. . "Unbekannt"@de . . "Nastasia was a drow priestess of Eilistraee in Lake Sember in 1375 DR."@en . "Nastasia is a character in the Wii video game Super Paper Mario. She is Count Bleck's right-hand minion and possesses the power to use hypnotic magic, which is most commonly used to turn allies of Mario into enemies. She is in love with Count Bleck and wants to replace Timpani as his love interest but is always denied. Apparently, she has command over Bleck's other minions, forcing O'Chunks to write an essay about Count Bleck and write and sing a song praising him as punishment for failing to stop Mario."@en . "Son pouvoir hypnotique permet de laver le cerveau de ses ennemis, mais ne fonctionne pas beaucoup sur les quatre h\u00E9ros, m\u00EAme s'il obligea Peach \u00E0 accepter la demande en mariage de Bowser. Nastasia est tr\u00E8s fid\u00E8le au compte Niark et compte le suivre jusqu'au bout de son plan. Elle semble \u00EAtre amoureuse de lui, un amour non r\u00E9ciproque, depuis qu'il lui a sauv\u00E9 la vie. C'est ainsi qu'elle sauve aussi la sienne \u00E0 la fin de Super Paper Mario, alors que Dimensio tire un missile magique en direction du comte, elle se jette devant lui et le prot\u00E8ge de l'attaque. Une fois les mondes revenus \u00E0 la normale, elle pleure sa disparition, avant que Mimic et Mc Astagne lui remontent le moral, en disant que non, elle n'est pas seule, puisqu'ils sont l\u00E0."@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "D"@en . "Nastasia is a character in the Wii video game Super Paper Mario. She is Count Bleck's right-hand minion and possesses the power to use hypnotic magic, which is most commonly used to turn allies of Mario into enemies. She is in love with Count Bleck and wants to replace Timpani as his love interest but is always denied. Apparently, she has command over Bleck's other minions, forcing O'Chunks to write an essay about Count Bleck and write and sing a song praising him as punishment for failing to stop Mario."@en . . . "Femenino"@es . "DR"@en . "None"@en . . . "Nastasia.png"@de . "Nastasia is an antagonist in Super Paper Mario. She is Count Bleck's secretary and second-in-command, with hypnotic powers which she uses to brainwash people into serving Count Bleck. She is in love with Count bleck but knows her feelings will not be returned. O'Chunks appears to be in love with her, despite the fact that she gives him numerous punishments for his failure to defeat Mario, such as writing a thousand-word report or singing a motivational song a thousand times. She wanted Bleck to stop the prophecy, but Bleck knew it could not be stopped unless he was defeated."@en . . . "Nastasia"@en . . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . . . . . . . "Nastasia"@de . "Serving Count Bleck."@en . . . "Son pouvoir hypnotique permet de laver le cerveau de ses ennemis, mais ne fonctionne pas beaucoup sur les quatre h\u00E9ros, m\u00EAme s'il obligea Peach \u00E0 accepter la demande en mariage de Bowser. Nastasia est tr\u00E8s fid\u00E8le au compte Niark et compte le suivre jusqu'au bout de son plan. Elle semble \u00EAtre amoureuse de lui, un amour non r\u00E9ciproque, depuis qu'il lui a sauv\u00E9 la vie. C'est ainsi qu'elle sauve aussi la sienne \u00E0 la fin de Super Paper Mario, alors que Dimensio tire un missile magique en direction du comte, elle se jette devant lui et le prot\u00E8ge de l'attaque. Une fois les mondes revenus \u00E0 la normale, elle pleure sa disparition, avant que Mimic et Mc Astagne lui remontent le moral, en disant que non, elle n'est pas seule, puisqu'ils sont l\u00E0. Son hypnose ne s'active que lorsqu'elle soul\u00E8ve ses lunettes, alors la cible est entour\u00E9e de carr\u00E9s rouges et se retrouve sous son emprise. L'hypnose peut aussi causer des changements physiques, comme les Koopas transform\u00E9s qui gagnent des lunettes de soleil noires et un collier \u00E0 pics. Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages Cat\u00E9gorie:Super Paper Mario Cat\u00E9gorie:Personnages de Super Paper Mario"@fr . . . "Resurrected"@en . . "Nastasia was a drow priestess of Eilistraee in Lake Sember in 1375 DR."@en . "Nastasia tritt das erste Mal im Spiel Super Paper Mario auf, wo sie als Assistentin von Graf Knickwitz dient. Sie hat m\u00E4chtige Hypnose-Kr\u00E4fte, mit denen sie Leute so manipulieren kann, dass diese tun, was Graf Knickwitz will. Sie hat ihre Kr\u00E4fte auch an Peach angewandt, damit diese Bowser heiratet. Graf Knickwitz hatte sie einmal gerettet, daher schw\u00F6rt sie ihm ewige Treue, au\u00DFerdem nimmt sie ihren Job sehr ernst. Sie ist in Graf Knickwitz verliebt, doch sie will ihre Gef\u00FChle nicht zeigen, da er schon in Timpani (Tippi) verliebt ist. Am Ende der Story wirft sie sich vor Graf Knickwitz, als dieser von Dimenzio angegriffen wird, doch sie \u00FCberlebt. Etwas sp\u00E4ter, als der Graf mit Tippi verschwindet, weint sie um ihn. Sie ist zudem der einzige Charakter, der zu Graf Knickwitz geh\u00F6rt, den Mario und co. aber nie bek\u00E4mpfen. Nach dem normalen Spielverlauf steht sie auf Ebene 3 in Flopstadt, direkt vor der Herzs\u00E4ule."