. . . . "Solomon's General Store \u2013 Zaros Bundle"@en . . . "The praetors were one of the higher ranking magistrates who served as either the commander of an army or judicial administrator during the days of Ancient Rome. The leaders of Camp Jupiter, there can only two praetors at a time, acting as the leaders in all of the legion's affairs, including battles. The only known surviving legion is the Twelfth Legion Fulminata."@en . . . "Praetor"@en . "Praetor"@ru . "The Technical Specifications of this vehicle have yet to be released by the Adeptus Mechanicus."@en . "135"^^ . . . . . "Een praetor was een belangrijk magistraat in het Romeinse Koninkrijk en in het Romeinse Republiek. De naam praetor kan letterlijk vertaald worden als \"voorganger\" en heeft mogelijk een militaire oorsprong."@nl . "This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:"@en . . . . "#C120C1"@en . . "No"@en . . "This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:"@en . "Grand pr\u00EAtre"@en . . . . . . "Praetor (fvillha in the Romulan language) was a title held by a Romulan judicial official with executive governmental powers. This leader was chosen by the Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire. During the expansion of the Romulan Star Empire, the influence of the Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire became much expanded, yielding substantial control over the Romulan Senate and the Romulan Star Navy, and even having a separate military force, the Praetorian Guard. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Romulan Way, ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years)"@en . "Praetor is the title for the head of the Romulan government. In 2380, Sela became Preator after Shinzon's failed coup."@en . "Praetor was a title granted to men acting in one of two official positions. \n* the commander of an army, either before it was mustered or more typically in the field, \n* an elected magistrate during the Republic but more an administrative role in the Empire. The magistracy was called the praetura (praetorship)and the Praetorium is the building that the Praetor used to exercise the powers of his office. See also: Magistrate"@en . "Block 3"@ru . "25"^^ . . "Descriptions"@en . . . "Praetor (Pr\u00E9teur) est un titre donn\u00E9 \u00E0 un administrateur politique et militaire, qu'on retrouve principalement dans l'Empire Romain sur Terre et l'Empire Stellaire Romulien. Sur la plan\u00E8te 892-IV, o\u00F9 a \u00E9volu\u00E9 une civilisation romaine, l'existence d'une Garde Pr\u00E9torienne, garde rapproch\u00E9e des magistrats r\u00E9publicains, semble impliquer un statut similaire \u00E0 celui de l'Empire Romain terrien. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\") Dans la Rome Antique sur Terre, un \"Praetor\" \u00E9tait un magistrat ou un commandant militaire, qui dispose par ailleurs d'un si\u00E8ge au S\u00E9nat."@fr . "130.0"^^ . . . . "Praetor is de gebruikelijke titel van de leider van het Romulan sterrenrijk. De Praetor is bovendien het hoofd van de Romulan senaat. De Praetor leunt als vanouds op de steun van de Romulan vloot. In 2266 stuurde de Praetor zijn vlaggenschip de Romulan neutrale zone over voor een inval in de neutrale zone en viel een aantal grens buitenposten aan. Zoals zoveel wat met de Romulans te maken heeft, is \"Praetor\" een term die afkomstig is uit het Romeinse rijk. Daar was een Praetor een soort minister van justitie en had bepaalde wetgevende machten."@nl . . . . . . . . . "Cuando la sangre de los Orkos caiga como lluvia del cielo estar\u00E9 satisfecho."@es . . . "Coronel Zandus, XIV Regimiento Acorazado de Kathargo"@es . . . "18"^^ . . . "Grande pr\u00EAtresse"@en . "Pr\u00E4tor"@en . . . "Image:Gladiator (Kallark) 006.jpg|Kallark (Earth-616) (Praetor van de Imperial Guard)"@nl . . "Praetor"@es . . . . . "The head of the Romulan Star Empire was known as praetor. Unar was the praetor of the Romulan Empire in 2598. (PIO: \"On a Knife Edge\")"@en . . . . "Pretor"@en . . . "Extremely Powerful"@en . . . "Human"@ru . . . "2014-09-01"^^ . "Praetor was a political and military title used by various species. The Romulan Star Empire's head of government was known as the Praetor (Rihannsu: Fvillha, lit. \"landsmaster\"). (TOS: \"Balance of Power\") While he was technically below the Emperor and the Imperial Legate, the Praetor is the actual power, acting as a prime minister. He was protected by the Tal Prai'ex and elected internally by the Romulan Senate, over which he presides. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command (game))"@en . "Praetor"@ru . . . "The praetors were one of the higher ranking magistrates who served as either the commander of an army or judicial administrator during the days of Ancient Rome. The leaders of Camp Jupiter, there can only two praetors at a time, acting as the leaders in all of the legion's affairs, including battles. The only known surviving legion is the Twelfth Legion Fulminata."@en . . . "Praetor was a political and military title used by various species. The Romulan Star Empire's head of government was known as the Praetor (Rihannsu: Fvillha, lit. \"landsmaster\"). (TOS: \"Balance of Power\") While he was technically below the Emperor and the Imperial Legate, the Praetor is the actual power, acting as a prime minister. He was protected by the Tal Prai'ex and elected internally by the Romulan Senate, over which he presides. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command (game))"@en . . . . . "p"@en . "593"^^ . "As a rank, praetor features as part of the command structure of the Templar Caste, though the Ara Tribe of the Judicator Caste maintained the Conclave Praetor Guard. Praetor appears equivalent to the Dark Templar rank of prelate, and is sometimes used as a synonym for the latter rank. Even after the fall of the Conclave, praetors who served as military leaders pledged loyalty to the Daelaam."@en . "Praetor (Pr\u00E9teur) est un titre donn\u00E9 \u00E0 un administrateur politique et militaire, qu'on retrouve principalement dans l'Empire Romain sur Terre et l'Empire Stellaire Romulien. Sur la plan\u00E8te 892-IV, o\u00F9 a \u00E9volu\u00E9 une civilisation romaine, l'existence d'une Garde Pr\u00E9torienne, garde rapproch\u00E9e des magistrats r\u00E9publicains, semble impliquer un statut similaire \u00E0 celui de l'Empire Romain terrien. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\") Dans la Rome Antique sur Terre, un \"Praetor\" \u00E9tait un magistrat ou un commandant militaire, qui dispose par ailleurs d'un si\u00E8ge au S\u00E9nat."@fr . "Een praetor was een belangrijk magistraat in het Romeinse Koninkrijk en in het Romeinse Republiek. De naam praetor kan letterlijk vertaald worden als \"voorganger\" en heeft mogelijk een militaire oorsprong."@nl . "Praetor"@en . . . "Praetor"@de . "El Praetor es un Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado utilizado por la Guardia Imperial para fuego de apoyo directo a infanter\u00EDa. El Praetor es una variante modificada del Transporte de Asalto blindado Crassus y lleva el nombre del arma \u00FAnica que monta conocida como el Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado Praetor. El Praetor, el Crassus y el Bombard de Asedio Pesado Dominus son dise\u00F1os recuperados del reci\u00E9n reconquistado y re-consagrado Mundo Forja de Zhao-Arkkad. La PCE para el Crassus, Praetor y Dominus se encontraron en lo profundo de las b\u00F3vedas de este Mundo Forja. El dise\u00F1o para el Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado Praetor es anterior a la introducci\u00F3n del Crassus y se cree que la \u00FAltima vez que se vio un uso generalizado del Praetor por las fuerzas armadas del Imperio fue contra fuerzas de la Rebeli\u00F3n Tellarita que hab\u00EDan forjado su peque\u00F1o imperio en su rinc\u00F3n de la galaxia durante los a\u00F1os oscuros del Interregno de Nova Terra. Tras el re-descubrimiento de la PCE para el Crassus, los manufactorum de Zhao-Arkkad introdujeron una nueva plataforma m\u00F3vil para el arma del Praetor basado en el chasis del Crassus que lo transform\u00F3 en una forma de artiller\u00EDa de cohetes m\u00F3vil. Desde su introducci\u00F3n, el Praetor se ha propagado r\u00E1pidamente