. "wowinsider"@en . . . . . . "Autobot Medical"@en . . "North Freeport"@en . . "This patch will bring the retail version of Airfix Dogfighter to 1.19 and solve some joystick problems."@en . . "Patches is stick thin, wears hand-me-down clothes including a plaid jacket stuffed with hay. As Kaleigh Bolt starts upgrading Patches he is stuffed with weapons rather than hay. His head is a jack-o-lantern carved from the blue pumpkin shaped devil fruit which he gains his power from. The pumpkin has a bite taken out of it from where Cujo Durante bit in to try and gain its power, but Patches had already inherited its power. His arms are usually fixed in an out stretched position. While in his crow forms he is more active, has wings, and when his head becomes that of a crows the jack-o-lantern becomes a sort of helmet."@en . . "\"Dead Man's Party\""@en . . "Felis Catus"@en . . . . . "Thieves' Guild of Tai-tastigon"@en . . . "MORE UPDATES COMING SOON!"@en . . . "However after a while, Patches revealed himself by openly trashing the classroom. Realizing Mike was not the real enemy, the girls tried to fight the still invisible Patches but were unable to combat a villain they could not see. Patches easily defeats the girls as a result. However the girls finally managed to defeat Patches by creating an imaginary friend of their own (being an intelligent bunny with a dress and combat boots) to combat Patches - (who was revealed to actually be an evil jester-like being). The girls' imaginary friend proceeded to beat Patches up and banished him, ending his rampage."@en . "Patches"@en . "Marr\u00F3n"@es . "bnetwowus"@en . "Parches"@es . . . . . "Patches was a male calico cat that Jeremy Aster kept as a pet on Earth. When the Aster family was still living on Earth, young Jeremy used to play \"Captain Patches\" with the cat, pretending he was a Captain flying through space. As \"Captain Patches\", he crash landed on the sofa after being hit by an alien ship. Jeremy also played hide and seek with the cat and his mother, Marla Aster. Patches, among other aspects of Aster's home life, was recreated by the Koinonians in their attempt to help Jeremy after his mother's death. The recreation was accurate as \"Patches\" recognized Jeremy right away. (TNG: \"The Bonding\" ) The name of the animal who portrayed Patches is unknown. Patches was one of the very rare examples of a calico cat who is also male."@en . . "Brown"@en . "Green"@en . "A relatively 'young' Autobot, PATCHES is a lighthearted, surprisingly chipper medic. Serious when it comes to her work, she's as likely to be found picking flowers as studying how to put a 'bot back together."@en . "Patches is Peter Pepper's puppy. She was named in the living books version. She likes to play the piano."@en . "Patches is a time pirate in Oceans Unmoving, first appearing in Double Cross. Though he serves under Bun-bun as a pirate, he is actually a theoretical mathematician named Harvey. His eyepatch, however, is real; he lost an eye in a wine-bottle-opening accident. By the end of Oceans Unmoving II, Patches has become a member of the Drowned Rabbits."@en . "Patches"@en . "Patches"@ja . . "Patches"@en . . "thumb|Jeremy und Patches. Patches ist die Hauskatze von Jeremy Aster. Als die Aster-Familie noch auf der Erde lebt spielt der junge Jeremy oft mit \"Captain Patches\". Jeremy tut immer so als sei der Kater ein Schiff welches durch den Raum fliegt. Patches wird 2366 von den Koinonianer neu erstellt. Die Koinonianer versuchen Jeremy dabei zu helfen mit dem Tod seiner Mutter fertig zu werden. (TNG: )"@de . . . . . . "Ecology"@en . "Our first installment of devWEAR 'Do It Yourself' fashion, a three-pack of deviantART patches! No need for suggestions because you're all creative, right? To attach them, Pre-heat iron to hottest tempature setting. Position your patch on desired area and cover it with a thin pressing cloth. Without using steam, press straight down for 30-40 seconds with constant pressure, then turn the garment inside out and repeat. Thats it! Please don't burn down your house in the process. You could sew them on as well for an even cooler look. Try it!"