"Assignment: Eternity"@en . . . "thumb|250px|Tarjeta en la que se inclu\u00EDa el c\u00F3digo de descarga del paquete Flashback es un paquete de mapas para el multijugador de Gears of War 2 en el que se incluyen versiones remasterizadas de algunos mapas de Gears of War."@es . . . . . "epair"@en . . "ISBN 0671003836"@en . . "Lisa Felder, code name Flashback, also seems to have last names of Waring, Warring and Mainwaring. She's a member of the Mystic Six and a long distance teleport capable of taking several people along with her. Like all of the Mystic Six, she's an atypical avatar and has either an air or lightning spirit. She's not saying which. She also has a temper. The two people he introduced us to looked like they had come directly from the Sixties. Nathan was at least seven feet tall. Lisa was probably five nine, but looked small next to him. Both were wearing beaded and fringed vests over tie dyed shirts and jeans. They both had long hair. Hers was brown and his was blonde. Lisa Waring or \u2018Flashback\u2019, one of the not quite defunct \u2018Mystic Six\u2019, was sprawled across one of the spare chairs of his office. She was glaring at him and her face was slightly flushed with anger. While one of the more earthy members of the group, she was deeply tanned and wearing what Otto had come to know as her \u2018Jaunting Gear\u2019, and was she was not happy. Her figure was definitely female, and she looked as if she had stopped though the props department of the movie \u2018Blade Runner\u2019 and had left with Harrison Ford\u2019s costume. Her faded leather duster was thrown open as her hands moved in large yet graceful arcs that punctuated her displeasure."@en . "wowus"@en . . "1996-09-11"^^ . "Resident Evil Outbreak scenario"@en . "An erupting volcano? Or fiery sparks? Whatever it is, this tee is sure to make others revel in your blaze of awesomeness at parties or just around the town. Description written by ~crazeboy06, the winner of the Write It to Win It deviantWEAR contest on 8.7.07! Printed on the amazingly soft and comfortable American Apparel Tri-Blend Track Shirt. Made with a Tri-Blend (50% Polyester / 25% Cotton / 25% Rayon) construction for a slimmer fit. Available in Unisex sizing."@en . "Blade"@en . "\"Flashback\""@en . . . . . "1996-10-01"^^ . . . "2373"^^ . . . . . . . . "Non-Giftable"@en . . "122"^^ . "3"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Flashback"@it . . . . . . "September 1998"@en . . . . "2011-06-21"^^ . "[[Archivo:Annalise-christophe-213.png|thumb|300px|Annalise en un Flashback de un episodio de la segunda temporada.]] Los Flashbacks, tambi\u00E9n conocidos como \"analepsis\" (o escena retrospectiva), es una t\u00E9cnica utilizada tanto en el cine y la televisi\u00F3n como en la literatura, que altera la secuencia cronol\u00F3gica de la historia, conectando con momentos distintos y trasladando la acci\u00F3n al pasado. Se utiliza con bastante frecuencia para recordar eventos o desarrollar m\u00E1s profundamente el car\u00E1cter de un personaje. La analepsis es una vuelta repentina y r\u00E1pida al pasado del personaje, diferente al \"racconto\", que es tambi\u00E9n un quiebre en el relato volviendo al pasado, pero este \u00FAltimo no es tan repentino y es m\u00E1s pausado en lo que se refiere a la velocidad del relato. En literatura El ruido y la furia de William Faulkner, El jardinero fiel de John le Carr\u00E9, El camino de Miguel Delibes o Pedro P\u00E1ramo, de Juan Rulfo son ejemplos significativos. Un buen ejemplo en cinematograf\u00EDa es La conquista del honor (Banderas de nuestros padres), de Clint Eastwood o el Doctor Zhivago de David Lean. En series de televisi\u00F3n pueden tomarse como ejemplos Lost (Perdidos), Fringe, Once Upon a Time, Cold Case, Psych, How I Met Your Mother y American Horror Story, donde se utiliza este recurso para conocer con mayor precisi\u00F3n acontecimientos del pasado de los protagonistas."@es . "Mike Bowden, Jerome K. Moore, Philip Moy, Andy Smith, Mark Irwin, Trevor Scott, Randy Mayor"@en . "4542"^^ . . . "Flashback"@nl . . "Les h\u00E9ros trouvent refuge dans une vieille cabane dans la for\u00EAt de Raccoon. Un \u00E9trange personnage nomm\u00E9 Al Lester se pr\u00E9sente alors aux personnages et promet de les guider \u00E0 travers les m\u00E9andres dangereuses de la for\u00EAt, afin qu'ils puissent rejoindre la ville voisine. Mais en chemin, le vieil homme dispara\u00EEt pr\u00E8s d'un pont suspendu et les h\u00E9ros partent \u00E0 sa recherche, dans les ruines d'un vieil h\u00F4pital abandonn\u00E9, non loin. A l'int\u00E9rieur de l'\u00E9difice d\u00E9labr\u00E9, le groupe se fait attaquer par un homme masqu\u00E9 arm\u00E9 d'une hache, qui les poursuit sans cesse. Ils sont \u00E9galement confront\u00E9s \u00E0 une \u00E9norme plante, nomm\u00E9e Dorothy, qui semble dot\u00E9e d'une forme d'intelligence. Ils apprendront plus tard que le myst\u00E9rieux tueur n'est autre que Al, leur guide, qui pendant des ann\u00E9es s'est \u00E9vertu\u00E9 \u00E0 nourrir la fameuse plante qui a envahi tout l'\u00E9difice, pensant que cette derni\u00E8re \u00E9tait la r\u00E9incarnation v\u00E9g\u00E9tale de sa d\u00E9funte femme, d\u00E9c\u00E9d\u00E9e d'un cancer dans ce m\u00EAme lieu en 1993. Apr\u00E8s avoir vaincu la plante et Al, les h\u00E9ros s'enfuient \u00E0 travers la for\u00EAt, alors que l'h\u00F4pital s'effondre derri\u00E8re eux."@fr . . "USS Excelsior (ap.)"@es . . . . "Mario Party 3"@fr . . . . . . . . . . "Avex Trax"@en . . . . . "The flashback system lets heroes and villains run through Story Arcs and badge missions they may have missed earlier or simply want to experience again. These operate like Task Forces as there are minimum and maximum level requirements, other contacts are unavailable, only the team leader can initiate a flashback and once started the team can not add new members. Flashbacks involve Time Travel, which is initiated from the Pillar of Ice and Flame in the Ouroboros Enclave or the equivalent base item in a Supergroup Base."@en . "1021"^^ . . . "VOY"@nl . "302"^^ . . "Basics, Deel II"@nl . . . . . "Flashback is the eighteenth and final episode of Due South's second season. Storyline: A jewelry store is robbed and its owner is kidnapped. Whilst in pursuit of the robber-kidnappers, Constable Fraser falls off the back of their getaway vehicle and strikes his head, losing his memory. Detective Vecchio must help him retrieve it as time runs out to find the kidnappers. Original Air Date: May 31, 1996 Written by Peter Mohan and Michael Teversham Directed by Gilbert Shilton"@en . . . . "Alyssa Ashcroft y un grupo de supervivientes se encuentran en las monta\u00F1as a las afueras de Raccoon City, con la esperanza de encontrar una ruta que les permita escapar de la ciudad. Tras entrar en una caba\u00F1a, entra un hombre llamado Albert Lester que les ofrece guiarlos dentro de un supuesto sendero que los llevar\u00EDa a los l\u00EDmites de la ciudad, pero terminan llegando a un gran hospital abandonado cubierto por gigantescas plantas infectadas por el virus-T. Luego de descubrir los horribles sucesos que la Corporaci\u00F3n Umbrella provoc\u00F3 en el hospital y enfrent\u00E1ndose la planta que conten\u00EDa el cad\u00E1ver de la esposa de Albert, Dorothy. Entonces Alyssa logra escapar del hospital prometiendo hacerle saber al mundo las verdaderas intenciones de Umbrella y tambi\u00E9n vengar a su antiguo socio Kurt."@es . . "flashback, known as Memory(\u8A18\u61B6Kioku) in the Japanese game, is the fourth scenario of Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 (the first being the Outbreak Revisited training scenario), and is centered around an abandoned hospital in the Arklay Mountains."