. . "Au 21\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, Sirius devint connue dans l'histoire, pour avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 le lieu o\u00F9 le Trait\u00E9 de Sirius fut sign\u00E9 pour mettre fin aux Guerres Terre-Kzin. (TAS: \"The Slaver Weapon\") En 2267, Le lieutenant Hikaru Sulu utilisa la position de Sirius pour calculer la localisation de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701, apr\u00E8s que le vaisseau ait \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9plac\u00E9 \u00E0 500 parsecs par les Metrons. (TOS: \"Arena\") La Sirius Cybernetics Corporation \u00E9tait \u00E9tabli dans ce syst\u00E8me. (TNG: \"The Schizoid Man\" ; d\u00E9corations de Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) A plusieurs reprises en 2364, des cartes stellaires pr\u00E9cisant la localisation de Sirius A et B furent aper\u00E7ues, notamment dans les quartiers g\u00E9n\u00E9raux de Starfleet et sur un \u00E9cran de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D. (TNG: \"The Naked Now\", \"The Last Outpost\", \"Conspiracy\")"@fr . "Sirius (\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9 Shiriusu?) is a character of the Mega Man Star Force series, and appears as the secret boss of Mega Man Star Force 3. He is the controller of a black hole, and uses it to attack other planets and stars, sucking them up and adding them to his \"collection\". He comes off as rather condescending and childish due to his lack of concern as to what happens to said planets and how he views all others as beneath him. When he attacks Planet AM and Planet FM, the Satellite Admins and Cepheus turn to Mega Man for aid. At some point in time he also acquires a Mu Metal that belongs to Rogue. Sirius also happens to have rebuilt copies of the other EM Beings throughout the game, and the player must defeat these copies in order to fully progress through to the Black Hole Server. The rebuilt forms are labeled with \"R\" at the end of their names, save for Apollo Flame. After defeating these forms scattered throughout the EM World, the satellites that pinpointed their location now generate image data for the player to battle. When Sirius is finally defeated, he gives Mega Man the Mu Metal (in order to force he and Rogue to \"fight eternally\") and transfers his powers to Meteor G out of spite, causing Crimson Dragon to eventually upgrade itself into Crimson Dragon SP."@en . . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra | Forty-Seven Ronin | Momotaro | Gargoyle | Destroyah File:WaterIcon.png Water: Waterblade Murasame File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Lightblade Murasame | Jack File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Darkblade Murasame File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time) | Dark (Carnage)"@en . . . . "\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9"@en . "Isshin Chiba"@en . "3000"^^ . . . . "-"@en . . . "59"^^ . . . . . . . "Sirius is the grand master of the Crane School, and works for a man named 'Black'."@en . "Increases Speed and does a lot of damage to Shields."@en . . "EL joven Jefe de detectives Do Sin Woo pas\u00F3 el examen de la barra decidido en convertirse en polic\u00EDa. Ordena a detectives con edad suficiente para ser su padre y arriesga su vida para investigar un caso de drogas. Suele ser despiadado pero es persistente sobre el caso de drogas. Lo que est\u00E1 pasando ahora es que el contrabando de drogas est\u00E1 bajo la cubierta de basura que es tirada en el mar. Sin saberlo Sin Woo se reencuentra con su hermano gemelo all\u00ED y todo cambia."@es . "150"^^ . "150"^^ . "Sirius"@de . . "The name of a star, and in the novel by Pierre Boulle, the name given to the son of Ulysse M\u00E9rou and Nova; the birth of Sirius, and the prospect of a newly-intelligent human race."@en . . . . "408.47"^^ . "9"^^ . . "Sirius (\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9) is the title provided to the strongest individual within the Stars (may also refer to the High Commander within Stars). It is probable that it is given only to one of the Strategic-class Magicians from the USNA who is also associated with Stars."