. "Kingom Keepers Quest"@en . . . "\"Willa\""@en . "Disney, Philby, being a DHI"@en . . . "Finn Whitman, Amanda Lockhart, Wayne Kresky, Terrence Maybeck, Dell Philby, Charlene Turner, Jess Lockhart, Dillard Cole, Wanda Alcott"@en . "Intelligent, Disney Expert"@en . "Isabella \"Willa\" Angelo"@en . "Isabella \"Willa\" Angelo is a 15-year-old girl from Orlando and a main character of the Kingdom Keepers book series by Ridley Pearson. She is one of the five kids that modeled as DHIs (Disney Host Interactive or Daylight Hologram Imaging) to become holographic guides to the Disney Parks. She the Disney expert of the Keepers. Their goal is to stop the Overtakers from controlling the parks."@en . "Kingdom Keepers Online\nRace to Save the Magic"@en . "The Overtakers"@en . . "Snake Charming"@en . "Mrs. Angelo"@en . . "The Overtakers"@en . "Isabella Angelo"@en . "Wayne, Disney Characters, Disney World"@en . "Disney Host Interactive"@en . . "Isabella \"Willa\" Angelo"@en . . "Isabella \"Willa\" Angelo is a 15-year-old girl from Orlando and a main character of the Kingdom Keepers book series by Ridley Pearson. She is one of the five kids that modeled as DHIs (Disney Host Interactive or Daylight Hologram Imaging) to become holographic guides to the Disney Parks. She the Disney expert of the Keepers. Their goal is to stop the Overtakers from controlling the parks."@en . . . "To preserve the magic in the Disney Parks"@en . . "Orlando, Florida"@en . "Black hair, of Asian heritage"@en . . .