. "Galen Marek"@it . . "Galen Marek"@es . . "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Official Website"@en . "*Era del Alzamiento del Imperio"@es . . . . . "Lord Starkiller"@en . . "Galen Marek"@fr . "Galen Marek#legends"@fr . . . "[Source] Galen Marek (alias Starkiller) \u00E9tait un humain, apprenti Sith puis Chevalier Jedi tr\u00E8s puissant."@fr . . . . . "Galen Marek"@fi . "Galen Marek \u00E4r l\u00E4rling till Darth Vader. Darth Vader d\u00F6dade Galen Mareks far och tog sen Galen Marek till hans l\u00E4rling. Galen Marek dog under striden p\u00E5 D\u00F6dstrj\u00E4rnan n\u00E4r han m\u00F6tte Darth Sidious."@sv . . . "sv\u011Btl\u00E1"@cs . . "Galen Marek"@no . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@da . . "Galen Marek"@hu . "Mind tricks"@en . . . . . "*Empire Galactique\n*Ordre Sith\n*Alliance Rebelle\n*Ordre Jedi"@fr . . . "2"^^ . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Dabei wurde Marek von der imperialen Pilotin Juno Eclipse und dem Holodroiden PROXY begleitet. Eclipse war daf\u00FCr zust\u00E4ndig Nion in seinem von Vader zur Verf\u00FCgung gestellten Raumschiff, der Rogue Shadow von einem Ort zum andere zu bringen. W\u00E4hrend dieser Zeit baute Nion eine enge Verbindung zu Captain Eclipse auf."@de . "Galen Marek"@it . "Galen Marek (19 BBY circa - 2 BBY), \u00E8 un personaggio dell'universo di Guerre Stellari. Egli \u00E8 il figlio del Jedi Kento Marek, scampato all'Ordine 66. Fu apprendista di Darth Vader, diventando uno spietato Sith, chiamato successivamente Starkiller dal suo maestro. Successivamente, fu uno dei fondatori dell'Alleanza Ribelle. \u00C8 il protagonista del videogioco Star Wars: Il Potere della Forza."@it . . . "Black"@en . . . . . . . . . "Birth of the Rebellion"@en . . "Galen Marek"@en . "*Team des geheimen Sch\u00FClers\n*Galaktisches Imperium\nNeuer Jedi Orden"@de . . "Galen Marek"@no . "Fair"@en . . . . . "Galen Marek era un humano var\u00F3n tomado como Aprendiz Sith por Darth Vader -el asesino de su padre, un Caballero Jedi llamado Kento Marek-, en Kashyyyk durante la Gran Purga Jedi. Durante a\u00F1os, el Lord Sith le ense\u00F1\u00F3, bajo el nombre c\u00F3digo de Starkiller, las artes oscuras y a eliminar a sus enemigos, incluyendo a los Jedi que sobrevivieron a la orden 66. Le dijeron a Marek que asistir\u00EDa en \u00FAltima instancia a derrocar al propio maestro de Vader, Darth Sidious, Emperador del Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico. En realidad, Vader y Palpatine planearon solamente utilizarlo para arraigar a los que se rebelaron contra el Imperio. En 3 ABY, quince a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s del comienzo del entrenamiento de Marek, hab\u00EDa comenzado sus misiones para buscar a los Jedi restantes, sin dejar ning\u00FAn testigo."@es . "Selvom han var en dygtig med telekinesis og Force lightning, var han officielt ikke en Sith l\u00E6rling, p\u00E5 grund af af denne position var optager af Vader selv. Hans eksistens var en s\u00E5dan en stor hemmelighed, at han efterlod kun f\u00E5 vidner efter hans arbejde, selv Imperielle stormtroopers. Vader sendte sin l\u00E6rling ud for at dr\u00E6be de overlevne for Order 66, hvilket inkluderede Shaak Ti, Kota, og Maris Brood. Han var ogs\u00E5 engang sendt til Felucia. P\u00E5 et tidspunkt blev han forelsket i Juno Eclipse, som fl\u00F8j hans transportskib, Rogue Shadow."@da . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@da . . . . . "Sith Lord"@en . . . "Mustat"@fi . . "Male"@en . "2"^^ . . . . "gaming/videogames/news/f20071031/index.html"@es . . "Galen Marek"@es . "Galen Marek"@hu . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . "Jedi"@fr . . "*Sabre laser\n*La Force"@fr . . . "hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . . "* Darth Vader\n* Rahm Kota"@hu . . "Galen Marek"@fr . . "games/theforceunleashed2/game/index.html"@en . "Galen Marek"@da . "Galen Marek"@hu . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Galen Marek"@fr . "Galen Marek"@en . "Galen Marek was originally Darth Vader's secret apprentice, but was later betrayed and helped form the Rebel Alliance. |-| As Lord Starkiller="@en . . . . . "Mensch\nSp\u00E4ter Cyborg"@de . . . . "Galen Marek, auch bekannt unter dem Decknamen Starkiller, war der Sohn des Jedi-Ritters Kento und wurde von Darth Vader zu dessen geheimen Sch\u00FCler ausgebildet. Nachdem der Sith-Lord Galens Vater auf Kashyyyk get\u00F6tet hatte, nahm Vader den kleinen Jungen mit sich und unterwies ihn unbarmherzig und hart in den K\u00FCnsten der Dunklen Seite der Macht. W\u00E4hrend der folgenden Jahre erledigte Galen unter seinem Decknamen und ohne sich an seine Herkunft zu erinnern Auftr\u00E4ge f\u00FCr seinen Meister, die haupts\u00E4chlich im Ausschalten von Spionen und Verr\u00E4tern bestand. Erst im Jahr 2 VSY konnte er schwierigeren Aufgaben nachkommen und die letzten verbliebenen Jedi aufsp\u00FCren. Zusammen mit seiner Pilotin Juno Eclipse und dem Holodroiden PROXY stellte er sich daraufhin unter anderem Rahm Kota und Shaak Ti. Sp\u00E4ter wurde ihm jedoch nach einem Besuch auf Kashyyyk klar, dass er nur Spielball in den R\u00E4nken Vaders und des Imperators gewesen war. Infolgedessen spielte Galen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Gr\u00FCndung der Rebellen-Allianz, bevor er bei einer Befreiungsaktion auf dem ersten Todesstern im Kampf mit Imperator Palpatine get\u00F6tet wurde."@de . . . "Defeat Darth Vader over ruining his own life and become a Jedi ."@en . . "Humano"@es . . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . . . "Galen Marek"@fr . . . "Starkiller"@en . "Species"@en . "Galen Marek"@da . . "Enhanced speed"@en . . . . . . "19"^^ . . . . . . . "Galen Marek (koodinimi Starkiller) oli yksi Darth Vaderin monista sithoppilaista. H\u00E4n oli miespuolinen ihminen, joka otettiin sithkoulutukseen Suuren jedipuhdistuksen aikoihin."@fi . "mu\u017E"@cs . "Braun"@de . "Galen Marek"@es . "Verdi"@it . "Secretap.JPG"@de . . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@hu . "*Alleanza Ribelle\n*Jedi\n*Impero Sith"@it . . . . . "Dabei wurde Marek von der imperialen Pilotin Juno Eclipse und dem Holodroiden PROXY begleitet. Eclipse war daf\u00FCr zust\u00E4ndig Nion in seinem von Vader zur Verf\u00FCgung gestellten Raumschiff, der Rogue Shadow von einem Ort zum andere zu bringen. W\u00E4hrend dieser Zeit baute Nion eine enge Verbindung zu Captain Eclipse auf. Da sein Hauptziel der Niederschlag von Palpatine war, durfte der Imperator nicht von der Existenz Nions erfahren da er ansonsten gegen ihn vorgehen w\u00FCrde, bevor dieser stark genug w\u00E4re, um sich mit dem Imperator zu duellieren. Auch Sturmtruppen - oder sonstige imperiale Einheiten, die m\u00F6glicherweise Bericht erstattet h\u00E4tten - mussten von Nion ausgeschaltet werden. Aufgrund der Regel der Zwei, die besagte, dass es jeweils nur zwei Sith geben soll, einen Sch\u00FCler und einen Meister, war Jacob Nion offiziell kein Sith, sondern ein dunkler Jedi, da Vader und der Imperator bereits die beiden Sith verk\u00F6rperten."@de . . . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@no . . . . . . . "Jedi"@es . "The Apprentice"@en . . . "Masculino"@es . . . . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, was taken as a secret apprentice by Darth Vader from his father, a Jedi named Kento Marek, on Kashyyyk during the Great Jedi Purge. For years, the Dark Lord trained him, under the codename Starkiller, in the Dark Side and to eliminate his enemies, including Jedi who survived Order 66. Starkiller was told that he would ultimately assist in overthrowing Vader's own Master, Darth Sidious, Emperor of the Galactic Empire. In reality, Vader and Palpatine only planned to use him to root out those who rebelled against the Empire. In 3 BBY he had begun his missions to hunt down the last remaining Jedi. Galen Marek is a powerful force wielder. While it seems as if he is far more powerful than even the Emperor and Darth Vader combined, he is actually not. Vader's training allows him to use his abilities to their best, and with the combination of his naturally strong connection to the force, he is able to outsmart nearly any opponent he faces. After killing Shaak Ti on Felucia, he returned to the Executor, his Master's flagship, on which Darth Sidious appeared and ordered Vader to kill the apprentice. In apparent submission, Vader telekinetically hurled him through the viewing windows, into open space. Vader secretly recovered his body and had him \"resurrected\" six months later on the science vessel Empirical, during which time he was known as Subject Zeta. The Dark Lord convinced Galen that he had saved him from death against his Master's orders, and gave him a new assignment: to rally an alliance of rebels who would eventually destroy the Empire. After locating key figures, Marek and the rebels met on Corellia where they formed the Corellian Treaty, an accord that created the Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, Vader, along with Imperial forces, captured the droid proxy, and revealed to Marek that he had only been used to rally the Empire's enemies. Marek tracked the Dark Lord and Proxy to the Death Star, a massive superweapon, on which he dueled both Vader and Sidious. Once his ship landed to extract proxy, Marek stayed behind to keep Palpatine from getting the information, allowing Rahm and Juno to escape. His act of sacrifice inspired them, and the new Alliance would ultimately prove to be the undoing of the Sith. Starkiller was called by Darth Vader to hunt down Rahm Kota, defeat him, and give Vader his lightsaber.The apprentice had to defeat Stormtroopers and Kota's Militia before facing him. Starkiller finally engaged the Jedi in a duel in the station's command center, Kota was a difficult foe of the aspiring Sith. Near the end of the duel Kota stated that he could see the apprentice's future and that Kota was a part of it and at that moment Galen forced Kota's lightsaber down into his own eyes and used the force to throw the Jedi out of the station's viewport. After defeating Kota, The apprentice returned to Darth Vader and gave him the Jedi Master's lightsaber, Vader turned and launched an attack on the surprised apprentice and berated him for being caught off guard. Vader sent the young man to the Jedi Temple in order to improve his focus by having him undergo the Jedi Trails of Knighthood. Starkiller fought his way through the Temple vanguard and faced down the hologram of a long dead Dark Lord of The Sith called Darth Desolous. Galen was hit by force lightning by the specter but emerged victorious after defeating the specter and using the force to bring a statue down on top of the long-dead Sith Lord. Starkiller was sent to the junk world of Raxus Prime to hunt down the Jedi Temple's former chief engineer Kazdan Paratus. Paratus had gone insane with guilt during the years since the fall of the Jedi and had built a Jedi Temple made out of junk on Raxus Prime. After fighting his way through Rodians and an army of droids Paratus was holding together with the force, Galen engaged the Jedi Master in the \"council chamber\" of the Junk Temple. After smashing the droid council members Paratus tried to use to attack him, Galen killed the insane Jedi. As he lay dying Paratus muttered \" I'm sorry Masters. I failed you again\" and a large beam of light emerged from the now-dead Jedi.Galen once again contacted Vader with news of his victory, and believed that he was ready to face the Emperor. However, Vader countered that the boy had only defeated \"an old man\" and \"an outcast\", and commanded him to return to the Jedi Temple to participate in more of the trials. Upon arrival in the Rogue Shadow, he again met with and eliminated Imperial on-duty resistance at the Temple's entrance. Inside the Temple, he encountered a specter of another ancient Sith Lord, Darth Phobos. The simulacrum, through a Force illusion, attacked him and probed for weakness in his