"2"^^ . "salvage team, pulling ships of Dender Rocks and selling them to Burke and Blaire for a quick profit. He can use his crane some what like how Indiana Jones uses his whip. It is essentially Helios' swiss Army Knife. He can do anything with it, includeing doing something he calls barge fishing. He speaks with a heavy New York accent and wears glasses."@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Red"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Helios jest jedyn\u0105 stacj\u0105 kosmiczn\u0105 poza orbit\u0105 Ksi\u0119\u017Cyca. Jej w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem jest Ares Macrotechnology; stacja zlokalizowana jest dok\u0142adnie naprzeciwko Ziemi na jej orbicie s\u0142onecznej. Przeznaczenie stacji jest nieznane (istniej\u0105 podejrzenia, \u017Ce jest wykorzystywana jako baza do przysz\u0142ych dalekich misji kosmicznych, oraz do obserwacji kosmosu), a Ares utrzymuje je w tajemnicy."@pl . "22"^^ . "Talent"@en . . . "Red"@en . "en:Helios Helios ist der Mechanoid, der im Leviathankern von Elysia auf Samus wartet. Er ist durch eine starke Panzerung gesch\u00FCtzt, die aber empfindlich auf Beschuss mit Beam-Waffen reagiert. Bei ausreichender Sch\u00E4digung wird sein Kern freigesetzt, der sich durch Energie auf Phazon-Basis \u00FCberladen l\u00E4sst. Die Zerst\u00F6rung des Kerns f\u00FChrt zur Zerst\u00F6rung des Mechanoiden. Sollte Helios' Kern freigesetzt werden greift der Mechanoid zu seiner letzten Waffe. Er nutzt seine \"Arme\", um Gegner zu zerschneiden. Die elektrische Energie, welche durch diese Arme flie\u00DFt, st\u00F6rt hierbei jegliche Visorsysteme."@de . . . . . . . "The Helios moves at a top speed of sixty-five kilometers per hour, average for a heavy BattleMech, but exceeded only by the Charger and Spartan assault 'Mechs. As such it is more than capable of serving point guard and maneuvering to interdict any threats to an assault-weight unit. The powerful arm mounted Gauss rifle is a 'Mech-killing weapon of the first order and able to take units out at range. SRMs and long-range lasers ensure that enemies that close with its charges will only become more and more discouraged as more and more withering firepower is brought to bear."@en . . . . . "Helios in \"Full Circle\""@en . "22"^^ . . . "Earth"@en . . "Helios"@en . . . "Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. Homer described Helios's chariot as drawn by solar steeds (Iliad xvi.779); later Pindar described it as drawn by \"fire-darting steeds\" (Olympian Ode 7.71). Still later, the horses were given fiery names: Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon. As time passed, Helios was increasingly identified with the god of light, Apollo. However, in spite of their syncretism, they were also often viewed as two distinct gods (Helios was a Titan, whereas Apollo was an Olympian). The equivalent of Helios in Roman mythology was Sol, specifically Sol Invictus."@en . "Helios.png"@de . . "Sir Elyan \u2020"@en . . . "Helios Profile.JPG"@en . . "en:Helios Helios ist der Mechanoid, der im Leviathankern von Elysia auf Samus wartet. Er ist durch eine starke Panzerung gesch\u00FCtzt, die aber empfindlich auf Beschuss mit Beam-Waffen reagiert. Bei ausreichender Sch\u00E4digung wird sein Kern freigesetzt, der sich durch Energie auf Phazon-Basis \u00FCberladen l\u00E4sst. Die Zerst\u00F6rung des Kerns f\u00FChrt zur Zerst\u00F6rung des Mechanoiden. Helios ist in der Lage eine gro\u00DFe Gruppe von Schwarm-Bots, die allesamt mit Phazon-Energie gespei\u00DFt werden, zu befehligen. Helios nutzt diese sowohl f\u00FCr die Offensive als auch f\u00FCr die Defensive, denn er kann durch das Bilden verschiedener Formen zahlreiche Angriffe ausf\u00FChren. Eine der am h\u00E4ufigsten verwendeten Formen ist das Bilden einer Kugel aus Schwarm-Bots, mit welchen Helios anschlie\u00DFend durch den Raum rollt, um Kollisionsschaden zu verursachen. Selbiges kann der Mechanoid durch Bilden einer Kugel erreichen. Sollte dies fehlschlagen, zieht sich Helios zur\u00FCck und l\u00E4sst die Schwarm-Bots mithilfe von Energiest\u00F6\u00DFen angreifen. W\u00E4hrend dieses Vorgangs k\u00F6nnen die Schwarm-Bots zerst\u00F6rt werden, was Helios l\u00E4hmt und offen f\u00FCr Angriffe werden l\u00E4sst. Des weiteren ist es Helios m\u00F6glich, die Schwarm-Bots in eine humanoide Form zu bringen, wodurch der Mechanoid elektrische Energie in Kugelform oder als Schockwelle abgeben kann. Die \"Gelenke\" k\u00F6nnen dabei anvisiert werden, was Helios wiederum bet\u00E4uben kann. Sollte Helios' Kern freigesetzt werden greift der Mechanoid zu seiner letzten Waffe. Er nutzt seine \"Arme\", um Gegner zu zerschneiden. Die elektrische Energie, welche durch diese Arme flie\u00DFt, st\u00F6rt hierbei jegliche Visorsysteme."@de . . . "En la mitolog\u00EDa griega, Helios (en griego antiguo \u1F2D\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2 H\u1EBFlios, \u2018sol\u2019) es la personificaci\u00F3n del Sol. Hes\u00EDodo[1] y el himno hom\u00E9rico lo identifican con un hijo de los titanes Hiperi\u00F3n y Tea (Hes\u00EDodo) o Eurifaesa (himno hom\u00E9rico) y hermano de las diosas Selene, la luna, y Eos, la aurora. Sin embargo, Homero le llama a menudo simplemente Tit\u00E1n o Hiperi\u00F3n. Helios era imaginado como un hermoso dios coronado con la brillante aureola del sol, que conduc\u00EDa un carro por el cielo cada d\u00EDa hasta el Oc\u00E9ano que circundaba la tierra y regresaba por \u00E9ste hacia el este por la noche. Homero describe el carro de Helios como tirado por toros solares;[2] m\u00E1s tarde P\u00EDndaro lo escribi\u00F3 que por \u00ABcorceles que arrojaban fuego\u00BB.[3] Posteriormente, los caballos recibieron fogosos nombres: Flegonte (\u2018ardiente\u2019), Aet\u00F3n (\u2018resplandeciente\u2019), Pirois (\u2018\u00EDgneo\u2019) y \u00C9oo (\u2018amanecer\u2019). A medida que pas\u00F3 el tiempo, Helios fue cada vez m\u00E1s identificado con el dios de la luz, Apolo. Su equivalente en la mitolog\u00EDa romana era Sol, y espec\u00EDficamente Sol Invictus. La historia m\u00E1s conocida sobre Helios es la de su hijo Faet\u00F3n, que intent\u00F3 conducir el carro de su padre por el cielo pero perdi\u00F3 el control e incendi\u00F3 la Tierra. A veces se alud\u00EDa a Helios con el ep\u00EDteto hom\u00E9rico Panoptes (\u2018el que ve todo\u2019). En la historia narrada en la mansi\u00F3n de Alc\u00EDnoo en la Odisea,[4] Afrodita, la esposa de Hefesto, se acostaba en secreto con Ares, pero Helios, el se\u00F1or del sol que todo lo ve, los espi\u00F3 y se lo dijo a Hefesto, quien para castigarlos atrap\u00F3 a los dos amantes en unas redes tan finas que resultaban invisibles. En la Odisea, Odiseo y su tripulaci\u00F3n superviviente desembarcan en una isla, Trinacia, consagrada al dios sol, al que Circe llama Hiperi\u00F3n en vez Helios. All\u00ED se guardaba el sagrado ganado rojo del sol Aunque Odiseo advirti\u00F3 a sus hombres para que no lo hicieran, \u00E9stos mataron y comieron imp\u00EDamente algunas cabezas del ganado. Las guardianas de la