. "Default"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Ginger"@en . . . "Snow is attacked by Quinn."@en . "La nave USS Voyager incontr\u00F2 Quinn e lo liber\u00F2. Quand'egli disse chi era, il Capitano Kathryn Janeway lo prese per il Q che aveva visitato l'USS Enterprise-D. Q tent\u00F2 nuovamente di suicidarsi, ma sbagli\u00F2 e fece scomparire tutti gli uomini che si trovavano a bordo della nave. Il Q dell' Enterprise apparve per venirselo a prendere, e restitu\u00EC alla Voyager il suo equipaggio maschile, ma Quinn cerc\u00F2 di nascondersi spedendo se stesso e la Voyager in vari luoghi dell'universo, come all'inizio dell'universo, in proporzioni sub-atomiche, e persino come albero di Natale. Q conosceva tutti questi luoghi, ma prima che potesse imprigionarlo di nuovo, Quinn richiese asilo politico al Capitano Janeway. A bordo della Voyager si svolse un'udienza per determinare se l'asilo potesse esser concesso. Il Tenente Tuvok lo rappresent\u00F2. Disse che era stufo dell'immortalit\u00E0. Per lui, ormai, non v'era pi\u00F9 niente da esplorare, la sua vita non aveva significato, ed era di un tedio insopportabile. Q cerc\u00F2 di provare l'importanza della vita di Quinn chiamando testimoni come Isaac Newton, Maury Ginsberg e William T. Riker, sottolineando come Quinn fosse intervenuto sulle loro vite al fine di migliorarle. Per quanto riguarda Newton, giostr\u00F2 l'albero prima che cadesse la mela, conducendo alla scoperta della gravit\u00E0; Maury pot\u00E9 recarsi a Woodstock a vivere una vita soddisfacente; un avo di Riker, Thaddius, venne salvato da Quinn, permettendo al suo discendente di nascere e salvare la Federazione dai Borg (dando, al contempo, la possibilit\u00E0 a Q di insultarlo). Quinn tent\u00F2 di provare quanto fosse inutile la sua esistenza sofferta portando la Janeway nel Q Continuum, il quale venne rappresentato nella forma di una casa in mezzo ad un deserto attraversato da una strada. La strada, egli spieg\u00F2, rappresentava il limite dell'universo, oltre il quale non v'era pi\u00F9 nulla per lui da esplorare. Nessuno dei Q nel Continuum parlava pi\u00F9, perch\u00E9 si era gi\u00E0 parlato di tutto e tutto era ormai noto. Quinn disse alla Janeway di non voler finire per fare quella vita. Il Capitano Janeway deliber\u00F2 in favore di Quinn, nonostante il tentativo di Q di corromperla facendo tornare la Voyager sulla Terra. Con riluttanza, Q mantenne la sua parola di trasformare Quinn in un umano mortale dopo l'emissione del verdetto. Janeway, in seguito, convinse Quinn a non commettere immediatamente suicidio, poich\u00E9 ora poteva sperimentare una vita nuova senza essere un Q. Da umano, Quinn fece brevemente parte dell'equipaggio a bordo della Voyager. Janeway e Chakotay si domandarono se fosse il caso di assegnarlo alla sezione di cartografia stellare, dopo aver riflettuto sul fatto che avrebbero potuto anche chiudere l'intera sezione a causa delle vastissime conoscenze di Quinn. Forse, sapendo che - comunque - non si sarebbe mai trovato a suo agio in panni umani, Quinn si suicid\u00F2 con un campione di cicuta Nogatch procuratogli da Q, il quale venne ispirato dallo spirito di \"ribellione\" di Quinn. (VOY: \"Diritto di morte\") La morte di Quinn caus\u00F2 una frattura all'interno del Continuum, proprio come predetto da Q. Molti suoi seguaci chiesero allo status quo alcuni cambiamenti, e Q condusse i dissidenti verso una guerra civile. (VOY: \"Questioni di Q-ore\")"@it . . . . "Quinn charge un ennemi, lui infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques tandis que Valor le rend vuln\u00E9rable.\n\nApr\u00E8s avoir atteint sa cible, Quinn rebondit sur elle, la d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant et la ralentissant bri\u00E8vement de 50%. Le ralentissement se dissipe progressivement en secondes."@en . . . "Nowhere Island"@en . . . . . . "Human"@en . . "Wedding Planner, Planner in General"@en . . . . . . . "Quinn is a level 35 goblin found at Gadgetzan in Tanaris.[[:File:|[, ]]] See List of Tanaris NPCs."@en . "Quinn"@es . . . "2005"^^ . "Quinn"@en . "no"@en . . "Hair color: Dark blueEye color: BrownEarphones: Black.Dress/outfit: See concept art.Nationality/Race: Dutch witch."@en . . . . . . . . "Orange"@en . "Last seen:"@en . "Brave"@en . . "Quinn is a minor character in The Powerpuff Girls, a hired mercenary of The Representative's."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Valor vole en ligne droite et marque le premier ennemi rencontr\u00E9, le rendant vuln\u00E9rable et r\u00E9duisant grandement son champ de vision pendant 2 secondes. Il inflige ensuite pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques \u00E0 tous les ennemis proches.\n\nSi la cible principale n'est pas un champion, elle ne peut pas attaquer pendant 2 secondes."@fr . "Den Namen Quinn tragen mehrere Personen: \n* der Anwalt Quinn in der Episode Diskettenschwindel \n* der Privatdetektiv Quinn in der Episode Tod im Smoking \n* der Richter Robert Quinn \n* die Anw\u00E4ltin Sherri Quinn und ihr Mann in der Episode Ein Hundeleben"@de . "Quinn is the owner of the cephalo dino battery,"@en . "*Dimitri J. Dragovar"@en . . . "Atak z Powietrza to obszarowa, koliduj\u0105ca, liniowa umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 mierzona."@pl . "Aware of Hensell's ineffectiveness, he secretly contacted Earth and asked for the Examiner to help deal with the colony's rebels. He was later framed by Bragen for rebel activity, attacking the Second Doctor and sabotaging the colony's communications system. After the Doctor freed him, he helped the Doctor destroy the Daleks. After Hensell's death, he became the governor of the colony. (TV: The Power of the Daleks)"@en . . "Wsp\u00F3lne Dzia\u0142anie"@pl . "Fizyczne"@pl . . . "Quinn appears to be a typical Cimmerian, roughly carved into a shape that best fits the harsh lands of the North. He is typically found wearing leather and furs, a strong bow and quiver strapped to his back and the various hooks on his belt giving away his chosen profession of hunter."@en . "Quinn sprintet auf einen Gegner zu, verursacht normalen Schaden und verlangsamt dessen Lauftempo um 50%. Beim Erreichen des Zieles springt sie von ihm weg."@de . ": Quinn wzbija si\u0119 w niebo i ujawnia pobliski obszar oraz wszystkie pobliskie jednostki na 2 sekundy.\n 2100"@pl . . "yes"@en . . "Quinn is an author of Forever Knight fan fiction. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see ."@en . . "Attaquer une cible vuln\u00E9rable augmente la vitesse d'attaque et la vitesse de d\u00E9placement de % pendant 2 secondes."