mind. During their duel, Phobos frequently changed her appearance to one of the few people Starkiller cared for, Captain Juno Eclipse, hoping to cause hesitation and doubt in his actions. However, the aspiring Sith was not fooled for a moment, and stabbed Phobos in the back as she transformed for the last time, ending the program. Afterwards, Vader appeared through PROXY, expressed his approval for Starkiller's success, and informed him of his next target: Shaak Ti, one of the last of the Jedi Council on Felucia. Upon reaching Felucia, Starkilller noticed Captain Eclipse's uneasiness. After questioning her about it, he learned that the planet reminded her of Callos. Like Felucia, Callos had been a world overgrown and teeming with life, until it had been razed during the Bombing of Callos, during which Eclipse had led the Imperial forces. Galen assured her that she had done the right thing by following orders. Meanwhile, unfortunately for him, the Rogue Shadow had been spotted by Shaak Ti, who mobilized her army of Felucians and sent her apprentice, Maris Brood, to hide at the Rancor Graveyard. As the Felucians were Force-sensitive, and their bone swords were resistant to lightsabers, they proved to be tougher opponents for Starkiller than the stormtroopers, militia, and droids he had previously faced, though their skill still did not exceed his. In addition, they appeared to be more organized and powerful than Imperial records indicated. The entire planet was alive through the Force, once balanced between light and dark, Shaak Ti had stifled the dark, herself a shining beacon that the apprentice easily tracked in the Force. Killing the Jedi Master would undo her efforts on Felucia. Starkiller dueling Shaak Ti at the Ancient Abyss.After fighting his way through Felucians and rancors, Galen finally encountered the Jedi Master at the Ancient Abyss; a place of sacrifice for the Felucians, and in reality the only known Mega Sarlacc pit. As he approached her, Shaak Ti appeared to be in deep meditation. Thinking it to only be a facade, Galen ripped a mushroom out of the sarlacc's skin and threw it towards her head, which she deflected telekinetically, barely moving. He then attempted to influence the sarlacc's mind so that it would attack the Jedi, but his attempts proved futile as she assisted it in its resistance. Activating her lightsaber, she leapt toward him, striking downward. The apprentice backflipped and blocked the opening blow, while the force of it surprised him. With that, the duel had begun. Their duel spanned the length of the pit with both combatants nearing their limits. During the fight, the Jedi told him that light and dark were only directions, before striking three blows, the third of which Galen telekinetically stopped the tip just before it would have pierced his eye, while at the same time stabbing her through the torso. In pain, she released her lightsaber and uttered a fateful prophecy that Galen would eventually learn that the Sith always betrayed one another, before falling into the sarlacc's maw with pity in her eyes. As she began her plummet, Galen, halfheartedly tried to catch her, but failed and was knocked backwards by an explosion of Force energy. The remaining Felucians appeared to lose interest in the apprentice and returned to the jungle. Starkiller's actions would have far-reaching consequences as, with the death of Shaak Ti, Felucia would descend into darkness. PROXY would later remark that he was unsure whether, by reaching for the Jedi as she fell into the pit, he wanted to finish her himself, or because he sensed truth in her words. Starkiller contacts and tells Vader of Shaak Ti's death. Vader told him that he is ready for his mission (to kill the Emperor)and to return to the Executor. The apprentice travels to Vader's ship and waits for his target along with his master. The Emperor's fleet arrives. Believing that Vader had lured Sidious to them, but Vader revealed that he did not summon him. PROXY (in the form of the Emperor) enters the room. Starkiller is then impaled by his Master, the very man who raised him, as Vader angrily stated that the Emperor's spies had followed him there (from Raxus Prime). Darth Sidious commanded Vader to finish off his apprentice and prove his loyalty. Despite Starkiller's pleadings, Vader turned on him, telekinetically ravaging him around the command bridge before finally hurling him through the viewport windows into space. While his body lifelessly drifted through space, a lone cargo droid swiveled by, picked him up and took him to a hidden location. Approximately six months later, Starkiller awoke once more. As it turned out, Vader had rescued him, sending out a droid to recover his body, and brought him to be rebuilt on Vader's personal science vessel, the Empirical. Vader, through PROXY, told his apprentice his new objective: to distract the Emperor's spies following Vader by giving them something else to focus on, like a rebellion. Galen was given a new role, no longer appearing as Vader's assassin, but instead as a Rebel hero. In addition to healing his many scars, Vader also gave his apprentice Kota's old green-bladed lightsaber to replace his, which had been lost when he was thrown out the view port. PROXY then warned Galen that they needed to escape quickly as his orders from Lord Vader were to fly the ship into a sun to destroy all evidence of Starkiller's existence. Right before reaching the lift to the Rogue Shadow, Galen found Juno held captive and freed her, bringing her along onboard the Rogue Shadow. There she told Galen that Vader had branded her a traitor to the Empire. Taking the first step into his mission from Vader, Galen told her he didn't care, that he was leaving the Empire for good. After escaping from the Empire, the apprenctice felt compelled by the Force to return to the Temple a final time to finish the Jedi trials. He infiltrated the Temple and made his way to the lobby of the High Council Tower and entered the ancient turbolift that would transport him to the summit chamber. When the turbolift stopped and emptied into the Council Chambers, Galen gazed upon his next adversary; a robed Jedi, yet another opponent selected from the Trials program\u2019s memory bank. Galen began to hurl the Council chairs around the room, pulling the columns from the wall and slashing with his lightsaber. Lifting his opponent with the Force, Galen tossed the phantom Jedi towards the high windows of the chamber, shattering them. Only a computer program maintained by the Archives, the \"Jedi\" could not exist outside the building and thus was not so easily defeated. Using the Force and other techniques to subdue the Jedi phantom, Galen eventually pulled the Trials\u2019 ghost down and impaled him with his saber. Before the program cut out, the Jedi revealed itself to be Kento Marek, Galen\u2019s father. Shocked by this revelation, Galen watched in horror as his father\u2019s image faded away. Leaving the ruined Chambers of the High Council, Galen made his way out of the Temple for the last time, on a personal mission to find Rahm Kota. Galen, PROXY, and Juno began planning the creation of a Rebel Alliance. Galen recalled Rahm Kota's words, that he would be in the assassin's future. The three of them decided to seek out Kota for help in forming the alliance, tracking him down in a bar on Nar Shadaada. Following a trail of rumors about a drunken Jedi, they learned that one of the Empire's most dangerous agents was also after Kota. Moving to find Kota quickly, Galen found himself tangled with local bar patrons and compelled to subdue them. After Galen met up with the blind Jedi, who appeared not to sense who he was, the two fled the bar when they were assaulted by more ruffians and also a squadron of Imperial stormtroopers led by one of the Emperor's Shadow Guard. They managed to escape aboard the Rogue Shadow after wiping out more ruffians and the Imperial squadron, freezing the guardsmen with carbonite gas. Kota became a valuable comrade to Galen. Kota, blinded and supposedly without his connection to the Force, told the group that he had a contact in the senate who could help with their rebellion. Pursuant of this contact, but maintaining the contact's anonymity, he directed the group to Kashyyyk. Upon arriving, the group found that a large skyhook had been constructed in orbit. Setting down according to Kota's directions, Galen eventually reached a hut that felt strangely familiar. Despite Kota's warnings, he entered the hut. He was then visited by the Force Ghost of Kento Marek, his father who was slain by Vader. Then he envisioned a masked Sith Lord covered in metal spikes dueling a Jedi Knight. After stabbing the Jedi repeatedly with the various sabers attached to his belt, he took the Jedi's own lightsaber and struck him down. When the vision passed, he was left in confusion. His father apologized to him, saying that he never wanted his son's life to end up the way it was, revealing his true name: Galen Marek. When this last vision ended, he found the blue lightsaber crystal that had once belonged to his father. Upon emerging from the hut, Galen fought his way through the Imperial forces stationed on the planet surface, and eventually met Bail Organa's \"daughter\", Princess Leia, held captive by Imperials. Initially believing Galen was there to assassinate her, Leia was quickly convinced otherwise when she heard Kota was with him. However, when Galen attempted to get her to leave with him, she refused to go, demanding that if he was truly a Jedi then he would destroy the skyhook used to transport Wookiee slaves offworld. Should he destroy the moorings anchoring the skyhook to the planet, she would leave. Galen reluctantly agreed and set off into the forest once again. After fighting through heavy Imperial resistance with the help of several freed Wookiees, Galen eventually reached the base of the skyhook, guarded by Captain Ozzik Sturn piloting his personalized AT-KT. After dealing with Sturn and his Imperial troops, Galen used the Force to rip out the moorings of the skyhook and caused its collapse before returning to the Rogue Shadow amidst Wookiee celebration. Back onboard the Rogue Shadow, Galen questioned Kota, demanding to know where Bail was. Kota told him that Bail had originally asked himself to rescue Leia, but he refused, so Bail went to Felucia to seek out Shaak Ti, not knowing she had been killed. Galen and the group went to Felucia to track down the Alderaanian senator. Once they reached the planet, Galen saw a difference in the world now devoid of Shaak Ti's influence. The planet seemed even more hostile than during his first visit, with the native Felucians corrupted by the dark side, and even the plants attempting to kill him. In addition Imperial troops were clashing with the natives throughout the jungle, forcing Galen to fight against both sides to continue. After searching the familiar sites of his previous visit in vain, he followed a dark side Force-signature he detected along another treacherous journey which led him through the gullet of the Sarlacc before being ejected into a rancor graveyard where he found the imprisoned Senator Organa. Maris Brood, Shaak Ti's apprentice, had turned to the dark side, in step with the rest of the planet, and was holding Bail prisoner in hopes of trading the Senator for lenience from Vader. After slaying her pet Bull Rancor, Galen quickly subdued and defeated Maris Brood. She begged for mercy saying that when Shaak Ti was killed, the planet and all its inhabitants were corrupted. Galen let her go despite the protests of the rescued Bail Organa and she disappeared with a wink into the jungle. Bail told the group that there had been talks of rebellion among other senators, but no one had begun anything because they needed to be shown that the Empire was weak and vulnerable. Galen said he would meditate on a target to attack to rally the needed support. In reality, aboard