. "Experience Points: 125"@en . . . . . "Human"@en . . "*Jedi Order\n*Galactic Republic\n*Galactic Empire"@en . . "Spyro: Season of Ice"@en . "En person der har uddannede sig til professor. N\u00E6sten alle l\u00E6rerne p\u00E5 Hogwarts bliver tiltalt \"professor\"."@da . . "Professor is an evil Ultimate Antagonist"@en . . "Mentats x5"@en . . "Een professor is een leraar op een universiteit. Miles O'Brien werd een Professor van boordwerktuigkunde aan de Starfleet academie na afloop van de Dominion oorlog."@nl . . . . . . "Professor was a title used by educators, including the individuals who taught at the Royal Imperial Academy on the planet Coruscant."@en . "Professor in Xenosaga Episode III"@en . . . "Professor was a title given to scholarly teachers to denote their academic ability. It was often, though not exclusively, given to those who had achieved a certain level of learning or held a position that earned them the title. Ace often referred to the Seventh Doctor as \"the Professor\" throughout her early association with him (TV: Dragonfire, et. al.) and still continued to refer to him as \"professor\" in a friendly manner several years later. (PROSE: Happy Endings)"@en . . "The Professor is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It throws pencils to show its wits."@en . "Professor.jpg"@en . . . . "The Professor is a mole and a genius like Coco Bandicoot who appears in the Spyro the Dragon series. The professor helps Crash Bandicoot find Cortex and Ripto's space station in \"Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage\". In the Spyro the Dragon series, Spyro performs errands for the Professor to help with his research."@en . . "Male"@en . . . . "93"^^ . "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage"@en . "Der Titel Professor wird von den Lehrern der Hogwartsschule f\u00FCr Hexerei und Zauberei benutzt. Es gilt als unh\u00F6flich, ein Mitglied des Personals nicht als Professor, Madam oder Sir , wie im Fall von Professor Severus Snape anzureden. Harry Potter entschied sich h\u00E4ufig, diesen Titel wegzulassen, wenn er mit anderen \u00FCber Snape sprach, was sie dazu brachte, ihn zu schelten. Eine bemerkenswerte Ausnahme hierzu ist Rubeus Hagrid, der in der Regel nur mit seinem Nachnamen angesprochen wird. Der Titel Madam oder Sir (je nach Geschlecht) ist eine alternative Anrede anstelle der Verwendung des Titels Professor, je nachdem, was die jeweilige Person bevorzugt. Im Gespr\u00E4ch mit ihren Kollegen benutzen sie in der Regel ihre Vornamen. Professor Snape jedoch zieht es vor, die Familiennamen der Anderen zu v"@de . . . . "A professor is an educator at the university level. Their duties include conducting lectures and seminars in their field of study, performing advanced research in their fields and teaching campus-based or online courses with the help of instructional technology. Several members of the Stargate Program were professors before joining the program. In much of the world, including most Commonwealth nations (such as the United Kingdom and South Africa) and northern Europe, professor is reserved only for the most senior academics at a university, whereas in the United States and Canada the title of professor is granted to most scholars with doctorate degrees or equivalent qualifications (typically Ph.Ds)."@en . . . . "The Professor (\u535A\u58EB Hakase?) (real name unknown) is a character introduced in Toaru Majutsu no Index. An elderly man, he is the leader of MEMBER, an underworld organization that answers to the Academy City Board of Directors and Aleister Crowley directly."@en . . "A professor is a scholarly teacher and researcher in a post-secondary education institution, such as a college, a university, a graduate school or a professional school."@en . . . "Professor is a mad-scientist he is Appeard in \"Red White and Boo\""@en . . . "Novel and Manga"@en . . "\u30D7\u30ED\u30D5\u30A7\u30C3\u30B5\u30FC"@en . . "A professor is a title applied to an individual who is qualified to teach, lecture, or research in an institute of higher education, such as colleges, universities, or more specific training academies such as Starfleet Academy and the Vulcan Science Academy."