@en . . . . "La nave USS Voyager incontr\u00F2 Quinn e lo liber\u00F2. Quand'egli disse chi era, il Capitano Kathryn Janeway lo prese per il Q che aveva visitato l'USS Enterprise-D. Q tent\u00F2 nuovamente di suicidarsi, ma sbagli\u00F2 e fece scomparire tutti gli uomini che si trovavano a bordo della nave. Il Q dell' Enterprise apparve per venirselo a prendere, e restitu\u00EC alla Voyager il suo equipaggio maschile, ma Quinn cerc\u00F2 di nascondersi spedendo se stesso e la Voyager in vari luoghi dell'universo, come all'inizio dell'universo, in proporzioni sub-atomiche, e persino come albero di Natale. Q conosceva tutti questi luoghi, ma prima che potesse imprigionarlo di nuovo, Quinn richiese asilo politico al Capitano Janeway. A bordo della Voyager si svolse un'udienza per determinare se l'asilo potesse esser concesso. Il Tenen"@it . . . "Gonitwa"@pl . . . "Rare"@en . "1"^^ . . . . . ": Quinn wysy\u0142a po 0.25 sekundy przed siebie, kt\u00F3ry koliduje z pierwsz\u0105 trafion\u0105 wrog\u0105 jednostk\u0105, oznacza j\u0105 jako i zadaje jej oraz okolicznym wrogom obra\u017Cenia fizyczne. \n\nDodatkowo na pierwszego trafionego wrogiego bohatera zostaje na\u0142o\u017Cona Kr\u00F3tkowzroczno\u015B\u0107 na 1.5 sekundy, kt\u00F3ra ogranicza jego wizje do 300 jednostek; trafione cele nie b\u0119d\u0105ce bohaterami zostaj\u0105 w zamian na 1.5 sekundy.\n 1025\n 410"@pl . . "Kamen Rider Dragon Knight"@en . "White"@en . "-"@en . . . "4"^^ . "Quinn was an old family fencing master working for the Sellath family in Quon Tali. He had once served in the military under Amaron. Even at his advanced age, he was an expert swordsman capable of fighting multiple opponents. He was also capable of deadening a person's limbs with only the correct application of physical pressure. Quinn had a mop of grey-shot hair."@en . . "Deceased"@en . "Were-tiger"@en . . . "Quinn served as one of Q's mentors in the distant past. (TNG novels: The Q Continuum). Like the other members of the continuum, Quinn spent a great deal of time exploring the universe, and had spent several hundred years visiting Earth. During his visits to Earth, Quinn had influenced human history and directly touched the lives of several people. During the mid 17th century, Quinn was in England when he sat down next to an apple tree, with Sir Isaac Newton seated opposite him. Quinn got up to leave, and jostled the tree, causing an apple to fall from the tree, striking Newton in the head, and gave Newton the inspiration to begin a new era in human science. If it had not been for Quinn, Q remarked that Newton most likely would've died in a debtors' prison, and would be a suspect in the murder of several prostitutes. Later, in the 19th century, Quinn had taken the guise of a Union Army soldier during the American Civil War, and was present at the Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia. Quinn saved the life of a Union Army Colonel named Thaddius Riker - who was a distant ancestor of Kyle Riker and his sons William and Thomas. Without Quinn's help in getting him to safety, Thaddius most likely would've died at Pine Mountain, and not had any children. While Q sarcastically remarked that he would've missed several opportunities to insult William Riker over the years, the absence of Riker may have had far more profound consequences for humanity. When Thaddius Riker believed himself to be dying, he asked Quinn to deliver a message to his family. In 2371, he delivered the message to William T. Riker that he should pursue his relationship with Deanna and to seek out his own command as to not make the same mistakes that Thaddius made. When Quinn encountered Riker on board the USS Voyager several years later he didn't allow Riker to have any recollection of their previous meeting. (TNG short story: \"A Q to Swear By\") Quinn was still on Earth in the 20th century when he offered a ride to a man named Maury Ginsberg to the Woodstock Music Festival of 1969. It was Ginsberg who noticed that a disconnected cable that had the potential to ruin the concert. Quinn also met his future wife, who had been sitting in Quinn's jeep. Thanks to Quinn's influence, Ginsburg became a successful orthodontist who had four children with his wife. Aftrwards, Quinn became bored with his life, feeling that as an immortal being that he had lived so long that he had seen and done everything possible. Quinn attempted to commit suicide several times, once causing the Romulans and Vulcans to engage in a 100 year war as a result. The Q Continuum responded by imprisoning Quinn in a comet for the next several hundred years. In the year 2372, the USS Voyager encountered the comet, and accidentally freed Quinn from his prison. The Q Continuum sent Q to place Quinn back in his prison, and Quinn asked Captain Kathryn Janeway for asylum on Voyager. Tuvok once asked him with such physical and mental advancement as the Q, did manners along the way de-evolve with them. In the following hearing, Quinn was able to convince Janeway and Q to grant him asylum, and Q stripped him of his powers. Quinn became a crewman on Voyager, but later committed suicide when provided with some Nogatch hemlock by Q. (VOY episode: \"Death Wish\") Quinn's actions later led to a brief civil war in the Q Continuum, which was finally resolved when the first Q child in many thousands of years was born. (VOY episode: \"The Q and the Grey\")"@en . . "covered by Paul Kellerman"@en . . . . "Aware of Hensell's ineffectiveness, he secretly contacted Earth and asked for the Examiner to help deal with the colony's rebels. He was later framed by Bragen for rebel activity, attacking the Second Doctor and sabotaging the colony's communications system. After the Doctor freed him, he helped the Doctor destroy the Daleks. After Hensell's death, he became the governor of the colony. (TV: The Power of the Daleks)"@en . "Quinn is a very friendly ghoul who resides in the city of Underworld in 2277."@en . . "50"^^ . . "Quinn WVideo.ogv"@pl . . . "American"@en . "David Bowie"@en . "Humanoid"@en . . . . . . "2100"^^ . . . "Quinn - przyjazny ghul \u017Cyj\u0105cy w Podziemu."@pl . . . "Quinn (Japanese: \u30DE\u30EB\u30E1\u30ED Marumero) is a Gym Leader. She specializes in Bug-type Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "Gesch\u00E4rfte Sinne"@de . . . "Valor r\u00E9v\u00E8le une large zone proche pendant 2 secondes."@en . . . "?"