the Rogue Shadow, he communicated with Darth Vader through PROXY. Vader directed him to attack an Imperial shipyard above Raxus Prime. Juno inadvertently walked in on the transmission, and immediately after it ended she confronted Galen about it. She challenged him, demanding he make a decision over whether he would continue as Vader's slave or actually help them with the pending rebellion. This encounter with her led him to some serious introspection, not unlike the ways of a Jedi. During the journey back to Raxus Prime, Galen contemplated his new found origins along with his destiny. Ruminating over his identity, he replaced one of the green crystals of Kota's lightsaber with the blue crystal he had found on Kashyyyk, changing the saber's hue from green to aqua, and making it his own. On Raxus Prime, Galen fought his way through the local Imperial troops as well as a trap set by Drexl Roosh and reached an ore cannon that was being used to launch metallic refuse into space for use by the Imperial shipyard. Galen reprogrammed the cannon to fire directly at the shipyard instead, utterly obliterating the facility. Unfortunately for Galen, it also damaged a nearly completed Star Destroyer causing it to give in to the planet's gravity. As it careened out of orbit and closed in on Galen, Kota told him to use the Force to crash it into the ore cannon. Galen succeeded, incredibly surviving the crash and the ensuing destruction. Meanwhile, unfortunately for the crew of the Rogue Shadow, Raxus Prime's core, a super intelligent computer, had corrupted PROXY while the droid had been slicing into it. PROXY knocked out Juno, locked the ship's launch codes and took off for the core's mainframe. Upon contacting the ship and learning what had transpired, Galen vigilantly pursued his friend. After a fierce duel with innumerable droids, the Core, and PROXY in the guise of Darth Maul, Galen successfully defeated the core and recovered the droid. However, PROXY insisted Galen leave him behind as the core had deleted his primary programming. Galen refused to leave his childhood friend behind and brought him back to the Rogue Shadow. In order to build the Rebellion further, Kota directed Galen to Cloud City in search of another powerful ally, Senator Garm Bel Iblis. With his military resources, along with Bail Organa's financial resources, there would be sufficient support for the creation of the desired resistance against the Galactic Empire's rule. However, upon reaching the Cloud City, Galen discovered that Bel Iblis was captured by a criminal, Chop'aa Notimo. Fighting his way through bounty hunters and mercenaries, he reached Notimo and defeated and killed him. He freed Garm, who told Galen that he would join the Rebellion. Galen Marek and the founders of the Rebellion and The destruction of the shipyard worked to prove to Senators Iblis and Mon Mothma that the Empire could be defeated. Bail Organa and the other senators met with Galen and Rahm Kota at an ancient monastery in the mountains of Corellia to officially create the Alliance. While Bail's expansive wealth would fund the rebellion, Garm Bel Iblis would provide their starships while Mon Mothma would support their soldiers. Bail also stated, with much dignified veneration, that with Galen as the rebellion's leader, The power of The Force on there side. The Emperor ordered Vader to capture and gather up all of his enemies to be brought in for personal execution. Vader then told Galen that he never planned on killing Palpatine with Galen and hurled a heavy table at him, knocking him out of the building and over the side of a cliff. As Vader prepared to finish his former apprentice, Galen was gone. After the Imperials left, Juno searched for Galen, found that he had miraculously survived the fall and brought him onboard the Rogue Shadow. She asked, if Vader never planned to kill Palpatine with Galen, why he let them destroy Imperial targets. Then the truth suddenly hit Galen that everything was set in order to sell the deception, that all, including himself, had been disposable tools for Vader to accomplish his own ends and those of his master. When Juno inquired about their next destination, Galen replied, \"We're going after Vader\u2026and Proxy.\" Galen Marek was reformed, the makings of a Jedi, like his father before him. Galen meditated to find his former master's location and, finally achieving the power of foresight, discovered the Death Star I under construction in the Horuz system. After Juno expertly piloted the Rogue Shadow, utilizing the cloaking system to get close enough to board, Galen bid Juno farewell, both knowing they would probably never meet again. The two embraced, and Juno left him with a passionate kiss. He then leaped from the gangway and fell down a long tunnel into the station. Galen slaughtered all Imperials who crossed his path, desperately focused on reaching the Emperor, even inciting a revolt by freeing Wookiee slaves, who then guided him in the right direction. Palpatine sensed his presence and sent Darth Vader to pursue him, not more than a hundred meters from Palpatine and Proxy. Galen engaged Darth Vader in a massive lightsaber duel, confronting Vader between blows about the truth of his past. He came to the conclusion that it was Palpatine pulling the strings all along; that he ordered the death of his father, that he ordered Galen to be raised in darkness, by Vader, a slave to the emperor's will. The duel ended with Galen using the Force to throw columns, support beams, and anything he could find at Vader. After defeating his former master, leaving him near death, Galen felt strong impressions of destroying Vader, and eventually also of serving Palpatine as the emperor's new apprentice. Palpatine telekinetically summoned Galen to strike down Darth Vader, and take the Dark Lord's place. Sensing Palpatine's tactic, Kota defiantly used the Force to snatch Palpatine's lightsaber, dispatched the Imperial Guards who held him and the other rebels prisoner, and then assaulted the Emperor. Palpatine, turning to bear down on Kota, began electrocuting him with Sith lightning. Galen struggled internally for a moment, but, deciding to protect his friend and mentor, intervened at last. They began an intense force duel. Galen finally prevailed when he threw Palpatine around his throne room and forced him too his knees. As Galen approached Palpatine to finish him, the Emperor goaded him to give in to his hatred and pursue his Sith destiny by destroying him. With Kota's urging, however, Galen resisted the seduction back to the Sith way and spared the Emperor's life. As Galen turned to leave, Palpatine leapt to his feet and again attacked Kota with Sith lightning for speaking out. Galen, in response, dove in front of his friend and deflected what he could. The Emperor's lightning was so intense it felt like a \"star igniting\" within Marek's chest. Meanwhile, Darth Vader returned to the battle leading a squadron of stormtroopers. With lightning illuminating the entire room, Galen, seeing his friends in trouble, opened his body to the Force and released everything he had within him. This resulted in an explosive blast that shredded the stormtroopers and all but destroyed the Emperor's tower, allowing Juno, Kota, and Proxy to escape aboard the Rogue Shadow. The explosion combined with Palpatine's Sith lightning culminated in the end of Galen's life, though it failed to kill Palpatine, who emerged from the explosion relatively unharmed, along with Vader, crippled in his battle-torn armor. Despite this, however, Galen had thwarted the Emperor's plans and died a hero. \n*"@en . . . "Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller and also known as Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice, is a minifigure featured in the 7672 Rogue Shadow set. He was found by Darth Vader after killing Marek's father, Kento Marek, a Jedi Knight. Soon, the boy went on many secret missions for his Sith Master. This included forming an alliance of Rebels and dissidents to attract the attention of the Emperor's spies. Eventually, Vader revealed the truth and betrayed Marek after revealing that the purpose of the alliance was simply to draw all of the Empire's enemies out of hiding so that they could be eliminated quickly. In the light side ending, he fought Darth Vader and was killed by Emperor Palpatine; but in the dark side ending, he killed Vader and became Palpatine's new Sith apprentice. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2, on the light side timeline, he is cloned. For the light side ending, he weakens Vader and takes him to a rebel base for the purpose of interrogating him. But, in the dark side ending, Marek is killed by his clone. In Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars he is an unlockable character. In this game he has the ability to use Force Lightning."@en . "Galen Marek"@en . . . "Training, attempting to please his master, sparring with PROXY"@en . "Galen Marek"@sv . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@en . . "Skilled lightsaber duelist, adept in using the Force"@en . . "1"^^ . "Galen Marek"@en . . . . . "*Galaktick\u00E9 imp\u00E9rium\n*Aliance pro obnovu republiky\n*\u0158\u00E1d Jedi\n*Sithsk\u00FD \u0159\u00E1d"@cs . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@es . "Galen Marek"@fr . . . . "M\u00F8rkebrun/sort"@da . . . "Galen Marek"@no . "*Galactic Empire \n*Order of the Sith Lords \n*Jedi Order \n*Alliance to Restore the Republic"@en . . . "Aiding Vader and bring his enemies to \"justice\" ."@en . . "Meet the Stars of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed"@es . . . . . . "Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller and also known as Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice, is a minifigure featured in the 7672 Rogue Shadow set. He was found by Darth Vader after killing Marek's father, Kento Marek, a Jedi Knight. Soon, the boy went on many secret missions for his Sith Master. This included forming an alliance of Rebels and dissidents to attract the attention of the Emperor's spies. Eventually, Vader revealed the truth and betrayed Marek after revealing that the purpose of the alliance was simply to draw all of the Empire's enemies out of hiding so that they could be eliminated quickly. In the light side ending, he fought Darth Vader and was killed by Emperor Palpatine; but in the dark side ending, he killed Vader and became Palpatine's new Sith apprentice. In Star Wars: The Fo"@en . "games/theforceunleashed/"@en . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@en . . . . . . . . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@es . . "Galen Marek"@it . . "*Kento Marek\n*Darth Vader \n*Rahm Kota \n*Palpatine"@es . . . "Leggermente pallida"@it . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@es . . . . . "Galen Marek"@no . . "2"^^ . . . "Died"@en . . . "10800.0"^^ . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@en . "Galen Marek"@it . "Galen Marek, auch bekannt unter dem Decknamen Starkiller, war der Sohn des Jedi-Ritters Kento und wurde von Darth Vader zu dessen geheimen Sch\u00FCler ausgebildet. Nachdem der Sith-Lord Galens Vater auf Kashyyyk get\u00F6tet hatte, nahm Vader den kleinen Jungen mit sich und unterwies ihn unbarmherzig und hart in den K\u00FCnsten der Dunklen Seite der Macht. W\u00E4hrend der folgenden Jahre erledigte Galen unter seinem Decknamen und ohne sich an seine Herkunft zu erinnern Auftr\u00E4ge f\u00FCr seinen Meister, die haupts\u00E4chlich im Ausschalten von Spionen und Verr\u00E4tern bestand."@de . . . "Galen Marek"@en . . "*Darth Vader\n*Rahm Kota"@fi . . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@it . . . "145.0"^^ . "Brown"@en . . "250"^^ . "\u25FENormal A- Barrier of Blades: Galen swings his lightsaber four times; the move can reflect incoming projectiles. 