. "Ismeretlen"@hu . . . . "300"^^ . . "Tatooine, like everyone else"@en . . "Revan, renowned as \"The Revanchist\" and dreaded as the Sith Lord Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. A human male, and acknowledged as a very gifted and powerful Force-sensitive pupil, he was trained as a Padawan by Kreia and a number of other Jedi Masters, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. He was voiced by in Knights of the Old Republic (2003) and by in (2011)."@en . . "The Force Unleashed"@en . . . "Revan"@cs . . . "Revan"@cs . "Darth Revan Darth Revan lebte zurzeit des gro\u00DFen Sith-Krieges. Er war ein starker Sith, bis er zum Jedi-Orden wechselte. Als Jedi vollbrachte er viele tapfere Taten. Er verhinderte viele Tote und wird heute noch von den Jedis als Held angesehen. Es exestier eine Figur von Darth Revan, die aber nur als Spezial-Angebot einzeln erh\u00E4ltlich war."@de . . . "Himself"@en . . "Force Storm 2"@en . "\u0414\u0430\u0440\u0442 \u0420\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@cs . . "Very Rare"@en . . . . . . . "The Revanchist"@en . "0"^^ . "Dark Armor"@en . "16"^^ . "Darth Revan was an awesome not female Sith Lord with a mullet. He attracted thousands of fanboys all over the world, and pwned. He could do all the Force powers and all the Force forms and had a midi-chlorian count of infinity. He was a Jedi, then became a Sith along with his apprentice Jawless Captain Picard and hundreds of Republic soldiers and Jedi, kicking ass with his Star Forge. Then Revan's mind was wiped (like in Harry Potter!) and he was trained as a Jedi. He went around the galaxy gaining prestige, changing classes, yada yada yada. After a while, his girlfriend Bastila was kidnapped by a jealous Malak, angry that he couldn't get a girl despite being the Supreme Sith Lord. He trained her as his apprentice. After meeting hairy beasts, A Veteran of numerous wars, fish dudes (not the Mon Cal), a kool assassin droid who was full of magnificent quotes, a crying wimp and a crazy old guy, he made it back to the Star Forge. After destroying it and winning back his Bastila, Revan left the galaxy to kick some Yuuzhan Vong butt. He never came back."@en . . "20"^^ . "Revan"@hu . . "Darth Revan"@sv . . . . "Darth Revan"@cs . . . . "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@cs . "Revan"@hu . . "\u2015Darth Malak Three thousand years ago, the man known as Revan was at the center of the galaxy's affairs. Once a Jedi, then a Sith, and a Jedi once more, Revan had much experience in both sides of the Force. His skills led him to defeat his former friend and padawan, Darth Malak, during the Star Forge Crises, saving the galaxy from certain destruction. A year later, he departed to the edge of the galactic rim. Believed to be lost, the galaxy continued without this man, going on about their lives as they had before. However, during the Galactic Civil War, a few years after the downfall of the Republic by Lord Grievous' hand, rumors began to sprout up about a man matching the description of Revan. At last, after three thousands years, the former hero returned to his galaxy."@en . . "S\u00F6t\u00E9tbarna"@hu . . . . . "21"^^ . "*\u0158\u00E1d Jedi\n*Galaktick\u00E1 republika\n*Revan\u0161ist\u00E9\n*Sithsk\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium\n*Revanovo Sithsk\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium"@cs . . "\u0631\u064A\u0641\u0627\u0646"@cs . "Force Corruption 2"@en . "Bring permanent order to the Galaxy."