. . . "Jil Orra"@en . . "interrogator, Celtris III"@en . "Gul Madred in 2409."@en . "Madred"@en . . . . "Madred"@nl . . . . . . . "Jil Orra, daughter"@en . . . "brown"@en . . "Torture"@en . . "Madred \u00E9tait un officier Cardassien du Corps Militaire Cardassien dans les ann\u00E9es 2360."@fr . . . . . "gul"@en . . . . . "Con i suoi primi anni da bambino passati in miseria, famelico e senza dimora, sulle strade di Lakat, Madred cercava il cibo fra i rifiuti e odiava le uova di taspar crude mangiate direttamente dal guscio. Egli in seguito ricord\u00F2 di essere stato picchiato da un ragazzo pi\u00F9 grande per le uova, che gli ruppe anche un braccio, un'esperienza dalla quale non si era mai pi\u00F9 ripreso. Da adulto, entr\u00F2 a far parte dell'esercito cardassiano stabilmente, credendo di riuscire a prevenire tali disagi sociali."@it . . . "Sadism"@en . . "Con i suoi primi anni da bambino passati in miseria, famelico e senza dimora, sulle strade di Lakat, Madred cercava il cibo fra i rifiuti e odiava le uova di taspar crude mangiate direttamente dal guscio. Egli in seguito ricord\u00F2 di essere stato picchiato da un ragazzo pi\u00F9 grande per le uova, che gli ruppe anche un braccio, un'esperienza dalla quale non si era mai pi\u00F9 ripreso. Da adulto, entr\u00F2 a far parte dell'esercito cardassiano stabilmente, credendo di riuscire a prevenire tali disagi sociali. Madred in seguito ebbe una figlia chiamata Jil Orra, a cui le consentiva abitualmente di visitarlo durante il suo turno di lavoro. Durante l'intensificazione delle ostilit\u00E0 tra l'Unione Cardassiana e la Federazione Unita dei Pianeti riguardo le concessioni territoriali, Madred cattur\u00F2 il capitano Jean-Luc Picard della nave stellare USS Enterprise-D mistificando le prove di un'arma metagenica sul pianeta cardassiano Celtris III. In quel luogo, Madred tent\u00F2 di carpire i segreti delle operazioni difensive della Flotta Stellare per Minos Korva, inizialmente drogando, e in seguito torturando Picard. Provando a se stesso astuzia e brutalit\u00E0, Madred utilizz\u00F2 tattiche particolari che riteneva spogliassero la vittima della sua individualit\u00E0, privando Picard dei suoi vestiti e riferendosi a lui semplicemente come un \"umano\". All'apice del suo sadismo, Madred mostrava continuamente a Picard quattro fari luminosi, dicendogli che in realt\u00E0 erano cinque luci. Quando il capitano rifiutava di sottomettersi, veniva punito: un piccolo dispositivo impiantato nel torace del capitano consentiva a Madred di infliggere dolore in ogni parte del suo corpo. Infine, le intenzioni del Cardassiano furono scoperte, e venne ordinato il pronto rilascio del capitano Picard. Nonostante tutti i suoi sforzi, Madred non riusc\u00EC a infrangere la volont\u00E0 di Picard - sebbene il capitano in seguito ammise che era pericolosamente vicino al punto di rottura. (TNG: \"Il peso del comando - prima parte\", \"Il peso del comando - seconda parte\")"@it . . "leader of the True Way"@en . . . "GulMadred.JPG"@nl . "300"^^ . "Madred"@en . . . "Madred was a Cardassian male living in the 24th century. He was born in the city of Lakat on Cardassia Prime, and grew up on the streets. As an adult, he held the rank of Gul and served in the Cardassian Guard's Military Intelligence branch, where he had a reputation as a skilled interrogator. (TNG: \"Chain of Command, Part I\", \"Chain of Command, Part II\") In the late 2340s, Madred held the rank of Glinn, and was stationed on Kora II; he encountered Elias Vaughn and several other Starfleet Intelligence operatives there in 2347. (DS9 novel: Lesser Evil)"@en . "Madred"@es . . . . . . . . . "Gul Madred was een Cardassian officier die in 2369 de taak had om Jean-Luc Picard op Celtris III te ondervragen. Madred was erg intelligent en was door zijn harde aanpak geschikt voor zijn taak. Madred groeide als kind op in de straten van Lakat. Hij had het hier erg slecht en dacht dat het Cardassian leger zijn enige redding kon zijn. Door zijn slechte jeugd was hij niet in staat om veel medeleven te tonen. Hij had een dochter genaamd Jil Orra en liet haar regelmatig naar zijn werk komen. Dit was \u00E9\u00E9n van zijn weinige zwakke plekken."@nl . "Man"@nl . "Gul Madred was een Cardassian officier die in 2369 de taak had om Jean-Luc Picard op Celtris III te ondervragen. Madred was erg intelligent en was door zijn harde aanpak geschikt voor zijn taak. Madred groeide als kind op in de straten van Lakat. Hij had het hier erg slecht en dacht dat het Cardassian leger zijn enige redding kon zijn. Door zijn slechte jeugd was hij niet in staat om veel medeleven te tonen. Hij had een dochter genaamd Jil Orra en liet haar regelmatig naar zijn werk komen. Dit was \u00E9\u00E9n van zijn weinige zwakke plekken. Ondanks zijn doorzettingsvermogen wist hij Picard niet te breken, maar Picard gaf later toe dat hij er niet ver vanaf zat. (TNG: \"Chain of Command, Deel I\" & \"Deel II\")"@nl . . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Gul Madred was a Cardassian male in the Star Trek universe. He appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part episode \"Chain of Command.\" Madred was portrayed by David Warner, who had played Admiral Towlyn on the Wing Commander movie. As a child, Madred was a homeless and starving resident of the city of Lakat on Cardassia. Finding some taspar eggs, he starting eating the eggs before an older boy found him and took the eggs, breaking one of Madred's arms in the process. Later, Madred joined the Cardassian military and came to see them as the saviors of the Cardassian people since the military helped eliminate the rampant poverty on Cardassia. In 2369, the Cardassian military decided to capture Captain Jean-Luc Picard in order to uncover Starfleet's plans regarding the defense of Minos Korva. They manufactured evidence that they were building a metagenic weapon capable of being transmitted via theta-band subspace carrier waves on Celtris III; the ruse was successful. As Picard was the only active Starfleet captain with experience in theta-band carrier waves, Starfleet sent him to Celtris III while putting Captain Edward Jelico in command of the USS Enterprise-D. Soon after arriving on Celtris III, Picard was captured by the Cardassians. Madred then went to work on Picard. He had a device implanted in Picard that he could use to inflict pain on the captain, then used drugs to attempt to uncover the plans. Madred then used torture, utilizing methods designed to strip Picard of his individuality by denying him clothing and referring to Picard simply as \"human.\" He then would shine four bright lights in Picard's face and tell Picard that there were five lights. Throughout the process, Picard refused to say that there were anything other than four lights, for which Madred inflicted pain on him. Madred even allowed his daughter Jil Orra to witness his work activities, mocking humans in her presence as being uncaring of their children. The Enterprise crew figured out what the Cardassians were truly up to and were able to force the invasion force heading for Minos Kova to abandon their plans. Jellico demanded the return of Picard, to which the Cardassians agreed. Madred, however, attempted one final session with Picard to see if he could break his will. Again, he shined the four lights in Picard's face and tried to get Picard to say there were five lights. Picard hesitated when answering Madred's questions. Gul Lemec then came in and ordered Picard's immediate release. Before leaving Madred's presence, Picard yelled \"THERE...ARE...FOUR LIGHTS!\" at Madred. An exhausted Picard was transported back to the Enterprise, resuming command of the ship. He admitted to Counselor Deanna Troi that, while Madred didn't break him, he had come close to doing so, and that, for a few seconds, he thought he actually saw five lights. Afterwards the Central Command distanced itself from Madred, and he fell out of favor. Madred's daughter Jil Orra later turned against him for his torture of Picard and other individuals."@en . "Madred"@de . . . . "Citoyen de l'Union Cardassienne"@fr . . . "Madred"@fr . "Active"@en . "As a starving homeless child in Lakat, he scavenged for and ate taspar eggs straight from the shell. He later recalled that an older boy had beaten him and broken his arm, just to get the eggs. As an adult he embraced Cardassian military, believing that it could prevent such social problems. He would also have a daughter, Jil Orra, who would regularly visit him while he was working. Madred was played by actor David Warner."@en . . "Madred in 2369"@en . "True Way"@en . . . "Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Gul Madred was a Cardassian male in the Star Trek universe. He appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation two-part episode \"Chain of Command.\" Madred was portrayed by David Warner, who had played Admiral Towlyn on the Wing Commander movie."@en . "Officer, Cardassian Military"@en . . "Gul Madred was a Cardassian officer placed in charge of the interrogation of Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Celtris III in 2369."@en . . "Madred"@nl . . . . . "Gul Madred in 2369."@en . . "Madred"@fr . . . "thumb|Madred (2369) Gul Madred ist ein cardassianischer Offizier, der 2369 auf dem Planeten Celtris III stationiert ist. Er ist eine sehr intelligente und gebildete Person, aber durch die Aus\u00FCbung seines Berufes bzw. Position ist er gleichzeitig sehr k\u00FChl und brutal. Madred w\u00E4chst als verarmtes Kind in den Stra\u00DFen von Lakat auf und tritt Jahre sp\u00E4ter in das cardassianische Milit\u00E4r ein, weil er an dessen St\u00E4rke glaubt und gleichzeitig hofft, dass es die sozialen Probleme seines Volkes l\u00F6sen k\u00F6nne. Sp\u00E4ter bekommt er eine Tochter namens Jil Orra, der er erlaubt, ihn w\u00E4hrend seiner Arbeit zu besuchen. Als Captain Picard, Doktor Crusher und Lieutenant Worf 2369 eine geheime Mission auf Celtris III durchf\u00FChren, werden sie von den dort stationierten Cardassianern entdeckt und gefangen genommen. Dabei wird Picard von Gul Madred mehrmals gefoltert, der mit allen Mitteln versuchen will, Picards Willen zu brechen. Allerdings kann Madred keinen Erfolg verbuchen und Captain Picard wird schlie\u00DFlich von Madreds Vorgesetzten freigelassen. (TNG: ) Madred wurde von David Warner gespielt und von Christian Rode synchronisiert."