isla, hijas de Helios, se lo dijeron a su padre. Helios, sin embargo, apel\u00F3 a Zeus, quien destruy\u00F3 el barco y mat\u00F3 a todos los hombres salvo a Odiseo. En una vasija pintada griega, Helios aparece cruzando el mar en la copa del tr\u00EDpode d\u00E9lfico, lo que parece ser una referencia solar. En los Deipnosofistas, Ateneo contaba que, al ponerse el sol, Helios sub\u00EDa a una gran copa dorada en la que pasaba desde las Hesp\u00E9rides en el extremo occidental hasta la tierra de los et\u00EDopes, con quienes permanec\u00EDa las horas de oscuridad. Cuando Heracles viaj\u00F3 a Eritia para cobrarse el ganado de Geri\u00F3n, cruz\u00F3 el desierto libio y qued\u00F3 tan frustrado por el calor que dispar\u00F3 una flecha a Helios, el sol. Helios le rog\u00F3 que parase y Heracles pidi\u00F3 a cambio la copa dorada que Helios usaba para cruzar el mar cada noche, de oeste a este. Heracles us\u00F3 esta copa dorada para llegar a Eritia Consortes y descendencia"@es . . . . . . "Nar Shadaa"@en . "Helios ist ein Seel\u00F6we und hat am 20. Juni Geburtstag."@de . "Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. Homer described Helios's chariot as drawn by solar steeds (Iliad xvi.779); later Pindar described it as drawn by \"fire-darting steeds\" (Olympian Ode 7.71). Still later, the horses were given fiery names: Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon and Phlegon."@en . "Helios' infolink display"@en . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . "Helios is one of the many worlds connected by Milliways. It appears to be almost identical to Sunshine except that it lacks a ."@en . "N/A"@en . "27"^^ . . "Swingline X-1200"@en . . "Metroid Prime 3: Corruption"@en . . "In Greek mythology, Helios is the one that drives the chariot of the sun. He is the son of Hyperion and Theia."@en . . "Helios was the original sun god. He resided in a palace in Anatolia, now Turkey (named for '\u0391\u03BD\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF\u03BB\u03B7 meaning east or sunrise)."@en . . . . "salvage team, pulling ships of Dender Rocks and selling them to Burke and Blaire for a quick profit. He can use his crane some what like how Indiana Jones uses his whip. It is essentially Helios' swiss Army Knife. He can do anything with it, includeing doing something he calls barge fishing. He speaks with a heavy New York accent and wears glasses."@en . . "Expert Lancer"@en . . . . . . "163.0"^^ . . . . "2052"^^ . "\"Helios Trice Megistus\""@en . "Helios is an Artificial Intelligence entity that is created when the benevolent Daedalus and malevolent Icarus AIs are inadvertently and accidentally merged by JC Denton at Vandenberg."@en . . . "Security Guard of the New Olympians"@en . "Helios was an entity of light assigned to watch over the Prototype Universe planetary system."@en . . "#FFFF66"@pl . "Mechanoid: Helios"@en . . . . . "Deus Ex: Invisible War"@en . . "22"^^ . . . "Guardian of Oaths"@en . . "Helios is available after entering the Aqueducts"@en . "Terran Dominion"@en . . "83.2"^^ . . . "God"@en . . "200"^^ . . . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Miyu Irino"@en . . . . . . . "5"^^ . "HEL-3D"@en . . . . "Fire Orange"@en . "Phazon-enhanced core can be exposed by damaging outer shell."@en . "Ceres Metals Industries"@en . "Trevor Mann (October 11, 1988) is an American professional wrestler better known by the ring name Ricochet. He is currently wrestling in the Japanese promotion Dragon Gate, where he is a former Open the Dream Gate, Open The Brave Gate, Open The Twin Gate and Open The Triangle Gate champion."@en . "Sein Patner hei\u00DFt Spectra (Keith) .Viper Helios hatte sein ersten Auftritt in der Folge 1 von Bakugan New Vestroia. Als er gegen Tigerra gek\u00E4mpft und gewonnen hatte. Anders als die anderen Pyrus Bakugans hat er mehr schwarz als rot. In Folge 6 trat er gegen Drago an, aber er verlor den Kampf. Nach dem Kampf mit Drago wollte er unbedingt mehr Power haben. Um das zu bekommen, erkl\u00E4rte er sich bereit, sich zu einem Cyborg Bakugan zu verwandeln. Aber er wusste selber, dass man es nicht mehr r\u00FCckg\u00E4ngig machen konnte. Ihm war es aber egal, solange er Drago besiegen und ihm den Perfekten Kern wegnehmen konnte. Sp\u00E4ter dann in der Folge 44 hatte Helios den letzten Kampf mit Drago. Nach diesem Kampf hatte sich Helios dem Bakugan Spielern angeschlossen. \n* Viper Helios \n* Cyborg Helios \n* Maxus Helios \n* Orbit Helios \n* Helios MK2 \n* Maxus Helios MK2 \n* Infinity Helios"@de . . "No"@en . . . "#0b7389"@en . . "528"^^ . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . . "2"^^ . "Helios is the Titan that embodies the Sun. He never physically appeared in the series, but the Colossus of Rhodes appeared in Hercules and the Hero of Athens. He was the Sun God but later passed on and left his duty to Apollo."@en . "23000"^^ . . "100"^^ . "HELIOS"@en . . . . "C"@en . . "Titan of Sun, Sight, Fire, Heat and Measurement of Time"@en . "Recovery"@en . . . . . "Thermo-particle gun. Dreaded because of its wide dispersion and extreme firing frequency. Reasonably priced quick-firing weapon for short distances."@en . . . "Friends"@en . . "Titan God of the Sun"@en . "Orange and Red"@en . "Helios is the capital city of Kalopia, and is located in the Governorate of Kalopia-Mossavi. It is the seat of the Parliament of Kalopia, as well as the Presidential Palace."@en . . "24"^^ . "The All-seeing, all-hearing and all-knowing"@en . . . "\u30D8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9"@en . . . . "13.5"^^ . "Pyrus"@es . . "1"^^ . "#FFE93E"@en . "Spirit"@en . "*Angel of Zera\n*HTS Psyhemuth"@en . "-97.5"^^ . "Helios makes an alliance with Morgana and install her as its queen. While he awaits the fulfillment of her end of the bargain - that she will bring the plans of Camelot's siege tunnels - he and his men raid the village that Gwen is staying in during her exile. One of Helios's men is about to kill her, but at the last moment Helios intervenes and spares her, claiming there is \"fun to be had\". Helios takes a liking to Gwen, bringing her back to his cavernous hideout, unaware of her affiliation with Arthur and Camelot. The two dine, but are interrupted by Morgana's arrival, at which point Gwen retires to avoid Morgana seeing her. Helios speaks briefly with Morgana, lured by her promise of indulgence when she becomes Queen of Camelot, but they are disturbed by Gwen, who is making her escape. W"@en . . "Helios was an entity of light assigned to watch over the Prototype Universe planetary system."