. . . . . "Super Paper Mario"@es . "Super paper mario"@en . . . . . "2007-04-19"^^ . . "Il Canto degli Italiani - Italian national anthem"@en . "2007-04-09"^^ . . . . . . "ESRB: E"@en . "--04-09"^^ . . . . . . . "2016-08-03"^^ . "2007-10-24"^^ . . . "A"@en . "Super Paper Mario (SPM) ist ein Spiel f\u00FCr die Nintendokonsole Wii. Super Paper Mario ist der Nachfolger von Paper Mario 2: Die Legende vom \u00C4onentor. Im Gegensatz zu den Vorg\u00E4ngern hat man keine Partner mehr, sondern man kann zwischen 4 Charakteren ausw\u00E4hlen, die jeweils unterschiedliche F\u00E4higkeiten habe, bis auf die eine, dass sie alle jedes Pixl benutzen k\u00F6nnen."@de . "Platform, RPG"@en . "SUPAH PAER MADIO"@en . . "14"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario ist nun nach den beiden Vorg\u00E4ngern Paper Mario und Paper Mario: Die Legende vom \u00C4onentor der dritte Teil der Paper Mario-Serie. Das Spiel wurde, wie die beiden fr\u00FCheren Versionen, von Intelligent Systems entwickelt, von Nintendo herausgegeben und ist nur f\u00FCr eine Nintendo-Konsole, die Wii, erh\u00E4ltlich. Das Spiel wurde am 14. September 2007 in Europa auf den Markt gebracht. Es sollte urspr\u00FCnglich f\u00FCr den Nintendo GameCube erscheinen, doch durch das Erscheinen der Wii entschied man, den Titel dorthin zu verlegen. Bis zum 31. M\u00E4rz 2008 wurde das Spiel bereits 2,28 Millionen Mal verkauft."@de . "Wii"@en . "Super Paper Mario es un videojuego para Wii. Fue el ganador del Premio Satellite al Mejor Juego de Rol."@es . . . "2007-09-20"^^ . . . . . . . . . "3"^^ . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . . . "2007-04-19"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario is a platform/ role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems, a division of Nintendo. The game began development for the Nintendo GameCube, but was later ported to the Wii, possibly because the Gamecube already had Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. The style of gameplay is a combination of the previous Paper Mario titles and Super Mario Bros. titles. Unlike the RPG-style gameplay of previous Paper Mario games, the game combines platforming gameplay, RPG, and puzzle elements. It is the third game in the Paper Mario series."@en . "Super Paper Mario"@fr . . . "\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC \u30DA\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA"@fr . "p Informations D\u00E9veloppeur(s) \u00C9diteur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes S\u00E9rie Mode Date(s) de sortie \u00C9valuations Langue(s) disponible(s) Super Paper Mario est un jeu de plateforme de type jeu de r\u00F4le pour la Wii dans la veine des titres classiques Mario mais avec les qualit\u00E9s esth\u00E9tiques de la s\u00E9rie Paper Mario. Le jeu consiste en les voyages de Mario et ses amis \u00E0 travers les dimensions pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer les C\u0153urs Purs et contrer la proph\u00E9tie de l'Opus T\u00E9n\u00E9brus. Cependant, il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un side-scroller 2D. Le jeu allie les \u00E9l\u00E9ments de gameplay 2D et 3D ainsi que, le d\u00E9placement aller et retour entre les dimensions. Le joueur commence avec Mario, mais r\u00E9cup\u00E8re au fil du temps trois autres personnages : la Princesse Peach, Luigi, et m\u00EAme Bowser. Il est possible de changer de personnage via le menu. Le jeu fait \u00E9galement de nombreuses r\u00E9f\u00E9rences \u00E0 Super Mario Bros. Par exemple, une Super \u00C9toile permet aux personnages de se transformer en une \u00E9norme versions de leurs sprites 8 bits de Super Mario Bros. et d\u00E9truisent pratiquement tout sur \u200B\u200Bleur passage. La plupart des graphiques dans le jeu utilise \u00E9galement des effets visibles \"pixelis\u00E9s\", dont un monde enti\u00E8rement compos\u00E9e de petits carr\u00E9s, r\u00E9f\u00E9ren\u00E7ant Mario Picross. Le jeu \u00E9tait initialement pr\u00E9vu pour la Nintendo GameCube en 2006, mais Nintendo a chang\u00E9 pour la Wii, pour pouvoir accueillir la d\u00E9tection de mouvement afin de contr\u00F4ler Tippi et les mini-jeux. En fin de compte, Super Paper Mario est sorti en Am\u00E9rique du Nord le 9 Avril 2007 et en Europe le 14 Septembre 2007."