. "Chu'lak"@en . "Chu'lak's personnel file, 2375.jpg"@en . "Chu'lak"@en . "Incarcerated"@en . "Chu'lak se stal prapor\u010D\u00EDkem v roce 2355. Jeho prvn\u00ED za\u0159azen\u00ED bylo na lodi USS Strata, pod velen\u00EDm kapit\u00E1na Jasona Stonea. Doktor Martin Rackham, hlavn\u00ED l\u00E9ka\u0159 na USS Strata do l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00FDch z\u00E1znam\u016F napsal, \u017Ee Chu'lak trp\u00ED psychologickou nerovnov\u00E1hou. Pozd\u011Bji, mezi l\u00E9ty 2365 a 2375, slou\u017Eil Chu'lak na lodi USS Grissom. Byl jedn\u00EDm ze \u0161esti p\u0159e\u017Eiv\u0161\u00EDch (z pos\u00E1dky 1,250 mu\u017E\u016F a \u017Een), kdy\u017E byl Grissom zni\u010Den Jem'Hadary v bitv\u011B u Ricktor Prime."@cs . . "Chu'lak's personnel file, 2375"@en . "Captured"@en . . . . . . "Chu'lak is a psychopathic Vulcan from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He was portrayed by Marty Rackham."@en . "Lieutenant Chu'lak"@en . "thumb|Lt. Chu'lak (2375) Lieutenant Chu'lak ist ein Vulkanier und Offizier der Sternenflotte. Er ist 2278 geboren und tritt 2355 in die Sternenflotte als Ensign ein. Sein erster Posten ist an Bord der USS Strata unter Captain Jason Stone. Schon der Arzt an Bord der Strata, Dr. Martin Rackham, bemerkt, dass Chu'lak psychologisch instabil ist. Chu'lak wurde von Marty Rackham gespielt und von F. G. M. Stegers synchronisiert."@de . . "ChulakBestand.jpg"@nl . . "thumb|Lt. Chu'lak (2375) Lieutenant Chu'lak ist ein Vulkanier und Offizier der Sternenflotte. Er ist 2278 geboren und tritt 2355 in die Sternenflotte als Ensign ein. Sein erster Posten ist an Bord der USS Strata unter Captain Jason Stone. Schon der Arzt an Bord der Strata, Dr. Martin Rackham, bemerkt, dass Chu'lak psychologisch instabil ist. Von 2365 bis zu ihrer Zerst\u00F6rung 2375 dient er an Bord der USS Grissom, die in der Schlacht von Ricktor Prime zerst\u00F6rt wird. Chu'lak ist einer von nur sechs \u00FCberlebenden Mannschaftsmitgliedern. Dieses Ungl\u00FCck und besonders der Verlust seiner Freunde verst\u00E4rken Chu'laks psychologische Probleme und f\u00FChren zu einer absolut \u00FCbersteigerten Ablehnung gegen Emotionen, insbesondere Freude. Als er sp\u00E4ter nach Deep Space 9 versetzt wird, besorgt er sich ein Gewehr vom Typ TR-116, das er mit einem Transporter ausr\u00FCstet. So kann er mit diesem Gewehr von seinem Quartier aus Morde auf der ganzen Station begehen. Seine Opfer sind willk\u00FCrlich ausgew\u00E4hlte Personen, bei denen er Bilder von Emotionen gesehen hat: Hector Ilario, Greta Vanderweg und Zim Brott werden von ihm get\u00F6tet. Chu'lak ist in seinem Wahn der Meinung, die Logik h\u00E4tte die Morde erfordert, da das Gl\u00FCck erwiesenerma\u00DFen nicht ewig dauert, auf den Bildern aber dieser Eindruck entsteht. Schlie\u00DFlich kann er von Ezri Dax \u00FCberf\u00FChrt und gestoppt werden. (DS9: ) Chu'lak wurde von Marty Rackham gespielt und von F. G. M. Stegers synchronisiert."@de . "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season seven episode \"Field of Fire\""@en . . . . "N/A."@en . . "2278"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Chu'lak"@en . "Lieutenant Chu'lak was a Vulcan Starfleet science officer, born in 2278 in the S'Lara region. Chu'lak was commissioned into Starfleet in 2355 as an ensign; his first assignment was under Captain Jason Stone on board the USS Strata. While his service was noted as having been exemplary, the Strata's CMO, Doctor Martin Rackham, noted that Chu'lak exhibited some possible psychological instability. Chu'lak later served aboard the USS Grissom from 2365 to 2375. He was one of six survivors (out of a crew of 1,250) when the Grissom was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar in the Battle of Ricktor Prime. Following the destruction of the Grissom, Chu'lak was assigned to starbase Deep Space 9, under the command of Captain Benjamin Sisko. During his assignment aboard DS9, Chu'lak was assigned to quarters on habitat ring level D, room twelve. The loss of the Grissom and the deaths of his friends caused Chu'lak severe emotional problems. He obtained schematics for a TR-116 rifle and modified it to include a micro-transporter and an exographic targeting sensor, which allowed him to kill from his quarters. He chose his victims if they had pictures of people showing any kind of emotion. He killed Hector Ilario, Greta Vanderweg and Zim Brott before he was stopped by Lieutenant Ezri Dax. He claimed that he had committed his crimes because \"logic demanded it.