. . . . . "B'Etor byla mlad\u0161\u00ED ze dvou sester Durasov\u00FDch, kter\u00E9 byly p\u0159\u00EDmo odpov\u011Bdn\u00E9 za za\u010D\u00E1tek Klingonsk\u00E9 ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky. Spole\u010Dn\u011B se svou sestrou Lursou pokra\u010Dovala v rodinn\u00E9m boji o moc a tak\u00E9 v kolaboraci s Romulany, podobn\u011B jako jej\u00ED bratr Duras a otec Ja'rod. S Romulanskou asistenc\u00ED cht\u011Bla do \u010Dela Klingonsk\u00E9 \u0159\u00ED\u0161e dosadit sv\u00E9ho mlad\u00E9ho synovce Torala, syna Durase. Se sestrou se sna\u017Eila p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Dit Jean-Luca Picarda, Arbitra n\u00E1slednictv\u00ED, aby jako nov\u00E9ho kancl\u00E9\u0159e zvolil Torala. Kdy\u017E v\u0161ak Picard podpo\u0159il Gowrona, tak se sestry Durasovy chopily zbran\u00ED a vyhl\u00E1sily Gowronovi v\u00E1lku. Jejich snaha o p\u0159evzet\u00ED moci v\u0161ak selhala, po Federa\u010Dn\u00ED blok\u00E1d\u011B Romulansk\u00FDch hranic. Tato blok\u00E1da zabr\u00E1nila doru\u010Den\u00ED Romulansk\u00FDch z\u00E1sob a zbran\u00ED a podpora Romulan\u016F v tomto konfliktu tak skon\u010Dila. (TNG: \"Redemption\", \"Redemption II\") Sestry Durasovy byly tak\u00E9 odpov\u011Bdn\u00E9 za prodej bilitria Bajoransk\u00E9mu teroristovi v roce 2369. Cht\u011Bli t\u00EDmto obchodem z\u00EDskat kapit\u00E1l ke znovuvybudov\u00E1n\u00ED sv\u00FDch jednotek. V roce 2370, se pokusily zab\u00EDt Worfa a jeho syna. TNG: \"Firstborn\") V roce 2371, sestry spolupracovaly s El-Auriansk\u00FDm v\u011Bdcem Tolianem Soranem a vyplenily Romulanskou z\u00E1kladnu, aby z\u00EDskaly Trilithium k sestrojen\u00ED velmi ni\u010Div\u00E9 zbran\u011B. B'Etor zem\u0159ela na ob\u011B\u017En\u00E9 dr\u00E1ze Veridianu III, kdy\u017E byl jej\u00ED Dravec zni\u010Den USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations)"@cs . "Brother: Duras"@en . . . "Female"@en . . . . . . "B'Etor, daughter of Ja'rod"@en . . . . . "Insult the House of Mogh"@en . . . . . . . "Sister: Lursa"@en . . . . . "Deceased"@en . "B'Etor, Daughter of Ja'rod"@en . "thumb|B'Etor (2367) B'Etor, Tochter von Ja'rod, ist eine Klingonin. Sie geh\u00F6rt dem Haus des Duras an. Sie und ihre \u00E4ltere Schwester Lursa sind als Duras-Schwestern bekannt. Nach dem Tod ihres Bruders Duras im Jahr 2367 \u00FCbernehmen die Schwestern die F\u00FChrung des Hauses. Sie sind ma\u00DFgeblich mitverantwortlich f\u00FCr den Ausbruch des klingonischen B\u00FCrgerkriegs, bei dem sie von den Romulanern unterst\u00FCtzt werden. Ihr Ziel ist es, ihren Neffen Toral als klingonischen Kanzler zu etablieren und somit Gowron zu st\u00FCrzen. Als sie den Krieg verlieren, fliehen sie auf ihren Bird-of-Prey und lassen Toral zur\u00FCck. Nach dem Ende des Krieges versuchen beide Gelder f\u00FCr einen weiteren Umsturzversuch zu bekommen. (TNG: , ; DS9: ) 2369 versuchen sie und ihre Schwester, waffenf\u00E4higes Bilitrium an die bajoranische Terrorgruppe Kohn-Ma zu verkaufen. (DS9: ) 2370 verd\u00E4chtigt man sie und ihre zu diesem Zeitpunkt schwangere Schwester, ein Attentat auf Worf ver\u00FCbt zu haben, jedoch k\u00F6nnen beide entlastet werden. (TNG: ) 2371 arbeiten die Duras-Schwestern mit dem el-aurianischen Wissenschaftler Doktor Soran zusammen. Sie greifen einen romulanischen Au\u00DFenposten an und entwenden Trilithium, um daraus eine Bombe zu bauen, die Soran helfen soll, zur\u00FCck in den Nexus zu gelangen. Sp\u00E4ter wollen sie die Waffe einsetzen, um das Klingonische Imperium zur\u00FCckzuerobern. Im Kampf gegen die Enterprise-D wird ihr Bird-of-Prey zerst\u00F6rt und B'Etor kommt bei der Explosion ums Leben. (Star Trek: Treffen der Generationen)"@de . . . . . . . . . "Femme Fatale, Traitor, Power Hungry, Monger, Conspirator, Pawn"@en . "292"^^ . . . . "B'Etor"@en . "2371"^^ . "Take over the Klingon Empire"@en . "B'Etor"@cs . . . . . . . "B'Etor \u00E9tait la plus jeune des soeurs Duras. En 2367, elle et sa soeur Lursa avaient tent\u00E9 d'imposer Toral, le fils ill\u00E9gitime de Duras, comme nouveau Chancelier du Haut Conseil Klingon, d\u00E9clenchant ainsi une guerre civile. B'Etor s'\u00E9tait \u00E9prise de Worf et s'\u00E9tait offerte \u00E0 lui en \u00E9change de sa coop\u00E9ration dans la situation actuelle, mais Worf avait choisit de d\u00E9cliner l'offre. Leur plan de prise de contr\u00F4le de l'Empire \u00E9choua finalement lorsque des preuves de l'implication romulienne furent r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9s par la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration."