. "Kestra Troi.jpg"@it . . "Half-Human / Half-Betazoid"@en . . . . . "Kestra Troi (2329-2336) was the first child of Lwaxana Troi and Ian Andrew Troi. Being half Human, half Betazoid, it was unclear whether she would develop full telepathic abilities or only empathic ones. She died from drowning in Lake El-Nar on Betazed at the age of six, several months after the birth of her younger sister Deanna Troi. The truth about Kestra would not become known to Deanna until 2370, when a telepathic encounter with the Cairn unlocked the supressed memories within Lwaxana's mind. (TNG episode: \"Dark Page\")"@en . . "Kestra"@en . . "Kestra Troi"@de . . . . "Kestra Troi by\u0142a p\u00F3\u0142-Betazoidk\u0105, p\u00F3\u0142-cz\u0142owiekiem, urodzona w 2330 roku. By\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 Lwaxany Troi i Iana Troi oraz starsz\u0105 siostr\u0105 Deanny. Kestra wybra\u0142a si\u0119 razem z rodzin\u0105 i psem na piknik nad wod\u0105. W momencie, gdy Lwaxana odwr\u00F3ci\u0142a wzrok od bawi\u0105cej si\u0119 dziewczynki, ta oddali\u0142a si\u0119 z psem. Niestety wpad\u0142a do wody i uton\u0119\u0142a. Pami\u0119\u0107 o jej \u015Bmierci by\u0142a bardzo traumatyczna dla Lwaxany, w wyniku czego ukry\u0142a to zdarzenie g\u0142\u0119boko w swoim umy\u015Ble i ju\u017C do tego nie wraca\u0142a. W scenie ze sennej Kestra przebacza swojej matce to zaniedbanie. Od tego momentu Lwaxana zazna\u0142a pe\u0142en spok\u00F3j. (TNG: \u201EDark Page\u201D)"@pl . . "Female"@en . "Kestra"@it . . "Natasha Riker-Troi"@en . . "Ian Andrew Troi II"@en . . "Kestra Troi"@it . . . "Kestra Troi by\u0142a p\u00F3\u0142-Betazoidk\u0105, p\u00F3\u0142-cz\u0142owiekiem, urodzona w 2330 roku. By\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 Lwaxany Troi i Iana Troi oraz starsz\u0105 siostr\u0105 Deanny. Kestra wybra\u0142a si\u0119 razem z rodzin\u0105 i psem na piknik nad wod\u0105. W momencie, gdy Lwaxana odwr\u00F3ci\u0142a wzrok od bawi\u0105cej si\u0119 dziewczynki, ta oddali\u0142a si\u0119 z psem. Niestety wpad\u0142a do wody i uton\u0119\u0142a. Pami\u0119\u0107 o jej \u015Bmierci by\u0142a bardzo traumatyczna dla Lwaxany, w wyniku czego ukry\u0142a to zdarzenie g\u0142\u0119boko w swoim umy\u015Ble i ju\u017C do tego nie wraca\u0142a. W scenie ze sennej Kestra przebacza swojej matce to zaniedbanie. Od tego momentu Lwaxana zazna\u0142a pe\u0142en spok\u00F3j. (TNG: \u201EDark Page\u201D) Kiedy Lwaxana zasz\u0142a w ci\u0105\u017C\u0119 w 2372 roku, jak nakazywa\u0142a tradycja Tavnian, musia\u0142aby odda\u0107 swoje dziecko. Bardzo przygn\u0119bia\u0142a j\u0105 ta my\u015Bl i przywo\u0142ywa\u0142a b\u00F3l zwi\u0105zany ze strat\u0105 Kestry. P\u00F3\u017Aniej zwierzy\u0142a si\u0119 Odo, \u017Ce strata jej rodzic\u00F3w, siostry i m\u0119\u017Ca jest niepor\u00F3wnywalna do \u015Bmierci pierwszej c\u00F3rki. (DS9: \u201EThe Muse\u201D) W rol\u0119 Kestry wcieli\u0142a si\u0119 Andreana Weiner, jednak\u017Ce w scenie ze snu zagra\u0142a j\u0105 Kirsten Dunst, kt\u00F3ra tak\u017Ce pojawi\u0142a si\u0119 jako Hedril."