"\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30F3"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo \"Thrawn\""@sv . . "Thrawn"@fr . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, bekannt unter seinem Spitznamen Thrawn, war der inoffiziele Nachfolger von Palpatine als F\u00FChrer der Imperialen Flotte."@de . . . "1.8"^^ . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was a male Chiss military officer and an Imperial Grand Admiral. He was also the grandfather of Jero Thrawn and Camiella Thrawn."@en . . . "*Ascendenza Chiss\n**Famiglia Mitth\n**Forza di Difesa di Espansione Chiss\n*Impero Galattico\n**Marina Imperiale\n*Ordine del Cerchio Inclinato\n*Confederazione di Thrawn\n*Impero della Mano"@it . "250"^^ . "Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@sv . "1,8 m"@it . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@en . "K\u00E1non:Thrawn"@en . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was a male Chiss military officer and an Imperial Grand Admiral. He was also the grandfather of Jero Thrawn and Camiella Thrawn."@en . . . . "Chimaera"@fr . . "K\u00E9kesfekete"@hu . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@fi . . "Chiss"@es . . "video/star-wars-rebels-season-three-mid-season-trailer-official"@pt . . . . "Thrawn"@en . "1"^^ . "Who is Thrawn? Here's what you need to know about the Empire's master strategist -- and why millions of voices cried out in happiness upon news of his return."@pt . . . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@en . . "video/star-wars-rebels-fulcrum-trap"@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . "Star Wars Rebels Season Three - Mid-Season Trailer"@pt . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "\u041C\u0456\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E"@en . . "*Rise of the Empire era\n*Rebellion era\n*New Republic era"@en . . . "SWCE 2016: 11 Things we learned from the Star Wars Rebels Season Three Panel"@pt . "\uC4F0\uB860"@fr . . . . "Thrawn#kanon"@en . . . "Sinimustat"@fi . . . . "Star Wars Rebels: \"Face to Face with Thrawn\""@pt . "Syndic Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@hu . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or Thrawn, was a blue dude. He was a Grand Admiral, and the greatest military commander in history. Back when Tycho Celchu was in the Imperial forces,they were lovers and had a lot of hot near human relations, which was the only reason that Winter married Tycho. Because if a man had been with Thrawn, he was obviously quality material. The very mention of his name made New Republic officials cry for their mommy. He had a record of 6,104 and 0 in battle, with 137 wins against the New Republic. He lost only because the Force was not with him (it had been with the Galactic Empire for the past two decades, and had decided it was time to be with the Jedi). His brother was Mitth'ras'safis."@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . "video/star-wars-rebels-thrawns-ruthlessness"@pt . . . . . . . . "Thrawn a Nuruodo v\u00E9rvonalb\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmazott. N\u00E9pe, a titokzatos Chissek k\u00F6r\u00E9ben, magas rang\u00FA katonai vezet\u0151k\u00E9nt tisztelt\u00E9k, kiemelked\u0151 strat\u00E9giai \u00E9rz\u00E9k\u00E9nek \u00E9s p\u00E1ratlan helyzetelemz\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9g\u00E9nek k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151en. YE 27-ben Thrawn volt a legfiatalabb parancsnok a Kiterjesztett Flott\u00E1ban. Ekkort\u00E1jt Thrawn beleavatkozott egy csat\u00E1ba Progga, a Hutt \u00E9s a kor\u00E9liai csemp\u00E9sz haj\u00F3 a Bargain Hunter k\u00F6zt. Miut\u00E1n megsemmis\u00EDtette a Hutt haj\u00F3t, lefoglalta Bargain Huntert \u00E9s leg\u00E9nys\u00E9g\u00E9t: Dubrak Qennto kapit\u00E1nyt, a partner\u00E9t, \u00E9s m\u00E1sodpil\u00F3t\u00E1j\u00E1t Maris Ferasit, valamint Jorj Car'das navig\u00E1tort. A k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 n\u00E9h\u00E1ny h\u00F3nap folyam\u00E1n, a h\u00E1rom kor\u00E9liai nagyr\u00E9szt Thrawnnal maradt a parancsnoki haj\u00F3j\u00E1n a Springhawkon. Ez alatt az id\u0151 alatt Thrawn \u00E9s Ferasi k\u00F6zt tart\u00F3s bar\u00E1ts\u00E1g alakult ki. Thrawn a Chiss protokollal ellenkezett, amikor egy gravit\u00E1ci\u00F3s projectort megszerzett a Vagaari Flott\u00E1t\u00F3l, ami a geroonok sz\u00FCl\u0151bolyg\u00F3j\u00E1t ostromolta. Thrawn megsebes\u00FClt a csat\u00E1ban, \u00E9s az \u00E9let\u00E9t Maris \u00E9s Car'das mentette meg."