@en . . . "bnetwoweu"@en . "Patches is a fairly friendly feline, as felines go, though she's apt to be a bit snooty when the mood strikes her. Otherwise, she's as playful as any kitten, and indeed seems to enjoy the company of ferretmonkeys when she can find them. She can often be seen around New Luna's Independence Harbor, or wherever the Kismet's Kiss happens to be making berth. Her pet human, Arizhel, has long since given up confining her to the boat since Patches has somewhat of a penchant for both escape artistry and getting into places that she shouldn't rightly be able to. She and Mister Fluffers get along quite famously, though they don't get to see each other all that often, on account of their silly humans. \n* Escaping \n* Making mischief \n* Sleeping \n* Ferretmonkeys \n* Dogs \n* Doing what she's told Yeah right. People. Hmph. Well, okay, but only if you feed her. Or scratch her belly. Or... well, you get the picture. You be nice to Patches, and Patches deigns to grace you with her illustrious presence. At least, that's how she sees it."@en . . . . . . . . "Autobot"@en . "Zombie cat\n\nB3"@en . "*"@en . . "http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/|desc=Patch Notes"@en . . . . . . "Transformer"@en . "Patches"@en . . . "Our first installment of devWEAR 'Do It Yourself' fashion, a three-pack of deviantART patches! No need for suggestions because you're all creative, right? To attach them, Pre-heat iron to hottest tempature setting. Position your patch on desired area and cover it with a thin pressing cloth. Without using steam, press straight down for 30-40 seconds with constant pressure, then turn the garment inside out and repeat. Thats it! Please don't burn down your house in the process. You could sew them on as well for an even cooler look. Try it!"@en . "OC"@en . . . . . . . "Patches"@en . . . "Patches is an orphan who lives in Springfield. His sister is Poor Violet. Poor Violet and Patches were abandoned by their mother when they were young. Patches had given their only $1 vitamin money to Bart, where he had carelessly used it. When Ned and Homer open up Praiseland (a Bible themed amusement park) in memory of Maude. Soon many people suggest that they give the money the park's success is making to the orphanage. The money never is given to the orphanage because the park closes down. Patches and Poor Violet are both seen checking out of the orphanage."@en . . . . "Patches is Peter Pepper's puppy. She was named in the living books version. She likes to play the piano."@en . . . . . . . . "24"^^ . "Os patches (singular: patch) s\u00E3o atualiza\u00E7\u00F5es disponibilizadas gratuitamente pelos produtores do jogo, para corrigir diversos erros, bugs e falhas indesej\u00E1veis nos jogos da s\u00E9rie Spore. Elas podem ser baixadas via Download pelo EA Download Manager, ou pelo pr\u00F3prio jogo. Os patches tamb\u00E9m est\u00E3o dispon\u00EDveis para download manual (veja abaixo). O Patch 1.3, disponibilizado pouco antes do lan\u00E7amento do Spore Medonhas & Fofinhas, disponibilizou gratuitamente 24 novas partes para serem usadas no Editor de Criaturas. Esse patch tamb\u00E9m est\u00E1 dispon\u00EDvel para o Criador de Criaturas do Spore, mas somente para a vers\u00E3o completa. O patch 1.5 e o 1.5.1 s\u00E3o as atualiza\u00E7\u00F5es mais recentes, e disponibilizou a assimetria livre na Sporep\u00E9dia, permitindo aos jogadores a criarem criaturas assim\u00E9tricas e compartilha-las. Antes isso s\u00F3 era poss\u00EDvel com mods."@pt . "thumb|Jeremy und Patches. Patches ist die Hauskatze von Jeremy Aster. Als die Aster-Familie noch auf der Erde lebt spielt der junge Jeremy oft mit \"Captain Patches\". Jeremy tut immer so als sei der Kater ein Schiff welches durch den Raum fliegt. Patches wird 2366 von den Koinonianer neu erstellt. Die Koinonianer versuchen Jeremy dabei zu helfen mit dem Tod seiner Mutter fertig zu werden. (TNG: )"@de . . . . "Nie myli\u0107 z patchami dla serwer\u00F3w testowych, kt\u00F3re wykorzystuj\u0105 podobny system nazewnictwa (dla przyk\u0142adu serwer testowy dla patcha 1.12 nazywa\u0142 si\u0119 0.12)"@pl . . "Patches is an orphan who lives in Springfield. His sister is Poor Violet. Poor Violet and Patches were abandoned by their mother when they were young. Patches had given their only $1 vitamin money to Bart, where he had carelessly used it. When Ned and Homer open up Praiseland (a Bible themed amusement park) in memory of Maude. Soon many people suggest that they give the money the park's success is making to the orphanage. The money never is given to the orphanage because the park closes down. Patches and Poor Violet are both seen checking out of the orphanage. He is nicknamed Patches because he is superb at sewing and loves to scratch the patches of nettle stings."