@en . . "Helios"@eo . "AB"@en . "Fire"@en . . "En la mitolog\u00EDa griega, Helios (en griego antiguo \u1F2D\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2 H\u1EBFlios, \u2018sol\u2019) es la personificaci\u00F3n del Sol. Hes\u00EDodo[1] y el himno hom\u00E9rico lo identifican con un hijo de los titanes Hiperi\u00F3n y Tea (Hes\u00EDodo) o Eurifaesa (himno hom\u00E9rico) y hermano de las diosas Selene, la luna, y Eos, la aurora. Sin embargo, Homero le llama a menudo simplemente Tit\u00E1n o Hiperi\u00F3n. A medida que pas\u00F3 el tiempo, Helios fue cada vez m\u00E1s identificado con el dios de la luz, Apolo. Su equivalente en la mitolog\u00EDa romana era Sol, y espec\u00EDficamente Sol Invictus. Consortes y descendencia"@es . "Prince Puma"@en . . "7"^^ . "Aegiale, Aegle, Aetheria, Circe and Pasiphae"@en . . "The Lost Hero"@en . "Cameron Locke"@en . "Phineas"@de . . . . "Location: 413 Glenwood Ave. Roaster: Counter Culture Synapses: Visited on a Saturday morning in August, 2005, business at Helios was steady. Atmosphere: Located in a 'squarish' concrete building, Helios sticks to a more modern look with futuristic metallic chairs inside and out. Outside seating is somewhat private behind a wall of head high live bamboo. Overall a comfortable spot to enjoy your morning cup a joe. Beverages: Great latte and great coffee served in nice big cups if you are drinking on site. Food: Ate some type of cinnamon bun warmed up by the staff. It was sticky and yummy. Bagels purchased on site can be toasted at the end of the bar in a toaster made available to customers. Staff: Knowledgeable and friendly."@en . . "Ageless"@en . "Uncommon"@en . . . . . "Gender"@en . "2.2"^^ . "The Titan's Curse"@en . "Helios es un jefe que aparece en los eventos de Metroid Prime 3: Corruption."@es . . "2"^^ . . . . . "Helios (Eternal); Needed.jpg"@en . . "Taijian StarShield II"@en . "7.258248E10"^^ . . . . . . "One of A kind"@en . . . "22"^^ . "Designed for commando and espionage operation, its main strength is the ability to travel unseen through enemy territory and to avoid unfavorable encounters."@en . . . . . . "Poseidon"@en . "black"@en . . "Helios is the guardian of Elysia's Leviathan. This mechanoid looks like a small round sphere with four tentacle-arm like appendages. He is the prime robot of a group of Swarmbots, also inhabiting the Leviathan. Helios has seven forms. All but the final form are invulnerable, and he only takes this form after being hit in his other forms many times."@en . . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "Helios"@de . . . . . . . "Helios (jap. \u30A8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9 Eriosu) \u2013 stra\u017Cnik i kap\u0142an Eluzjonu i Z\u0142otego Kryszta\u0142u i przemieniony w Pegaza."@pl . "10"^^ . . . . "1988-10-11"^^ . . "Two-Handed"@en . . . . "thumb|Helios (In menschlicher Gestalt) Helios ist der Name des Priesters des Schreins in Elysion und der Besch\u00FCtzer des Goldenen Kristalls."@de . "Human"@en . "Helios was the titanic incarnation of the Sun. He was freed from Tartarus by Evander and was later duped into assisting Ares. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion."@en . . . . "Orange"@en . "#FFFFFF"@en . "750"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Helios"@en . "Note: can fit covert cynosural field generators"@en . . "Helios was one of the ancient Greek sun gods, the other was Apollo. Helios rode a chariot through the sky every day and his horses breathed fire. There is a famous statue of Helios in his chariot on the Brandenburg gate in Berlin. The Romans called helios Sol and on December 24th they celebrated a festival called Sol Invictus meaning the Unconquered Sun. Christians took that ceremony over and called it Christmas. Now all that's marvellous and that's typical of Mythology."@en . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Chibiusa/Super Sailor Chibi Moon"@en . . . . . "2004"^^ . "The Sword in the Stone"@en . . . . "No"@en . . . "\u30D8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9"@en . "\"Helios\" is a series of sun-like LIGHT Pyro-Type monsters named after Helios used by Lyman Banner in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime. They are based around gaining ATK through piling up monsters in the Banished Zone. All monsters in this series except \"Helios Trice Megistus\" had their artwork censored when released into the TCG."@en . "72"^^ . "Helios (greke: \u0389\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2,) estis la\u016D la greka mitologio la dio de la suno. Same kiel Selene, la diino de la luno, kaj Eos, la diino de la matena krepusko, li estis ido de la dia paro Hyperion kaj Theia . La fama statuo de la koloso de Rodiso reprezentis Helioson."@eo . "Commander's Trident"@en . "N/A"@en . . "Helios"@fr . . . . "3"^^ . "Black"@en . "Helios (greke: \u0389\u03BB\u03B9\u03BF\u03C2,) estis la\u016D la greka mitologio la dio de la suno. Same kiel Selene, la diino de la luno, kaj Eos, la diino de la matena krepusko, li estis ido de la dia paro Hyperion kaj Theia . La fama statuo de la koloso de Rodiso reprezentis Helioson."@eo . . "Sir Gwaine \u2020"@en . . . . . "177.8"^^ . . . "35"^^ . "Oxium"@en . . "809"^^ . . "350"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Light"@en . . "Lancer"@en . . . "Helios is the priest of Elysion who lived back during the time of the Silver Millenium, where Prince Endymion ruled the Golden Kingdom of Earth. He was the guardian of the Golden Crystal, and a friend to Endymion, and his guardian priest. His life was bent on protecting the Golden Crystal from Nehellenia, as well as the dreams of people. His life, as well as Mamoru's/Endymion's, the earth's, and Elysion's, are all connected and are set to resonate with each other."@en . "290"^^ . "Helios"@pl . "Pegaz"@pl . . "130"^^ . . . . "\"Helios\" is a series of sun-like LIGHT Pyro-Type monsters named after Helios used by Lyman Banner in the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime. They are based around gaining ATK through piling up monsters in the Banished Zone. All monsters in this series except \"Helios Trice Megistus\" had their artwork censored when released into the TCG."@en . . "Commander's Trident"@en . . "0"^^ . . . . . . "Helios, es el bakugan guardian de Spectra. Era un bakugan de la especie dragonoide, de atributo pyrus pero actualmente ah sido capaz de cambiar su atributo a Darkus. Se desconoce c\u00F3mo."@es . . . . . . . . "Helios was formerly the Titan of the sun, but faded due to lack of worship by the Romans, after which his duty of driving the sun chariot was passed on to Apollo, god of the sun. Helios was the son of Hyperion and Theia, brother of Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn. He was married to Rhodes, a nymph daughter of Poseidon. His Roman counterpart is Sol."@en . "Elio"@de . . "God"@en . "6"^^ . "The Last Olympian"@en . . . "Army of Athlum19"@en . "The Hunter's Heart"@en . "Helios is one of the many worlds connected by Milliways. It appears to be almost identical to Sunshine except that it lacks a ."@en . . "Bluff, Wise"@en . . . . "Helios es un jefe que aparece en los eventos de Metroid Prime 3: Corruption."@es . . "5"^^ . "Siblings"@en . "Nomadenaktion April 2012"@de . "22"^^ . "Humanoid"@pl . . . . "Queen Nehellenia"@en . "10"^^ . . . "In the anime, Elysion was a land supported by the energy of the beautiful dreams of humans. Queen Nehellenia and her minions from the Dead Moon Circus invaded Elysion in search of the Golden Crystal, but because she did not have a beautiful dream, she was unable to take it. Instead, she captured Helios and locked him away. When he saw the light of Rini's beautiful dream, his spirit took the form of Pegasus and took refuge in it."