@hu . . "Thrawn"@pt . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo syntyi tavallisena chisskansalaisena, mutta h\u00E4nen aloittaessaan sotilaallisen uransa kahdeksas hallitseva perhe Mitth hyv\u00E4ksyi h\u00E4net j\u00E4senekseen. H\u00E4nen sotilaallinen \u00E4lyns\u00E4 nosti h\u00E4net kaikkien aikojen nuorimmaksi komentajaksi laajennuspainotteisissa puolustusvoimissa ja h\u00E4n sai Springhawkin komentoaluksekseen. H\u00E4n kuitenkin venytti usein valtuuksiensa rajoja, sill\u00E4 h\u00E4nen oli vaikeata hyv\u00E4ksy\u00E4 kansansa rauhanomaisen tarkkailun periaatetta sotilaallisissa kysymyksiss\u00E4."@fi . . "Azul"@es . . . . . "9"^^ . . . . . . . "\u0398\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD"@pt . "Male"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . . "Star Wars Rebels: \"The Menace of Thrawn\""@pt . "*Chissien valtakunta\n*Galaktinen Imperiumi\n*K\u00E4den Imperiumi"@fi . . . "video/star-wars-rebels-thrawns-next-move"@pt . . . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo syntyi tavallisena chisskansalaisena, mutta h\u00E4nen aloittaessaan sotilaallisen uransa kahdeksas hallitseva perhe Mitth hyv\u00E4ksyi h\u00E4net j\u00E4senekseen. H\u00E4nen sotilaallinen \u00E4lyns\u00E4 nosti h\u00E4net kaikkien aikojen nuorimmaksi komentajaksi laajennuspainotteisissa puolustusvoimissa ja h\u00E4n sai Springhawkin komentoaluksekseen. H\u00E4n kuitenkin venytti usein valtuuksiensa rajoja, sill\u00E4 h\u00E4nen oli vaikeata hyv\u00E4ksy\u00E4 kansansa rauhanomaisen tarkkailun periaatetta sotilaallisissa kysymyksiss\u00E4. Kun ep\u00E4onnistunut salakuljetuskeikka toi Jorj Car'dasin, Maris Ferasin ja Dubrak Qennton Tuntemattomille alueille, Thrawn vangitsi heid\u00E4t ja vei tukikohtaansa Crustaihin. Crustaissa Thrawn tarkkaili ihmisi\u00E4 opetellen heid\u00E4n kielt\u00E4\u00E4n ja vastavuoroisesti opettaen Car'dasille ja Marisille cheunhia ja minnisiatia. H\u00E4n my\u00F6s otti heid\u00E4t mukaansa taiseluihin vagaareja ja Kauppaliiton iskuryhm\u00E4\u00E4 vastaan. Tuhottuaan Kauppaliiton iskuryhm\u00E4n Thrawn tapasi joukkoa johtaneet Siv Kavin ja Kinman Dorianan. Kuultuaan Dorianalta Outbound Flightista Thrawn n\u00E4ki vieraan aluksen saapumisessa tilaisuuden tuhota uhkaavat vagaarit. Ensin Doriana koetti esitt\u00E4\u00E4 jedit uhkana Chissien valtakunnalle ja suostutella Thrawnin tuhoamaan aluksen puolestaan, mutta Car'dasin l\u00E4sn\u00E4olo pakotti h\u00E4net miettim\u00E4\u00E4n sanojaan tarkkaan. Lopulta Doriana selitti, ett\u00E4 Darth Sidious oli l\u00E4hett\u00E4nyt h\u00E4net tuhoamaan Outbound Flightin est\u00E4\u00E4kseen alusta joutumasta galaksin ulkopuolelta l\u00E4hestyvien vihollisten k\u00E4siin. Aikoen pakottaa Outbound Flightin k\u00E4\u00E4ntym\u00E4\u00E4n takaisin Thrawn j\u00E4rjesti yhteisen ansan sek\u00E4 alukselle ett\u00E4 vagaareille k\u00E4ytt\u00E4en vagaareilta kaappaamaansa painovoimageneraattoria. Taistelu ei kuitenkaan sujunut aivan Thrawnin suunnitelman mukaan, sill\u00E4 jedimestari Jorus C'baoth melkein kuristi h\u00E4net Voiman avulla. Pelastaakseen komentajan Doriana aktivoi droidit\u00E4htih\u00E4vitt\u00E4jiin asetetun aliohjelman, joka l\u00E4hetti alukset t\u00F6rm\u00E4\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n vagaarien sijasta Outbound Flightiin, tappaen vaarallisella s\u00E4teilyll\u00E4 kaikki kuuden Dreadnaughtin kyydiss\u00E4 olleet. Viidennen hallitsevan perheen j\u00E4sen Chaf'orm'bintrano vaati Thrawnia vastuuseen tapahtuneesta, mutta komentaja onnistui venytt\u00E4m\u00E4\u00E4n keskustelua kunnes Thrawnin veli Mitth'ras'safis ja Outbound Flightin varastoytimess\u00E4 ollut jedi Lorana Jinzler onnistuivat viem\u00E4\u00E4n aluksen pois taistelupaikalta. Thrassin katoaminen Outbound Flightin mukana ja Thrawnin ep\u00E4onnistunut yritys houkutella vagaarit hy\u00F6kk\u00E4ykseen tuotti hallitsevien perheiden kiukun nuoren komentajan ylle, mutta se ei merkitt\u00E4v\u00E4sti vaikuttanut h\u00E4nen toimiinsa. Sidiousin houkuttelemana Thrawn lopulta suoritti hy\u00F6kk\u00E4yksen planeetalla olleen asetehtaan kimppuun, mink\u00E4 seurauksena hallitsevilla perheill\u00E4 ei ollut muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin karkottaa h\u00E4net asumattomalle planeetalle."