"None"@en . "None"@en . . . . . "radius"@it . "Vaati"@es . . . "Minish,"@en . . . "Four Swords"@en . . "Vaati \u00E8 uno dei principali antagonisti della serie The Legend of Zelda, apparso nei due indimenticabili Four Swords Adventures e The Minish Cap, col solo obiettivo di trovare un cattivone che sostituissse Ganondorf ma che fosse abbastanza effemminato da poterlo sopprimere alla prima occasione."@it . . . . "Vaati en su forma humana."@es . . . . "Vaati is a character in The Legend of Zelda series who first appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. He is the second most recurring antagonist in the series following Ganon, starring in all three Four Sword related games. He first received his back story in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, where he was the main villain and boss of the game."@en . . . "One-Eyed Batty Blob of AWESOME"@en . "Vaati is a major antagonist of The Legend of Zelda series and the second most recurring villain after Ganondorf himself; mostly famous for his role as the main antagonist in the Four Swords sub series."@en . . . "Shigeru Potatomoto"@en . . . . . . "\"To stone with you!\" Lord Vaati, Sorcerer of Darkness, Lord of Dark Hyrule Castle, The Epic Wind Mage, Master of the Skies, Purple-Short-Guy-With-Scary-Temper, Curious-About-The-Other-Eye, Uncertain-Gender, Big-Hairy-Blob-Of-Bat. Master of fellow vampire hunters; Veran and Zant, in the hunt for Edward Cullen."@en . . "Vaati"@it . "Vaati"@en . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC Guf\u016B, qui signifie Typhon ou Tornade en japonais) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie Zelda. Il s'agit du deuxi\u00E8me \"grand m\u00E9chant\" le plus r\u00E9current apr\u00E8s Ganondorf. Il est l'antagoniste principal de Four Swords et The Minish Cap et seconde Ganondorf dans Four Swords Adventures."@fr . . "Vaati war ein Minish, der beim Magier Ezelo in die Lehre ging. Ezelo besa\u00DF eine magische M\u00FCtze, die dem Tr\u00E4ger gro\u00DFe Macht verleiht. Vaati setzte diese auf und wurde zum Hexenmeister. Vaati verwandelte Ezelo, der ihn aufhalten wollte, mit dem Fluch des Hexenmeisters ironischerweise in eine M\u00FCtze. Um seine Macht noch mehr zu steigern, wollte er sich das Triforce aneignen. Bei dem Minish-Fest in Hyrule-Stadt nahm er am Schwertkampfturnier teil und gewann mit Leichtigkeit. Als Gewinner durfte er das Schwert der Minish, das eine Kiste versiegelte, ber\u00FChren. Vaati zog das Schwert aus der Kiste und \u00F6ffnete sie, weil er annahm, dass sich das Triforce in der Kiste befinde. Dies war allerdings nicht der Fall. In der Kiste waren nur Horden von Monstern, die sich \u00FCber ganz Hyrule verteilten. Vaati versteinerte Prinzessin Zelda mit dem Fluch des Hexenmeisters, da er bef\u00FCrchtete, dass sie sich ihm, auf seiner weiteren Suche nach dem Force (so wird in diesem Spiel das Triforce bezeichnet), in den Weg stellen k\u00F6nnte. Damit es aber Link gelingt, den Fluch von Zelda zu nehmen, ben\u00F6tigt er das Schwert der Minish. Dieses musste jedoch zuerst in der Heiligen St\u00E4tte mit den vier Elementen erschaffen werden. In dieser St\u00E4tte soll auch ein Hinweis sein, wo sich das Force befindet. Mit der Hilfe Ezelos, der von Vaati in eine gr\u00FCne M\u00FCtze verwandelt wurde, macht sich Link auf die Suche nach dem Schwert und dem Force. Indessen sperrte Vaati K\u00F6nig Dartus in einer Zelle im Schloss Hyrule ein und nahm dessen Gestalt an. Er gab den Soldaten den Auftrag, das Force zu suchen. Als Link und Ezelo in die Heilige St\u00E4tte gingen, folgte er ihnen in Form des K\u00F6nigs und offenbarte sich erst, als er den Aufenthaltsort des Forces kannte. Es war in Zelda. Vaati nahm das Schloss mit einigen Monstern ein, versteinerte Minister Friedrich und einige Soldaten. Dann verschanzte er sich mit Zelda auf dem Dach. Nach dem dritten Glockenschlag wollte er sich in einen Erzd\u00E4monen verwandeln. Doch schon nach dem zweiten kam Link. In einer anderen Etage bek\u00E4mpfte er ihn als D\u00E4mon um seine Macht zu demonstrieren. Weil Link ihn besiegte, bek\u00E4mpfte Vaati ihn daraufhin als Giftd\u00E4mon. Doch auch so konnte Link ihn besiegen. Am Ende gelingt es Link Vaati in das Schwert der Minish einzuschlie\u00DFen."