. . "\u30CA\u30CF\u30C8"@en . . "playable"@en . . . "Nachts were the Jaghut-bred versions of bhoka'rala. They were black-skinned, hairless, perfectly round heads and pointed ears. Historically, they were said to have inhabited Malaz Island."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "n"@en . . . "Fahrten bei Nacht sind einerseits reizvoll: \n* freie Stra\u00DFen \n* v\u00F6llig fremde Aussichten ..., andererseits aber auch unpraktisch: \n* Man sieht wenig bis nichts. \n* Das Abblendlicht der meisten Motorr\u00E4der liegt weit unter der Leistungsf\u00E4higkeit der Anlagen von PKWs \n* Geht man vom Gas, federt das Motorrad vorne ein, und man sieht noch weniger \n* Das Visier beschl\u00E4gt leichter als eine Autoscheibe \n* Insekten und Staub auf dem Visier erschweren die Sicht zus\u00E4tzlich und verursachen starke Blendungen \n* es wird kalt, oft \u00FCberraschend schnell \n* wenn man ein Problem hat, kann es sehr lange dauern, bis jemand vorbei kommt \n* Man wird schlecht gesehen \n* man wird gar nicht wahrgenommen \n* man wird falsch eingesch\u00E4tzt (zu langsam)."@de . . . "Nacht is introduced as a powerful demon whose sole interest was bringing about eternal darkness to the world, which is only possible every 500 years on a winter solstice. Unlike many demons, he is not interested in killing. Nacht was rumored to have been vanquished by a coven of witches, which gave him the perfect excuse to keep a low profile. There is no entry about Nacht in the Book of Shadows because his last appearance on Earth was two centuries before Melinda Warren was born. In December 2001, Nacht came out of hiding and worked with another demon Silas for his goal. He was eventually vanquished by the Charmed Ones."@en . . . . "*Shimmering\n*Fireballs\n*Force Field\n*Super Strength"@en . "30"^^ . "Evil"@en . . . . "20"^^ . . . "Nacht"@de . . . . . . "Her only known relative was thought to be Marzena Twardovski, the Bell Witch, who is a member of the Grand Hall of Sinister Wisdom. Nacht does not have a favorable opinion of her mother: \"Give Mumzie her due, she\u2019s a total loss otherwise, but she does have a flair for getting out of Azkaban.\" The resentment seems justified, since Marzena is only interested in Kate when she's useful, like when she ran a cult scam using the then six-year-old Katrina as focal point. She's frequently seen with Jadis Diabolik, who is perhaps her closest friend."@en . . . . "Her only known relative was thought to be Marzena Twardovski, the Bell Witch, who is a member of the Grand Hall of Sinister Wisdom. Nacht does not have a favorable opinion of her mother: \"Give Mumzie her due, she\u2019s a total loss otherwise, but she does have a flair for getting out of Azkaban.\" The resentment seems justified, since Marzena is only interested in Kate when she's useful, like when she ran a cult scam using the then six-year-old Katrina as focal point. Marzena has deliberately withheld information on the identity of Kate's father as a way to bait Nacht into working for her. Eventually, though, Kate discovers the truth about her parentage, freeing herself from Marzena's influence. Nacht has a legal guardian, the California superhero Sunburst. \"Sunny\" made an effort to provide Kate with a \"traditional\" Christmas, with snow, caroling and festive sweaters. Kate professed not having appreciated it. She's frequently seen with Jadis Diabolik, who is perhaps her closest friend. She's usually expressionless. What little she says is usually in a flat monotone. She has been described as resembling Christina Ricci as Wednesday Addams, both in appearance and in demeanor. When she's not doing anything else, one of her hobbies appears to be scaring Belphegor, at least by preference. She now has a swain; Robert Rose is paying her court. He says all she has to do is tell him to go, and he'll go, and never come back; she hasn't told him to go."@en . . . . "Nacht is a quiet person, but when he speaks, his voice is all business, as he doesn't like the joking mannerisms of Alba and tends to be short with Glaive. Nacht's father, Sigurd, was a knight in service of the kingdom of Falgabard. During an attack, Sigurd ordered his friend Graham to look out for his son, and help him escape. The loss of his family, and what later was revealed to be his entire homeland, turned Nacht into the cold, distant boy he is today. Nacht has an inability to let go of the issues of losing his father, resulting in Alba insulting Nacht, saying he has a \"daddy complex\"."