3% each hit"@en . . . "The Force Unleashed Preview 1"@es . . "*18 BBY\n*2 BBY"@fi . . "Telekinesis"@en . "Galen Marek"@it . . "Galen Marek"@it . . . . "Jedi"@en . . . "Galen \"Starkiller\" Marek is Darth Vader\u2019s secret apprentice and the protagonist of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and its sequel."@en . . "Galen Marek"@hu . "Galen Marek"@da . . "Selvom han var en dygtig med telekinesis og Force lightning, var han officielt ikke en Sith l\u00E6rling, p\u00E5 grund af af denne position var optager af Vader selv. Hans eksistens var en s\u00E5dan en stor hemmelighed, at han efterlod kun f\u00E5 vidner efter hans arbejde, selv Imperielle stormtroopers. Vader sendte sin l\u00E6rling ud for at dr\u00E6be de overlevne for Order 66, hvilket inkluderede Shaak Ti, Kota, og Maris Brood. Han var ogs\u00E5 engang sendt til Felucia. P\u00E5 et tidspunkt blev han forelsket i Juno Eclipse, som fl\u00F8j hans transportskib, Rogue Shadow."@da . . . . "Galen Marek"@da . . "Galen Marek, zn\u00E1m\u00FD tak\u00E9 jako Starkiller nebo jen U\u010Dedn\u00EDk, byl syn Jedie Kenta Marka a Mallie Markov\u00E9, tajn\u00FD sithsk\u00FD u\u010Dedn\u00EDk Dartha Vadera. Jm\u00E9no \"Starkiller\" bylo p\u0159evzato od p\u016Fvodn\u00EDho jm\u00E9na pro Luka Skywalkera, kter\u00E9 zn\u011Blo Annikin Starkiller. Narodil se na Kashyyyku dv\u011Bma tajn\u011B oddan\u00FDm Jedi\u016Fm Kentovi Markovi a Mallie Markov\u00E9. Oba dva jeho rodi\u010De bojovali v Klonov\u00FDch v\u00E1lk\u00E1ch, b\u011Bhem nich\u017E se sbl\u00ED\u017Eili. Kdy\u017E ale Mallie ot\u011Bhotn\u011Bla, rozhodli se tajn\u00ED man\u017Eel\u00E9 dezertovat z \u0159\u00E1du Jedi i z republikov\u00E9 arm\u00E1dy, proto\u017Ee by jinak byli z \u0159\u00E1du stejn\u011B vylou\u010Deni, a uprchli do Vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho p\u00E1su galaxie, a\u017E se usadili na Kashyyyku, kde Mallie porodila. Po vynesen\u00ED Rozkazu 66 za\u010Dal Darth Vader lovit v galaxii Jedie ve velk\u00E9m a tohoto Temn\u00E9ho P\u00E1na ze Sithu na Kashyyyk p\u0159il\u00E1kala o zhruba p\u011Bt let pozd\u011Bji informace, \u017Ee zde n\u011Bjac\u00ED trando\u0161an\u0161t\u00ED otrok\u00E1\u0159i zabili p\u0159i lovu wookij\u016F \u017Eenu se sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem (Mallie tehdy zem\u0159ela, kdy\u017E chr\u00E1nila wookije). Vader proto na\u0159\u00EDdil vojenskou v\u00FDpravu na Kashyyyk, kam p\u0159ilet\u011Bl i se svou legi\u00ED Stormtrooper\u016F. Snadno nalezl Silou Kenta Marka p\u0159ed jeho d\u0159ev\u011Bn\u00FDm p\u0159\u00EDbytkem a utkal se s n\u00EDm v bitv\u011B sv\u011Bteln\u00FDch me\u010D\u016F. Jakmile Vader b\u00FDval\u00E9ho Jedie p\u0159emohl, uc\u00EDtil v bl\u00EDzkosti n\u011Bkoho mnohem mocn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho. \u0160krcen\u00EDm Kenta vysl\u00FDchal, kde se ukr\u00FDv\u00E1 jeho mistr. Kento v\u0161ak Vaderovi sd\u011Blil, \u017Ee mu temn\u00E1 strana S\u00EDly zcela zast\u0159ela \u00FAsudek, nebo\u0165 jeho mistr zem\u0159el u\u017E p\u0159i zrodu Imp\u00E9ria. Kdy\u017E se Vader rozm\u00E1chl, aby Kenta zabil, telekinez\u00ED mu sebral sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D mali\u010Dk\u00FD Galen Marek, jen\u017E Vadera nemile p\u0159ekvapil. Ten Kenta dorazil \u0161krcen\u00EDm a pak se p\u0159ibl\u00ED\u017Eil k hochovi. Do p\u0159\u00EDbytku v ten moment dorazili i stormtroope\u0159i, kte\u0159\u00ED zahl\u00E9dli vyd\u011B\u0161en\u00E9ho Galena s Vaderov\u00FDm rud\u00FDm sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem a zam\u00ED\u0159ili blasterov\u00FDmi pu\u0161kami na hocha. Vader v rozhoduj\u00EDc\u00ED moment sebral Galenovi zp\u011Bt sv\u016Fj sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D a sv\u00E9 stormtroopery zabil, aby se nikdo nedov\u011Bd\u011Bl, \u017Ee \u017Eije, a mal\u00E9ho Galena pot\u00E9 zavlekl na svou lo\u010F a Kashyyyk opustil. Vader toti\u017E v hochovi ihned rozpoznal velk\u00FD talent a potenci\u00E1l v u\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED S\u00EDly. Jeliko\u017E byl s\u00E1m se sv\u00FDm statutem u\u010Dedn\u00EDka nespokojen, za\u010Dal Galena tr\u00E9novat na Sitha, aby s n\u00EDm po jeho boku jednoho dne svrhl c\u00EDsa\u0159e Palpatina. Galena tedy zavlekl do \u00FAtrob nedokon\u010Den\u00E9ho destruktoru Executor, kde ho podrobil krut\u00E9mu v\u00FDcviku na principu strachu a utrp\u011Bn\u00ED, hrani\u010D\u00EDc\u00EDm s mu\u010Den\u00EDm, aby hoch pln\u011B p\u0159ijal temnou stranu S\u00EDly a pot\u00E9 ji vyu\u017Eil k vlastn\u00EDmu pos\u00EDlen\u00ED. Mezit\u00EDm Galen t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 zcela zapomn\u011Bl na sv\u00E9ho otce i matku i sv\u00E9 jm\u00E9no a za\u010Dal si s\u00E1m \u0159\u00EDkat jen k\u00F3dov\u00FDm ozna\u010Den\u00EDm Starkiller. Vader Starkillerovi sestrojil na hran\u00ED zabij\u00E1ck\u00E9ho holodroida PROXY, kter\u00FD v sob\u011B obsahoval programov\u00E9 moduly na imitaci boje sv\u011Bteln\u00E9ho me\u010De Vaderov\u00FDch b\u00FDval\u00FDch koleg\u016F a mistr\u016F v \u0159\u00E1du Jedi. PROXY tedy slou\u017Eil k tomu, aby se Starkiller nau\u010Dil bojovat se sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem v boj\u00EDch na \u017Eivot a na smrt proti PROXYm vyvolan\u00FDm hologram\u016Fm. Z\u00E1rove\u0148 se ale tento krut\u00FD droid po \u010Dase se Starkillerem sbl\u00ED\u017Eil a poskytl mu dostatek jak\u00E9si du\u0161evn\u00ED opory, tak\u017Ee d\u00EDky tomu Starkiller neze\u0161\u00EDlel. Postupem \u010Dasu ze Starkillera vyrostl siln\u00FD mu\u017E, velmi zdatn\u00FD v boji i v u\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1n\u00ED temn\u00E9 strany S\u00EDly, a\u010D je\u0161t\u011B ani nebyl plnolet\u00FD. Jeliko\u017E byl Vaderov\u00FDm tajn\u00FDm u\u010Dedn\u00EDkem, vys\u00EDlal ho Vader do samostatn\u00FDch mis\u00ED v utajen\u00ED. I kdy\u017E bylo c\u00EDlem jeho tr\u00E9ninku postavit se po boku Vadera c\u00EDsa\u0159i, byl oddan\u00FDm agentem Imp\u00E9ria. K pln\u011Bn\u00ED mis\u00ED dostal od Vadera krom\u011B PROXYho je\u0161t\u011B modern\u00ED vesm\u00EDrnou lo\u010F Rogue Shadow a osobn\u00EDho pilota. A\u010Dkoliv byl Starkiller skv\u011Bl\u00FD pilot, Vader cht\u011Bl, aby se v pr\u016Fb\u011Bhu letu cvi\u010Dil v meditaci a soust\u0159e\u010Foval se jen na misi. Piloty v\u0161ak \u010Dasto m\u011Bnil, bu\u010F zahynuli v boj\u00EDch, nebo je s\u00E1m Vader popravoval. V roce 3 BBY si to Starkiller rozdal s Vaderem na rozestav\u011Bn\u00E9m Executoru v tr\u00E9ninkov\u00E9m duelu se sv\u011Bteln\u00FDmi me\u010Di. Po bitv\u011B v\u0161ak Vader p\u0159ik\u00E1zal sv\u00E9mu \u017E\u00E1kovi, aby poklekl. Starkiller \u010Dekal, \u017Ee to asi bude jeho smrt, ale Vader se jen jemn\u011B dotkl \u010Depel\u00ED sv\u011Bteln\u00E9ho me\u010De jeho ramenou a \"pasoval\" ho na sv\u00E9ho ofici\u00E1ln\u00EDho u\u010Dedn\u00EDka, tedy na to, co si Starkiller u\u017E d\u00E1vno o sob\u011B myslel, \u017Ee je. Ka\u017Edop\u00E1dn\u011B ho Vader poslal na prvn\u00ED \"ostrou\" misi, v n\u011Bm\u017E se poprv\u00E9 utk\u00E1 s Jediem. M\u011Bl porazit na Nar Shaddaa gener\u00E1la Rahma Kotu, kter\u00FD p\u0159e\u017Eil jediskou \u010Distku a organizoval odboj. Starkiller hrd\u011B ode\u0161el misi splnit, kdy\u017E tu mu Vader ozn\u00E1mil, \u017Ee nesm\u00ED b\u00FDt kv\u016Fli c\u00EDsa\u0159i prozrazen, tedy mus\u00ED zab\u00EDt nejen Kotu a jeho milici, ale i v\u0161echny imperi\u00E1ly, kte\u0159\u00ED ho uvid\u00ED. Starkiller byl t\u00EDmto trochu rozhozen, ale \u0161el misi plnit, aby naplnil sv\u016Fj Vaderem slibovan\u00FD osud. V hang\u00E1ru ho p\u0159epadl PROXY, kter\u00FD si spustil modul boje jako hologram Obi-Wana Kenobiho, ale snadno sv\u00E9ho droida porazil. U lodi byl celkem (ne)mile p\u0159ekvapen, \u017Ee jeho nov\u00FDm par\u0165\u00E1kem bude mladi\u010Dk\u00E1 imperi\u00E1ln\u00ED pilotka jm\u00E9nem Juno Eclipse. Starkiller byl na ni protivn\u00FD a pova\u017Eoval jej\u00ED anga\u017Em\u00E1 jako Vader\u016Fv test. Je\u0161t\u011B nikdy p\u0159ed t\u00EDm nebyl Starkiller se \u017Eenou. Ka\u017Edop\u00E1dn\u011B dolet\u011Bli na Rogue Shadowu na orbit\u00E1ln\u00ED tov\u00E1rnu na TIE fightery nad Nar Shaddaa, kde ji\u017E zu\u0159il boj mezi Kotovou milic\u00ED, prov\u00E1d\u011Bj\u00EDc\u00ED sabot\u00E1\u017E, a stormtroopery. Starkiller spr\u00E1vn\u011B odhadl, \u017Ee Kota takto otev\u0159en\u011B bojoval, proto\u017Ee cht\u011Bl b\u00FDt nalezen. Ale pot\u00E9, co se Starkiller probojoval tov\u00E1rnou a\u017E k n\u011Bmu, byl Rahm Kota nep\u0159\u00EDjemn\u011B p\u0159ekvapen, proto\u017Ee \u010Dekal, \u017Ee si pro n\u011Bj p\u0159ijde Darth Vader s\u00E1m. Starkiller ov\u0161em tak\u00E9, proto\u017Ee ne\u010Dekal, \u017Ee bude souboj tak n\u00E1ro\u010Dn\u00FD. Nakonec p\u0159esto vyhr\u00E1l, st\u00E1rnouc\u00ED gener\u00E1l Starkillera pochv\u00E1lil, \u017Ee je dobr\u00FD bojovn\u00EDk, ale pak vyu\u017Eil svou S\u00EDlu, aby celou tov\u00E1rnu vyvr\u00E1til ze stabiliz\u00E1toru a ta za\u010Dala padat na povrch. Znovu se rozho\u0159el duel, v n\u011Bm\u017E t\u011Bsn\u011B k sob\u011B oba dva zaklesli sv\u011Bteln\u00E9 me\u010De. Rahma Kotu v tu chv\u00EDli p\u0159epadla Silov\u00E1 vize, v n\u00ED\u017E vid\u011Bl Starkillerovu budoucnost...kter\u00E1 byla k jeho p\u0159ekvapen\u00ED spole\u010Dn\u00E1 s jeho vlastn\u00ED. To Kotu vyvedlo z m\u00EDry natolik, \u017Ee ho pak Starkiller sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem oslepil. V tu chv\u00EDli m\u011Bl vizi i Starkiller, kter\u00E9mu se zjevila iluze jeho otce, kter\u00E9ho si nepamatoval, tak si myslel, \u017Ee na n\u011Bj oslepen\u00FD Kota pou\u017E\u00EDv\u00E1 trik klam\u00E1n\u00ED mysli. Ten v\u0161ak jen upustil sv\u016Fj sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D a z posledn\u00EDch sil prorazil sklo a spadl z padaj\u00EDc\u00ED tov\u00E1rny na povrch Nar Shaddaa. Starkiller v\u0161ak se sv\u00FDm v\u00FDkonem nebyl zcela spokojen, proto\u017Ee Kotu vlastn\u00ED rukou nezabil. Vader ale byl jeho \u00FAsp\u011Bchem nad\u0161en, kdy\u017E mu p\u0159inesl Kot\u016Fv sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D. Ihned rozk\u00E1zal p\u0159in\u00E9st dal\u0161\u00ED, a to od Kazdana Paratuse, kter\u00FD je pr\u00FD mnohem nebezpe\u010Dn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED ne\u017E star\u00FD gener\u00E1l Kota. Dorazil s Juno na zdevastovan\u00FD sv\u011Bt Raxus Prime, kde na povrchu vid\u011Bl postavenou ob\u0159\u00ED atrapu chr\u00E1mu Jedi\u016F ze smet\u00ED a zni\u010Den\u00FDch droid\u016F. Cestou ho napadlo mnoho droid\u016F, kte\u0159\u00ED byli ovl\u00E1d\u00E1ni Silou, patrn\u011B p\u0159\u00EDmo Paratusem. Ten na n\u011Bj p\u0159\u00EDmo v \"chr\u00E1mu\" po\u0161tval robotick\u00E9 atrapy zabit\u00FDch mistr\u016F Jedi a pot\u00E9 se se sv\u00FDm polomechanick\u00FDm t\u011Blem pustil do Starkillera s\u00E1m, a\u017E nakonec v boji sv\u011Bteln\u00E9ho me\u010De proti sv\u011Bteln\u00E9mu kop\u00ED padl se slovy \"odpus\u0165te mist\u0159i, \u017Ee jsem v\u00E1s zklamal. To Starkillera na chv\u00EDli i dojalo, ale pak jen sebral jeho rozbit\u00E9 sv\u011Bteln\u00E9 kop\u00ED a zmizel. Cestou zp\u011Bt se sna\u017Eil kop\u00ED Silovou meditac\u00ED opravit, ale vyru\u0161il ho PROXY v \"p\u0159evleku\" za Vadera, jen\u017E ho poslal na Coruscant do chr\u00E1mu Jedi\u016F potr\u00E9novat v\u00EDce. No, st\u0159etl se tam s hologramem Dartha Desolouse a Dartha Phobose. Pot\u00E9 ho Vader poslal na t\u0159et\u00ED a z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dnou zkou\u0161ku: zab\u00EDt mistryni Jedi Shaak Ti, kterou imperi\u00E1ln\u00ED \u0161pehov\u00E9 vyp\u00E1trali na Felucii. Cestou ale t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 s Juno nepromluvil ani slovo. Nakonec v n\u00ED uc\u00EDtil emo\u010Dn\u00ED pnut\u00ED a vyptal se ji, co se d\u011Bje. Sv\u011B\u0159ila se mu, co c\u00EDtila, kdy\u017E plnila misi bombardov\u00E1n\u00ED Callosu, kter\u00FD prakticky zni\u010Dili. Starkiller ji uklidnil, \u017Ee jen plnila rozkazy a plnila je dob\u0159e. Na