@en . . "Temperate"@en . . . "Heel-ee-ohs"@en . . "Helios is the God of The Sun and Guardian of Oaths. He is a major antagonist in God of War III. Helios is one of the strongest Gods, since he is the sun itself. He is only surpassed by Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus."@en . . "38"^^ . . . . . . . . "50"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . "20"^^ . "3750"^^ . . "Helios is the capital city of Kalopia, and is located in the Governorate of Kalopia-Mossavi. It is the seat of the Parliament of Kalopia, as well as the Presidential Palace."@en . . "*Infernal Flame Vixen"@en . "Humanoid"@en . . . "-10"^^ . "10"^^ . . "187500"^^ . . . . . "5"^^ . . . . "Electric"@en . "Helios is the God of The Sun and Guardian of Oaths. He is a major antagonist in God of War III. Helios is one of the strongest Gods, since he is the sun itself. He is only surpassed by Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus."@en . . "H\u00E9lium"@de . "Helios is the guardian of Elysia's Leviathan. This mechanoid looks like a small round sphere with four tentacle-arm like appendages. He is the prime robot of a group of Swarmbots, also inhabiting the Leviathan. Helios has seven forms. All but the final form are invulnerable, and he only takes this form after being hit in his other forms many times."@en . "Helios, a temperate world, orbits an uncharted sun on the fringe of the Koprulu Sector. It houses a set of overgrown ancient ruins, remainders of a war waged by a long-dead civilization. The ruins feature a pyramid and a crypt. A khaydarin crystal lies beneath the ruins. Uncovered by torrential rains that frequent the summer years, the ruins became exposed, once again igniting the battle for the crystal. Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk opened a veteran's hospital on the planet on the eve of the Second Great War."@en . "6"^^ . "Helios was the titanic incarnation of the Sun. He was freed from Tartarus by Evander and was later duped into assisting Ares. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion."@en . . . "Prince Endymion, Chibiusa Tsukino, Maenads"@en . "Gods, Titan"@en . "Desert"@en . . . . "#39a5bc"@en . . "250"^^ . . "Helios"@en . . . . "Covert Ops"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . "God of the Sun"@en . . . "5000"^^ . . "Steller Maximus"@en . "C"@en . . . "\"Glory did it!\" \"Helios did it!\" \"Sparkle did it!\" -The triplets blame each other after a vase full of flowers is broken Helios is a light-talent sparrowman, and the second in a set of triplet fairies. He is illustrated with blonde hair and blue eyes and wears a green smock with a blue belt. He is also quite vain, always stopping to look at himself in a mirror."@en . . . . "Sith Disciple"@en . . "Helios"@en . "God of War III"@en . . . "The House of Hades"@en . "47.5"^^ . "Elio"@de . "The Helios was a starship that operated as a pirate vessel in the 2360s and 2370s decades. Helios was commanded by Demaree Kolovzon, with Diaadul serving as first officer. Cytryn Jarriel was the engineer of the Helios and Tesshan was the navigator. The starship had been augmented with technology stolen from others, the hull from a Klingon ship, a Romulan cloaking device, Cardassian phasers and a metaphasic shield from the Ferengi. The Helios is depicted as a Klingon bird-of-prey on the cover of the novel."@en . . . . "Indiginous sapients"@en . "75"^^ . "Helios ist ein Seel\u00F6we und hat am 20. Juni Geburtstag."@de . . . "Event history"@en . . "Helios (jap. \u30A8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9 Eriosu) \u2013 stra\u017Cnik i kap\u0142an Eluzjonu i Z\u0142otego Kryszta\u0142u i przemieniony w Pegaza."@pl . . "\"A true Sith never dies.\" -Helios to Raien Keth, regarding the afterlife."@en . . "Helios is the only known manned space station beyond lunar orbit. It is owned by Ares Macrotechnology, and sits at the \"L3\" solar LaGrange point directly opposite of the Earth in solar orbit. The purpose of the space station is unknown (although it is suspected to be a launch platform for future deep space missions and a deep space observatory), and Ares has kept the project under wraps."@en . "Piloted by a young Martian native, this AC is able to engulf opponents in searing flames. According to the pilot, it's newcomer's that are endangering stability on Mars. He is encountered in the mission Abort Missile Launch alongside Time Keeper and is working for Zio Matrix."@en . . "6250000"^^ . "God of War II"@en . . . "Guardian of Oaths"@en . "Creodron"@en . . "Helios"@en . . . "Siege Weapons"@en . . "Z\u0142ote Kr\u00F3lestwo"@pl . "Morphite honed to dangerous perfection"@en . "Helios is a level 4, 1-handed shortsword. Unlocked by: Morphite"@en . . . "Deceased"@en . "67"^^ . "Helios was the son of Hyperion, brother to Selene and Eos. He took the side of the Olympians in the Titan-God war."@en . "Ferrite"@en . . "Thermo-particle gun. Dreaded because of its wide dispersion and extreme firing frequency. Reasonably priced quick-firing weapon for short distances."@en . "* Light of Destruction\n* The Dark Emperor Structure Deck\n* Champion Pack: Game Six\n* Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 promotional cards"@en . "Helios is the priest of Elysion who lived back during the time of the Silver Millenium, where Prince Endymion ruled the Golden Kingdom of Earth. He was the guardian of the Golden Crystal, and a friend to Endymion, and his guardian priest. His life was bent on protecting the Golden Crystal from Nehellenia, as well as the dreams of people. His life, as well as Mamoru's/Endymion's, the earth's, and Elysion's, are all connected and are set to resonate with each other."@en . "God of the Sun"@en . . . . . "*Humans\n*Vampires\n*Demons"@en . . "Helios, who also goes by Apollon Agana Belea, is the Greek God of the Sun, and is also the pure manifestation of Fire, or more specifically, Fire Release Jutsu. Because of this, he is extremely powerful, and teh only known being who's able to completely outclass Kokuhyou Nara in every way when it comes to using Fire Release Jutsu."@en . "The Helios was a starship that operated as a pirate vessel in the 2360s and 2370s decades. Helios was commanded by Demaree Kolovzon, with Diaadul serving as first officer. Cytryn Jarriel was the engineer of the Helios and Tesshan was the navigator. The starship had been augmented with technology stolen from others, the hull from a Klingon ship, a Romulan cloaking device, Cardassian phasers and a metaphasic shield from the Ferengi. In the year 2371, the Helios had been attacking starships along the Cardassian Union border near Bajor and appropriating their contents. After the Helios suffered damage, Diaadul travelled to Deep Space 9 to obtain materials to make repairs. (DS9 novel: Proud Helios) The Helios is depicted as a Klingon bird-of-prey on the cover of the novel."