@de . . . . . "Hypnosis"@en . . . . . . . . "Secretary of Count Bleck"@en . "Nastasia"@fr . "Nastasia"@es . . . . "Female"@en . . "Character"@en . "Count Bleck's Assistant"@en . . . . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . "Nastasia"@en . . . . . . . . "Various"@en . . "Nastasia"@en . . . . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . "Bat- Later shapeshifts into human-like form"@en . . . "Nastasia"@es . "Help Count Bleck destroy all worlds."@en . "Graf Knickwitz und seine Schergen"@de . "150"^^ . "Gefolgschaft des Grafen"@de . . . . . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Nastasia es una enemiga y sirvienta del Conde Cenizo, en Super Paper Mario. Nunca peleas contra ella directamente, pero tiene un poder de hipnosis que usa para lavarle el cerebro a todas las v\u00EDctimas del Conde Cenizo. Ella puede hacer que muchas personas hagan lo que quiere, como cuando hace que Peach se case con Bowser."@es . "150"^^ . "Nastasia is Count Bleck's personal assistant and secretary during the events of Super Paper Mario."@en . . . "Primera aparici\u00F3n Primera aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n \u00DAltima aparici\u00F3n Juego/s Juego/s G\u00E9nero G\u00E9nero Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque m\u00E1gico Defensa m\u00E1gica Localizaci\u00F3n Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto d\u00E9bil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Nastasia es una enemiga y sirvienta del Conde Cenizo, en Super Paper Mario. Nunca peleas contra ella directamente, pero tiene un poder de hipnosis que usa para lavarle el cerebro a todas las v\u00EDctimas del Conde Cenizo. Ella puede hacer que muchas personas hagan lo que quiere, como cuando hace que Peach se case con Bowser. Es la secretaria del Conde Cenizo, tratando de hacer todo conforme al plan y obedecer sus \u00F3rdenes, repiti\u00E9ndolas para hacer \u00E9nfasis. Es muy cercana al Conde Cenizo, salvando su vida en el final de Super Paper Mario, el Conde Cenizo confiaba tanto en ella que le dijo su secreto sobre su amor perdido. Si alguien va a Villacruz y escucha a alguien en The Overthere, te contar\u00E1 una historia llamada \"Of Bats and Men\". La historia trata sobre un hombre buscando una mujer que am\u00F3 que est\u00E1 perdida. Cuando la est\u00E1 buscando, encuentra un murci\u00E9lago en una trampa y lo libera. Despu\u00E9s en la noche, cuando el hombre est\u00E1 durmiendo el murci\u00E9lago se transforma en una mujer que le ofrece lealtad para toda la vida (sin estar enamorada). Esta historia parece estar relacionada con la relaci\u00F3n entre el Conde Cenizo, Pisti y Nastasia pero no se sabe exactamente."@es . . "Nastasia is Count Bleck's personal assistant and secretary during the events of Super Paper Mario."@en . . . "Dimensi\u00F3n Oscura"@es . . . "Priestess"@en . "Nastasia tritt das erste Mal im Spiel Super Paper Mario auf, wo sie als Assistentin von Graf Knickwitz dient. Sie hat m\u00E4chtige Hypnose-Kr\u00E4fte, mit denen sie Leute so manipulieren kann, dass diese tun, was Graf Knickwitz will. Sie hat ihre Kr\u00E4fte auch an Peach angewandt, damit diese Bowser heiratet. Graf Knickwitz hatte sie einmal gerettet, daher schw\u00F6rt sie ihm ewige Treue, au\u00DFerdem nimmt sie ihren Job sehr ernst. Sie ist in Graf Knickwitz verliebt, doch sie will ihre Gef\u00FChle nicht zeigen, da er schon in Timpani (Tippi) verliebt ist. Am Ende der Story wirft sie sich vor Graf Knickwitz, als dieser von Dimenzio angegriffen wird, doch sie \u00FCberlebt. Etwas sp\u00E4ter, als der Graf mit Tippi verschwindet, weint sie um ihn. Sie ist zudem der einzige Charakter, der zu Graf Knickwitz geh\u00F6rt, den Mario "@de . "Flip between dimensions"@en . . . . . "Nastasia ist eine Assistentin von Graf Knickwitz, sie hat Luigi in Mr.L verwandelt und die Koopas b\u00F6se gemacht. Am Ende kann man sie sogar noch sehen....."@de . . "\u201C'I do'. Say it now, K?