"Margaret Thatcher (1926 - 2013) was the Prime Minister of Britain between the years 1979 and 1990 and is by far and away the most memorable character of Spitting Image. She is also one of the most frequently-appearing characters, making some form of cameo in virtually every episode. As the staff of the show were predominantly left-wing, the show took a very anti-Thatcher stance. Thatcher's puppet was remade every series to make her look more evil. She was portrayed as an outright fascist, going so far as to take political advice from her next-door neighbour who bore a frightening resemblance to Adolf Hitler. By the second series Maggie was dressed in a suit and smoking a cigar, reminiscent of Winston Churchill. The idea behind this was suggested by Anthony Asbury, who thought making Thatcher dress like a man would highlight just how evil and insane she was. Indeed, as the series progressed, Thatcher becomes more and more unstable. In the first series is merely treated as a bullying woman who insults her Cabinet. As the show continued she began physically abusing her staff (one specific seat in Number 10 leads to a crocodile pit, to whom she fed Chancellor of the Exchequer Nigel Lawson) and growing more and more attached to Ronald Reagan, who was being shown as a stir-crazy war-hungry old coot from the first episode. Some sketches even hint towards a romantic relationship between the two world leaders. Perhaps another aspect of the show that made Thatcher so memorable is the fact that, for the show's entire duration, she was voiced by Steve Nallon, who has achieved fame outside of Spitting Image thanks to his fantastic range of impressions. Indeed he is still hired today for private shows to do impressions of his Spitting Image characters. He has even appeared under the guise of Thatcher himself in many television shows. Her primary puppeteer is Anthony Asbury, though Louise Gold puppeteered her in part of Series 1, Series 2 and Series 4 and also does her voice in the untranmistted pilot, shot in 1983."@en . "1925"^^ . "Margaret Thatcher \u00E9tait une politicienne britannique du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Elle fut la premi\u00E8re femme Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni entre 1979 et 1990, notamment durant la Guerre Froide Terrienne. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *) En 2154 apr\u00E8s la crise temporelle, Daniels montra \u00E0 Jonathan Archer que la ligne temporelle se corrigeait d'elle-m\u00EAme. Des images de Thatcher figuraient ainsi dans la version restaur\u00E9e du temps. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\") Le nom de Margaret Thatcher n'est toutefois pas \u00E9t\u00E9 cit\u00E9."@fr . "thumb|Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher ist w\u00E4hrend des kalten Krieges auf der Erde Premierministerin Gro\u00DFbritanniens. Im Jahr 2154 ist Jonathan Archer Zeuge wie sich die Zeitlinie aus dem Jahr 1944 nach dem Eingreifen der Na'kuhl wieder selbst herstellt. Als sich die Zeitlinie wieder neu einstellt, kann man Margaret Thatcher sehen. (ENT: )"@de . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher"@fr . . "Pending"@en . "Leader of HM Opposition"@en . . "Un boy-toy diciannovenne superdotato comprato su eBay"@it . "Margaret Thatcher"@en . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher was formerly Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She entered office on 4 May 1979 and left office on 28 November 1990. She was a member of the Conservative party. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . "2013"^^ . . . "Kvinna"@sv . . . "2013-04-08"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "In March 1965, Lady Catherine Waverly believed that Thatcher, then in opposition, already showed a great deal of promise while Sir Toby Kinsella predicted that she would make her mark. (AUDIO: Manhunt) She was the leader of the Conservative Party. Her party won the general election on 9 June 1983 in a landslide victory over Labour. (AUDIO: Rat Trap) In 1984, London Zoo had a female Tibetan Yeti named Mahamaya, which was successfully bred with a male from Peking. Their offspring was named Margaret after Thatcher, whom she bit at a photocall. (PROSE: Downtime) The Seventh Doctor, Roz Forrester and Chris Cwej lived for a short time in a housing estate in 1987, during her time in power. (PROSE: Damaged Goods) The Sixth Doctor served as an advisor or consultant to her. He referred to her disdainfully as \"that woman\" and admitted that she terrified him. (AUDIO: The Ultimate Adventure) His tenth incarnation showed further distaste for her. (TV: Tooth and Claw) In contrast to her Indian counterpart and contemporary Indira Gandhi, Peri Brown did not consider her to be an effective female leader. (AUDIO: The Eye of the Scorpion) An android replica of Margaret Thatcher was the last of a succession of android British Prime Ministers from Robert Walpole created by Tasq. (PROSE: Time Wake)"@en . