"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (also known as Twilight Princess and LoZ: TP) is the thirteenth game in the Legend of Zelda series, released for Nintendo GameCube and as a launch title for the Wii."@en . "Nintendo"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@es . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@de . "AUS 12/07/06"@en . . . . . . . "Categoria:Giochi The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9, Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu in lingua originale) \u00E8 un videogioco della serie The Legend of Zelda rilasciato per GameCube e Wii dalla Nintendo. La sua uscita, inizialmente fissata per novembre 2005, fu posticipata al fine di permettere ai programmatori di migliorare la qualit\u00E0 del titolo. La versione per Nintendo Wii fu messa in commercio durante il lancio della console il 19 novembre 2006 in Nord America, il 2 dicembre in Giappone, il 7 dicembre in Australia e l'8 dicembre in Europa, rendendo cos\u00EC Twilight Princess il primo gioco della serie ad essere un titolo di lancio di una console Nintendo; la versione per GameCube fu pubblicata invece il 2 dicembre 2006 in Giappone, il 12 dicembre in Nord America e Australia e il 15 dicembre in Europa. Nella versione per Wii l'intero gioco \u00E8 speculare rispetto alla versione per Gamecube, affinch\u00E9 Link appaia destrorso, anzich\u00E9 mancino come da tradizione nella saga. Tale scelta \u00E8 dovuta al fatto che la maggior parte delle persone \u00E8 anch'essa destrorsa, perci\u00F2 tali giocatori, tenendo il Telecomando Wii con la mano destra, si sarebbero immedesimati meno in un protagonista mancino. L'unico altro gioco in cui questo accade \u00E8 l'altro titolo per Wii, Skyward Sword, sempre per lo stesso motivo."@it . . . "300"^^ . "GameCube Game Disc"@en . . . "Konsolen"@de . "Wii"@en . . . "10"^^ . "Wii: 30 of 30"@en . . . "Wii: 95 / 100"@en . . . "adventure"@en . . . . . . "--03-05"^^ . . "2006-11-19"^^ . "34"^^ . "GCN: 96 / 100"@en . "GCN: 9.5 of 10"@en . "green"@es . "Die Story von Twilight Princess beginnt in einem kleinen, verschlafenen D\u00F6rfchen im S\u00FCden von Hyrule. In dem l\u00E4ndlichen Ordon leben haupts\u00E4chlich Farm Arbeiter, die ihre Br\u00F6tchen entweder mit dem Z\u00FCchten von originalen Ordon K\u00FCrbissen oder mit der Milch der Ordon Ziegen verdienen. Dort lebt auch ein junger Hylianer, der seit einer ungenauen Zeit auf der Farm hilft. Dieser Hylianer ist Link und er ist sehr beliebt bei den Einwohnern des Dorfes, besonders bei den Kinden. Moe, der Schwertmeister des Dorfes, bittet Link eines Tages f\u00FCr ihn nach Hyrule zu gehen und der K\u00F6nigsfamilie ein Geschenk zu \u00FCbergeben. An dem Tag, an dem Link abreisen sollte, wird jedoch sein Dorf von Kreaturen angegriffen. Link wird dabei \u00FCberw\u00E4ltigt und die Kinder des Dorfen werden entf\u00FChrt. Als Link in die W\u00E4lder eilt um die Kinder zu retten, wird er in die Schattenwelt gezogen. Dort wird er von einer heiligen Macht vor einer Kreatur der Schatten errettet. Jedoch verwandelt diese Macht Link gleichzeitig in einen Wolf. Sp\u00E4ter wacht Link in einer Art Gef\u00E4ngnis auf, wo er von einer Schattengestallt namens Midna \u00FCberrascht wird. Midna hilft Link aus dem Gef\u00E4ngnis zu entkommen. Da Midna dem Link in Wolfsgestalt eine Person vorstellen will, durchqueren die beiden das ganze Gebiet in dem sie sich derzeit Befinden. In einem allein stehenden Turn trifft Link auf die Person, die Midna wollte dass er trifft. Diese Person entpuppt sich als Zelda die Prinzessin von Hyrule, welche Link erz\u00E4hlt, warum das Land nun in solch einer Situation steckt. N\u00E4mlich hat der K\u00F6nig der Schatten, Zanto, das Land von Hyrule angegriffen und die Schatten \u00FCber die Welt gebracht. Zelda sah nur einen Ausweg und hisste die wei\u00DFe Flagge um ihr Volk zu sch\u00FCtzen. Zur\u00FCck an der Ordoner Quelle begibt sich Wolf-Link, geleitet von Midna, in das Dorf um ein Schwert und ein Schild sich anzueignen. In dieser Nacht, wirkt das Dorf wie ausgestorben und Link merkt schnell die sentimentale Stimmung der Einwohner, die sogar einen Wolf aus Verzweiflung angreifen. Das Schild l\u00E4sst sich schnell finden, in dem Haus von Bettys Familie findet Link das Ordon Schild, eine Sonderanfertigung des Dorfes. Jedoch, als Link aus dem Fenster springt, beginnt Moe die Bewachung des