"105"^^ . "106"^^ . "Atom\u00E5lder"@sv . "18"^^ . "Silver Manisha"@en . "Male"@en . "60"^^ . "59"^^ . "21"^^ . . "26"^^ . . ""@en . . "10"^^ . "The most important of the Lantian deities, Taranis was the god of sun, light, life and rebirth. He was the king of the gods."@en . . "Shining Helm"@en . "0"^^ . "Taranis"@sv . . . . "880"^^ . "1"^^ . . "Thunder"@en . . . "7.8894E10"^^ . . . . . "400"^^ . "41"^^ . "magicweak"@en . . . . "300000"^^ . . . "Taranis is a pirate that sails the Cobalt Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "Reitpferd"@de . . . "Taranis.png"@de . "Silent warrior"@en . "Golden brown cream"@en . "Piggy My Le"@en . "fleet officer"@en . "240000"^^ . "23"^^ . "19"^^ . "no"@en . . . "9"^^ . . "Etoile unique"@fr . "80"^^ . "Taranis is an anthromorphic Saber tooth tiger that has power over lighting and carries a sword like weapon known as a claymore that can unleash a powerful attack known in his combat skill. He's known as the silent warrior and maybe knows something that is happening within the world.."@en . "Voici le c\u0153ur m\u00EAme de la bordure ! Taranisest surtout connu parce qu\u2019il fait partie des syst\u00E8mes de l\u2019\u00C9chapp\u00E9e de Kellar, et il permet aux transporteurs de contourner les repaires de pirates du syst\u00E8me Nexus. C\u2019est n\u00E9anmoins une alternative discutable: ce n\u2019est pas par hasard que m\u00EAme les pirates les plus t\u00E9m\u00E9raires \u00E9vitent Taranis, mais plut\u00F4t \u00E0 cause des deux ceintures d\u2019ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes particuli\u00E8rement denses qui doivent imp\u00E9rativement \u00EAtre franchies pour passer d\u2019un point de saut \u00E0 un autre. Les champs de d\u00E9bris form\u00E9s par les ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes ou lunes du syst\u00E8me Taranis se sont transform\u00E9s en cimeti\u00E8res anticip\u00E9s pour plus d\u2019un pilote n\u2019ayant pas su faire face \u00E0 de tels dangers."@fr . . . . "Taranis mutates into Nankyoku Roujin"@en . . "100"^^ . . "Garula Card"@en . . "96"^^ . "I, Taranis, ride through the sky with the lightning chariot..."@en . "N/A"@en . . "19"^^ . "Cobalt"@en . "19"^^ . "Wind"@en . . "36"^^ . . . "El puesto de avanzada Taranis era un puesto de avanzada construida por los atlantes en la guerra contra los Wraith. thumb|Taranis El puesto de avanzada tambi\u00E9n sirvi\u00F3 como un dique seco para las naves de la flota Antigua y, y uno de ellos, la nave de guerra Hippoforalcus, se qued\u00F3 atr\u00E1s cuando los atlantes huy\u00F3 a la Tierra. El dispositivo marcaci\u00F3n fue similar a la de la Atl\u00E1ntida, y se encontraba realmente en el propio puesto de avanzada a cierta distancia de la Stargate. El puesto estaba ubicado en el centro de un supervolc\u00E1n, y se jact\u00F3 de un escudo que estaba propulsado por energ\u00EDa geot\u00E9rmica. Por desgracia, el Taranians mantiene el escudo en constante actividad con toda su fuerza despu\u00E9s de que aprendi\u00F3 el Wraith hab\u00EDa dejado su ciclo de hibernaci\u00F3n antes de tiempo. Esto caus\u00F3 que el "@es . . . "yes"@en . . . "Ares"@en . . . . . "Taranis"@fr . "Temper, Foolish"@en . . . . . "10"^^ . . "Green"@en . "80"^^ . "Sun, light, life, rebirth"@en . . "21"^^ . "15"^^ . "Killer Wind\nStraight Slash\nTackle"@en . "Ingen"@sv . . . "0"^^ . . "Powerhouse"@en . "1075000"^^ . "257810"^^ . . "yes"@en . "27"^^ . . "Symbol of nature's destructive power. Cruel Celtic thunder god."@en . "Taranis"@en . "Gallente Frigate"@en . "Symbol of nature's destructive power. Cruel Celtic thunder god."@en . "Taranis"@en . "Attack"@en . "0"^^ . . . "nicht m\u00F6glich"@de . . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Fire, Lighting, Wind, Earth, Water"@en . . . "Gaia's End"@en . . "Taranis"@en . . "Taranis is an anthromorphic Saber tooth tiger that has power over lighting and carries a sword like weapon known as a claymore that can unleash a powerful attack known in his combat skill. He's known as the silent warrior and maybe knows something that is happening within the world.."@en . "octopus-tan"@en . . "4"^^ . "I am the lightning god Taranis who rides the heavens on a thunderous chariot..."@en . "Duvolle labs manufactures sturdy ships with a good mix of offensive and defensive capacities. Since its foremost manufacturer of Particle Blasters its ships tend to favor turrets and thus have somewhat higher power output than normal."@en . "2"^^ . "Taranis"@de . "all massacred in countless wars within the canyon"@en . "*Omni Blade\n*Thunder Slash\n*Thor's descent\n*Thunder I\n*Blade of Honor"@en . "Ingen"@sv . "7"^^ . . . "N/A"@en . "In Celtic mythology Taranis was the god of thunder worshipped in Gaul, Britain, and Hispania and mentioned, along with Esus and Toutatis, by the Roman poet Lucan in his epic poem Pharsalia as a Celtic deity to whom sacrificial offerings were made. He was associated with the wheel and may have received human sacrifices. Many representations of a bearded god with a thunderbolt in one hand and a wheel in the other have been recovered from Gaul."@en . "\"Inferno\""@en . "Peaches"@en . "Unknown"@en . "7.5"^^ . . "60"^^ . . . . "Snappish, Foolish"@en . "El puesto de avanzada Taranis era un puesto de avanzada construida por los atlantes en la guerra contra los Wraith. thumb|Taranis El puesto de avanzada tambi\u00E9n sirvi\u00F3 como un dique seco para las naves de la flota Antigua y, y uno de ellos, la nave de guerra Hippoforalcus, se qued\u00F3 atr\u00E1s cuando los atlantes huy\u00F3 a la Tierra. El dispositivo marcaci\u00F3n fue similar a la de la Atl\u00E1ntida, y se encontraba realmente en el propio puesto de avanzada a cierta distancia de la Stargate. El puesto estaba ubicado en el centro de un supervolc\u00E1n, y se jact\u00F3 de un escudo que estaba propulsado por energ\u00EDa geot\u00E9rmica. Por desgracia, el Taranians mantiene el escudo en constante actividad con toda su fuerza despu\u00E9s de que aprendi\u00F3 el Wraith hab\u00EDa dejado su ciclo de hibernaci\u00F3n antes de tiempo. Esto caus\u00F3 que el calor y la presi\u00F3n dentro del supervolc\u00E1n de construir hasta el punto que se convirti\u00F3 en activo de nuevo y estaba a punto de estallar cuando la Expedici\u00F3n Atlantis descubrieron el puesto un a\u00F1o despu\u00E9s. La explosi\u00F3n resultante destruy\u00F3 el puesto de avanzada, la mayor parte del continente estaba en el puesto de avanzada, y ha dejado el planeta inhabitable durante siglos. (ATL: \"Infierno\") Categor\u00EDa:Stargate"@es . . "20"^^ . "21"^^ . "216"^^ . . "ignored"@en . "Mercy and magnanimity are useless. Power is all..."@en . . "STR +1"@en . "Taranis"@en . . "Garula Card"@en . "420"^^ . . . "G\u00F6ttlich"@de . "Pig"@en . "125"^^ . . "Stylized sun"@en . "None ', Lanteans, Taranians '"@en . . . "343.75"^^ . . "Obebodd"@sv . . . "2401"^^ . "Taranis can mutate into Galahad or Ebisu"@en . "nicht m\u00F6glich"@de . . . "Atron"@en . "Taranis"@sv . . "Interceptors"@en . . "0"^^ . "316"^^ . "Taranis is a pirate that sails the Cobalt Ocean. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it]."