n*Koth Melan \n*Laryn Kre'fey\n*Oryon \n*Polo Se'lab\n*Traest Kre'fey\n*''Yur T'aug"@es . "Bothan"@it . "\u0411\u043E\u0442\u0430\u043D\u044B"@es . "1"^^ . "Bothans (pronounced /'b\u0251\u03B8\u026An/) were the species credited with stealing information concerning the Death Star II, despite sustaining heavy casualties, thereby enabling the Rebel Alliance to plan an attack on the unfinished space station. The Bothans also provided the Rebel Alliance with other useful information, such as the door code for the shield generator bunker on the forest moon of Endor. Bothans were known to communicate with each other in a series of growls."@en . "Bothese , Botha"@it . "[Source] Les Bothans sont les habitants de la plan\u00E8te Bothawui et d\"autres plan\u00E8tes comme Kothlis. Durant la Guerre des Clones, ils \u00E9taient alli\u00E9s \u00E0 la R\u00E9publique Galactique et d\u00E9fendaient ses id\u00E9aux. Des ann\u00E9es plus tard ils donn\u00E8rent des informations appartenant \u00E0 l'Empire Galactique \u00E0 l'Alliance Rebelle et notamment des codes imp\u00E9riaux leur permettant de se poser sur la lune Foresti\u00E8re d'Endor. Suite \u00E0 \u00E7a, la plupart se sont fait \u00E9liminer par l'Empire pour trahison. Le Bothan le plus connu est le Ma\u00EEtre Jedi Kai Hudorra, ayant surv\u00E9cu \u00E0 l'Ordre 66."@fr . . . "Bothaner"@es . "Bothans are the native race of the planet Bothawui"@en . . "Bothan"@hu . . . . "Bothan"@hu . "Bothans were a race from the planet Both'ii known for helping the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a network of spies, such as when they obtained the plans to the second Death Star."@en . "news/the-journey-to-star-wars-a-new-dawn"@en . . . "news/a-tale-of-two-bothans-interpreting-star-wars-aliens"@en . . "Bothan"@it . . . "Bothan"@it . "Los bothans o bothanos eran antropoides mam\u00EDferos peludos, de 1,5 metros de alto. Provenientes de Bothawui y varias colonias, los bothans se diferenciaban por su apariencia facial y estructura corporal, con caracter\u00EDsticas caninas, felinas y equinas. Eran conocidos por ser grandes pol\u00EDticos y esp\u00EDas, disfrutando de la intriga y el subterfugio. Los bothans fueron miembros de la Rep\u00FAblica Gal\u00E1ctica por lo menos desde el 4.000 ABY, pero probablemente desde mucho antes. A trav\u00E9s de numerosos conflictos, notablemente la Guerra Civil Gal\u00E1ctica, los bothans permanecieron oficialmente neutrales, aunque su afamada Red de Espionaje siempre se involucr\u00F3 con ambos bandos y los intereses comerciales buscaron ganancias. Los bothans fueron acreditados con robar los planos de la segunda Estrella de la Muerte, permitiendo a la Alianza Rebelde destruir la estaci\u00F3n de batalla. Esta especie jug\u00F3 un rol importante en la fundaci\u00F3n de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica y el desarrollo de su gobierno. El idioma nativo de los bothans era el both\u00E9s, y la forma escrita era el botha."@es . "Bothanie"@es . . . "Average Height: 1.4 meters Average Lifespan: 75 years Bothans are rather short, with broad shoulders and a thick fur, ranging in color from reddish brown, to almost black. They have excellent eyes, and even more sensitive ears and snouts. Combined with their padded feet and hands, this makes Bothans a notoriously quiet bunch when they want to be. When they don't want to be, Bothans make their statements very audibly, as they do on their homeworld of Bothawui. Here, the economic prowess and quiet subtlty of the Bothan people becomes obvious in the economic prosperity and order of their world. Although Bothans know how to use their wealth cunningly to make their opinions carry, they are often soft-spoken and wry. The exception to this rule comes within the Bothan family, where Bothans can seem blunt to the point of rudeness."@en . . . . . "Bothalaiset"@es . "Bothans were furry mammalian humanoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differ in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. The Bothans were members of the Galactic Republic at least from 4,000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits. The Bothans played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government. Bothese was the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where Botha was the written form."@en . "The Journey to Star Wars: A New Dawn"@en . . . . "\u30DC\u30B5\u30F3"@hu . . . . "Bothaner"@hu . . . . "Bip\u00E9die"@fr . "Bothan"@it . . . . . . . "Bothans are a furry humanoid species characterized by stocky builds and fur-covered faces. About 1.5 meters tall, the fur acts as an emotional indicator, as different moods trigger different rippling responses on a Bothan's fur. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differ in facial structure from canine to feline to equine. The Bothans were members of the Old Republic at least from 4,000 BBY, but likely from a significantly earlier point. Through numerous conflicts the Bothans remained officially neutral, although their famed Spynet always played each side and commercial interests sought profits. The Bothans played a large role in the founding of the New Republic and in the development of its government. Bothan is also the name of the native language spoken by Bothans, where Botha is the written form."@en . "Bothans (pronounced /'b\u0251\u03B8\u026An/) were the species credited with stealing information concerning the Death Star II, despite sustaining heavy casualties, thereby enabling the Rebel Alliance to plan an attack on the unfinished space station. The Bothans also provided the Rebel Alliance with other useful information, such as the door code for the shield generator bunker on the forest moon of Endor. Bothans were known to communicate with each other in a series of growls."@en . . . . . . . . "Botha"@en . . . . . "Bothans are the native race of the planet Bothawui"@en . . . . "Bothan"@es . . . . . . . "Bothan"@hu . "Bothawui"@en . . . .