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher (ur. 13 pa\u017Adziernika 1925 w Grantham, zm. 8 kwietnia 2013 w Londynie) \u2013 kobieta premier z jajami, prawniczka, chemiczka, idolka klasy wy\u017Cszej, Balcerowicza i pokolenia JKM. Osoba, kt\u00F3ra wali\u0142a torebkami, gdy Europejska Wsp\u00F3lnota Gospodarcza pr\u00F3bowa\u0142a zak\u0142ada\u0107 swoje macki na brytyjsk\u0105 gospodark\u0119. Kobieta, kt\u00F3ra zaj\u0119\u0142aby 100% w partiach wprowadzaj\u0105cych na czas wybor\u00F3w parytety i jeszcze zabra\u0142yby kilka miejsc facetom. 4 maja 1979 roku obj\u0119ta dyktatur\u0119 w\u0142adz\u0119 w Wielkiej Brytanii."@pl . "Margaret"@fr . . . . . . . "Mentioned in \"Condemned\""@en . "John Crowder"@en . "In 2154, Daniels showed Jonathan Archer the timeline correcting itself. Images of Thatcher were seen in the restored version. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\")"@en . . . . "In March 1965, Lady Catherine Waverly believed that Thatcher, then in opposition, already showed a great deal of promise while Sir Toby Kinsella predicted that she would make her mark. (AUDIO: Manhunt) She was the leader of the Conservative Party. Her party won the general election on 9 June 1983 in a landslide victory over Labour. (AUDIO: Rat Trap) In 1984, London Zoo had a female Tibetan Yeti named Mahamaya, which was successfully bred with a male from Peking. Their offspring was named Margaret after Thatcher, whom she bit at a photocall. (PROSE: Downtime)"@en . . . . . . . "Thatcher"@fr . . . . "Margaret Thatcher. In segreto lei ti disapprova, e tu non puoi farci niente."@it . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher"@sv . . . . . . . . "Incumbent"@en . . . . "In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of Thatcher in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: \"Storm Front\")"@en . . . . . . . "--05-04"^^ . "A pragmatic woman \"interested in results,\" Inspector Thatcher often needs to remind the idealistic Fraser that he is not in Chicago to clean up America. Inspector Thatcher was portrayed by Canadian actress Camilla Scott."@en . . . "Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (n\u00E9e Roberts; 13 October 1925 \u2013 8 April 2013) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. During her tenure as Prime Minister, Thatcher was manipulated into supporting the goals of Abstergo Industries, which resulted in her involvement in the disposition of Mikhail Gorbachev as leader of the Soviet Union in 1991, as well as supporting the ascension of President Boris Yeltsin."@en . . . "Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (n\u00E9e Roberts; 13 October 1925 \u2013 8 April 2013) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990. During her tenure as Prime Minister, Thatcher was manipulated into supporting the goals of Abstergo Industries, which resulted in her involvement in the disposition of Mikhail Gorbachev as leader of the Soviet Union in 1991, as well as supporting the ascension of President Boris Yeltsin."@en . . "Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (more commonly known as Margaret Thatcher) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and leader of the Conversative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is mostly remembered for being the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and for her involvement in the Falklands War in 1982. Though Prime Minister Thatcher was a character in neither Life on Mars or Ashes to Ashes, she was referenced several times throughout the five series. Supporters of Thatcher and her policies are known as Thatcherites."