Felucii se musel slouho prob\u00EDjet hordami divok\u00FDch felucian\u016F, kte\u0159\u00ED um\u011Bli trochu pou\u017E\u00EDvat S\u00EDlu, z\u0159ejm\u011B d\u00EDky Shaak Ti. P\u0159emohl i n\u011Bkolik rancor\u016F a pak se s mistryn\u00ED Jedi utkal v ob\u011Btn\u00ED j\u00E1m\u011B u ob\u0159\u00EDho sarlacca. Shaak Ti nazvala Vadera za zbab\u011Blce, \u017Ee na ni poslal jen kluka. Bitva se p\u0159esunula i p\u0159\u00EDmo na ob\u0159\u00ED sarlaccovy chapadla, kter\u00E9 vypadaly, \u017Ee Ti poslouchaj\u00ED, tak je zne\u0161kodnil blesky. Shaak Ti dopadla na zem, kde bitva pokra\u010Dovala d\u00E1le. Av\u0161ak ta ji\u017E za\u010Dala um\u00EDrat. \u0158ekla Starkillerovi, \u017Ee je jen Vader\u016Fv otrok a mohl by b\u00FDt mnohem v\u00EDc. Starkiller ji zd\u016Fraznil, \u017Ee je Vaderovi loaj\u00E1ln\u00ED, ale ta ho politovala, \u017Ee Sithov\u00E9 jen zrazuj\u00ED a brzy to pozn\u00E1 i s\u00E1m. Sama se po t\u011Bchto slovech odebrala p\u00E1dem do sarlaccova ch\u0159t\u00E1nu, kde zem\u0159ela. Starkiller byl r\u00E1d, \u017Ee splnil i tuto n\u00E1ro\u010Dnou misi. Bez Shaak Ti p\u0159evezme nad p\u0159\u00EDrodou Felucie moc op\u011Bt temn\u00E1 strana. Kontaktoval Vadera, kter\u00FD mu sd\u011Blil, \u017Ee \u010Das pr\u00E1v\u011B nade\u0161el. Na Executoru vid\u011Bl, \u017Ee se k rozestav\u011Bn\u00E9 lodi bl\u00ED\u017E\u00ED c\u00EDsa\u0159ovy lod\u011B. Starkiller se zeptal, zda ho tedy p\u0159ivolal, aby to s n\u00EDm skon\u010Dili, kdy\u017E tu mu zamrzla tv\u00E1\u0159. Vader sd\u011Blil, \u017Ee c\u00EDsa\u0159e nepozval, ale jeho \u0161pehov\u00E9 ho museli sledovat. Jakmile Palpatine (jako PROXYho hologram) vstoupil na m\u016Fstek Executoru, Vader zezadu probodl \u0161okovan\u00E9ho Starkillera sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem, kdy\u017E ten mu \u0159ekl, \u017Ee zapomn\u011Bl, kde m\u00E1 sv\u00E9 m\u00EDsto, a rozk\u00E1zal mu sv\u00E9ho tajn\u00E9ho u\u010Dedn\u00EDka zab\u00EDt. Vader chv\u00EDli v\u00E1hal, pak ale Silou prohodil Starkillera vzduchem, zat\u00EDmco se c\u00EDsa\u0159 p\u0159\u00EDjemn\u011B bavil, a nakonec ho \u0161achtou vyhodil ven do vesm\u00EDru. Av\u0161ak nezem\u0159el. Venku ve vakuu ho zachytili Vaderovi droidi a vr\u00E1tili dovnit\u0159 lodi. Vader pak Starkillera v k\u00F3matu dopravil na stanici Empirical, kde ho l\u00E9\u010Debn\u00ED droidi d\u00E1vali p\u016Fl roku dohromady. Vader (PROXYho hologram) mu sd\u011Blil, \u017Ee jeho \"zabit\u00ED\" byl c\u00EDsa\u0159\u016Fv po\u017Eadavek, ale \u017Ee s n\u00EDm i nad\u00E1le po\u010D\u00EDt\u00E1 v tom c\u00EDsa\u0159e svrhnout, jenom mus\u00ED b\u00FDt opatrn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED, pokud bude cht\u00EDt. Ale kdy\u017E odm\u00EDtne, bude zabit. Starkiller roz\u010D\u00EDlen, \u017Ee byl zrazen, souhlasil. Vader mu dal nov\u00FD sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D a \u0159ekl, \u017Ee u\u017E nebudou \u017E\u00E1dn\u00E9 vra\u017Eedn\u00E9 mise, ale bude pot\u0159eba vybudovat arm\u00E1du, kter\u00E1 c\u00EDsa\u0159e zam\u011Bstn\u00E1: Alianci rebel\u016F a disident\u016F. Tentokr\u00E1t bude m\u00EDt zcela volnou ruku, ale mus\u00ED p\u0159eru\u0161it v\u0161echny vazby na minulost krom\u011B PROXYho a nesm\u00ED zapomenout, \u017Ee st\u00E1le slou\u017E\u00ED jemu. Spolu s PROXYm nasm\u011Broval Empirical na kolizn\u00ED dr\u00E1hu s m\u00EDstn\u00ED hv\u011Bzdou, aby uprchli na Rogue Shadowu sami. Zeptal se sv\u00E9ho droida, co se stalo s Juno. Ten odpov\u011Bd\u011Bl, \u017Ee je na Empiricalu v cele, proto\u017Ee byla obvin\u011Bna z velezrady. Pak je p\u0159epadli imperi\u00E1lov\u00E9 a Starkiller zjistil, \u017Ee mu Vader p\u0159enechal sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D Rahma Koty. I p\u0159es PROXYho varov\u00E1n\u00ED, \u017Ee Vaderovy rozkazy byly jasn\u00E9, se vydal Juno zachr\u00E1nit. To se mu povedlo d\u0159\u00EDv, ne\u017E Empirical narazil do slunce. Lamentovala, \u017Ee po tak vzorn\u00E9 slu\u017Eb\u011B z n\u00ED ud\u011Blali zr\u00E1dkyni. \u0158ekl ji, \u017Ee opou\u0161t\u00ED slu\u017Ebu Imp\u00E9ria nav\u017Edy, a pot\u0159ebuje pilota. Jakmile se dostali na Rogue Shadow, sv\u011B\u0159il se ji se \"sv\u00FDmi\" pl\u00E1ny na zalo\u017Een\u00ED aliance rebel\u016F, kter\u00E1 bude vzdorovat Imp\u00E9riu. A tak\u00E9 t\u00EDm, \u017Ee pot\u0159ebuje sehnat nov\u00E9ho u\u010Ditele, aby ho nau\u010Dil to, co ho Vader nemohl nebo necht\u011Bl nau\u010Dit. Pod\u00EDval se na sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D a \u0159ekl si, \u017Ee jeden mistr schopn\u00FD ho cvi\u010Dit by je\u0161t\u011B mohl \u017E\u00EDt. Rahma Kotu hledali, kde se dalo. Na Nar Shaddaa, Ziostu a nakonec a\u017E na Bespinu. Tam ho na\u0161el v t\u00E9 nejodporn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED hospod\u011B, utopen\u00E9ho v alkoholu. Ale musel si posp\u00ED\u0161it, proto\u017Ee na Rogue Shadow zachytil informaci, \u017Ee ho vyp\u00E1tralo i Imp\u00E9rium a poslalo na n\u011Bj ty nejnebezpe\u010Dn\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED agenty. P\u0159ed slep\u00FDm a trochu zohaven\u00FDm Kotou p\u0159edst\u00EDral, \u017Ee je Jedi, ale ten mu tvrdil, \u017Ee postavit se Imp\u00E9riu je bl\u00E1znostv\u00ED. Ne\u017E ho stihl p\u0159im\u011Bt k tomu, aby s n\u00EDm ode\u0161el, uk\u00E1zali je ugnaught\u0161t\u00ED udava\u010Di stormtrooper\u016Fm. Poprv\u00E9 se Starkiller utkal s Imp\u00E9riem jako s nep\u0159\u00EDtelem...do te\u010F jen likvidoval sv\u011Bdky. Ale dok\u00E1zal opil\u00E9ho Kotu uchr\u00E1nit, i kdy\u017E se musel hodn\u011B sna\u017Eit (poprv\u00E9 v \u017Eivot\u011B), aby nezabil nevinn\u00E9, m\u00E1-li si uchovat svou p\u00F3zu Jedie. Opil\u00E9ho Kotu t\u00E1hl do hang\u00E1ru k lodi, ale cestou se mu ztratil. U lodi se musel utkat s dal\u0161\u00EDmi imperi\u00E1ly, v\u010Detn\u011B ob\u00E1van\u00FDch p\u0159\u00EDslu\u0161n\u00EDk\u016F Palpatinov\u00FDch rud\u00FDch gard. Po jejich por\u00E1\u017Ece si s trochu st\u0159\u00EDzliv\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDm Kotou promluvil a ten souhlasil, \u017Ee s n\u00EDm p\u016Fjde, a \u017Ee m\u00E1 kontakty v imperi\u00E1ln\u00EDm sen\u00E1tu na vlivn\u00E9 lidi. Kdy\u017E pr\u00FD p\u0159ivezou z Kashyyyku, co pot\u0159ebuj\u00ED, pom\u016F\u017Eou mu. Na Kashyyyku se Starkiller probil divo\u010Dinou a\u017E k z\u00E1kladn\u011B, kam ho dovedl instinkt. Opatrn\u011B odstranil v\u0161echny hl\u00EDdkuj\u00EDc\u00ED imperi\u00E1ly a v nejvy\u0161\u0161\u00EDm pat\u0159e nalezl zam\u010Denou princeznu Leiu. Kdy\u017E ji vid\u011Bl, p\u0159ipomn\u011Blo mu to sc\u00E9nu z viz\u00ED, kter\u00E9 m\u011Bl, kdy\u017E byl l\u00E9\u010Den na Empiricalu. Leia si nejprve myslela, \u017Ee je Palpatinov\u00FDm zabij\u00E1kem a nev\u011B\u0159ila mu, \u017Ee sem dorazil s Kotem, proto\u017Ee si myslela, \u017Ee zem\u0159el na Nar Shaddaa. Av\u0161ak zm\u00EDnila sv\u00E9ho otce, Baila Organu a Starkillerovi do\u0161lo, \u017Ee je to Kot\u016Fv kontakt v sen\u00E1tu, jen\u017E je z\u00E1sobuje tajn\u00FDmi informacemi. \u0158ekla tedy, \u017Ee jestli je Jedi, jak o sob\u011B nazna\u010Duje, a\u0165 zni\u010D\u00ED ob\u0159\u00ED v\u00FDtah a\u017E na ob\u011B\u017Enou dr\u00E1hu na p\u0159evoz wookijsk\u00FDch otrok\u016F, kter\u00FD je t\u00E9m\u011B\u0159 dokon\u010Den. Jeliko\u017E odstranil imperi\u00E1ly v jej\u00EDm v\u011Bzen\u00ED, mohla v klidu opustit Kashyyyk. Kdy\u017E \u0161el splnit jej\u00ED \u00FAkol, narazil na rozpadaj\u00EDc\u00ED se d\u0159ev\u011Bn\u00FD d\u016Fm, pomalovan\u00FD erbem vypadaj\u00EDc\u00EDm jako koruna. Zde nalezl stopy po d\u00E1vn\u00E9m boji se sv\u011Bteln\u00FDmi me\u010Di...to m\u00EDsto mu p\u0159ipadalo pov\u011Bdom\u00E9. Pak uvid\u011Bl \u0161\u00EDlenou Silovou vizi souboje Vadera s jeho otcem i sv\u016Fj vlastn\u00ED \u00FAnos, kdy\u017E tam na\u0161el mal\u00FD modr\u00FD krystal. Pak uvid\u011Bl je\u0161t\u011B jednu vizi, sebe sam\u00E9ho jako sithsk\u00E9ho \u0159ezn\u00EDka a naproti n\u011Bmu sv\u016Fj p\u0159edobraz Jedie, jak se spolu pustili do souboje. Nakonec uvid\u011Bl ducha sv\u00E9ho otce, kter\u00FD se mu omluvil, \u017Ee takov\u00FD osud pro n\u011Bj necht\u011Bl. Tak\u00E9 ho nazval jeho skute\u010Dn\u00FDm jm\u00E9nem: Galen. Galen byl \u0161okov\u00E1n z tohoto objevu, k\u00FDm vlastn\u011B doopravdy je, co\u017E ho dost zm\u011Bnilo. Vr\u00E1til se ke sv\u00E9 misi a zni\u010Dil v\u00FDtah, p\u0159i\u010Dem\u017E zabil m\u00EDstn\u00EDho imperi\u00E1ln\u00EDho ofic\u00EDra Ozzika Sturna, jen\u017E byl extr\u00E9mn\u011B brut\u00E1ln\u00ED i na imperi\u00E1ln\u00ED pom\u011Bry. T\u00EDmto \u00FAsp\u011Bchem dal stovk\u00E1m wookij\u016Fm, p\u0159ipraven\u00FDch na transport, svobodu. Byl ale roz\u010D\u00EDlen\u00FD na Kotu, \u017Ee mu ne\u0159ekl, \u017Ee jeho kontakt v sen\u00E1tu byl Bail Organa. Kota ale byl roz\u010D\u00EDlen\u00FD tak\u00E9, proto\u017Ee se Bail potom, co Kota je\u0161t\u011B na Bespinu s\u00E1m a opil\u00FD odm\u00EDtnul jeho misi na z\u00E1chranu Leiy, rozhodl na vlastn\u00ED p\u011Bst naj\u00EDt mistryni Shaak Ti. Starkiller v tu chv\u00EDli m\u00E1lem prozradil, \u017Ee byla na Felucii a t\u00EDm by i musel prozradit, \u017Ee ji zabil. Tohle tedy ne\u010Dekal, ale dok\u00E1zal se vymluvit, \u017Ee prost\u011B um\u00ED \u010D\u00EDst Kotovy my\u0161lenky. Ka\u017Edop\u00E1dn\u011B Bail Organa se vydal na Felucii s\u00E1m a z\u0159ejm\u011B tam uv\u00EDzl. Na Felucii na\u0161li sen\u00E1torovu lo\u010F a Galen s Juno nejprve zkontrolovali, zda tam Bail nen\u00ED nebo zda nen\u00ED mrtv\u00FD. Nebyl tam. Ka\u017Edop\u00E1dn\u011B ho nemile p\u0159ekvapilo, jak Felucia potemn\u011Bla a cokoliv, co bylo \u017Eiv\u00E9, se ho pokusilo zab\u00EDt, s podporou temn\u00E9 strany S\u00EDly. Cestou kolem poh\u0159ebi\u0161t\u011B rancor\u016F si uv\u011Bdomil, \u017Ee mu Bail Organa byl pov\u011Bdom\u00FD proto, \u017Ee ho vid\u011Bl ve viz\u00EDch na Empiricalu, podobn\u011B jako Leiu. Dle sv\u00E9 zat\u00EDm skromn\u00E9 moci nad sv\u011Btlou stranou S\u00EDly dok\u00E1zal Baila vystopovat, ale p\u0159epadla ho Maris Brood, padl\u00E1 u\u010Dednice Shaak Ti, kter\u00E1 na n\u011Bj po\u0161tvala rancora a pak s n\u00EDm bojovala sama. Po sv\u00E9 por\u00E1\u017Ece ze strachu uprchla. Galen poznamenal, \u017Ee si Maris sv\u00E9 h\u0159\u00EDchy ponese a\u017E do konce \u017Eivota, s\u00E1m o tom v\u011Bd\u011Bl dost. Po setk\u00E1n\u00ED s Rahmem Kotou \u0159ekl Bail, \u017Ee otev\u0159en\u00E9 povst\u00E1n\u00ED je v tuto chv\u00EDli p\u0159\u00EDli\u0161 nebezpe\u010Dn\u00E9, ale \u017Ee v\u00ED o dal\u0161\u00EDch sen\u00E1torech, kte\u0159\u00ED se p\u0159idaj\u00ED, pokud uvid\u00ED jasn\u00FD d\u016Fkaz, \u017Ee je imp\u00E9rium zraniteln\u00E9. Galen \u0159ekl, \u017Ee o tom p\u016Fjde \"meditovat\". Ve skute\u010Dnosti o samot\u011B kontaktoval p\u0159es PROXYho Vadera, aby mu dal radu, \u010D\u00EDm imp\u00E9rium oslab\u00ED. Mezit\u00EDm, co \u010Dekal na odpov\u011B\u010F, se PROXYmu aktivoval bojov\u00FD modul Anakina Skywalkera, kter\u00FD ale zase snadno porazil. Jakmile hologram probodnul, tak se dost bizarn\u011B prom\u011Bnil v hologram Vadera, jen\u017E p\u0159inesl odpov\u011B\u010F: imp\u00E9rium vl\u00E1dne pomoc\u00ED strachu, mus\u00ED tedy zni\u010Dit symbol strachu. Nap\u0159\u00EDklad novou tov\u00E1rnu na hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 destruktory na Raxus Prime. Op\u011Bt Galenovi p\u0159ipomn\u011Bl, komu vlastn\u011B slou\u017E\u00ED, a \u017Ee c\u00EDt\u00ED, \u017Ee si vybudoval se sv\u00FDmi nov\u00FDmi spojenci a\u017E moc t\u011Bsn\u00E1 p\u0159\u00E1telstv\u00ED. Jakmile se PROXY prom\u011Bnil z hologramu Vadera zp\u00E1tky do podoby droida, \u0159ekl: \"Nesn\u00E1\u0161\u00EDm b\u00FDt j\u00EDm\". Galen odv\u011Btil, \u017Ee on s\u00E1m asi taky...vyru\u0161ila je Juno, kter\u00E1 vyslechla celou konverzaci s Vaderem a roz\u010D\u00EDlila se, \u017Ee mu po\u0159\u00E1d slou\u017E\u00ED. On jen smutn\u011B