@en . . . . . . . . . . "epprod"@en . "501264"^^ . . . . "Flashback"@en . . "Flashback (Trojan.Backdoor.Flashback) is a trojan that affects Mac OS X. The first variant was discovered by Intego of September 2011."@en . . . "Flashback is the 13th installment of the World of Warcraft comic."@en . . . "Flashback"@es . . "2003-05-19"^^ . . "Als Flashback wird ein Zustand bezeichnet, der oft an den Folgetagen vom Konsum von Halluzinogenen (selten auch Cannabinoiden, Dissoziativa...) auftritt. Visionen, also optische, eventuell auch akustische (pseudo) Halluzinationen k\u00F6nnen wahrgenommen werden. Auch psychische Ver\u00E4nderungen, etwa ein gedanklicher Trip kommen vor. Flashbacks werden meist durch Trigger (Schl\u00FCsselreizen) ausgel\u00F6st, also Orte/Personen/Gegenst\u00E4nde/Gef\u00FChle/Drogen, die einen unbewusst wieder in den Trip zur\u00FCckversetzen. So kann zum Beispiel Cannabis rauchen zu einer starken psychedelischen Wirkung f\u00FChren."@de . . . "Flashback"@de . "flashback"@en . . "The full synopsis of this event is unknown."@en . "89"^^ . "Underbelly"@fr . . "Rare"@en . "Played in a series of rounds, the host will show the castaways a list of symbols or colors. When the host has finished, the castaways must show the same symbols/colors that were presented to them in the order that was previously shown. Showing the wrong symbol would result in the castaway being eliminated from the challenge. The last contestant remaining would win."@en . . . "220"^^ . . "novelization"@en . . . . "Story"@en . . . "S U R V I V O R S \U0001F341 episode 2 Casper sat outside Mudpoint, the Trackers' small but well-known military base, located just above the TreeClan camp, on the edge of Bone-place. LightClan cats visiting the TreeClan camp often complained they could hear the screaming of those being tortured in Mudpoint. In truth, Mudpoint wasn't as bad as they feared. Certainly not as bad as Tarsyn, the Union's infamous torture center, located on the opposite side of the Emerald River. Soldiers would rather be dead than be taken by RockClan cats to Tarsyn. \"You okay?\" Hyacinth approached Casper. \"You look like death. Get some sleep. Mudpoint is quiet tonight.\" \"That's because I called off the extraction session schedule for tonight.\" She looked surprised. \"You're kidding. Was Raven disappointed?\" \"After what happened with Flamepaw, I think she was happy she didn't have to torture anyone.\" Hyacinth shrugged. \"Whatever gets us answers, Casper. The session scheduled for tonight... that was...\" Her eyes widened. \"You called off Lady Valrune's torture session?\" Tiredly, Casper said, \"She's never going to betray Lord Vector. It's been a year, and she hasn't told us anything. We can't keep doing this to her.\" \"We haven't tortured her for a year,\" pointed out Hyacinth stubbornly. \"We only started recently, when TreeClan started telling us to. And it makes sense. She's the mate of the Shadow Army's leader.\" \"But she's been held hostage for a year,\" snarled Casper. \"Everyone in the Union and RockClan thinks she's dead. What are we keeping her alive for?\" \"TreeClan has a plan,\" said Hyacinth. \"They must.\" \"Yes. Torture her to insanity.\" Dubiously, she said, \"Even if they have no plan, they'll expect a report. They know an extraction session was scheduled for tonight. What will you tell them?\" \"The truth. She gave us no information.\" \"Casper...\" \"What?\" he asked, more sharply than he'd intended. She didn't look deterred. \"Are you sure your mood isn't because of something else that happened a year ago?\" * * * * * * \"She was wrong,\" whispered Casper. \"And now she's gone.\" Hyacinth gave him a puzzled look. \"Casper...\" He sighed. \"We should go back inside.\" \"It's conceited, really.\" Stopping in his tracks, he turned to her with a slight frown on his brow. \"What?\" \"You're being conceited,\" she said evenly. \"Blaming yourself for the entire Drurray Way Masscare? I mean, you must have quite an ego to think you were responsible for all those cats' deaths.\" Jaw tightening, he said, \"Don't ever become a counselor, Hyacinth. You're terrible at it.\" She shrugged. \"I call 'em like I see 'em. You've got no right to mope about that. It's been a year.\" \"It was my fault. Not the entire thing, but...\" \"Larksong,\" she said knowingly. \"She's not dead.\" \"How do you know?\" he challenged. Sympathy glimmered in Hyacinth's eyes. She touched her nose to his. \"Casper,\" she whispered. \"You can't think of Larksong as your redemption. You can't burden her like that. She's just one cat.\" \"I'm not--\" \"Yes, you are. You're making her a martyr, making her a symbol of every mistake you've ever made. You think that if you can save her, you'll redeem yourself. But redemption doesn't lie with her, Casper. It's inside you.\" \"I can't hear this right now.\" \"You know I'm right.\" \"Be as that may.\" \"Casper--\" \"Her family died because of me.\" His voice was ragged, ripped at the edges. \"Her father, her mother. And they weren't the only ones. If I had just seen--\" \"No one could've seen what would happen. No one,\" said Hyacinth. \"Casper? Listen to me. Look at me.\" He looked at her. Hyacinth, moonlight glowing on the ginger patches on her pelt, glinting in her eyes, green as the Emerald River. Felt a warmth rush through him from his head to his toes. \"I love you,\" he said without thinking. She looked taken aback. \"I love you too,\" she said after a brief pause, twining her tail with his. \"But--\" She seemed about to say something else, but didn't. He knew what it was, anyway. But not like that. Never like that. Sometimes he wondered. She was beautiful, fierce, and strong. They matched each other's fire. But there was something not there. Or maybe it was the opposite--maybe there was too much there. Too much pain endured together, too many memories; too much to ruin with romance. \"I know why Drurray Way hurts so much,\" Hyacinth whispered. He nodded. He knew, too, but he didn't want to hear it. \"You couldn't protect the innocent.\" Screaming. Begging. Dying. Please stop dying, Casper begged the ghosts who lived in his memories. \"But Casper, there is no such thing as innocence.\" * * * Toby ran after the other cadets as fast as his legs could carry him. \"Guys, seriously,\" he said. \"We shouldn't go.\" Maia, the ringleader, turned back to him with a sneer on his face. \"Toby, get lost. You're such a moodkiller. If you don't want to come, you don't have to. But tonight is the perfect timing. We're all home, and there's no extraction session going on. Everyone's out relaxing, and no one's breathing down our necks. We're free to do whatever we like.\" \"If Casper finds out...\" \"Why would Casper find out?\" scoffed Blake, Maia's boyfriend. \"No one likes a tattle,\" warned Maia. \"Now are you coming or not?\" He looked at the other cadets. His brother, Greg, watching him with a shrewd gaze, waiting to see if Toby would act like a chicken or not. And Snowflake. A beautiful white she-cat with deep blue eyes. He couldn't believe she was going. But if she went, he had to go. Couldn't let her get hurt with these buffoons. \"This is a mistake,\" he muttered bitterly as he fell into step with Greg. Triumphantly, Maia said, \"The whole crew's here. What could go wrong?\" Toby didn't feel like replying. \"Don't be such a downer, brother,\" Greg said, snorting. He sped up to walk beside Maia and Blake. Snowflake took his place at Toby's shoulder. \"I heard about the mission,\" she said quietly. He shook his head bitterly. \"My first mission, and it went horrible.