@en . . "Nie myli\u0107 z patchami dla serwer\u00F3w testowych, kt\u00F3re wykorzystuj\u0105 podobny system nazewnictwa (dla przyk\u0142adu serwer testowy dla patcha 1.12 nazywa\u0142 si\u0119 0.12)"@pl . . . . . "However after a while, Patches revealed himself by openly trashing the classroom. Realizing Mike was not the real enemy, the girls tried to fight the still invisible Patches but were unable to combat a villain they could not see. Patches easily defeats the girls as a result."@en . "N/A"@en . "Fat Princess has continuing support its developer, Titan Studios. The first of these patchess included lag and connection fixes. The second will contain many additional fixes and a new level."@en . . . . . "Patches is a white kitten with black spots that Leo and Camille Boykewich gave to their new adoptive daughter, Chloe, for the Christmas of 2012. Camille and Leo Boykewich adopted Patches, which is significant because they adopted Chloe as well."@en . "http://web.archive.org/web/20101124173133/http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/faq/patches.html|desc=Patch F.A.Q. archive page at old Official site"@en . "Parches es un hu\u00E9rfano que vive en el orfanato de Springfield. Es el hermano de Violeta la Pobre."@es . . "Orphan"@en . "Desconocida"@es . . "3004"^^ . . "NLS Kismet's Kiss"@en . . . . . . "N/A"@en . . "MORE UPDATES COMING SOON!"@en . . . . "1.00.93 - April 22 2009 - Changelog : \n* Added check in Pantheon and Skirmish games to detect if host has cancelled or all the other human players quit, and pops up a message if this happens so that you can cancel instead of being stuck. GPG is working on the other side of this fix to make it so that you won't have to cancel and the remaining human players can continue to the game. \n* Tweaked NAT punchthrough settings to try and make success more likely \n* Put in a proper error message for the case when the player quits rather than generic \u201CDisconnected from NAT\u201D \n* Put in a proper error message for the case when someone who started a pantheon game quits before others get in (should largely take care of the staring at the connecting thing forever). \n* Added additional check in"@en . "Patches is a Mogwai figure released by NECA."@en . . "Patches are game updates that may add new features and rebalance content in addition to fixing bugs. Diablo I, Diablo II, and Diablo III have all had numerous patches."@en . "Tastigon"@en . "Fat Princess has continuing support its developer, Titan Studios. The first of these patchess included lag and connection fixes. The second will contain many additional fixes and a new level."@en . "Patches is the English version of the Dutch song Patsy in 1962 and was sung by Dickey Lee."@en . . . "Patches dienen zur Fehlerkorrektur und zum Erweitern des Spiels. Oft werden neue Dungeons hinzugef\u00FCgt und/oder Klassen \u00FCberarbeitet. \n* Patch 3.1 (Die Geheimnisse von Ulduar. Duale Talentspezialisierung. Das Argentumturnier. Dungeonkarten. Sprach\u00FCbergreifende Realmpools) \n* Patch 3.0.8 (V\u00F6lkerspezifische Einschr\u00E4nkungen in Bezug auf Reittiere wurden aufgehoben. Nachtelfen auf Roboschreitern? Taurische Raptoren? Ihr seht schon richtig.) \n* Patch 3.0 (Vorboten des Unheils/Wrath of the Lich King)(Vorraussichtlich) \n* Patch 3.0 (Vorboten des Unheils/Wrath of the Lich King) \n* Patch 2.4 (Wut des Sonnenbrunnens) \n* Patch 2.3 (Die G\u00F6tter von Zul'Aman) \n* Patch 2.2 (Sprachchat) \n* Patch 2.1 (Der Schwarze Tempel) \n* Patch 2.0 (Vor dem Sturm/The Burning Crusade) \n* Patch "@de . . . . "Wanders"@en . "Cat"@en . "Townie"@en . . "This does not include events, maintenances or Item Mall sales, only updates that actually changed game features or bug fixes. There is some category overlap, since some updates also included events and Item Mall sales."@en . . . "Masculino"@es . . . "Jame had only, ever, been passing through. Her fate lay ahead, down the path that she had begun to trod tonight."@en . "7"^^ . . . "Patches is the English version of the Dutch song Patsy in 1962 and was sung by Dickey Lee."@en . . . "3004"^^ . . . . "Official Patch Announcements. For a list of quests sorted by the patch they were added, see Quests by Patch."