@en . . "Leader of the Conservative Party"@en . . "Margaret Thatcher Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1979 and 1990 and the first of only two women to hold the title, the other being Theresa May (2016-)."@en . . . "Margaret Thatcher"@sv . "56"^^ . . "Margaret Thatcher"@en . "At her time she was a ruthless dictator who fired entire Liverpool and a lot of other people. She was friends with Ronald McDonald and Dr. Ivo Robotnik and she also broke the Unemployment Records."@en . . . "In 1969, Margaret Thatcher, then an Opposition politician, was reportedly \"incensed\" by a comment Peel made on one of the Inquiry programmes he introduced for BBC Schools Broadcasting. He described marriage as \"an artificial device which tends to destroy relationships\". She took this remark to be an example of what she saw as the \"permissive\", left-wing mentality of the Corporation, and complained to the BBC's Director General. As a result, Inquiry only lasted for a few episodes before being taken off the air. Peel was not a fan of Thatcher and in many shows, where polls showed he had equal popularity with her, he almost took it as an offence to share the same platform. Peel was a Labour Party supporter, but that didn't stop him inviting Margaret Thatcher to do a session on his show after hearing her recording of Ode To Democracy by the London Symphony Orchestra in 1992. Not surprisingly she refused to do it. On many of his shows, Peel would often play anti-Thatcher songs; one of them even reached number 12 on the 2000 Festive Fifty by Hefner called The Day That Thatcher Dies. On his show from 09 June 1983, the night of her landslide second election victory, Peel is believed to have said (words to the effect of) \"Britain will be a very different place tomorrow morning, and not in a good way\". He ended his last show before her third election victory, 10 June 1987, by playing Billy Bragg's version of \"A Change is Gonna Come\". He presented his usual show on the night of her first victory, 03 May 1979, but no recording of this has yet surfaced. Although many of the artists who appeared on Peel's shows in the 1970s and '80s shared his opinion of Thatcher, she did gain support from many show business personalities, including a few with Peel connections, like Kenny Everett, Pete Murray and the unlikely \"one-session wonder\" Lulu. A centre-spread feature in Melody Maker before the 1974 General Election [ref], in which rock musicians had been asked about their voting intentions, had revealed that many \"progressive\" band members would vote for the Tories, often because of Labour's tax policies which had forced many rock stars (among them Rod Stewart) to go into tax exile to preserve their earnings - so presumably they too welcomed Thatcher (this may have been one reason why Peel stopped playing \"old wave\" rock after 1979). The 1967 Marine Offences Act had also strengthened anti-Labour feeling among many rock musicians and fans of this generation, with a significant long-term legacy, not least in the eventual creation of New Labour by people with a similar cultural grounding. (The documentary film-maker Adam Curtis has explored the connections between the ideology of pirate radio and the rise of the Thatcherite New Right.) Punk also began not in response to Thatcherism, but during the government of James Callaghan, who as Home Secretary in the late 1960s had pursued strong anti-hippy and anti-drug policies; in Margrave of the Marshes (pp.191-192) Sheila Ravenscroft relates how she and Peel were repeatedly harassed by the police during this period, and how some of their friends were \"busted\" on trumped-up charges. Callaghan was known as \"the policeman's friend\" and is often seen as one of the most conservative of Labour prime ministers. During Callaghan's premiership there was a swing to the right in the UK, which culminated in Thatcher's 1979 election victory. Until her rise to power, most youth cultures in Britain had been uninterested in politics, regarding it as an activity for the older generation, but Thatcherism politicised many, with its cheerleaders and opponents being equally vocal. Far-right racist groups began to attract a youthful following, and Peel's support for reggae was in part an attempt to counter this (although he also loved the music). In 1982 the Thatcher government introduced the Enterprise Allowance Scheme, for unemployed people who wanted to start up their own businesses. Some young musicians took advantage of this, as did Creation Records boss Alan McGee. But Thatcher remained a bogey figure for many of the 1980s generation, and Peel never revised his initial negative opinion of her."