@fr . "Super Paper Mario es un juego estilo RPG que sigue el estilo de Paper Mario y Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Al principio el juego iba a ser lanzado para la consola Gamecube pero al final fu\u00E9 lanzado para la consola Nintendo Wii. Este juego fue la primera aventura tridimensional de la consola Nintendo Wii y de todos los dem\u00E1s juegos de Mario en esta, pero sin embargo el juego se juego se centra m\u00E1s en las plataformas que en el RPG, a diferencia de sus antecesores. Este juego combina jugabilidad t\u00EDpica de los plataformas 2D con la libertad que aportan los gr\u00E1ficos 3D. Super Paper Mario fue lanzado en Jap\u00F3n el 19 de abril del 2007, en Norteam\u00E9rica el 9 de abril del 2007, en Europa sali\u00F3 el 14 de septiembre del 2007 y en Australia el lanzamiento fu\u00E9 el d\u00EDa 20 del mismo mes."@es . . . "Un joueur"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario is the third installment in the Paper Mario series . Super Paper Mario was released Nintendo Wii on April 9th 2007 for North America, April 19th 2007 for Japan, September 14th 2007 for Europe, and September 20th 2007 for Austrailia. Super Paper Mario was originally planned to be released for the Nintendo Gamecube, but it was mentioned during E3 2006 that it will be moved to the Wii's lineup. Super Paper Mario makes use of the Wii Remote pointer and uses the Wii Remote & Nunchuck combo as the games main controller."@en . "For the Nintendo Wii \n* Shadow World \n* Flipped Squog \n* Sliding Workers \n* Float and go through a door"@en . . . . . "Wii U"@en . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . "2016-06-16"^^ . . . . . "Role-Playing Game"@en . "20"^^ . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . "E"@en . "Single Player"@en . "USK:0"@de . . "Aventura"@es . . . ""@fr . . . . "Adventure, RPG, Action"@de . . . "Super Paper Mario"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario is the third game in the Paper Mario series. Though the first two games were role-playing games with platforming elements, Super Paper Mario is centered around Platforming, and has RPG elements. In this game, you are able to take control of Mario, Peach, and even Bowser. It was originally supposed to be launched on the GameCube, then it was later merged over to the Wii in September of 2006. While the game was thought to be a standard 2-D game, it was soon revealed that 3-D elements would also be combined with the 2-D elements to make a brand new type of game. This game has a considerably darker theme than most other Mario games. Examples of this would be the storyline of the impending doom of all dimensions, Sammer's Kingdom being destroyed into a completely white void, and the supposed death of Luigi, Peach, and Bowser at Castle Bleck. This game appears to revive the original partnership of Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, with Peach, Bowser, and Luigi being partners rather than original, new Mario characters. It is also a rare occurrence of Peach being a playable character rather than the damsel in distress, the first being Super Mario Bros. 2."@en . "CERO: A"@en . . "The game that started the site and continues to inspire it... (the following taken from the Super Paper Mario wikipedia page)"@en . . . "3"^^ . "2007-09-14"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Yes"@en . . "Super Paper Mario departs from the gameplay introduced in earlier Paper Mario titles, with a heavier focus on platforming. In 2011, the game has been re-issued as a Nintendo Selects title."@en . "2007-09-20"^^ . "4"^^ . . "OFLC: G"@en . "2"^^ . "SUPAH PAER MADIO"@en . . "Super Mario Wiki"@es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario ist nun nach den beiden Vorg\u00E4ngern Paper Mario und Paper Mario: Die Legende vom \u00C4onentor der dritte Teil der Paper Mario-Serie. Das Spiel wurde, wie die beiden fr\u00FCheren Versionen, von Intelligent Systems entwickelt, von Nintendo herausgegeben und ist nur f\u00FCr eine Nintendo-Konsole, die Wii, erh\u00E4ltlich. Das Spiel wurde am 14. September 2007 in Europa auf den Markt gebracht. Es sollte urspr\u00FCnglich f\u00FCr den Nintendo GameCube erscheinen, doch durch das Erscheinen der Wii entschied man, den Titel dorthin zu verlegen. Bis zum 31. M\u00E4rz 2008 wurde das Spiel bereits 2,28 Millionen Mal verkauft."