@en . . . . . . . "Former Flag"@en . . . . "SIRIUS, would be starved for love."@en . "Affiliation"@en . "I don't need any companion"@en . . "Breed"@en . . . . "Null Block"@en . "are_you_sirius"@en . . . . . "Captain"@en . . "Advanced Generation"@en . . . "Misc"@en . . . "Active"@en . . . . "I don't mind being yours, sir"@en . "Bomberman"@en . . "SIRIUS, wolf of the skies. I will not your \"watchdog\", right?"@en . "Angie Sirius"@en . "Beast"@en . "Randomly targets foes with 8 elemental shots."@en . "Sirius"@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . "El nivel empieza con un cubo en donde tienes que saltar sobre pinchos gigantes varias veces, exactamente 8 veces. Apenas acaba el segmento del cubo entras a un lugar con una rueda donde hay muchos cubos por todos lados y portales de gravedad. Despu\u00E9s de \u00E9so pasas a la nave y debes de pasar obst\u00E1culos y poco a poco aumentar\u00E1 la velocidad, aqu\u00ED puedes relajarte, pues, no debes hacer nada... Pero apenas dice WARNING! debes prepararte, pues llegas a la Wave donde llega la parte del Boss Battle, habr\u00E1n 2 contigo, uno en tu izquierda y el otro en tu derecha y que estar\u00E1n dispar\u00E1ndote pinchos seguidamente. El jefe de la izquierda se ir\u00E1 y el de la derecha empezar\u00E1 a dispararte L\u00E1sers, y obviamente deber\u00E1s esquivarlos. El jefe acabar\u00E1 de tirarte l\u00E1sers y eso es porque ya has llegado a la parte del Robot en el cual tendr\u00E1s que estar esquivando bolas del monstruo que te va tirando, (recuerda que este segmento es solo de memoria), luego empezar\u00E1 de nuevo a dispararte l\u00E1sers de c\u00EDrculos y terminar\u00E1 el nivel despu\u00E9s de \u00E9so con un mensaje que dice \"Clear\" en negrita y el fondo se har\u00E1 blanco, y eso ser\u00EDa todo el nivel \"-Sirius-\" de Funnygame."@es . . "10"^^ . . . "Au 21\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, Sirius devint connue dans l'histoire, pour avoir \u00E9t\u00E9 le lieu o\u00F9 le Trait\u00E9 de Sirius fut sign\u00E9 pour mettre fin aux Guerres Terre-Kzin. (TAS: \"The Slaver Weapon\") En 2267, Le lieutenant Hikaru Sulu utilisa la position de Sirius pour calculer la localisation de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701, apr\u00E8s que le vaisseau ait \u00E9t\u00E9 d\u00E9plac\u00E9 \u00E0 500 parsecs par les Metrons. (TOS: \"Arena\") La Sirius Cybernetics Corporation \u00E9tait \u00E9tabli dans ce syst\u00E8me. (TNG: \"The Schizoid Man\" ; d\u00E9corations de Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)"@fr . . . . . . . "255"^^ . "Sirius is a planet in the Sirius system. It is the location of the CSF Flight School. Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall trained on Sirius during their six months of assigned training on board the TCS Formidable. Sirius and Hilthros maybe the same planet."@en . . "1000"^^ . . "Spiral Hound Slash - 18 Turns"@en . "Hatcher"@en . . "1002"^^ . "1003"^^ . . . "Sirius (\u5929\u72FC) is a member of Icolo, the Arena champions guild. He is the Holy Palace Emperor. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . "Sparkle Pop"@en . . . "1001"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . "Myeon-do Min"@en . . "Sirius is one of the protagonists of Ginga Densetsu WEED: Orion and Ginga: The Last Wars. He is the oldest son of Weed and Koyuki. He's named by Gin's former owner, Daisuke."@en . . "99"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "33"^^ . "Sirius (Japanese: \u30B7\u30FC\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9 Romaji: sh\u012Briusu) is a shinzoku and one of Night Dragon Vorfeed's subordinates. He is voiced by Hiroshi Yanaka in the original Japanese version and in the English version by Frank Frankson. After the end of the conflict between Vorfeed and Dark Star Dugradigdu, Sirius, along with Armace and Erulogos, searched for a way to destroy Dugradigdu and restore peace to their world. They learned that some of Dark Star's five weapons were hidden in the Slayers world. Like Armace, and unlike Erulogos, Sirius