@en . "The Professor from Majora's Mask"@en . . . . . "Prefix"@en . . . . "Gender"@en . . . . . . . . . "54.0"^^ . "The Professor made its first appearance in the Disgaea series in Disgaea 4, where she can be unlocked after having a level 20 Healer and Onmyo Monk"@en . . . . . . "Dismantling"@en . . "Game Appearances"@en . . "Unknown"@en . "Male"@en . . . "Tittelen Professor gis til medlemmer av trollmenns vitenskapelige og akademiske fellesskapet engasjert i utdanning og forskning, sett under ett. Det er kanskje mest kjent, brutk av l\u00E6rere ved trollmanns utdanningsinstitusjoner som Galtvort h\u00F8yere skole for hekseri og trolldom, Durmstrang-instituttet og Beauxbatons magiske akademi. Det regnes som uh\u00F8flig av noen for studenter \u00E5 ikke kalle et medlem av en l\u00E6rerstaben p\u00E5 deres skole som professor, Madam eller Sir, som er tilfellet med professor Slur. Harry Potter valgte ofte \u00E5 utelate denne tittelen n\u00E5r han snakket om Slur til andre, noe som f\u00F8rte dem til \u00E5 straffe ham. Imidlertid er det mest bemerkelsesverdige unntak til Rubeus Gygrid, som er vanligvis referert til av hans etternavn. Begrepet sir eller madam (avhengig av kj\u00F8nn) er en alternativ tittel for \u00E5 bruke i stedet for professor, p\u00E5 taler preferanse. Mens de snakket til sine kollegaer, brukte de vanligvis fornavnet. Professor Slur, derimot, foretrakk \u00E5 bruke andres etternavn. For eksempel, kalte han Remus Lupus, for Lupus, og Gyldeprinz Gulmedal, for professor Gulmedal i duellklubben i 1992. Unntaket fra dette var professor McSnurp, som Professor Slur kalte Minerva."@no . . . "Spyro Orange: The Cortex Conspiracy"@en . . "#FAB402"@en . . . . "The Professor is a scientist with an insane gleam in his eye living in the town of Broken Hills. His real name is unknown, as he is only known to others as \"the Professor\"."@en . . . "Professorin"@en . . "64"^^ . . "65"^^ . . . "2"^^ . . "Gundam SEED ASTRAY"@en . . "Charles Campbell"@en . . . . . . "The Search Part One"@en . . . . "Fight Comics #11"@en . . . "A professor is a qualified expert in a field of study. John Robinson was an American professor. (\"The Reluctant Stowaway\")"@en . "Een professor is een leraar op een universiteit. Miles O'Brien werd een Professor van boordwerktuigkunde aan de Starfleet academie na afloop van de Dominion oorlog."@nl . . "3"^^ . "Brown"@en . "2"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "A title Danny was given while out on holiday. He was mainly with the typical British lads and he wore glasses and so was called. Professor."@en . "200"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . . . "150.0"^^ . . . . . "thumb|\"Professor\" Scott und sein \"Assistent\" McCoy. Professor ist ein akademischer Titel, der Wissenschaftlern mit einer Professur, d.h. Inhabern von Lehrst\u00FChlen an einer Universit\u00E4t, verliehen wird. Zudem wird der Titel f\u00FCr Dozenten an der Akademie der Sternenflotte gebraucht. Im Jahr 1986 gibt sich Montgomery Scott als ber\u00FChmter Professor aus Edinburgh aus, um die Firma Plexicorp in San Francisco zu besichtigen. Der \u201EProfessor\u201C ist sehr ver\u00E4rgert, als er merkt, dass sein Besuch \u201Avergessen\u2018 worden ist und er Tausende von Meilen umsonst gereist ist. Jedoch kann ihn Doktor Nichols bes\u00E4nftigen, indem er ihn pers\u00F6nlich durch die Fabrik f\u00FChrt. (Star Trek IV: Zur\u00FCck in die Gegenwart) 1996 kontaktiert ein Freund von Rain Robinson seinen Professor f\u00FCr Raketentechnik und informiert ihn \u00FCber die Entdeckung der USS Voyager. (VOY: ) W\u00E4hrend seines Studiums an der Akademie der Sternenflotte verschweigt Harry Kim seinem Professor, dass er beabsichtigt einen Artikel \u00FCber den Maquis in der Akademiezeitung zu ver\u00F6ffentlichen, damit er unabh\u00E4ngig arbeiten kann. (VOY: ) Miles O'Brien erh\u00E4lt beispielsweise 2375 das Angebot, als Professor f\u00FCr Ingenieurswesen an der Sternenflottenakademie zu lehren. (DS9: )"@de . . . . . . . "Spyro: A Hero's Tail"@en . . . "Robot Academy owner"@en . "Professorer er NPC'er som f\u00F8lger med tilleggspakken Livets