"Scimitarra Uruk, Scudo, Pugnale, Arco, Frecce"@it . . "Lurtz"@nl . "1400"^^ . . "Leader"@en . "TA 3019 - TA 3019"@en . "Lurtz"@pl . . "lurtz lurtz is een van de commandanten van het leger van saruman en was de eerst geborenen van alle uruk hai. Hij komt niet voor in de boeken en is een verzonnen karakter van de film trilogie van peter jackson. Omdat er meer tijd in werd gestoken om hem te maken was hij ook sterker dan de andere uruks. Hij werd eropaf gestuurd als leider van een elite groep uruk hai verkenners om de fellowship te vernietigen en de \"hobbits\" gevangen te nemen. Hij velde Boromir zoon van denethor van gondor maar vond zelf zijn dood tijdens een duel met aragorn. Categorie:Rassen van midden-aarde"@nl . . . "y"@en . . "Lurtz is the Scout Squad Leader of Saruman of Isengard. He is an extremely strong hero killer and can easily dispatch most heroes with his abilities."@en . "Home"@en . . . . "People"@en . "Lurtz \u2013 posta\u0107 pojawiaj\u0105ca si\u0119 tylko w ekranizacji W\u0142adcy Pier\u015Bcieni, wed\u0142ug filmu pierwszy, a jednocze\u015Bnie najsilniejszy i najbardziej agresywny ze stworzonych przez Sarumana Uruk-hai. Z jego rozkazu mia\u0142 dowodzi\u0107 oddzia\u0142em, kt\u00F3remu powierzono zadanie schwytania Froda . Po szkoleniu zosta\u0142 mianowany dow\u00F3dc\u0105. Wyposa\u017Cono go w lekk\u0105 zbroj\u0119 zrobion\u0105 ze sztywnej sk\u00F3ry. Dzi\u0119ki temu m\u00F3g\u0142 porusza\u0107 si\u0119 szybko i by\u0107 dobrze chroniony. U\u017Cywa\u0142 d\u0142ugiego \u0142uku, oraz strza\u0142 opierzonych sier\u015Bci\u0105 warg\u00F3w. Opr\u00F3cz tego uzbrojony by\u0142 w tarcz\u0119 i miecz."@pl . . "time period"@en . "180"^^ . "Giallo chiaro"@it . . . "Lurtz"@en . "Lurtz ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe The Lord of the Rings, die 2012 auf den Markt gekommen ist. Lurtz ist ein Uruk-hai General."@de . . "Lurtz is the tertiary antagonist in the 2001 film, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. He was portrayed by Lawrence Makoare who also portrayed the Witch-King of Angmar, Gothmog, and Bolg."@en . . . . . . . "Lurtz is the Scout Squad Leader of Saruman of Isengard. He is an extremely strong hero killer and can easily dispatch most heroes with his abilities."@en . . . "Lurtz.jpg"@de . . "Language"@en . "6"^^ . . . "Neri"@it . . . "Male"@en . "Citadel"@en . "Lurtz"@it . . "M\u0119\u017Cczyzna"@pl . "Lurz was a captain of Saruman\u00B4s Uruks.He along with Ugl\u00FAk was the leader of the Warband that assaulted the fellowship at Amon Hen and killed Boromir. He fell by the hands of Aragorn. Lurz was the Champion and prototype of Saruman\u00B4s perfected Uruk-Hai or Dur-edain."@en . "Lurtz.png"@pl . . "Hunting, killing"@en . . . . . "Gender"@en . "None"@en . "D\u0142ugi \u0142uk, Sejmitar, Tarcza"@pl . "Uruk-General"@de . "Piwne"@pl . "Lurz.jpg"@en . . . . . . . "Lurtz"@it . "Extremely tough; excellent fighter, incredibly daring , brute strength, inhuman durability, capacity for suicidal violence"@en . "9476"^^ . . "y"@en . . . "Lurtz was the first leader of the Uruk-hai Scouts created specifically for Peter Jackson's movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. He was portrayed by New Zealand actor Lawrence Makoare in the first film, Fellowship of the Ring, in which he kills Boromir later slain by Aragorn as revenge. He is non-canonical as he was created for the sole purpose of The Fellowship of The Ring movie and doesn't appear in the books."@en . . "Lawrence Makoare"@it . "Lurz was a captain of Saruman\u00B4s Uruks.He along with Ugl\u00FAk was the leader of the Warband that assaulted the fellowship at Amon Hen and killed Boromir. He fell by the hands of Aragorn. Lurz was the Champion and prototype of Saruman\u00B4s perfected Uruk-Hai or Dur-edain."