@de . . . "Vaati, the Wind Spirit"@en . "130"^^ . . "Vaati \u00E8 uno dei principali antagonisti della serie The Legend of Zelda, apparso nei due indimenticabili Four Swords Adventures e The Minish Cap, col solo obiettivo di trovare un cattivone che sostituissse Ganondorf ma che fosse abbastanza effemminato da poterlo sopprimere alla prima occasione."@it . . . . . "None"@en . . "De cara p\u00E1lida y pelo morado, Vaati tiene grandes poderes m\u00E1gicos. Tiene las orejas puntiagudas como ciertas razas de Hyrule. Adem\u00E1s tiene atuendos de colores un tanto oscuros."@es . "Henchman"@en . . . . . "white"@it . . . . . . "Destroy Hyrule, make Zelda his bride"@en . "Gufuu"@en . . "You"@en . "Vaati is a recurring villain from The Legend of Zelda series. He first appears as the main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap and later Four Swords Adventures. Vaati was a Minish wizard obsessed with dark magic, but was consumed by the power he studied and transformed himself into a demon. After wreaking havoc on Hyrule, he was sealed within the Four Sword."@en . . . . . . . . . "The Joker"@en . . "Brujo de los Vientos"@es . . "This year, on the day that comes but once a century, the portal opens. And when it does, I shall claim the light force as my own. I will be transformed, perfect, and there will be none who can stop me..."@en . . . . . . "Vaati is a fictional character in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda franchise and the main antagonist in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. Vaati is a power-hungry villain normally resembling a large floating eyeball. However, he is revealed to be a Minish in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@en . . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC, Guf\u016B ?, Archivo:Hylian_V.gifArchivo:Hylian_A.gifArchivo:Hylian_A.gifArchivo:Hylian_T.gifArchivo:Hylian_I.gif en Hylian) es un antagonista recurrente en la saga de The Legend of Zelda. Vaati es ego\u00EDsta, buscando poder solo para satisfacer sus deseos personales. Despu\u00E9s de haber sido corrompido por el aprendizaje de la maldad en los corazones de los hombres, instintivamente busca el poder. Vaati aparece por primera vez en la historia de The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@es . "Vaati"@fr . . . "The Minish Cap"@en . . "Vaati"@en . . . . . . . . . "Sitting inside swords"@en . . . . . . "\"To stone with you!\" Lord Vaati, Sorcerer of Darkness, Lord of Dark Hyrule Castle, The Epic Wind Mage, Master of the Skies, Purple-Short-Guy-With-Scary-Temper, Curious-About-The-Other-Eye, Uncertain-Gender, Big-Hairy-Blob-Of-Bat. Master of fellow vampire hunters; Veran and Zant, in the hunt for Edward Cullen."@en . . "solid"@it . "Vaati is a character in The Legend of Zelda series who first appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords. He is the second most recurring antagonist in the series following Ganon, starring in all three Four Sword related games. He first received his back story in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, where he was the main villain and boss of the game."@en . "Never!"@en . . . . . . . . . . "B"@en . "Vaati's Minish form"@en . . . . . . "Vaati"@fr . "You"@en . . . "Vaati"@en . . . . "130"^^ . . . . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "OVER 9,000!!!"@en . . . "Vaati"@en . . . . . . . "Questo articolo minaccia i poteri della Triforza contro Hyrule! Hai per caso in testa un cappello con la testa da uccello che ti rompe il cazzo ogni trenta secondi? Se s\u00EC, sei degno di leggere questo articolo, ma ti avverto: il mio potere \u00E8 cos\u00EC sconfinato che nessun eroe potr\u00E0 fermarmi! Neanche se"@it . "Orion's Belt"@en . . . . . . . "Vaati is a main character of the series."