showed compassion for humans, hated to create unnecessary conflicts, and wanted to save the Slayers world as well as his own. In episode 72, a girl named Anna believed him to be a legendary hero spoken of in a legend that had come to save her town. She described his hands as feeling warm and strong like her father's. He accepted her offerings of food and ultimately saved her town by blowing up a portion of the valley and exposing a well, allowing Anna's town, formerly very low on water and resources, to once again prosper. During the struggle against Dugradigdu, Armace was killed by Erulogos due to his failure to grab the final Dark Star weapon from the Slayers and later Erulogos perished at the hands of Valgarv who had fused with Dugradigdu. Sirius found himself the only remaining subordinate of Vorfeed after the final battle and, with a final farewell to the Slayers, departed for his own world, taking the five weapons with him."@en . . . . . . "thumb|Region, umliegender Raum der Erde Sirius oder auch Alpha Canis Majoris ist ein Stern. Sirius IX ist ein bewohnter Planet (TAS: ). Sirius wird 2267 von Steuermann Sulu benutzt, um die neue Position der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zu bestimmen, nachdem die Metronen sie durchs Weltall an einen etwa 500 Parsec entfernten Punkt versetzt haben (TOS: )."@de . "File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: Izanami File:FireIcon.png Fire: Hydra | Forty-Seven Ronin | Momotaro | Gargoyle | Destroyah File:WaterIcon.png Water: Waterblade Murasame File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Lightblade Murasame | Jack File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Darkblade Murasame File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Water (Time) | Dark (Carnage)"@en . "17646"^^ . . "leftright Sirius"@en . "\"Star Blower\" Sirius"@en . . . "thumbes u perro En:Sirius Categor\u00EDa:Personajes .hack//G.U."@es . . . . . "2750"^^ . "118.0"^^ . "In the field of stellar cartography, Sirius is a landmark that was used in the naming of the Sirius sector block. Sirius is not located in the Sirius sector block, but rather in the neighboring Alpha Trianguli sector block. (STO video game: Star Trek Online) In the treaty boundary quadrant star chart system, Sirius is located in Quadrant 0. (ST reference: Maps)"@en . "Sirius is a major star system in the Federation. It has two inhabited planets, imaginatively named Sirius Prime and Sirius II. This system links to Codehaven and Kerella, so there is a fair amount of ship traffic passing through, both commercial and military."@en . . . "File:1003.png"@en . . . "Sirius has eaten the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Siberian Husky, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform fully or partially into a Siberian Husky. Sirius is the fifth and final member of the Elite Five, the five strongest people in the crew. He currently has a bounty of File:Bsymbol.gif???,???,???."@en . "Sirius was a heavy military-industrial complex before the collapse of the Earth empire. After, it shifted solely to military. The military command of the FTO resides in bunkers on Burkesland, and Sirius III is one of the FTO's largest shipyards. Sirius (a), an airless world, houses a facility that serves as the training grounds for the Executive Defense Solutions' private military contractors."@en . "2776"^^ . . . . . . . . "Family or owners"@en . . . . . "Treasure Star"@en . "Sirius (\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9) is the title provided to the strongest individual within the Stars (may also refer to the High Commander within Stars). It is probable that it is given only to one of the Strategic-class Magicians from the USNA who is also associated with Stars."@en . . "Peace Flag"@en . . . . "Sirius is a Recruit of the Order."