Dorfes. Versteckt in den Schatten, begibt sich Link in das Haus von Moe und entwendet das Schwert, welches als Geschenk f\u00FCr Hyrule gedacht war. Als sich Link und Midna zur\u00FCck in den Wald begeben, sehen die beiden wie die Quelle des Lichtgeistes Latoan von einer Scattenbestie angegriffen wird. Nachdem Link die Bestie besiegte, zeigt sich Latoan vor Link und dankt ihm f\u00FCr seine Taten. Midna hilf Link in die Schattenwelt zu gelangen, die \u00FCber den Wald von Phirone h\u00E4ngt. Dort wird Link von dem Lichtgeist des Gebietes gebeten den Strahlentau zu f\u00FCllen um das Land zur\u00FCck ins Licht zu bringen. Link und Midna durchlaufen dabei den gesamten Wald. Ihre Suche endet am Waldschrein, wo sie einen Affen vor den Schattenk\u00E4fern retten."@de . "--03-10"^^ . "The Minish Cap"@en . "No *CRICK* ehm\u2026 volevamo dire S\u00CC!!"@it . . . . . . "USA 11/19/06"@en . "Nintendo EAD"@de . . "Das Cover von The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@de . . . "250"^^ . . "Acci\u00F3n-Aventura"@es . "YMCA"@en . "Categoria:Giochi The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9, Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu in lingua originale) \u00E8 un videogioco della serie The Legend of Zelda rilasciato per GameCube e Wii dalla Nintendo. La sua uscita, inizialmente fissata per novembre 2005, fu posticipata al fine di permettere ai programmatori di migliorare la qualit\u00E0 del titolo. La versione per Nintendo Wii fu messa in commercio durante il lancio della console il 19 novembre 2006 in Nord America, il 2 dicembre in Giappone, il 7 dicembre in Australia e l'8 dicembre in Europa, rendendo cos\u00EC Twilight Princess il primo gioco della serie ad essere un titolo di lancio di una console Nintendo; la versione per GameCube fu pubblicata invece il 2 dicembre 2006 in Giappone, il 12 dicembre in Nord America"@it . . . . "Vorg\u00E4nger laut offizieller Zeitlinie"@de . . ""@es . . "1"^^ . "Die Story von Twilight Princess beginnt in einem kleinen, verschlafenen D\u00F6rfchen im S\u00FCden von Hyrule. In dem l\u00E4ndlichen Ordon leben haupts\u00E4chlich Farm Arbeiter, die ihre Br\u00F6tchen entweder mit dem Z\u00FCchten von originalen Ordon K\u00FCrbissen oder mit der Milch der Ordon Ziegen verdienen. Dort lebt auch ein junger Hylianer, der seit einer ungenauen Zeit auf der Farm hilft. Dieser Hylianer ist Link und er ist sehr beliebt bei den Einwohnern des Dorfes, besonders bei den Kinden. Moe, der Schwertmeister des Dorfes, bittet Link eines Tages f\u00FCr ihn nach Hyrule zu gehen und der K\u00F6nigsfamilie ein Geschenk zu \u00FCbergeben. An dem Tag, an dem Link abreisen sollte, wird jedoch sein Dorf von Kreaturen angegriffen. Link wird dabei \u00FCberw\u00E4ltigt und die Kinder des Dorfen werden entf\u00FChrt."@de . . "#505040"@en . . "Hero of Twilight"@en . "ESRB: T"@en . "CERO: B"@en . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the latest Zelda title, which was released for the GameCube and Wii in 2006. It was Miyamoto's biggest project ever, and he took WAY too long to release it. Then again, the last Zelda game that wasn't delayed ended up being Wind Waker. It is obvious to all that two dungeons had to be cut to release the game so early. In the end, Twilight Princess ended up being very overrated. Not because Link became a furry, but because the Legend of Zelda series cannot possibly live up to its reputation of yore for any longer. They try something different and people hate it. They try something old and everyone compares it to Ocarina of Time. Yet, much like Final Fantasy, the Legend of Zelda will never go away because it will keep putting up major sales numbers. This game ripped off Okami."@en . "GCN: 9.5 of 10"@en . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@it . "PEGI 12+"@it . . . . . "30"^^ . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@de . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@it . "2006-12-02"^^ . "USK: 12"@de . . . "Toru Minegishi, Asuka \u014Cta y K\u014Dji Kond\u014D"@es . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@es . "a"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the thirteenth game in The Legend of Zelda series. It was released for the Game Cube and Wii. In Twilight Princess, Link is a mere farmhand living a passive life in peaceful Ordon Village. This peace is shattered when strange shadow monsters invade and kidnap some of the children, including Link's best friend Ilia. Pursuing them, Link discovers that most of Hyrule has become drowned in \"Twilight\": an oppressive darkness where monsters thrive and life is frozen. What's more, this Twilight curses him into the form of a wolf, which brings with it a whole new set of abilities (like a wolf's sense of smell). Fortunately, his lack of opposable thumbs is made up for by a sarcastic imp named Midna, a denizen of the Twilight who allies with Link for her own"@en . . . . . . . "Avventura interminabile"@it . . . "Wii: 8.8 of 10"@en . "Action-Adventure"@de . "Asuka Ota"@en . . . "Yes"@en . "--12-19"^^ . . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@en . "Platform:"@en . "2006-12-15"^^ . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the 88th episode of Honest Game Trailers. It was released March 1, 2016."@en . "The Legend of Zelda Wiki"@es . . "ESRB: Teen"@en . . . . "Publisher"@en . . . . . "Nintendo Wii"@de . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Rating:"@en . . . . . "North American GameCube box art"@en . . . . . . . "EUR 12/08/06"@en . "Series"@en . "10"^^ . "Mitsuhiro Takano"@en . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@en . . "10"^^ . "Nintendo"@de . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the third official Zelda game released for the Gamecube."@en . . "Eiji Aonuma"@en . . . "2006-12-08"^^ . . . . "Wii"@es . "Towairaito Purinsesu"@en . "--12-02"^^ . "Modified version of the The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker"@en . "meh"@en . . "2006-12-02"^^ . "Nintendo"@de . . . ""@es . . "Twilight Princess is also the first game in The Legend of Zelda series to receive a T (Teen) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), which cited fantasy violence and animated blood as reasons for the more mature rating. At the time of its release, Twilight Princess was considered to be the greatest Zelda game ever made by many critics, including writers for 1UP.com, CVG, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, IGN and The Washington Post. It also received several Game of the Year awards and was the most critically acclaimed game of 2006. The Wii version was re-released as part of the Nintendo Selects range."@en . "Designer"@en . . . "A"@en . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the thirteenth game in The Legend of Zelda series. It was released for the Game Cube and Wii. In Twilight Princess, Link is a mere farmhand living a passive life in peaceful Ordon Village. This peace is shattered when strange shadow monsters invade and kidnap some of the children, including Link's best friend Ilia. Pursuing them, Link discovers that most of Hyrule has become drowned in \"Twilight\": an oppressive darkness where monsters thrive and life is frozen. What's more, this Twilight curses him into the form of a wolf, which brings with it a whole new set of abilities (like a wolf's sense of smell). Fortunately, his lack of opposable thumbs is made up for by a sarcastic imp named Midna, a denizen of the Twilight who allies with Link for her own mysterious reasons. Together they must fight Zant, the King of the Twilight, who seeks to rule over both the realms of light and shadow. The game featured a realistic graphics style that had been eagerly anticipated by fans since Ocarina of Time. The main gimmick is that Link can (eventually) shapeshift at will between his Hylian and wolf forms in order to solve puzzles and pass obstacles. The game also features more complex character development than most other titles have had (Link, in particular, has an actual life before the whole story starts), attempted to include a bit of moral complexity (primarily Dark Is Not Evil) and is the first to feature a character with near-full voice acting (Midna, even though it's just random gibberish). Despite these innovations, Twilight Princess sticks firmly to the series formula of \"Gather first set of Plot Coupons, Master Sword, gather second set of plot coupons, final dungeon.