\" \"That wasn't your fault. It was a big sign of faith that Casper chose you; he rarely brings cadets along on Council-ordained missions.\" \"That she-cat who died, Flamepaw. She was our age.\" Snowflake didn't say anything, but her large blue eyes were gentle, inviting him to let it all out. \"Do you ever imagine... I mean, if the war never started, Flamepaw wouldn't be dead. Like so many others.\" Toby shut his eyes. \"You should've heard her father after she died. He screamed like someone had set fire to his soul.\" \"I think that's what it feels like when you lose someone you love,\" murmured Snowflake. Toby sighed. \"Sometimes I wonder if I can do this. Be a Tracker. We have to kill someone to lose cadet status. Doesn't that ever strike you as messed up?\" \"Yes. But this is a war, and war is messed up.\" \"How do you live with yourself after that?\" \"I imagine that's exactly why we do this.\" Snowflake gestured towards Maia and Blake. Emerald River glimmered in the distance, a coiled black snake under the night sky. As they approached the riverbank, a sickly sweet smell reached Toby's nostrils. His mouth flooded with saliva in spite of himself. He could hear voices up ahead. Maia and Blake let out appreciative groans, their mouths open to catch every trace of the sweet scent. A group of cats had set up shop in a shallow ditch by the riverbank. In the middle was green-eyed blue-gray tom, seated beside a pile of bright red berries. He was crushing them onto leaves and handing them out to cats, who paid him in prey and other trinkets. \"We're such delinquents,\" said Greg, smirking. \"It's beautiful,\" giggled Maia. She pressed her nose to Blake's, and Greg's eyes darkened. The five of them made their way down into the ditch. The blue-gray tom watched them with keen eyes. \"More customers?\" \"Oh, shut up, Sven. We're regulars and you know it,\" scoffed Maia, stepping forward confidently. Sven grinned and handed her a leaf soaked in red juice. \"Whatcha got?\" \"Prey. Give it to 'im, boys.\" As Greg and Blake stepped forward and delivered the heap of squirrels and mice, Maia tipped her head back and put the leaf in her mouth. A trickle of red juice traced its way down the side of her mouth. Her eyes glowed, pupils dilating. \"Scarlet, how I love thee,\" she said blithely, letting out a rapturous laugh. \"Yes, we know you love drugs,\" Toby sighed, but she wasn't the only one. Snowflake had already stepped forward and gotten her leaf. \"So much better than catmint,\" said Greg. Sven rolled his eyes. \"Catmint is kit's play. This is the real stuff, Scarlet grown on Horizon Hills, the strongest in the Valley.\" Toby knew it was no use trying to stop his friends. He distracted himself by looking around the encampment while he waited for them. There were all kinds of cats at the Redscout marketplace--the Redscouts were the group of cats Sven led, a nomadic group of cats who grew Scarlet in northern Horizon Hills and then traipsed all over the Valley selling it. TreeClan cats, LightClan cats, and a few RockClan apprentices who had crossed Emerald River in the dark to get their paws on some Scarlet. There was even a she-cat who looked like she might be part of the Negoui tribe, which meant she had come a very long way. All enmity was forgotten. Cats came here under the assumption that Scarlet was more important than anything. They were desperate to leave behind their pain and insecurities, to be happy for a night. As the night wore on, the revelry faded to quiet. Sven and a couple of other Redscouts began packing up the remaining red berries. Toby went to find his friends. Blake and Maia were fast asleep, their muzzles stained red. Toby woke them, then collected Greg and Snowflake. He waited while the other four washed off at the river. The sun was rising by the time they got on their way back to Mudpoint. \"My head hurts,\" groaned Greg as the spires of earthen caves appeared in the distance. \"Think I had a little too much.\" \"I think you had way too much.\" \"You didn't even try, Toby. Why do you bother coming?\" Maia asked. Toby didn't respond, lest his eyes betray him and move towards Snowflake, who was stumbling along beside him, leaning on his shoulder. Her white fur was disheveled, and there were still smudges of pink on her face. He put his muzzle near her fur and smelled Scarlet on her, that sweet, dangerously enticing scent. She was beautiful. The Trackers were already awake, but no one was running around in agitation. The cadets' disappearance hadn't been noticed yet. \"You guys get some sleep,\" said Toby. \"I'll cover for you.\" \"You're the best,\" Snowflake said, smiling and licking his cheek before running off towards the cadet den. \"Knew there was a reason we're brothers,\" Greg said sleepily. Toby stifled a sigh as he watched the other cadets stumble away. If they only slept at night, focused themselves... they could come on missions too. But they only wanted to \"live in the moment\", as Maia put it, and living in the moment to them meant Scarlet and staying up and disobeying every order Casper gave. He couldn't decide if they were stupid or reckless. Maybe they were neither. Maybe they were wise. Coming on missions wasn't fun at all. Toby approached Casper, who was standing outside talking to Hyacinth in an urgent voice. He opened his mouth, ready to make some excuse for why there were no squirrels in the fresh-kill pile this morning (squirrels were Sven's favorite prey), but Casper beat him to it. \"Toby, you'll come with us.\" \"What? What's going on?\" he asked, confused, eyes darting from Casper to Hyacinth, and back again. \"There's trouble. A TreeClan scout just said we're needed somewhere. Didn't say what happened, just that it was urgent.\" \"Where are we going?\" \"Drurray Way.\""@en . . . "2373"^^ . . . "A flashback is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened before the story's primary sequence of events to fill in crucial backstory. They are used to create suspense in a story, develop a character or structuring the narration. The following is a list of flashbacks to have occurred in the original series:"@en . . . . . . "Monta\u00F1as Arklay y Hospital abandonado"@es . . . . . . "Shoko Fujibayashi"@en . . "5019"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Flashback"@nl . . "The 30th anniversary episode that spans the generations!\u2014\"Flashback\" was the 45th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, first aired on 1 October 1996. The episode story was written by Brannon Braga, directed by David Livingston and novelized in by Diane Carey for Pocket Books."@en . "Desperate times"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Alyssa Ashcroft y un grupo de supervivientes se encuentran en las monta\u00F1as a las afueras de Raccoon City, con la esperanza de encontrar una ruta que les permita escapar de la ciudad. Tras entrar en una caba\u00F1a, entra un hombre llamado Albert Lester que les ofrece guiarlos dentro de un supuesto sendero que los llevar\u00EDa a los l\u00EDmites de la ciudad, pero terminan llegando a un gran hospital abandonado cubierto por gigantescas plantas infectadas por el virus-T. Luego de descubrir los horribles sucesos que la Corporaci\u00F3n Umbrella provoc\u00F3 en el hospital y enfrent\u00E1ndose la planta que conten\u00EDa el cad\u00E1ver de la esposa de Albert, Dorothy. Entonces Alyssa logra escapar del hospital prometiendo hacerle saber al mundo las verdaderas intenciones de Umbrella y tambi\u00E9n vengar a su antiguo socio Kurt."