@en . "Tama\u00F1o, Gravedad, Tele transportaci\u00F3n"@es . "375.37"^^ . "25"^^ . "90"^^ . . "1169"^^ . "Long range type"@en . "Alien Emperor, Warrior"@en . "4500"^^ . . . . . . "Null Gravity Barrier"@en . "Cubo , Rueda, Nave, Wave y Robot"@es . "300"^^ . . "1343"^^ . . . . "Binary Sword"@en . . "Siriusflag.png"@en . "2000"^^ . "Place of Birth"@en . "Small-scale using Brionac"@en . "S\u00ED"@es . . . . . . . "War Flag"@en . "2011-10-31"^^ . . . "Akita Inu/Kishu Inu Mix"@en . . . . "3.15576E7"^^ . . . . "Sirius (Japanese: \u30B7\u30FC\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9 Romaji: sh\u012Briusu) is a shinzoku and one of Night Dragon Vorfeed's subordinates. He is voiced by Hiroshi Yanaka in the original Japanese version and in the English version by Frank Frankson. After the end of the conflict between Vorfeed and Dark Star Dugradigdu, Sirius, along with Armace and Erulogos, searched for a way to destroy Dugradigdu and restore peace to their world. They learned that some of Dark Star's five weapons were hidden in the Slayers world."@en . . . "75"^^ . . . "Kanji"@en . . . . . "Male"@en . . . "Futago Pass, Akita Prefecture"@en . "El nivel empieza con un cubo en donde tienes que saltar sobre pinchos gigantes varias veces, exactamente 8 veces. Apenas acaba el segmento del cubo entras a un lugar con una rueda donde hay muchos cubos por todos lados y portales de gravedad. Despu\u00E9s de \u00E9so pasas a la nave y debes de pasar obst\u00E1culos y poco a poco aumentar\u00E1 la velocidad, aqu\u00ED puedes relajarte, pues, no debes hacer nada... Pero apenas dice WARNING! debes prepararte, pues llegas a la Wave donde llega la parte del Boss Battle, habr\u00E1n 2 contigo, uno en tu izquierda y el otro en tu derecha y que estar\u00E1n dispar\u00E1ndote pinchos seguidamente. El jefe de la izquierda se ir\u00E1 y el de la derecha empezar\u00E1 a dispararte L\u00E1sers, y obviamente deber\u00E1s esquivarlos. El jefe acabar\u00E1 de tirarte l\u00E1sers y eso es porque ya has llegado a la parte del"@es . . . "1"^^ . "thumb|Region, umliegender Raum der Erde Sirius oder auch Alpha Canis Majoris ist ein Stern. Sirius IX ist ein bewohnter Planet (TAS: ). Sirius wird 2267 von Steuermann Sulu benutzt, um die neue Position der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zu bestimmen, nachdem die Metronen sie durchs Weltall an einen etwa 500 Parsec entfernten Punkt versetzt haben (TOS: )."@de . . . "No"@en . "\"Sirius\" is the bold theme song of Dr. Jerry Vizzone. It was recorded by a bunch of English techno gurus from the top-secret Alan Parsons Project in the year 1982, and is actually Morse code for, \"The Soviet commie bastards are trying to break America's wrist! Over.\" Even though Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet Russia long ago, this message is still poignant and applicable to our times. Only replace \"Soviets\" with \"terrorists\"."@en . "Age"@en . . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . . . . . "9775587"^^ . "The Dog Star"@en . "Sirius (\u5929\u72FC) is a member of Icolo, the Arena champions guild. He is the Holy Palace Emperor. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow."@en . "Sirius (\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9 Shiriusu?) is a character of the Mega Man Star Force series, and appears as the secret boss of Mega Man Star Force 3. He is the controller of a black hole, and uses it to attack other planets and stars, sucking them up and adding them to his \"collection\". He comes off as rather condescending and childish due to his lack of concern as to what happens to said planets and how he views all others as beneath him. When he attacks Planet AM and Planet FM, the Satellite Admins and Cepheus turn to Mega Man for aid. At some point in time he also acquires a Mu Metal that belongs to Rogue."@en . . . . . . "Binary system"@en . . . . . . . "Sirius was a Blue-sphere Optional Defense and Optional Aggression Pact originally consisting of the Killer Turtle Brigade, the Conservative Underground, the Imperial Order, the Indigo Plateau, and the Blue Turtle Alliance. Later, it lost the Indigo Plateau due to disbandment, and added the Imperial Assault Alliance, the Union of Integrated National Entities and the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance. Subsequently the Union of Integrated National Entities merged into the Imperial Order, The Killer Turtle Brigade merged into the New Polar Order, and the Imperial Assault Alliance merged into the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. Sirius was announced on 22 May 2010, and later disbanded 15 November 2011."