\" Defenders point out that every game in the series (even the acclaimed Ocarina Of Time) has followed this formula, while critics argue that on this occasion the formula was detrimental to the game. It has also been criticized for having the most blatant example of Hijacked by Ganon in the series. However, this formula is done much differently in Twilight Princess in regards to function, as the dungeons have nothing to do with unlocking the Master Sword or awakening Sages, as they did in previous titles. The game is also unusual in the Zelda canon for having no \"magic\" bar - indeed, magic has far less of a role in this game than in any other title. There isn't even any real Magic Music, with the only music-creating interface (Howling) being mostly one-time things. The game's dual-console release is something of a coincidence. Originally developed solely for Game Cube, its development cycle took so long that the Wii was preparing to launch by the time it was done. So a hasty port was made to add Twilight Princess to the Wii's launch line-up, with the addition of motion controls for the sword and bow so that a swing of the Wii Remote would swing Link's sword. While this was great advertising, Nintendo hit a Spanner in the Works when they remembered that Link is left-handed, unlike a good 90% of the human race. Their fix was to flop the entire game left-to-right so that Link would hold his sword in the same hand as most players (ironically, the Wii Remote was the only controller in the Console Wars that was fully ambidextrous up until the release of Kinect and Play Station Move). Many fans argue that Twilight Princess was not intended to revolutionize the series, but to perfect the pre-existing formula introduced in Ocarina of Time just as A Link to the Past perfected the gameplay formula introduced in the original game. Whether or not the game succeeded depends on which side of the Broken Base you are on. However, the game was well-received by critics, some (including IGN) declaring it the greatest Zelda game ever."@en . "2006-12-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Eiji Aonuma"@en . . . . . . "B"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu) is an action-adventure game developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development, and published by Nintendo for the GameCube and Wii video game consoles. It is the thirteenth installment in The Legend of Zelda series. Originally planned for release in November 2005, Twilight Princess was delayed by Nintendo to allow its developers to refine the game, add more content and port it to the Wii. The Wii version was also released alongside the Wii console on November 19, 2006, in North America, and in December 2006 in Japan, Europe, and Australia. This made Twilight Princess the first Zelda game released at the launch of a Nintendo console. The GameCube version was released in December 2006, and was the last Nintendo-published game for the console, as well as the final official GameCube game released in Japan. The story focuses on series protagonist Link, who tries to prevent Hyrule from being engulfed by a corrupted parallel dimension known as the Twilight Realm. To do so, he takes the forms of both a hylian and a wolf, and is assisted by a mysterious creature named Midna. The game takes place approximately 100 years after Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, in an alternate timeline from The Wind Waker. Twilight Princess is also the first game in The Legend of Zelda series to receive a T (Teen) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), which cited fantasy violence and animated blood as reasons for the more mature rating. At the time of its release, Twilight Princess was considered to be the greatest Zelda game ever made by many critics, including writers for 1UP.com, CVG, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, IGN and The Washington Post. It also received several Game of the Year awards and was the most critically acclaimed game of 2006. The Wii version was re-released as part of the Nintendo Selects range."@en . "Eiji Aonuma"@de . . "Herausgekommen"@de . "1"^^ . "250"^^ . . . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . "Wii:"@en . . . . "Twilight Princess"@en . "The Legend of Zelda"@en . . "Triforce"@en . . . . . . "Developer"@en . . . . "Eiji Aonuma"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Japanese: \u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9) is a video game for the Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii that was released in 2006. It was developed and published by Nintendo, and is the thirteenth video game in the very popular The Legend of Zelda series. The game was originally going to be released solely on the GameCube in November 2005, though it was delayed by a whole year. Shortly before E3 2006, it was reported by EGM that the game would be released on both the Wii and GameCube consoles."