@fr . . . . . . . . . "Toral"@en . . . . . "kling"@en . . . . . "B'Etor, Daughter of Ja'rod was a Klingon female who lived in the mid 24th century. A member of the House of Duras, she was the sister of Duras and Lursa."@en . . "thumb|B'Etor (2367) B'Etor, Tochter von Ja'rod, ist eine Klingonin. Sie geh\u00F6rt dem Haus des Duras an. Sie und ihre \u00E4ltere Schwester Lursa sind als Duras-Schwestern bekannt. Nach dem Tod ihres Bruders Duras im Jahr 2367 \u00FCbernehmen die Schwestern die F\u00FChrung des Hauses. Sie sind ma\u00DFgeblich mitverantwortlich f\u00FCr den Ausbruch des klingonischen B\u00FCrgerkriegs, bei dem sie von den Romulanern unterst\u00FCtzt werden. Ihr Ziel ist es, ihren Neffen Toral als klingonischen Kanzler zu etablieren und somit Gowron zu st\u00FCrzen. Als sie den Krieg verlieren, fliehen sie auf ihren Bird-of-Prey und lassen Toral zur\u00FCck. Nach dem Ende des Krieges versuchen beide Gelder f\u00FCr einen weiteren Umsturzversuch zu bekommen. (TNG: , ; DS9: )"@de . . . . . . . "As sister to Lursa, B'Etor was one of the Duras sisters responsible for the start of the Klingon Civil War in early-2368. She was the younger sister, the more seductive (and more promiscuous) of the two. She and Lursa supported their nephew Toral as the new Chancellor of the Klingon High Council. Toral was the illegitimate son of their brother Duras. She staked Toral's claim just as Jean-Luc Picard, who was the Arbiter of Succession, was about to pronounce Gowron as Chancellor. In determining their claim, Picard went planet-side and paid an invited visit to B'Etor and Lursa. B'Etor attempted to convince him that Toral's challenge must be approved. B'Etor made a futile effort to seduce Picard. (TNG: \"Redemption\" ) When Picard designated Gowron as the rightful Chancellor, she and her sister took up arms against Gowron. They were supported by the Romulan Empire, who wished to see the alliance between the Federation and Klingon Empire fall apart. They kidnapped Worf and B'Etor took a liking to him and offered herself as a mate to him in exchange for his cooperation. He declined. B'Etor and her sister's plot failed due to a Federation blockade of Romulan ships, which denied them aid and supplies. It more importantly exposed their alliance with the Romulans who most Klingons hated. This caused B'Etor and her sister's support to erode. (TNG: \"Redemption II\" ) The Duras sisters were also responsible for selling bilitrium to Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorists in 2369. In order to raise capital to rebuild their forces, they offered the Bajoran Kohn-Ma terrorist Tahna Los bilitrium in return for gold-pressed latinum while plotting to sell him out to Elim Garak and the Cardassians once they were paid off. (DS9: \"Past Prologue\") Another capital-raising scheme had them seizing a Pakled magnesite mine on Kalla III, overseen by the Dopterian Gorta, and selling its explosive ore to an Yridian, Yog. B'Etor and her sister were also falsely accused of an attempted murder of the members of the Mogh family in 2370. (TNG: \"Firstborn\" ) In 2371, the sisters worked with the El-Aurian scientist Tolian Soran and raided a Romulan outpost to acquire trilithium in exchange for Soran's trilithium bomb. In a recurring theme, she appeared interested in \"initiating a mating ritual\" with Soran. She was killed in orbit of Veridian III when her Bird-of-Prey was destroyed in a battle against the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations)"@en . . . "B'Etor"@de . . . . . "Tactics\nSeduction"@en . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information B'Etor is a female Klingon from the House of Duras and a recurring villainess in both Star Trek: The Next Genration, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and one of the secondary antagonists of Star Trek Generations. She is the youngest of the Duras Sisters. She was portrayed by Gwynyth Walsh."