@en . . . "Lurtz, war der erste Uruk-hai, der von Saruman gez\u00FCchtet wurde. Sp\u00E4ter wurde er mit einem Trupp, bestehend aus 500 Uruk-hai, ausgeschickt, um Saruman den Einen Ring zu bringen. Lurtz t\u00F6tete Boromir mit drei Pfeilen, wurde danach aber von Aragorn im Zweikampf besiegt und enthauptet."@de . "Uruk-hai di Isengard"@it . . "Lurtz is the tertiary antagonist in the 2001 film, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. He was portrayed by Lawrence Makoare who also portrayed the Witch-King of Angmar, Gothmog, and Bolg."@en . . "Lurtz"@en . "Lurtz \u2013 posta\u0107 pojawiaj\u0105ca si\u0119 tylko w ekranizacji W\u0142adcy Pier\u015Bcieni, wed\u0142ug filmu pierwszy, a jednocze\u015Bnie najsilniejszy i najbardziej agresywny ze stworzonych przez Sarumana Uruk-hai. Z jego rozkazu mia\u0142 dowodzi\u0107 oddzia\u0142em, kt\u00F3remu powierzono zadanie schwytania Froda . Po szkoleniu zosta\u0142 mianowany dow\u00F3dc\u0105. Wyposa\u017Cono go w lekk\u0105 zbroj\u0119 zrobion\u0105 ze sztywnej sk\u00F3ry. Dzi\u0119ki temu m\u00F3g\u0142 porusza\u0107 si\u0119 szybko i by\u0107 dobrze chroniony. U\u017Cywa\u0142 d\u0142ugiego \u0142uku, oraz strza\u0142 opierzonych sier\u015Bci\u0105 warg\u00F3w. Opr\u00F3cz tego uzbrojony by\u0142 w tarcz\u0119 i miecz. Saruman powierzy\u0142 mu misj\u0119 \u015Bcigania Dru\u017Cyny Pier\u015Bcienia i pojmania ka\u017Cdego hobbita, jakiego napotka. Wyruszywszy na czele oddzia\u0142u licz\u0105cego 200 uzbrojonych wojownik\u00F3w, dopad\u0142 Dru\u017Cyn\u0119 na wzg\u00F3rzu Amon Hen. To on, wed\u0142ug filmu zabi\u0142 Boromira, strzelaj\u0105c do niego z \u0142uku. Trzykrotnie przeszy\u0142 go strza\u0142\u0105. Gdy podszed\u0142, by zada\u0107 Boromirowi ostateczny cios, zosta\u0142 zaatakowany przez Aragorna. Zgin\u0105\u0142 w walce z nim. Rol\u0119 Lurtza w ekranizacji W\u0142adcy Pier\u015Bcieni odegra\u0142 Lawrence Makoare. Ten sam aktor odgrywa r\u00F3wnie\u017C rol\u0119 Bolga w filmie \"Hobbit:Pustkowie Smauga\"."@pl . "3019"^^ . . . . . "Lurtz ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe The Lord of the Rings, die 2012 auf den Markt gekommen ist. Lurtz ist ein Uruk-hai General."@de . "Captain of Uruk-hai Scouts & First of the Isengard Uruk-hai"@en . . "Male"@en . . . "Lurtz"@en . "Citadel"@en . "26"^^ . "siehe links"@de . . . . "Orcs,Greater Orcs;Half-orcs"@en . . . . "Lurtz was the first of Saruman's able Uruks to be born. He led a force of Uruk Scouts against the Fellowship at Amon Hen, where his troops killed Boromir, although Lurtz was slain by Aragorn shortly thereafter. Ugluk succeeded him. His name does not originate from Tolkien's books."@en . . . . "190"^^ . . . . . . "250"^^ . "3018"^^ . "Lurtz fu il primo leader degli Uruk-hai creato specificatamente per il film La Compagnia dell'Anello di Peter Jackson. E' stato interpreatato dall'attore Lawrence Makoare. Lurtz \u00E8 stato il primo Uruk-hai ad essere creato nelle industrie di Isengard. Non appena nato, strangol\u00F2 un orchetto l\u00EC vicino, mantenendo la presa sino ad ucciderlo. Incuriosito, Saruman blocc\u00F2 un altro orco che voleva intervenire in aiuto del suo compagno, proprio per testare l'aggressivit\u00E0 dell'Uruk. Restando affascinato dalla sua ferocia, Saruman spieg\u00F2 a Lurtz come gli orchi sono nati e, successivamente, lo nomin\u00F2 capitano del gruppo incaricato di rintracciare e catturare il portatore dell'Anello. Prima che la squadra partisse, Saruman spieg\u00F2 a Lurtz chi e cosa gli doveva portare. Gli Uruk inseguirono la Compagnia dell'Anello per molte leghe e, nelle vicinanze di Amon Hen, Legolas incroci\u00F2, con i suoi occhi di elfo, pi\u00F9 volte lo sguardo di Lurtz. Alla fine, Gli Uruk raggiunsero la compagnia, intraprendendo con loro un violento scontro. Durante il combattimento, Boromir