@en . . . "Sun god in Greek mythology. Rides a golden-wheeled sun chariot."@en . "22"^^ . "I shall become your loyal chariot!"@en . . "Justice"@en . . "49"^^ . . . . . . "Titan of the Sun, Fire, Heat, Sight, and Measurement of Time"@en . . . . . . . "Helios is a level 4, 1-handed shortsword. Unlocked by: Morphite"@en . . "4"^^ . "Heliosblade.png"@en . . . "7"^^ . . "I am Helios... Bearing the ancient sun, I am the one who violates the night!"@en . . "10"^^ . "B"@en . . "General"@en . . "18"^^ . . "none"@en . "Heavy"@en . . . "Gallente Frigate"@en . "Helios - sztuczna inteligencja powsta\u0142a z po\u0142\u0105czenia Daedalusa i Icarusa."@pl . . . . . "Helios was one of the ancient Greek sun gods, the other was Apollo. Helios rode a chariot through the sky every day and his horses breathed fire, many Bronze Age and Iron Age people believed the sun rode in a chariot. There is a famous statue of Helios in his chariot on the Brandenburg gate in Berlin. The Romans called helios Sol and on December 24th they celebrated a festival called Sol Invictus meaning the Unconquered Sun. Christians took that ceremony over and called it Christmas. Now all that's marvellous and that's typical of Mythology."@en . . . . . "Pegasus"@en . . "20"^^ . "Helios' improvements revolve around building destruction. His technologies improve Onagers and Cheiroballistae but especially Fire Siphons, making them more durable and dangerous. Should the enemy focus on siege counter units (such as cavalry), Helios does provide an alternative with the Heka Gigantes Myth Unit, a four-armed giant that can deal massive damage to buildings and knock back threats by causing minor earthquakes. To compensate the slow speed of these units, Helios\u2019 god power, Vortex, can be used to teleport all of the player's military units to one place and mow down the enemy in one heavy attack. This power can also be used for a quick retreat should the player\u2019s own town be under siege and can be used three times. Additionally, Helios improves late game naval warfare. His other Myth Unit, the Man O' War, helps support the player\u2019s navy (including Fireships who also benefit from the Halo of the Sun technology) by striking multiple ships with a chain lightning attack. The lightning can also strike multiple fortifications of an enemy base if they\u2019re built close enough to the shoreline. Helios has the only mythical building besides the Sky Passages of Oranos. Citizens can now construct Mirror Towers, defensive structures that shoot beams of light and are effective against ships."@en . . "\u30A8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9 \nEriosu"@en . . "175"^^ . "Super Sailor Moon"@en . . . . . "Human"@en . ""@pl . "Helios' improvements revolve around building destruction. His technologies improve Onagers and Cheiroballistae but especially Fire Siphons, making them more durable and dangerous. Should the enemy focus on siege counter units (such as cavalry), Helios does provide an alternative with the Heka Gigantes Myth Unit, a four-armed giant that can deal massive damage to buildings and knock back threats by causing minor earthquakes. To compensate the slow speed of these units, Helios\u2019 god power, Vortex, can be used to teleport all of the player's military units to one place and mow down the enemy in one heavy attack. This power can also be used for a quick retreat should the player\u2019s own town be under siege and can be used three times."@en . . "Helios with its core exposed."@en . . "Piloted by a young Martian native, this AC is able to engulf opponents in searing flames. According to the pilot, it's newcomer's that are endangering stability on Mars. He is encountered in the mission Abort Missile Launch alongside Time Keeper and is working for Zio Matrix."@en . . . . . . . . "Helios"@en . . "thumb|Helios (In menschlicher Gestalt) Helios ist der Name des Priesters des Schreins in Elysion und der Besch\u00FCtzer des Goldenen Kristalls."@de . . "Blader"@en . "10m"@en . . "185.0"^^ . . . . . . . . "Apollon.png"@en . "4"^^ . "J Michael Tatum"@en . "64"^^ . . "*Helios - The Primordial Sun\n*Helios Duo Megistus\n*Helios Trice Megistus\n*Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate\n*D.D. Warrior\n*D.D. Warrior Lady\n*Freed the Brave Wanderer\n*Ghost Ship\n*Honest\n*Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer\n*Lightray Grepher\n*Necroface\n*Soul of Purity and Light"@en . "Helios is an Artificial Intelligence entity that is created when the benevolent Daedalus and malevolent Icarus AIs are inadvertently and accidentally merged by JC Denton at Vandenberg."@en . "The Helios moves at a top speed of sixty-five kilometers per hour, average for a heavy BattleMech, but exceeded only by the Charger and Spartan assault 'Mechs. As such it is more than capable of serving point guard and maneuvering to interdict any threats to an assault-weight unit. The powerful arm mounted Gauss rifle is a 'Mech-killing weapon of the first order and able to take units out at range. SRMs and long-range lasers ensure that enemies that close with its charges will only become more and more discouraged as more and more withering firepower is brought to bear. The Helios' primary drawback is insufficient armor to withstand any more than a few hits. Designers note that the Helios is primarily meant to engage opponents at extreme ranges. Variants of the HEL-3D replace lasers with C3 slave computer links. The radical 4A strips all armaments for an extended range Particle Projector Cannon, three medium lasers (two in the left arm and one in the head), and a twenty tube medium range missile rack. The remainder of mass is allocated to add much needed armor and five double-efficency heat sinks."@en . "Criatura de Phazon rob\u00F3tica"@es . . . . . . . . "Desconocido, posiblemente Elysia"@es . "B"@en . . . . "None."@en . "Percy Jackson's Greek Gods"@en . . . . . . . . "red"@es . "Helios makes an alliance with Morgana and install her as its queen. While he awaits the fulfillment of her end of the bargain - that she will bring the plans of Camelot's siege tunnels - he and his men raid the village that Gwen is staying in during her exile. One of Helios's men is about to kill her, but at the last moment Helios intervenes and spares her, claiming there is \"fun to be had\". Helios takes a liking to Gwen, bringing her back to his cavernous hideout, unaware of her affiliation with Arthur and Camelot. The two dine, but are interrupted by Morgana's arrival, at which point Gwen retires to avoid Morgana seeing her. Helios speaks briefly with Morgana, lured by her promise of indulgence when she becomes Queen of Camelot, but they are disturbed by Gwen, who is making her escape. When Morgana realizes Gwen was present and heard their plans, she sends Helios and his men to chase her, but ultimately catches Gwen herself. Morgana then receives the tunnel plans for Camelot from Agravaine, at which point Helios helps her plan their full siege of Camelot (The Hunter's Heart). Soon after, Morgana and Helios, with Agravaine's help, commence their planned attack on Camelot. It isn't long before the kingdom falls and Morgana proclaims herself Queen once again. However, Arthur escapes capture and the citizens of Camelot refuse to swear allegiance to her, and so she sends Agravaine to find the King. During Arthur's campaign to retake Camelot, Helios stays by Morgana and, when it becomes apparent that her powers are failing her, he pushes her back to take on Arthur himself. Helios bests Arthur and is on the point of killing him, but at the last instant he is stabbed from behind by Isolde, though he manages to fatally wound her in return before he dies (The Sword in the Stone)."