"0"^^ . "1"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "Zeon's early life is largely unknown. During this time, the demon made several enemies, one of them being the Shining Force. Led by Maximillian, the group were able to defeat the foe and seal him in the abyss. The portal that could potentially allow him to escape was locked away in the Ancient Tower on Granseal Island, with no access to it. Many years later, the Zeonites, Zeon's followers, began to plan for Zeon's escape. An archaeological dig underneath the town of Ribble unearthed a vasy armoury of guns and tanks, considered to be ancient weaponry to these civilised people. One weapon of interest was a nuclear bomb, believed to be powerful enough to destroy the gateway to the abyss, freeing Zeon. As this device was transported to Granseal in preparation for detonation, an image of Zeon was magically summoned by the Zeonites, allowing the demon to personally talk to Baron Kadavaar, his most devout follower. From here, Zeon was able to reveal who else knew of his plans for revival - the new Shining Force. Zynk, a robot belonging to Kadavaar, managed to escape his owner and warned Maximillian of Zeon's imminent return. The old man was killed by Kadavaar for imprisoning Zeon, but the others (Zynk, Bowie and Taya) were able to escape. Joined by Chester, the team set out to defeat the Zeonites and stop Zeon from returning. Their quest took them to the Ancient Tower, where they were able to beat the Zeonites, but could not stop the detonation. Prompted by Zynk, Bowie used Max's sword to open the portal and pushed the nuclear bomb into Zeon's abyss, possibly killing the demon."@en . . "Kanohi Nui, Mask of All Mask Powers"@en . . . "Les Ekosiens \u00E9taient ext\u00E9rieurement identiques aux Humains. Les Zeons vivaient en paix depuis plusieurs g\u00E9n\u00E9rations et avait d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 ses premiers vol interplan\u00E9taires. Se rendant compte de l'anarchie qui r\u00E8gnait chez leurs voisins Ekosiens, de nombreux Zeons vinrent sur Ekos dans l'effort d'aider leurs voisins \u00E0 trouver la voix de la paix."@fr . "ESRB: M"@en . "Zeon Weapon Add On"@en . . . "5"^^ . . . "none"@en . "50"^^ . . "The Zeons were the humanoid inhabitants of the planet Zeon, one of the two neighboring planets in an unnamed star system. By the mid-23rd century, Zeon had been living in peace for many generations, and had developed the beginnings of interplanetary spaceflight. Noticing the condition of anarchy among the warlike, pre-spaceflight Ekosians, many Zeons came to Ekos in an effort to help their neighbors learn peaceful ways. Sometime after 2218, a Zeon colony was established on Ekos. After the cultural contamination of John Gill and the takeover of the Nazi regime by Melakon, Zeons became a hunted people on Ekos. Using the Nazi model, Melakon used the presence of Zeons in much the same way as Adolf Hitler used the Jews of Germany and Europe, scape-goats to be blamed for Ekos' problems and eventually a threat to be eliminated. With the technology elicited from Gill, Melakon rapidly upgraded Ekosian weapons. By 2268, the \"Final Decision\", an genocidal invasion on the planet Zeon, was preparing for deployment. The USS Enterprise, assigned to discover what had happened to John Gill, arrived just before the launch of the invasion against Zeon. The intervention of Kirk, Spock and McCoy roused Gill in time to call-off the attack, and Gill recanted his beliefs to Kirk as he died, insisting that the Prime Directive was \"the only way\". The regime created by Gill and Melakon proved to be weaker than their German model. The Nazi government and the \"Final Decision\" was not embraced by all of Ekos. An underground alliance of