di Gondor, intervenuto per salvare Merry e Pipino, rimase colpito da quattro frecce, tutte scagliate da Lurtz Erroneamente, gli Uruk ripiscono i due Hobbit sbagliati, abbandonando il campo di battaglia. Lurtz invece, rimasto indietro per scagliare il colpo di grazia al morente capitano degli uomini, viene interrotto appena in tempo da Aragorn, scagliatoglisi addosso. A questo punto, i due intrapresero un violento combattimento, da cui Aragorn usc\u00EC a malapena vincitore (con qualche ferita) tagliando un braccio e traffigendo Lurtz, con una decapitazione finale."@it . . . "Leader of the Uruk-hai"@en . . . . "Film"@de . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "300"^^ . . "Third Age about 3019"@en . "Lurz"@en . "Febbraio 3019 Terza Era"@it . "Capitano degli Uruk-hai esploratori mandati a Amon Hen"@it . . . . . . . . . . "Lurtz"@de . . . . . . . . . . "W\u00F3dz Uruk-hai"@pl . "Maschio"@it . . . "Normal"@de . "Lurtz was the first of Saruman's able Uruks to be born. He led a force of Uruk Scouts against the Fellowship at Amon Hen, where his troops killed Boromir, although Lurtz was slain by Aragorn shortly thereafter. Ugluk succeeded him. His name does not originate from Tolkien's books."@en . . . . . . "Saruman's Squad Leader"@en . . "Isengard"@en . "Lurtz in The Fellowship of the Ring"@en . "Czarne"@pl . . . . "lurtz lurtz is een van de commandanten van het leger van saruman en was de eerst geborenen van alle uruk hai. Hij komt niet voor in de boeken en is een verzonnen karakter van de film trilogie van peter jackson. Omdat er meer tijd in werd gestoken om hem te maken was hij ook sterker dan de andere uruks. Hij werd eropaf gestuurd als leider van een elite groep uruk hai verkenners om de fellowship te vernietigen en de \"hobbits\" gevangen te nemen. Hij velde Boromir zoon van denethor van gondor maar vond zelf zijn dood tijdens een duel met aragorn. Categorie:Rassen van midden-aarde"@nl . . "siehe links"@de . . . . . "Lurtz"@pl . . . . . . . . . . . . "Single Target"@en . "Febbraio 3019 Terza Era / Primo Uruk-hai nato di Isengard"@it . . . "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"@en . "Lurtz, war der erste Uruk-hai, der von Saruman gez\u00FCchtet wurde. Sp\u00E4ter wurde er mit einem Trupp, bestehend aus 500 Uruk-hai, ausgeschickt, um Saruman den Einen Ring zu bringen. Lurtz t\u00F6tete Boromir mit drei Pfeilen, wurde danach aber von Aragorn im Zweikampf besiegt und enthauptet."@de . "Capture the hobbits and recover the One Ring for his master, Saruman"@en . . "Lurtz"@de . . . . "2001"^^ . . . "Lurtz fu il primo leader degli Uruk-hai creato specificatamente per il film La Compagnia dell'Anello di Peter Jackson. E' stato interpreatato dall'attore Lawrence Makoare. Lurtz \u00E8 stato il primo Uruk-hai ad essere creato nelle industrie di Isengard. Non appena nato, strangol\u00F2 un orchetto l\u00EC vicino, mantenendo la presa sino ad ucciderlo. Incuriosito, Saruman blocc\u00F2 un altro orco che voleva intervenire in aiuto del suo compagno, proprio per testare l'aggressivit\u00E0 dell'Uruk. Restando affascinato dalla sua ferocia, Saruman spieg\u00F2 a Lurtz come gli orchi sono nati e, successivamente, lo nomin\u00F2 capitano del gruppo incaricato di rintracciare e catturare il portatore dell'Anello."@it . . . "Sword, Shield, Fists, Arrows and Composite Bow"@en . . "Lurtz was the first leader of the Uruk-hai Scouts created specifically for Peter Jackson's movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. He was portrayed by New Zealand actor Lawrence Makoare in the first film, Fellowship of the Ring, in which he kills Boromir later slain by Aragorn as revenge. He is non-canonical as he was created for the sole purpose of The Fellowship of The Ring movie and doesn't appear in the books."@en . . . . .