@en . . "1"^^ . . "Helios was the original sun god. He resided in a palace in Anatolia, now Turkey (named for '\u0391\u03BD\u03B1\u03C4\u03BF\u03BB\u03B7 meaning east or sunrise)."@en . . . "Heriosu"@en . . "Helios"@en . . . . . "Helios"@en . "Helios is the Titan that embodies the Sun. He never physically appeared in the series, but the Colossus of Rhodes appeared in Hercules and the Hero of Athens. He was the Sun God but later passed on and left his duty to Apollo."@en . . . . . . "Helios was the son of Hyperion, brother to Selene and Eos. He took the side of the Olympians in the Titan-God war."@en . . "Tomoaki Maeno"@en . "0"^^ . "Current NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champion"@en . . . . "35"^^ . . . "Helios, es el bakugan guardian de Spectra. Era un bakugan de la especie dragonoide, de atributo pyrus pero actualmente ah sido capaz de cambiar su atributo a Darkus. Se desconoce c\u00F3mo."@es . . . "Helios is a New Olympian, and a member of the security force under Taurus that guards the island."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . "STR +1"@en . "20"^^ . "Alive"@en . "100"^^ . "37"^^ . . . "Helios .jpg"@pl . . "Guardian of the Golden Crystal"@en . . . "Alive"@en . "Helios offered 20 Diamonds. He was rewarded for celebrating your horses' 50th birthday. In Greek mythology, Helios was the personification of the Sun. He was often identified with Apollo, but the two were separate beings, and Helios was a Titan, while Apollo was an Olympian. Helios was said to drive a golden chariot led by \"fire-darting steeds\", according to Pindar. His Roman equivalent is Sol.de:Helios"@en . "\"Glory did it!\" \"Helios did it!\" \"Sparkle did it!\" -The triplets blame each other after a vase full of flowers is broken Helios is a light-talent sparrowman, and the second in a set of triplet fairies. He is illustrated with blonde hair and blue eyes and wears a green smock with a blue belt. He is also quite vain, always stopping to look at himself in a mirror."@en . . "Complete control over light"@en . "Sein Patner hei\u00DFt Spectra (Keith) .Viper Helios hatte sein ersten Auftritt in der Folge 1 von Bakugan New Vestroia. Als er gegen Tigerra gek\u00E4mpft und gewonnen hatte. Anders als die anderen Pyrus Bakugans hat er mehr schwarz als rot. In Folge 6 trat er gegen Drago an, aber er verlor den Kampf. Nach dem Kampf mit Drago wollte er unbedingt mehr Power haben. Um das zu bekommen, erkl\u00E4rte er sich bereit, sich zu einem Cyborg Bakugan zu verwandeln. Aber er wusste selber, dass man es nicht mehr r\u00FCckg\u00E4ngig machen konnte. Nach diesem Kampf hatte sich Helios dem Bakugan Spielern angeschlossen."@de . . "Seel\u00F6we"@de . . . "Never Sparrowman"@en . . "100"^^ . . "Helios - sztuczna inteligencja powsta\u0142a z po\u0142\u0105czenia Daedalusa i Icarusa."@pl . . . "Fire Release,"@en . "Helios"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "6"^^ . "Ricochet"@en . . . . . "37"^^ . . . . . "35"^^ . "Helios is the only known manned space station beyond lunar orbit. It is owned by Ares Macrotechnology, and sits at the \"L3\" solar LaGrange point directly opposite of the Earth in solar orbit. The purpose of the space station is unknown (although it is suspected to be a launch platform for future deep space missions and a deep space observatory), and Ares has kept the project under wraps."@en . "17"^^ . "Notable Books"@en . "20"^^ . "*2xSRM 6\n*1xGauss Rifle\n*2xER Medium Laser"@en . . "Helios offered 20 Diamonds. He was rewarded for celebrating your horses' 50th birthday. In Greek mythology, Helios was the personification of the Sun. He was often identified with Apollo, but the two were separate beings, and Helios was a Titan, while Apollo was an Olympian. Helios was said to drive a golden chariot led by \"fire-darting steeds\", according to Pindar. His Roman equivalent is Sol.de:Helios"@en . . "390"^^ . . "Hell"@en . . . . . "Yama"@en . . . . "silver"@en . "Theia"@en . "Helios is a fighter who uses Yoshimitsu's fighting style and he appears in tower of lost souls ascend mode under the floor \"Uber Airhead\""@en . "24"^^ . . "B"@en . . . "Ferrite"@en . "ZT37 \"Helios\" Zoner Photon Blaster This is a photon-based weapon which, though providing a high refire of fire, requires enormous of energy to deliver a sinificant damage output. This weapon is most effective against Positron sheilds, and weakest against Gravaton sheilds. Zoner weapons have a small range advantege, but a redused rate of fire. Gun\\missle class:3 Hull damage per shot:41 Sheild damage per shot:20 Range:649m Refire Rate:5.88 Energy Usage:12 Buy From: Freeports 1,2,4,5,6,9"@en . "Deus Ex"@en . "22"^^ . "2"^^ . . . "Ricochet"@en . . . . "Various formations of Swarmbots"@en . . . "Helios (\u30D8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9 Heriosu) is a character in the Beyblade film, Metal Fight Beyblade VS the Sun: Sol Blaze, the Scorching-hot Invader. His Beyblade is Sol Blaze V145AS."@en . . . "Peter Marquardt"@en . "Energy"@en . . . . . "Helios was a sun god worshiped by the ancient Greeks. The Colossus of Rhodes was constructed in Helios' image."@en . "Alien ruins"@en . . . . "None"@en . "Helios, a temperate world, orbits an uncharted sun on the fringe of the Koprulu Sector. It houses a set of overgrown ancient ruins, remainders of a war waged by a long-dead civilization. The ruins feature a pyramid and a crypt. A khaydarin crystal lies beneath the ruins. Uncovered by torrential rains that frequent the summer years, the ruins became exposed, once again igniting the battle for the crystal. Crown Prince Valerian Mengsk opened a veteran's hospital on the planet on the eve of the Second Great War."@en . "Overlord Mk. 3 Endo Steel"@en . "50"^^ . . "Helios (Olympian); Needed.jpg"@en . "Helios"@en . . . . "Helios is a Greek God who drives the sun. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it]."@en . . . "The All-seeing, All-hearing, All-knowing"@en . . "200"^^ . . . "Helios ist ein Hengst und geh\u00F6rt zu den Nomadenpferden. Helios stellt den gleichnamigen griechischen Sonnengott dar."