a trav\u00E9s de las filas de los regimientos de primera l\u00EDnea de la Guardia Imperial, especialmente aquellos que actualmente est\u00E1n desplegados en el Segmentum Tempestus. Sin embargo, debido a la complejidad del veh\u00EDculo, no ha sido tan ampliamente distribuido como el m\u00E1s b\u00E1sico Crassus. Mientras que los sofisticados sistemas del Praetor y el costo relativamente alto en material hace que sea poco propenso a reemplazos o suplantar los dise\u00F1os imperiales existentes para piezas de artiller\u00EDa de cohetes m\u00F3viles, su durabilidad y gran versatilidad ya le han asegurado un lugar valorado entre esas unidades de la Guardia Imperial frente a los adversarios m\u00E1s letales del Imperio."@es . "Praetor is the title for the head of the Romulan government. In 2380, Sela became Preator after Shinzon's failed coup."@en . "thumb|Praetor Hiren (2379) Der Praetor ist einer der h\u00F6chsten Titel sowie das h\u00F6chste politische Amt im Romulanisches Sternenimperium. Der Praetor gilt als Vorsitzender des romulanischen Senats und bekleidet somit das Amt des Regierungschefs und des Oberkommandierenden der romulanischen Flotte auf deren R\u00FCckhalt ein Gro\u00DFteil seiner Macht beruht. Der Praetor tr\u00E4gt im Senat einen purpurfarbenen Umhang mit dem \u00FCblichen Anh\u00E4nger, der die Form des Reichssymbols, ein Raubvogel mit Romulus und Remus in den Klauen, hat. In seiner Funktion als Oberkommandierender der Flotte besitzt der Praetor in ihr ein als Flaggschiff ausgezeichnetes Kriegsschiff. 2266 schickt der amtierende Praetor das aktuelle Flaggschiff, einen Bird-of-Prey, zu einem verdeckten Angriff auf die F\u00F6deration aus, mit dem deren Verteidigungsf\u00E4higkeit getestet und auf dieser Grundlage \u00FCber einen zu f\u00FChrenden Krieg entschieden werden soll. Der Neutrale-Zone-Zwischenfall endet jedoch mit der Abwehr des Angriffs. W\u00E4hrend der Operation wird der Praetor durch den Offizier Decius auf dem Laufenden gehalten, obwohl Decius damit gegen die verordnete Schweigepflicht verst\u00F6\u00DFt (TOS: ). Die Macht des Praetors steht und f\u00E4llt mit der Unterst\u00FCtzung der romulanischen Flotte. Wenn ein Praetor nicht mehr diese Unterst\u00FCtzung erf\u00E4hrt, kann er sehr schnell gest\u00FCrzt werden. 2379 kann Shinzon von Remus den Titel an sich rei\u00DFen. Damit wird er der erste Nichtromulaner, der diesen Posten inne hat. Er stirbt jedoch schon kurze Zeit sp\u00E4ter, als seine Verb\u00FCndeten in der Flotte zu seinem Feind \u00FCberlaufen. (Star Trek: Nemesis)"@de . . "2"^^ . . . . . "Consecrate 4"@ru . . . . . . . . . . "The title of praetor was present on the planet 892-IV as evidenced by the Praetorian Guards. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\" ) The leader of the Romulan Star Empire was referred to as Praetor. (TOS: \"Balance of Terror\" ) The Praetor presided over the Romulan Senate and the Continuing Committee. (Star Trek Nemesis) One Praetor, Colius, was honored by having an award, the Praetor Colius Award, named after him. (DS9: \"In the Pale Moonlight\") The Praetor's source of power has always been the Romulan fleet. In 2266, the Praetor sent his flagship across the Romulan Neutral Zone in an unprovoked attack on several border outposts. Decius, an officer aboard the Romulan vessel, sent the Praetor a message to update him on their mission. However this broke the communication silence the ship was running under and he was reduced in rank as punishment. (TOS: \"Balance of Terror\" ) In 2374, Neral, a former Proconsul, became Praetor. (DS9: \"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges\") Later, Hiren ascended to the position, which he held until 2379, when Shinzon, a Human clone raised as a Reman, had the entire Romulan Senate killed and assumed leadership of the Star Empire. However, he was killed the same year after his plan to annihilate Earth was uncovered. (Star Trek Nemesis)"@en . . . . "As a rank, praetor features as part of the command structure of the Templar Caste, though the Ara Tribe of the Judicator Caste maintained the Conclave Praetor Guard. Praetor appears equivalent to the Dark Templar rank of prelate, and is sometimes used as a synonym for the latter rank. Even after the fall of the Conclave, praetors who served as military leaders pledged loyalty to the Daelaam."