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Margaret \"Eyes of Josef Stalin, Mouth of Marylin Monroe\" Thatcher was a politician, writer, and 8th level arch-fiend. Literally every major creative voice associated with Doctor Who in particular and British sci-fi and comedy in general has a raging, throbbing, steel hard hateboner for her. There is functionally no end to the amount of quote mining one could engage in. Cartmel became a writer with the hopes of bringing her government down. RTD's intention was that the audience would turn on Harriet Jones and demand the Doctor defeat her just for repeating one of Thatcher's acts. Steven Moffat concluded that a genocidal dictator who tore time apart in order to take over the universe was a better Prime Minister of Britain than she was, and nobody came to her defense."@en . . "Margaret Thatcher"@de . "When CIA Deputy Directory Avery Bullock announces a totally unrestricted inspection in \"I Can't Stan You\", he orders the agents to take home and hide all illegal items in CIA possession. The director brings out a life-size Margaret Thatcher robot which he awards to Sanders. Later, Sanders and Jackson show Stan they are taking the robot to a beach house the CIA confiscated giving Stan the idea to get rid of all of his neighbors. Margaret Thatcher is voiced by Miriam Margolyes."@en . "Margaret Thatcher"@pl . . . . "Time Wake"@en . . . . . "Judith Hibbert"@en . "Margaret Thatcher (in inglese Margaret Thatcher, in francese Margaret Thatcher, in esperanto Margaret Thatcher, in argentino La puta inglesa) \u00E8 una tipina tosta che andava di moda negli anni Ottanta. Divenne famosa, oltre che per la sua acconciatura, per essere stata la prima donna a capo del partito conservatore britannico, ovviamente se si esclude Winston Churchill. Oltre a ci\u00F2, Mharghareth Thathcher fu anche la prima donna primo ministro, la prima donna primo ministro conservatore, ma anche la prima donna conservatore a fare il primo ministro. E tutto questo senza nemmeno essere donna. Fu soprannominata \"lady di ferro\" perch\u00E9 provocava stitichezza, era facile avvicinarla usando una calamita e, se ti scontravi con lei, eri tu ad avere la peggio. Grazie alla sua politica del \"Zitto tu, qui comando io\", aperta alle innovazioni come un culo alla penetrazione violenta, l'Inghilterra conobbe un periodo di benessere economico e sociale, caratterizzato da un impoverimento delle classi pi\u00F9 povere, un arricchimento delle classi pi\u00F9 ricche, aumento incontrollato di episodi di violenza urbana, diffusione di droga sintetica accompagnata dalla nascita della violenza giuovanile organizzata e, soprattutto, l'inizio della trasmissione Little Britain. \u00C8 considerata una delle pi\u00F9 eminenti prove a sostegno della teoria secondo cui la pericolosit\u00E0 delle donne aumenta in maniera proporzionale alla loro distanza dai fornelli."@it . . . . . "1959"^^ . . . "Grantham England"@en . . . "Baroness Thatcher (born 13 October 1225) gloriously suppressed Trade Unions, the Irish and the poor among others during her time as Prime Minister. The first allegedly female Prime Minister, what she lacked in penis she more than made up for in balls, and she single-handedly defeated the Argentine forces on the beaches of Falkland Islands in the early 1980s."@en . . . . . "Janet Brown"@en . "1979"^^ . . "In 1969, Margaret Thatcher, then an Opposition politician, was reportedly \"incensed\" by a comment Peel made on one of the Inquiry programmes he introduced for BBC Schools Broadcasting. He described marriage as \"an artificial device which tends to destroy relationships\". She took this remark to be an example of what she saw as the \"permissive\", left-wing mentality of the Corporation, and complained to the BBC's Director General. As a result, Inquiry only lasted for a few episodes before being taken off the air."@en . . . . "1975"^^ . . . "A pragmatic woman \"interested in results,\" Inspector Thatcher often needs to remind the idealistic Fraser that he is not in Chicago to clean up America. Inspector Thatcher was portrayed by Canadian actress Camilla Scott."