. . . "Pakke med programmer som skal gj\u00F8re jobben p\u00E5 kontoret letter for deg. I ekstreme tilfeller av dette viruset har arbeiderne opplevd \u00E5 f\u00E5 sparken. Verdens rekkorden er tatt av Microsoft selv der Microsoft Office 2007 kom ut av kontroll og sparket alle i hele firmaet. Aksjene suste til himmels sammen med antall patenter. Office er midlertidig slettet for \u00E5 gjenopprette Windows Vista. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki."@nn . "The core programs that form Office are: Microsoft Word (Released in September 1983) a rich text word processor with HTML support Microsoft Excel (Released in January 1985) a spreadsheet application with advanced formulas and formatting Microsoft PowerPoint (Released in July 1987) a presentation application with animation and multimedia capabilities Microsoft Outlook (Released in April 1993) an email client. It was a core program until Office 2010 Macro Coding - VBA Assisting in information flow behind some of the products available in any version of Office"@en . . "Office has the power to eat all available RAM and still hunger for more. It will crash often and always at a critical moment, usually as you are trying to save, but really at any other time, too. In fact, as the importance of the document increases, the probability of crashing increases exponentially. Microsoft Office can only be defeated by converting it to MS Baby's Bedroom. However, if you're writing a thesis, even the customer service representatives at Microsoft recommend a typewriter."@en . . . "Office has the power to eat all available RAM and still hunger for more. It will crash often and always at a critical moment, usually as you are trying to save, but really at any other time, too. In fact, as the importance of the document increases, the probability of crashing increases exponentially. Microsoft Office can only be defeated by converting it to MS Baby's Bedroom. However, if you're writing a thesis, even the customer service representatives at Microsoft recommend a typewriter."@en . "Microsoft Office"@nn . . . . "Microsoft Office ist ein kostenpflichtiges Softwarepaket von Microsoft. Es beinhaltet die Programme Microsoft Whored Word, \u00C4chzel Excel, Exzess Access, Outlook und PowerPoint."@de . "Microsoft Office is an office suite for Windows and Mac."@en . . . "400px Microsoft Office\uB294 \uB9C8\uC774\uD06C\uB85C\uC18C\uD504\uD2B8\uC5D0\uC11C \uAC1C\uBC1C\uD55C Microsoft Windows\uC640 \uB9E4\uD0A8\uD1A0\uC2DC\uC5D0\uC11C \uC791\uB3D9\uB418\uB294 \uC0AC\uBB34\uC6A9 \uC18C\uD504\uD2B8\uC6E8\uC5B4 \uBB36\uC74C\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4."@ko . . . "The core programs that form Office are: Microsoft Word (Released in September 1983) a rich text word processor with HTML support Microsoft Excel (Released in January 1985) a spreadsheet application with advanced formulas and formatting Microsoft PowerPoint (Released in July 1987) a presentation application with animation and multimedia capabilities Microsoft Outlook (Released in April 1993) an email client. It was a core program until Office 2010 Macro Coding - VBA Assisting in information flow behind some of the products available in any version of Office"@en . . . . . . . "Pakke med programmer som skal gj\u00F8re jobben p\u00E5 kontoret letter for deg. I ekstreme tilfeller av dette viruset har arbeiderne opplevd \u00E5 f\u00E5 sparken. Verdens rekkorden er tatt av Microsoft selv der Microsoft Office 2007 kom ut av kontroll og sparket alle i hele firmaet. Aksjene suste til himmels sammen med antall patenter. Office er midlertidig slettet for \u00E5 gjenopprette Windows Vista. From Ikkepedia , a Wikia wiki."@nn . . . "Se uno di questi malfunzionamenti dovesse accadere potete rivolgervi a un centro assistenza Microsoft dove per una modica cifra, pari allo stipendio di un europarlamentare, troverete un tecnico strapagato che non far\u00E0 assolutamente nulla e in un sacco di tempo, per\u00F2 lo far\u00E0 molto bene. Se dopo tutto questo ancora ti stai chiedendo perch\u00E9 hai installato Office? Vai alla pagina 394 del manuale delle istruzioni di Office o consulta il nostro sito specializzato per comprendere quale problema ti assilla."@it . . "Microsoft Office is a suite of applications developed by Microsoft."@en . . "Microsoft Office"@de . . . . . . . . . . "400px Microsoft Office\uB294 \uB9C8\uC774\uD06C\uB85C\uC18C\uD504\uD2B8\uC5D0\uC11C \uAC1C\uBC1C\uD55C Microsoft Windows\uC640 \uB9E4\uD0A8\uD1A0\uC2DC\uC5D0\uC11C \uC791\uB3D9\uB418\uB294 \uC0AC\uBB34\uC6A9 \uC18C\uD504\uD2B8\uC6E8\uC5B4 \uBB36\uC74C\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4."@ko . "Microsoft Office is a suite of applications developed by Microsoft."@en . "Microsoft Office \u2013 pakiet biurowy, produkowany przez firm\u0119 Microsoft."@pl . . "Microsoft Office is an office suite for Windows and Mac."@en . . . "Microsoft Office \u2013 pakiet biurowy, produkowany przez firm\u0119 Microsoft."@pl . . . "Se uno di questi malfunzionamenti dovesse accadere potete rivolgervi a un centro assistenza Microsoft dove per una modica cifra, pari allo stipendio di un europarlamentare, troverete un tecnico strapagato che non far\u00E0 assolutamente nulla e in un sacco di tempo, per\u00F2 lo far\u00E0 molto bene. Se dopo tutto questo ancora ti stai chiedendo perch\u00E9 hai installato Office? Vai alla pagina 394 del manuale delle istruzioni di Office o consulta il nostro sito specializzato per comprendere quale problema ti assilla."@it . "Microsoft Office"@en . . "Microsoft Office"@tr . . . . . . . . . . . . "Microsoft Office"@it . . "Microsoft Office"@ko . "Microsoft Office ist ein kostenpflichtiges Softwarepaket von Microsoft. Es beinhaltet die Programme Microsoft Whored Word, \u00C4chzel Excel, Exzess Access, Outlook und PowerPoint."@de . . "Microsoft Office"@pl . . . . .