Zeons and Ekosians had formed, including high-level Nazi party members who wanted no part in the genocide. Kirk's actions allowed the Zeon Isak to kill Deputy F\u00FChrer Melakon. Afterward, there appeared to be no impediment to the worlds working together. Spock observed that the union of the two cultures would make a fine addition to the Federation. (TOS: \"Patterns of Force\" ) The name \"Zeon\" is drawn from \"Zion,\" the ancient Hebrew designation for Jerusalem, from which the political movement \"Zionism\" is derived. The character names were variants of Biblical figures: Abrom for Abraham, Isak for Isaac, and Davod for David.(citation needed \u2022 [ edit])"@en . . . "male and female"@en . . . . . "red"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . "Zeon"@en . . "Zeon"@en . . "2011-01-05"^^ . . "Zeon era il pianeta natale degli Zeoniani e pianeta successivo a Ekos. Era di classe M come Ekos. Il sistema di Ekos-Zeon non \u00E8 mai stato nominato. Nel 2268, Zeon venne perseguitato dal regime Nazista Ekosiano che pianificava di attaccare con un missili termonucleari il pianeta. Promuovendo la \"Decisione finale\", l'attacco venne scoperto dall'equipaggio della USS Enterprise che collabor\u00F2 con la resistenza anti-Nazista Ekosiana. (TOS: \"Gli schemi della forza\") Informazioni di retroscenaIl nome Zeon richiama al termine \"Zion\", usato nella cultura Ebraica nell'antico stato di Israele. Anche la persecuzione di Ekos ricorda quella attuata dalla Germania Nazista. I fuggitivi Isak, suo fratello Abrom e Davod ricordano nomi Ebraici. Zeon viene menzionato su una carta stellare creata per l'episodio \"Cospirazione\". Viene vista poco prima che Dexter Remmick venga ucciso."@it . . . "Zeon (\u30BC\u30AA\u30F3, Zion) is the only monster in history ever to obtain a special ranking known as \"Beyond God-Class\". A creature who more commonly refers to himself as \"supreme being zeon\", this truly godlike monster of epic proportions is a mysterious creature of celestial origins, with seemingly divine, unlimited power on his side, and the ability to manipulate the laws of reality within the universe itself. Zeon traversed a great distance to come to planet earth, where he attempted to erase all life on the planet due to seeing the taint of all human beings. He is perhaps the single most powerful, dangerous, and destructive monster ever faced down by the heroes of planet earth."@en . . "Renegade"@en . "Toa"@en . "Les Ekosiens \u00E9taient ext\u00E9rieurement identiques aux Humains. Les Zeons vivaient en paix depuis plusieurs g\u00E9n\u00E9rations et avait d\u00E9velopp\u00E9 ses premiers vol interplan\u00E9taires. Se rendant compte de l'anarchie qui r\u00E8gnait chez leurs voisins Ekosiens, de nombreux Zeons vinrent sur Ekos dans l'effort d'aider leurs voisins \u00E0 trouver la voix de la paix. Apr\u00E8s la contamination culturelle par John Gill et la prise de pouvoir du Parti Nationale Socialiste par Melakon, les Zeons qui r\u00E9sidaient sur Ekos furent traqu\u00E9s et tu\u00E9s tel le faisait Hitler envers les Juifs sur Terre, en Europe au 20\u00E8me si\u00E8cle, les d\u00E9clarant \u00EAtre un probl\u00E8me pour Ekos et commen\u00E7a \u00E0 tous les \u00E9liminer. Et grace \u00E0 la technologie apport\u00E9e par Gill, il put am\u00E9liorer les armes \u00E9kosiennes. (TOS: \"Patterns of Force\")"@fr . . . . "0"^^ . . . . . "Abrom, a Zeon male"@en . "102"^^ . . . . "Zeon"@de . . "Zeon is the name of planets in multiple sources of science fiction."