@en . . . "Pretora"@en . "Extremely Strong"@en . . . . . . "Praetor"@fr . "The head of the Romulan Star Empire was known as praetor. Unar was the praetor of the Romulan Empire in 2598. (PIO: \"On a Knife Edge\")"@en . . "Praetor (fvillha in the Romulan language) was a title held by a Romulan judicial official with executive governmental powers. This leader was chosen by the Imperial Senate of the Romulan Star Empire. During the expansion of the Romulan Star Empire, the influence of the Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire became much expanded, yielding substantial control over the Romulan Senate and the Romulan Star Navy, and even having a separate military force, the Praetorian Guard. (TOS - Rihannsu novel: The Romulan Way, ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) The Praetor gained expanded powers and removed powers of the Imperial Senate that made him a dictator by the 2100s. (ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years) By the year 2387, the title of Praetor was also used to refer to the leader of the Vulcan High Command. (ST - Countdown comic: \"Number One\")"@en . . . "Praetor is de gebruikelijke titel van de leider van het Romulan sterrenrijk. De Praetor is bovendien het hoofd van de Romulan senaat. De Praetor leunt als vanouds op de steun van de Romulan vloot. In 2266 stuurde de Praetor zijn vlaggenschip de Romulan neutrale zone over voor een inval in de neutrale zone en viel een aantal grens buitenposten aan. In 2374 werd Neral, een voormalige proconsul, Praetor. Later klom Hiren tot deze positie op, die hij behield tot 2379, toen Shinzon, een mens van Reman afkomst, de gehele Romulan senaat vermoordde en zich als leider kroonde van het sterrenrijk. Hij kwam echter hetzelfde jaar om het leven, toen zijn plan om de Aarde te vernietigen ontdekt werd. Zoals zoveel wat met de Romulans te maken heeft, is \"Praetor\" een term die afkomstig is uit het Romeinse rijk. Daar was een Praetor een soort minister van justitie en had bepaalde wetgevende machten."@nl . "thumb|Praetor Hiren (2379) Praetor ist der Titel des Staatsoberhauptes des Romulanischen Sternenimperiums und Vorsitzenden des romulanischen Senats. Der Praetor tr\u00E4gt im Senat einen purpurfarbenen Umhang mit dem \u00FCblichen Anh\u00E4nger, der die Form des Reichssymbols, ein Raubvogel mit Romulus und Remus in den Klauen, hat. Gleichzeitig fungiert der Praetor als Oberkommandierende der Flotte. Er hat in ihr ein als Flaggschiff ausgezeichnetes Kriegsschiff. 2266 schickt er das aktuelle Flaggschiff, ein BIRD OF PREY, zu einem verdeckten Angriff auf die F\u00F6deration aus, mit dem deren Verteidigungsf\u00E4higkeit getestet und auf dieser Grundlage \u00FCber einen zu f\u00FChrenden Krieg entschieden werden soll. Der Neutrale-Zone-Zwischenfall endet jedoch mit der Abwehr des Angriffs. W\u00E4hrend der Operation wird der Praetor durch den Offizier Decius auf dem Laufenden gehalten, obwohl Decius damit gegen die verordnete Schweigepflicht verst\u00F6\u00DFt. Die Macht des Praetors steht und f\u00E4llt mir der Unterst\u00FCtzung der romulanischen Flotte. Wenn ein Praetor nicht mehr diese Unterst\u00FCtzung erf\u00E4hrt, kann er sehr schnell gest\u00FCrzt werden. 2379 kann Shinzon von Remus den Titel an sich rei\u00DFen. Damit wird er der erste Nichtromulaner der diesen Posten inne hat. Er stirbt jedoch schon kurze Zeit sp\u00E4ter, als seine Verb\u00FCndeten in der Flotte zu seinem Feind \u00FCberlaufen."@de . . "Dodge 3"@ru . "Ek\u015Fi S\u00F6zl\u00FCk'\u00FCn ba\u015F\u0131n\u0131n yasal kurumlarla derde girmemesinden sorumlu, genellikle hukukla ilgili meslek erbaplar\u0131ndan se\u00E7ilen yazar grubu. Bir entry g\u00F6t\u00FCm\u00FCze girebilir gerek\u00E7esiyle ispiyonland\u0131\u011F\u0131nda moderator bunun ge\u00E7erli bir ispiyon oldu\u011Fundan emin olamazsa entry'yi praetor'lere y\u00F6nlendirir. Bunlar \u00F6zel arabirimleri vas\u0131tas\u0131yla entry'nin yasalara ayk\u0131r\u0131 olup olmad\u0131\u011F\u0131 konusunda g\u00F6r\u00FC\u015F bildirirler."