@en . . . . "no"@en . "50"^^ . "Quinn was a Prism citizen and an officer of the Prism Space Navy. Holding the rank of Lieutenant, he served as Junior Tactical Officer of the warship Annika. He was killed when the ship was lost with all hands in battle against HMS War Maiden. (HHA3.1: MMH)"@en . "Quinn is an enigmatic figure - a sort of hybrid between human and alien. Sometime during the 1953 invasion, the Supreme Commander of the Mor-Taxan army possessed a man, but due to a biological fluke Quinn discovered that he was immune to the same bacteria that befell his comrades. However, he also found himself trapped in the human body. Quinn found himself alone on the planet he was sent to conquer, with a strong advantage, but with no military to aide him."@en . . . . . . "Quinn is a character labeled The Brainiac on Return to Total Drama Island, who also competed on Return to Total Drama Action, the sequel. Quinn's intelligence has been obvious to those around her since early childhood. One morning when her mother wasn't feeling well, Quinn determined the symptoms her mother was showing and cured the ailment within three days. That was at age six. At age nine, Quinn built a more fuel efficent car engine that ran on vegetable oil (it was destroyed, however, by her clumsy brother). Quinn wishes to win the competition so that she may travel to all of the top Universities in the world. Not to study, but to teach!"@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . . . "thumb|Quinn an Bord der Voyager Quinn ist ein Q und wird lange Zeit als einer der wichtigsten Philosophen des Q-Kontinuums betrachtet. Seine philosophischen Ansichten \u00FCber die Unsterblichkeit der Q f\u00FChren jedoch schlie\u00DFlich zum Konflikt mit dem Kontinuum. Den Namen \u201EQuinn\u201C w\u00E4hlt er erst 2372, zuvor ist er, wie alle Q, nur als \u201EQ\u201C bekannt."@de . . "* Po zako\u0144czeniu Doskoku Quinn automatycznie pr\u00F3buje pod\u0105\u017Ca\u0107 i zaatakowa\u0107 cel, nawet w momencie, gdy o\u017Cyje \u015Blizgu lub .\n* Doskok pozwala przeskoczy\u0107 przez przeszkody.\n* Doskok resetuje licznik atak\u00F3w podstawowych Quinn."@pl . . "Unknown Badge"@en . . . . "Gesch\u00E4rfteSinne.jpg"@de . . . . . "Quinn (ou Q) \u00E9tait un membre du Continuum Q qui avait d\u00E9cid\u00E9 de se suicider."@fr . "Quinn is on a boat!"@en . "Ghoul"@en . "Quinn"@fr . "Black"@en . . . . "Quinn was a werewolf who convinced Red Riding Hood to join his pack, led by the latter's mother, Anita. Quinn was fully accepting of his wolf side and was able to control it, thanks to Anita's guidance. He was, however, hostile towards regular humans, and particularly hunters. Quinn met an untimely end when he was randomly shot with an arrow by one of the Queen's henchmen."@en . . . . ": Quinn doskakuje do przeciwnika, go na niewielk\u0105 odleg\u0142o\u015B\u0107 i o 50% na 1.5 sekundy oraz zadaje mu obra\u017Cenia fizyczne. Dodatkowo cel Quinn.\n 700\nPo doskoku celu, Quinn odbija si\u0119 od niego i ."@pl . "4"^^ . . . . . "blokuj\u0105 obra\u017Cenia i odrzut, ale nie blokuj\u0105 odbicia si\u0119 Quinn."@pl . . . . "Private Quinn was a Gear soldier in C Company of the 26th Royal Tyran infantry."@en . "Gnome"@en . "Quinn is a mercenary, friend of Louis Wu. A user of boosterspice, he fought for 200 years. He fought during the Maldorian Border Wars. At some point he was an ARM lieutenant and served under CO Carson Teal until he testified against him to his superiors and as a result they relegated Teal to the \"galactic wastelands\". After that they moved to their next target, a cave populated by Flesheaters who use a pheromone to seduce their intended prey. Quinn was helped by a bat-like creature who had the pheromone antidote with which he healed Seeker."@en . . "Gew\u00E4hrt Quinn passives Angriffstempo und Lauftempo, nachdem sie ein verwundbares Ziel angegriffen hat."@de . "Can fix minor problems with ease"@en . "Hinter feindlichen Linien"@de . . "The Power of the Daleks"@en . "nie blokuje oznaczenia Wra\u017Cliwo\u015Bci\u0105, ale blokuje dodatkowe obra\u017Cenia wzmocnionego ataku."@pl . "Quinn is a gnome whose friend Nester was killed by ankhegs. He will ask Gorion's Ward and their party to recover his friend's dagger for him."@en . "Quinn EVideo.ogv"@pl . . "Quinn"@en . . "right"@en . . . . . . . . "Good"@en . . "Quinn is the main character of the Wedding Dash series. Quinn is primarily a wedding planner, but she later expanded her business to other planning careers such as hotels,restraunts,etc. Her primary focus is to make sure that couples are pleased with their wedding experiences."@en . "Quinn2.jpg"@en . "Able to shift from human form to weretiger form"@en . "Quinn"@en . . "Average DinerTown resident height"@en . . "thumb|Quinn an Bord der Voyager Quinn ist ein Q und wird lange Zeit als einer der wichtigsten Philosophen des Q-Kontinuums betrachtet. Seine philosophischen Ansichten \u00FCber die Unsterblichkeit der Q f\u00FChren jedoch schlie\u00DFlich zum Konflikt mit dem Kontinuum. Den Namen \u201EQuinn\u201C w\u00E4hlt er erst 2372, zuvor ist er, wie alle Q, nur als \u201EQ\u201C bekannt."@de . "15"^^ . . "Sergeant Quinn was a Raccoon City police officer who was caught up in the 2002 viral outbreak."@en . . "For Ventara and Earth, pt. 2"@en . "Quinn is a very friendly ghoul who resides in the city of Underworld in 2277."@en . . "Shot with arrow"@en . "Pale White"@en . "-"@en . . . "Quinne.jpg"@en . . . . "Quinn, Ailes de Demacia est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . "Voyageur"@fr . "\u0152il d'Aigle"@en . "Pink, Yellow and Purple"@en . "Neutral"@en . . "Quinn Fiachra"@en . . . . . . . "Doctor Quentin Q. Quinn (voiced by Brett Butler) is the brains of the outfit, with an IQ of 260. As the only member of the crew with any formal education and any sort of common sense left, he's the one that ends up running the station. In effect, he is the comedic straight man of the series. He's also the \"token black guy.\" He and Debbie have an on-again, off-again relationship. Quinn is actually a cyborg -- an illness in his youth forced him to transplant his human brain into a replica robot body. Although Quinn dramatically revealed this in the pilot episode \"I, Robot\" it doesn't really affect his character that much and it is only rarely mentioned again throughout the series.He also has a hydraulic penis which is very large and requires a lot of strength to operate."@en . . "4"^^ . "Salto"@fr . . . "Quinn is a level 35 goblin found at Gadgetzan in Tanaris.[[:File:|[, ]]] See List of Tanaris NPCs."