"Autor:Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . "Arthur Schopenauer \u00E8 stato un noto filosofo tedesco depresso, che ebbe come unico merito quello di opporre la sua dottrina filosofica alle puttanate di Hegel, purtroppo, dato che fin\u00EC coll'elaborare un ulteriore sistema di cazzate, senza successo. Schopenhauer era noto nei circoli equestri con diversi epiteti quali, Arturo Zanna di Bottiglia, Arturo Tagliabottiglie e Arturo Spaccabottiglie (Scho[p]pen = bottiglia + Hauer = zanna, spaccalegna o tagliatore), (Danzica, 22 febbraio 1788, o secondo alcuni Banchisa di Ronne, durante la glaciazione del 1312 dopo Allah, prima di Aqquah \u2013 o Francoforte sul Membro, 21 settembre 1860) \u00E8 stato un filosofo tedesco nonch\u00E9 proctologo provetto, purtroppo; infatti tutti gli studenti liceali avrebbero preferito si dedicasse a qualcosa di pi\u00F9 proficuo, tipo non so... Arare i campi o lavorare in miniera. Tuttavia egli scelse di fare il filosofo, seguendo la sua indole egoistica fino in fondo."@it . . . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . "Autor PD."@pl . . . . "1860-09-21"^^ . . . . "Died"@en . . . . . . . . "Ein ganz ganz netter deutscher Philosoph, der meistens negativ bzw. pessimistisch unterwegs war. Er ging davon aus, dass der Mensch von Grund auf b\u00F6se ist. Gut fand er jedoch die musik"@de . . . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@en . "Category:Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . . "'Arthur Schopenhauer' (22 February 1788 \u2013 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher best known for his book, The World as Will and Representation, in which he claimed that our world is driven by a continually dissatisfied will, continually seeking satisfaction. Influenced by Eastern thought, he maintained that the \"truth was recognized by the sages of India\"; consequently, his solutions to suffering were similar to those of Vedantic and Buddhist thinkers; his faith in \"transcendental ideality\" led him to accept atheism and learn from Christian philosophy. He influenced a long list of thinkers, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Erwin Schr\u00F6dinger, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Mann, and Jorge Lui"@en . . "Born"@en . "'Arthur Schopenhauer' (22 February 1788 \u2013 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher best known for his book, The World as Will and Representation, in which he claimed that our world is driven by a continually dissatisfied will, continually seeking satisfaction. Influenced by Eastern thought, he maintained that the \"truth was recognized by the sages of India\"; consequently, his solutions to suffering were similar to those of Vedantic and Buddhist thinkers; his faith in \"transcendental ideality\" led him to accept atheism and learn from Christian philosophy. He influenced a long list of thinkers, including Friedrich Nietzsche, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Erwin Schr\u00F6dinger, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Leo Tolstoy, Thomas Mann, and Jorge Luis Borges."@en . "Notable ideas"@en . . . . "Les archives sur la jeunesse de Schopenhauer ont malencontreusement \u00E9t\u00E9 toute d\u00E9truite pendant la cinqui\u00E8me p\u00E9nurie mondial de papier toilette (Durant cette longue guerre civile on fit bruler Nietzsche parce qu'il avait eu le malheur d'avouer sa pr\u00E9f\u00E9rence pour les feuilles mortes). Devant cette impossibilit\u00E9, divers t\u00E9moignages ont \u00E9t\u00E9 recueillis. Commen\u00E7ons par celui de Madame Berlinois, aujourd'hui aveugle. \u00C9lev\u00E9 par les soins de Madame Berlinois jusqu'\u00E0 l'age de 6 ans, il est finalement plac\u00E9 \u00E0 l'orphelinat de Lanumbourg ou il restera tout le temps de sa scolarit\u00E9. Nous avons rencontr\u00E9 un professeur qui l'a eu dans sa classe, une femme qui pr\u00E9f\u00E8re rester anonyme. Apr\u00E8s une recherche de plusieurs ann\u00E9es nous avons fini par rencontrer dans un centre hospitalier belge, l'un des anciens camarades de Schopenhauer."