@tr . "Prefix"@en . . . "Dorian Hart"@en . . . . . . "thumb|Praetor Hiren (2379) Der Praetor ist einer der h\u00F6chsten Titel sowie das h\u00F6chste politische Amt im Romulanisches Sternenimperium. Der Praetor gilt als Vorsitzender des romulanischen Senats und bekleidet somit das Amt des Regierungschefs und des Oberkommandierenden der romulanischen Flotte auf deren R\u00FCckhalt ein Gro\u00DFteil seiner Macht beruht. Der Praetor tr\u00E4gt im Senat einen purpurfarbenen Umhang mit dem \u00FCblichen Anh\u00E4nger, der die Form des Reichssymbols, ein Raubvogel mit Romulus und Remus in den Klauen, hat."@de . . . "Praetor is a character from the video game, Freedom Force."@en . "Very Nimble"@en . "Praetor"@en . . . "The title of praetor was present on the planet 892-IV as evidenced by the Praetorian Guards. (TOS: \"Bread and Circuses\" ) The leader of the Romulan Star Empire was referred to as Praetor. (TOS: \"Balance of Terror\" ) The Praetor presided over the Romulan Senate and the Continuing Committee. (Star Trek Nemesis) One Praetor, Colius, was honored by having an award, the Praetor Colius Award, named after him. (DS9: \"In the Pale Moonlight\") In 2374, Neral, a former Proconsul, became Praetor. (DS9: \"Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges\")"@en . "Maze, Lucky Spin, Coin Bag"@ru . "Praetor"@tr . "Energy"@en . "Very Fast"@en . "Ek\u015Fi S\u00F6zl\u00FCk'\u00FCn ba\u015F\u0131n\u0131n yasal kurumlarla derde girmemesinden sorumlu, genellikle hukukla ilgili meslek erbaplar\u0131ndan se\u00E7ilen yazar grubu. Bir entry g\u00F6t\u00FCm\u00FCze girebilir gerek\u00E7esiyle ispiyonland\u0131\u011F\u0131nda moderator bunun ge\u00E7erli bir ispiyon oldu\u011Fundan emin olamazsa entry'yi praetor'lere y\u00F6nlendirir. Bunlar \u00F6zel arabirimleri vas\u0131tas\u0131yla entry'nin yasalara ayk\u0131r\u0131 olup olmad\u0131\u011F\u0131 konusunda g\u00F6r\u00FC\u015F bildirirler."@tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . "Praetor is a character from the video game, Freedom Force."@en . . . "7"^^ . . "thumb|Praetor Hiren (2379) Praetor ist der Titel des Staatsoberhauptes des Romulanischen Sternenimperiums und Vorsitzenden des romulanischen Senats. Der Praetor tr\u00E4gt im Senat einen purpurfarbenen Umhang mit dem \u00FCblichen Anh\u00E4nger, der die Form des Reichssymbols, ein Raubvogel mit Romulus und Remus in den Klauen, hat."@de . . . . . . . "Praetor"@nl . . . "El Praetor es un Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado utilizado por la Guardia Imperial para fuego de apoyo directo a infanter\u00EDa. El Praetor es una variante modificada del Transporte de Asalto blindado Crassus y lleva el nombre del arma \u00FAnica que monta conocida como el Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado Praetor. El Praetor, el Crassus y el Bombard de Asedio Pesado Dominus son dise\u00F1os recuperados del reci\u00E9n reconquistado y re-consagrado Mundo Forja de Zhao-Arkkad. La PCE para el Crassus, Praetor y Dominus se encontraron en lo profundo de las b\u00F3vedas de este Mundo Forja. El dise\u00F1o para el Lanzamisiles de Asalto Pesado Praetor es anterior a la introducci\u00F3n del Crassus y se cree que la \u00FAltima vez que se vio un uso generalizado del Praetor por las fuerzas armadas del Imperio fue contra fuerzas de la Rebeli"@es . . . "The Technical Specifications of this vehicle have yet to be released by the Adeptus Mechanicus."@en . "Incredibly Hardy"@en . "Praetor was a title granted to men acting in one of two official positions. \n* the commander of an army, either before it was mustered or more typically in the field, \n* an elected magistrate during the Republic but more an administrative role in the Empire. The magistracy was called the praetura (praetorship)and the Praetorium is the building that the Praetor used to exercise the powers of his office. See also: Magistrate"@en . . . . . . . . . "Image:Gladiator (Kallark) 006.jpg|Kallark (Earth-616) (Praetor van de Imperial Guard)"@nl . . .