@en . "Assorted Jedi"@en . "Jedi Knight"@en . "Darth Revan Darth Revan lebte zurzeit des gro\u00DFen Sith-Krieges. Er war ein starker Sith, bis er zum Jedi-Orden wechselte. Als Jedi vollbrachte er viele tapfere Taten. Er verhinderte viele Tote und wird heute noch von den Jedis als Held angesehen. Es exestier eine Figur von Darth Revan, die aber nur als Spezial-Angebot einzeln erh\u00E4ltlich war."@de . "The height of coolness"@en . . "*YE 3642, az \u00D6nt\u00F6de, nem egyes\u00FClt az Er\u0151vel\n*YE 3638, Yavin 4"@hu . . . . "Military Genius"@en . "The duckling era"@en . "Yellow"@en . . "\u30EC\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@hu . . . . . "Revan"@hu . "Darth Revan"@it . "Vil\u00E1gos"@hu . "\uB808\uBC18"@cs . . "1"^^ . "Revan"@cs . . . "Revan"@cs . . "Revan"@cs . "140"^^ . . . "Human"@en . . "Revan"@hu . "Definitely not female!"@en . "Revan"@hu . . . "Revan, renowned as \"The Revanchist\" and dreaded as the Sith Lord Darth Revan, was an eminent Jedi Knight turned conquering Dark Lord of the Sith until, stripped of his true persona, he returned to the crumbling Jedi Order and helped defeat the Sith Empire he had established. A human male, and acknowledged as a very gifted and powerful Force-sensitive pupil, he was trained as a Padawan by Kreia and a number of other Jedi Masters, both on Coruscant and at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. He was voiced by in Knights of the Old Republic (2003) and by in (2011)."@en . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Maintaining loyalty among his followers"@en . . . . . . "Revan"@cs . "1"^^ . "Access to the Star Forge"@en . "Revan"@hu . . . "NEVER"@en . "Lawful Evil / Dark Messiah / Military Villain"@en . . "Darth Revan"@pl . "Revan"@cs . "\u010Dlov\u011Bk"@cs . . "Darth Revan \u00E4r en sithlord i Stj\u00E4rnornas krig-universumet. Han f\u00F6rekommer bland annat i de b\u00E5da TV-spelen Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 och 2. Denne sithlord blir f\u00E5ngad av jediriddarna och d\u00E4rmed blev hans minnen raderade och han fick en ny identitet. Han var en av hj\u00E4ltarna fr\u00E5n Mandaloriska krigen innan han blev en sith. Han var ocks\u00E5 den ledande gestalten i de mandaloriska krigen f\u00F6r att han ledde de styrkorna mot fienden. Revan b\u00E4r en r\u00F6d mask \u00F6ver sitt ansikte, och en gr\u00F6nsvart k\u00E5pa \u00F6ver axlarna. Runt midjan har han en r\u00F6dlila pansarsk\u00F6rt, och p\u00E5 h\u00E4nderna har han svarta handskar. Det var Revan och hans l\u00E4rling Malak som kom p\u00E5 Sithtiteln \"Darth\". Han \u00E4r f\u00F6dd p\u00E5 planeten Daralia, som ligger n\u00E5gonstans ute i yttre randen."@sv . "Revan,ismertebb nevein- A Revansiszta, Revan a M\u00E9sz\u00E1ros, mint Sith nagy\u00FAr Darth Revan, \u00E9s a B\u0151kez\u0171 Lovag, egy F\u00E9rfi Ember volt aki kulcsfontoss\u00E1g\u00FA szerepet j\u00E1tszott mint Jedi \u00E9s mint Sith a Mandal\u00F3riai H\u00E1bor\u00FAban \u00E9s a Jedi Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FAban. A k\u00E9s\u0151bb Revan n\u00E9ven ismertt\u00E9 v\u00E1lt f\u00E9rfi YE 3994 k\u00F6r\u00FCl sz\u00FCletett a K\u00FCls\u0151 Peremvid\u00E9ken \u00E9s a Jedi Rend sz\u00E1mos Jedi Mestere alatt tanult mint Padawan.A fiatal f\u00E9rfi aki gyorsan bar\u00E1ts\u00E1got k\u00F6t\u00F6tt egy m\u00E1sik di\u00E1kkal Alekkal, hamarosan Jedi Lovag \u00E9s