@en . "Duras"@en . . . . . . . . . "Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Star Trek Generations"@en . . . . "24"^^ . . . "B'Etor"@en . . . "B'Etor, Daughter of Ja'rod was a Klingon female who lived in the mid 24th century. A member of the House of Duras, she was the sister of Duras and Lursa."@en . "B'Etor \u00E9tait la plus jeune des soeurs Duras. En 2367, elle et sa soeur Lursa avaient tent\u00E9 d'imposer Toral, le fils ill\u00E9gitime de Duras, comme nouveau Chancelier du Haut Conseil Klingon, d\u00E9clenchant ainsi une guerre civile. B'Etor s'\u00E9tait \u00E9prise de Worf et s'\u00E9tait offerte \u00E0 lui en \u00E9change de sa coop\u00E9ration dans la situation actuelle, mais Worf avait choisit de d\u00E9cliner l'offre. Leur plan de prise de contr\u00F4le de l'Empire \u00E9choua finalement lorsque des preuves de l'implication romulienne furent r\u00E9v\u00E9l\u00E9s par la F\u00E9d\u00E9ration. Les soeurs Duras \u00E9taient \u00E9galement responsables de la vente de bilitrium aux terroristes Bajorans du Kohn-Ma en 2369 et furent accus\u00E9es \u00E0 tort d'une tentative de meurtre des membres de la famille Mogh en 2370. En 2371, les soeurs travaill\u00E8rent avec le scientifique El-Aurien Tolian Soran. Elles men\u00E8rent un raid sur un avant-poste romulien pour acqu\u00E9rir du trilithium en \u00E9change de la fabrication d'une bombe au trilithium par Soran. Elle perdit finalement la vie avec sa soeur en orbite de Veridian III lorsque leur Oiseau-de-Proie s'\u00E9tait mesur\u00E9 \u00E0 l'USS Enterprise-D."@fr . "B'Etor byla mlad\u0161\u00ED ze dvou sester Durasov\u00FDch, kter\u00E9 byly p\u0159\u00EDmo odpov\u011Bdn\u00E9 za za\u010D\u00E1tek Klingonsk\u00E9 ob\u010Dansk\u00E9 v\u00E1lky. Spole\u010Dn\u011B se svou sestrou Lursou pokra\u010Dovala v rodinn\u00E9m boji o moc a tak\u00E9 v kolaboraci s Romulany, podobn\u011B jako jej\u00ED bratr Duras a otec Ja'rod. S Romulanskou asistenc\u00ED cht\u011Bla do \u010Dela Klingonsk\u00E9 \u0159\u00ED\u0161e dosadit sv\u00E9ho mlad\u00E9ho synovce Torala, syna Durase. Se sestrou se sna\u017Eila p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Dit Jean-Luca Picarda, Arbitra n\u00E1slednictv\u00ED, aby jako nov\u00E9ho kancl\u00E9\u0159e zvolil Torala. Kdy\u017E v\u0161ak Picard podpo\u0159il Gowrona, tak se sestry Durasovy chopily zbran\u00ED a vyhl\u00E1sily Gowronovi v\u00E1lku. Jejich snaha o p\u0159evzet\u00ED moci v\u0161ak selhala, po Federa\u010Dn\u00ED blok\u00E1d\u011B Romulansk\u00FDch hranic. Tato blok\u00E1da zabr\u00E1nila doru\u010Den\u00ED Romulansk\u00FDch z\u00E1sob a zbran\u00ED a podpora Romulan\u016F v tomto konfliktu tak skon\u010Dila. (TNG: \"Redemption\", \"Redempt"@cs . "2371"^^ . . . "B'Etor, 2367.jpg"@en . . "B'Etor in 2371"@en . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information B'Etor is a female Klingon from the House of Duras and a recurring villainess in both Star Trek: The Next Genration, Star Trek: Deep Space 9, and one of the secondary antagonists of Star Trek Generations. She is the youngest of the Duras Sisters. She was portrayed by Gwynyth Walsh."@en . . . . "As sister to Lursa, B'Etor was one of the Duras sisters responsible for the start of the Klingon Civil War in early-2368. She was the younger sister, the more seductive (and more promiscuous) of the two. She and Lursa supported their nephew Toral as the new Chancellor of the Klingon High Council. Toral was the illegitimate son of their brother Duras. She staked Toral's claim just as Jean-Luc Picard, who was the Arbiter of Succession, was about to pronounce Gowron as Chancellor. In determining their claim, Picard went planet-side and paid an invited visit to B'Etor and Lursa. B'Etor attempted to convince him that Toral's challenge must be approved. B'Etor made a futile effort to seduce Picard. (TNG: \"Redemption\" )"@en . . . . . "B'Etor"@en . "B'Etor"@fr . . . "B'Etor, daughter of Ja'rod"@en . . . . "Father: Ja'rod"@en . . . . . .