@en . . . "Patches dienen zur Fehlerkorrektur und zum Erweitern des Spiels. Oft werden neue Dungeons hinzugef\u00FCgt und/oder Klassen \u00FCberarbeitet. \n* Patch 3.1 (Die Geheimnisse von Ulduar. Duale Talentspezialisierung. Das Argentumturnier. Dungeonkarten. Sprach\u00FCbergreifende Realmpools) \n* Patch 3.0.8 (V\u00F6lkerspezifische Einschr\u00E4nkungen in Bezug auf Reittiere wurden aufgehoben. Nachtelfen auf Roboschreitern? Taurische Raptoren? Ihr seht schon richtig.) \n* Patch 3.0 (Vorboten des Unheils/Wrath of the Lich King)(Vorraussichtlich) \n* Patch 3.0 (Vorboten des Unheils/Wrath of the Lich King) \n* Patch 2.4 (Wut des Sonnenbrunnens) \n* Patch 2.3 (Die G\u00F6tter von Zul'Aman) \n* Patch 2.2 (Sprachchat) \n* Patch 2.1 (Der Schwarze Tempel) \n* Patch 2.0 (Vor dem Sturm/The Burning Crusade) \n* Patch 1.7 (Der Aufstieg des Blutgottes) \n* Patch 1.6 (Angriff auf den Pechschwingenhort) \n* Patch 1.5 (Schlachtfelder) \n* Patch 1.4 (Auf in den Kampf) \n* Patch 1.3 (Die Ruinen von D\u00FCsterbruch) \n* Patch 1.2 (Geheimnisse von Mauradon) \n* Patch 1.12 (Donner des Krieges) \n* Patch 1.11 (Schatten der Nekropole) \n* Patch 1.10 (Sturm \u00FCber Azeroth) \n* Patch 1.09 (Die Tore von Ahn'Qiraj) \n* Patch 1.08 (Die Drachen des Alptraums) 07/12/2005 \n* Patch 1.07 14/09/2005 \n* Patch 1.06.1 02/08/2005 \n* Patch 1.05.1 14/06/2005 \n* Patch 1.05 08/06/2005 \n* Patch 1.04 22-04-2005 \n* Patch 1.03 7. M\u00E4rz 2005"@de . "A relatively 'young' Autobot, PATCHES is a lighthearted, surprisingly chipper medic. Serious when it comes to her work, she's as likely to be found picking flowers as studying how to put a 'bot back together."@en . "-"@en . "Sister: Poor Violet"@en . "Patches"@de . "Female"@en . "Patches was a male calico cat that Jeremy Aster kept as a pet on Earth. When the Aster family was still living on Earth, young Jeremy used to play \"Captain Patches\" with the cat, pretending he was a Captain flying through space. As \"Captain Patches\", he crash landed on the sofa after being hit by an alien ship. Jeremy also played hide and seek with the cat and his mother, Marla Aster. The name of the animal who portrayed Patches is unknown. Patches was one of the very rare examples of a calico cat who is also male."@en . "1.00.93 - April 22 2009 - Changelog : \n* Added check in Pantheon and Skirmish games to detect if host has cancelled or all the other human players quit, and pops up a message if this happens so that you can cancel instead of being stuck. GPG is working on the other side of this fix to make it so that you won't have to cancel and the remaining human players can continue to the game. \n* Tweaked NAT punchthrough settings to try and make success more likely \n* Put in a proper error message for the case when the player quits rather than generic \u201CDisconnected from NAT\u201D \n* Put in a proper error message for the case when someone who started a pantheon game quits before others get in (should largely take care of the staring at the connecting thing forever). \n* Added additional check in the connection code to make sure that both players have connection data for each other before handing off the connection data to Demigod, which may prevent unidirectional \n* Fixed the connection dialog to refresh the players connecting more aggressively. \n* Optimized Friends list code for people with no friends \n* Messages for Disconnected from NAT facilitator now contain more useful information (disconnected because game was cancelled, game has already started, etc) \n* Reduced delay before allowing people in the lobby, which may cause more people to get in the lobby without being connected to all players. \n* Fixed an incompatibility between Direct3D and the Overlay which would cause players to crash, particularly on alt-esc. \n* Ground work for UDP Proxy, you should notice connections being faster and better if you\u2019re in Europe. 1.00.93 - April 16 2009 - Changelog : \n* Connection dialog now allows the host to eject players trying to connect. \n* New NAT Connection Server now isolated so not affected by general server load resulting in much faster, better connectivity. \n* Eliminated check for update on launching the game \n* CVP calls asynchronous (a server hicup on our side is a lot less likely to cause users to be disconnected) Comment: Only a draft"@en . . . . . . "Hermana: Violeta la Pobre"@es . . . . . . . . "Patches"@es . "Male"@en . "Under development."