\u201D \u2014Nastasia, Super Paper Mario Nastasia is Count Bleck's secretary and right-hand woman. She manages the other minions and has great hypnotic power. At the end of the game, she saves him from Dimentio, blocking Count Bleck from a seemingly fatal blast. At the start of the game, she uses her hypnotism to force Princess Peach to marry Bowser, so that Bleck can crash the wedding and kidnap Bowser, Peach and Luigi for his plan involving the Dark Prognosticus. During the course of the game she falls in love for Bleck but knows she could never measure up to Timpani (Tippi). Nastasia, though never fought in the game, is still a boss for many reasons. Her hypnotic power hypnotized not only Mr. L but the rest of the \"Bowser Organization\" well known as the Koopa Troop, Bowser'"@en . . "\u201C'I do'. Say it now, K?\u201D \u2014Nastasia, Super Paper Mario Nastasia is Count Bleck's secretary and right-hand woman. She manages the other minions and has great hypnotic power. At the end of the game, she saves him from Dimentio, blocking Count Bleck from a seemingly fatal blast. At the start of the game, she uses her hypnotism to force Princess Peach to marry Bowser, so that Bleck can crash the wedding and kidnap Bowser, Peach and Luigi for his plan involving the Dark Prognosticus. During the course of the game she falls in love for Bleck but knows she could never measure up to Timpani (Tippi). Nastasia, though never fought in the game, is still a boss for many reasons. Her hypnotic power hypnotized not only Mr. L but the rest of the \"Bowser Organization\" well known as the Koopa Troop, Bowser's army. Basically you are fighting her through half the the enemies of the game. So, as you're swearing under your breath after you've just got run over by a turtle wearing dark sunglasses, you can thank her. Oh, and she also controls all of the other minions, punishing them if necessary for failing to defeat Mario or any other unsatisfactory behavior. If you talk to Carson the guy who owns the bar in Flopside, he speaks of a tale called, \"Of Bats and Men\". He says the tale is true, but he does not understand the meaning. It is a story of a man looking for his lost love. On the way there, he spots a bat stuck in a trap. He sets it free, and it flies away. Later, after he returns to his campsite, he is greeted by the bat, who immediately turns into a woman. She pledges her life to him and agrees to follow him wherever he goes. This is most likely talking about Nastasia and Count Bleck, with his lost love being Timpani. There have also been other rumors that Nastasia could have been the pixl queen in the first paper mario game. However, these rumors have been nullified due to the fact there is no evidence proving that this is true."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Nastasia"@de . . . . "Atwork de Nastasia en Super Paper Mario."@es . . . "1375"^^ . . . . "Nastasia is an antagonist in Super Paper Mario. She is Count Bleck's secretary and second-in-command, with hypnotic powers which she uses to brainwash people into serving Count Bleck. She is in love with Count bleck but knows her feelings will not be returned. O'Chunks appears to be in love with her, despite the fact that she gives him numerous punishments for his failure to defeat Mario, such as writing a thousand-word report or singing a motivational song a thousand times. She wanted Bleck to stop the prophecy, but Bleck knew it could not be stopped unless he was defeated. Once Bleck was defeated by Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and Peach, Dimentio attempted to kill the weakened Bleck, but Nastasia jumped in front of him and took the hit, absorbing the full force of it to protect him. She was apparently killed by this attack, but after Dimentio, the Chaos Heart, and The Void were destroyed, she came back to life. After Bleck and Tippi vanish, she goes with O'Chunks and Mimi to help build a perfect world. She is the only one of Count Bleck's forces who is never fought against. She burst into crying after Bleck vanished. She seems to be shy to most people due to how she speaks. Nastasia used to be a bat, as revealed by Carson in Flopside. She was caught in a trap, and was rescued by Count Bleck. Later, she returned, transformed into the same species as the count, and pledged eternal loyalty to him."@en . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Natasia"@en . "Mago"@es . "Right-Hand, Magician"@en . . . "Nastasia"@en . "Nastasia ist eine Assistentin von Graf Knickwitz, sie hat Luigi in Mr.L verwandelt und die Koopas b\u00F6se gemacht. Am Ende kann man sie sogar noch sehen....."@de . . "That's Nastasia...She was once Count Bleck's close associate. Count Bleck was her reason for living...But she knew that at some point this day would come. She'll be OK eventually. To see his face...To hear his voice...She knows she can't but yet, she pines."@en . . . . . . . .