. "Hasperat was a well known spicy Bajoran food. (TNG episode: \"Preemptive Strike\") Quark's sold twenty-four varieties of hasperat. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) This was a common food available to the many pilgirms who traveled to see the Emissary's land after 2375. A Federation reporter described it as \"fire in a pastry shell\". (New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: \"A Walk in the Path of the Emissary\")"@en . . . . "Hasperat was one of many foods prepared for Bajoran comfort women when they arrived on Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night\") Ro Laren was fond of hasperat, as was Maquis leader Macias. Ro recalled that her father made the strongest hasperat she'd ever tasted, so spicy that any other variety seemed mild by comparison; he also passed the recipe down to her. Ro agreed to make some for Macias as part of her attempt to infiltrate the Maquis in 2370. (TNG: \"Preemptive Strike\" )"@en . . . "Hasperat byl jedn\u00EDm z mnoha j\u00EDdel p\u0159ipravovan\u00FDch bajorsk\u00FDmi \u017Eenami na stanici Terok Nor b\u011Bhem cardassijsk\u00E9 okupace Bajoru. (DS9: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night) Ro Larenov\u00E1 milovala hasperat, stejn\u011B jako v\u016Fdce Makist\u016F, Marcias. Ro vzpom\u00EDnala, \u017Ee jej\u00ED otec d\u011Blal velmi siln\u00FD hasperat, a ona v\u017Edycky r\u00E1da ochutn\u00E1vala. (TNG: Preemtive Strike) V roce 2371, Tekeny Ghemor replikoval pro Kiru Nerys hasperat. \u0158\u00EDkal j\u00ED, \"je dobr\u00FD jen kdy\u017E je tepl\u00FD.\" (DS9: Second Skin) Hasperad byl pod\u00E1v\u00E1n v restauraci na stanici Deep Space 9 v roce 2372 na po\u010Dest Lenary Kahn, a pozd\u011Bji t\u00E9ho\u017E roku na po\u010Dest Shakaara Edona. (DS9: Rejoined, Crossfire) Stejn\u00E9ho roku si objednala Kira Nerys hasperat u Quarka pot\u00E9, co skon\u010Dil bajorsk\u00FD \u010Cas o\u010Disty. (DS9: Bar Association) Quark tak\u00E9 p\u0159ipravoval Hasperat pro Kiru, ne\u017E se nalodila na Groumall. Quark doufal, \u017Ee by za to mohla naj\u00EDt cardassijsk\u00E9ho d\u016Fstojn\u00EDka, kter\u00FD mu nezaplatil \u00FA\u010Det. (DS9: Return to Grace) \u010Clenov\u00E9 Orionsk\u00E9ho syndik\u00E1tu Sorm a Traidy jedli hasperat na Deep Space 9 v roce 2373. Podle Sorma byl velmi ko\u0159en\u011Bn\u00FD, a musel ho zap\u00EDjet. (DS9: A Simple Investigation) Kdy\u017E v roce 2375 str\u00E1vil n\u011Bjak\u00FD \u010Das na USS Voyageru kadijsk\u00FD velvyslanec Tomin, hasperat byl jedn\u00EDm z mnoha peprn\u00FDch j\u00EDdel, kter\u00E9 ochutnal. Neelix ho pro n\u011Bj r\u00E1d p\u0159ipravil. (VOY: Someone to Watch Over Me)"@cs . . "Hasperat"@en . . . "thumb|Hasperat Hasperat ist eine sehr scharfe und sehr beliebte bajoranische Speise. Es wird am besten warm gegessen und oft in Form eines Wraps, kann aber auch als Hasperat-Souffl\u00E9 zubereitet werden. (DS9: , ) Als Kira Meru 2346 nach Terok Nor gebracht wird, wird ihr dort bajoranisches Essen serviert. Sie ist erfreut, dass auch Hasperat serviert wird. (DS9: ) 2371 bietet Tekeny Ghemor Kira Nerys, welche er f\u00FCr seine Tochter Iliana Ghemor h\u00E4lt, Hasperat an. (DS9: ) Auf dem Empfang von Doktor Lenara Kahn und einigen Trill-Wissenschaftlern wird 2372 Hasperat serviert. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . . . . "Hasperat byl jedn\u00EDm z mnoha j\u00EDdel p\u0159ipravovan\u00FDch bajorsk\u00FDmi \u017Eenami na stanici Terok Nor b\u011Bhem cardassijsk\u00E9 okupace Bajoru. (DS9: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night) Ro Larenov\u00E1 milovala hasperat, stejn\u011B jako v\u016Fdce Makist\u016F, Marcias. Ro vzpom\u00EDnala, \u017Ee jej\u00ED otec d\u011Blal velmi siln\u00FD hasperat, a ona v\u017Edycky r\u00E1da ochutn\u00E1vala. (TNG: Preemtive Strike) V roce 2371, Tekeny Ghemor replikoval pro Kiru Nerys hasperat. \u0158\u00EDkal j\u00ED, \"je dobr\u00FD jen kdy\u017E je tepl\u00FD.\" (DS9: Second Skin)"@cs . "thumb|Hasperat Hasperat ist eine sehr scharfe und sehr beliebte bajoranische Speise. Es wird am besten warm gegessen und oft in Form eines Wraps, kann aber auch als Hasperat-Souffl\u00E9 zubereitet werden. (DS9: , ) Als Kira Meru 2346 nach Terok Nor gebracht wird, wird ihr dort bajoranisches Essen serviert. Sie ist erfreut, dass auch Hasperat serviert wird. (DS9: ) Ro Laren liebt Hasperat, das gleiche gilt auch f\u00FCr Macias, den Anf\u00FChrer einer Maquis-Zelle. Die beiden kommen \u00FCber Hasperat ins Gespr\u00E4ch und Macias bedauert, schon lange Zeit kein richtig scharfes Hasperat mehr gegessen zu haben. Ro erz\u00E4hlt ihm dann, dass ihr Vater das sch\u00E4rfste Hasperat gemacht hat, das sie je gegessen hat. (TNG: ) 2371 bietet Tekeny Ghemor Kira Nerys, welche er f\u00FCr seine Tochter Iliana Ghemor h\u00E4lt, Hasperat an. (DS9: ) Auf dem Empfang von Doktor Lenara Kahn und einigen Trill-Wissenschaftlern wird 2372 Hasperat serviert. (DS9: ) Im selben Jahr wird bei dem Empfang von Shakaar Edon ebenfalls Hasperat serviert. (DS9: ) Nach der bajoranischen Fastenzeit bestellt Kira im Quark's eine doppelte Portion Hasperat. (DS9: ) 2373 essen Traidy und Sorm Hasperat, w\u00E4hrend sie versuchen Arissa aufzusp\u00FCren. (DS9: ) Als sich der Botschafter der Kadi Tomin 2375 an Bord der USS Voyager aufh\u00E4lt und dabei die Gen\u00FCsse wohlschmeckender Speisen erforscht, bestellt er bei Neelix Hasperat. (VOY: )"@de . "Hasperat"@it . . . . . . "Hasperat"@de . "Hasperat was a well known spicy Bajoran food. (TNG episode: \"Preemptive Strike\") Quark's sold twenty-four varieties of hasperat. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) This was a common food available to the many pilgirms who traveled to see the Emissary's land after 2375. A Federation reporter described it as \"fire in a pastry shell\". (New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: \"A Walk in the Path of the Emissary\")"@en . "Hasperat"@cs . . . . . . . . . . . "Hasperat was one of many foods prepared for Bajoran comfort women when they arrived on Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night\") Ro Laren was fond of hasperat, as was Maquis leader Macias. Ro recalled that her father made the strongest hasperat she'd ever tasted, so spicy that any other variety seemed mild by comparison; he also passed the recipe down to her. Ro agreed to make some for Macias as part of her attempt to infiltrate the Maquis in 2370. (TNG: \"Preemptive Strike\" ) In 2371, Tekeny Ghemor served Kira Nerys some hasperat he replicated for her, telling her \"it's only good when it's warm.