egy karizmatikus szem\u00E9lyis\u00E9g lett a Renden bel\u00FCl.Kritik\u00E1kkal illette a Rend inaktivit\u00E1s\u00E1t a Mandal\u00F3riai H\u00E1bor\u00FAban, a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g \u00E9s a Mandal\u00F3riai kl\u00E1nok k\u00F6z\u00F6tt.A Revansiszta mozgalmat vezetve ellenszeg\u00FClt a Jedi Rend \u00F3haj\u00E1nak \u00E9s fel\u00F6ltve egy elesett mandal\u00F3riai maszkj\u00E1t becsatlakozott a K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi Hadseregbe,ahol legf\u0151bb vezet\u0151nek jel\u00F6lt\u00E9k ki. Azonban, amikor Revan legy\u0151zte Mandaloret a Malachor V-i csataban YE 3960-ban, Revan \u00E9s bar\u00E1tja Alek,ismertebb nev\u00E9n Malak egy rejt\u00E9lyes nyomot k\u00F6vetve eljutottak az Ismeretlen R\u00E9gi\u00F3kba. Sith befoly\u00E1st \u00E9reztek a Mandal\u00F3riai H\u00E1bor\u00FAban \u00E9s el\u00E9rve az Ismeretlen R\u00E9gi\u00F3kat egy felt\u00E1madt Sith Birodalomra tal\u00E1ltak. A Sith Uralkod\u00F3 hat\u00E1sa miatt \u00E1t\u00E1ltak az er\u0151 s\u00F6t\u00E9t oldal\u00E1ra, \u00E1m k\u00E9s\u0151bb felszabadulva az uralkod\u00F3 elme kontrollja al\u00F3l, megalak\u00EDtott\u00E1k a saj\u00E1t birodalmukat a Csillagkoh\u00F3 seg\u00EDts\u00E9g\u00E9vel.A Csillagkoh\u00F3t,ami egy \u0151si \u0171rb\u00E1zis volt, egy \u0151si faj, a Rakat\u00E1k \u00E9p\u00EDtett\u00E9k \u00E9s hatalmas er\u0151vel ruh\u00E1zt\u00E1k fel. Felhaszn\u00E1lva a Csillagkoh\u00F3t,saj\u00E1t flott\u00E1t hoztak l\u00E9tre \u00E9s fegyvereket gy\u00E1rtottak.Ezt felhaszn\u00E1lva Raven \u00E9s Malak h\u00E1bor\u00FAt ind\u00EDtottak a K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g ellen,aminek k\u00F6vetkezt\u00E9ben kit\u00F6rt a Jedi Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FA. Azonba Revant,akit el\u00E1rulta tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nya Malak, elfogt\u00E1k a Jedi Lovagok egy csoportja Bastila Shan vezet\u00E9s\u00E9vel,aki megmentette \u0151t \u00E9s egy Er\u0151kapcsot alak\u00EDtott ki kettej\u00FCk k\u00F6t\u00F6tt. Kiiktatva r\u00E9gi \u00E9nj\u00E9t, Revan \u00FAj szem\u00E9lyis\u00E9get kapott,egy k\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi katon\u00E1\u00E9t,aki az Endar Spire csatahaj\u00F3 fed\u00E9lzet\u00E9n szolg\u00E1lt.Azonban amikor Darth Malak megt\u00E1madta a csatahaj\u00F3t Taris f\u00F6l\u00F6tt annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben,hogy elfogja Bastila Shant Revan egy k\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi tiszttel Carth Onasival \u00E9s n\u00E9h\u00E1ny m\u00E1sik egy\u00E9nnel \u00F6sszefogva sikeresen kimenek\u00EDtett\u00E9k Tarisr\u00F3l Bastil\u00E1t, m\u00E9g miel\u0151tt Malak elpusztitotta a bolyg\u00F3 felsz\u00EDn\u00E9t.Ezut\u00E1n a Dantooinra utaztak,ahol Revant Padawann\u00E1 k\u00E9pezt\u00E9k ki.A kik\u00E9pz\u00E9se ut\u00E1n a Jedi Tan\u00E1cs azt a k\u00FCldet\u00E9st adta neki,hogy tal\u00E1lja meg az elrejtett Csillagt\u00E9rk\u00E9peket,amik majd elvezethetik a Csillagkoh\u00F3hoz.Revan utaz\u00E1sai sor\u00E1n \u00FAj sz\u00F6vets\u00E9geseket szerzett \u00E9s Bastil\u00E1val is szorosabb viszonyba ker\u00FClt.Azonban amikor Malak elfogta a csoportot, f\u00E9ny der\u00FClt Revan igazi szem\u00E9lyis\u00E9g\u00E9re \u00E9s Bastila is fogs\u00E1gba ker\u00FClt. Revan nyom\u00E1s al\u00E1 ker\u00FClt.Felder\u00EDtve a t\u00F6bbi Csillagt\u00E9rk\u00E9pet,a csapat eljutott a Csillagkoh\u00F3hoz,ahol