"L'USS Saratoga NCC-31911 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration de classe Miranda affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, en service durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Il \u00E9tait le 3\u00E8me vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter ce nom. L'USS Saratoga NCC-31640 \u00E9tait en service \u00E0 la m\u00EAme \u00E9poque."@fr . . "NCC-31911"@fr . . . . . "USS Saratoga"@nl . . . . . . "De USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was een Miranda-klasse Federatie sterrenschip in de 24e eeuw. Luitenant commandant Benjamin Sisko diende tijdens de 2360s aan boord van het schip als de eerste officier. In 2367 behoorde de Saratoga tot de vloot van sterrenschepen als verdediging van de Sol sector tijdens de Slag om Wolf 359. Hoewel enkele bemanningsleden met reddings capsules wisten te ontkomen vielen er vele doden. Commandant Sisko ontkwam met zijn zoon Jake, maar zijn vrouw, Jennifer, stierf tijdens de aanval. Het schip werd uiteindelijk met 38 andere sterrenschepen verwoest. (DS9: \"Emissary\")"@nl . "L'USS Saratoga NCC-31911 \u00E9tait un vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration de classe Miranda affili\u00E9 \u00E0 Starfleet, en service durant la 2\u00E8me moiti\u00E9 du 24\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Il \u00E9tait le 3\u00E8me vaisseau de la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration \u00E0 porter ce nom. L'USS Saratoga NCC-31640 \u00E9tait en service \u00E0 la m\u00EAme \u00E9poque."@fr . . . . . . . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a Miranda-class light cruiser active in Starfleet service from the late 23rd century to the mid-24th century. The Saratoga was described as a Ticonderoga-class fast patrol vessel in one fan source. (Kennedy Shipyards: Starfleet Vessel Miranda Class Starship USS Reliant NCC-1864: General Blueprints and Specifications) A 2006 revision of Jackill's Starfleet Reference Manual: Ships of the Fleet, vol. 1 designated it as the lead ship and prototype for the Saratoga-class of strategic frigates. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko served as the vessel's first officer during the mid-2360s. (DS9: \"Emissary\") In 2364, Saratoga rescued survivors of the destruction of USS Artemis. It was aboard Saratoga where Daniel Radke first met Jason Athelstan, a crew member who he later had a relationship with. (Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles: \"Lady Lazarus\"; Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions: \"Isolation\", \"An Innocent Time\") In 2367, Saratoga was part of a fleet of 40 starships massed at Wolf 359 in defense of Sector 001 during an incursion by a Borg cube. Saratoga was severely crippled by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359. Benjamin Sisko and his son survived as they ejected in lifepods, but many Starfleet officers and civilians did not. Saratoga was destroyed by a warp core breach. (DS9: \"Emissary\") During the battle, the Saratoga reported the USS Melbourne was down. The USS Prospect's sensors detected several escape pods and survivors from the Saratoga during the rescue effort at Wolf 359, while the USS Worsaae recovered the lifepod Benjamin and Jake Sisko were in, with Jason Athelstan and Scott Fack assisting them once aboard. (Star Trek: The Prospect Chronicles: \"The Burnt Child\") In the 2370s, another vessel of the same class would be named after her and given the registry NCC-31911-A. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) By 2378, the Saratoga had been rebuilt and was part of the Starfleet Third Fleet, under the command of Admiral Christopher Truman. (Star Trek: Pioneer)"@en . "USS"@fr . . . . . . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@de . . . . . "NCC-31911"@nl . "destroyed ; succeeded in name by"@en . . "De USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was een Miranda-klasse Federatie sterrenschip in de 24e eeuw. Luitenant commandant Benjamin Sisko diende tijdens de 2360s aan boord van het schip als de eerste officier. In 2367 behoorde de Saratoga tot de vloot van sterrenschepen als verdediging van de Sol sector tijdens de Slag om Wolf 359. Hoewel enkele bemanningsleden met reddings capsules wisten te ontkomen vielen er vele doden. Commandant Sisko ontkwam met zijn zoon Jake, maar zijn vrouw, Jennifer, stierf tijdens de aanval. Het schip werd uiteindelijk met 38 andere sterrenschepen verwoest. (DS9: \"Emissary\") \n* Zie ook: USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) personeel De Saratoga was ook hier een hergebruikte versie van het USS Reliant model van \"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan\" met een nieuw registratie nummer. Het schip vuurde haar fasers echter van een andere plek dan normaal. De fasers kwam nu uit een van de lagere sensorengebieden. Saratoga, 2 pt-br:USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@nl . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@cs . . . . . . . . "thumb|Die Saratoga greift den Borg-Kubus an. thumb|Die USS Saratoga wird von den Borg angegriffen. Die USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) ist ein Raumschiff der Miranda-Klasse der F\u00F6deration im 24. Jahrhundert. Sie ist nach der NCC-1867 bereits mindestens das zweite Raumschiff der Miranda-Klasse, das den Namen Saratoga tr\u00E4gt. 2365 wird die Saratoga von Captain Martin Jedlicka kommandiert und befindet sich auf einer Forschungsmission im Sektor 002. (TNG: ) Anfang 2367 ist die Saratoga eines der vielen Schiffe, die sich in der Schlacht von Wolf 359 einem Borg-Kubus stellen. Zur Zeit der Borg-Invasion wird die Saratoga von einem vulkanischen Captain kommandiert und ihr taktischer Offizier ist ein Bolianer. An Bord sind auch der Erste Offizier Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko, seine Frau Jennifer und ihr gemeinsames Kind Jake. Im Kampf mit den Borg bei Wolf 359 verlieren viele Besatzungsmitglieder ihr Leben, darunter auch der Captain; der Warpkern wird besch\u00E4digt und das Schiff wird evakuiert. Einige Besatzungsmitglieder, darunter Benjamin und Jake Sisko, k\u00F6nnen wenige Sekunden bevor das Schiff explodiert in Rettungskapseln fliehen. Jennifer Sisko, die von Tr\u00FCmmern versch\u00FCttet und get\u00F6tet wird, wird auf dem Schiff zur\u00FCckgelassen. (DS9: )"@de . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a Miranda-class light cruiser active in Starfleet service from the late 23rd century to the mid-24th century. The Saratoga was described as a Ticonderoga-class fast patrol vessel in one fan source. (Kennedy Shipyards: Starfleet Vessel Miranda Class Starship USS Reliant NCC-1864: General Blueprints and Specifications) A 2006 revision of Jackill's Starfleet Reference Manual: Ships of the Fleet, vol. 1 designated it as the lead ship and prototype for the Saratoga-class of strategic frigates."@en . . . "Light cruiser"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Uss saratoga 2367 fore.jpg"@nl . . "USS Saratoga"@en . . . . . . . . . "The USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a Miranda-class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century."@en . . . . . "fed"@en . . . "thumb|Die Saratoga greift den Borg-Kubus an. thumb|Die USS Saratoga wird von den Borg angegriffen. Die USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) ist ein Raumschiff der Miranda-Klasse der F\u00F6deration im 24. Jahrhundert. Sie ist nach der NCC-1867 bereits mindestens das zweite Raumschiff der Miranda-Klasse, das den Namen Saratoga tr\u00E4gt. 2365 wird die Saratoga von Captain Martin Jedlicka kommandiert und befindet sich auf einer Forschungsmission im Sektor 002. (TNG: )"@de . . . . . . . "d\u00E9truit"@fr . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@nl . . "This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Saratoga of history. In 2358, the Saratoga was docked at Starbase 179. Station resident Robin Lefler was given a tour of the vessel at that time. (NF short story: \"Lefler's Logs\") The Saratoga was sent to recover Doctor Rebecca Emmanuelli, who had been illegally held by the Tzenkethi for several years after the end of the Tzenkethi War. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)"@en . . . . . "2367"^^ . . . "NCC-31911"@en . . . . . . . . . "220"^^ . "NCC-31911"@en . . . . . . "The USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a Miranda-class starship in service to Starfleet in the 24th century."@en . . "The USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a 24th century Federation Miranda-class starship operated by Starfleet. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko served as the vessel's first officer during the mid-2360s. In 2365, Captain Martin Jedlicka was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, the starship was assigned on a deep space exploration mission of Sector 002. The ship was listed on the Starship Deploy Status chart that was on display in the courtroom of Starbase 173. (TNG: \"The Measure Of A Man\" , okudagram) In 2367, the Saratoga was part of a fleet of forty starships massed at Wolf 359 in defense of Sector 001 during an incursion by a Borg cube. By this time, an unnamed Vulcan captain was in command. During the battle, the cube locked the Saratoga in a tractor beam, draining her shields until they eventually failed. The Borg then fired a cutting beam at the Saratoga, scoring a direct hit on decks 1 through 4 as well as causing devastating damage. Most notably, the warp core suffered heavy damage that would lead to antimatter containment failure. Although some crewmembers and civilians escaped in escape pods, many died, including the Saratoga's captain. Commander Sisko escaped with his son Jake, but his wife Jennifer perished during the attack. The ship was ultimately destroyed by a Borg cutting beam in combination with a warp core breach. (DS9: \"Emissary\")"@en . . "Saratoga"@fr . . . "Destroyed"@en . "USS Saratoga"@nl . . . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@en . . . "The USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) was a 24th century Federation Miranda-class starship operated by Starfleet. Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko served as the vessel's first officer during the mid-2360s. In 2365, Captain Martin Jedlicka was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, the starship was assigned on a deep space exploration mission of Sector 002. The ship was listed on the Starship Deploy Status chart that was on display in the courtroom of Starbase 173. (TNG: \"The Measure Of A Man\" , okudagram)"@en . "USS Saratoga"@en . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) byla Federa\u010Dn\u00ED lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Miranda, kter\u00E1 aktivn\u011B slou\u017Eila b\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 poloviny 24. stolet\u00ED. Nadporu\u010D\u00EDk Benjamin Sisko na t\u00E9to lodi v dan\u00E9 dob\u011B slou\u017Eil jako prvn\u00ED d\u016Fstojn\u00EDk a\u017E do jej\u00EDho zni\u010Den\u00ED v roce 2367. [[Soubor:Uss saratoga 2367 aft.jpg|thumb|left|USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) \u00FAto\u010D\u00ED na Borgskou krychli]] V tomto roce byla Saratoga sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED flotily \u010Dty\u0159iceti plavidel, kter\u00E1 se seskupila u hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu Wolf 359, aby chr\u00E1nila Sektor 001 b\u011Bhem invaze Borgsk\u00E9 krychle. B\u011Bhem n\u00E1sledn\u00E9 bitvy byla lo\u010F zachycena vle\u010Dn\u00FDm paprskem a jej\u00ED \u0161t\u00EDty pot\u00E9 selhaly. Borgov\u00E9 n\u00E1sledn\u011B na Saratogu vyst\u0159elili \u0159ezac\u00EDm paprskem, kter\u00FD v\u00E1\u017En\u011B po\u0161kodil paluby 1 a\u017E 4. T\u011B\u017Ece po\u0161kozeno bylo tak\u00E9 warpov\u00E9 j\u00E1dro a izolace antihmoty se postupn\u011B sni\u017Eovala. Mezt\u00EDm na lodi prob\u00EDhala evakuace, mnoho d\u016Fstojn\u00EDk\u016F b\u011Bhem n\u00ED p\u0159i\u0161lo o \u017Eivot, v\u010Detn\u011B kapit\u00E1na. Nadporu\u010D\u00EDku Siskovi se poda\u0159ilo uniknout spole\u010Dn\u011B s jeho synem Jakem, ale jeho \u017Eena Jennifer zem\u0159ela b\u011Bhem \u00FAtoku. Lo\u010F byla pozd\u011Bji zni\u010Dena, a to bu\u010F n\u00E1sledkem dal\u0161\u00EDho z\u00E1sahu \u0159ezec\u00EDm paprskem nebo v\u00FDbuchem warpov\u00E9ho j\u00E1dra. (DS9: \"Emissary\")"@cs . . "De USS Saratoga wordt getroffen door de Borg"@nl . "Miranda"@en . . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911)"@fr . "Uss saratoga 2367 attacked.jpg"@nl . "This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Saratoga of history. In 2358, the Saratoga was docked at Starbase 179. Station resident Robin Lefler was given a tour of the vessel at that time. (NF short story: \"Lefler's Logs\") The Saratoga was sent to recover Doctor Rebecca Emmanuelli, who had been illegally held by the Tzenkethi for several years after the end of the Tzenkethi War. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) In the year 2365, the Saratoga was under the command of Captain Martin Jedlicka. He was assigned to captain Saratoga on a deep space exploration mission in sector 002. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: \"The Measure of a Man\") Prior to 2367, Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Sisko was the first officer of the Saratoga. During that time, the ship undertook missions to Guldammur IV, Mariphasa IV and Thetalian Prime. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) At Guldammur IV, the Saratoga encountered a hostile Breen ship. In a plan devised by Benjamin Sisko and Hranok, a narrow-gauge phaser spread was fired from the weapons of the Saratoga, making several small gaps in the Breen's shields. This allowed the Saratoga crew to beam unwanted items into the Breen's weapon banks, clogging them and leaving them unable to fire. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) On Mariphasa IV, Sisko, Hranok, Thorn and Laffer were captured by the Cardassians and were about to be tortured to reveal their mission there. They were saved by Doctor Laffer's arguments with the Cardassian in charge, which bought time for Thorn to disarm one of the Cardassians and make their escape. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) On a mission to Thetalian Prime, Sisko, Hranok, Graal and Laffer were affected by alien organisms until Dr. Laffer was able to find a cure. Some of the organisms, which produced corlandium, remained in their systems. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) In 2367, the Saratoga was part of the Federation fleet that engaged the Borg at Wolf 359. The Saratoga was among the first ships to arrive and engaged the Borg cube with the USS Gage, the USS Melbourne and the USS Kyushu. The Saratoga was destroyed at the battle, although several escape pods were able to leave the ship. (DS9 episode: \"Emissary\") Sisko was sent back to the Saratoga during the battle on a mission by the Prophets and encountered several Borg drones who had boarded the ship. (DS9 video game: Crossroads of Time) In 2373 the USS Voyager discovered one of the escape pods from the USS Saratoga with survivors aboard. The escape pod (along with several others) had been trapped in a rift where time flowed at a different rate. Unfortunately the survivors had to re-enter the rift to prevent the Voyager from being trapped inside. (VOY comic: \"Ghosts\")"@en . . . . "USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) byla Federa\u010Dn\u00ED lod\u00ED t\u0159\u00EDdy Miranda, kter\u00E1 aktivn\u011B slou\u017Eila b\u011Bhem druh\u00E9 poloviny 24. stolet\u00ED. Nadporu\u010D\u00EDk Benjamin Sisko na t\u00E9to lodi v dan\u00E9 dob\u011B slou\u017Eil jako prvn\u00ED d\u016Fstojn\u00EDk a\u017E do jej\u00EDho zni\u010Den\u00ED v roce 2367. [[Soubor:Uss saratoga 2367 aft.jpg|thumb|left|USS Saratoga (NCC-31911) \u00FAto\u010D\u00ED na Borgskou krychli]] V tomto roce byla Saratoga sou\u010D\u00E1st\u00ED flotily \u010Dty\u0159iceti plavidel, kter\u00E1 se seskupila u hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9ho syst\u00E9mu Wolf 359, aby chr\u00E1nila Sektor 001 b\u011Bhem invaze Borgsk\u00E9 krychle."@cs . . . . .