skole til The Sims 2. Professorene holder til p\u00E5 universitetet, og hver student blir kjent med to (eller tre) professorer hvor hvert hovedfag de tar mens de studerer. Forholdet til professorene simmen har kan trekke karakterene til studenten opp eller ned, alt etter hvor vellykkede samhandlingene imellom professorene og studenten er. \u00C5 ha et godt forhold til professorer er ikke n\u00F8dvendig for \u00E5 opprettholde og forbedre karakterene til studentene, og studenter kan g\u00E5 igjennom hele studiene uten noen n\u00E6rmere kontakt med dem. Som mange andre sosiale NPC-er, kan professorer dukke opp p\u00E5 hobbyklubber."@no . . "33"^^ . . "13"^^ . . "tba"@en . . "The Professor, referred to as \"Per'fessor\" by Captain Plunder, is a character that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. He is an anthropomorphic purple walrus (vaguely resembling an elderly Joe Sushi)."@en . . "A Professor is an educator at the university level. There duties include conducting lectures and seminars in their field of study, performing advanced research in their fields and teaching campus-based or online courses with the help of instructional technology. Several members of the Stargate program were professors before joining the program, and such as Samantha Carter served as visiting professors at the Air Force Academy."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Doctor: 95"@en . . . . . "A Pok\u00E9mon Professor (Japanese: \u30DD\u30B1\u30E2\u30F3\u535A\u58EB Pok\u00E9mon Expert) is a veritable expert on the Pok\u00E9mon World. They are known for giving rookie Trainers their Starter Pok\u00E9mon. All of the Professors from the main Pok\u00E9mon series are named after a plant, tree or shrub: Professors Oak, Elm, Ivy, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Sycamore, and Kukui, as well as Pokemon Go's Professor Willow . The Professors are also responsible for the distribution of the Pok\u00E9dex."@en . "A professor was a teacher at a university or at an institute. Doctor Leah Brahms was a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Daystrom Institute of Technology, Mars, prior to stardate 43205. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" ) Professor Chapman was an instructor at Starfleet Academy. One of his students was B'Elanna Torres. (VOY: \"Parallax\") Miles O'Brien became a Professor of Engineering at Starfleet Academy after the end of the Dominion War. (DS9: \"What You Leave Behind\") Tuvok was once a professor of archery at the Vulcan Institute for Defensive Arts. (VOY: \"Basics, Part II\")"@en . . "Professor is an academic title, typically given to a tenured faculty member of a university or college. Becoming a professor usually involves having a doctorate in a field, and then becoming university faculty. Professors often have to split their time between two duties: teaching classes to students, and academic research. Indiana Jones was a professor of archaeology, while his father Henry Jones, Sr. was a professor of medieval history. See the category for a list of professors in the world of Indiana Jones."@en . . . . "none"@en . "Starting off as a Sage, a magic-oriented class often neglected for their presumed lack of offensive ability, he transcend into not only one of the most powerful magic wielders but also one of the best providers of support for a party. Professors are eternal students; these people never lose their sense of wonder and their search for knowledge and wisdom. With their innovative skills, such as mastery over mana via Indulge, Soul Burn and Soul Change, bending the probabilities of time and space to allow a spell to reccur via Double Bolt and ensnaring opponents via Fiber Lock, even if they lack offense compared to High Wizards, the innovative spells will surely bring victory to the Professors. The wizards are overshadowed by the professors, who can dispel all beneficial auras surrounding the enemy, restore their own pools of mana, exchange with someone else\u2019s, or even expunge it in a single instant. The support they can provide is not just limited to cover fire, and the very flexibility of the professor permits a variety in builds. And while wizards can, spread destruction over a certain area, professors can ensure the complete obliteration of a single target."