@en . "Voici le c\u0153ur m\u00EAme de la bordure ! Taranisest surtout connu parce qu\u2019il fait partie des syst\u00E8mes de l\u2019\u00C9chapp\u00E9e de Kellar, et il permet aux transporteurs de contourner les repaires de pirates du syst\u00E8me Nexus. C\u2019est n\u00E9anmoins une alternative discutable: ce n\u2019est pas par hasard que m\u00EAme les pirates les plus t\u00E9m\u00E9raires \u00E9vitent Taranis, mais plut\u00F4t \u00E0 cause des deux ceintures d\u2019ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes particuli\u00E8rement denses qui doivent imp\u00E9rativement \u00EAtre franchies pour passer d\u2019un point de saut \u00E0 un autre. Les champs de d\u00E9bris form\u00E9s par les ast\u00E9ro\u00EFdes ou lunes du syst\u00E8me Taranis se sont transform\u00E9s en cimeti\u00E8res anticip\u00E9s pour plus d\u2019un pilote n\u2019ayant pas su faire face \u00E0 de tels dangers. Taranis elle-m\u00EAme est une \u00E9toile de type A appartenant \u00E0 la s\u00E9quence principale aux reflets bleu et blanc . Elle fut d\u00E9couverte en 2401 par \u00AB l'Horizon Mythique \u00BB, c\u00E9l\u00E8bre vaisseau d\u2019exploration de l\u2019UEN. La d\u00E9couverte de Taranis fut une affaire de routine, bien vite exp\u00E9di\u00E9e. Le syst\u00E8me fut \u00E0 l\u2019\u00E9poque consid\u00E9r\u00E9 comme non-viable, avec une seule candidate tr\u00E8s incertaine \u00E0 la terraformation. D\u2019autre part, la situation de l\u2019\u00E9toile n\u2019offrait en apparence aucun avantage strat\u00E9gique \u00E0 cette \u00E9poque, et ses mati\u00E8res premi\u00E8res furent class\u00E9es \u00AB de faible \u00E0 m\u00E9diocre \u00BB. La premi\u00E8re exploration du syst\u00E8me donna lieu \u00E0 un \u00E9v\u00E9nement tragique : l\u2019une des vedettes de l\u2019Horizon Mythique fut perdue corps et bien au cours d\u2019un d\u00E9luge de m\u00E9t\u00E9orites. Une plaque d\u00E9pos\u00E9e tout pr\u00E8s de la zone d\u2019atterrissage rend hommage \u00E0 leur noble sacrifice au nom de l\u2019expansion humaine. Taranis a par ailleurs r\u00E9cemment fait irruption dans la culture populaire en raison de son r\u00F4le dans le jeu Arena Commander cr\u00E9\u00E9 par Original Systems. La \u00AB Lune bris\u00E9e de Taranis \u00BB est l\u2019une des deux cartes propos\u00E9es dans la d\u00E9mo publique de ce simulateur au succ\u00E8s retentissant. Elle voit des joueurs s\u2019affronter dans le champ de d\u00E9bris proche de Taranis II. Les pilotes de Hornet, d\u2019Aurora et de 300i doivent non seulement esquiver le ballet des roches en mouvement, mais aussi les convulsions des immenses terraformateurs, tout en s\u2019affrontant dans un chacun-pour-soi ultra r\u00E9aliste. L\u2019inclusion de Taranis dans Arena Commander a m\u00EAme provoqu\u00E9 un accroissement particuli\u00E8rement risqu\u00E9 du tourisme dans le syst\u00E8me, en raison de l\u2019affluence \u00AB d\u2019ultras d\u2019Arena \u00BB autoproclam\u00E9s qui viennent de tr\u00E8s loin pour se faire prendre en holo devant les vestiges lunaires."@fr . . "1"^^ . "Ruthless Celtic thunder god who symbolizes destructive storms."@en . "703"^^ . "3"^^ . "20"^^ . . "Naine Blanche"@fr . "50"^^ . "6250000"^^ . . "*Gunma (RPG)\n*Ophidia (Game)"@en . "0"^^ . . . "45"^^ . "228"^^ . . "4"^^ . "58"^^ . "Uninhabited Taranians"@en . . . "Taranis Interceptor"@en . . "Non Revendiqu\u00E9"@fr . "7"^^ . . "Gigantic Fist\nGarula\nTackle"@en . . "35"^^ . "10"^^ . . "Taranis was a planet in the Pegasus galaxy. It was a former colony of the Lanteans, as evidenced by the outpost left behind with a dialing device like the one used in Atlantis, and possessing a shield being powered by geothermal energy. During the War with the Wraith, Taranis served as a drydock for the Ancient fleet, with one ship, the Hippaforalkus, being left behind after the Lanteans fled back to Earth. Eventually, Taranis was repopulated by humans, who began to study the Lantean technology left behind, and used the shield to protect themselves from the Wraith. However, the shield's employment of geothermal energy caused the dormant super volcano the base was in to become active. The Atlantis expedition came to Taranis, and helped most of the people escape, but the Stargate was destroyed, and a massive dust cloud emerged from the volcano, rendering the planet uninhabitable for several centuries. (SGA: \"Inferno\")"@en . "monkey-copper"@en . . "23"^^ . . "46"^^ . "Uranos und Gaia"@de . "35"^^ . . "ignored"@en . "0"^^ . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . "26"^^ . "150"^^ . "3"^^ . "None ', Nuclear Age '"@en . . "200"^^ . "Taranis \u00E4r en planet i Pegasus galaxen. Det var en f\u00F6re detta koloni av Lanteanerna, vilket framg\u00E5r av utpost l\u00E4mnade efter sig med en DHD som den som anv\u00E4nds i Atlantis, och som har en sk\u00F6ld som drivs av geotermisk energi. Under kriget med Wraith, serveras Taranis som en torrdocka f\u00F6r De gamla flotta, med ett skepp, av Hippaforalkus, som \u00E4r kvar efter Lanteanerna flydde tillbaka till Jorden. S\u00E5 sm\u00E5ningom blev Taranis nyinsatta av m\u00E4nniskor som b\u00F6rjade studera Lanteaner teknologi kvar, och anv\u00E4nder sk\u00F6ld f\u00F6r att skydda sig fr\u00E5n Wraith. D\u00E4remot orsakade sk\u00F6ld anv\u00E4ndning av geotermisk energi vilande supervulkan basen var att bli aktiva. Atlantis Expeditionen kom till Taranis och hj\u00E4lpa de flesta m\u00E4nniskor fly, men Stargate f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes, och ett massivt dammoln kom fr\u00E5n vulkanen, vilket g\u00F6r planeten obeboelig f\u00F6r flera \u00E5rhundraden. (ATL: \"Inferno\") kategori:De gamla utposter kategori:Atom\u00E5lder"@sv . "St +1"@en . "35"^^ . "108"^^ . . . "Mercy is of no use. I shall teach you that power means everything."@en . "Sword"@en . "3.1"^^ . "The most important of the Lantian deities, Taranis was the god of sun, light, life and rebirth. He was the king of the gods."@en . . "2"^^ . "Tasadar_redesigned_2016.png"@en . "Wind"@en . "Taranis \u00E4r en planet i Pegasus galaxen. Det var en f\u00F6re detta koloni av Lanteanerna, vilket framg\u00E5r av utpost l\u00E4mnade efter sig med en DHD som den som anv\u00E4nds i Atlantis, och som har en sk\u00F6ld som drivs av geotermisk energi. Under kriget med Wraith, serveras Taranis som en torrdocka f\u00F6r De gamla flotta, med ett skepp, av Hippaforalkus, som \u00E4r kvar efter Lanteanerna flydde tillbaka till Jorden. S\u00E5 sm\u00E5ningom blev Taranis nyinsatta av m\u00E4nniskor som b\u00F6rjade studera Lanteaner teknologi kvar, och anv\u00E4nder sk\u00F6ld f\u00F6r att skydda sig fr\u00E5n Wraith. D\u00E4remot orsakade sk\u00F6ld anv\u00E4ndning av geotermisk energi vilande supervulkan basen var att bli aktiva. Atlantis Expeditionen kom till Taranis och hj\u00E4lpa de flesta m\u00E4nniskor fly, men Stargate f\u00F6rst\u00F6rdes, och ett massivt dammoln kom fr\u00E5n vulkanen, vilket g\u00F6r pla"@sv . . "Taranis was a planet in the Pegasus galaxy. It was a former colony of the Lanteans, as evidenced by the outpost left behind with a dialing device like the one used in Atlantis, and possessing a shield being powered by geothermal energy."@en . "74"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . "Taranis"@de . "Taranis"@es . . . "Skull"@en . "3"^^ . . . "22500"^^ . "Interceptors utilize a combination of advanced alloys and electronics to reduce their effective signature radius. This, along with superior maneuverability and speed, makes them very hard to target and track, particularly for high caliber turrets."@en . . . "Cobalt"@en . . "18"^^ . "Chariot"@en . "In Celtic mythology Taranis was the god of thunder worshipped in Gaul, Britain, and Hispania and mentioned, along with Esus and Toutatis, by the Roman poet Lucan in his epic poem Pharsalia as a Celtic deity to whom sacrificial offerings were made. He was associated with the wheel and may have received human sacrifices. Many representations of a bearded god with a thunderbolt in one hand and a wheel in the other have been recovered from Gaul."@en . "Labyrinth 2017"@de . "silver armor, thunder gauntlets"@en . "0"^^ . . "Greater"@en . "457"^^ . . "Taranis"@en . . .