@es . "Apparition Crit\u00E8re Habitan(s) connu(s) Flashback est un plateau apparu dans Mario Party 3. Son nom vient du nombre important de Cases demi-tour qui font reculer les joueurs qui atterrissent dessus. Cela permet d'arriver facilement jusqu'aux adversaires ou au point d'arriv\u00E9e. En Mode Histoire, le joueur aura \u00E0 affronter la Princesse Daisy (ou un autre personnage au hasard si le joueur d\u00E9cide d'incarner Daisy) pour obtenir un des nombreux Tampons."@fr . . . . . . . "One of the particular characteristics of Forever Knight is the inclusion of a flashback story in almost every episode. Most describe an incident in the life of the hero, Nick Knight, from his human years in the thirteenth century, through his centuries as a vampire, up to the twentieth century. A few describe the past of other vampire characters in the show, including LaCroix, Janette, Vachon, and Urs. The flashbacks in Forever Knight vary considerably in length. Some include fictional versions of actual and events; others are period pieces."@en . "Cadet Kirk"@en . "Isamu Taihei, SJR"@en . . . "3514"^^ . "Septembre 1998"@fr . "Flashback"@en . . . . . . . . "thumb|250px|Tarjeta en la que se inclu\u00EDa el c\u00F3digo de descarga del paquete Flashback es un paquete de mapas para el multijugador de Gears of War 2 en el que se incluyen versiones remasterizadas de algunos mapas de Gears of War."@es . . "meola"@en . "Wildstorm"@en . "295"^^ . "no"@en . "4"^^ . . . . . . "Star Trek: Voyager"@nl . . . . "3"^^ . . . "Flashback is an opening theme (OP) from Kamen Rider Hibiki. It was performed by Rin, m.c.A.T. \"Flashback\" is the theme song of Kamen Rider Hibiki & The Seven Senki. \n* Lyrics: Shoko Fujibayashi \n* Rap Lyrics: m.c.A.T \n* Composition & Arrangement: Isamu Taihei & SJR \n* Artist: Rin' featuring m.c.A.T"@en . "Als Flashback wird ein Zustand bezeichnet, der oft an den Folgetagen vom Konsum von Halluzinogenen (selten auch Cannabinoiden, Dissoziativa...) auftritt. Visionen, also optische, eventuell auch akustische (pseudo) Halluzinationen k\u00F6nnen wahrgenommen werden. Auch psychische Ver\u00E4nderungen, etwa ein gedanklicher Trip kommen vor. Flashbacks werden meist durch Trigger (Schl\u00FCsselreizen) ausgel\u00F6st, also Orte/Personen/Gegenst\u00E4nde/Gef\u00FChle/Drogen, die einen unbewusst wieder in den Trip zur\u00FCckversetzen. So kann zum Beispiel Cannabis rauchen zu einer starken psychedelischen Wirkung f\u00FChren. Es gibt auch nat\u00FCrliche Flashbacks, welche einen meist in vergangene Erlebnisse (oft aus der Kindheit) oder Gef\u00FChle versetzen. Kategorie:Wirkung Kategorie:Psychologie"@de . . . "Character optional"@en . . . "USS Excelsior (ap.)"@es . . . "One of the particular characteristics of Forever Knight is the inclusion of a flashback story in almost every episode. Most describe an incident in the life of the hero, Nick Knight, from his human years in the thirteenth century, through his centuries as a vampire, up to the twentieth century. A few describe the past of other vampire characters in the show, including LaCroix, Janette, Vachon, and Urs. The flashbacks in Forever Knight vary considerably in length. Some include fictional versions of actual and events; others are period pieces."@en . "Azurenevel; bemanningskwartieren; Bolian; cortische stimulator; cordrazine; Enterprise-A, USS; Excelsior, USS; Excelsior-klasse; geheugen virus; Golwat; Keethara; Khitomer; Kirk, James T.; klasse 11 nevel; klasse 17 nevel; Klingon gevechtskruiser; Kolinahr; K't'inga-klasse; McCoy, Leonard H.; onderdrukt geheugen; Pon farr; Porakan eieren; Porakas IV; Praxis; pyllora; rengazo; schoklading; sirillium; Spock; subruimte schokgolf; Talax; thee; thoron straling; T'Pel; Vulcan; Wyoming, USS; Yorktown, USS."@nl . . . . . . . . "Vaikka Olkihattupiraateista jokaisella on surullinen menneisyys, ei heist\u00E4 kukaan puhu niist\u00E4 koskaan \u00E4\u00E4neen. Heist\u00E4 suurinta osaa ei my\u00F6sk\u00E4\u00E4n kiinnosta muiden tyyppien tarinat, paria poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Flashbackit ovat siis vain katsojien herkkua."@en . . "Resident evil outbreak flashback level scenario.png"@fr . . . . . "2005"^^ . . "50126.4"^^ . "Gardner Monroe; Needed.png"@en . "Flashback.jpg"@nl . . "opening"@en . "Flashback or flashbacks may refer to:Flashback (narrative), in literature and dramatic media, an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current pointFlashback episode, an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodesFlashback (psychology), in which a memory is suddenly and unexpectedly revisitedAcid flashback, a reported psychological phenomenon in which an individual experiences an episode of some of LSD's subjective effects long after the drug has worn offFlashback (welding), a dangerous hazard of using an oxyacetylene torchFlashback arrestor, a device most commonly used in oxy-fuel welding and cutting to stop the flame from burning back up into the equipmentFlashback Weekend, a horror/science fiction convention held annually in Rosemont, Illinois, USAContents [show] In comic books[edit] Flashback (comics), a mutant character in Marvel ComicsFlashback, a member of the Blood Syndicate in Milestone MediaIn video games[edit] Flashback FM, a fictional radio-station in the video games Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto IIIFlashback (1992 video game), a science fiction cinematic platform gameFlashback (2013 video game), the 2013 remakeIn music[edit] Flashback (After School single), 2012\"Flashback\" (Calvin Harris song), 2009Flashback (Darin album), 2008Flashback (Don Friedman album), 1963Flashback (Electric Light Orchestra album), 2000Flashback (Ivy Queen album), 2005Flashback (Joan Jett album), 1993\"Flashback\" (Ministry song), 1988Flashbacks (The Fuzztones album), 1996Flashback - The Best of the J. Geils Band, a collection from The J. Geils Band, 1985\"Flashback\", a song by Kelis from her album Wanderland\"Flashback\", a song by Kelly Rowland from her second album Ms. Kelly\"Flashback\", a song by Swedish Melodic Death Metal band Sonic Syndicate\"Flashback\", a song by Ivy Queen from her album The Original Rude GirlIn computing[edit] Atari Flashback, a line of video-game consoles that emulate various 1980s-era Atari gamesOracle Flashback, a means of retrieving data as it existed in an Oracle database at an earlier timeThe Flashback trojan, a computer trojan that infects systems running Mac OS XRoller coasters[edit] Flashback (Six Flags Magic Mountain), steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain, USAFlashback (Six Flags New England), steel roller coaster of shuttle design currently in use at Six Flags New England, USAFlashback (Six Flags Over Texas), a steel boomerang roller coaster located at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas, USAPublications and media[edit] Flashback (1969 film), a 1969 Italian film by Raffaele Andreassi starring Fred RobsahmFlashback (1990 film), a 1990 film starring Dennis Hopper and Kiefer SutherlandFlashback (Flash animation), psychedelic animation by Danny GomezFlashback (game show), a Canadian panel game show that aired on CBC TelevisionFlashback (TV series), a Canadian quiz show television series which aired on CBC Television from 1962 to 1968Flashback Media Group, a Swedish media group hosting Flashback, Scandinavia's largest discussion forumFlashback (radio program), a radio show syndicated by ABC Radio Networks\"Flashback\" (Star Trek: Voyager), a 1996 episode of the television show Star Trek: VoyagerFlashbacks (book), the autobiography of Timothy Leary\"Flashbacks\", the alternate title for South Park episode \"City on the Edge of Forever\"Flashback (Desperate Housewives), an episode from the seventh season of Desperate HousewivesFlashback, a 2011 novel by Dan Simmons"@en . . . "novel"@en . . . . . "The 30th anniversary episode that spans the generations!