. . "Kruge"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Christopher Lloyd"@en . "Kruge"@en . . . . . . . . "Kruge.jpg"@nl . . . "Kruge was de commandant van een Klingon roofvogel in de 23e eeuw. Hij was ook de geliefde van de Klingon spion Valkris en had een monster hond als huisdier. In 2285, na informatie te hebben ontvangen over het krachtige Genesis apparaat van het vrachtschip Merchantman, vloog hij naar de Genesis planeet met als doel de technologie te stelen, iets wat hij als een wapen opvatte. Toen hij in een baan om de planeet kwam, gaf hij de opdracht om het Federatie wetenschappelijk schip USS Grissom aan te vallen en de zoon van James T. Kirk, David Marcus, te executeren. Op het oppervlak van de planeet probeerde hij de poging van Kirk om het lichaam van kapitein Spock te bergen te dwarsbomen en daarna om het lichaam van Spock te ruilen tegen de Genesis technologie. Toen de planeet uit elkaar begon te vallen werd Kruge in een gevecht door Kirk gedood. (\"Star Trek III: The Search for Spock\") Het jaar daarop eiste het Klingon rijk dat de Federatie raad Kirk zou uitleveren voor de dood van Kruge en het grootste deel van zijn bemanning. De Raad weigerde dit verzoek. (\"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home\")"@nl . "Kruge"@en . "Captain, Klingon Bird of Prey"@en . "Kruge"@de . "2285"^^ . . . . "Taking care of his Targ hound."@en . . . . . "CO, IKS B'rel (IKC-9200)"@en . . . . "Kruge"@nl . . "kling"@en . "23"^^ . . . . . "2262"^^ . "Kruge"@nl . . "Alien, Serial Killer"@en . . . "Le Commander Kruge (tlhIngan Hol (klingonais): Qugh) \u00E9tait l'officier commandant Klingon d'un Oiseau-de-Proie klingon au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . "Kruge on the surface of the Genesis Planet."@en . . "Kruge, now with the project summary in hand, ordered a course set for the Genesis Planet, which had only recently been formed. Arriving at that destination, he and his crew encountered the USS Grissom, a Federation science vessel assigned to study the planet. Kruge wanted to gain hostages with which to bargain for the Genesis technology, so he ordered his gunner to target the Grissom's engines in order to disable the vessel. However, in what the gunner described as a \"lucky shot,\" the Grissom was destroyed. Kruge responded by instantly killing the gunner. After Torg found that a landing party from the Grissom had survived on the planet's surface, Kruge led a team to search for them."@en . "250"^^ . . . . . "Kruge"@en . . "2034333"^^ . . . "Il comandante Kruge (tlhIngan Hol: Qugh) era l'ufficiale comandante di uno sparviero Klingon durante la fine del XXIII secolo. Era anche l'amante della spia Klingon Valkris ed aveva un animale domestico. L'anno seguente, l'Impero Klingon cerc\u00F2 di esigere che il Consiglio della Federazione estradicesse Kirk per sottoporlo al processo per le morti di Kruge e della maggior parte del suo equipaggio. Il consiglio neg\u00F2 la richiesta. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra)"@it . . "Kruge.jpg"@it . "Zagreb"@nl . . "Deceased"@en . "Zagreb ZET.png"@nl . "thumb|Commander Kruge (2285) Commander Kruge ist 2285 der klingonische Kommandant eines Bird-of-Prey. Nachdem er sich Informationen \u00FCber das Genesis-Projekt beschafft, greift er mit seinem Raumschiff die USS Grissom \u00FCber dem Genesis-Planeten an, dabei wird das Schiff versehentlich zerst\u00F6rt, woraufhin Kruge seinen taktischen Offizier erschie\u00DFt. Er schickt einen Au\u00DFentrupp auf den Planeten, um nach den \u00DCberlebenden zu suchen. Kurze Zeit sp\u00E4ter trifft die USS Enterprise ein. Das fast unbemannte, entf\u00FChrte Schiff kann den Bird-of-Prey zwar besch\u00E4digen, wird aber kampfunf\u00E4hig gemacht. Kruge l\u00E4sst daraufhin David Marcus ermorden. Als Kruge die Enterprise kapern l\u00E4sst, zerst\u00F6rt die Crew es. Dabei verliert Kruge einen gro\u00DFen Teil seiner M\u00E4nner."