"Lovci z druhu Eska lovili drayjiny kv\u016Fli j\u00EDdlu a trofej\u00EDm. Podle Eskan\u016F, je maso z drayjina \"jedn\u00EDm z nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDch pot\u011B\u0161en\u00ED v \u017Eivot\u011B.\" Komand\u00E9r Tucker popsal drayjina jako velk\u00E9 odporn\u00E9 prase, kter\u00E9 stejn\u011B tak i chutn\u00E1. Drayjin je st\u011Bhovav\u00FD tvor, a samice mohou b\u00FDt obzvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B agresivn\u00ED kdy\u017E chr\u00E1n\u00ED sv\u00E9 hn\u00EDzdo. P\u0159\u00EDzra\u010Dn\u00ED obyvatel\u00E9 planety vyu\u017E\u00EDvali podoby drayjina aby se uchr\u00E1nili p\u0159ed Eskany. (ENT: \"Rogue Planet\")"@cs . . "Drayjin"@de . . . . "Drayjin"@cs . . "Drayjin ist die Bezeichnung der Eska f\u00FCr eine auf dem Planeten Dakala lebende Tierart. Bei den Eska sind die Drayjin eine sehr beliebte Jagdbeute. (ENT: )"@de . "Lovci z druhu Eska lovili drayjiny kv\u016Fli j\u00EDdlu a trofej\u00EDm. Podle Eskan\u016F, je maso z drayjina \"jedn\u00EDm z nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00EDch pot\u011B\u0161en\u00ED v \u017Eivot\u011B.\" Komand\u00E9r Tucker popsal drayjina jako velk\u00E9 odporn\u00E9 prase, kter\u00E9 stejn\u011B tak i chutn\u00E1. Drayjin je st\u011Bhovav\u00FD tvor, a samice mohou b\u00FDt obzvl\u00E1\u0161t\u011B agresivn\u00ED kdy\u017E chr\u00E1n\u00ED sv\u00E9 hn\u00EDzdo. P\u0159\u00EDzra\u010Dn\u00ED obyvatel\u00E9 planety vyu\u017E\u00EDvali podoby drayjina aby se uchr\u00E1nili p\u0159ed Eskany. (ENT: \"Rogue Planet\")"@cs . . "Drayjin"@en . . "According to the Eska, drayjin meat was \"one of life's great pleasures.\" Commander Charles Tucker III described a drayjin by saying, \"It looks like a big, nasty pig. Kind of tastes like one, too.\" Drayjin were migratory and females could be very aggressive, especially when they were protecting a nest. Wraith, who were native to Dakala, were known to turn into drayjins in order to hide from the Eska hunters. (ENT: \"Rogue Planet\")"@en . . "According to the Eska, drayjin meat was \"one of life's great pleasures.\" Commander Charles Tucker III described a drayjin by saying, \"It looks like a big, nasty pig. Kind of tastes like one, too.\" Drayjin were migratory and females could be very aggressive, especially when they were protecting a nest. Wraith, who were native to Dakala, were known to turn into drayjins in order to hide from the Eska hunters. (ENT: \"Rogue Planet\") In the final draft script of \"Rogue Planet\", the drayjin was described as \"a large, boar-like animal.\" The drayjin was a CGI model built by John Teska at Foundation Imaging, who used the computer files of previously built targs from ENT: \"Sleeping Dogs\" and manipulated them into the new creature. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 3, Issue 7, pp. 54) Teska recalled, \"It took a half dozen versions to get it right. I went through a walk cycle, a trot cycle, and a canter, trying to figure out exactly what feel the producers were looking for.\" (Star Trek Monthly issue 106, pp. 44)"@en . . . "Drayjin ist die Bezeichnung der Eska f\u00FCr eine auf dem Planeten Dakala lebende Tierart. Bei den Eska sind die Drayjin eine sehr beliebte Jagdbeute. (ENT: )"@de .