@en . . . "Demon"@en . "175"^^ . "He doesn't have one, because people worship him."@en . "A master swordsman, can transform into a large monstrous eyeball, summon monsters, teleport, petrify and impersonate his opponent"@en . . . . . . "Vaati war ein Minish, der beim Magier Ezelo in die Lehre ging. Ezelo besa\u00DF eine magische M\u00FCtze, die dem Tr\u00E4ger gro\u00DFe Macht verleiht. Vaati setzte diese auf und wurde zum Hexenmeister. Vaati verwandelte Ezelo, der ihn aufhalten wollte, mit dem Fluch des Hexenmeisters ironischerweise in eine M\u00FCtze. Um seine Macht noch mehr zu steigern, wollte er sich das Triforce aneignen. Weil Link ihn besiegte, bek\u00E4mpfte Vaati ihn daraufhin als Giftd\u00E4mon. Doch auch so konnte Link ihn besiegen. Am Ende gelingt es Link Vaati in das Schwert der Minish einzuschlie\u00DFen."@de . . . . . . "The Wind Mage"@en . . . . "Vaati \u00E8 un personaggio malvagio apparso in The Minish Cap, Four Swords e Four Swords Adventures. Inizialmente era un Minish, allievo di Egeyo, attratto dalla malvagit\u00E0 che risiedeva nel cuore delle persone. Un giorno rub\u00F2 il Cappello del Mago che esaudiva i desideri di chi lo indossava e trasform\u00F2 il suo maestro, artefice dell'oggetto, in un cappuccio verde col becco. Divenne un mago con il potere di controllare i venti e, successivamente, si trasform\u00F2 in un demone."@it . . . . . . . . . "Prince du Mal \nMage du Vent"@fr . "Vaati is the coolest villain ever! He's so cool, everybody who sees him gets frozen! He can turn into a giant eyeball."@en . . "The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords"@en . "He's everywhere, man!"@en . "Vaati is a main character of the series."@en . . . . . ""@it . . . . "Villain"@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Four Swords"@en . "Vaati"@en . "Vaati"@en . . . "3"^^ . . . "Mary Poppins"@en . . . "42"^^ . "Demon, Magician"@en . . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC Guf\u016B?, File:Hylian V.pngFile:Hylian A.pngFile:Hylian A.pngFile:Hylian T.pngFile:Hylian I.png) is a recurring antagonist in the Legend of Zelda series. Vaati is selfish and self-serving, seeking only to fulfill his personal desires. Having been corrupted by learning of the evil within the hearts of men, he instinctively seeks power. Vaati's background was not revealed until the storyline of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@en . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC Guf\u016B?, File:Hylian V.pngFile:Hylian A.pngFile:Hylian A.pngFile:Hylian T.pngFile:Hylian I.png) is a recurring antagonist in the Legend of Zelda series. Vaati is selfish and self-serving, seeking only to fulfill his personal desires. Having been corrupted by learning of the evil within the hearts of men, he instinctively seeks power. Vaati's background was not revealed until the storyline of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@en . "Awesome!"@en . . . . "Male"@en . . "De cara p\u00E1lida y pelo morado, Vaati tiene grandes poderes m\u00E1gicos. Tiene las orejas puntiagudas como ciertas razas de Hyrule. Adem\u00E1s tiene atuendos de colores un tanto oscuros."@es . "Wind Mage"@en . . . . . . . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC, Guf\u016B ?, Archivo:Hylian_V.gifArchivo:Hylian_A.gifArchivo:Hylian_A.gifArchivo:Hylian_T.gifArchivo:Hylian_I.gif en Hylian) es un antagonista recurrente en la saga de The Legend of Zelda. Vaati es ego\u00EDsta, buscando poder solo para satisfacer sus deseos personales. Despu\u00E9s de haber sido corrompido por el aprendizaje de la maldad en los corazones de los hombres, instintivamente busca el poder. Vaati aparece por primera vez en la historia de The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@es . . . "Vaati is the main antagonist in the Four Swords subseries of The Legend of Zelda games, appearing in The Minish Cap, Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures. Vaati, much like Ganondorf, appears in both humanoid and monstrous forms, although the former only appears in The Minish Cap. In The Minish Cap Vaati also takes on three other forms, one before his human form, one after his first monstrous transformation and one in between."