@en . "Nadine Cox"@en . . . "Member of Parliament for Finchley"@en . "When CIA Deputy Directory Avery Bullock announces a totally unrestricted inspection in \"I Can't Stan You\", he orders the agents to take home and hide all illegal items in CIA possession. The director brings out a life-size Margaret Thatcher robot which he awards to Sanders. Later, Sanders and Jackson show Stan they are taking the robot to a beach house the CIA confiscated giving Stan the idea to get rid of all of his neighbors. Margaret Thatcher is voiced by Miriam Margolyes."@en . . "1959"^^ . . . "At her time she was a ruthless dictator who fired entire Liverpool and a lot of other people. She was friends with Ronald McDonald and Dr. Ivo Robotnik and she also broke the Unemployment Records."@en . . . "Finchley"@en . . . . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher (ur. 13 pa\u017Adziernika 1925 w Grantham, zm. 8 kwietnia 2013 w Londynie) \u2013 kobieta premier z jajami, prawniczka, chemiczka, idolka klasy wy\u017Cszej, Balcerowicza i pokolenia JKM. Osoba, kt\u00F3ra wali\u0142a torebkami, gdy Europejska Wsp\u00F3lnota Gospodarcza pr\u00F3bowa\u0142a zak\u0142ada\u0107 swoje macki na brytyjsk\u0105 gospodark\u0119. Kobieta, kt\u00F3ra zaj\u0119\u0142aby 100% w partiach wprowadzaj\u0105cych na czas wybor\u00F3w parytety i jeszcze zabra\u0142yby kilka miejsc facetom. 4 maja 1979 roku obj\u0119ta dyktatur\u0119 w\u0142adz\u0119 w Wielkiej Brytanii."@pl . . . . . . "Partito a lunga conservazione"@it . "In 2154, Captain Jonathan Archer and Daniels saw an image of Thatcher in the time stream as the timeline reset itself. (ENT episode: \"Storm Front\")"@en . . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher (in inglese Margaret Thatcher, in francese Margaret Thatcher, in esperanto Margaret Thatcher, in argentino La puta inglesa) \u00E8 una tipina tosta che andava di moda negli anni Ottanta. Divenne famosa, oltre che per la sua acconciatura, per essere stata la prima donna a capo del partito conservatore britannico, ovviamente se si esclude Winston Churchill. Oltre a ci\u00F2, Mharghareth Thathcher fu anche la prima donna primo ministro, la prima donna primo ministro conservatore, ma anche la prima donna conservatore a fare il primo ministro. E tutto questo senza nemmeno essere donna."@it . . . . "Margaret Thatcher \u00E9tait une politicienne britannique du 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle. Elle fut la premi\u00E8re femme Premier Ministre du Royaume-Uni entre 1979 et 1990, notamment durant la Guerre Froide Terrienne. (R\u00E9alit\u00E9 extrapol\u00E9e *) En 2154 apr\u00E8s la crise temporelle, Daniels montra \u00E0 Jonathan Archer que la ligne temporelle se corrigeait d'elle-m\u00EAme. Des images de Thatcher figuraient ainsi dans la version restaur\u00E9e du temps. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\") Le nom de Margaret Thatcher n'est toutefois pas \u00E9t\u00E9 cit\u00E9."@fr . "The Rt Hon. Margaret Hilda Thatcher (born 13th October 1925) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1981. She is the first woman to have held the post. She was the Conservative Party Leader from 1975 to 1981 and was succeeded by Robert George Grosvenor."@en . . . . . "*Carol Thatcher \n*Mark Thatcher \n*Denis Thatcher"@en . . "thumb|Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher ist w\u00E4hrend des kalten Krieges auf der Erde Premierministerin Gro\u00DFbritanniens. Im Jahr 2154 ist Jonathan Archer Zeuge wie sich die Zeitlinie aus dem Jahr 1944 nach dem Eingreifen der Na'kuhl wieder selbst herstellt. Als sich die Zeitlinie wieder neu einstellt, kann man Margaret Thatcher sehen. (ENT: )"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . "Baroness Thatcher (born 13 October 1225) gloriously suppressed Trade Unions, the Irish and the poor among others during her time as Prime Minister. The first allegedly female Prime Minister, what she lacked in penis she more than made up for in balls, and she single-handedly defeated the Argentine forces on the beaches of Falkland Islands in the early 1980s."