@en . . . "Masculin"@fr . "Resistance: The Gathering Storm"@en . "Quinn is a character labeled The Brainiac on Return to Total Drama Island, who also competed on Return to Total Drama Action, the sequel. Quinn's intelligence has been obvious to those around her since early childhood. One morning when her mother wasn't feeling well, Quinn determined the symptoms her mother was showing and cured the ailment within three days. That was at age six. At age nine, Quinn built a more fuel efficent car engine that ran on vegetable oil (it was destroyed, however, by her clumsy brother). Quinn wishes to win the competition so that she may travel to all of the top Universities in the world. Not to study, but to teach!"@en . . "HairGhoul01"@en . . . "-"@en . "All-Stars"@en . . . "130"^^ . . "Nobody liked quinn enough to pick her, so her story goes untold..."@en . "Quinn, a Black Dragon member, was one of Kano's thugs who appeared in the game Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. He assisted Kano in freeing fellow Black Dragon members, Tremor, No Face, Tasia and Jarek from Special Forces custody. Quinn was among the Black Dragon thugs killed by Major Jackson Briggs."@en . . . . "/ /"@en . . "Schaden durch Champions oder T\u00FCrme verpasst Hinter feindlichen Linien eine 3-sek\u00FCndige Abklingzeit."@de . "992"^^ . "mana"@en . . . "Dr. Quinn"@en . . . "Hero"@en . . "Assaut Aveuglant"@en . "Den Namen Quinn tragen mehrere Personen: \n* der Anwalt Quinn in der Episode Diskettenschwindel \n* der Privatdetektiv Quinn in der Episode Tod im Smoking \n* der Richter Robert Quinn \n* die Anw\u00E4ltin Sherri Quinn und ihr Mann in der Episode Ein Hundeleben"@de . "FO3"@en . . . "Anspringen.jpg"@de . "*Mk 1 Lancer Assault Rifle"@en . . . . . "40.0"^^ . "Human citizen of Mars in 3002 CE."@en . "Creating Strategies"@en . . . . . "Quinn"@en . . . "Quinn appears to be a typical Cimmerian, roughly carved into a shape that best fits the harsh lands of the North. He is typically found wearing leather and furs, a strong bow and quiver strapped to his back and the various hooks on his belt giving away his chosen profession of hunter."@en . "Quinn is killed by a stray arrow."@en . . "After the events of the Street Fighter film, Quinn sought to be Bison's chief scientist. Once Bison shot down his proposal, Quinn decided to leave Shadaloo and three Bison soldiers went with him. He mutates the Bison soldiers under the pretenses that they would become stronger. In exchange, they would steal enough money so he can buy his own private island. After Chun-Li's news crew is captured by the mutants she along with Guile and Blanka investigate. After an initial encounter, the Street Fighters beat the mutants and they force Quinn to make them stronger. Eventually, Blanka also becomes stronger (albeit unintentionally) and the mutants run off as Quinn is sent to prison."@en . . "Blond"@en . . . "Kyoryu Gray.png"@en . . . . "Anspringen"@de . . . . "567913"^^ . . . "Quinn's parents"@en . . "Jumpsuit color"@en . "Wyostrzone Zmys\u0142y to p\u00F3\u0142-ulepszenie."@pl . . . "Guardsman Quinn is a commandable squadmate in the mission \"Escape At Dawn\" in Medal of Honor: European Assault. He uses an MP-40 submachine gun."@en . "1"^^ . . "Eshan"@en . "Wsp\u00F3lne Dzia\u0142anie to p\u00F3\u0142-ulepszenie.\n\nUderzenie z Nieba to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 obszarowa."@pl . "\"Child of the Moon\""@en . "Neutral"@en . "750"^^ . "Selbst"@de . . "Name: Tim Age: 20 Location: San Jose, CA Occupation: Student / Security Guard Characters: Kelbourne Sandskimmer"@en . . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . "Bon Temps first place mentioned was Nevada, as that's where the vamps that 'helped' him deal with his mothers rapists"@en . "5"^^ . "2"^^ . "3"^^ . "no"@en . "Quinn first appeared as muscle for James Sterling in The First David Job. He was sent to take on hitter Eliot Spencer, and actually achieved a victory. This victory was only momentary because Eliot eventually knocked Quinn unconscious. He reappeared in The Last Dam Job, being hired as Eliot's replacement for the con. Eliot himself hired him, having to help rescue him from a dangerous capture scenario. Quinn and Eliot shared a mistrust of hackers such as Alec Hardison and Colin \"Chaos\" Mason. While Eliot and Hardison tried to sabotage one dam, Quinn and \"Chaos\" successfully sabotaged the other."@en . "Quinn (Japanese: \u30DE\u30EB\u30E1\u30ED Marumero) is a Gym Leader. She specializes in Bug-type Pok\u00E9mon."@en . "0.32"^^ . . "blokuj\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107."@pl . "Quinn was an old family fencing master working for the Sellath family in Quon Tali. He had once served in the military under Amaron. Even at his advanced age, he was an expert swordsman capable of fighting multiple opponents. He was also capable of deadening a person's limbs with only the correct application of physical pressure. Quinn had a mop of grey-shot hair."@en . . . . . . . "Ranger"@en . "Private Quinn was a Gear soldier in C Company of the 26th Royal Tyran infantry."@en . "35"^^ . "Cup-and-ball is a noble sport with tournaments and championships like any other sport. Although not everyone sees it like that. To put it nicely, the All Stars, led by Striker, used to say it wasn't an exactly \"manly\" activity. But they\u2019ve had to change their mind about that, ever since Quinn wiped out a couple of guys by whacking them over the head with his balls."@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "BlendenderAnsturm.jpg"@de . . . "Blendender Ansturm"@de . . "Quinn is a High Court faery sent to the Summer Court by Sorcha to spy on the summer fey. He serves as adviser to Aislinn and Keenan after Niall's departure from their court. __TOC__"@en . . . . . . . . . "Bug-types"@en . "Age:"@en . . "1"^^ . "Quinn"@pl . "Nie"@pl . . . "\u30DE\u30EB\u30E1\u30ED"@en . . "Female"@en . . . . "Quinn was a Prism citizen and an officer of the Prism Space Navy. Holding the rank of Lieutenant, he served as Junior Tactical Officer of the warship Annika. He was killed when the ship was lost with all hands in battle against HMS War Maiden. (HHA3.1: MMH)"@en . . . "active"@en . "-"@en . . . "20"^^ . . "?"@en . . . . . . "Quinn is an enigmatic figure - a sort of hybrid between human and alien. Sometime during the 1953 invasion, the Supreme Commander of the Mor-Taxan army possessed a man, but due to a biological fluke Quinn discovered that he was immune to the same bacteria that befell his comrades. However, he also found himself trapped in the human body. Quinn found himself alone on the planet he was sent to conquer, with a strong advantage, but with no military to aide him."