@en . "Digital File\nCD-ROM"@en . . . . "All"@en . . "King of Metru-Nui"@en . . "thumb|Der Planet Zeon. Zeon ist ein Planet der Klasse M und ist die Heimatwelt der Zeoner. Der Planet besitzt einen Planetenring und befindet sich im selben Sternensystem wie der Planet Ekos. Die Zeoner besitzen eine primitive Raumfahrttechnologie und besuchen auch den Nachbarplaneten Ekos. Durch den Einfluss des Historikers John Gill aus der F\u00F6deration leben die Ekosianer 2268 in einer nationalsozialistischen Kultur. Der heimliche F\u00FChrer Melakon hasst die Zeoner und plant die Ausrottung der Bev\u00F6lkerung auf Zeon. Kurz bevor Melakon mit seiner Invasion und der geplanten \u201EEndl\u00F6sung\u201C auf Zeon beginnen kann, wird er von der Besatzung der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) und einigen zeonistischen Widerstandsk\u00E4mpfern aufgehalten. Als beide Welten Frieden schlie\u00DFen, erw\u00E4hnt Captain James T. Kirk, dass b"@de . . "Write the first section of your article here."@en . . . . . . . "In the game, although he wasn't seen much, he was often mentioned as the biggest threat in the land even for another powerful being. His henchmen consisted of Zalbard, Camella, Red Baron (Lemon, whom was possessed by a devil), Geshp, Odd Eye, and King Galem (possessed by a devil). At one point, he was seen for the first time demanding that Bowie, Peter, and Sir Astral would return the Jewel of Evil so he would return Princess Elis to them. It was pointed out by Camella that Zeon lied about it. He ordered Geshp to kill the heroes or else. When Geshp was spared and tried to run away, Zeon killed him with a few fireballs. Later, after the final battle, Zeon took the form of Galem and took Elis hostage by choking her and demanded Bowie to give him the Jewel of Evil. Shortly afterwards, Zeon formed a dark cloud over the princess and put her in a 2-year coma. Bowie slapped the jewel from his hand as Zeon kept using special fire on Lemon. It failed due to the power of the Jewel of Light. In the end, Lemon dragged Zeon back into the abyss where he was once sealed shouting, \"NOOOOOOOOO!\" He was sealed away one again with the Jewels of Light and Evil."@en . "Zeon Armblaster"@en . . "Write the first section of your article here."@en . . "Zeon"@en . "Singleplayer\nMultiplayer"@en . "King of the Devils, Zeon"@en . "100"^^ . . . . "Zeon is the main antagonist in Shining Force II. He is the king of devils sealed at ground seal in Granseal."@en . "0"^^ . . "Zeon is a first-person-shooter with a science fiction theme developed and published by Gamecorps for iOS. It is often considered the Zeon enjoyed incredible popularity following it's release, mostly due to the fact that it was released after Halo Reach, during at time when shooters where not often released."@en . . . . . "Zeon"@en . . "Zeon is the main antagonist in Shining Force II. He is the king of devils sealed at ground seal in Granseal."@en . "Zeon (\u30BC\u30AA\u30F3, Zion) is the only monster in history ever to obtain a special ranking known as \"Beyond God-Class\". A creature who more commonly refers to himself as \"supreme being zeon\", this truly godlike monster of epic proportions is a mysterious creature of celestial origins, with seemingly divine, unlimited power on his side, and the ability to manipulate the laws of reality within the universe itself. Zeon traversed a great distance to come to planet earth, where he attempted to erase all life on the planet due to seeing the taint of all human beings. He is perhaps the single most powerful, dangerous, and destructive monster ever faced down by the heroes of planet earth."@en . . . "First-person shooter"@en . . "Zeon"@it . "Zeon"@fr . "Zeon era il pianeta natale degli Zeoniani e pianeta successivo a Ekos. Era di classe M come Ekos. Il sistema di Ekos-Zeon non \u00E8 mai stato nominato. Nel 2268, Zeon venne perseguitato dal regime Nazista Ekosiano che pianificava di attaccare con un missili termonucleari il pianeta. Promuovendo la \"Decisione finale\", l'attacco venne scoperto dall'equipaggio della USS Enterprise che collabor\u00F2 con la resistenza anti-Nazista Ekosiana. (TOS: \"Gli schemi della forza\")"@it . "203"^^ . . "Zeon Helmet Add On"@en . . . . . . . "Zeon Helmet Add On.gif"@en . "Zeon"@it . . . "This page is about the mighty Toa Zeon, son of Mata-Nui, created by Kanohi Essex."