Revan legy\u0151zte Bastil\u00E1t \u00E9s visszaseg\u00EDtette \u0151t a j\u00F3 oldalra. Szerelm\u00E9vel legy\u0151zte Malakot \u00E9s megkapta a Dics\u0151s\u00E9g Keresztj\u00E9t,valamint a B\u0151kez\u0171 Lovag c\u00EDmet. Revan \u00E9s Bastila \u00F6sszeh\u00E1zasodtak \u00E9s n\u00E9h\u00E1ny \u00E9vig hom\u00E1lyba burkol\u00F3ztak,eg\u00E9szen addig am\u00EDg Revan r\u00E9gi eml\u00E9kei vissza nem t\u00E9rtek \u00E9s el nem hagyta feles\u00E9g\u00E9t \u00E9s m\u00E9g meg nem sz\u00FCletett fi\u00E1t annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben,hogy ell\u00E1togasson az Ismeretlen R\u00E9gi\u00F3kba annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben hogy legy\u0151zze az Igazi Sithet. A Sith elkapta Revan-t \u00E9s 3 \u00E9vig fogs\u00E1gban tartotta,eg\u00E9szen addig am\u00EDg kor\u00E1bbi hadnagya Meetra Surik \u00E9s egy Sith Nagy\u00FAr Scourge ki nem szabad\u00EDtotta.A tri\u00F3 megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lta legy\u0151zni a Sith Uralkod\u00F3t, de terv\u00FCk sikertelen\u00FCl z\u00E1rult, mivel Scourge el\u00E1rulta a csapatot. Az Uralkod\u00F3 300 \u00E9vig fogs\u00E1gban tartotta,am\u00EDg k\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi er\u0151k ki nem szabad\u00EDtott\u00E1k.K\u00E9s\u0151bb egy rakatai \u00D6nt\u00F6d\u00E9t ir\u00E1ny\u00EDt\u00E1sa al\u00E1 vonva, Revan megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lt l\u00E9trehozni egy seregnyi puszt\u00EDt\u00F3 droidot annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben, hogy legy\u0151zze a Sith Birodalmat.Azonban egy birodalmi csapat rajta\u00FCt\u00F6tt \u00E9s meg\u00F6lte a Jedi Mestert. Azonban, a k\u00EDnz\u00E1s amit Revan az Uralkod\u00F3 kezei \u00E1ltal megtapasztalt, szil\u00E1nkokra has\u00EDtotta az elm\u00E9j\u00E9t.Egyik r\u00E9sze megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lt egyes\u00FClni az Er\u0151vel,de a m\u00E1sik r\u00E9sze megtagadta a hal\u00E1lt \u00E9s ragaszkodva az \u00E9lethez egyes\u00FClt a s\u00F6t\u00E9t oldallal.\u00C1tv\u00E9ve egy fanatikus csoport Revan Rendj\u00E9nek vezet\u00E9s\u00E9t,bossz\u00FAt esk\u00FCd\u00F6tt az Uralkod\u00F3 ellen.Megpr\u00F3b\u00E1lta fizik\u00E1lis form\u00E1j\u00E1ban visszahozni \u00E9s \u00FAgy meg\u00F6lni,de a Sith Birodalom \u00E9s a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben,hogy legy\u0151zz\u00E9 Revant, egyes\u00EDtett\u00E9k erej\u00FCket. Revan vil\u00E1gos oldala nem tudott elt\u00E1vozni \u00E9s seg\u00EDtette a koal\u00EDci\u00F3t annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben,hogy legy\u0151zz\u00E9k a S\u00F6t\u00E9t Revant. Hab\u00E1r az Uralkod\u00F3 v\u00E9g\u00FCl visszanyerte az erej\u00E9t, Revan k\u00E9t r\u00E9sze egyes\u00FClt annak \u00E9rdek\u00E9ben, hogy meg tudjon halni. Revan meghalt,ugyanakkor \u00F6r\u00F6ks\u00E9ge tov\u00E1bb \u00E9l. Egy Sith Lord Darth Rivan,aki kirobantotta az ezer\u00E9ves \u00DAj Sith H\u00E1bor\u00FAkat, Revan ut\u00E1n nevezte el mag\u00E1t miut\u00E1n elolvasott egy s\u00E9r\u00FClt k\u00E9ziratot a Sith Lordr\u00F3l,valamint egy m\u00E1sik Sith Lord Darth Bane aki megtal\u00E1lta Revan Sith Holocronj\u00E1t a Lehon bolyg\u00F3n, az \u0151 tan\u00EDt\u00E1sai alapj\u00E1n hozta l\u00E9tre a Kett\u0151 Szab\u00E1ly\u00E1t."