@en . . "FO2"@en . . "Sequence: 16"@en . . "The Professor was a gang leader and master hypnotist who used his skills to turn normal men into criminals. However, he failed to hypnotize detective Spencer Steel and the Professor and his gang are brought to justice."@en . . . . . . "earth"@en . . "Rifle"@en . "The Professor, alternatively referred to as Scientist and Egghead, is a supporting character in the Test Subject series, running the tests that take place at Xeno Industries as well as being the creator of the Rex209 and Blue. He is killed by Dr. Nastidious in Test Subject Green, and serves as a major point of the plot in Test Subject Complete. The professor also appears as one of eight playable characters in the game Test Subject Arena 2."@en . . . "Some time after the events of the battle for Yu Dao, the professor was asked by Earth King Kuei to give a lecture in Yu Dao on ancient theories of government, in the hopes they could be used to \"build a society of the future\". In attendance at his lecture, among a number of other dignitaries, were Avatar Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Fire Lord Zuko, all of whom, with the exception of Katara, showed little interest in what the professor was saying. However, his mention of the word \"family\" peaked Zuko's interest, and upon the Fire Lord's request, the professor reiterated an ancient Earth Kingdom philosophy regarding the nature of family and government, and how the two are invariably intertwined. Upon finishing his statement, he returned to delivering his lecture with the same monotony as before."@en . "African-American"@en . . "A professor is a qualified expert in a field of study. John Robinson was an American professor. (\"The Reluctant Stowaway\")"@en . . "Raydian"@en . "p"@en . "Professor"@en . "869.0"^^ . . . "Professors are college-educated men who serve as college-level educators and researchers. The higher a professor's skill is, the less time it takes for their college students to graduate, the faster they can make presidente clones, the more nuclear power they can produce, and the better the service quality where they work is. Professors work in colleges, radar dishes, horticulture stations, the Academy of Science, the nuclear program, the nuclear power plant, the botanical garden, the weather station, and museums set in both ancient ruins and colonial forts."@en . . . . . "+2"@en . . . "Federation, Klingon as well as Lyran professors generally held a Doctor of Science in their field. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: \"The Defector\")"@en . . . "no"@en . . "40"^^ . "250"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Professor concept art for RO."@en . "9"^^ . . . . "The Professor, also known as Prof for short, is an old, Brown-coloured Raydian and the leader of the Colour Underground. He is also an inventor. He created Pinky and the hovering device that he uses to get around, which he calls his 'Pants Engine'. He also invented the Transformation Engines that are used in the fight against the INKT Corporation."@en . . "145.0"^^ . . . "Spyro: Attack of the Rhynocs"@en . "Spyro: Shadow Legacy"@en . . . "The Professor (\u6559\u6388) is an NPC in Romancing SaGa 3 and an playable character in Imperial SaGa. She's a scientist who works for the Duke of Zweig."@en . . . . . . "* Defeat the professor's radscorpion in three challenges"@en . . . "One hit"@en . "+6"@en . . . . . . . . "Carry Weight: 125"@en . . . "no"@en . "Leader of the Colour Underground"@en . . "200"^^ . . "Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly"@en . . "#FFF"@en . "The Professor, alternatively referred to as Scientist and Egghead, is a supporting character in the Test Subject series, running the tests that take place at Xeno Industries as well as being the creator of the Rex209 and Blue. He is killed by Dr. Nastidious in Test Subject Green, and serves as a major point of the plot in Test Subject Complete. The professor also appears as one of eight playable characters in the game Test Subject Arena 2."