@en . "Dystansowe"@pl . . . . . . . . . "\"Child of the Moon\""@en . "no"@en . "Quinn est un voyageur, un solitaire plus utile \u00E0 voyager dans les Terres D\u00E9sol\u00E9es qu'\u00E0 rester assis, mais il reste \u00E0 Underworld pour fournir Tulip en mat\u00E9riels pour son magasin, et s'assurer qu'elle va bien. Utilis\u00E9 pour marchander avec les humains, il a appris \u00E0 ne pas leur faire confiance, mais reste un bon juge de personnes. Ne pensez pas qu'il est un tendre ; il s'agit d'un v\u00E9t\u00E9ran en mati\u00E8re de combat."@fr . "Rosie Takaaki"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Quinn"@it . . "309.0"^^ . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "Quinn was the 'self proclaimed' son of the infamous shark hunter Quint. The likeness was uncanny and many believed Quinn was possibly related. Other believed Quinn was simply a Robert Shaw doppelganger obsessed with the film JAWS. By all accounts, he was rude and snobby, and was obsessed with killing the shark seen in the film JAWS and its sequels so much, that he allowed himself to be killed by the mechanical shark constructed for the JAWS attraction at the Universal Studios theme park in Orlando, Florida."@en . . . "* You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head"@en . . . "10"^^ . . . "Quinn was a kid in Greg's pre-school, and the joker of Greg's class who had one joke which freaked Greg out. He also appeared in Rodrick Rules on page 109, and in the online version."@en . . . . "Quinn, Ailes de Demacia est un champion dans League of Legends."@en . "Quinn RVideo.ogv"@pl . . . . "Soldier"@en . . "Nestor Pollack"@en . . "Committed suicide"@en . . . . . . . . "Q, mortal 2372"@en . . . "Darmowa"@pl . "Power Rangers Dino Capsule"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . . . "yes"@en . . "2372"^^ . . "Quinn"@en . . . . "9.46728E8"^^ . . . . "Were Silver, now Orange-Red"@en . . "Lean and Muscular"@en . "For Ventara and Earth, pt. 2"@en . . "2.0"^^ . "2680"^^ . . "Nie"@pl . . . . "Human"@en . "The Enclave"@en . . "*The One Sith"@en . "no"@en . . . . . . "/"@fr . . . "no"@en . . "Quinn was the 'self proclaimed' son of the infamous shark hunter Quint. The likeness was uncanny and many believed Quinn was possibly related. Other believed Quinn was simply a Robert Shaw doppelganger obsessed with the film JAWS. By all accounts, he was rude and snobby, and was obsessed with killing the shark seen in the film JAWS and its sequels so much, that he allowed himself to be killed by the mechanical shark constructed for the JAWS attraction at the Universal Studios theme park in Orlando, Florida. Witnesses told local reporters that when they last they saw Quinn he had jumped off the tour boat and was seen screaming and uttering \"AQUA! AAAQQQUUUAAA!\" Investigators initially believed this could have been some kind of occult oriented curse, or possibly a Gaelic dialect, but later determined it to simply be a gut reaction to throwing up due to an O.D. of Pepsi and Skittles. After a brief struggle, Quinn disappeared into the wake of the boat never to be seen again."@en . "Quinn charge un ennemi, lui infligeant pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques tandis que Valor le rend vuln\u00E9rable.\n\nApr\u00E8s avoir atteint sa cible, Quinn rebondit sur elle, la d\u00E9pla\u00E7ant et la ralentissant bri\u00E8vement de 50%. Le ralentissement se dissipe progressivement en secondes."@fr . "Infectious Diseases"@en . "[[starwars:Female"@en . "Gonitwa to umiej\u0119tno\u015B\u0107 posiadaj\u0105ca dwa efekty. Pierwszy oznaczaj\u0105cy Wra\u017Cliwo\u015Bci\u0105 pojedynczych wrog\u00F3w w pobli\u017Cu co kilka sekund. Drugi zadaj\u0105cy dodatkowe obra\u017Cenia fizyczne na pierwszym ataku wyprowadzonym w stron\u0119 Wra\u017Cliwego celu."@pl . "2100"^^ . "After the events of the Street Fighter film, Quinn sought to be Bison's chief scientist. Once Bison shot down his proposal, Quinn decided to leave Shadaloo and three Bison soldiers went with him. He mutates the Bison soldiers under the pretenses that they would become stronger. In exchange, they would steal enough money so he can buy his own private island. After Chun-Li's news crew is captured by the mutants she along with Guile and Blanka investigate. After an initial encounter, the Street Fighters beat the mutants and they force Quinn to make them stronger. Eventually, Blanka also becomes stronger (albeit unintentionally) and the mutants run off as Quinn is sent to prison."@en . "Science officer"@en . . . . . "Wsp\u00F3lne Dzia\u0142anie jest natychmiast przerywane, gdy Quinn otrzyma obra\u017Cenia od od wrogiego bohatera, b\u0105d\u017A struktury lub, gdy zostanie trafiona efekty kontroli t\u0142umu powoduj\u0105cym utrat\u0119 kontroli nad ruchem. Obra\u017Cenia pochodz\u0105ce od innych \u017Ar\u00F3de\u0142 jedynie Quinn.\n\nGdy Wsp\u00F3lne Dzia\u0142ania zostanie przerwane lub po ponownym u\u017Cyciu umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci nast\u0119puje ."@pl . . . . ": Za ka\u017Cdym razem, gdy Quinnn zaatakuje cel, to otrzymuje premi\u0119 do pr\u0119dko\u015Bci ataku i ruchu na 2 sekundy."@pl . . . . "by L.J. Burrows and"@en . . "%"@pl . "Valor vole en ligne droite et marque le premier ennemi rencontr\u00E9, le rendant vuln\u00E9rable et r\u00E9duisant grandement son champ de vision pendant 2 secondes. Il inflige ensuite pts de d\u00E9g\u00E2ts physiques \u00E0 tous les ennemis proches.\n\nSi la cible principale n'est pas un champion, elle ne peut pas attaquer pendant 2 secondes."@en . . . "Frannie- Sister\n*Tijgerin- Weretigress, girlfriend, and mother of Quinn's cub Diederik"@en . "Human/Mor-Taxan Hybrid"@en . . . . "A werewolf and member of the London (nee Woolsey) Pack. Quinn is a staff sergeant with the Coldsteam Guards."@en . "Quinn was a werewolf who convinced Red Riding Hood to join his pack, led by the latter's mother, Anita. Quinn was fully accepting of his wolf side and was able to control it, thanks to Anita's guidance. He was, however, hostile towards regular humans, and particularly hunters. Quinn met an untimely end when he was randomly shot with an arrow by one of the Queen's henchmen."@en . . . . . "Quinn (Japanese: Ryukason) is the fourth hero of the EarthBound series. He is the son of Lucas and a darker character than previous heroes. After his father is captured in Mother 4, Quinn sets off on a quest to avenge him and save the world. He sports a scar over his eye."