@fi . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Chiss"@en . . . . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio\n*Era de la Rebeli\u00F3n\n*Era de la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica"@es . . "\u041C\u0438\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E"@es . . "Thrawn a Nuruodo v\u00E9rvonalb\u00F3l sz\u00E1rmazott. N\u00E9pe, a titokzatos Chissek k\u00F6r\u00E9ben, magas rang\u00FA katonai vezet\u0151k\u00E9nt tisztelt\u00E9k, kiemelked\u0151 strat\u00E9giai \u00E9rz\u00E9k\u00E9nek \u00E9s p\u00E1ratlan helyzetelemz\u0151 k\u00E9pess\u00E9g\u00E9nek k\u00F6sz\u00F6nhet\u0151en. YE 27-ben Thrawn volt a legfiatalabb parancsnok a Kiterjesztett Flott\u00E1ban. Ekkort\u00E1jt Thrawn beleavatkozott egy csat\u00E1ba Progga, a Hutt \u00E9s a kor\u00E9liai csemp\u00E9sz haj\u00F3 a Bargain Hunter k\u00F6zt. Miut\u00E1n megsemmis\u00EDtette a Hutt haj\u00F3t, lefoglalta Bargain Huntert \u00E9s leg\u00E9nys\u00E9g\u00E9t: Dubrak Qennto kapit\u00E1nyt, a partner\u00E9t, \u00E9s m\u00E1sodpil\u00F3t\u00E1j\u00E1t Maris Ferasit, valamint Jorj Car'das navig\u00E1tort. A k\u00F6vetkez\u0151 n\u00E9h\u00E1ny h\u00F3nap folyam\u00E1n, a h\u00E1rom kor\u00E9liai nagyr\u00E9szt Thrawnnal maradt a parancsnoki haj\u00F3j\u00E1n a Springhawkon. Ez alatt az id\u0151 alatt Thrawn \u00E9s Ferasi k\u00F6zt tart\u00F3s bar\u00E1ts\u00E1g alakult ki. Thrawn a Chiss protokollal ellenkeze"@hu . "\u041C\u0438\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E"@sv . . . . . . . . "news/force-of-fashion-6-imperial-uniforms-worth-signing-up-for"@pt . . . "Blue-black"@en . . "Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@hu . . "Red"@en . "Yes"@en . "K\u00E1non:Thrawn"@pt . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . "Thrawn"@fr . "1.8"^^ . . . . "100.0"^^ . . . "\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30F3"@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . . . . . . "\uC4F0\uB860"@en . . "Masculino"@es . . . "9"^^ . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . . "*\n*Dark Empire endnotes \n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition\n*\n*TIE Fighter: The Official Strategy Guide\n* \n* \n* \n*\n*\n*\n*The Essential Guide to Characters\n* \n*\n*The Best of the Star Wars Adventure Journal, Issues 1-4\n*The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n* \n*Classic Adventures: Volume Four - The Best of the Journal\n*\n*Diplomatic Corps Entrance Exam\n*\n*\n* \n*\n* \n*\n*\n*\n*\n*Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide\n*Star Wars Encyclopedia\n*Handbook 1: X-wing Rogue Squadron\n*The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons\n*Star Wars: Behind the Magic\n*Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive\n*The Essential Guide to Droids\n* \n*C-3PO: Tales of the Golden Droid\n*The Essential Chronology\n*Handbook 3: Dark Empire\n*\n*A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition\n*Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook\n*\n*The Essential Guide to Alien Species\n*\n*\n*Rebellion Era Sourcebook\n*The Dark Side Sourcebook\n*Alien Anthology\n*\n*The New Jedi Order Sourcebook\n*The New Essential Guide to Characters\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook\n*Power of the Jedi Sourcebook\n*Coruscant and the Core Worlds\n*\n*Ultimate Alien Anthology\n*Hero's Guide\n*The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels\n*\n*Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds\n*Ultimate Adversaries\n*The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*Star Wars Miniatures: Universe\n*Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide\n*The New Essential Chronology\n*Star Wars: The Comics Companion\n*Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption: Prima Official Game Guide\n*\n*\n*\n*The New Essential Guide to Alien Species\n*Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Special Edition\n*\n*\n*Aliens in the Empire\n*Starships of the Galaxy, Saga