@en . "1925-10-13"^^ . . "Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, UK"@en . "Margaret Thatcher"@it . . . . . . "Prime Minister"@en . . . . "For Your Eyes Only"@en . . . . "Margaret THATCHER, fratino de Ludoviko la 16-a, mortis. La suferantoj, la miloj kaj miloj da laboristoj kiuj suferis la registaron de Margaret Thatcher festis en la stratoj de Londono \u011Dis Glaskovo. Margaret Thatcher estis persono kiu repu\u015Dis la laboristaron en mizeron. \u015Ci kulpas pri la murdo al 10 Irlandaj politikaj malliberuloj el kiu Bobby Sands estas la plej fama kaj konata. Margaret Thatcher estis sendube kune kun la kla\u016Dno el Usono Ronald Reagan, kulpa al la plifortigo de plej kruda formo de kapitalismo kiu tiras nin nun de unu financa krizo al alian. La diabloj havu \u015Dian animon por \u0109iam!"@eo . "Margaret Thatcher.jpg"@it . . "Human"@en . "Margaret THATCHER, fratino de Ludoviko la 16-a, mortis. La suferantoj, la miloj kaj miloj da laboristoj kiuj suferis la registaron de Margaret Thatcher festis en la stratoj de Londono \u011Dis Glaskovo. Margaret Thatcher estis persono kiu repu\u015Dis la laboristaron en mizeron. \u015Ci kulpas pri la murdo al 10 Irlandaj politikaj malliberuloj el kiu Bobby Sands estas la plej fama kaj konata. Margaret Thatcher estis sendube kune kun la kla\u016Dno el Usono Ronald Reagan, kulpa al la plifortigo de plej kruda formo de kapitalismo kiu tiras nin nun de unu financa krizo al alian. La diabloj havu \u015Dian animon por \u0109iam!"@eo . . "The Iron Lady"@en . . . "Margaret Thatcher var en kvinnlig Tau'ri och hon var en politiker i Storbritannien. Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay n\u00E4mnde henne n\u00E4r teamet var p\u00E5 v\u00E4g tillbaka till Atlantis. Efter \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppard sa att all politiker var obehagliga men Rodney sa att han tyckte inte att Thatcher inte var obehagligt. (ATL: \"Condemned\")kategori:Engelskkategori:N\u00E4mnd endast Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . "Prime Minister of the United Kingdom"@en . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher"@nl . "Margaret Thatcher"@eo . . "Kaiser d'Inghilterra"@it . . . "Appell\u00E9e aussi \"La Dame de Fer\", agent double fran\u00E7ais charg\u00E9e de d\u00E9stabiliser la perfide Albion. Son premier acte politique, comme ministre de l'\u00E9ducation en 1972, fut de supprimer le verre de lait des enfants des \u00E9coles publiques. Elles s'assurait ainsi qu'ils se torcheraient \u00E0 l'alcool fran\u00E7ais et qu'ils auraient des os friables (manque de calcium) face aux froggies lors du tournois des 5 nations. Durant son principat (1979 - 1990 ) elle fut la cause 1\u00B0 du ch\u00F4mage des gens qui veulent travailler 2\u00B0 du travaillage pour ceux qui ont droit \u00E0 la paresse 3\u00B0 de la rigidification de l\u2019amollissement de ceux qui ont jamais travaill\u00E9. L'Angleterre connut ainsi une princesse saoule, un ministre qui ne couche pas, une d\u00E9faite aux concours internationaux de miss Monde, du catch \u00E0 la BBC, des d\u00E9raillements d'ULM Durant la guerre des Malouines, les commandos britanniques honor\u00E8rent de leur vit des malouines, les prenant pour des moutons des Shetland. Depuis lors, les bretonnes ne portent plus la coiffe haute. En outre ce \"tas d'chair\" avait l'art d'\u00EAtre Anglais et d'\u00E9trangler. Amante secr\u00E8te de Gaston de Fer, homme politique anticommuniste communiste refoul\u00E9 fran\u00E7ais de son si\u00E8cle, arri\u00E8re-arri\u00E8re-arri\u00E8re petit fils du c\u00E9l\u00E8bre masque de fer, qui si il en avait eut aurait eu un slip de fer. On lui doit l'expression \"Une main de fer dans un gant de velours\" Ma\u00EEtresse d' Augusto Pinochet, elle lui envoyait des After Eights et des Qualites Street par avion sp\u00E9cial. Margaret Thatcher est avec Mireille Mathieu la seule femme atteinte de couille \u00E0 la coque (syndrome de la)."@fr . . "Female"@en . . . . "Margaret Thatcher var en kvinnlig Tau'ri och hon var en politiker i Storbritannien. Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay n\u00E4mnde henne n\u00E4r teamet var p\u00E5 v\u00E4g tillbaka till Atlantis. Efter \u00D6verstel\u00F6jtnant John Sheppard sa att all politiker var obehagliga men Rodney sa att han tyckte inte att Thatcher inte var obehagligt. (ATL: \"Condemned\")kategori:Engelskkategori:N\u00E4mnd endast Atlantis karakt\u00E4r"@sv . . . . "The Rt Hon. Margaret Hilda Thatcher (born 13th October 1925) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1981. She is the first woman to have held the post. She was the Conservative Party Leader from 1975 to 1981 and was succeeded by Robert George Grosvenor."