@de . . "Masculin"@fr . . . . "Madred"@it . "Gul Madred"@en . . "Gul"@fr . . . . . "[[Archivo:Madred.jpg|thumb|El Gul Madred en 2369 Interpretado por David Warner]] Madred es el oficial cardassiano a cargo del interrogatorio de Jean Luc Picard, cuando este fue capturado en el planeta Celtris III, en 2369."@es . "Madred.jpg"@en . . . "thumb|Madred (2369) Gul Madred ist ein cardassianischer Offizier, der 2369 auf dem Planeten Celtris III stationiert ist. Er ist eine sehr intelligente und gebildete Person, aber durch die Aus\u00FCbung seines Berufes bzw. Position ist er gleichzeitig sehr k\u00FChl und brutal. Madred w\u00E4chst als verarmtes Kind in den Stra\u00DFen von Lakat auf und tritt Jahre sp\u00E4ter in das cardassianische Milit\u00E4r ein, weil er an dessen St\u00E4rke glaubt und gleichzeitig hofft, dass es die sozialen Probleme seines Volkes l\u00F6sen k\u00F6nne. Madred wurde von David Warner gespielt und von Christian Rode synchronisiert."@de . "Bringing his daughter to work."@en . . . "Madred"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Corps Militaire Cardassien"@fr . "[[Archivo:Madred.jpg|thumb|El Gul Madred en 2369 Interpretado por David Warner]] Madred es el oficial cardassiano a cargo del interrogatorio de Jean Luc Picard, cuando este fue capturado en el planeta Celtris III, en 2369."@es . "Gul Madred was a Cardassian officer placed in charge of the interrogation of Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Celtris III in 2369."@en . "Madred"@en . "2369"^^ . "card"@en . . "Madred was a Cardassian male living in the 24th century. He was born in the city of Lakat on Cardassia Prime, and grew up on the streets. As an adult, he held the rank of Gul and served in the Cardassian Guard's Military Intelligence branch, where he had a reputation as a skilled interrogator. (TNG: \"Chain of Command, Part I\", \"Chain of Command, Part II\") In the late 2340s, Madred held the rank of Glinn, and was stationed on Kora II; he encountered Elias Vaughn and several other Starfleet Intelligence operatives there in 2347. (DS9 novel: Lesser Evil) In 2369, he interrogated Federation Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Celtris III. His failure to break the human remained the one black spot on his record. (TNG: \"Chain of Command, Part I\", \"Chain of Command, Part II\"; TNG novel: Ship of the Line) In the aftermath of the Dominion War, Madred sought political power on Cardassia Prime, hoping to rebuild the Cardassian Union to its former glory. He approached Elim Garak for his support, but Garak refused, and instead gave his allegiance to Alon Ghemor's democratic government. (DS9 novels: A Stitch in Time, Cardassia: The Lotus Flower)"@en . "Memoryalpha"@en . . "Torturer"@en . . "David Warner"@en . . "220"^^ . . . . "Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Chain of Command"@en . "As a starving homeless child in Lakat, he scavenged for and ate taspar eggs straight from the shell. He later recalled that an older boy had beaten him and broken his arm, just to get the eggs. As an adult he embraced Cardassian military, believing that it could prevent such social problems. He would also have a daughter, Jil Orra, who would regularly visit him while he was working. During a period of intense hostility between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of Planets over disputed border territories, he captured Jean-Luc Picard by faking the construction of a metagenic weapon on planet Celtris III. Madred then interrogated Picard, attempting to gain information on Starfleet\u2019s defenses near Minos Korva by drugging Picard, and then resorting to physical and mental torture. He then stripped Picard of his clothing and referred to him only as \u201Chuman\u201D, thus striping him of individuality. Madred then began showing Picard four lights and saying that in fact there were five lights, when Picard wouldn\u2019t say there were five lights Madred would inflict pain with a small device that had been implanted in Picard\u2019s chest. In the end the Cardassian plot was uncovered and Picard was returned. Picard later confided that he was near his braking point when he was released. Madred was played by actor David Warner."@en . . "black"@en . "Break Captain Picard"@en . "Male"@en . "male"@en . . . . "Madred \u00E9tait un officier Cardassien du Corps Militaire Cardassien dans les ann\u00E9es 2360."@fr . . . . .