\" (DS9: \"Field of Fire\")"@en . . "Chu'lak"@en . "Man"@nl . . . . "male"@en . . . . . . "Chu'lak"@de . . . . . "300"^^ . . . "Serial Killer"@en . "Chu'lak"@nl . "Chu'lak"@cs . . . "Stalker"@en . "Chu'lak is a psychopathic Vulcan from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He was portrayed by Marty Rackham."@en . . . . . "Luitenant Chu'lak was een Vulcan Starfleet wetenschappelijke officier, geboren in 2278. Chu'lak kwam in 2355 in dienst in Starfleet als een vaandrig. Zijn eerste aanstelling was onder het commando van kapitein Jason Stone aan boord van de USS Strata. De hoofd der medische dienst van de Strata, Dr. Martin Rackham merkte op dat Chu'lak last had van een kleine psychologische instabiliteit. Chu'lak diende tussen 2365 en 2375 aan boord van de USS Grissom. Hij was \u00E9\u00E9n van de zes overlevenden (op een totale bemanning van 1250) toen de Grissom door de Jem'Hadar werd verwoest in de Slag om Ricktor Prime. Na de verwoesting van de Grissom werd Chu'lak gestationeerd op sterrenbasis Deep Space 9 onder het commando van kapitein Benjamin Sisko. Tijdens zijn verblijf kreeg hij een bemanningskwartier toegewezen op de woonring, niveau D-12. Het verlies van de Grissom en de dood van zijn vrienden bezorgde Chu'lak zware emotionele problemen. Hij verwierf de schema's van een TR-116 geweer en paste het aan zodat het een micro-transporter en een exografische richtsensor bevatte. Hierdoor kon hij vanuit zijn kwartier personen doden. Hij koos zijn slachtoffers uit als ze afbeeldingen hadden van personen die emoties toonden. Hij doodde Hector Ilario, Greta Vanderweg en Zim Brott voordat hij door luitenant Ezri Dax tegen gehouden kon worden. Hij beweerde dat hij zijn misdaden had begaan omdat de logica dit vereiste. (DS9: \"Field of Fire\") Een gedeelte van de informatie is afkomstig uit het personeelsdossier van Chu'lak dat te zien was op een beeldscherm aan boord van Deep Space 9."@nl . . "2375"^^ . . "Chu'lak in 2375"@en . . "fed"@en . "Chu'lak se stal prapor\u010D\u00EDkem v roce 2355. Jeho prvn\u00ED za\u0159azen\u00ED bylo na lodi USS Strata, pod velen\u00EDm kapit\u00E1na Jasona Stonea. Doktor Martin Rackham, hlavn\u00ED l\u00E9ka\u0159 na USS Strata do l\u00E9ka\u0159sk\u00FDch z\u00E1znam\u016F napsal, \u017Ee Chu'lak trp\u00ED psychologickou nerovnov\u00E1hou. Pozd\u011Bji, mezi l\u00E9ty 2365 a 2375, slou\u017Eil Chu'lak na lodi USS Grissom. Byl jedn\u00EDm ze \u0161esti p\u0159e\u017Eiv\u0161\u00EDch (z pos\u00E1dky 1,250 mu\u017E\u016F a \u017Een), kdy\u017E byl Grissom zni\u010Den Jem'Hadary v bitv\u011B u Ricktor Prime. Pot\u00E9, co byl Grissom zni\u010Den, byl Chu'lak p\u0159evelen na stanici Deep Space 9, pod velen\u00EDm kapit\u00E1na Benjamina Siska. B\u011Bhem jeho slu\u017Eby na DS9, bydlel Chu'lak v obytn\u00E9m prstenci na \u00FArovni D, kajuta 12. Zni\u010Den\u00ED Grissomu a smrt pos\u00E1dky p\u0159ivodili Chu'lakovi n\u011Bkolik emo\u010Dn\u00EDch probl\u00E9m\u016F. Chu'lak sestrojil pu\u0161ku TR-116, p\u0159idal k n\u00ED mikro-transport\u00E9r a exografick\u00FD zam\u011B\u0159ovac\u00ED syst\u00E9m. Pomoc\u00ED takto upraven\u00E9 zbran\u011B pot\u00E9 zabil Hectora Ilariu, Gretu Vanderweg a Zim Brotta, t\u0159i \u010Dleny Hv\u011Bzdn\u00E9 flotily, v jejich\u017E kajut\u00E1ch nalezl fotografie, na kter\u00FDch se sm\u011Bj\u00ED jejich p\u0159\u00EDbuzn\u00ED nebo p\u0159\u00E1tel\u00E9. Dal\u0161\u00ED jeho ob\u011Bt\u00ED se m\u011Bla pravd\u011Bpodobn\u011B st\u00E1t Ezri Dax. (DS9: Field of Fire)"@cs . . . "Chu'lak in 2375"@en . "[[Grafika:Chu'lak.jpg|thumb|Chu'lak w roku 2375]] \n* IMI\u0118 I NAZWISKO: Chu'lak \n* STOPIE\u0143: Porucznik \n* OBECNY PRZYDZIA\u0141: brak danych \n* DATA