@hu . "Force Renewal 1"@en . . . . . . . . . "S\u00F6t\u00E9tbarna"@hu . "Unknown"@en . . . "Revan"@cs . . . "Darth Malak"@cs . "Revan"@hu . "Force-wielding"@en . . . . . . . . "\u03A1\u03AD\u03B2\u03B1\u03BD"@hu . . . "Lightsaber Block"@en . . "Revan"@cs . "Darth Revan is a Very Rare miniature that can be found in the Set The Force Unleashed. Revan can be used in an Old Republic Squad when a Jedi Crusader is also in the squad."@en . "Revan, tak\u00E9 zn\u00E1m jako Darth Revan, byl jeden ze slavn\u00FDch Jedi v historii Star\u00E9 republiky. Jeden z m\u00E1la lid\u00ED, kter\u00FD za \u017Eivota dos\u00E1hl rovnov\u00E1hy v S\u00EDle, a kter\u00FD dok\u00E1zal ovl\u00E1dat jak sv\u011Btlou, tak temnou stranu s\u00EDly."@cs . . "Revan, tak\u00E9 zn\u00E1m jako Darth Revan, byl jeden ze slavn\u00FDch Jedi v historii Star\u00E9 republiky. Jeden z m\u00E1la lid\u00ED, kter\u00FD za \u017Eivota dos\u00E1hl rovnov\u00E1hy v S\u00EDle, a kter\u00FD dok\u00E1zal ovl\u00E1dat jak sv\u011Btlou, tak temnou stranu s\u00EDly."@cs . . . . . . . "Revan"@cs . "Darth Revan"@hu . . . "Darth Revan was an awesome not female Sith Lord with a mullet. He attracted thousands of fanboys all over the world, and pwned. He could do all the Force powers and all the Force forms and had a midi-chlorian count of infinity. He was a Jedi, then became a Sith along with his apprentice Jawless Captain Picard and hundreds of Republic soldiers and Jedi, kicking ass with his Star Forge. After destroying it and winning back his Bastila, Revan left the galaxy to kick some Yuuzhan Vong butt. He never came back."@en . "Dark Lord of the Sith"@en . . "Revan"@hu . . "*Kreia \n*Zhar Lestin \n*Dorak \n*Arren Kae \n*Yuthura Ban"@hu . "Revan"@hu . . . . "Black"@en . "Revan"@hu . . "Lightsaber Duelist"@en . "Revan"@en . "Leader of The Order of Revan"@en . . "Darth Revan"@en . . "Darth Revan"@de . . "Darth Malak"@en . "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@cs . "\u30EC\u30F4\u30A1\u30F3"@cs . "Himself"@en . "Revan,ismertebb nevein- A Revansiszta, Revan a M\u00E9sz\u00E1ros, mint Sith nagy\u00FAr Darth Revan, \u00E9s a B\u0151kez\u0171 Lovag, egy F\u00E9rfi Ember volt aki kulcsfontoss\u00E1g\u00FA szerepet j\u00E1tszott mint Jedi \u00E9s mint Sith a Mandal\u00F3riai H\u00E1bor\u00FAban \u00E9s a Jedi Polg\u00E1rh\u00E1bor\u00FAban. A k\u00E9s\u0151bb Revan n\u00E9ven ismertt\u00E9 v\u00E1lt f\u00E9rfi YE 3994 k\u00F6r\u00FCl sz\u00FCletett a K\u00FCls\u0151 Peremvid\u00E9ken \u00E9s a Jedi Rend sz\u00E1mos Jedi Mestere alatt tanult mint Padawan.A fiatal f\u00E9rfi aki gyorsan bar\u00E1ts\u00E1got k\u00F6t\u00F6tt egy m\u00E1sik di\u00E1kkal Alekkal, hamarosan Jedi Lovag \u00E9s egy karizmatikus szem\u00E9lyis\u00E9g lett a Renden bel\u00FCl.Kritik\u00E1kkal illette a Rend inaktivit\u00E1s\u00E1t a Mandal\u00F3riai H\u00E1bor\u00FAban, a Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g \u00E9s a Mandal\u00F3riai kl\u00E1nok k\u00F6z\u00F6tt.A Revansiszta mozgalmat vezetve ellenszeg\u00FClt a Jedi Rend \u00F3haj\u00E1nak \u00E9s fel\u00F6ltve egy elesett mandal\u00F3riai maszkj\u00E1t becsatlakozott a K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi Hadser"@hu . "\u0631\u064A\u0641\u0627\u0646"@hu . "Revan"@hu . . . "Revan"@en . . . . . . "Mullet!"@en . . . "Revan"@hu . . . "Darth Revan"@en . "Darth Revan is a Very Rare miniature that can be found in the Set The Force Unleashed. Revan can be used in an Old Republic Squad when a Jedi Crusader is also in the squad."