@en . . . . . "Base=File:1001.png"@en . "Speed"@en . . . "200"^^ . "0"^^ . . . . "2003-11-28"^^ . . "Enemy in Shadow Hearts: From the New World."@en . "3190"^^ . . . "50"^^ . "But, I guess if a travel companion is ok,"@en . . "\u30A2\u30F3\u30B8\u30FC\u30FB\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9"@en . "EL joven Jefe de detectives Do Sin Woo pas\u00F3 el examen de la barra decidido en convertirse en polic\u00EDa. Ordena a detectives con edad suficiente para ser su padre y arriesga su vida para investigar un caso de drogas. Suele ser despiadado pero es persistente sobre el caso de drogas. Lo que est\u00E1 pasando ahora es que el contrabando de drogas est\u00E1 bajo la cubierta de basura que es tirada en el mar. Sin saberlo Sin Woo se reencuentra con su hermano gemelo all\u00ED y todo cambia."@es . . . . . . "I will not wagging tail!"@en . . . . "Sirius"@en . . "R"@en . "Randomly slices into foes with razor-sharp blades."@en . . . . "Brutal Bloodhound - 12 Turns"@en . "Evil"@en . "Sirius was roughly 8.6 light years away from Sol. (AUDIO: Max Warp) It was a binary star system, with two white stars. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot) It had at least five planets: Sirius Alpha, (AUDIO: Max Warp), Androzani Major and Minor, (TV: The Caves of Androzani), Sirius IV (TV: Frontier in Space) and Sirius V. (TV: City of Death)"@en . . . . "#00008B"@en . . "Dogdroid Stealth - 20 Turns"@en . . . . . "30"^^ . "Angie Sirius.png"@en . . . "Sirius is a Recruit of the Order."@en . "Sirius was a Blue-sphere Optional Defense and Optional Aggression Pact originally consisting of the Killer Turtle Brigade, the Conservative Underground, the Imperial Order, the Indigo Plateau, and the Blue Turtle Alliance. Later, it lost the Indigo Plateau due to disbandment, and added the Imperial Assault Alliance, the Union of Integrated National Entities and the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance. Subsequently the Union of Integrated National Entities merged into the Imperial Order, The Killer Turtle Brigade merged into the New Polar Order, and the Imperial Assault Alliance merged into the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization. Sirius was announced on 22 May 2010, and later disbanded 15 November 2011."@en . . "..."@en . "Sirius(\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9)is a fictional character from the manga Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Treasure Star."@en . . "GamerCrypton"@en . . . . "Sirius"@es . . . . "Sirius is a planet in the Sirius system. It is the location of the CSF Flight School. Christopher Blair and Todd Marshall trained on Sirius during their six months of assigned training on board the TCS Formidable. Sirius and Hilthros maybe the same planet."@en . "30"^^ . . . . . "Bomberman 64"@en . . . . . "Fires a mechanical laser, then attacks with a homing shot."@en . . "18045"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "..."@en . . "Evolution: 7.0"@en . . . . . . "Sirius/High Commander of Stars"@en . "N/A"@en . . "2010-11-14"^^ . "FunnyGame"@es . . "#ffffff"@en . . . . . "Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Treasure Star"@en . . . "Alien Force has driven Vilgax and Vilgaxson from Earth, and vanquished the other Sons of Gax. However, they have very little time to settle down before a messanger of an alien cult arrives. Challenging Ken to a battle royale, he warns that his master, the ancient force known as Sirius, will soon return to conquer the universe..."@en . "31132.4"^^ . . . "Don't make me light!"@en . "Pierce"@en . . "The name of a star, and in the novel by Pierre Boulle, the name given to the son of Ulysse M\u00E9rou and Nova; the birth of Sirius, and the prospect of a newly-intelligent human race."