@de . . . . "Blue"@en . "Heriosu"@en . . . "*Beckoning Light\n*Bottomless Trap Hole\n*Dimensional Prison\n*Firewall\n*Lumenize\n*Safe Zone\n*Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri"@en . . "Helios was formerly the Titan of the sun, but faded due to lack of worship by the Romans, after which his duty of driving the sun chariot was passed on to Apollo, god of the sun. Helios was the son of Hyperion and Theia, brother of Selene, the moon, and Eos, the dawn. He was married to Rhodes, a nymph daughter of Poseidon. His Roman counterpart is Sol."@en . . . "306"^^ . "5"^^ . "Medea and Ariadne"@en . . "God of War: Chains of Olympus"@en . . "3"^^ . . . "*Chaos Zone\n*Creature Swap\n*Forbidden Lance\n*Light of Redemption\n*Lightwave Tuning\n*Reinforcement of the Army\n*Soul Absorption\n*Soul Release"@en . "320"^^ . . . . "La armadura exterior de Helios est\u00E1 muy bien protegida, pero es vulnerable contra rayos. Causando demasiado da\u00F1o puede sobrecalentarlo y exponer su n\u00FAcleo de Phazon. Este n\u00FAcleo puede ser sobrecargado con ataques de Phazon. La destrucci\u00F3n del n\u00FAcleo resulta fatal, pero es dif\u00EDcil de lograr. El objetivo es el l\u00EDder de un grupo de Estorninos, que tambi\u00E9n fueron energizados con Phazon. Helios usar\u00E1 a los Estorninos para ofensiva y defensa. Asumiendo distintas formas le permitir\u00E1 atacar de diferente manera."@es . . . . "In Greek mythology, Helios is the one that drives the chariot of the sun. He is the son of Hyperion and Theia."@en . "Helios, who also goes by Apollon Agana Belea, is the Greek God of the Sun, and is also the pure manifestation of Fire, or more specifically, Fire Release Jutsu. Because of this, he is extremely powerful, and teh only known being who's able to completely outclass Kokuhyou Nara in every way when it comes to using Fire Release Jutsu."@en . "Helios was one of the ancient Greek sun gods, the other was Apollo. Helios rode a chariot through the sky every day and his horses breathed fire, many Bronze Age and Iron Age people believed the sun rode in a chariot. There is a famous statue of Helios in his chariot on the Brandenburg gate in Berlin. The Romans called helios Sol and on December 24th they celebrated a festival called Sol Invictus meaning the Unconquered Sun. Christians took that ceremony over and called it Christmas. In the Odyssey, Helios warned the great Odysseus not to eat the sheep. However, after Odysseus left camp, his men ignored this warning and killed several sheep to eat. Helios then killed many of Odysseus' men as punishment for suckling on the sweet meat of his golden sheep. Now all that's marvellous and that's typical of Mythology."@en . . . "\"A true Sith never dies.\" -Helios to Raien Keth, regarding the afterlife."@en . . "The Helios is Creodron's answer to the Ishukone Buzzard. After the fall of Crielere, the once-cordial relations between the Gallente Federation and the Caldari state deteriorated rapidly and, for a while, it seemed as if war might be brewing. It was seen by certain high-ranking officers within the Gallente navy as being of vital importance to be able to match the Caldari's cloaking technology in an effort to maintain the balance of power."@en . "3000"^^ . . . "Helios is a fighter who uses Yoshimitsu's fighting style and he appears in tower of lost souls ascend mode under the floor \"Uber Airhead\""@en . "Helios Covert Ops"@en . . . . "130.0"^^ . . . "Sunny"@en . "Forma"@en . . "A"@en . "Helios is available after entering the Aqueducts"@en . "Helios was one of the ancient Greek sun gods, the other was Apollo. Helios rode a chariot through the sky every day and his horses breathed fire. There is a famous statue of Helios in his chariot on the Brandenburg gate in Berlin. The Romans called helios Sol and on December 24th they celebrated a festival called Sol Invictus meaning the Unconquered Sun. Christians took that ceremony over and called it Christmas. In the Odyssey, Helios warned the great Odysseus not to eat the sheep. However, after Odysseus left camp, his men ignored this warning and killed several sheep to eat. Helios then killed many of Odysseus' men as punishment for suckling on the sweet meat of his golden sheep. Now all that's marvellous and that's typical of Mythology."@en . . . "0"^^ . . . . "A"@en . "Helios.jpg"@es . "Imicus"@en . . . "Two-Handed"@en . "Hell"@en . "blade of light"@en . "4.36"^^ . . "22"^^ . "Helios is a Greek God who drives the sun. This article is a stub. You can help WikiPagan by [ expanding it]."@en . . . "400"^^ . . . "17.1"^^ . . "Helios is a Corpus support Sentinel pre-equipped with the Glaive-esque Deconstructor as its default weapon and the Investigator precept to assist the player with Codex scans. Additionally, Detect Vulnerability can be used to scan for weak points on enemies with already completed Codex entries."@en . "God of the Sun"@en . . "Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes"@en . "306"^^ . . . . . "Helios's exterior armor is well shielded, but still vulnerable to Beam weaponry. Inflicting enough damage will cause him to overheat and expose his Phazon-enhanced core. This core can be overloaded with Phazon-based energy. Destruction of the core unit should prove fatal, but is difficult to achieve. Target is the prime bot of a large group of Swarmbots, all of which have been energized by Phazon. Helios will use the Swarmbots for both offensive and defensive measures. Assuming different formations will allow for various forms of attack."@en . . "helios"@en . . . . . "11"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "60"^^ . "Helios"@de . . . . . . "1"^^ . . "Location: 413 Glenwood Ave. Roaster: Counter Culture Synapses: Visited on a Saturday morning in August, 2005, business at Helios was steady. Atmosphere: Located in a 'squarish' concrete building, Helios sticks to a more modern look with futuristic metallic chairs inside and out. Outside seating is somewhat private behind a wall of head high live bamboo. Overall a comfortable spot to enjoy your morning cup a joe. Beverages: Great latte and great coffee served in nice big cups if you are drinking on site. Staff: Knowledgeable and friendly."@en . "63"^^ . . . . "Helios (\u30D8\u30EA\u30AA\u30B9 Heriosu) is a character in the Beyblade film, Metal Fight Beyblade VS the Sun: Sol Blaze, the Scorching-hot Invader. His Beyblade is Sol Blaze V145AS."@en . . . . . . . "\u30D1\u30ED\u30F3\u30C1\u30FC\u30CE"@de . "Rhode"@en . . . . "Helios ist ein Hengst und geh\u00F6rt zu den Nomadenpferden. Helios stellt den gleichnamigen griechischen Sonnengott dar."@de . . "19"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Helios"@es . "Fieldron Sample"@en . . . "Selene and Eos"@en . "1271000"^^ . "C"@en . . "1.6"^^ . "\"Full Circle\""@en . "Male"@en . "High-priest of Elysion"@en . "ZT37 \"Helios\" Zoner Photon Blaster This is a photon-based weapon which, though providing a high refire of fire, requires enormous of energy to deliver a sinificant damage output. This weapon is most effective against Positron sheilds, and weakest against Gravaton sheilds. Zoner weapons have a small range advantege, but a redused rate of fire. Gun\\missle class:3 Hull damage per shot:41 Sheild damage per shot:20 Range:649m Refire Rate:5.88 Energy Usage:12 Buy From: Freeports 1,2,4,5,6,9"@en . . . "Helios jest jedyn\u0105 stacj\u0105 kosmiczn\u0105 poza orbit\u0105 Ksi\u0119\u017Cyca. Jej w\u0142a\u015Bcicielem jest Ares Macrotechnology; stacja zlokalizowana jest dok\u0142adnie naprzeciwko Ziemi na jej orbicie s\u0142onecznej. Przeznaczenie stacji jest nieznane (istniej\u0105 podejrzenia, \u017Ce jest wykorzystywana jako baza do przysz\u0142ych dalekich misji kosmicznych, oraz do obserwacji kosmosu), a Ares utrzymuje je w tajemnicy."