@en . . "Zeon is the name of planets in multiple sources of science fiction."@en . . "Zeon may refer to any of the following: \n* Zeon Zum Deikun, philosopher and politician in the Universal Century time-line. \n* The Republic of Zeon, a republic founded by Zeon Deikun. \n* The Principality of Zeon, formed by Degwin Zabi after the death of Zeon Deikun. \n* The Zeon Remnants, such as the Delaz Fleet. \n* The Axis Zeon, a group of Principality of Zeon remnants that escaped to Axis after the One Year War. \n* The Neo Zeon Movements, a Neo Zeon faction led by Haman Karn, Char Aznable, and Full Frontal. \n* The Mars Zeon Army, Principality of Zeon remnants that fled to Mars. \n* The Z Organization, featured in the novel Gaia Gear (1987). \n* The ReZeon remnants of the the Titans and First Neo Zeon that regrouped on Mars."@en . . "The Zeons were the humanoid inhabitants of the planet Zeon, one of the two neighboring planets in an unnamed star system. By the mid-23rd century, Zeon had been living in peace for many generations, and had developed the beginnings of interplanetary spaceflight. Noticing the condition of anarchy among the warlike, pre-spaceflight Ekosians, many Zeons came to Ekos in an effort to help their neighbors learn peaceful ways. Sometime after 2218, a Zeon colony was established on Ekos."@en . . . . . "Zeon may refer to any of the following: \n* Zeon Zum Deikun, philosopher and politician in the Universal Century time-line. \n* The Republic of Zeon, a republic founded by Zeon Deikun. \n* The Principality of Zeon, formed by Degwin Zabi after the death of Zeon Deikun. \n* The Zeon Remnants, such as the Delaz Fleet. \n* The Axis Zeon, a group of Principality of Zeon remnants that escaped to Axis after the One Year War. \n* The Neo Zeon Movements, a Neo Zeon faction led by Haman Karn, Char Aznable, and Full Frontal. \n* The Mars Zeon Army, Principality of Zeon remnants that fled to Mars. \n* The Z Organization, featured in the novel Gaia Gear (1987). \n* The ReZeon remnants of the the Titans and First Neo Zeon that regrouped on Mars."@en . "4"^^ . . . . "Metru-Nui"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Zeon's early life is largely unknown. During this time, the demon made several enemies, one of them being the Shining Force. Led by Maximillian, the group were able to defeat the foe and seal him in the abyss. The portal that could potentially allow him to escape was locked away in the Ancient Tower on Granseal Island, with no access to it."@en . . . "The Zeons (or Zeoni) were a humanoid race native to the planet Zeon. During the anarchy stage of Ekos, they had perfected interplanetary flight and established a small colony on the planet in the pursuit of peace. However, when a Nazi based government was established on Ekos, they became the target of discrimination just as Adolf Hitler had against Jewish people. Soon, the Final Decision was reached to eliminate the Zeons permanently. However, the Enterprise, under the command of James T. Kirk toppled the Ekosian government and the discrimination ended. (TOS episode & Star Trek 12 novelization: Patterns of Force) By 2268, relations with Ekos still remained strained and eventually exploded into full scale war. The Federation did its best to broker peace between the two planets, but the war continued. (SCE eBook: Fables of the Prime Directive)"@en . "A fgt, born of the finest fgtry, to spread its hard gay to the four corners of the universe. MINI_WIKI_ZEON at Wikia \n* Recent changes \n* \n* Subpages \n* Connections \n* Editing tutorial"@en . "180"^^ . . . . . "This page is about the mighty Toa Zeon, son of Mata-Nui, created by Kanohi Essex."