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . "G"@en . . . . . . "Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door"@en . . . . . . . . "2007-04-09"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DA\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA, S\u016Bp\u0101 P\u0113p\u0101 Mario) is a platform/role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems, a division of Nintendo. Originally developed for the Nintendo GameCube, it was released for the Wii. The style of gameplay is a combination of the previous Paper Mario titles and Super Mario Bros. titles. Unlike the RPG-style gameplay of previous Paper Mario games, the game combines platforming gameplay, RPG, and puzzle elements. It is the third game in the Paper Mario series."@en . . "Wii"@en . . "Super Paper Mario"@de . . . "Verpackung SPM.jpg"@de . "2016-08-11"^^ . "Super Paper Mario departs from the gameplay introduced in earlier Paper Mario titles, with a heavier focus on platforming. In 2011, the game has been re-issued as a Nintendo Selects title."@en . "1"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "This week, Zero Punctuation unwraps Super Paper Mario."@en . "This week, Zero Punctuation unwraps Super Paper Mario."@en . . . . . "Super Paper Mario"@fr . . . "Super Paper Mario es un videojuego para Wii. Fue el ganador del Premio Satellite al Mejor Juego de Rol."@es . . "Nintendo Wii"@en . . . . . "Wii"@es . . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario es un juego estilo RPG que sigue el estilo de Paper Mario y Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Al principio el juego iba a ser lanzado para la consola Gamecube pero al final fu\u00E9 lanzado para la consola Nintendo Wii. Este juego fue la primera aventura tridimensional de la consola Nintendo Wii y de todos los dem\u00E1s juegos de Mario en esta, pero sin embargo el juego se juego se centra m\u00E1s en las plataformas que en el RPG, a diferencia de sus antecesores. Este juego combina jugabilidad t\u00EDpica de los plataformas 2D con la libertad que aportan los gr\u00E1ficos 3D."@es . . . . . . "150"^^ . "Wii Optical Disc"@en . "B"@en . "2007-04-09"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Paper Mario: Die Legende vom \u00C4onentor"@de . . "Dezember 2013"@de . . . "thumb|160px| Cover von Super Paper Mario thumb|right|160px| US-Cover von Super Paper Mario Super Paper Mario erschien 2007 f\u00FCr die Wii Konsole und ist der Nachfolger von Paper Mario 2, es wurde weniger verkauft als seine beiden Vorg\u00E4nger und ist auch nicht so beliebt. Bild:Spoiler.gifSpoiler Warnung: Im nachfolgenden Abschnitt befinden sich Informationen, die euch den Spielspa\u00DF nehmen k\u00F6nnten!Bild:Luigi_Angst.gif"@de . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . . "245.0"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario is a platform/ role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems, a division of Nintendo. The game began development for the Nintendo GameCube, but was later ported to the Wii, possibly because the Gamecube already had Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. The style of gameplay is a combination of the previous Paper Mario titles and Super Mario Bros. titles. Unlike the RPG-style gameplay of previous Paper Mario games, the game combines platforming gameplay, RPG, and puzzle elements. It is the third game in the Paper Mario series."