\u2014\"Flashback\" was the 45th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, first aired on 1 October 1996. The episode story was written by Brannon Braga, directed by David Livingston and novelized in by Diane Carey for Pocket Books."@en . . "288"^^ . . "http://www.comicvine.com/world-of-warcraft-flashback/37-142752/|desc=World of Warcraft # 13 - Flashback"@en . . "\"Flashback\" is the 148th episode of Desperate Housewives."@en . . "Flashbacks are drawn to indicate a past event recalled. Tom draws them in a particular way: the stone texture used for backgrounds also covers foreground characters and objects; and sometimes the flashback's first frame's upper border and last frame's lower border are rounded. Examples: Young_Brinnie_01.jpg|Brinnie from chapter Ties, p. 539, a complete story from the past but not a flashback. Brinnie.jpg|Brinnie in flashback recollected by Donald in the Microsat chapter. P. 1010 shows the rounded frame border starting the sequence."@en . . . . . . . "Hallo mein Name ist Tomy. Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und bin... ich meine war ein gro\u00DFer Pok\u00E9mon-Fan. Nicht dass ich Pok\u00E9mon komplett aufgegeben habe, aber... ich halte mich inzwischen ziemlich fern von Pok\u00E9mon-Videospielen. Einst liebte ich sie, ja ich habe manche sogar tagelang gespielt, aber... okay alles auf Anfang. Es fing alles an, als Pok\u00E9mon Soulsilver und Heartgold rauskamen. Ich habe mir sofort nach dem Erscheinen Soulsilver gekauft und durchgespielt, lie\u00DF es dann aber ca. ein Jahr liegen. Ich habe aber kurz bevor ich aufgeh\u00F6rt hatte mein Gewaldro (Luis) mit Level 100 aus Pok\u00E9mon Smaragd auf das Spiel geladen auch... wenn es vermutlich nicht das Echte war, da ich den Klon-Glitch verwendet hatte. An den Tag, bevor ich aufgeh\u00F6rt hatte zu spielen, war ich traurig, da ich das Risiko, dass "@de . . "38"^^ . "Underbelly"@en . . . . . . . "1996-09-11"^^ . . . . "2530"^^ . . "http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/misc/wccomic/issue-13-sneakpeek.html|desc=Seven-page preview."@en . . "Apparition Crit\u00E8re Habitan(s) connu(s) Flashback est un plateau apparu dans Mario Party 3. Son nom vient du nombre important de Cases demi-tour qui font reculer les joueurs qui atterrissent dessus. Cela permet d'arriver facilement jusqu'aux adversaires ou au point d'arriv\u00E9e. En Mode Histoire, le joueur aura \u00E0 affronter la Princesse Daisy (ou un autre personnage au hasard si le joueur d\u00E9cide d'incarner Daisy) pour obtenir un des nombreux Tampons."@fr . . . . . "145"^^ . . "\u8A18\u61B6 Kioku"@fr . "VOY"@en . "?"@en . "2008-11-19"^^ . "Flashback"@es . "Oct.29.2009"@en . . "Axe Man"@fr . . . . . . . . "2.99"^^ . . . . "1"^^ . "A recurring mental challenge"@en . . "Flashback es una canci\u00F3n de la banda Imagination que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V en la radio Space 103.2, solo disponible en la nueva generaci\u00F3n de consolas."@es . "Isamu Taihei, SJR"@en . . . "The Chute"@nl . "Lisa Felder, code name Flashback, also seems to have last names of Waring, Warring and Mainwaring. She's a member of the Mystic Six and a long distance teleport capable of taking several people along with her. Like all of the Mystic Six, she's an atypical avatar and has either an air or lightning spirit. She's not saying which. She also has a temper."@en . . "Flashback is the eighteenth and final episode of Due South's second season. Storyline: A jewelry store is robbed and its owner is kidnapped. Whilst in pursuit of the robber-kidnappers, Constable Fraser falls off the back of their getaway vehicle and strikes his head, losing his memory. Detective Vecchio must help him retrieve it as time runs out to find the kidnappers. Original Air Date: May 31, 1996 Written by Peter Mohan and Michael Teversham Directed by Gilbert Shilton"@en . . . . "58163"^^ . "A flashback is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened before the story's primary sequence of events to fill in crucial backstory. They are used to create suspense in a story, develop a character or structuring the narration. The following is a list of flashbacks to have occurred in the original series:"@en . . . . "An erupting volcano? Or fiery sparks? Whatever it is, this tee is sure to make others revel in your blaze of awesomeness at parties or just around the town. Description written by ~crazeboy06, the winner of the Write It to Win It deviantWEAR contest on 8.7.07! Printed on the amazingly soft and comfortable American Apparel Tri-Blend Track Shirt. Made with a Tri-Blend (50% Polyester / 25% Cotton / 25% Rayon) construction for a slimmer fit. Available in Unisex sizing."@en . . "Hallo mein Name ist Tomy. Ich bin 15 Jahre alt und bin... ich meine war ein gro\u00DFer Pok\u00E9mon-Fan. Nicht dass ich Pok\u00E9mon komplett aufgegeben habe, aber... ich halte mich inzwischen ziemlich fern von Pok\u00E9mon-Videospielen. Einst liebte ich sie, ja ich habe manche sogar tagelang gespielt, aber... okay alles auf Anfang. Es fing alles an, als Pok\u00E9mon Soulsilver und Heartgold rauskamen. Ich habe mir sofort nach dem Erscheinen Soulsilver gekauft und durchgespielt, lie\u00DF es dann aber ca. ein Jahr liegen. Ich habe aber kurz bevor ich aufgeh\u00F6rt hatte mein Gewaldro (Luis) mit Level 100 aus Pok\u00E9mon Smaragd auf das Spiel geladen auch... wenn es vermutlich nicht das Echte war, da ich den Klon-Glitch verwendet hatte. An den Tag, bevor ich aufgeh\u00F6rt hatte zu spielen, war ich traurig, da ich das Risiko, dass Pok\u00E9mon Smaragd evtl. bald nicht mehr richtig funktionieren w\u00FCrde auf mich genommen und dass mehrere male, dass ich aus reiner Trauer und Furcht, dass evtl. auch Pok\u00E9mon Soulsilver besch\u00E4digt ist freigelassen. Ein Jahr sp\u00E4ter bereute ich diese Entscheidung, da mein restliches Team ohne Luis schwach war und ich suchte im Internet nach einer Methode ihn wieder zur\u00FCck zu holen. Und tats\u00E4chlich fand ich eine Art Mod, den man durch WIFI auf Pokemon Soulsilver ziehen konnte. Nun dies tat ich und als ich das Spiel startete, hatte ich die Wahl welches von allen meinen freigelassenen Pokmon ich zur\u00FCckholen wollte. Darunter stand gro\u00DF: Pass blo\u00DF auf, du kannst nur eins zur\u00FCckholen!!! Ich w\u00E4hlte nat\u00FCrlich mein Luis und mein Spielstand startete. Alles war normal nur... mein Luis war nicht in meinem Team. Ich probierte alles aus : Ich lief mit nur einem Pok\u00E9mon herum, schaute in den Boxen nach, doch nichts... Ich war entt\u00E4uscht aber spielte trotzdem weiter. Alles war normal bis... ich nach Azuria kam. Dort war aus irgendeinem Grund Team Rocket, die mich nach einer Weile nicht mehr aus Azuria raus lie\u00DFen. Alle sagten nur: \"Nein! Nicht hier lang!\". \"WIE NEIN?!\", fragte ich mich dachte dann aber: \"hmm... gut. endlich passiert hier was.\" Sie lie\u00DFen mich nur in Richtung Br\u00FCcke und in das Haus mit dieser seltsamen Maschine. Die T\u00FCr stand offen und da ich keine andere Wahl hatte, ging ich hinein. Ein, selbst f\u00FCr den DS lautes Rattern ert\u00F6nte und der Bildschirm wurde schwarz... Nach einer gef\u00FChlten Stunde ert\u00F6nte wieder das Rattern und das Bild kam zur\u00FCck. Ich war zur\u00FCck im Geb\u00E4ude nur... es war nun so dunkel wie sonst in H\u00F6hlen. Ich ging verwirrt heraus und alles war nun ein riesiger Wald. \"Was zum...\", dachte ich mir aber beschloss weiter zu gehen, da ich mich nicht sehr gruselte... zumindest noch nicht. Ich schaute aber zuerst in mein Inventar doch... es war leer, zumindest bis auf ein Item. Ich traute meinen Augen nicht als ich las wie es hie\u00DF: DEINE SEELE (Tot) . Ich schreckte zur\u00FCck \"WAS...was geht hier ab?!