@en . "Yoshiyuki Oyama"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the third official Zelda game released for the Gamecube."@en . . "24"^^ . . "GameCube"@it . . "Wii: 9.5 of 10"@en . . "ESRB: T"@es . . "Wii U"@es . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess' Testiclysud6t7g"@en . . . "GameCube"@es . "Nintendo Gamecube"@en . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ist ein Videospiel von Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Develpoment und wurde am 19.11.2006 erstmals herausgegeben. Es ist das dreizehnte Spiel der Reihe, vor ihm wurde The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures und nach ihm wurde The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass herausgegeben. Das Spiel wurde bis 31. M\u00E4rz 2011 f\u00FCr die Wii 5,82 Millionen-mal und bis 31. M\u00E4rz 2007 f\u00FCr den GameCube 1,32 Millionen-mal verkauft. Im Spiel geht es darum, dass man das K\u00F6nigreich Hyrule davor bewahrt, von einer Paralleldimension namens Schattenreich, verschlungen zu werden."@de . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@en . . "2006-12-12"^^ . . "GCN, Wii"@en . . . . . "Genre"@de . "Nintendo EAD"@en . "uzm6DQbya7_9uLUBz0Foxg1WFZfgV-en"@en . . "Action-adventure"@en . "300"^^ . . "748"^^ . "Single player"@en . "12.0"^^ . ""@es . "No, but he'd play with himself"@en . "T"@en . . . "Wii: 9.5 of 10"@en . . "2006-12-11"^^ . . . . . "2006-12-07"^^ . . . "20"^^ . "Action-Adventure"@de . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess ist ein Videospiel von Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Develpoment und wurde am 19.11.2006 erstmals herausgegeben. Es ist das dreizehnte Spiel der Reihe, vor ihm wurde The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures und nach ihm wurde The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass herausgegeben. Das Spiel wurde bis 31. M\u00E4rz 2011 f\u00FCr die Wii 5,82 Millionen-mal und bis 31. M\u00E4rz 2007 f\u00FCr den GameCube 1,32 Millionen-mal verkauft. Im Spiel geht es darum, dass man das K\u00F6nigreich Hyrule davor bewahrt, von einer Paralleldimension namens Schattenreich, verschlungen zu werden."@de . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the latest Zelda title, which was released for the GameCube and Wii in 2006. It was Miyamoto's biggest project ever, and he took WAY too long to release it. Then again, the last Zelda game that wasn't delayed ended up being Wind Waker. It is obvious to all that two dungeons had to be cut to release the game so early. This game ripped off Okami."@en . . "Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask"@en . "Mode:"@en . "2006-11-19"^^ . . . . . . "Nintendo"@en . . . "Nintendo GameCube\n20px 2 de diciembre de 2006"@es . . . "TP_LOGO.jpg"@en . . "2006-12-07"^^ . "Nintendo EAD"@en . . "716"^^ . . . ""@en . . "Vorg\u00E4nger"@de . "OFLC: M"@en . . . . . "North American Wii box art"@en . "159"^^ . . . . . . . . "File:zelda twilight princess.jpg"@de . . "Nintendo GameCube"@en . . . "JAP 12/02/06"@en . . . . "9"^^ . "200"^^ . "2006-11-19"^^ . . . . . . . . "--12-15"^^ . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess \u00E8 un videogioco della Nintendo, dalla durata complessiva di cinque anni."@it . . . . "Wii:\n\n19.11.2006 \n\n2.12.2006 \n\n7.12.2006 \n\n8.12.2006 \n\nGameCube:\n\n2.12.2006 \n\n11.12.2006 \n\n15.12.2006 \n\n19.12.2006"@de . "--12-12"^^ . "Wii Optical Disc"@en . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@en . . "250"^^ . "Nintendo gameTriangle and Nintendo Pii"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9, Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu) is the thirteenth game in Nintendo's critically acclaimed The Legend of Zelda video game series. It is an action-adventure game developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development and published by Nintendo for the Wii and Nintendo GameCube video game consoles."@en . . "GameCube"@en . . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the 88th episode of Honest Game Trailers. It was released March 1, 2016."