@en . "Male"@en . "Darth Revan"@hu . "Lightsaber dueling"@en . . "Charisma"@en . "Melee Attack"@en . "Revan"@hu . "Darth Revan is the main character of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. After a successful run in the Nomination Rally Tournament, he was able to make Winter Contest 2010, where he suffered a first round defeat to Terra Branford."@en . "Revan"@cs . . . "Old Republic"@en . "Intelligence"@en . . "Darth Revan"@en . "Revan"@cs . "Acquiring power"@en . "Dark Side knowledge"@en . "Triple Attack"@en . "250"^^ . . . . "Alchemy"@en . . "Sith / Mercenary"@en . "Master Tactician"@en . . . "Darth Revan \u00E4r en sithlord i Stj\u00E4rnornas krig-universumet. Han f\u00F6rekommer bland annat i de b\u00E5da TV-spelen Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1 och 2. Denne sithlord blir f\u00E5ngad av jediriddarna och d\u00E4rmed blev hans minnen raderade och han fick en ny identitet. Han var en av hj\u00E4ltarna fr\u00E5n Mandaloriska krigen innan han blev en sith. Han var ocks\u00E5 den ledande gestalten i de mandaloriska krigen f\u00F6r att han ledde de styrkorna mot fienden."@sv . "nezn\u00E1m\u00E1, Deralia"@cs . "Revan"@hu . . "1.843"^^ . . "Revan"@hu . "sv\u011Btl\u00E1"@cs . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Darth Revan"@cs . . . "Revan"@hu . "tmav\u011B hn\u011Bd\u00E9"@cs . "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@hu . "\u2015Darth Malak Three thousand years ago, the man known as Revan was at the center of the galaxy's affairs. Once a Jedi, then a Sith, and a Jedi once more, Revan had much experience in both sides of the Force. His skills led him to defeat his former friend and padawan, Darth Malak, during the Star Forge Crises, saving the galaxy from certain destruction. A year later, he departed to the edge of the galactic rim. Believed to be lost, the galaxy continued without this man, going on about their lives as they had before. However, during the Galactic Civil War, a few years after the downfall of the Republic by Lord Grievous' hand, rumors began to sprout up about a man matching the description of Revan. At last, after three thousands years, the former hero returned to his galaxy."@en . "Droids are subject to these effects: Non-Unique followers within 6 squares get + attack. Once per round after initiative is determined, 1 ally can immediatly move up to its speed before any other character activates."@en . "88"^^ . "Mechanics"@en . . . . "Revan"@cs . . "Revan"@cs . "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u0430\u043D"@hu . . . "Old Republic, Clone Wars/Galactic Civil War"@en . "Darth Revan"@en . "Darth Revan is the main character of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. After a successful run in the Nomination Rally Tournament, he was able to make Winter Contest 2010, where he suffered a first round defeat to Terra Branford."@en . . . "Revan"@cs . . . "Medium"@en . "Unknown, Deralia"@en . "Some time before the War of Hell."@en . "\u03A1\u03AD\u03B2\u03B1\u03BD"@cs . "*Kreia \n*Zhar Lestin \n*Dorak \n*Arren Kae \n*Yuthura Ban"@cs . . "*Darth Malak \n*Meetra Surik \n*Scourge"@hu . "asi 3,994 P\u0159BY"@cs . "Shifty"@en . "Destroy the Republic and the Sith Empire"@en . "*Jedi Rend\n**Revansiszt\u00E1k\n*Galaktikus K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1g\n**K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi \u00D6nk\u00E9ntes Hadtest\n**K\u00F6zt\u00E1rsas\u00E1gi Hadsereg\n*Sith Birodalom]]\n*Revan Rendje"@hu . . . . "tmav\u011B hn\u011Bd\u00E9,"@cs . . "Revan"@cs .