\" fragte ich mich. Ich ging aus dem Inventar raus und ich k\u00F6nnte schw\u00F6ren, ich habe eine Art Trainer gesehen, die mich sehr an... an 3110 erinnerte, aber gut. Ich schaute mir meinen Trainerpass an, doch es war alles normal. Auch mein Team war komplett also ging ich weiter. Pl\u00F6tzlich erschien eine kleine Textbox in der stand: Ich wunderte mich, da Togepi tats\u00E4chlich in meinem Team war... Ich schaute nach meinem Team und... Togepi war weg. Ich lief in die andere Richtung und... da lag Togepi... tot und voller Blut. Nun zitterte ich am ganzen Leib da die Lavandia-Musik anfing zu spielen. Ich wusste, dass es auch hier Lavandia gab aber es war die Musik aus blau, rot, gr\u00FCn und gelb. Ich drehte den Ton aus aber dies half kaum. Es war trotzdem sehr laut. Pl\u00F6tzlich wieder diese Gestalt die mich an 3110 erinnerte. Nun rannte sie pl\u00F6tzlich hinter mir her und holte mich bald ein. Der Bildschirm wurde wieder schwarz. Nichts geschah und ich nutzte diese Pause um mich von dem Schock zu erholen. Nach einer Ewigkeit kam das Bild zur\u00FCck nur... war ich pl\u00F6tzlich in einem Pok\u00E9mon-Center. Es war verlassen und es wurde langsam immer dunkler. Nach einem kurzen Knistern stand Schwester Joy an der Theke... ohne Pupillen. Ich musste erst zwei mal hinschauen bis ich es bemerkte. Als Ich sie ansprach wurde der Bildschirm wieder schwarz und Sekunden sp\u00E4ter fand ich mich in den Alph-Ruinen wieder. Es war Nacht und ich konnte nur in die Ruinen hinein gehen. Als ich das erste Icognito sah brach mir das Herz. Sie sahen extrem traurig aus und weinten Blut. Es kam immer wieder die gleiche Reihenfolge: Ein W dann ein H ein Y gefolgt von einem ? Icognito. \"Why? Warum? Was habe ich denn getan?\", dachte ich mit Tr\u00E4nen in den Augen da die Icognitos immer gequ\u00E4lter aussahen. Etwa nach dem dritten mal wurde der Bildschirm erneut schwarz. Kurz darauf erschien ein GAME OVER Screen \"Game over? Man kann in Pok\u00E9mon nicht verlieren!\" Es brachte mich zur\u00FCck zum Hauptmen\u00FC. Doch das Wasser war blutrot und statt Lugia war dort mein Togepi... voller Blut und ohne Pupillen. es starrte mich direkt an. Alle paar Sekunden ert\u00F6nte ein kurzes Knattern und Togepi kam ein St\u00FCck n\u00E4her, bis es denn ganzen Bildschirm bedeckte. Darauf \u00E4nderte sich der Titel von Soulsilver zu STIRB. Das Spiel startete von selbst und alles schien normal doch... keine NPCs, keine Pok\u00E9mon und keine Musik. Bald kam ich auf die Idee, zu den Seeschauminsel zu gehen, um zu sehen ob Lugia wirklich weg ist. Ich konnte einfach durch das Wasser gehen, es sah so aus als ob ich schweben w\u00FCrde. Ein Schritt vor dem Eingang traf ich auf ein Pok\u00E9mon. Es... es sah ein bisschen aus wie MissingNo. Nur es waren Bilddateien von meinem Team dabei. In der Mitte stand mein Gewaldro. Doch dann kam eine Stimme aus dem Lautsprecher und sagte: Ich erschrak so, dass ich beinahe den DS wegwarf. Pl\u00F6tzlich startete eine Cutszene: Sie zeigte mich wie ich mit Luis herumlief und Spa\u00DF hatte, eine Art Flashback und darunter stand in einer Textbox: Ich fand mich in einem Haus wieder. Vor mir stand mein Team: Gewaldro, das tote Togepi, Tornupto, Anorith, Rayquaza und Groudon. Pl\u00F6tzlich schrie es verzerrt aus meinen DS: Sie fingen an Attacken auf mich einzusetzen: Laubklinge, Wutanfall etc.. Eine art Flashback Cutszene startete: Wie Ich das Spiel begann bis jetzt. Doch pl\u00F6tzlich : Luis setzt seinen Pok\u00E9ball ein. \"Ich wurde gefangen? dass.. ist unm\u00F6glich!\" Eine weiteres mal schrie es aus meinen DS: Pl\u00F6tzlich startete ein Kampf. Luis will Rache, Tomy wird eingesetzt! \"Tomy? ich nannte mich doch Pok\u00E9-Fan !\" Aber dies wunderte mich im Moment am wenigsten. Ich hatte zwei Auswahlm\u00F6glichkeiten: mitspielen oder weigern. Ich w\u00E4hlte weigern doch dann wurde ich von Luis so stark getroffen, dass mein Charakter blutete und ein extrem schmerzhafter Schrei aus dem DS ert\u00F6nte, sodass ich diese Aktion nie wieder w\u00E4hlte. Ich musste schlagen w\u00E4hlen doch Luis wich immer wieder aus und ich wurde stark getroffen nur ohne Schrei. Nach einer Weile fragte Luis mich: Ich w\u00E4hlte ja und der DS ging aus. Ich startete das Spiel neu und der Kampf ging einfach weiter also musste ich wieder warten bis Luis mich wieder fragte. Wenn ich versuchte den DS auszumachen, sagte Luis: Ein Tag sp\u00E4ter schloss ich das Spiel an meinen PC an und ich war erstaunt. Es waren nur unz\u00E4hlige Dateien namens HAST DU ETWA NOCH NICHT GENUG da. Zwei Tage sp\u00E4ter schenkte ich das Spiel meinem Freund da er Lugia unbedingt haben wollte aber ich es ihm nie gab. Weitere zwei Tage sp\u00E4ter sagte er er h\u00E4tte das gleiche auch durchgemacht nur mit seinem Felino. Er sagte auch er h\u00E4tte es danach im Internet verkauft und es dann aus dem Augen verloren. Kategorie:Pokepasta Kategorie:Mittellang Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Videospiele Kategorie:Computer"@de . . . . . "Flashback is an opening theme (OP) from Kamen Rider Hibiki. It was performed by Rin, m.c.A.T. \"Flashback\" is the theme song of Kamen Rider Hibiki & The Seven Senki. \n* Lyrics: Shoko Fujibayashi \n* Rap Lyrics: m.c.A.T \n* Composition & Arrangement: Isamu Taihei & SJR \n* Artist: Rin' featuring m.c.A.T"@en . . . . . . "Trials and Tribble-ations"@en . . . . . "Scenario"@en . . . . "The flashback system lets heroes and villains run through Story Arcs and badge missions they may have missed earlier or simply want to experience again. These operate like Task Forces as there are minimum and maximum level requirements, other contacts are unavailable, only the team leader can initiate a flashback and once started the team can not add new members. Flashbacks involve Time Travel, which is initiated from the Pillar of Ice and Flame in the Ouroboros Enclave or the equivalent base item in a Supergroup Base. Story Arcs involve a series of missions, often 8 to 12 or more, involving a given enemy group or story line. Badge Missions are short, usually just a single mission, which awards its own badge. If starting from Ouroboros then everyone on the team has to be level 25 or higher, just to be in the zone, but from a base only the team leader has to be 25+. Each mission has a minimum level, required of all members, and a maximum level that characters will Examplar (malefactor) down to as needed. The minimum levels for each mission are not shown when accessing the mission list. The in-game introduction to the flashback system is provided by the missions of The Pilgrim in Ouroboros. The popularity of the Flashback System is due, in part, to its 75 Achievement Badges and the roughly 15 Accomplishment Badges that can be obtained from its badge missions."@en . "Flashback (Trojan.Backdoor.Flashback) is a trojan that affects Mac OS X. The first variant was discovered by Intego of September 2011."@en . . . . . . . "-Ven\u2026No tengas miedo, no te voy a hacer nada malo. -\u2026 -\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 no dices nada? Somos vecinos, no tiene nada de malo que vengas a mi casa\u2026 -No, gracias. Mis papas est\u00E1n por llegar. -Lily no mientas\u2026Yo mismo vi cuando partieron hace solo unos minutos. -\u2026 -Oye\u2026Te estoy hablando!\u2026 -No quiero ir. -\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 no? -\u2026 -Responde! -D\u00E9jame en paz, Mario\u2026 Tienes 18 a\u00F1os y dices que quieres jugar conmigo que tengo 10\u2026 Juega con los de tu edad. -Lily\u2026 La edad no tiene nada que ver.. -Ya te dije que no. -\u00A1No me des la espalda! \u00A1Lily! Te dije que vengas aqu\u00ED! -\u00A1Su\u00E9ltame!!! Mario, b\u00E1jame! \u00A1Ayuda! -Shhhhh!