Edition\n*\n*Threats of the Galaxy\n*The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide\n*\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 5\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 7\n*\n*The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 8\n*\n*\n* \n* \n* \n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 13\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 14\n*Star Wars Miniatures: Imperial Entanglements\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 15\n*Jedi Academy Training Manual\n*Rebellion Era Campaign Guide\n*The Essential Atlas\n*Galaxy at War\n*\n*\n*\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 30\n*Scavenger's Guide to Droids\n*Galaxy of Intrigue\n*The Unknown Regions\n*\n*Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 67\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*\n*The Essential Guide to Warfare\n*Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded\n*\n*The Essential Reader's Companion\n*"@es . "video/enter-thrawn-star-wars-rebels"@pt . "Thrawn"@pt . . "*Imperiumin nousun aikakausi\n*Kapinallisten aikakausi\n*Uuden tasavallan aikakausi"@fi . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . . . . "*''[[starwars:Chimaera"@en . "Rossi"@it . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, is the only non-Human Grand Admiral in the Galactic Empire. He is regarded as one of the best military strategists in the galaxy, and despite the Empire's non-Human policies, he has risen to a position of power to become Regent of the government. Thrawn served as an officer in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force for many years, where he demonstrated his brilliance. However, many of Thrawn's ways were contrary to that of Chiss society at large, and so he was exiled. Palpatine had already learned of Thrawn in 27 BBY, and knew his command skills. Over time, Thrawn climbed the Imperial ladder, and in 2 ABY became the thirteenth Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy. He would spend much of his time in the Unknown Regions building the Empire of the Hand before returning prior to the onset of the Xen'Chi War and taking command of the Empire after the death of the Emperor Damascus."@en . . "Thrawn"@fr . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . "Naval Officer"@en . . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@de . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@fr . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, mejor conocido por su nombre n\u00FAcleo Thrawn, y malinterpretado como Mitthrawdo por el Vicelord Siv Kav, era un var\u00F3n Chiss que sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada Imperial y se convirti\u00F3 en el \u00FAnico Gran Almirante No-huMano. Fue considerado el mejor estratega militar en la armada, y a pesar de las estrictas pol\u00EDticas hacia los no-humanos del Imperio, lleg\u00F3 a una posici\u00F3n elevada. Thrawn sirvi\u00F3 como oficial en la Fuerza de Defensa Expansionaria Chiss por muchos a\u00F1os, donde demostr\u00F3 su talento. Sin embargo, muchas de las formas de Thrawn eran contrarias a las de la sociedad chiss, por lo que fue exiliado. Thrawn fue descubierto por el oficial imperial Voss Parck y lo llev\u00F3 ante el Emperador Palpatine, quien ya hab\u00EDa o\u00EDdo hablar de las habilidades y talentos de Thrawn para el 27 ABY. Con el tiempo, Thrawn fue ascendiendo rangos en el Imperio, y en el 2 DBY se convirti\u00F3 en el decimotercer Gran Almirante de la Armada Imperial. Poco despu\u00E9s, Thrawn se fue en una misi\u00F3n secreta para calmar las Regiones Desconocidas. Permaneci\u00F3 all\u00ED varios a\u00F1os tras la Batalla de Endor, que termin\u00F3 con la muerte de Palpatine. El Imperio estaba al borde del colapso en el 9 DBY, cuando Thrawn volvi\u00F3 con un plan para destruir a la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica. Aunque el Gran Almirante fue capaz de lanzar grandes ataques a la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica, no fue capaz de destruir el incipiente gobierno. Thrawn pereci\u00F3 en la Bilbringi a manos de Rukh, su guardaespaldas noghri, que recientemente descubri\u00F3 que el Imperio traicion\u00F3 a su pueblo. Aunque Thrawn muri\u00F3, fue recordado como un genio t\u00E1ctico, consumado estratagema, y l\u00EDder Imperial que casi destruye la Nueva Rep\u00FAblica."