@en . "Sprite Slayer L"@en . . "Sirius is one of the elder Sith, his spirit is over 80 years old and is one of the only remaining members of the original Sith under the leadership of the council and Executor Trivas. He is a master of alchemy and constantly immerses himself in the dark side. Wherever he walks, despair soon follows."@en . . "Deal 300% DMG to a single enemy / 15% chance"@en . "200"^^ . . . "Character name Full name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Birthplace Residence Gender Race Elemental type Occupation Affiliation Alignment Allies Enemies First appearance Video games Anime Voice Provider Other Sprite Sirius is a character of the Bomberman series who appears to be White Bomber's ally at first, but eventually shows his true intentions as a villain in the game Bomberman 64."@en . . "3500"^^ . "2500"^^ . . . . . . . "\"Sirius\" is the bold theme song of Dr. Jerry Vizzone. It was recorded by a bunch of English techno gurus from the top-secret Alan Parsons Project in the year 1982, and is actually Morse code for, \"The Soviet commie bastards are trying to break America's wrist! Over.\" Even though Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet Russia long ago, this message is still poignant and applicable to our times. Only replace \"Soviets\" with \"terrorists\"."@en . "3300"^^ . "1002"^^ . . "1003"^^ . . . "Sirius was roughly 8.6 light years away from Sol. (AUDIO: Max Warp) It was a binary star system, with two white stars. (TV: The Curse of the Black Spot) It had at least five planets: Sirius Alpha, (AUDIO: Max Warp), Androzani Major and Minor, (TV: The Caves of Androzani), Sirius IV (TV: Frontier in Space) and Sirius V. (TV: City of Death)"@en . . "GDW volume 60"@en . . . "1001"^^ . . "Sirius"@en . . . . "Gaming"@en . . . . "Sirius.png"@en . . . "28"^^ . . "Page 1"@en . . . . . . . "Every day"@en . . "Alien Force has driven Vilgax and Vilgaxson from Earth, and vanquished the other Sons of Gax. However, they have very little time to settle down before a messanger of an alien cult arrives. Challenging Ken to a battle royale, he warns that his master, the ancient force known as Sirius, will soon return to conquer the universe..."@en . "Sirius"@fr . "8978"^^ . . . . . "Sirius"@en . "Last appearance"@en . "In 2177, the Sirius was an ageing space freighter which was being taken to the space museum by Dan Dare. As it was passing Jupiter it lost power to all sectors. Unable to escape a force from the planet's red spot, Dare called for the craft to be evacuated, though soon realised he was the only survivorDan Dare: The Biogs Part One, 2000AD Prog 1. The starship comprised of: \n* computer sector \n* reactor sector \n* navigation sector It was equipped with rocket escape craft."@en . "30"^^ . . . . . . . "Inifinite"@en . "USNA"@en . . . . "First appearance"@en . . . . . "Character name Full name Japanese name Alternate name(s) Birthplace Residence Gender Race Elemental type Occupation Affiliation Alignment Allies Enemies First appearance Video games Anime Voice Provider Other Sprite Sirius is a character of the Bomberman series who appears to be White Bomber's ally at first, but eventually shows his true intentions as a villain in the game Bomberman 64."@en . . . . "Human"@en . . . "2900"^^ . "Meaning of Name"@en . "Normal"@en . . . "Drunk n Disorderly"@en . "Captain, Pirate"@en . "Enemy in Shadow Hearts: From the New World."@en . "In the field of stellar cartography, Sirius is a landmark that was used in the naming of the Sirius sector block. Sirius is not located in the Sirius sector block, but rather in the neighboring Alpha Trianguli sector block. (STO video game: Star Trek Online) In the treaty boundary quadrant star chart system, Sirius is located in Quadrant 0. (ST reference: Maps)"@en . "Galaxite"@en . . . . "Sirius"@en . . . "Traitor"@en . "Reclaim the Omnicube"@en . "Sirius is one of the elder Sith, his spirit is over 80 years old and is one of the only remaining members of the original Sith under the leadership of the council and Executor Trivas. He is a master of alchemy and constantly immerses himself in the dark side. Wherever he walks, despair soon follows."@en . "#FFF"@en . . . . "314"^^ . "34"^^ . . "If you're off to the battlefield, I'll join ya"@en . . . "4000"^^ . . "\"Star Blower\" Sirius is the captain of the Space Pirates."