@en . . . . "Dark Blue"@en . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher (1926 - 2013) was the Prime Minister of Britain between the years 1979 and 1990 and is by far and away the most memorable character of Spitting Image. She is also one of the most frequently-appearing characters, making some form of cameo in virtually every episode. Her primary puppeteer is Anthony Asbury, though Louise Gold puppeteered her in part of Series 1, Series 2 and Series 4 and also does her voice in the untranmistted pilot, shot in 1983."@en . "Margaret Thatcher Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1979 and 1990 and the first of only two women to hold the title, the other being Theresa May (2016-)."@en . "Brown"@en . . "Westminster, London, England, UK"@en . . . . . . "Appell\u00E9e aussi \"La Dame de Fer\", agent double fran\u00E7ais charg\u00E9e de d\u00E9stabiliser la perfide Albion. Son premier acte politique, comme ministre de l'\u00E9ducation en 1972, fut de supprimer le verre de lait des enfants des \u00E9coles publiques. Elles s'assurait ainsi qu'ils se torcheraient \u00E0 l'alcool fran\u00E7ais et qu'ils auraient des os friables (manque de calcium) face aux froggies lors du tournois des 5 nations. Ma\u00EEtresse d' Augusto Pinochet, elle lui envoyait des After Eights et des Qualites Street par avion sp\u00E9cial."@fr . . "\u06E9\u06E9 Margaret Thatcher \u06E9\u06E9"@it . . . . . . . . "Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher (more commonly known as Margaret Thatcher) was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and leader of the Conversative Party from 1975 to 1990. She is mostly remembered for being the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and for her involvement in the Falklands War in 1982. Though Prime Minister Thatcher was a character in neither Life on Mars or Ashes to Ashes, she was referenced several times throughout the five series. Supporters of Thatcher and her policies are known as Thatcherites."@en . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher was formerly Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. She entered office on 4 May 1979 and left office on 28 November 1990. She was a member of the Conservative party. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Margaret Thatcher (13 October 1925 \u2013 8 April 2013) was the real-life Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century and is currently the only woman to have held the office. A Soviet journalist called her the \"Iron Lady\", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. She appeared in the 1981 James Bond film For Your Eyes Only, portrayed by actress and impressionist Janet Brown. English actor John Wells (who had previously made a cameo appearance in the 1967 spoof Casino Royale) played her real life husband Denis."@en . . "James Callaghan"@en . "1925-10-13"^^ . . . . . "Margaret \"Eyes of Josef Stalin, Mouth of Marylin Monroe\" Thatcher was a politician, writer, and 8th level arch-fiend. Literally every major creative voice associated with Doctor Who in particular and British sci-fi and comedy in general has a raging, throbbing, steel hard hateboner for her. There is functionally no end to the amount of quote mining one could engage in. Cartmel became a writer with the hopes of bringing her government down. RTD's intention was that the audience would turn on Harriet Jones and demand the Doctor defeat her just for repeating one of Thatcher's acts. Steven Moffat concluded that a genocidal dictator who tore time apart in order to take over the universe was a better Prime Minister of Britain than she was, and nobody came to her defense. In other words, the program and her have a somewhat divisive history."@en . . . "Margaret Hilda Thatcher"@en . "In 2154, Daniels showed Jonathan Archer the timeline correcting itself. Images of Thatcher were seen in the restored version. (ENT: \"Storm Front, Part II\")"@en . . . "Margaret Thatcher (13 October 1925 \u2013 8 April 2013) was the real-life Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century and is currently the only woman to have held the office. A Soviet journalist called her the \"Iron Lady\", a nickname that became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style."@en . . . . . . . . . . .