@es . "Black"@en . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@pt . "SDCC 2016: Star Wars Roundup!"@pt . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, is the only non-Human Grand Admiral in the Galactic Empire. He is regarded as one of the best military strategists in the galaxy, and despite the Empire's non-Human policies, he has risen to a position of power to become Regent of the government."@en . "Neri-blu"@it . "Sininen"@fi . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . "Thrawn"@en . "\uC4F0\uB860"@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . "F\u00E9rfi"@hu . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . . "Thrawn#kanon"@fr . "\u0398\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD"@en . "news/sdcc-2016-star-wars-roundup"@pt . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, bekannt unter seinem Spitznamen Thrawn, war der inoffiziele Nachfolger von Palpatine als F\u00FChrer der Imperialen Flotte."@en . . . . "Azul"@pt . . . "Star Wars Rebels: \"Enter Thrawn\""@pt . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@fi . "news/qa-with-timothy-zahn"@pt . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or Thrawn, was a blue dude. He was a Grand Admiral, and the greatest military commander in history. Back when Tycho Celchu was in the Imperial forces,they were lovers and had a lot of hot near human relations, which was the only reason that Winter married Tycho. Because if a man had been with Thrawn, he was obviously quality material. The very mention of his name made New Republic officials cry for their mommy. He had a record of 6,104 and 0 in battle, with 137 wins against the New Republic. He lost only because the Force was not with him (it had been with the Galactic Empire for the past two decades, and had decided it was time to be with the Jedi). His brother was Mitth'ras'safis."@en . "60.0"^^ . . . "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u0443\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@pt . . . "\u30DF\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30CB\u30E5\u30EB\u30AA\u30C9"@it . . . . . . "c. 60 ABY , Csilla"@es . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo/Canon"@fr . "250"^^ . . . . "Star Wars Rebels: Fulcrum Trap"@pt . . . . . "\u041C\u0438\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E"@hu . "Force of Fashion: 6 Imperial Uniforms Worth Signing Up For"@pt . "*Ascendencia Chiss\n**Familia Mitth\n**Fuerza de Defensa Expansionaria Chiss\n*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico\n**Armada Imperial\n**Flota de Thrawn\n*Imperio de la Mano"@es . "[[starwars:Csilla"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . . . "Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@es . . "\u30DF\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30CB\u30E5\u30EB\u30AA\u30C9"@es . . . . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, bekannt unter seinem Spitznamen Thrawn, war der inoffiziele Nachfolger von Palpatine als F\u00FChrer der Imperialen Flotte."@en . . . . . . "Azul-negro"@es . . . . . "*Era dell'Ascesa dell'Impero\n*Era della Ribellione\n*Era della Nuova Repubblica"@it . . ""@en . "Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@pt . . "*A Birodalom felemelked\u00E9s\u00E9nek kora\n*A l\u00E1zad\u00E1s kora\n*Az \u00DAj K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g kora"@hu . . "video/star-wars-rebels-face-to-face-with-thrawn"@pt . . "K\u00E1non:Thrawn"@fr . . "*Chiss Ascendancy\n*Galactic Empire\n**Imperial Military\n***Imperial Navy\n****Seventh Fleet\n****96th Task Force\n**Imperial High Command"@en . "9"^^ . . . "C\u00E2non:Thrawn"@fr . "9"^^ . . "Csilla"@es . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . "*Chiss Ascendancy\n*Galactic Empire\n*Empire of the Hand"@en . . . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . . "V\u00F6r\u00F6s"@hu . "Enter Thrawn: A Q&A with Timothy Zahn"@pt . . . "Before 27 BBY"@en . . . . "video/rebels-recon-inside-steps-into-shadow"@pt . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . . "C\u00E2non:Thrawn"@en . . . "Imp\u00E9rio Gal\u00E1ctico"@pt . . "Punaiset"@fi . "*Galactic Empire\n*Empire of the Hand"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . "*Imp\u00E9rio Gal\u00E1ctico\n**Frota Imperial"@pt . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . "Star Wars Rebels Season Three Trailer"@pt . "Rojo"@es . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@fr . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . "Imperial"@es . . . . "Vermelhos"@pt . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@pt . . "Out of the Blue"@en . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . "news/swce-2016-11-things-we-learned-from-the-star-wars-rebels-season-three-panel"@pt . . . . . "video/star-wars-rebels-season-three-trailer"@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . "Blue"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@en . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . . "*Chiss Befoly\u00E1s\n*Galaktikus Birodalom"@hu . . . "\u30DF\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30CB\u30E5\u30EB\u30AA\u30C9"@sv . . . . . "\u0398\u03C1\u03BF\u03BD"@fr . . ""@es . . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@it . . . "Rebels Recon: Inside \"Steps Into Shadow\""@pt . "9"^^ . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . "Star Wars Rebels: \"Thrawn's Next Move\""@pt . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@sv . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, mejor conocido por su nombre n\u00FAcleo Thrawn, y malinterpretado como Mitthrawdo por el Vicelord Siv Kav, era un var\u00F3n Chiss que sirvi\u00F3 en la Armada Imperial y se convirti\u00F3 en el \u00FAnico Gran Almirante No-huMano. Fue considerado el mejor estratega militar en la armada, y a pesar de las estrictas pol\u00EDticas hacia los no-humanos del Imperio, lleg\u00F3 a una posici\u00F3n elevada. Thrawn sirvi\u00F3 como oficial en la Fuerza de Defensa Expansionaria Chiss por muchos a\u00F1os, donde demostr\u00F3 su talento. Sin embargo, muchas de las formas de Thrawn eran contrarias a las de la sociedad chiss, por lo que fue exiliado. Thrawn fue descubierto por el oficial imperial Voss Parck y lo llev\u00F3 ante el Emperador Palpatine, quien ya hab\u00EDa o\u00EDdo hablar de las habilidades y talentos de Thrawn para el 27 ABY."@es . "YU 9 Chimaera, a Bilbringi felett"@hu . "video/star-wars-rebels-the-menace-of-thrawn"@pt . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, bekannt unter seinem Spitznamen Thrawn, war der inoffiziele Nachfolger von Palpatine als F\u00FChrer der Imperialen Flotte."@de . "250"^^ . . . . . . . "*Regent\n*Grand Admiral"@en . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, meglio conosciuto con il suo nome centrale Thrawn, fu un maschio Chiss che serv\u00EC la Marina Imperiale e divent\u00F2 l'unico Grande Ammiraglio non umano. Fu considerato il miglior stratega militare della marina, e malgrado le severe politiche dell'Impero Galattico contro i non umani, ascese ad una posizione di potere."@it . . "Galactic Empire"@en . "\u0422\u0440\u0430\u0443\u043D/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@fr . . "\u30DF\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30CB\u30E5\u30EB\u30AA\u30C9"@hu . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo/Canon"@pt . . "news/who-is-thrawn"@pt . . "\u30B9\u30ED\u30FC\u30F3"@fr . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@hu . . . . . "Star Wars Rebels: \"Thrawn's Ruthlessness\""@pt . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo, meglio conosciuto con il suo nome centrale Thrawn, fu un maschio Chiss che serv\u00EC la Marina Imperiale e divent\u00F2 l'unico Grande Ammiraglio non umano. Fu considerato il miglior stratega militare della marina, e malgrado le severe politiche dell'Impero Galattico contro i non umani, ascese ad una posizione di potere."@it . "*Empire Galactique\n**Acad\u00E9mie Royale Imp\u00E9riale\n**Marine Imp\u00E9riale\n***Septi\u00E8me Flotte"@fr . . "\u041C\u0438\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E"@it . . . . . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . "Mitth'raw'nuruodo"@es . "\u041C\u0438\u0442\u0442'\u0440\u0430\u0443'\u043D\u0443\u0440\u0443\u043E\u0434\u043E/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . . . "Mitth\u2019raw\u2019nuruodo"@it . . . "1.8"^^ . . . . . .