@en . . "-"@en . . . "Powers:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "200"^^ . . . . "Quinn"@en . . "2015-11-19"^^ . . "*Coalition of Ordered Governments\n**Coalition of Ordered Governments Army"@en . . . "*.380"@en . "Quinn served as one of Q's mentors in the distant past. (TNG novels: The Q Continuum). Like the other members of the continuum, Quinn spent a great deal of time exploring the universe, and had spent several hundred years visiting Earth. During his visits to Earth, Quinn had influenced human history and directly touched the lives of several people. Quinn's actions later led to a brief civil war in the Q Continuum, which was finally resolved when the first Q child in many thousands of years was born. (VOY episode: \"The Q and the Grey\")"@en . "Private Quinn appeared participated in the rescue operation at the Hasbro Mining pit near Madison, Wisconsin. He was part of Danby's squad, which helped Lt. Nathan Hale storm the conversion center where Henry Walker was held. Quinn was one of two men ordered by Danby to exterminate the rest of the Spinners they had found in the center; a while later, Quinn was order to search for William Dentweiler (who had gone missing on the mission) and Walker in one of the many cocoons inside the facility. He most importantly, however, found the tape about Project Omega on Walker's body."@en . . . . . . . . "Attaquer une cible vuln\u00E9rable augmente la vitesse d'attaque et la vitesse de d\u00E9placement de % pendant 2 secondes."@fr . . "Quinn is one of the worlds of Effulgence not yet connected by Milliways."@en . . "Hinter feindlichen Linien.jpg"@de . "Average"@en . . "Human"@en . . . "Quinn is a mercenary, friend of Louis Wu. A user of boosterspice, he fought for 200 years. He fought during the Maldorian Border Wars. At some point he was an ARM lieutenant and served under CO Carson Teal until he testified against him to his superiors and as a result they relegated Teal to the \"galactic wastelands\". He received an infodisk surgically implanted from Wu. When he disappeared, Quinn followed his orders and came to W'kkai Rift to protect the life of Chmeee. He met his son, Iaach-Captain, and confirmed his identity by presenting his father's ring. Then he told about the message from Wu. They discussed the rumor that the Patriarch Veeshka planned to annihilate the Puppeteers which would result in another Man-Kzin war, ending centuries of galactic peace. It was then when Patriarchy assassins led by Shachra broke in, killing Chmeee's family. Quinn shot Shachra with his stunner and escaped on flycycles. They hijacked a Hyperdrive II starship being built for exploration under UN-Kzin cooperation, capable of matching the speed of Shachra's Destroyer which went to annihilate the Fleet of Worlds. They met with resistance from the engineering Miranda Rees who was still working in the ship. Quinn stunned her in order to launch and escape the Planetary Defense Forces. On their way to Ringworld they convinced Miranda to join them by disclosing the Patriarch's orders to Shachra. Along the way they received a hologram transmission from Hindmost who sent coordinates of several stasis boxes on Ringworld containing ancient advanced technology. These boxes fell from a Tnuctipun ship adrift in stasis for centuries before it crash-landed on Ringworld. They landed the Lance of Truth on an abandoned space port ledge and located stasis field-enclosed objects scattered throughout a small region on the surface. They piloted the lander toward the largest of the stasis fields and were led us to a primitive society of the Canyon People. Quinn stole a key from Olochagach and gained access to the Sky Silver, the Tnuctipun ship, but they were unable to penetrate the stasis field. After that they moved to their next target, a cave populated by Flesheaters who use a pheromone to seduce their intended prey. Quinn was helped by a bat-like creature who had the pheromone antidote with which he healed Seeker. Their next target was located in a field of Slaver Sunflowers, and then a box sunk beneath the Great Oval Sea, and sought the assistance of the Coastal Sea People and dolphins. Their last targets were the Kzinti overlords on a planet-sized island shaped after Earth. Quinn posed as a slave and infiltrated the \"Patriarch\"'s castle and stole a final stasis box, and his Thrintun helmet. Having returned to the Canyon People, they were able to open the Tnuctipun ship and found a survivor which Quinn healed by giving the helmet. However the alien attempted to manipulate them telepathically, Quinn was not susceptible because he was carrying a neural wave nullifier. They salvaged an antimatter drive and two stepping disks from the ship. Finding their way to the Fleet of Worlds, Quinn released the overloading antimatter drive from its stasis field near the Destroyer. The resulting explosion obliterated the destroyer and then used the stepping disk to teleport safely back. After that, the Hindmost demanded they relinquish the found items, but the trio declined to. It turned out that the Fleet of Worlds was never endangered by Shachra. The conflict was staged by the Conservative Party so as to scare the Puppeteers about the Ringworld's destructive potential (whom the radical Experimentalist Party had considered a safe harbor from the Galactic Core explosion) and strengthen their hold on the government. The explosion caused some malfunctions to the Lance and Quinn had to repair the reactor and recover Wu's infodisk to rediscover the Ringworld coordinates, where the trio had to hide, as they were considered thieves and fugitives."@en . "None"@en . "Daredevil"@en . . . "Mid 20's"@en . . "QuinnD.jpg"@en . . . "no"@en . . "Quinn IVideo.ogv"@pl . . "many"@pl . "11756"^^ . . "Species:"@en . "20710"^^ . . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Raging Foxes\nFemme Fatales"@en . "20719"^^ . . "the well being"@en . "PK Lightning"@en . . "Kamen Rider Sting"@en . "20720"^^ . . . "Quinn is one of the worlds of Effulgence not yet connected by Milliways."@en . . . "3"^^ . . "Nobody liked quinn enough to pick her, so her story goes untold..."@en . . . "Private"@en . . . . . "Orange"@en . . . "Quinn first appeared as muscle for James Sterling in The First David Job. He was sent to take on hitter Eliot Spencer, and actually achieved a victory. This victory was only momentary because Eliot eventually knocked Quinn unconscious. Eliot reminds Quinn that he was unconscious for the end of their last fight in \"The Last Dam Job.\" However, Sterling's scheme was (somewhat) foiled by the Leverage team. Unlike Alec Hardison's personal rivalry with his counterpart Colin \"Chaos\" Mason, Quinn and Eliot have a very professional relationship and respect one another's work, but their recent bosses have conflicts and by default, they are presented as enemies. He reappeared in The Last Dam Job, being hired as Eliot's replacement for the con. Eliot himself hired him, having to help rescue him from a dangerous capture scenario. Quinn and Eliot shared a mistrust of hackers such as Alec Hardison and Colin \"Chaos\" Mason. While Eliot and Hardison tried to sabotage one dam, Quinn and \"Chaos\" successfully sabotaged the other."