@pl . "Kestra Troi"@en . . . "Deceased"@en . . . . . . . . "Kestra Troi (2329-2336) was the first child of Lwaxana Troi and Ian Andrew Troi. Being half Human, half Betazoid, it was unclear whether she would develop full telepathic abilities or only empathic ones. She died from drowning in Lake El-Nar on Betazed at the age of six, several months after the birth of her younger sister Deanna Troi. After her death, her mother had a bizarre reaction to her grief, and attempted to wipe the girl's existence from her memory. Her father Ian accepted this for a time but planned to confront her in 2343. However, he died before he could do so. Lwaxana subsequently fired her valet, Mr. Xelo, for keeping some evidence of Kestra's life. (TLE novel: The Art of the Impossible) The truth about Kestra would not become known to Deanna until 2370, when a telepathic encounter with the Cairn unlocked the supressed memories within Lwaxana's mind. (TNG episode: \"Dark Page\") In 2372, she told Odo about Kestra, saying \"I lost my parents, a sister, a husband... but nothing, nothing compared to losing her\". (DS9 episode: \"The Muse\") In 2380, Deanna Troi named a star Kestra in honor of her sister. (TTN novel: Orion's Hounds)"@en . . . "Kestra Troi \u00E9tait une hybride B\u00E9tazo\u00EFde-Humaine, n\u00E9e en 2330, fille de Lwaxana Troi et Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra \u00E9tait la premi\u00E8re enfant des parents de Deanna Troi. Alors que la famille Troi pique-niquait au bord du lac El-Nar sur B\u00E9tazed, Lwaxana quitta Kestra des yeux quelques instants. Le chien de la famille et Kestra en profit\u00E8rent pour jouer pr\u00E8s de l'eau. Kestra tomba, ensuite, dans l'eau et se noya. La mort de Kestra fut si traumatisante pour Lwaxana qu'elle enterra ce triste souvenir au plus profond de sa m\u00E9moire, au lieu de faire face. Lwaxana parvint finalement, plus tard, \u00E0 trouver la paix, lorsque sa fille lui pardonna dans ses r\u00EAves. Deanna apprit la trag\u00E9die de la mort de sa soeur en 2370, lorsqu'une rencontre t\u00E9l\u00E9pathique avec les Cairns d\u00E9bloqua la m\u00E9moire effac\u00E9e dans l'esprit de Lwaxana. (TNG: \"Dark Page\") Quand Lwaxana fut \u00E0 nouveau enceinte en 2372, l'id\u00E9e de perdre son enfant en raison de la culture tavnienne la rendit d\u00E9pressive, lui rappelant ainsi la peine qu'elle avait ressentie \u00E0 la mort de Kestra. Elle confia \u00E0 Odo que la perte de ses parents, s\u0153urs ou maris est incomparable \u00E0 la perte de Kestra. (DS9: \"The Muse\")"@fr . . . . . . "Hedril appearing as Kestra in Lwaxana Troi's metaconscious mind"@en . . . "Hedril as Kestra.jpg"@en . . . "Kestra Troi was a half-Betazoid, half-Human girl, born in 2330 to Lwaxana and Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra was the older sibling of Deanna Troi. Shortly after Deanna's birth in 2336, Kestra was picnicking at the water's edge with her family and the family dog. When Lwaxana looked away for a second, the dog and Kestra ran off. Kestra fell in the water and drowned. The memory of Kestra's death was so traumatic to Lwaxana that she buried it deep inside instead of dealing with it. She even destroyed everything that was a reminder of Kestra, but Mr. Homn secreted away a picture of her in case Lwaxana wanted to remember her in the future. In dream sequences Lwaxana was forgiven by Kestra, and in turn herself. Only then did Lwaxana find peace from the tragedy. (TNG: \"Dark