@en . "p Informations D\u00E9veloppeur(s) \u00C9diteur(s) Plateforme(s) Genre Moniteur Commandes S\u00E9rie Mode Date(s) de sortie \u00C9valuations Langue(s) disponible(s) Super Paper Mario est un jeu de plateforme de type jeu de r\u00F4le pour la Wii dans la veine des titres classiques Mario mais avec les qualit\u00E9s esth\u00E9tiques de la s\u00E9rie Paper Mario. Le jeu consiste en les voyages de Mario et ses amis \u00E0 travers les dimensions pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer les C\u0153urs Purs et contrer la proph\u00E9tie de l'Opus T\u00E9n\u00E9brus. Cependant, il ne s'agit pas seulement d'un side-scroller 2D. Le jeu allie les \u00E9l\u00E9ments de gameplay 2D et 3D ainsi que, le d\u00E9placement aller et retour entre les dimensions."@fr . "Platformer/RPG"@en . . . . . . . "Game"@en . . "For the Nintendo Wii \n* Shadow World \n* Flipped Squog \n* Sliding Workers \n* Float and go through a door"@en . . . . . . "1"^^ . . . . "Super Paper Mario is the third installment in the Paper Mario series . Super Paper Mario was released Nintendo Wii on April 9th 2007 for North America, April 19th 2007 for Japan, September 14th 2007 for Europe, and September 20th 2007 for Austrailia. Super Paper Mario was originally planned to be released for the Nintendo Gamecube, but it was mentioned during E3 2006 that it will be moved to the Wii's lineup. Super Paper Mario makes use of the Wii Remote pointer and uses the Wii Remote & Nunchuck combo as the games main controller."@en . . . "14"^^ . "Super Paper Mario"@fr . . . "thumb|160px| Cover von Super Paper Mario thumb|right|160px| US-Cover von Super Paper Mario Super Paper Mario erschien 2007 f\u00FCr die Wii Konsole und ist der Nachfolger von Paper Mario 2, es wurde weniger verkauft als seine beiden Vorg\u00E4nger und ist auch nicht so beliebt. Bild:Spoiler.gifSpoiler Warnung: Im nachfolgenden Abschnitt befinden sich Informationen, die euch den Spielspa\u00DF nehmen k\u00F6nnten!Bild:Luigi_Angst.gif"@de . . . . . . . "Super Paper Mario"@en . "Paper Roses - Anita Bryant"@en . . . . . . . "ESRB: E CERO: A OFLC: G PEGI: 3+"@en . . . "red"@es . "--04-09"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario (\u30B9\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DA\u30FC\u30D1\u30FC\u30DE\u30EA\u30AA, S\u016Bp\u0101 P\u0113p\u0101 Mario) is a platform/role-playing video game developed by Intelligent Systems, a division of Nintendo. Originally developed for the Nintendo GameCube, it was released for the Wii. The style of gameplay is a combination of the previous Paper Mario titles and Super Mario Bros. titles. Unlike the RPG-style gameplay of previous Paper Mario games, the game combines platforming gameplay, RPG, and puzzle elements. It is the third game in the Paper Mario series."@en . "Paper Mario"@fr . "Wii Remote"@en . . . . "Paper Mario Sticker Star"@de . . "2007-09-14"^^ . . . . . . "Paper Mario: Sticker Star"@en . "Paper Mario"@es . "Jeu de r\u00F4le"@fr . "The game that started the site and continues to inspire it... (the following taken from the Super Paper Mario wikipedia page)"@en . . . "Paper Mario"@en . . . . . "Super Paper Mario (SPM) ist ein Spiel f\u00FCr die Nintendokonsole Wii. Super Paper Mario ist der Nachfolger von Paper Mario 2: Die Legende vom \u00C4onentor. Im Gegensatz zu den Vorg\u00E4ngern hat man keine Partner mehr, sondern man kann zwischen 4 Charakteren ausw\u00E4hlen, die jeweils unterschiedliche F\u00E4higkeiten habe, bis auf die eine, dass sie alle jedes Pixl benutzen k\u00F6nnen."@de . . "9"^^ . "Nintendo Selects"@en . "Super Paper Mario"@en . . . . . "2009-02-26"^^ . . . "a"@en . . . . . . . "PEGI: 3+"@en . . "North American box art"@en . . . . . "2007-04-19"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario"@fr . "19"^^ . . "Super Paper Mario is the third game in the Paper Mario series. Though the first two games were role-playing games with platforming elements, Super Paper Mario is centered around Platforming, and has RPG elements. In this game, you are able to take control of Mario, Peach, and even Bowser. It was originally supposed to be launched on the GameCube, then it was later merged over to the Wii in September of 2006. While the game was thought to be a standard 2-D game, it was soon revealed that 3-D elements would also be combined with the 2-D elements to make a brand new type of game."@en . "Nintendo"@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "260"^^ . .