@en . "Wolf Beast. Also the star spirit of Sirius. A top class swordswoman, wielding a godlike speed."@en . "Sirius is an alien hound and the main anti hero in Dodie Smith's novel the Starlight Barking the sequel to the Hundred and One Dalmatians and the leader of the Organzation alonside Maleficent, Padro Lodo, Henry Nosax, Epsilon, Patch, Penny and Cadpig."@en . "The sky wolf, just shines in the skies in solitude."@en . . . "3"^^ . . "Male"@en . . "Sirius is an alien hound and the main anti hero in Dodie Smith's novel the Starlight Barking the sequel to the Hundred and One Dalmatians and the leader of the Organzation alonside Maleficent, Padro Lodo, Henry Nosax, Epsilon, Patch, Penny and Cadpig."@en . . . "Tumblr_onu4p2KgfL1tr6wqbo1_1280.jpg"@en . . "171"^^ . . "Glowing The Brightest Star In The Sky The Dog Star"@en . . . "13785846"^^ . . "Alive"@en . "18849"^^ . . . "Male"@en . "Light Novel"@en . . "Cool"@en . . "Status"@en . . . . . . "Sirius was a heavy military-industrial complex before the collapse of the Earth empire. After, it shifted solely to military. The military command of the FTO resides in bunkers on Burkesland, and Sirius III is one of the FTO's largest shipyards. Sirius (a), an airless world, houses a facility that serves as the training grounds for the Executive Defense Solutions' private military contractors."@en . . "Sirius has eaten the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Siberian Husky, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform fully or partially into a Siberian Husky. Sirius is the fifth and final member of the Elite Five, the five strongest people in the crew. He currently has a bounty of File:Bsymbol.gif???,???,???."@en . . . "Sirius was the star in the visitors galaxy and was very close to the Visitors HomeWorld."@en . . . "Can fly, shoots lasers, large arsenal of bombs"@en . "25"^^ . . . . . . "3300.0"^^ . . . "329.37"^^ . . "\"Star Blower\" Sirius is the captain of the Space Pirates."@en . . "Ascension: 7.0"@en . . "3000"^^ . . . . . "MafiaPineApple"@es . . "C"@en . "Lei Tribe"@en . . "Sirius is the grand master of the Crane School, and works for a man named 'Black'."@en . . "Manga"@en . "Increases Speed."@en . . "Angie Sirius Manga.png"@en . "Azure Islands 8th simulator. Sirius is a residential simulator with a tropical/islands/mountainous setting."@en . . . . . . "Sirius"@en . . . "Sirius above you keeps to itself"@en . . "Shiriusu"@en . "Sirius(\u30B7\u30EA\u30A6\u30B9)is a fictional character from the manga Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Treasure Star."@en . "600"^^ . . "Sirius was the star in the visitors galaxy and was very close to the Visitors HomeWorld."@en . . "25"^^ . "39.16"^^ . . "7"^^ . . . "11389"^^ . "In 2177, the Sirius was an ageing space freighter which was being taken to the space museum by Dan Dare. As it was passing Jupiter it lost power to all sectors. Unable to escape a force from the planet's red spot, Dare called for the craft to be evacuated, though soon realised he was the only survivorDan Dare: The Biogs Part One, 2000AD Prog 1. The starship comprised of: \n* computer sector \n* reactor sector \n* navigation sector It was equipped with rocket escape craft."@en . . "Be careful of a hungry wolf"@en . . "Alive"@en . . "Azure Islands 8th simulator. Sirius is a residential simulator with a tropical/islands/mountainous setting."@en . . "Sirius is a major star system in the Federation. It has two inhabited planets, imaginatively named Sirius Prime and Sirius II. This system links to Codehaven and Kerella, so there is a fair amount of ship traffic passing through, both commercial and military."@en . . "173"^^ . . . . "2014-02-23"^^ . "Sirius is one of the protagonists of Ginga Densetsu WEED: Orion and Ginga: The Last Wars. He is the oldest son of Weed and Koyuki. He's named by Gin's former owner, Daisuke."@en . "17510"^^ . . . "Genesis"@es . . . "Deal 200% DMG to a single enemy / 10% chance"@en . "26"^^ . . . "thumbes u perro En:Sirius Categor\u00EDa:Personajes .hack//G.U."@es . . . "Michael McConnohie"@en .