Page\" ) When Lwaxana became pregnant in 2372, the thought of losing her child to the Tavnian culture made her depressed, stirring the pain of Kestra's death. She would later confide to Odo that the losses of her parents, sister and husband, did not compare to the loss of Kestra. (DS9: \"The Muse\") Kestra was played by Andreana Weiner, although in some dream sequences she was played by Kirsten Dunst, the actress who played Hedril. Her mirror universe counterpart appeared in the short story \"The Sacred Chalice\" contained in the anthology Shards and Shadows. Unlike her primary universe counterpart, she grew up with Deanna, with whom she shared a close bond, and survived into adulthood. During her late teens, she departed Betazed and joined the Terran Rebellion. In 2371, she sent her fellow rebel Jean-Luc Picard to her home planet to retrieve Deanna. Shortly thereafter, Kestra's vessel was destroyed by a Klingon Bird-of-Prey under the command of Lursa and B'Etor."@en . . "deceduta"@it . . . . . . "Kestra Troi era una ragazzina met\u00E0-Betazoide, met\u00E0-Umana, nata nel 2330 da Lwaxana e Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra era la sorella maggiore di Deanna Troi. Kestra si trovava ad un picnic nei pressi di uno specchio d'acqua con la sua famiglia ed il cane. In un momento in cui Lwaxana era temporaneamente distratta, il cane e la bimba corsero via. Kestra cadde in acqua ed affog\u00F2. Informazioni di retroscenaKestra \u00E8 stata interpretata da Andreana Weiner, sebbene in alcune sequenze oniriche sia stata interpretata da Kirsten Dunst, l'attrice che ha recitato nel ruolo di Hedril."@it . . . "Kestra Troi \u00E9tait une hybride B\u00E9tazo\u00EFde-Humaine, n\u00E9e en 2330, fille de Lwaxana Troi et Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra \u00E9tait la premi\u00E8re enfant des parents de Deanna Troi. Alors que la famille Troi pique-niquait au bord du lac El-Nar sur B\u00E9tazed, Lwaxana quitta Kestra des yeux quelques instants. Le chien de la famille et Kestra en profit\u00E8rent pour jouer pr\u00E8s de l'eau. Kestra tomba, ensuite, dans l'eau et se noya. Deanna apprit la trag\u00E9die de la mort de sa soeur en 2370, lorsqu'une rencontre t\u00E9l\u00E9pathique avec les Cairns d\u00E9bloqua la m\u00E9moire effac\u00E9e dans l'esprit de Lwaxana. (TNG: \"Dark Page\")"@fr . . . "2330"^^ . . . "thumb|Kestra Troi im Metabewusstsein von Lwaxana Troi. Kestra Troi ist die Tochter von Lwaxana und Ian Andrew Troi und wie ihre j\u00FCngere Schwester Deanna halb-betazoid, halb-menschlich. Kestra Troi wird 2330 geboren und hat eine gl\u00FCckliche Kindheit. Sie wacht jeden morgen mit einem L\u00E4cheln auf. Im Alter von sieben Jahren verschwindet Kestra Troi bei einem Familienausflug w\u00E4hrend eines Picknicks spurlos, als sie nach ihrem Hund sucht. Ihre Eltern bemerken dies zu sp\u00E4t. Bei einer Suchaktion stellt sich heraus, dass Kestra Troi in einen nahe gelegenen See gefallen und ertrunken ist."