@en . "Quinn is on a boat!"@en . . . "Valor r\u00E9v\u00E8le une large zone proche pendant 2 secondes."@fr . . . . . . . . "Dies of thirst and"@en . . "A werewolf and member of the London (nee Woolsey) Pack. Quinn is a staff sergeant with the Coldsteam Guards."@en . "no"@en . . . "O\u015Blepiaj\u0105cy Nalot"@pl . . . "Quinn is an author of Forever Knight fan fiction. For an alphabetical list of Forever Knight-related material by this author, please see ."@en . "Quinn (Japanese: Ryukason) is the fourth hero of the EarthBound series. He is the son of Lucas and a darker character than previous heroes. After his father is captured in Mother 4, Quinn sets off on a quest to avenge him and save the world. He sports a scar over his eye."@en . . "Quinn"@en . . . . "Quinn - przyjazny ghul \u017Cyj\u0105cy w Podziemu."@pl . . "Quinn is a High Court faery sent to the Summer Court by Sorcha to spy on the summer fey. He serves as adviser to Aislinn and Keenan after Niall's departure from their court. __TOC__"@en . "pushed into a well"@en . . . . . . . "Quinn ist Underworld's Verbindung zur Au\u00DFenwelt. Er ist ein H\u00E4ndler, der mit den Menschen in der Welt da drau\u00DFen Handel treibt. Dennoch findet man ihn immer in Underworld, wo er durch die G\u00E4nge schlendert, meistens in Carols Wohnung."@de . "Unknown"@en . . "Quinn was an assassin from \"The Company\", put in charge of supervising agents Paul Kellerman and Daniel Hale. Seemingly careless and neurotic, Quinn is actually observant, intelligent, and ruthless. His attempt to obtain information from Nick Savrinn, Veronica Donovan and L.J. fails and he ends up at the bottom of a well. After Agents Kellerman and Hale arrive, they respond by pulling a cover over the well and leaving him there to die. Quinn's body is still there weeks later when Veronica, LJ, and Nick return to recover his cell phone for information."@en . . "passive"@fr . "left"@en . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "Bea Quindlen"@en . . "starvation after being"@en . . . "Quinn, a Black Dragon member, was one of Kano's thugs who appeared in the game Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. He assisted Kano in freeing fellow Black Dragon members, Tremor, No Face, Tasia and Jarek from Special Forces custody. Quinn was among the Black Dragon thugs killed by Major Jackson Briggs."@en . . "Cimmerian"@en . . . . . . . . . "/"@en . . "\u0152il d'Aigle"@fr . "Helps allies"@en . . "300"^^ . . "yes"@en . . "Tak"@pl . "First seen:"@en . "Quinn is the owner of the cephalo dino battery,"@en . . . "Quinn, privado de las fuerzas armadas de la Coalici\u00F3n de Gobiernos Ordenados (CGO). Era miembro de la Compa\u00F1ia C de la 26va Infanter\u00EDa Real de Tyran y parte del Escuadr\u00F3n asignado para patrullar los Campos de Imulsi\u00F3n de Acastu."@es . . . "19"^^ . "Quinn was a guard that guarded the tent of Captain Padriag."@en . "[[starwars:Echani"@en . "Quinn (ou Q) \u00E9tait un membre du Continuum Q qui avait d\u00E9cid\u00E9 de se suicider."@fr . . "Nie"@pl . "Eversallow Town"@en . . "*Pendulum Wars"@en . . . . . . . "Private Quinn appeared participated in the rescue operation at the Hasbro Mining pit near Madison, Wisconsin. He was part of Danby's squad, which helped Lt. Nathan Hale storm the conversion center where Henry Walker was held. Quinn was one of two men ordered by Danby to exterminate the rest of the Spinners they had found in the center; a while later, Quinn was order to search for William Dentweiler (who had gone missing on the mission) and Walker in one of the many cocoons inside the facility. He most importantly, however, found the tape about Project Omega on Walker's body."@en . "1025"^^ . "Male"@en . . "Quinn is a minor character in The Powerpuff Girls, a hired mercenary of The Representative's."@en . . . "Keine"@de . . . "2372"^^ . "-"@en . . "Stingray"@en . . . . "Bio"@en . . "Origin:"@en . . . . "*Humans"@en . . . . . "co kilka sekund oznacza i Uwra\u017Cliwia poblisk\u0105 wrog\u0105 jednostk\u0119 oraz ujawnia j\u0105 na 4 sekundy.\n\nNast\u0119pny atak podstawowy Quinn wykonany przeciwko Wra\u017Cliwemu celowi zadaje dodatkowe .\n\nCzas odnowienia Gonitwy jest skracany o 1 % za ka\u017Cdy 1% szansy na trafienie krytyczne."@pl . "Dino Capsule Gray Ranger"@en . "mana"@fr . . . "Unaggressive"@en . "3"^^ . "Quinn"@en . "1"^^ . "Family members:"@en . "Earth"@en . "Cream"@en . "Quinn's current appearance"@en . . . "50"^^ . "no"@en . "QUINN"@en . "Doctor Quentin Q. Quinn (voiced by Brett Butler) is the brains of the outfit, with an IQ of 260. As the only member of the crew with any formal education and any sort of common sense left, he's the one that ends up running the station. In effect, he is the comedic straight man of the series. He's also the \"token black guy.\" He and Debbie have an on-again, off-again relationship. Quinn is actually a cyborg -- an illness in his youth forced him to transplant his human brain into a replica robot body. Although Quinn dramatically revealed this in the pilot episode \"I, Robot\" it doesn't really affect his character that much and it is only rarely mentioned again throughout the series.He also has a hydraulic penis which is very large and requires a lot of strength to operate."@en . "Wanderer"@en . "Salto"@en . . "Quinn is a gnome whose friend Nester was killed by ankhegs. He will ask Gorion's Ward and their party to recover his friend's dagger for him."@en . . . . . . . . "Gray"@en . . . . . . "3"^^ . . . "Assaut Aveuglant"@fr . . . . "Unknown; During the Pendulum Wars"@en . . . "Weaponsmithing"@en . . "Blue"@en . . . . . ": Quinn oczekuje na i przygotowuje si\u0119 do lotu przez 2 sekundy. Podczas lotu Quinn zyskuje znaczn\u0105 premi\u0119 do pr\u0119dko\u015Bci ruchu, lecz nie mo\u017Ce atakowa\u0107 atakami podstawowymi, ani rzuca\u0107 umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci bohater\u00F3w z wyj\u0105tkiem ."@pl . . . "Quinn was a member of the Chaste. He was stabbed through the chest by Elektra while she was searching for Stick, but managed to warn Daredevil in time for him to rescue his mentor."