dokon\u010Dil jej\u00ED v\u011Btu, \u017Ee jako jeho otrok. Juno se uklidnila a Galena povzbudila, \u017Ee rebelie, kterou buduj\u00ED, bude nakonec jen v rukou u\u010Dedn\u00EDka, a ne jeho mistra. Starkiller pak vym\u011Bnil krystal v Kotov\u011B sv\u011Bteln\u00E9m me\u010Di, co pou\u017E\u00EDval, za sv\u016Fj vlastn\u00ED, kter\u00FD na\u0161el ve sv\u00E9m domov\u011B na Kashyyyku. Na Raxus Prime Juno s Rahmem Kotou vymyslela pl\u00E1n, jak lod\u011Bnici zni\u010Dit. Jako materi\u00E1l k v\u00FDrob\u011B destruktor\u016F slou\u017Eil odpad z droid\u016F a stroj\u016F, kter\u00FD tvo\u0159il cel\u00FD povrch planety. Na dopravu odpadu slou\u017Eilo ob\u0159\u00ED superd\u011Blo, vyst\u0159eluj\u00EDc\u00ED materi\u00E1l na ob\u011B\u017Enou dr\u00E1hu. Posta\u010D\u00ED tedy zam\u00ED\u0159it p\u0159\u00EDmo na lod\u011Bnici. Rahm Kota cht\u011Bl ale hledat Kazdana Paratuse, av\u0161ak Juno mu \u0159ekla (a skoro se prozradili), \u017Ee u\u017E tu dle z\u00E1znam\u016F nen\u00ED. Mezit\u00EDm Galen dorazil k za\u0159\u00EDzen\u00ED d\u011Bla, kde ho p\u0159epadl st\u00EDnov\u00FD voj\u00E1k Imp\u00E9ria. Po jeho por\u00E1\u017Ece zjistil, \u017Ee to byl zase PROXY, kter\u00FD pak aktivoval jeden bojov\u00FD modul za druh\u00FDm, a\u017E nakonec spustil ten sv\u016Fj nejd\u016Fmysln\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED, kter\u00FD schov\u00E1val pro tuto p\u0159\u00EDle\u017Eitost: modul Darth Maula. I jeho ale porazil a PROXYHO deaktivoval t\u00EDm, \u017Ee ho probodl dv\u011Bma sv\u011Bteln\u00FDmi me\u010Di. Pak se kone\u010Dn\u011B dostal nahoru k ovl\u00E1d\u00E1n\u00ED superd\u011Bla, kter\u00E9 plnil smet\u00EDm. Po v\u00FDst\u0159elu cel\u00E1 tov\u00E1rna naho\u0159e vybuchla a zni\u010Dila i velk\u00E9 mno\u017Estv\u00ED hotov\u00FDch hv\u011Bzdn\u00FDch destruktor\u016F. Av\u0161ak jeden p\u0159e\u017Eil relativn\u011B nepo\u0161kozen, jen\u017Ee nekontrolovateln\u011B sestupoval dol\u016F na planetu, p\u0159\u00EDmo na superd\u011Blo. Jen\u017Ee na op\u011Btovn\u00E9 nabit\u00ED nebyl \u010Das, tak mu Rahm Kota nab\u00EDdnul jin\u00E9 \u0159e\u0161en\u00ED: pou\u017E\u00EDt S\u00EDlu ke zm\u011Bn\u011B dr\u00E1hy destruktoru. Tohle byla pro Galena hotov\u00E1 \u0161\u00EDlenost, ale p\u0159ed dopadem na d\u011Blo dok\u00E1zal \u010Dum\u00E1k destruktoru zabo\u0159it do zem\u011B p\u0159ed\u010Dasn\u011B. P\u0159i tom se sna\u017Eil se pos\u00EDlit t\u00EDm, \u017Ee k\u0159i\u010Del sv\u00E9 jm\u00E9no, ale nakonec nejv\u00EDc pomohl, kdy\u017E k\u0159i\u010Del jm\u00E9no Juno. Nakonec usp\u011Bl, i kdy\u017E musel rychle z d\u011Bla zmizet. Trvalo dlouho, ne\u017E se vyhrabal z trosek, kter\u00E9 na n\u011Bj havaruj\u00EDc\u00ED destruktor nafoukal. Nedaleko se z trosek vyhrabal i PROXY, kter\u00FD s politov\u00E1n\u00EDm ozn\u00E1mil, \u017Ee p\u00E1d destruktoru a jeho p\u0159ede\u0161l\u00E1 por\u00E1\u017Eka zp\u016Fsobily vymaz\u00E1n\u00ED jeho prim\u00E1rn\u00EDho naprogramov\u00E1n\u00ED, tedy je k ni\u010Demu a za\u017E\u00E1dal sv\u00E9ho p\u00E1na, a\u0165 ho tam nech\u00E1. Ov\u0161em Galen ho p\u0159esto vzal s sebou na palubu Rogue Shadow. Tento \u010Din byl natolik v\u00FDznamn\u00FD, \u017Ee se za\u010Dalo v Imp\u00E9riu mluvit o bl\u00ED\u017E\u00EDc\u00ED se revoluci. Rahm Kota se spojil s Garm Bel Iblisem, sen\u00E1torem za Corellii, a pozval ho na sch\u016Fzku s Galenem na Bespin. Tam ale narazili na Mandaloriany a velkou kriminalitu, s nimi\u017E si musel poradit nejprve. Pot\u00E9 sen\u00E1tor souhlasil, \u017Ee se ke Galenov\u011B povst\u00E1n\u00ED p\u0159id\u00E1, a brzy se ozve. Zanedlouho se op\u011Bt ozval i Bail Organa, \u017Ee se s Iblisem a dal\u0161\u00ED sen\u00E1torkou Mon Mothmou setkali na Coruscantu, kde dohodli dal\u0161\u00ED postup, Galen navrhl, a\u0165 nic neusp\u011Bchaj\u00ED. Zase se mu ozval Darth Vader, kter\u00FD ho pochv\u00E1lil, \u017Ee je c\u00EDsa\u0159 za zni\u010Den\u00ED v\u00FDznamn\u00E9 zbrojn\u00ED tov\u00E1rny hodn\u011B rozhn\u011Bv\u00E1n, a \u017Ee jsou nyn\u00ED lid\u00E9 a opozice v sen\u00E1tu odv\u00E1\u017En\u011Bj\u0161\u00ED. Ale Galen ho informoval, \u017Ee se disidenti st\u00E1le je\u0161t\u011B sp\u00ED\u0161e boj\u00ED a teprve mu za\u010D\u00EDnaj\u00ED v\u011B\u0159it. Po\u017E\u00E1dal proto Vadera, aby ho v\u00EDce nekontaktoval, jinak ohroz\u00ED misi. Juna op\u011Bt celou konverzaci poslouchala a Galen ji ujistil, \u017Ee v\u00ED, co d\u011Bl\u00E1, a d\u011Bl\u00E1 to pro sebe i pro ni. Zat\u00EDmco sh\u00E1n\u011Bl n\u00E1hradn\u00ED sou\u010D\u00E1stky pro PROXYho, ozval se op\u011Bt Bail, \u017Ee se na Corellii bude konat velk\u00E1 sch\u016Fze. V jedn\u00E9 horsk\u00E9 opu\u0161t\u011Bn\u00E9 ruin\u011B se Bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis a Mon Mothma s Galenem, Junou a Rahmem (kter\u00FD kone\u010Dn\u011B p\u0159ekonal z\u00E1vislost na alkoholu) a prost\u0159ednictv\u00EDm PROXYho i Leia dohodli na zn\u011Bn\u00ED corellijsk\u00E9 dohody o vzniku Aliance rebel\u016F, kter\u00E9 bude velet Galen, a vyhl\u00E1\u0161en\u00ED v\u00E1lky Imp\u00E9riu. V ten moment ale dovnit\u0159 vtrhla Vaderova 501. legie stormtrooper\u016F. PROXY vypnul p\u0159enos od Leiy, zat\u00EDmco imperi\u00E1lov\u00E9 zat\u00FDkali \u00FA\u010Dastn\u00EDky sch\u016Fze. Dovnit\u0159 napochodoval i Darth Vader, kter\u00FD \u0161okovan\u00FDm rebel\u016Fm prozradil, \u017Ee byl jeho tajn\u00FD u\u010Dedn\u00EDk. Telekinez\u00ED ho pak srazil a\u017E k zasn\u011B\u017Een\u00E9mu \u00FAtesu. Zran\u011Bn\u00FD Galen pak zlostn\u011B na Vadera k\u0159i\u010Del, pro\u010D se nedr\u017Eel stranou, jak sl\u00EDbil. Vader mu s klidem \u0159ekl, \u017Ee lhal. A to nejen v t\u00E9to v\u011Bci, ale \u00FApln\u011B od sam\u00E9ho po\u010D\u00E1tku jeho tr\u00E9ninku. Galenovi v tu chv\u00EDli do\u0161lo, \u017Ee Vader nikdy nepl\u00E1noval imper\u00E1tora Palpatina zab\u00EDt. To mu Vader potvrdil. Pak znovu Silou zvedl Galena do vzduchu a hodlal ho shodit ze sk\u00E1ly. Galen se prsty udr\u017Eel na okraji, z kter\u00E9ho ho cht\u011Bl Vader shodit. Galen ov\u0161em v tuto chv\u00EDli rezignoval na v\u0161e. Do\u0161lo mu, \u017Ee jen poslou\u017Eil jako u\u017Eite\u010Dn\u00FD idiot k tomu, aby shrom\u00E1\u017Edil rebely a disidenty, aby je mohli zab\u00EDt, proto si zaslou\u017E\u00ED zem\u0159\u00EDt. Ale \u0159ekl je\u0161t\u011B Vaderovi, \u017Ee bez n\u011Bj nikdy nebude svobodn\u00FD. Vader zapnul sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D, ale byl p\u0159eru\u0161en PROXYm, kter\u00FD dok\u00E1zal znovu aktivovat bojov\u00FD modul Obi-Wana Kenobiho. B\u011Bhem kr\u00E1tk\u00E9ho duelu Vadera s jeho droidem Galen z \u00FAtesu spadl. M\u011Bl v\u0161ak \u0161t\u011Bst\u00ED, nebyl po p\u00E1du zran\u011Bn a Juno utekla imperi\u00E1l\u016Fm do Rogue Shadow a nalo\u017Eila jeho i PROXYho. Na palub\u011B kone\u010Dn\u011B hodil svou identitu Starkillera za hlavu, pov\u011Bd\u011Bl Jun\u011B sv\u00E9 skute\u010Dn\u00E9 jm\u00E9no a prohl\u00E1sil se za Jedie. Ov\u0161em st\u00E1le ho rmoutilo, co se stalo. Poprv\u00E9 v \u017Eivot\u011B zkusil prov\u00E9st jedijskou meditaci. Po p\u00E1r pokusech se povedlo a m\u011Bl vizi o Kotovi, dost neur\u010Ditou, ale m\u00EDsto, kde se odehr\u00E1vala, identifikoval jako bitevn\u00ED stanici, nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED v\u0161ech dob. Juno v\u011Bd\u011Bla, kde je, tak\u017Ee se tam snadno dostali. Pomoc\u00ED maskov\u00E1n\u00ED unikli senzor\u016Fm nedokon\u010Den\u00E9 hv\u011Bzdy smrti a Juno dostala Rogue Shadow co nejhloub\u011Bji nedokon\u010Den\u00FDm pl\u00E1\u0161t\u011Bm. Kdy\u017E se Galen Marek chystal na svou prvn\u00ED misi jako Jedi, rozlou\u010Dil se s Juno polibkem; nazna\u010Dil ji, \u017Ee je to nejsp\u00ED\u0161 naposled, co se vid\u00ED. Galen \u0159ekl sbohem a spustil se voln\u00FDm p\u00E1dem do \u00FAtrob hv\u011Bzdy smrti. Pomoc\u00ED S\u00EDly se pokusil v\u011Bzn\u011Bn\u00E9 rebely lokalizovat, ale neusp\u011Bl kv\u016Fli temn\u00E9 stran\u011B, je\u017E byla na m\u00EDst\u011B p\u0159\u00EDtomn\u00E1, hlavn\u011B z\u00E1sluhou p\u0159\u00EDtomnosti Palpatina. Galen tedy cestou osvobozoval wookijsk\u00E9 otroky a ti pak zah\u00E1jili rozs\u00E1hlou vzpouru. Dva z nich mu poradili, kde najde Palpatina. Musel ale j\u00EDt p\u0159es hlave\u0148 hlavn\u00EDho laseru, kde si musel d\u00E1t pozor, aby ho testovac\u00ED paprsek nezas\u00E1hl. Nakonec byl odhalen bezpe\u010Dnostn\u00EDm syst\u00E9mem, kter\u00FD okam\u017Eit\u011B informoval Palpatina s Vaderem, ale i rebely, kter\u00E9 v tu chv\u00EDli c\u00EDsa\u0159 vysl\u00FDchal osobn\u011B. Darth Vader tedy \u0161el Galenovi naproti. Ov\u0161em ten sv\u00E9ho b\u00FDval\u00E9ho u\u010Dedn\u00EDka podcenil. P\u0159esto si Galen uv\u011Bdomil, \u017Ee s n\u00EDm Vader nikdy p\u0159ed t\u00EDm nebojoval naplno a musel pojmout souboj velmi defenzivn\u011B. Nakonec ale dok\u00E1zal z\u00EDskat v\u00FDhodu, b\u011Bhem n\u00ED\u017E b\u00FDval\u00E9mu mistrovi p\u0159ipomn\u011Bl, \u017Ee se dok\u00E1zal vymanit z jeho kontroly, zat\u00EDmco on s\u00E1m se z imper\u00E1torovy kontroly vymanit nedok\u00E1zal. Uv\u011Bdomil si, \u017Ee byl Vader na temnou stranu sveden podobn\u00FDmi manipulacemi jako on s\u00E1m. Vadera tedy p\u0159estal nen\u00E1vid\u011Bt, ale sp\u00ED\u0161 ho litoval. Pak na Vadera zatla\u010Dil, p\u00E1rkr\u00E1t ho sekl sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem a nechal na n\u011Bj spadnout n\u011Bkolik gener\u00E1tor\u016F energie. T\u00EDm zna\u010Dn\u011B po\u0161kodil Vader\u016Fv oblek a jeho podporu \u017Eivota a zni\u010Dil \u00FApln\u011B helmu. Tehdy poprv\u00E9 uvid\u011Bl Vaderovu skute\u010Dnou tv\u00E1\u0159: zjizven\u00E9ho mu\u017Ee s o\u010Dima pln\u00FDma bolesti a smutku, a\u017E j\u00EDm zamrazilo. Palpatin sestoupil ze sv\u00E9ho tr\u016Fnu a pogratuloval Galenovi k por\u00E1\u017Ece jeho mistra. Nab\u00EDdnul mu m\u00EDsto u\u010Dedn\u00EDka m\u00EDsto Vadera, kdy\u017E ho doraz\u00ED. Tehdy se ocitl na rozcest\u00ED, zda bude n\u00E1sledovat sv\u011Btlou stranu, kterou poznal, kdy\u017E budoval hnut\u00ED rebel\u016F, nebo vezme c\u00EDsa\u0159ovu nab\u00EDdku na to, k \u010Demu ho vlastn\u011B Vader od mala vedl, tedy st\u00E1t se skute\u010Dn\u00FDm Temn\u00FDm P\u00E1nem ze Sithu, nav\u00EDc velk\u00E1 \u010D\u00E1st jeho j\u00E1 st\u00E1le tou\u017Eila po pomst\u011B. Tento vnit\u0159n\u00ED konflikt uc\u00EDtil Rahm Kota, kter\u00FD nachytal Palpatina ve chvilce nepozornosti, telekineticky mu sebral jeho sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D, zabil gardisty, kte\u0159\u00ED je hl\u00EDdali, a rozeb\u011Bhl se k c\u00EDsa\u0159i. C\u00EDsa\u0159 se oto\u010Dil a Kotu odzbrojil blesky. Bail Organa k\u0159ikl na v\u00E1haj\u00EDc\u00EDho Galena, a\u0165 gener\u00E1lovi pom\u016F\u017Ee. To Galena vytrhlo a hlavn\u011B si ujasnil, \u017Ee se do temnoty u\u017E vr\u00E1tit nechce, zvl\u00E1\u0161\u0165 kdy\u017E na Vaderovi vid\u011Bl, co to s n\u00EDm ud\u011Blalo. Poprava Vadera by nic nevy\u0159e\u0161ila, ale z\u00E1chrana Rebel\u016F ano. Proto zapnul sv\u011Bteln\u00FD me\u010D a za\u00FAto\u010Dil na Palpatina. Byl to sp\u00ED\u0161e souboj telekineze a blesk\u016F. A\u010D nyn\u00ED byl Galen Jedi, po\u0159\u00E1d je\u0161t\u011B um\u011Bl zdatn\u011B ovl\u00E1dat i temnou stranu. V boji Palpatine odhalil, \u017Ee Galen nikdy nebyl \"Vaderov\u00FDm tajn\u00FDm u\u010Dedn\u00EDkem\", ale byl z Kashyyyku unesen na jeho rozkaz, tedy od za\u010D\u00E1tku byl jeho skute\u010Dn\u00FDm mistrem Darth Sidious a ne Vader. Toto zji\u0161t\u011Bn\u00ED vyvolalo hn\u011Bv, kter\u00FD Galena pos\u00EDlil a zatla\u010Dil imper\u00E1tora zp\u011Bt, a\u017E oba vyhodil zaklesl\u00FDmi proudy blesk\u016F do vzduchu. Galen hodil unikaj\u00EDc\u00EDm Rebel\u016Fm vys\u00EDla\u010Dku, aby zavolali Juno. Jak Palpatine vstal, \u0159ekl, \u017Ee to byl jeho osud ho zni\u010Dit, a\u0165 se tedy podd\u00E1 tomu hn\u011Bvu. Galen ale vid\u011Bl p\u0159es sklo, \u017Ee se Juno bl\u00ED\u017E\u00ED, tak