@de . . "no"@en . "Kestra Troi era una ragazzina met\u00E0-Betazoide, met\u00E0-Umana, nata nel 2330 da Lwaxana e Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra era la sorella maggiore di Deanna Troi. Kestra si trovava ad un picnic nei pressi di uno specchio d'acqua con la sua famiglia ed il cane. In un momento in cui Lwaxana era temporaneamente distratta, il cane e la bimba corsero via. Kestra cadde in acqua ed affog\u00F2. Il ricordo della morte di Kestra fu cos\u00EC traumatico per Lwaxana che lo seppell\u00EC nelle profondit\u00E0 della propria mente invece di affrontarlo. In sogno, Lwaxana pot\u00E9 venire perdonata da Kestra, ed anche da se stessa. Fu solo allora che Lwaxana pot\u00E9 trovare un po' di pace dopo quella tragedia. (TNG: \"La porta chiusa\") Quando Lwaxana rimase incinta nel 2372, il pensiero di dover separarsi dal figlio che attendeva a causa della cultura Tavniana, la rese depressa, rinnovandole il dolore provato per la morte di Kestra. In seguito, confid\u00F2 ad Odo che la perdita dei genitori, della sorella e del marito non poteva essere paragonata a quella di Kestra. (DS9: \"La musa\") Informazioni di retroscenaKestra \u00E8 stata interpretata da Andreana Weiner, sebbene in alcune sequenze oniriche sia stata interpretata da Kirsten Dunst, l'attrice che ha recitato nel ruolo di Hedril."@it . "2329"^^ . . . . . . . "Kestra Troi"@en . . "thumb|Kestra Troi im Metabewusstsein von Lwaxana Troi. Kestra Troi ist die Tochter von Lwaxana und Ian Andrew Troi und wie ihre j\u00FCngere Schwester Deanna halb-betazoid, halb-menschlich. Kestra Troi wird 2330 geboren und hat eine gl\u00FCckliche Kindheit. Sie wacht jeden morgen mit einem L\u00E4cheln auf. Im Alter von sieben Jahren verschwindet Kestra Troi bei einem Familienausflug w\u00E4hrend eines Picknicks spurlos, als sie nach ihrem Hund sucht. Ihre Eltern bemerken dies zu sp\u00E4t. Bei einer Suchaktion stellt sich heraus, dass Kestra Troi in einen nahe gelegenen See gefallen und ertrunken ist. Lwaxana Troi kann den Tod ihrer Tochter nicht verarbeiten, sie verdr\u00E4ngt alle ihre Erinnerungen \u00FCber sie und l\u00F6scht auch s\u00E4mtliche Eintr\u00E4ge \u00FCber Kestra aus ihrem Tagebuch. Mit der Zeit hat Lwaxana Troi den Verlust ihrer Tochter im Metabewusstsein verdr\u00E4ngt. Doch 2370 kommen die Erinnerungen an ihre Tochter wieder hoch, als Lwaxana Troi auf ein M\u00E4dchen namens Hedril, welche Kestra sehr \u00E4hnlich sieht, trifft. Die ganzen Erinnerungen an Kestra kommen wieder hervor und dies bringt Lwaxana Troi fast um. Doch mit Hilfe ihrer Tochter Deanna Troi kann Lwaxana Troi endlich den Verlust ihrer Tochter verarbeiten. (TNG: ) 2372 erz\u00E4hlt Lwaxana Troi Odo vom Verlust ihrer Tochter Kestra. Troi erw\u00E4hnt dabei, dass eine Mutter nie den Tod eines Kindes verarbeiten kann. (DS9: )"@de . "2336"^^ . . "2336"^^ . . . . . "Kestra Troi"@en . "Kirsten Dunst"@it . "Kestra Troi"@pl . "Kestra Troi was a half-Betazoid, half-Human girl, born in 2330 to Lwaxana and Ian Andrew Troi. Kestra was the older sibling of Deanna Troi. Shortly after Deanna's birth in 2336, Kestra was picnicking at the water's edge with her family and the family dog. When Lwaxana looked away for a second, the dog and Kestra ran off. Kestra fell in the water and drowned. In dream sequences Lwaxana was forgiven by Kestra, and in turn herself. Only then did Lwaxana find peace from the tragedy. (TNG: \"Dark Page\" )"@en . . . "femmina"@it . . . "Kestra Troi"@fr . "Hedril as Kestra.jpg"@it . "Hedril nei panni di Kestra nel metaconscio di Lwaxana Troi."@it .