URODZENIA: 2278 rok \n* MIEJSCE URODZENIA: Wolkan \n* RASA: Wolkanie \n* AKTOR: Marty Rackham"@pl . . . . "2278"^^ . . . "Chulak in 2375.jpg"@nl . . "Male"@en . . "Chu'lak was a Vulcan male who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries. He was born in 2278. Chu'lak joined Starfleet in the 24th century, and was commissioned as an ensign in 2355. Chu'lak was assigned to the USS Strata under Captain Jason Stone. The chief medical officer on that ship, Doctor Martin Rackham, discovered at that time that Chu'lak had a minor psychological instability. (DS9 episode: \"Field of Fire\") Doctor Rackham was named for the actor who played Chu'lak onscreen in \"Field of Fire.\""@en . "Luitenant Chu'lak was een Vulcan Starfleet wetenschappelijke officier, geboren in 2278. Chu'lak kwam in 2355 in dienst in Starfleet als een vaandrig. Zijn eerste aanstelling was onder het commando van kapitein Jason Stone aan boord van de USS Strata. De hoofd der medische dienst van de Strata, Dr. Martin Rackham merkte op dat Chu'lak last had van een kleine psychologische instabiliteit. Een gedeelte van de informatie is afkomstig uit het personeelsdossier van Chu'lak dat te zien was op een beeldscherm aan boord van Deep Space 9."@nl . . . . . . "Chu'lak"@pl . . . . "Het personeelsdossier van Chu'lak"@nl . . "Chu'lak was a Vulcan male who lived during the 23rd and 24th centuries. He was born in 2278. Chu'lak joined Starfleet in the 24th century, and was commissioned as an ensign in 2355. Chu'lak was assigned to the USS Strata under Captain Jason Stone. The chief medical officer on that ship, Doctor Martin Rackham, discovered at that time that Chu'lak had a minor psychological instability. (DS9 episode: \"Field of Fire\") Doctor Rackham was named for the actor who played Chu'lak onscreen in \"Field of Fire.\" Chu'lak was posted to the USS Grissom as a science officer in 2365. In 2366, he held the rank of lieutenant. (NF short story: \"Performance Appraisal\") In 2375, the Grissom was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar at Ricktor Prime. (TNG short story: \"Four Lights\") Chu'lak was one of only six survivors. The trauma of the loss of his ship and crew members lead to severe psychological problems for Chu'lak, who was then assigned to Deep Space 9. Shortly after arrival Chu'lak went on a killing spree, using a TR-116 rifle to murder three other station residents who had pictures in their quarters of people smiling and/or laughing, in other words showing emotion. He was stopped by Lieutenant Ezri Dax after she discovered this connection. When Ezri asked for his motive, Chu'lak, characteristic of his instability, replied that \"logic demanded it.\" (DS9 episode: \"Field of Fire\") In 2376, Quark tested Ro Laren's knowledge of Deep Space 9's past, asking her who Chu'lak was. Ro knew he was a Starfleet officer who went on a killing spree, but thought he was Andorian, rather than Vulcan. (DS9 novel: Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed)"@en . . "Chu'lak"@nl . "Expert Marksmen with a Tr-116 sniper rifle"@en . "Lieutenant Chu'lak was a Vulcan Starfleet science officer, born in 2278 in the S'Lara region. Chu'lak was commissioned into Starfleet in 2355 as an ensign; his first assignment was under Captain Jason Stone on board the USS Strata. While his service was noted as having been exemplary, the Strata's CMO, Doctor Martin Rackham, noted that Chu'lak exhibited some possible psychological instability. Chu'lak later served aboard the USS Grissom from 2365 to 2375. He was one of six survivors (out of a crew of 1,250) when the Grissom was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar in the Battle of Ricktor Prime."@en . . "To find and kill people showing any king of emotion in their photographs because logic demanded it."@en . . "Starfleet Science Officer"@en . . "no"@en . "[[Grafika:Chu'lak.jpg|thumb|Chu'lak w roku 2375]] \n* IMI\u0118 I NAZWISKO: Chu'lak \n* STOPIE\u0143: Porucznik \n* OBECNY PRZYDZIA\u0141: brak danych \n* DATA URODZENIA: 2278 rok \n* MIEJSCE URODZENIA: Wolkan \n* RASA: Wolkanie \n* AKTOR: Marty Rackham"@pl .