k\u0159ikl m\u00EDsto toho na Kotu, a\u0165 se postar\u00E1 o Rebely, a m\u00EDsto dal\u0161\u00EDho proudu temn\u00E9 strany pak c\u00EDsa\u0159e se chystal napadnout jen sv\u011Bteln\u00FDm me\u010Dem. Ten v\u0161ak dal\u0161\u00ED blesky nenam\u00ED\u0159il na Galena, ale na Kotu. Galen bez v\u00E1h\u00E1n\u00ED vstoupil do proudu blesk\u016F, aby sv\u00E9ho p\u0159\u00EDtele zachr\u00E1nil, a za\u010Dal jejich \u00FA\u010Dinek vytla\u010Dovat zp\u011Bt na Palpatina. Ov\u0161em byla to nejv\u011Bt\u0161\u00ED bolest, jakou kdy Galen za\u017Eil, takovou mu nikdy nezp\u016Fsobil ani Vader. Pak se ale za\u010Dal k c\u00EDsa\u0159i p\u0159ibli\u017Eovat, a\u017E se rukama dotkl jeho ramen, \u010D\u00EDm\u017E poslal c\u00EDsa\u0159ovy blesky zp\u011Bt do n\u011Bj. Jeliko\u017E zat\u00EDm Rebely pron\u00E1sledovala k v\u00FDchodu horda stormtrooper\u016F, musel konat. Zcela odevzdal svou \u017Eivotn\u00ED esenci S\u00EDle a tou zp\u016Fsobil natolik silnou explozi, \u017Ee zabil v\u0161echny stormtroopery a zni\u010Dil cel\u00FD tr\u016Fnn\u00ED s\u00E1l. S vy\u0159\u010Den\u00EDm sv\u00E9ho jm\u00E9na Galen zem\u0159el a splynul se Silou. Exploze byla velmi siln\u00E1, ale Palpatina ani Vadera nezabila. Ka\u017Edop\u00E1dn\u011B byli z toho, co se stalo, v\u00EDce ne\u017E rozlad\u011Bni, proto\u017Ee se jim c\u00EDsa\u0159em iniciovan\u00FD vznik rebelie vymknul kontrole, nav\u00EDc z Galena ud\u011Blaj\u00ED mu\u010Dedn\u00EDka m\u00EDsto toho, aby s\u00E1m z\u00EDskal nov\u00E9ho u\u010Dedn\u00EDka. Vaderovi dal za \u00FAkol Rebely pochytat, d\u0159\u00EDv ne\u017E je zni\u010D\u00ED. Ob\u011B\u0165 Galena Mareka ostatn\u00ED Rebely povzbudila k tomu dokon\u010Dit, co za\u010Dal. Se\u0161li se na Kashyyyku v jeho rodn\u00E9m dom\u011B, kde podepsali corellijskou dohodu a definitivn\u011B zalo\u017Eili Alianci rebel\u016F. Princezna Leia navrhla, aby se rodov\u00FD erb Markov\u00FDch stal symbolem jejich v\u011Bci. Juna se pak zeptala Rahma Koty, zda v\u011Bd\u011Bl, \u017Ee Galen byl ten sam\u00FD mu\u017E, kter\u00FD se ho sna\u017Eil o rok d\u0159\u00EDve zab\u00EDt. Kota v\u011Bd\u011Bl, p\u0159esto mu pom\u00E1hal, a to proto, \u017Ee v n\u011Bm u\u017E tehdy p\u0159es ve\u0161kerou temnotu c\u00EDtil jeden sv\u011Btl\u00FD bod, ji. Po Galenov\u011B \u00FAdajn\u00E9 smrti za\u010D\u00EDn\u00E1 Darth Vader s klonovac\u00EDmi experimenty na Kaminu. Po \u0159ad\u011B ne\u00FAsp\u011B\u0161n\u00FDch pokus\u016F jeden z klon\u016F zaznamen\u00E1 obrovsk\u00FD pokrok a \u00FAsp\u011Bch. Nane\u0161t\u011Bst\u00ED pro Vadera ho ov\u0161em pron\u00E1sleduj\u00ED vzpom\u00EDnky na minulost. P\u0159i z\u00E1v\u011Bre\u010Dn\u00E9m testu kv\u016Fli t\u00E9to vlastnosti sel\u017Ee a po dlouh\u00E9 cest\u011B prchne ve Vaderov\u011B lodi. BNarron, p\u0159esv\u011Bd\u010Den, \u017Ee Galen je Vader jej pust\u00ED, av\u0161ak potom na n\u011Bj po\u0161le voj\u00E1ky a s\u00E1m prch\u00E1. Galen najde gener\u00E1la Rahma Kotu a zachr\u00E1n\u00ED ho p\u0159ed Gorokem, jeho\u017E na n\u011Bj po\u0161le Barron. Zabije Goroka, zat\u00EDmco Rahm Kota Barrona zajme. Gorok v\u0161ak t\u011Bsn\u011B p\u0159ed smrt\u00ED zabije Barrona a chyt\u00ED Rahma Kotu. Galen se vrh\u00E1 do propasti a zachra\u0148uje gener\u00E1la. Kota p\u0159ivol\u00E1v\u00E1 Rogue Shadow a spole\u010Dn\u011B prchaj\u00ED. Galen tou\u017E\u00ED naj\u00EDt Juno a odlet\u00ED na Dagobah. Zde se potk\u00E1 s mistrem Youdu, ten mu uk\u00E1\u017Ee jeho vnit\u0159ek. Galen let\u00ED s Kotou na rebelskou z\u00E1kladnu uvnit\u0159 galaxie. Z\u00E1kladna je v\u0161ak napadena elitou imperi\u00E1ln\u00EDch sil. Galen nejd\u0159\u00EDve zni\u010D\u00ED destruktor a potom uvid\u00ED Juno, av\u0161ak silov\u00E9 pole mu nedovol\u00ED j\u00ED pomoci. P\u0159i z\u00E1chran\u011B zapomene na hrozbu a sleduje ob\u0159\u00EDho pavou\u010D\u00EDho droida. Pom\u016F\u017Ee rebel\u016Fm za\u00FAto\u010Dit na Kamino, kde se i op\u011Bt setk\u00E1 s Vaderem. Po vy\u010Derp\u00E1vaj\u00EDc\u00EDm boji ho poraz\u00ED a usekne mu ruku. Vader je zajmut a dopraven na Dantoine k v\u00FDslech\u016Fm. Aliance rebel\u016F tak dost\u00E1v\u00E1 novou \u0161anci. Galen se ov\u0161em st\u00E1le nedozv\u00EDd\u00E1, jestli je klon nebo p\u0159e\u017Eil konfrontaci s c\u00EDsa\u0159em."@cs . . "Relations"@en . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . "Galen Marek"@no . . . "Galen Marek"@no . "Galen Marek"@es . . . . . "Kashyyyk"@es . . "ca. 1,85 Meter"@de . "Galen Marek"@en . . "Galen Marek"@es . "*Imperiumin nousun aikakausi\n*Kapinallisten aikakausi"@fi . . "The Force powers"@en . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@da . . "Galen Marek"@fr . . "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed"@en . . . "Galen Marek egy Er\u0151-\u00E9rz\u00E9keny ember volt, akit Darth Vader titkos tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nny\u00E1 fogadott a Kashyyykon. Starkiller \u00E1ln\u00E9ven a s\u00F6t\u00E9t nagy\u00FAr \u00E9veken kereszt\u00FCl k\u00E9pezte, megismertette vele az Er\u0151 s\u00F6t\u00E9t oldal\u00E1t, hogy legy\u0151zze a Birodalom ellens\u00E9geit, k\u00F6zt\u00FCk a 66-os parancsot t\u00FAl\u00E9l\u0151 Jediket. Vader azt hazudta neki, hogy ketten egy\u00FCtt legy\u0151zik Darth Sidioust, a Birodalom cs\u00E1sz\u00E1r\u00E1t. Val\u00F3j\u00E1ban viszont Vader \u00E9s Palpatine csak arra haszn\u00E1lta \u0151t, hogy v\u00E9gezzen a rendszer ellenes l\u00E1zad\u00F3kkal."@hu . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, is a minifigure in the Star Wars theme based on the main character in the video games Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. He has appeared in 7672 Rogue Shadow and LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars."@en . . "Galen Marek"@en . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@fr . . "* Galaktikus Birodalom \n* Sith Nagyurak Rendje \n* L\u00E1zad\u00F3k Sz\u00F6vets\u00E9ge \n* Jedi Rend"@hu . . "Human"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@hu . "*Sithlordien s\u00E4\u00E4ty\n*Galaktinen Imperiumi\n*Kapinaliitto"@fi . . . "Galen Marek#legends"@en . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@de . "gray"@da . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Marroni rasati"@it . . . . . "19"^^ . . "\uAC08\uB80C \uB9C8\uB809"@en . "Barna"@hu . . . "The Force Unleashed: Co-Star Evolution"@es . "*Darth Vader\n*Rahm Kota"@it . . "Galen Marek"@es . "Galen Marek"@fr . "Galen Marek"@it . . . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@hu . . "7672"^^ . "Secret apprentice to Darth Vader"@en . . . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, is a minifigure in the Star Wars theme based on the main character in the video games Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. He has appeared in 7672 Rogue Shadow and LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars."@en . . "Galen Marek was originally Darth Vader's secret apprentice, but was later betrayed and helped form the Rebel Alliance. |-| As Lord Starkiller="@en . . "To help Lord Vader to overthrow The Emperor and rule the galaxy alongside him ."@en . "Primary Weapon"@en . . . . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@no . "Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Official Website"@en . "Galen Marek"@fi . . . "Galen Marek"@es . . "Villain turned to the Good Side / Rebel Leader"@en . . "Galen Marek"@no . . . . . "290"^^ . . "c. 19 BBY"@en . . . "Umano"@it . . . "Galen Marek era un humano var\u00F3n tomado como Aprendiz Sith por Darth Vader -el asesino de su padre, un Caballero Jedi llamado Kento Marek-, en Kashyyyk durante la Gran Purga Jedi. Durante a\u00F1os, el Lord Sith le ense\u00F1\u00F3, bajo el nombre c\u00F3digo de Starkiller, las artes oscuras y a eliminar a sus enemigos, incluyendo a los Jedi que sobrevivieron a la orden 66. Le dijeron a Marek que asistir\u00EDa en \u00FAltima instancia a derrocar al propio maestro de Vader, Darth Sidious, Emperador del Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico. En realidad, Vader y Palpatine planearon solamente utilizarlo para arraigar a los que se rebelaron contra el Imperio. En 3 ABY, quince a\u00F1os despu\u00E9s del comienzo del entrenamiento de Marek, hab\u00EDa comenzado sus misiones para buscar a los Jedi restantes, sin dejar ning\u00FAn testigo. Despu\u00E9s de matar a Shaak Ti en Felucia, volvi\u00F3 al Ejecutor, la nave insignia de su maestro, en la cual Darth Sidious apareci\u00F3 en forma hologr\u00E1fica y orden\u00F3 a Vader matar al aprendiz. En aparente sumisi\u00F3n, Vader lo golpe\u00F3 telequin\u00E9ticamente varias veces contra las paredes y despu\u00E9s lo lanz\u00F3 a trav\u00E9s de las ventanas, al espacio abierto. Vader recuper\u00F3 secretamente su cuerpo y lo hizo \u201Cresucitar\u201D seis meses despu\u00E9s en la nave cient\u00EDfica Emp\u00EDrico. All\u00ED, era conocido como el Sujeto Zeta. El se\u00F1or oscuro convenci\u00F3 a Starkiller de que \u00E9l lo hab\u00EDa salvado de muerte contra las \u00F3rdenes de su Maestro (Darth Sidious), y le dio una nueva misi\u00F3n: reunir una alianza de rebeldes que intentaria destruir eventualmente al Imperio. Despu\u00E9s de localizar figuras clave, Marek y los rebeldes se reunieron en Corellia donde formaron el Tratado Corelliano, un acuerdo que cre\u00F3 la Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica y derrocar al Imperio gobernado por El Emperador Darth Sidious. Sin embargo, Vader, junto con fuerzas imperiales, atac\u00F3 la reuni\u00F3n, captur\u00F3 a los rebeldes, fijandose a marek le da un empujon de fuerza y lo avienta a un abismo en el cual se agarra y se ve a proxy con el holograma de obi-wan kenobi atacar a vader el cual le acaba ganando darth vader atravesandolo con un sable de luz color rojo y revelarle a Starkiller que lo hab\u00EDan utilizado solamente para reunir a los enemigos del Imperio. y decirle que no derrocaria al emperador con el. Marek se cayo y fue recogido por juno eclipse y sigui\u00F3 al se\u00F1or oscuro y a los l\u00EDderes de la Alianza a la Estrella de la muerte, una s\u00FAper-arma masiva en la cual combati\u00F3 en duelo con Vader y Sidious, en el cual Galen Se Sacrifica para que los Rebeldes logren escapar de alli y formen La Alianza Rebelde"@es . . "Galen Marek"@da . . . . "thumbGalen Marek var s\u00F8nnen av Kento og Mallie Marek. Moren hans d\u00F8de da hun pr\u00F8vde \u00E5 forsvare familien sin mot noen Trandoshan-slavedrivere. Og faren hans ble angrepet av Darth Vader etter at han hadde utforsket dem. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . "Kashyyyk"@it . . . . "Galen Marek"@it . "Galen Marek"@it . "Galen Marek"@es . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . . . "Marrones"@es . . "*Galactic Empire \n*Rebel Alliance"@en . . "Ruskeat"@fi . . . "Redeemed Villain, Assassin"@en . . "*Sith\n*Jedi"@fr . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@no . . . . "*Imperio Gal\u00E1ctico \n*Orden de los Lores Sith \n*Orden Jedi \n*Alianza para Restaurar la Rep\u00FAblica"@es . "gaming/videogames/news/news20080403.html"@es . . . "hn\u011Bd\u00E1"@cs . . "Galen Marek"@en . . "*Darth Vader \n*Rahm Kota"@en . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@en . . "siehe links"@de . . "Galen Marek"@no . "Galen Marek"@en . . "gaming/videogames/news/news20070515.html"@es . . "Galen Marek"@es . . . "1,85 m"@cs . . . . . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller and The Apprentice, is the protagonist villain in the video game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, while a clone of him is the protagonist of The Force Unleashed II. He was raised secretly from a young age as the apprentice to Darth Vader. As Vader's apprentice, he was promised that he would aid Vader in overthrowing Emperor Palpatine and that he would eventually come to be a true Dark Lord of the Sith. He was a very competent wielder of both the Dark and Light sides of The Force, and a master of the Shien variant of lightsaber combat."