\u2026Silencio!\u2026Si gritas te voy a hacer da\u00F1o\u2026Tu tranquila\u2026Veras que te va a gustar. -\u00BFQue te dije?\u2026Lo disfrutaste verdad? -\u2026 -Lily, contesta! -Ya d\u00E9jame ir\u2026Me siento mal. -No exageres\u2026 Un poco de sangre no hace da\u00F1o\u2026 Pero lo disfrutaste, \u00BFverdad? -Me duele..Y no lo disfrute!, Le voy a decir a mis papas! -Jajaja\u2026No te van a creer\u2026Yo soy mas grande!\u2026Hey! Deja de llorar! No duele! -Ya d\u00E9jame ir\u2026 -No\u2026 No vas a ir a ning\u00FAn lado\u2026 Yo..Yo\u2026Todav\u00EDa quiero jugar\u2026 -Buenas tardes Mario. -Buenas tardes se\u00F1or\u2026 \u00BFPorque llora?, Le puedo ayudar en algo? -Lo que pasa es que desde ayer no encuentro a Lily, y pues, su mama y yo estamos muy preocupados\u2026\u00BFLa has visto? -Siento no poder ayudarlo se\u00F1or\u2026pero no la he visto, pero si la veo o se algo de ella yo le digo\u2026Por favor no llore\u2026Ya vera que Lily esta bien\u2026 es solo cuesti\u00F3n de tiempo\u2026 -Gracias Mario\u2026 -Hey despierta! -\u2026 -Acaban de venir tus papas jajaja, dicen que est\u00E1n mejor sin ti\u2026 -N\u2026No es cier..rto -Enserio!, es mas, hasta me dijeron que te pod\u00EDas quedar aqu\u00ED conmigo un rato mas.. As\u00ED que\u2026 Porque no hacemos eso que tanto te gusta ehh? -Ya no por favor!\u2026Me duele mucho! D\u00E9jame ir! Dame mi ropa! -No\u2026 Como que tu ya no me sirves\u2026 \u00BFDonde deje ese cuchillo?\u2026 Mario se fue a vivir a otra ciudad. No dej\u00F3 ninguna se\u00F1al de lo que hab\u00EDa hecho en su antiguo domicilio, y s\u00E1dicamente cada noche recordaba lo que hab\u00EDa hecho con una expresi\u00F3n de triunfo en el rostro. Se sabe que Mario ten\u00EDa una cuenta en Youtube en donde cada semana sub\u00EDa un nuevo v\u00EDdeo hecho por el mismo contando experiencias divertidas y sanas\u2026Todo parta aparentar que era una persona normal. El pasado mi\u00E9rcoles 28 de Marzo, las autoridades cancelaron su cuenta en tal p\u00E1gina a causa de un v\u00EDdeo que hab\u00EDa subido en donde se pod\u00EDa ver como una ni\u00F1a de aspecto diab\u00F3lico lo mataba de una forma grotesca. Un d\u00EDa despu\u00E9s hallaron su cuerpo descuartizado en su domicilio y lleno de agujeros en el cuerpo hechos con alfileres\u2026 De la misma manera que se ve\u00EDa en el v\u00EDdeo. El v\u00EDdeo lo conservan las autoridades y por diversas fuentes solo se ha rescatado el audio y de forma escrita: -Y as\u00ED es como termina mi v\u00EDdeo de hoy amigos, espero que lo hayan disafruta\u2026 (Golpes en la puerta) -\u00BFQue mierda? (Ruidos de ca\u00EDdas y gritos de Mario) (Entra una voz femenina bastante macabra) -Hola Mario\u2026\u00BFTe acuerdas de mi? -No pasa nada\u2026Estoy imagin\u00E1ndolo..Estas muerta -Si\u2026\u201DLo estoy imaginando\u201D lo que me gustaba pensar mientras me hac\u00EDas eso que me hiciste\u2026 -Perd\u00F3n\u2026 -Eso no sirve de mucho ahora. -Perd\u00F3n. -No llores Mario\u2026 No te va a doler -No me hagas da\u00F1o\u2026 -Ya veras que hasta te va a gustar. -Enserio lo siento! -Esa ropa se ve incomoda\u2026Quitemosla de ah\u00ED\u2026 (Mas ruidos de golpes y gritos de Mario\u2026a la vez muchas risas de la ni\u00F1a) -\u00BFCuantas veces jugamos?\u2026Responde! -\u2026 -\u00BFCuantas veces? -\u202610\u2026. -Cuenta conmigo: 1\u20262\u20263\u20264.. (Gritos de Mario. Se cree que en ese momento se le mutilo con alfileres) -Muy bien\u2026Llegamos a diez\u2026 -\u2026.POR FAVOR\u2026PARA\u2026 -No\u2026yo quiero seguir jugando\u2026Saluda a tus seguidores en Internet Mario\u2026 DESP\u00CDDETE. Fin de el audio."@es . . . . "Dorothy"@fr . . . "VOY"@nl . . . "[[Archivo:Annalise-christophe-213.png|thumb|300px|Annalise en un Flashback de un episodio de la segunda temporada.]] Los Flashbacks, tambi\u00E9n conocidos como \"analepsis\" (o escena retrospectiva), es una t\u00E9cnica utilizada tanto en el cine y la televisi\u00F3n como en la literatura, que altera la secuencia cronol\u00F3gica de la historia, conectando con momentos distintos y trasladando la acci\u00F3n al pasado. Se utiliza con bastante frecuencia para recordar eventos o desarrollar m\u00E1s profundamente el car\u00E1cter de un personaje."@es . . . . . . . "ComicVine.com"@en . . "200"^^ . "Flashback"@fr . "flashback, known as Memory(\u8A18\u61B6Kioku) in the Japanese game, is the fourth scenario of Resident Evil Outbreak File #2 (the first being the Outbreak Revisited training scenario), and is centered around an abandoned hospital in the Arklay Mountains."@en . . "Learning that someone was tempering with his past, the Flash (Barry Allen) sends a pair of heroes to the night of the lightning strike via the Cosmic Treadmill to stop the meddlers from altering the timeline."@en . "Flashback is the 13th installment of the World of Warcraft comic."@en . . . "Flashbacks are drawn to indicate a past event recalled. Tom draws them in a particular way: the stone texture used for backgrounds also covers foreground characters and objects; and sometimes the flashback's first frame's upper border and last frame's lower border are rounded. Examples: Young_Brinnie_01.jpg|Brinnie from chapter Ties, p. 539, a complete story from the past but not a flashback. Brinnie.jpg|Brinnie in flashback recollected by Donald in the Microsat chapter. P. 1010 shows the rounded frame border starting the sequence. \n* Chapter 18 Page 40. A flashback to Kat & Annie's first meeting. \n* Chapter 18 Page 41. Begins a flashback to Surma and Anja after discovering Diego's Tomb. \n* Chapter 40: Page 3 panel 1. Jones starts recounting some life events in reverse (texture only). \n* Chapter 53: Page 5 panel 4. Fire-elemental Annie begins recalling a talk with Ysengrin in the Forest. \n* Chapter 53: Page 9 panel 1. Fire-elemental ends her recall once the hair is cut. \n* Chapter 53: Page 14 panel 6. Anthony Carver refers to his time with Surma at Good Hope Hospital (texture only)."@en . . . . "episode"@en . . . . . . "Played in a series of rounds, the host will show the castaways a list of symbols or colors. When the host has finished, the castaways must show the same symbols/colors that were presented to them in the order that was previously shown. Showing the wrong symbol would result in the castaway being eliminated from the challenge. The last contestant remaining would win."@en . . . . "Flashback"@es . . "2293"^^ . "Desperate Times"@fr . . . "Flashback ( \u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF ) is the thirty-eighth chapter of the Elfen Lied manga series, and the last chapter of Volume Four."@en . . . . . . . "Les h\u00E9ros trouvent refuge dans une vieille cabane dans la for\u00EAt de Raccoon. Un \u00E9trange personnage nomm\u00E9 Al Lester se pr\u00E9sente alors aux personnages et promet de les guider \u00E0 travers les m\u00E9andres dangereuses de la for\u00EAt, afin qu'ils puissent rejoindre la ville voisine."@fr . . . "Resident Evil Outbreak File 2"@en . . "Weapons"@en . "Flashback was a comic story published in Red Dwarf Smegazine. It was written by Nigel Kitching, who also provided the artwork. It featured Duane Dibbley."@en . . . . "Rin, m.c.A.T"@en . . "#FDFDFD; color: #3E5E95"@en . "Vaikka Olkihattupiraateista jokaisella on surullinen menneisyys, ei heist\u00E4 kukaan puhu niist\u00E4 koskaan \u00E4\u00E4neen. Heist\u00E4 suurinta osaa ei my\u00F6sk\u00E4\u00E4n kiinnosta muiden tyyppien tarinat, paria poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta. Flashbackit ovat siis vain katsojien herkkua."