"\u0398\u03C9\u03C1\u03B1\u03BA\u03B9\u03C3\u03BC\u03AD\u03BD\u03BF\u03C2 \u0391\u03C1\u03BF\u03C5\u03C1\u03B1\u03AF\u03BF\u03C2"@en . . "Pack 10"@en . "Beast"@en . . "The armored rat was a large, hard-plated rodent native to the lower and bedrock levels of Coruscant. It had a strong, painful bite and was known to bite unwary beings without provocation. There was a soft spot at the back of its neck, just between the head and body carapace. It may have been related to the borrat. During their stay at his restaurant, members of Delta and Omega Squads suspected Qibbu the Hutt of attempting to substitute armored rat for nerf steak."@en . . . "Ratto Corazzato"@en . . "All Normal Monsters \n\nAll at Random"@en . "A pele superior neste monstro rato \u00E9 resistente o suficiente para repelir espadas."@en . "4635"^^ . "\u93A7\u9F20"@en . . . "Armored rat"@en . . . "A seemingly shell-wearing rat with hair that is like an armor. Its tough hide provides a good deal of protection."@en . "The fur on this monster rat is tough enough to repel swords."@en . . "EARTH"@en . "Oklopljeni \u0160takor"@en . . "Armored Rat"@en . "\u30CD\u30BA\u30DF"@en . . "El pelo de esta rata monstruo es suficientemente duro como para repeler espadas."@en . . "Yoroi Nezumi"@en . "The armored rat was a large, hard-plated rodent native to the lower and bedrock levels of Coruscant. It had a strong, painful bite and was known to bite unwary beings without provocation. There was a soft spot at the back of its neck, just between the head and body carapace. It may have been related to the borrat. During their stay at his restaurant, members of Delta and Omega Squads suspected Qibbu the Hutt of attempting to substitute armored rat for nerf steak."@en . . "Der Pelz dieser Monsterratte ist so hart, dass er sogar Schwerter abprallen l\u00E4sst."@en . "1100"^^ . "Il folto pelo che ricopre quest'essere monstruoso \u00E8 tanto resistente da essere una valida protezione contro le lame degli avversari."@en . "950"^^ . "\u93A7\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306B\u304B\u305F\u3044\u6BDB\u3067\u4F53\u3092\u5B88\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u308B\u30CD\u30BA\u30DF\u3002"@en . "La fourrure de ce monstre est suffisamment \u00E9paisse pour r\u00E9sister aux \u00E9p\u00E9es."@en . "Gate Guardian"@en . "The fur on this monster rat is tough enough to repel swords."@en . "Rata Blindada"@en . . . "Gate Guardian \n\nRed Millennium Puzzle \n\nYellow Millennium Eye"@en . . "Rato Armadurado"@en . "629"^^ . "\u4EE5\u7528\u50CF\u93A7\u7532\u822C\u5805\u56FA\u7684\u6BDB\u5B88\u8B77\u8EAB\u9AD4\u7684\u8001\u9F20\u3002"@en . . . . . . . . "Rat Cuirass\u00E9"@en . "\u0627\u0644\u062C\u0631\u0630 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062F\u0631\u0651\u0639"@en . "3"^^ . "16246527"^^ . "Panzerratte"@en .