@en . "Participant de la Coupe d'Acier."@fr . . . . "10"^^ . "Masculin"@fr . . "no"@en . . . "none"@en . . . "Toa Nui/ Order of Mata-Nui"@en . "35"^^ . "Zeon"@fr . "none"@en . . "Kai Blade, Shield of Ages"@en . . "Devil Army"@en . "warm Class M conditions"@en . "Renegade"@en . "Zeon Armblaster.gif"@en . . . . "Beyond God"@en . "ZEE-on"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "0"^^ . . "Zeon"@en . "Divine Powers"@en . "Alive"@en . . "Zeon is a first-person-shooter with a science fiction theme developed and published by Gamecorps for iOS. It is often considered the Zeon enjoyed incredible popularity following it's release, mostly due to the fact that it was released after Halo Reach, during at time when shooters where not often released."@en . . "Unknown"@en . . "Zeon.jpg"@it . "0"^^ . "10"^^ . "Variable"@en . . . . . . . . "The Zeons (or Zeoni) were a humanoid race native to the planet Zeon. During the anarchy stage of Ekos, they had perfected interplanetary flight and established a small colony on the planet in the pursuit of peace. By 2268, relations with Ekos still remained strained and eventually exploded into full scale war. The Federation did its best to broker peace between the two planets, but the war continued. (SCE eBook: Fables of the Prime Directive)"@en . . . "Deity"@en . . . . "Participant de la Coupe d'Acier."@fr . "hardwired"@en . . . "0"^^ . "Various"@en . . . . "1"^^ . "A fgt, born of the finest fgtry, to spread its hard gay to the four corners of the universe. MINI_WIKI_ZEON at Wikia \n* Recent changes \n* \n* Subpages \n* Connections \n* Editing tutorial"@en . . . "Xombie"@fr . "Zeon"@fr . "thumb|Der Planet Zeon. Zeon ist ein Planet der Klasse M und ist die Heimatwelt der Zeoner. Der Planet besitzt einen Planetenring und befindet sich im selben Sternensystem wie der Planet Ekos. Die Zeoner besitzen eine primitive Raumfahrttechnologie und besuchen auch den Nachbarplaneten Ekos. Durch den Einfluss des Historikers John Gill aus der F\u00F6deration leben die Ekosianer 2268 in einer nationalsozialistischen Kultur. Der heimliche F\u00FChrer Melakon hasst die Zeoner und plant die Ausrottung der Bev\u00F6lkerung auf Zeon. Kurz bevor Melakon mit seiner Invasion und der geplanten \u201EEndl\u00F6sung\u201C auf Zeon beginnen kann, wird er von der Besatzung der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) und einigen zeonistischen Widerstandsk\u00E4mpfern aufgehalten. Als beide Welten Frieden schlie\u00DFen, erw\u00E4hnt Captain James T. Kirk, dass beide Planeten irgendwann mal wertvolle Mitglieder der F\u00F6deration werden. (TOS: )"@de . "Demon Breath"@en . . . "Zeon"@it . . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Male"@en . "0"^^ . "None"@en . "Zeon Weapon Add On.gif"@en . . "In the game, although he wasn't seen much, he was often mentioned as the biggest threat in the land even for another powerful being. His henchmen consisted of Zalbard, Camella, Red Baron (Lemon, whom was possessed by a devil), Geshp, Odd Eye, and King Galem (possessed by a devil). At one point, he was seen for the first time demanding that Bowie, Peter, and Sir Astral would return the Jewel of Evil so he would return Princess Elis to them. It was pointed out by Camella that Zeon lied about it. He ordered Geshp to kill the heroes or else. When Geshp was spared and tried to run away, Zeon killed him with a few fireballs."@en . "500"^^ . "Demon Breath 2"@en . "160"^^ . "2"^^ . . . . "Mac\nXBOX Live\nPlayStation Network"@en . .