@en . "Green"@en . "*Immortality\n*Immunity\n*High Resistance"@en . . . . "Master"@en . . "Nacht"@en . . "Nacht is introduced as a powerful demon whose sole interest was bringing about eternal darkness to the world, which is only possible every 500 years on a winter solstice. Unlike many demons, he is not interested in killing. Nacht was rumored to have been vanquished by a coven of witches, which gave him the perfect excuse to keep a low profile. There is no entry about Nacht in the Book of Shadows because his last appearance on Earth was two centuries before Melinda Warren was born."@en . . . . . "Nachts were the Jaghut-bred versions of bhoka'rala. They were black-skinned, hairless, perfectly round heads and pointed ears. Historically, they were said to have inhabited Malaz Island."@en . . "FFD"@en . . . . . . . . "Bring about eternal darkness"@en . "Nacht ist die Bezeichnung f\u00FCr die Zeit, in der der Standort einer Person auf einem Planeten von seiner Sonne abgewandt ist. Diese Zeit wird im Normalfall zum Schlafen genutzt. An Bord von Raumschiffen der Sternenflotte wird ein planetarer Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus simuliert und die Beleuchtung entsprechend angepasst, so dass es in der \u201ENacht\u201C dunkel ist. (TOS: ; TNG: ) 2375 bietet Vic Fontaine Nog an, eine Nacht in seiner Suite zu bleiben. Doch Nog m\u00F6chte gerne l\u00E4nger bleiben. Vic ist damit einverstanden. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Nacht"@en . . . . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . . . "Purple"@en . . "Nacht"@nl . . . "Fahrten bei Nacht sind einerseits reizvoll: \n* freie Stra\u00DFen \n* v\u00F6llig fremde Aussichten ..., andererseits aber auch unpraktisch: \n* Man sieht wenig bis nichts. \n* Das Abblendlicht der meisten Motorr\u00E4der liegt weit unter der Leistungsf\u00E4higkeit der Anlagen von PKWs \n* Geht man vom Gas, federt das Motorrad vorne ein, und man sieht noch weniger \n* Das Visier beschl\u00E4gt leichter als eine Autoscheibe \n* Insekten und Staub auf dem Visier erschweren die Sicht zus\u00E4tzlich und verursachen starke Blendungen \n* es wird kalt, oft \u00FCberraschend schnell \n* wenn man ein Problem hat, kann es sehr lange dauern, bis jemand vorbei kommt \n* Man wird schlecht gesehen \n* man wird gar nicht wahrgenommen \n* man wird falsch eingesch\u00E4tzt (zu langsam)."@de . . . . "Nacht ist die Bezeichnung f\u00FCr die Zeit, in der der Standort einer Person auf einem Planeten von seiner Sonne abgewandt ist. Diese Zeit wird im Normalfall zum Schlafen genutzt. An Bord von Raumschiffen der Sternenflotte wird ein planetarer Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus simuliert und die Beleuchtung entsprechend angepasst, so dass es in der \u201ENacht\u201C dunkel ist. (TOS: ; TNG: ) 2375 bietet Vic Fontaine Nog an, eine Nacht in seiner Suite zu bleiben. Doch Nog m\u00F6chte gerne l\u00E4nger bleiben. Vic ist damit einverstanden. (DS9: ) Jahreszeiten \n* Fr\u00FChling \n* Sommer \n* Herbst \n* Winter Monate Erde \n* Januar \n* Februar \n* M\u00E4rz \n* April \n* Mai \n* Juni \n* Juli \n* August \n* September \n* Oktober \n* November \n* Dezember Qo'noS \n* Maktag \n* nay'Poq Vulkan \n* Tasmeen Wochentage \n* Montag \n* Dienstag \n* Mittwoch \n* Donnerstag \n* Freitag \n* Samstag \n* Sonntag Tageszeiten \n* Morgen \n* Vormittag \n* Mittag \n* Nachmittag \n* Abend \n* Nacht"@de . . "Nahato"@en . . . . . "Nacht is a quiet person, but when he speaks, his voice is all business, as he doesn't like the joking mannerisms of Alba and tends to be short with Glaive. Nacht's father, Sigurd, was a knight in service of the kingdom of Falgabard. During an attack, Sigurd ordered his friend Graham to look out for his son, and help him escape. The loss of his family, and what later was revealed to be his entire homeland, turned Nacht into the cold, distant boy he is today. Nacht has an inability to let go of the issues of losing his father, resulting in Alba insulting Nacht, saying he has a \"daddy complex\"."@en . .