@de . . . . . "Deceduto"@it . . . "Star Trek: III: The Search for Spock."@en . . . . "Kruge was de commandant van een Klingon roofvogel in de 23e eeuw. Hij was ook de geliefde van de Klingon spion Valkris en had een monster hond als huisdier. In 2285, na informatie te hebben ontvangen over het krachtige Genesis apparaat van het vrachtschip Merchantman, vloog hij naar de Genesis planeet met als doel de technologie te stelen, iets wat hij als een wapen opvatte. Toen hij in een baan om de planeet kwam, gaf hij de opdracht om het Federatie wetenschappelijk schip USS Grissom aan te vallen en de zoon van James T. Kirk, David Marcus, te executeren."@nl . . . . . "Kruge"@nl . . . "Male"@en . "Memoryalpha"@en . . . . . . . . "Steal the secrets of Genesis."@en . "Kruge"@it . "Kruge"@fr . "thumb|Commander Kruge (2285) Commander Kruge ist 2285 der klingonische Kommandant eines Bird-of-Prey. Nachdem er sich Informationen \u00FCber das Genesis-Projekt beschafft, greift er mit seinem Raumschiff die USS Grissom \u00FCber dem Genesis-Planeten an, dabei wird das Schiff versehentlich zerst\u00F6rt, woraufhin Kruge seinen taktischen Offizier erschie\u00DFt. Er schickt einen Au\u00DFentrupp auf den Planeten, um nach den \u00DCberlebenden zu suchen. Kurze Zeit sp\u00E4ter trifft die USS Enterprise ein. Das fast unbemannte, entf\u00FChrte Schiff kann den Bird-of-Prey zwar besch\u00E4digen, wird aber kampfunf\u00E4hig gemacht. Kruge l\u00E4sst daraufhin David Marcus ermorden. Als Kruge die Enterprise kapern l\u00E4sst, zerst\u00F6rt die Crew es. Dabei verliert Kruge einen gro\u00DFen Teil seiner M\u00E4nner. Kruge wird von James T. Kirk auf dem Genesis-Planeten get\u00F6tet, sein Schiff wird \u00FCbernommen und in \"HMS Bounty\" umgetauft. (Star Trek III: Auf der Suche nach Mr. Spock) Commander Kruge wurde von Christopher Lloyd gespielt und von Hermann Ebeling synchronisiert."@de . . "45"^^ . . . "Le Commander Kruge (tlhIngan Hol (klingonais): Qugh) \u00E9tait l'officier commandant Klingon d'un Oiseau-de-Proie klingon au 23\u00E8me si\u00E8cle."@fr . . . . . "Kruge, now with the project summary in hand, ordered a course set for the Genesis Planet, which had only recently been formed. Arriving at that destination, he and his crew encountered the USS Grissom, a Federation science vessel assigned to study the planet. Kruge wanted to gain hostages with which to bargain for the Genesis technology, so he ordered his gunner to target the Grissom's engines in order to disable the vessel. However, in what the gunner described as a \"lucky shot,\" the Grissom was destroyed. Kruge responded by instantly killing the gunner. After Torg found that a landing party from the Grissom had survived on the planet's surface, Kruge led a team to search for them."@en . "Kruge"@it . . . . "Kruge was a villain of the Star Trek universe and the main antagonist in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, who commanded a Klingon Bird of Prey in the late 23rd century. He is portrayed by Christopher Lloyd, who also portrays Judge Doom."@en . . . . "Maschio"@it . . . "Kruge is a Klingon Defense Force officer who tried to take the secrets of Project Genesis for the Empire. During a fight with Admiral James T. Kirk on the rapidly-disintegrating Genesis Planet, Kruge was knocked over the side of a cliff and appeared to fall into a pool of molten lava. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)"@en . . "Kruge"@en . "Kruge\nQugh Sutay vaStal"@en . . "brown"@en . . . . . . "Il comandante Kruge (tlhIngan Hol: Qugh) era l'ufficiale comandante di uno sparviero Klingon durante la fine del XXIII secolo. Era anche l'amante della spia Klingon Valkris ed aveva un animale domestico. Nel 2285, dopo aver ricevuto informazioni del potente dispositivo Genesis dalla nave da carico Merchantman, Kruge port\u00F2 la sua nave e l'equipaggio sul pianeta Genesis in un'operazione avente lo scopo di sottrarre tale tecnologia, da lui percepita quale arma. Dopo esser entrato nell'orbita di Genesis, Kruge ordin\u00F2 un attacco contro il vascello scientifico della Federazione USS Grissom, uccidendone tutto l'equipaggio, tranne lo scienziato David Marcus (figlio di James T. Kirk) ed il tenente Saavik, i quali si trovavano sulla superficie del pianeta per svolgere una ricerca. Il suo intento, tuttavia, non era stato di uccidere l'equipaggio; voleva solo che si mettessero fuori uso i motori, in modo da poter ottenere delle informazioni. Uccise all'istante l'ufficiale responsabile del \"tiro fortunato\". In seguito all'incidente di Genesis, ordin\u00F2 l'esecuzione di uno dei prigionieri quali \"nemici della pace galattica\". Nel momento in cui il marinaio Klingon si mosse per accoltellare Saavik, Marcus si fece avanti per fermarlo e fin\u00EC pugnalato nel torace. Questo devast\u00F2 Kirk oltre ogni dire e lo avrebbe perseguitato per anni a venire. Kruge intendeva assumere il controllo della USS Enterprise in seguito all'attacco contro la nave stellare della Federazione che lasci\u00F2 il vascello in avaria. Tuttavia, l'ammiraglio Kirk fece sbarcare il suo equipaggio su Genesis e prepar\u00F2 un tranello alla squadra di sbarco di Kruge a bordo della Enterprise con la sequenza di auto-distruzione attivata. Quando gli ufficiali di Kruge informarono il loro capitano sullo strano conto alla rovescia che stava avendo luogo sul ponte, Kruge cerc\u00F2 di avvisarli di lasciar subito la nave, ma era troppo tardi e l' Enterprise esplose, uccidendo gli uomini di Kruge. Sulla superficie del pianeta Genesis, Kruge cerc\u00F2 di vanificare i tentativi di Kirk di mettere al sicuro il corpo del capitano Spock e cerc\u00F2 di barattare il corpo resuscitato di Spock con la tecnologia di Genesis. Mentre il pianeta Genesis iniziava a distruggersi, Kruge lott\u00F2 contro Kirk corpo a corpo, e venne ucciso dopo che Kirk lo fece precipitare in un mare di lava. (Star Trek III: Alla ricerca di Spock) L'anno seguente, l'Impero Klingon cerc\u00F2 di esigere che il Consiglio della Federazione estradicesse Kirk per sottoporlo al processo per le morti di Kruge e della maggior parte del suo equipaggio. Il consiglio neg\u00F2 la richiesta. (Star Trek IV: Rotta verso la Terra)"@it . . . . . . . "single"@en . . "Man"@nl . "Military leadership"@en . . . "CO,"@en . "Kruge (family name Kruge sutai-Vastal) was a Klingon warrior who served in the Klingon Defense Force in the 23rd century."@en . "KrugeTSFS.jpg"@en . . . . "Kruge was a villain of the Star Trek universe and the main antagonist in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, who commanded a Klingon Bird of Prey in the late 23rd century. He is portrayed by Christopher Lloyd, who also portrays Judge Doom."@en . . . . "male"@en . . . "June 2017"@en . . . . . "2285"^^ . "brown"@en . "Kruge is a Klingon Defense Force officer who tried to take the secrets of Project Genesis for the Empire. During a fight with Admiral James T. Kirk on the rapidly-disintegrating Genesis Planet, Kruge was knocked over the side of a cliff and appeared to fall into a pool of molten lava. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)"@en . . "Kruge (family name Kruge sutai-Vastal) was a Klingon warrior who served in the Klingon Defense Force in the 23rd century."@en . .