@en . "Brown"@en . "Mastery of lightsabers"@en . . . "Galen \"Starkiller\" Marek is Darth Vader\u2019s secret apprentice and the protagonist of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and its sequel."@en . "*Aus dem nicht-[LEGO]] Coputerspiel: The Force Unleashed"@de . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@it . . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@it . . . . . "Galen Marek"@es . . "Force Lightning"@en . "Galen Marek, zn\u00E1m\u00FD tak\u00E9 jako Starkiller nebo jen U\u010Dedn\u00EDk, byl syn Jedie Kenta Marka a Mallie Markov\u00E9, tajn\u00FD sithsk\u00FD u\u010Dedn\u00EDk Dartha Vadera. Jm\u00E9no \"Starkiller\" bylo p\u0159evzato od p\u016Fvodn\u00EDho jm\u00E9na pro Luka Skywalkera, kter\u00E9 zn\u011Blo Annikin Starkiller. Narodil se na Kashyyyku dv\u011Bma tajn\u011B oddan\u00FDm Jedi\u016Fm Kentovi Markovi a Mallie Markov\u00E9. Oba dva jeho rodi\u010De bojovali v Klonov\u00FDch v\u00E1lk\u00E1ch, b\u011Bhem nich\u017E se sbl\u00ED\u017Eili. Kdy\u017E ale Mallie ot\u011Bhotn\u011Bla, rozhodli se tajn\u00ED man\u017Eel\u00E9 dezertovat z \u0159\u00E1du Jedi i z republikov\u00E9 arm\u00E1dy, proto\u017Ee by jinak byli z \u0159\u00E1du stejn\u011B vylou\u010Deni, a uprchli do Vn\u011Bj\u0161\u00EDho p\u00E1su galaxie, a\u017E se usadili na Kashyyyku, kde Mallie porodila."@cs . . "Galen Marek (19 BBY circa - 2 BBY), \u00E8 un personaggio dell'universo di Guerre Stellari. Egli \u00E8 il figlio del Jedi Kento Marek, scampato all'Ordine 66. Fu apprendista di Darth Vader, diventando uno spietato Sith, chiamato successivamente Starkiller dal suo maestro. Successivamente, fu uno dei fondatori dell'Alleanza Ribelle. \u00C8 il protagonista del videogioco Star Wars: Il Potere della Forza."@it . . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@no . "Masculin"@fr . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@it . . . . "Red-bladed lightsaber"@en . "Galen Marek"@es . . "2"^^ . . . "Galen Marek"@en . . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@da . "Dark Jedi"@en . . . . . "Loving Juno."@en . "Galen Marek \u00E4r l\u00E4rling till Darth Vader. Darth Vader d\u00F6dade Galen Mareks far och tog sen Galen Marek till hans l\u00E4rling. Galen Marek dog under striden p\u00E5 D\u00F6dstrj\u00E4rnan n\u00E4r han m\u00F6tte Darth Sidious."@sv . "19"^^ . . . "Schwarz"@de . . . . "Galen Marek \u00E8 il secondo apprendista di Darth Fener, insieme a Darth Terror. I due si allenano sotto la guida del loro oscuro maestro per dieci anni. Poi Darth Terror muore nella Guerra Occulta per mano di Auron Mereel e Keras Maxis e Galen diventa il pupillo di Fener. Dopo la battaglia di Concord Dawn, i Mandaloriani marciano su Coruscant fino a raggiungere il palazzo dell'Imperatore Palpatine. Galen e il suo maestro Darth Fener affrontano i due Mandalore in un duello a quattro, ma il giovane apprendista sith, a soli quindici anni non riesce a tenere testa agli esperti Auron e Keras. Per proteggere il suo allievo Darth Fener viene ferito e atterrato. Con il suo pi\u00F9 potente seguace a terra, l'Imperatore Palpatine si deve arrendere e offre ai mandaloriani una somma di cinque miliardi di crediti in cambio della concessione dell'armistizio. Galen muore poi nel 2BBY per contrastare l'Imperatore Palpatine per conto della ribellione.thumb|Galen Marek, secondo apprendista di Fener Categoria:Personaggi Categoria:Personaggi(Impero sith/Impero Galattico)"@it . . . "Galen Marek (koodinimi Starkiller) oli yksi Darth Vaderin monista sithoppilaista. H\u00E4n oli miespuolinen ihminen, joka otettiin sithkoulutukseen Suuren jedipuhdistuksen aikoihin."@fi . . "Serve Darth Vader to the best of his abilities , Form a Rebellion against the Empire , Confront and defeat his former master , Save the Rebel Leaders"@en . "\u30AE\u30E3\u30EC\u30F3\u30FB\u30DE\u30EC\u30C3\u30AF"@fr . . . "thumbGalen Marek var s\u00F8nnen av Kento og Mallie Marek. Moren hans d\u00F8de da hun pr\u00F8vde \u00E5 forsvare familien sin mot noen Trandoshan-slavedrivere. Og faren hans ble angrepet av Darth Vader etter at han hadde utforsket dem. Etter at Kento var d\u00F8d, tok Vader Galen Marek som sin l\u00E6rling. Galen Marek visste ingen ting om sin fortid, og ble en Sith. Vader ga han flere oppdrag om \u00E5 drepe alle medlemene i Jediordenen. Medlemene var Rahm Kota , Shaak Ti og Kazadan Paratus . Galen Marek fikk navnet Starkiller av Vader. Darth Vader forr\u00E5dte sin egen l\u00E6rling p\u00E5 grunn av en ordre fra Palpatine. Galen Marek fant ut av sin fortid, og bestemte seg for \u00E5 bli Jedi. Hans nye mester var Jedien Rahm Kota (som var det f\u00F8rste Jedi-Orden-medlemet som Starkiller ble sendt for \u00E5 drepe.) Rahm Kota overlevde Galen Marek, men mistet uheldigvis synet. De andre medlemene d\u00F8de. Marek ble en mektig Jedi, faktisk en av de mektigste Kraftbrukerne i historien. Vennen hans PROXY var en droide som kunne forvandle seg til hvem som helst. Selvom han var Galen Marek`s beste venn, s\u00E5 pr\u00F8vde han noen ganger \u00E5 drepe han. Galen Marek hadde ogs\u00E5 en kj\u00E6reste som het Juno Eclipse som var piloten p\u00E5 skipet Rouge Shadow. Marek ble ogs\u00E5 sendt for \u00E5 drepe Palpatine , men d\u00F8de tilsynelatende ogs\u00E5 selv. Galen Marek var i fangeskap hos Vader der han ble overbevist om at han var en klone av seg selv, men r\u00F8mte fra Kamino og reiste for \u00E5 finne ut sannheten. Etter \u00E5 ha reddet Kota fra Cato Neimoidia og m\u00F8tt opp med oppr\u00F8reralliansen dro Marek tilbake til Kamino og m\u00F8tte Vader i kamp. Han vant og han og alliansen tok Vader til fange. En alternativ slutt der Marek velger \u00E5 pr\u00F8ve \u00E5 drepe Vader resulterer i at den ekte klonen, den eneste man hadde klart \u00E5 lage, dreper Marek da han er i ferd me \u00E5 sette d\u00F8dst\u00F8tet p\u00E5 Vader, og dreper s\u00E5 ogs\u00E5 Eclipse, Kota, og resten av Allianse-medlemmene tilstede. \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ] \n* [ ]"@no . . "Galen Marek"@da . . . . . "1.85"^^ . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@fr . . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Galen Marek"@fr . . . . . . . . "2"^^ . . "\u0413\u0430\u043B\u0435\u043D \u041C\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043A"@it . "Galen Marek"@cs . . . "\u25FENormal A- Barrier of Blades: Galen swings his lightsaber four times; the move can reflect incoming projectiles. 3% each hit"@en . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Galen Marek"@en . . . . . . "Caucasian"@en . "First Appearance"@en . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@it . . . . . . "Galen Marek"@hu . . "1.85"^^ . . . . . . "*\n*"@fr . . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@fr . . "19"^^ . . . "yes"@da . "Galen Marek"@en . . . "Galen Marek"@en . "19"^^ . . . "Galen Marek egy Er\u0151-\u00E9rz\u00E9keny ember volt, akit Darth Vader titkos tan\u00EDtv\u00E1nny\u00E1 fogadott a Kashyyykon. Starkiller \u00E1ln\u00E9ven a s\u00F6t\u00E9t nagy\u00FAr \u00E9veken kereszt\u00FCl k\u00E9pezte, megismertette vele az Er\u0151 s\u00F6t\u00E9t oldal\u00E1t, hogy legy\u0151zze a Birodalom ellens\u00E9geit, k\u00F6zt\u00FCk a 66-os parancsot t\u00FAl\u00E9l\u0151 Jediket. Vader azt hazudta neki, hogy ketten egy\u00FCtt legy\u0151zik Darth Sidioust, a Birodalom cs\u00E1sz\u00E1r\u00E1t. Val\u00F3j\u00E1ban viszont Vader \u00E9s Palpatine csak arra haszn\u00E1lta \u0151t, hogy v\u00E9gezzen a rendszer ellenes l\u00E1zad\u00F3kkal."@hu . . "*Darth Vader \n*Rahm Kota"@cs . "Born"@en . "Starkiller"@fr . "Maschio"@it . . "Barna"@hu . "Galen Marek"@de . . "Galen Marek"@fr . . . "Galen Marek"@da . . "Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was the son of the \"Jedi\" Kento Marek and Mallie Marek. He was a Human male secretly taken as an apprentice by Darth Vader from his father on Kashyyyk shortly after the Great Jedi Purge. The Sith trained him to kill Jedi who survived Order 66, and eventually stand with Vader to overthrow his own Master. Marek eventually carved out his own destiny, however. At one point, he received training from Jedi Master Rahm Kota and helped the Jedi Maris Brood seek redemption. Marek, Vader, Palpatine, and Kota eventually had an ultimate confrontation."@en . . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller and The Apprentice, is the protagonist villain in the video game, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, while a clone of him is the protagonist of The Force Unleashed II. He was raised secretly from a young age as the apprentice to Darth Vader. As Vader's apprentice, he was promised that he would aid Vader in overthrowing Emperor Palpatine and that he would eventually come to be a true Dark Lord of the Sith. He was a very competent wielder of both the Dark and Light sides of The Force, and a master of the Shien variant of lightsaber combat."@en . . "150"^^ . . . "Secret apprentice of Darth Vader, later co-founder of the Rebel alliance"@en . "Marr\u00F3n"@es . . . . "Galen Marek"@cs . "Galen Marek"@es . "The Force Will Be Unleashed on September 16"@es . "Rumored to be about 17"@en . . "Galen Marek"@hu . "Galen Marek"@es . . "Galen Marek"@no . . . . . "Galen Marek"@en . . . . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@no . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Galen Marek"@no . . . "General Rahm Kota"@de . . . "Galen Marek"@da . "Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, was taken as a secret apprentice by Darth Vader from his father, a Jedi named Kento Marek, on Kashyyyk during the Great Jedi Purge. For years, the Dark Lord trained him, under the codename Starkiller, in the Dark Side and to eliminate his enemies, including Jedi who survived Order 66. Starkiller was told that he would ultimately assist in overthrowing Vader's own Master, Darth Sidious, Emperor of the Galactic Empire. In reality, Vader and Palpatine only planned to use him to root out those who rebelled against the Empire. In 3 BBY he had begun his missions to hunt down the last remaining Jedi."@en . "/default.asp?x=starwars/article/FUpreview1"@es . . "siehe links"@de . . "\u0393\u03BA\u03AC\u03BB\u03B5\u03BD \u039C\u03AC\u03C1\u03B5\u03BA"@hu . "Galen Marek"@fr . . "Galen Marek"@hu . "Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was the son of the \"Jedi\" Kento Marek and Mallie Marek. He was a Human male secretly taken as an apprentice by Darth Vader from his father on Kashyyyk shortly after the Great Jedi Purge. The Sith trained him to kill Jedi who survived Order 66, and eventually stand with Vader to overthrow his own Master. Marek eventually carved out his own destiny, however. At one point, he received training from Jedi Master Rahm Kota and helped the Jedi Maris Brood seek redemption. Marek, Vader, Palpatine, and Kota eventually had an ultimate confrontation."@en . "Galen Marek"@hu . . . "\u010Dlov\u011Bk"@cs . . "Galen Marek"@it . . "Galen Marek"@it . "Galen Marek \u00E8 il secondo apprendista di Darth Fener, insieme a Darth Terror. I due si allenano sotto la guida del loro oscuro maestro per dieci anni. Poi Darth Terror muore nella Guerra Occulta per mano di Auron Mereel e Keras Maxis e Galen diventa il pupillo di Fener. Dopo la battaglia di Concord Dawn, i Mandaloriani marciano su Coruscant fino a raggiungere il palazzo dell'Imperatore Palpatine. Galen e il suo maestro Darth Fener affrontano i due Mandalore in un duello a quattro, ma il giovane apprendista sith, a soli quindici anni non riesce a tenere testa agli esperti Auron e Keras. Per proteggere il suo allievo Darth Fener viene ferito e atterrato. Con il suo pi\u00F9 potente seguace a terra, l'Imperatore Palpatine si deve arrendere e offre ai mandaloriani una somma di cinque miliardi di cre"@it . . . . "[Source] Galen Marek (alias Starkiller) \u00E9tait un humain, apprenti Sith puis Chevalier Jedi tr\u00E8s puissant."@fr . . . . . . "250"^^ . "185"^^ . . . . . "Galen-marek-15293.jpg"@cs . . "Merik.png"@en . . "Galen Marek"@no .