@en . . . "4"^^ . . "220"^^ . "Modified version of The Wind Waker's engine"@en . . . "1"^^ . . . "Nachfolger"@de . . . "Wii, Nintendo GameCube"@en . "TP"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu) is an action-adventure game developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development, and published by Nintendo for the GameCube and Wii video game consoles. It is the thirteenth installment in The Legend of Zelda series. Originally planned for release in November 2005, Twilight Princess was delayed by Nintendo to allow its developers to refine the game, add more content and port it to the Wii. The Wii version was also released alongside the Wii console on November 19, 2006, in North America, and in December 2006 in Japan, Europe, and Australia. This made Twilight Princess the first Zelda game released at the launch of a Nintendo console. The GameCube version was released in December 2006,"@en . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (\u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9, Zeruda no Densetsu Towairaito Purinsesu) is the thirteenth game in Nintendo's critically acclaimed The Legend of Zelda video game series. It is an action-adventure game developed by Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development and published by Nintendo for the Wii and Nintendo GameCube video game consoles. Originally planned for release in November 2005, it was delayed by Nintendo so that the EAD staff could add more content and refine the game. The Wii version was released on the dates of the Wii launch, in November and December 2006. This makes Twilight Princess the first Zelda game to debut at the launch of a Nintendo console. The GameCube version was released in December 2006, making this game the last title to be released for the GameCube. Twilight Princess was called The Wind Waker 2 during its early internal development, but was changed to Twilight Princess as development progressed. The Wii and GameCube versions are identical except that they are mirror images of each other. Twilight Princess is the first game in The Legend of Zelda series to be rated T by the ESRB, for fantasy violence and animated blood. The game's story focuses on Link as he tries to prevent the Twilight Realm from engulfing Hyrule as both a human and a wolf with the help of a mysterious creature named Midna. It takes place many years after Majora's Mask, on the timeline created after the events of Ocarina of Time. The Wii version is also the first game in which Link is right-handed."@en . . . . . . . . "one"@en . ""@es . . . "12"^^ . "GameCube - GameCube Controller"@en . . . . . . "Nachfolger laut offizieller Zeitlinie"@de . . . . "Nintendo Selects"@en . "Trivellazione"@it . . . "Nintendo Entertainment Analysis & Development"@de . . "250"^^ . . . "Single-player"@en . . "250"^^ . "WARNING: This page has been rated by the ESRB! The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a video game that revolves around some werewolf going on a rampage amongst completely oblivious twats that don't notice their Kingdom is being occupied by evil demonic forces. The game is known for being much darker than the other Zelda games. Link holds a sword throughout the entire game, allowing the player to kill babas as well as ganon. This led to a T rating (12+ outside of the US). The violence startled the parents, whose children played the game. The game actually made more money than the other Zelda games."@en . "meh"@en . "Wii Remote and Nunchuk, GameCube Controller"@en . "2006-12-02"^^ . . . . . . . "For the Nintendo Wii. \n* Explore the title screen area \n* Spinner trap sound glitch \n* Floating Rock \n* Infamous Cannon Room Glitch"@en . "Nintendo EAD"@it . . "Wii: A+"@en . . . . "Shigeru Miyamoto"@en . "Entwickler"@de . . . . . "Herausgeber"@de . "PEGI: 12"@es . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (also known as Twilight Princess and LoZ: TP) is the thirteenth game in the Legend of Zelda series, released for Nintendo GameCube and as a launch title for the Wii."@en . . . . . . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@de . . "40"^^ . "Wii U"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@en . "\"Damn! Are those real?!\""@en . . "2009-08-27"^^ . "None"@en . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess \u00E8 un videogioco della Nintendo, dalla durata complessiva di cinque anni."