@fr . . "Will, Fourfold root of reason, Hedgehog's dilemma, philosophical pessimism"@en . "[[Datei:Schopenhauer.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Arthur Schopenhauer trug stets ein schelmisches L\u00E4cheln und eine bizarre Haartracht, die sp\u00E4ter nur von Urban Priol n\u00E4herungsweise erreicht wurde.]] Arthur \u201ESchopi\u201C Schopenhauer (* 22. Februar 1788 in Danzig; \u2020 21. September 1860 in Frankfurt am Main) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Entertainer und Motivationstrainer. Er gilt als geistiger Nachfolger Immanuel Kants sowie als Vorl\u00E4ufer von Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud und Ingo Appelt. Mit seinen haneb\u00FCchenen Versuchen, die Welt als Produkt seines eigenen kranken Geistes zu erkl\u00E4ren, f\u00FCllte er zu seiner Zeit ganze S\u00E4le und sorgte allenthalben f\u00FCr explosionsartige Heiterkeit."@de . . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@fr . "Arthur Schopenhauer (or as his friends call him Schopen \"Holla\" or Schopen \"Balla\") (22 February 1788 \u2013 21 September 1860) was not a German philosopher: he only posed as one. He was a Firefox programmer. He was dubbed a philosopher only after he refused the position of Chief Evangelist at Google. The position was later assigned to Vinton Cerf (this latter a philosopher indeed)."@en . "Les archives sur la jeunesse de Schopenhauer ont malencontreusement \u00E9t\u00E9 toute d\u00E9truite pendant la cinqui\u00E8me p\u00E9nurie mondial de papier toilette (Durant cette longue guerre civile on fit bruler Nietzsche parce qu'il avait eu le malheur d'avouer sa pr\u00E9f\u00E9rence pour les feuilles mortes). Devant cette impossibilit\u00E9, divers t\u00E9moignages ont \u00E9t\u00E9 recueillis. Commen\u00E7ons par celui de Madame Berlinois, aujourd'hui aveugle. Apr\u00E8s une recherche de plusieurs ann\u00E9es nous avons fini par rencontrer dans un centre hospitalier belge, l'un des anciens camarades de Schopenhauer."@fr . . . . "Arthur Schopenhauer (or as his friends call him Schopen \"Holla\" or Schopen \"Balla\") (22 February 1788 \u2013 21 September 1860) was not a German philosopher: he only posed as one. He was a Firefox programmer. He was dubbed a philosopher only after he refused the position of Chief Evangelist at Google. The position was later assigned to Vinton Cerf (this latter a philosopher indeed)."@en . . . . . . . . . "Post-Kantian philosophy\nGerman Idealism"@en . "pl"@pl . "Ein ganz ganz netter deutscher Philosoph, der meistens negativ bzw. pessimistisch unterwegs war. Er ging davon aus, dass der Mensch von Grund auf b\u00F6se ist. Gut fand er jedoch die musik"@de . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . . "Arthur Schopenauer \u00E8 stato un noto filosofo tedesco depresso, che ebbe come unico merito quello di opporre la sua dottrina filosofica alle puttanate di Hegel, purtroppo, dato che fin\u00EC coll'elaborare un ulteriore sistema di cazzate, senza successo."@it . . . "polsku"@pl . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@pl . . . . . "1788-02-22"^^ . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@it . "School"@en . "[[Datei:Schopenhauer.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Arthur Schopenhauer trug stets ein schelmisches L\u00E4cheln und eine bizarre Haartracht, die sp\u00E4ter nur von Urban Priol n\u00E4herungsweise erreicht wurde.]] Arthur \u201ESchopi\u201C Schopenhauer (* 22. Februar 1788 in Danzig; \u2020 21. September 1860 in Frankfurt am Main) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Entertainer und Motivationstrainer. Er gilt als geistiger Nachfolger Immanuel Kants sowie als Vorl\u00E4ufer von Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud und Ingo Appelt. Mit seinen haneb\u00FCchenen Versuchen, die Welt als Produkt seines eigenen kranken Geistes zu erkl\u00E4ren, f\u00FCllte er zu seiner Zeit ganze S\u00E4le und sorgte allenthalben f\u00FCr explosionsartige Heiterkeit."@de . "Main Interests"@en . . "Mr. Schopenhauer"@en . . "Metaphysics, aesthetics, ethics, morality, psychology"@en . . . . . . "Arthur Schopenhauer"@en .