@en . . "Patches is a time pirate in Oceans Unmoving, first appearing in Double Cross. Though he serves under Bun-bun as a pirate, he is actually a theoretical mathematician named Harvey. His eyepatch, however, is real; he lost an eye in a wine-bottle-opening accident. By the end of Oceans Unmoving II, Patches has become a member of the Drowned Rabbits."@en . . . . "Patches is Scramp's sister, and Master Galishan's apprentice in the later parts of God Stalk. Patches appears in \"Bones\" as well, and \"The Talisman's Trinket\" is entirely from Patches' point of view. P. C. Hodgell has said that she would like to eventually write Patches' full story. Patches' nickname seems to come from her quilted jacket, made of many different pieces her mother pulled from rag bags."@en . "-"@en . . . . . . "Patches is Scramp's sister, and Master Galishan's apprentice in the later parts of God Stalk. Patches appears in \"Bones\" as well, and \"The Talisman's Trinket\" is entirely from Patches' point of view. P. C. Hodgell has said that she would like to eventually write Patches' full story. Patches' nickname seems to come from her quilted jacket, made of many different pieces her mother pulled from rag bags."@en . . "Patches were updates released by Cavedog Entertainment for Total Annihilation. They included new features, gameplay tweaks, and bug fixes. In total four were released, though only Patch 3.1 is needed as it includes the previous three patches."@en . "|}"@en . . "Los Patches son los subordinados de la banda Don Patch al cual veneran como a un dios. No suelen luchar, pero cuando Don patch se transforma en Super Patch le ayudan haciendo la formaci\u00F3n de parches que, consiste en que Super Patch les pisa y ellos le insultan; lo hacen contra Halon Diablo, uno de los principales del Contra-imperio Margarita. En el anime, solo aparecen dos veces: cuando Beauty y Bobobo conocen a Don Patch y cuando se enfrentan a Halon Diablo en segunda forma, momento en el que Don Patch se transforma en Super Patch."@es . . . "available for German, French, Korean, Chinese , Spanish, and Russian from Patch 0.12.0 thru Patch 3.2.2"@en . . . . "Patches are game updates that may add new features and rebalance content in addition to fixing bugs. Diablo I, Diablo II, and Diablo III have all had numerous patches."@en . "Patches is a white kitten with black spots that Leo and Camille Boykewich gave to their new adoptive daughter, Chloe, for the Christmas of 2012. Camille and Leo Boykewich adopted Patches, which is significant because they adopted Chloe as well."@en . . . . "|}"@en . . . "-"@en . "Los Patches son los subordinados de la banda Don Patch al cual veneran como a un dios. No suelen luchar, pero cuando Don patch se transforma en Super Patch le ayudan haciendo la formaci\u00F3n de parches que, consiste en que Super Patch les pisa y ellos le insultan; lo hacen contra Halon Diablo, uno de los principales del Contra-imperio Margarita. En el anime, solo aparecen dos veces: cuando Beauty y Bobobo conocen a Don Patch y cuando se enfrentan a Halon Diablo en segunda forma, momento en el que Don Patch se transforma en Super Patch."@es . . "Official Patch Announcements. For a list of quests sorted by the patch they were added, see Quests by Patch."@en . . "Patches were updates released by Cavedog Entertainment for Total Annihilation. They included new features, gameplay tweaks, and bug fixes. In total four were released, though only Patch 3.1 is needed as it includes the previous three patches."@en . . "Patches\u2019 home lay behind her, scarred as it was with fire, shadow, and boiling strife. That was the Talisman\u2019s legacy, whatever she had meant, and it was the Trinket\u2019s fate to cope with the mess that her mentor had left behind."@en . "Calico"@en . . "http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/patch-notes/|desc=Patch Notes"@en . . . . . . "__TOC__"@en . "This does not include events, maintenances or Item Mall sales, only updates that actually changed game features or bug fixes. There is some category overlap, since some updates also included events and Item Mall sales."@en . . . . . "Web.Archive.org"@en . . . "x"@en . . "?"@es . "So it was. So it must be."@en . . . . "Patches"@pt . . . . "Patches is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. He is Captain Clump's parrot, and appeared in the episode 'Pirates of Koopa' with his owner."