@en . . . "Dead"@en . "Vaati is a major antagonist of The Legend of Zelda series and the second most recurring villain after Ganondorf himself; mostly famous for his role as the main antagonist in the Four Swords sub series."@en . "Artwork of Vaati from The Minish Cap"@en . "0"^^ . . "Male, or Female, its kinda hard to tell."@en . . . . . . "Vaati"@de . "Vaati (\u30B0\u30D5\u30FC Guf\u016B, qui signifie Typhon ou Tornade en japonais) est un personnage r\u00E9current de la s\u00E9rie Zelda. Il s'agit du deuxi\u00E8me \"grand m\u00E9chant\" le plus r\u00E9current apr\u00E8s Ganondorf. Il est l'antagoniste principal de Four Swords et The Minish Cap et seconde Ganondorf dans Four Swords Adventures."@fr . . . "Vaati in his minish form."@en . . . . "Vaati is the main antagonist in the Four Swords subseries of The Legend of Zelda games, appearing in The Minish Cap, Four Swords and Four Swords Adventures. Vaati, much like Ganondorf, appears in both humanoid and monstrous forms, although the former only appears in The Minish Cap. In The Minish Cap Vaati also takes on three other forms, one before his human form, one after his first monstrous transformation and one in between. Vaati is selfish and self-serving, seeking only to fulfill his personal desires. Having been corrupted by learning of the evil within the hearts of men, he instinctively seeks power. Vaati's background is not revealed until the storyline of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@en . "Vaati is a fictional character in Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda franchise and the main antagonist in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and the The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. Vaati is a power-hungry villain normally resembling a large floating eyeball. However, he is revealed to be a Minish in The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap."@en . . . . . . "The cut mark under the eye confirms he's awesome"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Vaati"@en . "Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap"@en . "Vaati \u00E8 un personaggio malvagio apparso in The Minish Cap, Four Swords e Four Swords Adventures. Inizialmente era un Minish, allievo di Egeyo, attratto dalla malvagit\u00E0 che risiedeva nel cuore delle persone. Un giorno rub\u00F2 il Cappello del Mago che esaudiva i desideri di chi lo indossava e trasform\u00F2 il suo maestro, artefice dell'oggetto, in un cappuccio verde col becco. Divenne un mago con il potere di controllare i venti e, successivamente, si trasform\u00F2 in un demone."@it . . . "None"@en . . "Mage-ish"@en . "Vaati is the coolest villain ever! He's so cool, everybody who sees him gets frozen! He can turn into a giant eyeball."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Vaati_fungirl.png"@it . . . "black"@it . . . . "Gone with the Wind"@en . "Chibi Vaati.png"@it . . . "Vaati"@es . . . "80.0"^^ . "Vaati is a recurring villain from The Legend of Zelda series. He first appears as the main antagonist of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap and later Four Swords Adventures. Vaati was a Minish wizard obsessed with dark magic, but was consumed by the power he studied and transformed himself into a demon. After wreaking havoc on Hyrule, he was sealed within the Four Sword."@en . . . . . . "Character"@en . . . . "black"@it . . "Four Swords Adventures"@en . . . . . . . . .