@pl . "Helios is a New Olympian, and a member of the security force under Taurus that guards the island."@en . . . . "300"^^ . . "60"^^ . "mp3"@es . . "Keim der Elysia"@de . "Helios"@de . "10.7"^^ . . . . "13"^^ . "Con\u00E7u pour les chasseurs de toutes derni\u00E8re g\u00E9n\u00E9ration, les Heed Industries Helios Thruster Module est un syst\u00E8me de propulsion qui surpasse de loin les r\u00E9action classiques hydrog\u00E8ne liquide/oxyg\u00E8ne liquide alimentant les r\u00E9acteurs d'une fr\u00E9gate. Gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 l'utilisation d'hydrog\u00E8ne m\u00E9tallique m\u00E9tastable, le Helios offre une combustion bien plus efficace que le H2/O2 et les navigateurs peuvent effectuer les nombreuses corrections mineures inh\u00E9rentes aux voyages longue distance sans crainte d'\u00E9puiser le carburant. Par ailleurs, un vaisseau \u00E9quip\u00E9 du Helios peut avancer \"en roue libre\" \u00E0 une vitesse constante pour \u00E9conomiser sa r\u00E9serve d'antiprotons."@fr . . . "Nano Spores"@en . . "6"^^ . "Sol"@en . . . . "Con\u00E7u pour les chasseurs de toutes derni\u00E8re g\u00E9n\u00E9ration, les Heed Industries Helios Thruster Module est un syst\u00E8me de propulsion qui surpasse de loin les r\u00E9action classiques hydrog\u00E8ne liquide/oxyg\u00E8ne liquide alimentant les r\u00E9acteurs d'une fr\u00E9gate. Gr\u00E2ce \u00E0 l'utilisation d'hydrog\u00E8ne m\u00E9tallique m\u00E9tastable, le Helios offre une combustion bien plus efficace que le H2/O2 et les navigateurs peuvent effectuer les nombreuses corrections mineures inh\u00E9rentes aux voyages longue distance sans crainte d'\u00E9puiser le carburant. Par ailleurs, un vaisseau \u00E9quip\u00E9 du Helios peut avancer \"en roue libre\" \u00E0 une vitesse constante pour \u00E9conomiser sa r\u00E9serve d'antiprotons. Toutefois, quand il doit se ravitailler, il doit g\u00E9n\u00E9ralement confier \u00E0 un vaisseau plus massif ou une usine plan\u00E9taire voisine la synth\u00E8se de l'hydrog\u00E8ne m\u00E9tallique. Ce processus n\u00E9cessite des champs gravitationnels d'une extr\u00EAme densit\u00E9 pour g\u00E9n\u00E9rer des pressions plus d'un million de fois sup\u00E9rieures \u00E0 l'atmosph\u00E8re terrienne afin de cr\u00E9er le m\u00E9tal; une activit\u00E9 qu'il est pr\u00E9f\u00E9rable d'effectuer \u00E0 la surface d'une plan\u00E8te. Ce processus peut paraitre handicapant face aux \"vaisseaux \u00E9cumeurs\" capables de r\u00E9colter de l'hydrog\u00E8ne \u00E0 peu pr\u00E8s n'importe o\u00F9 dans la galaxie, mais beaucoup consid\u00E8rent que l'incroyable maniabilit\u00E9 due au Helios permet non seulement d'effectuer des micro-changements de cap, mais \u00E9galement de booster la vitesse du chasseur sur un laps de temps tr\u00E8s court. Une fois un pilote habitu\u00E9 \u00E0 ce nouveau syst\u00E8me, il est en mesure d'effectuer les man\u0153uvres les plus spectaculaires sans le moindre effort. Cat\u00E9gorie:Vaisseaux et v\u00E9hicules"@fr . "64.8"^^ . "Male"@en . "STR Incense"@en . "15000"^^ . . . "4"^^ . . . "6"^^ . . "62"^^ . "*Ouranos \u2020\n*Gaia \u2020\n*Pontus \u2020\n*Cronos \u2020\n*Oceanus \u2020\n*Gyges \u2020\n*Aegaeon \u2020\n*Cottus \n*Hyperion \u2020\n*Theia \n*Selene \n*Eos \n*Astraeus \n*Boreas \u2020\n*Hades \u2020\n*Hestia \n*Poseidon \u2020\n*Demeter \n*Hera \u2020\n*Zeus \u2020"@en . . . . . . . "In the anime, Elysion was a land supported by the energy of the beautiful dreams of humans. Queen Nehellenia and her minions from the Dead Moon Circus invaded Elysion in search of the Golden Crystal, but because she did not have a beautiful dream, she was unable to take it. Instead, she captured Helios and locked him away. When he saw the light of Rini's beautiful dream, his spirit took the form of Pegasus and took refuge in it. As Pegasus, he gave Sailor Moon the Kaleidomoon Scope and Sailor Mini Moon the Crystal Carillon; using the Carillon, Sailor Mini Moon summoned Pegasus, allowing Sailor Moon to use his power to perform Moon Gorgeous Meditation. He revealed his identity first to Rini, in episode 158, and then in episode 162 to the Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask. When the Dead Moon finally discovered that Pegasus was hiding in Rini's dream and captured her, Queen Nehellenia cast a spell on the girl to put her in an eternal sleep. In episode 165, Helios gave her a kiss that revived her. She then used the power of the Golden Crystal, with the help of the people of Earth, and destroyed the Dead Moon Circus. Helios then left to return to his duties in Elysion, but gave Rini a kiss on the hand before he left, leaving the Inner Scouts to remark in dismay that even Rini had a boyfriend before they did."@en . . "281"^^ . . "Image gallery"@en . . "218.75"^^ . "Sith Empire"@en . . . . . "5000"^^ . . "Helios was a sun god worshiped by the ancient Greeks. The Colossus of Rhodes was constructed in Helios' image."@en . . . "60"^^ . "Fieldron"@en . . "8"^^ . . . "38"^^ . "1"^^ . "White"@en . . . . "27"^^ . "Helios"@es . . . . "20"^^ . . . "250"^^ . . "48"^^ . . . . "6"^^ . "Oxium"@en . . . . . "7500"^^ . . "45"^^ . "Trevor Mann (October 11, 1988) is an American professional wrestler better known by the ring name Ricochet. He is currently wrestling in the Japanese promotion Dragon Gate, where he is a former Open the Dream Gate, Open The Brave Gate, Open The Twin Gate and Open The Triangle Gate champion. Ricochet also wrestles for the American promotions Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG), where he won the 2014 Battle Of Los Angeles, and Dragon Gate USA (DGUSA), where he is the reigning Open the Freedom Gate Champion, and previously Chikara, where he mainly worked under a mask as Helios. He has also worked for New Japan Pro Wrestling, where he is the winner of the 2014 Best of the Super Juniors tournament. Ricochet also wrestles for AAA Lucha Underground, where he is the current reigning AAA Lucha Underground Champion under the name, Prince Puma."@en . "5"^^ . . . . . . "Palace of the Sun"@en . "C"@en . . "Carlos Carvalho; Corona_carlos_01.JPG"@en . . . . . . . . . "Helios is a Corpus support Sentinel pre-equipped with the Glaive-esque Deconstructor as its default weapon and the Investigator precept to assist the player with Codex scans. Additionally, Detect Vulnerability can be used to scan for weak points on enemies with already completed Codex entries."@en . . . . "Conjunto de varios enjambres de Estorninos"@es . . . . . "Augeas, Ae\u00EBtes and Phaethon"@en . . . . "3"^^ . "Greek"@en . . . . . "Pitban 240"@en . "Species"@en . . . . . "Helios"@pl .