@en . . . . . . "Patches is stick thin, wears hand-me-down clothes including a plaid jacket stuffed with hay. As Kaleigh Bolt starts upgrading Patches he is stuffed with weapons rather than hay. His head is a jack-o-lantern carved from the blue pumpkin shaped devil fruit which he gains his power from. The pumpkin has a bite taken out of it from where Cujo Durante bit in to try and gain its power, but Patches had already inherited its power. His arms are usually fixed in an out stretched position. While in his crow forms he is more active, has wings, and when his head becomes that of a crows the jack-o-lantern becomes a sort of helmet."@en . "x"@en . "Parches es un hu\u00E9rfano que vive en el orfanato de Springfield. Es el hermano de Violeta la Pobre."@es . "Patches is a character from the adult puppet podcast series, Time Suck. He usually sleeps at the office, and is awakened by his canine coworker, Benji."@en . . . . "This patch will bring the retail version of Airfix Dogfighter to 1.19 and solve some joystick problems."@en . . . . . "Patches is a Mogwai figure released by NECA."@en . "Check out the Game Update 2.8: Spoils of War Bug/Glitch List."@en . . "__TOC__"@en . . . . . "Patches is a character in the Super Mario series. He first appeared in The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. He is Captain Clump's parrot, and appeared in the episode 'Pirates of Koopa' with his owner."@en . . . "COMBAT MEDIC"@en . . . . "Patches are updates to Team Fortress 2 that fix known bugs, glitches, or exploits within the game, and often add new features or balance changes to weapons, maps, or other game elements."@en . "Patches"@en . . "patches.jpg"@en . . . "Deceased"@en . "Mother: Unnamed"@en . . "http://a.wirebrain.de/wow/notes/|desc=US English Patchnotes"@en . . . "Patches"@pl . "Patches is a character from the adult puppet podcast series, Time Suck. He usually sleeps at the office, and is awakened by his canine coworker, Benji."@en . . "Nicotine patches are a form of nicotine replacement therapy. They are transdermal patches; medicated adhesive patches placed on the skin to deliver a time released dose of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream."@en . . . "Pet"@en . "?"@es . . "Apprentice thief"@en . . "\"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\""@en . "A.Wirebrain.de"@en . "Patches"@fr . . "\"Miracle on Evergreen Terrace\""@es . "Under development."@en . . "http://wow.joystiq.com/2008/03/10/wow-rookie-what-is-a-patch/|desc=WoW Rookie: What is a patch?"@en . . . . . "Patches is a fairly friendly feline, as felines go, though she's apt to be a bit snooty when the mood strikes her. Otherwise, she's as playful as any kitten, and indeed seems to enjoy the company of ferretmonkeys when she can find them. She can often be seen around New Luna's Independence Harbor, or wherever the Kismet's Kiss happens to be making berth. Her pet human, Arizhel, has long since given up confining her to the boat since Patches has somewhat of a penchant for both escape artistry and getting into places that she shouldn't rightly be able to. She and Mister Fluffers get along quite famously, though they don't get to see each other all that often, on account of their silly humans."@en . . . . "Check out the Game Update 2.8: Spoils of War Bug/Glitch List."@en . . . "Patches"@en . . . . "*\n*"@en . . . . "Os patches (singular: patch) s\u00E3o atualiza\u00E7\u00F5es disponibilizadas gratuitamente pelos produtores do jogo, para corrigir diversos erros, bugs e falhas indesej\u00E1veis nos jogos da s\u00E9rie Spore. Elas podem ser baixadas via Download pelo EA Download Manager, ou pelo pr\u00F3prio jogo. Os patches tamb\u00E9m est\u00E3o dispon\u00EDveis para download manual (veja abaixo). O patch 1.5 e o 1.5.1 s\u00E3o as atualiza\u00E7\u00F5es mais recentes, e disponibilizou a assimetria livre na Sporep\u00E9dia, permitindo aos jogadores a criarem criaturas assim\u00E9tricas e compartilha-las. Antes isso s\u00F3 era poss\u00EDvel com mods."@pt . "by Mar 10th 2008 3:20PM"@en . "Patches are updates to Team Fortress 2 that fix known bugs, glitches, or exploits within the game, and often add new features or balance changes to weapons, maps, or other game elements."@en . . . . . . . . . "Nicotine patches are a form of nicotine replacement therapy. They are transdermal patches; medicated adhesive patches placed on the skin to deliver a time released dose of medication through the skin and into the bloodstream."@en . . . .