@it . . "Wii: 38 of 40"@en . . . "Bigger Than Yours"@en . "Wii Remote and Nunchuk, GameCube controller"@en . . . . "Wii"@it . . . . . . . . . . "For the Nintendo Wii. \n* Explore the title screen area \n* Spinner trap sound glitch \n* Floating Rock \n* Infamous Cannon Room Glitch"@en . "Wii"@en . . . . "Zeruda no Densetsu"@en . . . . "GCN: 8.9 of 10"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . . . . "PEGI: 12+"@en . "Aya Kyogoku"@en . . . . . "Wii, Nintendo GameCube"@de . . . . "Spieleranzahl"@de . . "Twilight Princess is also the first game in The Legend of Zelda series to receive a T (Teen) rating from the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB), which cited fantasy violence and animated blood as reasons for the more mature rating. At the time of its release, Twilight Princess was considered to be the greatest Zelda game ever made by many critics, including writers for 1UP.com, CVG, Electronic Gaming Monthly, Game Informer, GamesRadar, IGN and The Washington Post. It also received several Game of the Year awards and was the most critically acclaimed game of 2006. The Wii version was re-released as part of the Nintendo Selects range."@en . . . . "M"@en . . . "Gente che la Nintendo ha adocchiato per strada"@it . . . . "160"^^ . "250"^^ . . "10000"^^ . . "Takayuki Ikkaku"@en . "--11-19"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "2006-12-15"^^ . . . . . . "--03-04"^^ . "Action-Adventure"@en . "Game"@en . "Satoru Takizawa"@en . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Japanese: \u30BC\u30EB\u30C0\u306E\u4F1D\u8AAC \u30C8\u30EF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8\u30D7\u30EA\u30F3\u30BB\u30B9) is a video game for the Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo Wii that was released in 2006. It was developed and published by Nintendo, and is the thirteenth video game in the very popular The Legend of Zelda series. The game was originally going to be released solely on the GameCube in November 2005, though it was delayed by a whole year. Shortly before E3 2006, it was reported by EGM that the game would be released on both the Wii and GameCube consoles. The game has a more mature theme than previous incarnations, and is the first game in the series to be rated T for Teen by the ESRB."@en . . . . . "--12-11"^^ . . "2006-12-19"^^ . "300"^^ . . . . . . "Wii - Wii Remote and Nunchuk Controller"@en . . "--12-07"^^ . "Release Date:"@en . "250"^^ . . . . . "Acci\u00F3n, aventura"@es . . . . . . . . "Ein-Spieler-Modus"@de . . . "T"@en . "WARNING: This page has been rated by the ESRB! The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is a video game that revolves around some werewolf going on a rampage amongst completely oblivious twats that don't notice their Kingdom is being occupied by evil demonic forces. The game is known for being much darker than the other Zelda games. Link holds a sword throughout the entire game, allowing the player to kill babas as well as ganon. This led to a T rating (12+ outside of the US). The violence startled the parents, whose children played the game. The game actually made more money than the other Zelda games. Originally planned for release in November 2005, it was delayed by Nintendo so that the EAD staff could add more content and refine the game. The Wii version was released on the day of the Nintendo Revolution and was later made King of the Nintendo States of America in November and December of 2006. This makes Twilight Princess the first Zelda game to be King at the very debut at the launch of a Nintendo console. The GameCube version, which was made first and in our Universe (unlike the Wii version which was made in a parallel universe where everything is back-to-front) was released in December 2006. Twilight Princess was called The Wind Waker 2 during its early internal development, but was changed to Twilight Princess when the staff realised it would be fun to put two versions of Tingle in it. Twilight Princess is the first game in The Legend of Zelda series to be rated T by the ESRB, despite having no tea in it whatsoever. The game's story takes place not long after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and focuses on some werewolf as he goes on a rampage amongst completely oblivious twats that don't notice their Kingdom is being occupied by evil demonic forces."@en . "2006-12-08"^^ . . . . . "10"^^ . "Nintendo GameCube,"@de . . . "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"@it . "--12-08"^^ .