@en . "*Packhorse"@en . "Quinn is an Irish man and good friend of Carl. He works as secondary camera man for Donnie, and Carl's different yet similar friend. They clearly drink and go on drunken rampages together which get them things like an Alien style tracking device from Planet Hollywood. Quinn, like Carl, is a stereotype (Irish), with being a drunk, being in the IRA, and having many relatives. Quinn is a little more friendly than Carl, but still has his rude moments. Quinn is okay with hangovers and treats them like there nothing. Quinn is still fun-loving and able to threaten people when necessary. When Demo Reel ended, Quinn was left along with Carl, Rebecca, and Tacoma."@en . . . "Quinn was a guard that guarded the tent of Captain Padriag."@en . . "Main Hero"@en . "Cup-and-ball is a noble sport with tournaments and championships like any other sport. Although not everyone sees it like that. To put it nicely, the All Stars, led by Striker, used to say it wasn't an exactly \"manly\" activity. But they\u2019ve had to change their mind about that, ever since Quinn wiped out a couple of guys by whacking them over the head with his balls."@en . "Tak"@pl . . . . . . "Pojedyncze"@pl . "Resident Evil: Apocalypse"@en . "__NOWYSIWYG__QuinnKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . . . . . "Quinn threatens Red's riding hood."@en . . "Quinn, born John Quinn, is a supporting character in \"The Southern Vampire Mysteries\". He first appears as a referee to a werewolf fight in Dead as a Doornail, and has been in every book since."@en . "Doskok to pojedynczo celowany \u015Blizg"@pl . . "Brown"@en . . "7"^^ . "*Caroline Reynolds\n*The Company"@en . "Hair color: Dark blueEye color: BrownEarphones: Black.Dress/outfit: See concept art.Nationality/Race: Dutch witch."@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Quinn was a kid in Greg's pre-school, and the joker of Greg's class who had one joke which freaked Greg out. He also appeared in Rodrick Rules on page 109, and in the online version."@en . "Books:"@en . . . . . . . . . "bug"@en . "-"@en . "UnderworldResidentFaction"@en . . . . . . "* Gonitwa zapewnia wizje na oznaczonych celach.\n* oznacza cele wed\u0142ug priorytetu:\n:* 1. Ostatni atakowany cel.\n::* Je\u015Bli ostatni atakowany cel jest ma\u0142ym stworem, to wybierany jest inny cel.\n:* 2. Wrogi bohater z najmniejsz\u0105 ilo\u015Bci\u0105 zdrowia.\n:* 3. Wrogi stw\u00F3r z najmniejsz\u0105 ilo\u015Bci\u0105 zdrowia."@pl . . "FO3"@fr . "no"@en . "Mana"@de . "Obszarowe"@pl . . . . . . . "Female"@en . . . . . "romantic"@en . "Name: Tim Age: 20 Location: San Jose, CA Occupation: Student / Security Guard Characters: Kelbourne Sandskimmer"@en . . . . "Nicholas Hawtrey"@en . . . . . . "Quinn"@de . "How the Mighty Have Fallen\", \"Old Endings Bring New Beginnings\" and \"Not Another Team Movie"@en . "Quinn was a member of the Chaste. He was stabbed through the chest by Elektra while she was searching for Stick, but managed to warn Daredevil in time for him to rescue his mentor."@en . . "Quinn ist Underworld's Verbindung zur Au\u00DFenwelt. Er ist ein H\u00E4ndler, der mit den Menschen in der Welt da drau\u00DFen Handel treibt. Dennoch findet man ihn immer in Underworld, wo er durch die G\u00E4nge schlendert, meistens in Carols Wohnung."@de . "Courage: Power +2"@en . "Sergeant Quinn was a Raccoon City police officer who was caught up in the 2002 viral outbreak."@en . . "active"@fr . . . "Quinn, born John Quinn, is a supporting character in \"The Southern Vampire Mysteries\". He first appears as a referee to a werewolf fight in Dead as a Doornail, and has been in every book since."@en . . "311.0"^^ . . . . . . "Blue"@en . "passive"@en . . "Human citizen of Mars in 3002 CE."@en . . . . . . . "*Communications earpiece\n*COG Armor"@en . . . . . "Race"@en . "Quinn was an assassin from \"The Company\", put in charge of supervising agents Paul Kellerman and Daniel Hale. Seemingly careless and neurotic, Quinn is actually observant, intelligent, and ruthless. His attempt to obtain information from Nick Savrinn, Veronica Donovan and L.J. fails and he ends up at the bottom of a well. After Agents Kellerman and Hale arrive, they respond by pulling a cover over the well and leaving him there to die. Quinn's body is still there weeks later when Veronica, LJ, and Nick return to recover his cell phone for information."@en . "Status:"@en . . "sek."@pl . . . "Quinn, privado de las fuerzas armadas de la Coalici\u00F3n de Gobiernos Ordenados (CGO). Era miembro de la Compa\u00F1ia C de la 26va Infanter\u00EDa Real de Tyran y parte del Escuadr\u00F3n asignado para patrullar los Campos de Imulsi\u00F3n de Acastu."@es . "Guardsman Quinn is a commandable squadmate in the mission \"Escape At Dawn\" in Medal of Honor: European Assault. He uses an MP-40 submachine gun."@en . . . . . . . "2011-08-26"^^ . . . "Quinn QVideo.ogv"@pl . . . "Nie"@pl . . . "Wyostrzone Zmys\u0142y"@pl . . . . . "Quinn is the main character of the Wedding Dash series. Quinn is primarily a wedding planner, but she later expanded her business to other planning careers such as hotels,restraunts,etc. Her primary focus is to make sure that couples are pleased with their wedding experiences."@en . . "Settler"@en . . . "Auburn"@en . . "yes"@en . "Quinn est un voyageur, un solitaire plus utile \u00E0 voyager dans les Terres D\u00E9sol\u00E9es qu'\u00E0 rester assis, mais il reste \u00E0 Underworld pour fournir Tulip en mat\u00E9riels pour son magasin, et s'assurer qu'elle va bien. Utilis\u00E9 pour marchander avec les humains, il a appris \u00E0 ne pas leur faire confiance, mais reste un bon juge de personnes. Ne pensez pas qu'il est un tendre ; il s'agit d'un v\u00E9t\u00E9ran en mati\u00E8re de combat."@fr . . "Marumero"@en . . . "Goblin"@en . . . . . . . "Raccoon City police officer"@en . "/ /"@fr . . . . "__NOWYSIWYG__QuinnKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten"@de . . . . "Doskok"@pl . . . . "Quinn is an Irish man and good friend of Carl. He works as secondary camera man for Donnie, and Carl's different yet similar friend. They clearly drink and go on drunken rampages together which get them things like an Alien style tracking device from Planet Hollywood. Quinn, like Carl, is a stereotype (Irish), with being a drunk, being in the IRA, and having many relatives. Quinn is a little more friendly than Carl, but still has his rude moments. Quinn is okay with hangovers and treats them like there nothing. Quinn is still fun-loving and able to threaten people when necessary. When Demo Reel ended, Quinn was left along with Carl, Rebecca, and Tacoma. Quinn wears a grey newsboy hat, grey wool sports coat, and faded green sweater. He also has worn a white tank top. He has a soul patch and talks in an Irish accent. Though Quinn has held a gun many times on the show, we never see him fire one. He also drank Carl's booze."@en . .