\" (DS9: \"Second Skin\") Hasperat was served at buffets aboard Deep Space 9 in 2372 in honor of Lenara Kahn and her team and later that year of Shakaar Edon. (DS9: \"Rejoined\", DS9: \"Crossfire\") Also that year, Kira Nerys ordered hasperat from Quark's after the end of the Bajoran Time of Cleansing. (DS9: \"Bar Association\") Orion Syndicate members Sorm and Traidy ate hasperat while plotting a murder as they hid in a cargo bay aboard Deep Space 9 in 2373; Sorm found the food spicy. (DS9: \"A Simple Investigation\") When Kadi ambassador Tomin spent time aboard USS Voyager in 2375, one of the more flavorful foods he wanted to try was hasperat, which Neelix gladly prepared for him. (VOY: \"Someone to Watch Over Me\") The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 329) had this to say about hasperat: \"According to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine property master Joe Longo, the prop food used for hasperat was made from flour tortillas, layered with cream cheese, with red and green peppers. The tortillas are rolled, then sliced and served. Yum!\" Hasperat was introduced in TNG: \"Preemptive Strike\" . According to the script for \"Bar Association\", the food's name was pronounced as \"HAS-per-uht\". [1]"@en . . . "L'hasperat \u00E8 stato uno dei molti alimenti preparati dalle donne di conforto Bajoriane all'arrivo su Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Torti peggiore della morte\") Ro Laren era un amante dell'hasperat, come anche il leader Maquis Macias. Ro ricord\u00F2 che suo padre fece l'hasperat pi\u00F9 forte che avesse mai assaggiato. (TNG: \"Il tenente Ro\") Nel 2371, Tekeny Ghemor serv\u00EC a Kira Nerys dell'hasperat replicato, dicendole \"\u00C8 buono solo quando fa caldo.\" (DS9: \"Seconda pelle\") Sempre in quest'anno, Kira Nerys ordin\u00F2 dell'hasperat da Quark's dopo la fine del Tempo della Purificazione Bajoriano. (DS9: \"Il sindacato\")"@it . . . "L'hasperat \u00E8 stato uno dei molti alimenti preparati dalle donne di conforto Bajoriane all'arrivo su Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Torti peggiore della morte\") Ro Laren era un amante dell'hasperat, come anche il leader Maquis Macias. Ro ricord\u00F2 che suo padre fece l'hasperat pi\u00F9 forte che avesse mai assaggiato. (TNG: \"Il tenente Ro\") Nel 2371, Tekeny Ghemor serv\u00EC a Kira Nerys dell'hasperat replicato, dicendole \"\u00C8 buono solo quando fa caldo.\" (DS9: \"Seconda pelle\") L'hasperat venne servito in un buffet a bordo di Deep Space 9 nel 2372 in onore a Lenara Kahn e del suo team dopo l'anno dello Shakaar Edon. (DS9: \"Riuniti\", DS9: \"Fuoco incrociato\") Sempre in quest'anno, Kira Nerys ordin\u00F2 dell'hasperat da Quark's dopo la fine del Tempo della Purificazione Bajoriano. (DS9: \"Il sindacato\") Quark prepar\u00F2 dell'hasperat per Kira Nerys prima di essere portata a bordo del Groumall. Al suo ritorno, Quark sperava che avrebbe trovato un ufficiale Cardassiano che non aveva pagato la sua scheda bar prima di lasciare Terok Nor. (DS9: \"Ritorno alla gloria\") I membri del sindacato di Orione Sorm e Traidy, che provarono l'hasperat, essendo piccante richiesero un drink. (DS9: \"Una semplice indagine\") Quando l'ambasciatore Kadi, Tomin, visit\u00F2 la USS Voyager nel 2375, uno dei piatti che voleva assolutamente provare era l'hasperat, che Neelix prepar\u00F2 volentieri per lui. (VOY: \"Qualcuno che vegli su di me\") Informazioni di retroscenaIn realt\u00E0 l'hasperat \u00E8 stato preparato con alcuni strati di tortillas, crema al formaggio e peperoni rossi e verdi, tutto quanto avvolto e tagliato. (Star Trek Encyclopedia) L'hasperat viene introdotto in TNG: \"Il tenente Ro\"."@it . . . . . . . . . . .