@en . "Nog suffered several flashbacks involving losing his leg in a Jem'Hadar attack on AR-558. (DS9: \"It's Only a Paper Moon\") Lieutenant Tuvok suffered flashbacks to a false memory created by a virus masquerading as a repressed memory engram. A mind meld with Captain Janeway resulted in a flashback to the time Tuvok served on the USS Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu. The virus that infected him was transmitted to him then by science officer Dimitri Valtane. (VOY: \"Flashback\")"@en . "Flashback (also titled Flashback: The Quest For Identity in America) is a platform/adventure game released in 1992 on the Amiga, and later ported to the Mega Drive/Genesis and SNES in 1993. It pays homage to many classic Science Fiction films like Total Recall, Blade Runner, and They Live. You play as Conrad Hart, a government agent. Using molecular-density scanning glasses, he discovers alien impostors among the population, known as Morphs. Attempts are made on his life, and he creates a log of his memories as a backup. Kidnapped, his memory wiped, he escapes his inattentive captors on hoverbike and is shot down over the jungles of Titan. Left for dead, he finds a holocube log of himself that instructs him to go to his contact in the city of New Washington and retrieve his memory. He must make his way back to Earth, find the Morph base of operations, and stop their plans to conquer the galaxy. Gameplay is similar to Prince of Persia, but with a gun. You get a personal force field generator in the second level that lets you block shots- this, along with rolling, is the key to winning battles. The levels can get quite long, although checkpoints (misleadingly called Save Points) are scattered throughout. Made by the same company that created Another World, Flashback used a similar method to create polygonal cutscenes and rotoscoped animation that could be played on an Amiga, Genesis or SNES. It billed itself as \"the CD-ROM game on a cartridge/floppy\", and was stuffed with cinematics, most notably when you pick up items. Later, it was ported to the CD based consoles of the era, with a replacement soundtrack and CGI cutscenes. A sequel, Fade To Black, was made in 1996."@en . "Nog suffered several flashbacks involving losing his leg in a Jem'Hadar attack on AR-558. (DS9: \"It's Only a Paper Moon\") Lieutenant Tuvok suffered flashbacks to a false memory created by a virus masquerading as a repressed memory engram. A mind meld with Captain Janeway resulted in a flashback to the time Tuvok served on the USS Excelsior under Captain Hikaru Sulu. The virus that infected him was transmitted to him then by science officer Dimitri Valtane. (VOY: \"Flashback\")"@en . "Flashback or flashbacks may refer to:Flashback (narrative), in literature and dramatic media, an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current pointFlashback episode, an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodesFlashback (psychology), in which a memory is suddenly and unexpectedly revisitedAcid flashback, a reported psychological phenomenon in which an individual experiences an episode of some of LSD's subjective effects long after the drug has worn offFlashback (welding), a dangerous hazard of using an oxyacetylene torchFlashback arrestor, a device most commonly used in oxy-fuel welding and cutting to stop the flame from burning back up into the equipmentFlashback Weekend, a horror/science fiction convention held a"@en . "Flashback is a Doctor Who comic strip."@en . . . "Flashback es una canci\u00F3n de la banda Imagination que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V en la radio Space 103.2, solo disponible en la nueva generaci\u00F3n de consolas."@es . . "Aucuns"@fr . . . . "Flashback is an unlockable achievement for the Bloons TD game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. All Achievements are provided by an app called OpenFeint. You must have OpenFeint installed in order for any achievements to be available."@en . "Learning that someone was tempering with his past, the Flash (Barry Allen) sends a pair of heroes to the night of the lightning strike via the Cosmic Treadmill to stop the meddlers from altering the timeline."@en . . . . . "|Season 1 !Portrayed By |Sean Schemmel. Flashback is a very forgetful Sinistra."@en . "Flashback"@en . . . "n/a"@en . . . . "The full synopsis of this event is unknown."@en . "75000"^^ . "Comic"@en . . . . "Flashback is a Doctor Who comic strip."@en . "Flashback ( \u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF ) is the thirty-eighth chapter of the Elfen Lied manga series, and the last chapter of Volume Four."@en . . . . "MBPocket"@en . "S U R V I V O R S \U0001F341 episode 2 Casper sat outside Mudpoint, the Trackers' small but well-known military base, located just above the TreeClan camp, on the edge of Bone-place. LightClan cats visiting the TreeClan camp often complained they could hear the screaming of those being tortured in Mudpoint. In truth, Mudpoint wasn't as bad as they feared. Certainly not as bad as Tarsyn, the Union's infamous torture center, located on the opposite side of the Emerald River. Soldiers would rather be dead than be taken by RockClan cats to Tarsyn. \"TreeClan has a plan,\" said Hyacinth. \"They must.\" \"Casper...\""@en . . "-Ven\u2026No tengas miedo, no te voy a hacer nada malo. -\u2026 -\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 no dices nada? Somos vecinos, no tiene nada de malo que vengas a mi casa\u2026 -No, gracias. Mis papas est\u00E1n por llegar. -Lily no mientas\u2026Yo mismo vi cuando partieron hace solo unos minutos. -\u2026 -Oye\u2026Te estoy hablando!\u2026 -No quiero ir. -\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 no? -\u2026 -Responde! -D\u00E9jame en paz, Mario\u2026 Tienes 18 a\u00F1os y dices que quieres jugar conmigo que tengo 10\u2026 Juega con los de tu edad. -Lily\u2026 La edad no tiene nada que ver.. -Ya te dije que no. -\u00A1No me des la espalda! \u00A1Lily! Te dije que vengas aqu\u00ED! -\u00A1Su\u00E9ltame!!! Mario, b\u00E1jame! \u00A1Ayuda! -Shhhhh!\u2026Silencio!\u2026Si gritas te voy a hacer da\u00F1o\u2026Tu tranquila\u2026Veras que te va a gustar."@es . . "VOY"@en . "Flashback (also titled Flashback: The Quest For Identity in America) is a platform/adventure game released in 1992 on the Amiga, and later ported to the Mega Drive/Genesis and SNES in 1993. It pays homage to many classic Science Fiction films like Total Recall, Blade Runner, and They Live. A sequel, Fade To Black, was made in 1996."@en . . . . . . . "Flashback is an unlockable achievement for the Bloons TD game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. All Achievements are provided by an app called OpenFeint. You must have OpenFeint installed in order for any achievements to be available."@en . . "Flashback was a comic story published in Red Dwarf Smegazine. It was written by Nigel Kitching, who also provided the artwork. It featured Duane Dibbley."@en . . . "Kamen Rider Hibiki"@en . . . "Imagination"@es . . "32"^^ . "39259"^^ . . . "\"Flashback\" is the 148th episode of Desperate Housewives."@en . . . . "Event; Needed.png"@en . . . . "Azurenevel; bemanningskwartieren; Bolian; cortische stimulator; cordrazine; Enterprise-A, USS; Excelsior, USS; Excelsior-klasse; geheugen virus; Golwat; Keethara; Khitomer; Kirk, James T.; klasse 11 nevel; klasse 17 nevel; Klingon gevechtskruiser; Kolinahr; K't'inga-klasse; McCoy, Leonard H.; onderdrukt geheugen; Pon farr; Porakan eieren; Porakas IV; Praxis; pyllora; rengazo; schoklading; sirillium; Spock; subruimte schokgolf; Talax; thee; thoron straling; T'Pel; Vulcan; Wyoming, USS; Yorktown, USS."@nl . . . "2373"^^ . . . "|Season 1 !Portrayed By |Sean Schemmel. Flashback is a very forgetful Sinistra."@en .