@en . . "The Professor is a bearded scientist-type character in a lab coat in 1971-1987 McDonald's commercials. He served as McDonaldland's local inventor and researcher. In 1983 (the year the Chicken McNuggets became a menu item), he invented live talking, delicious food items called the McNugget Buddies. The Professor was portrayed by Lou Wagner, and voiced by Andre Stojka."@en . . "Quenching their lifelong thirst for learning, Professors have accumulated a greater body of knowledge than ever before! They have new, creative uses for their mystical skills to support allies and frustrate enemies. Although Professors do not boast the sheer power of their counterpart, the High Wizard, their inventive applications of magic are their keys to victory. On iRO, this job class was localized as Scholar for some reason."@en . . . . . . . "A member of VIPER's Dragon Branch."@en . . "Historian"@en . . . "18"^^ . . . "no"@en . . "Tittelen Professor gis til medlemmer av trollmenns vitenskapelige og akademiske fellesskapet engasjert i utdanning og forskning, sett under ett. Det er kanskje mest kjent, brutk av l\u00E6rere ved trollmanns utdanningsinstitusjoner som Galtvort h\u00F8yere skole for hekseri og trolldom, Durmstrang-instituttet og Beauxbatons magiske akademi. Det regnes som uh\u00F8flig av noen for studenter \u00E5 ikke kalle et medlem av en l\u00E6rerstaben p\u00E5 deres skole som professor, Madam eller Sir, som er tilfellet med professor Slur. Harry Potter valgte ofte \u00E5 utelate denne tittelen n\u00E5r han snakket om Slur til andre, noe som f\u00F8rte dem til \u00E5 straffe ham. Imidlertid er det mest bemerkelsesverdige unntak til Rubeus Gygrid, som er vanligvis referert til av hans etternavn. Begrepet sir eller madam (avhengig av kj\u00F8nn) er en alterna"@no . . "Der Professor war ein namentlich erw\u00E4hnter Charakter aus Ratchet & Clank 3, der die Qwark Videospiele erz\u00E4hlte. Sein wahrer Name ist unbekannt,und er zeigte wenig Glauben an den Abenteuern des Copernicus Leslie Qwark.Somit bezeichnete er zum Beispiel Robo - Piraten - Geister als Quatsch. Da er oft \"falsche Informationen\" an die Zocker weitergab wurde er von Qwark verpr\u00FCgelt."@de . "The Professor is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. He bases his research in the Marine Research Lab located just off Great Bay Coast."@en . "Der Titel Professor wird von den Lehrern der Hogwartsschule f\u00FCr Hexerei und Zauberei benutzt. Es gilt als unh\u00F6flich, ein Mitglied des Personals nicht als Professor, Madam oder Sir , wie im Fall von Professor Severus Snape anzureden. Harry Potter entschied sich h\u00E4ufig, diesen Titel wegzulassen, wenn er mit anderen \u00FCber Snape sprach, was sie dazu brachte, ihn zu schelten. Eine bemerkenswerte Ausnahme hierzu ist Rubeus Hagrid, der in der Regel nur mit seinem Nachnamen angesprochen wird. Der Titel Madam oder Sir (je nach Geschlecht) ist eine alternative Anrede anstelle der Verwendung des Titels Professor, je nachdem, was die jeweilige Person bevorzugt. Im Gespr\u00E4ch mit ihren Kollegen benutzen sie in der Regel ihre Vornamen. Professor Snape jedoch zieht es vor, die Familiennamen der Anderen zu verwenden. Er nennt zum Beispiel Remus Lupin Lupin und Gilderoy Lockhart Professor Lockhart im Duellierclub im Jahr 1992. Eine Ausnahme hiervon w\u00E4re Professor McGonagall, die Professor Snape Minerva nennt."@de . . "none"@en . . "The Professor was a gang leader and master hypnotist who used his skills to turn normal men into criminals. However, he failed to hypnotize detective Spencer Steel and the Professor and his gang are brought to justice."@en . "Unknown"@en . "Professor is de aanspreektitel van lesgevend personeel aan universiteiten en hogescholen. De term professor komt van het Latijnse werkwoord profiteri, waarvan professus het voltooid deelwoord is. Profiteri betekent o.a.: in het openbaar verklaren dat je een expert bent en kreeg later de betekenis: het beroep van leraar uitoefenen. De titel is in Belgi\u00EB niet beschermd. Dit wil zeggen dat het niet strafbaar is om de titel te gebruiken, ook als je geen docent bent aan een onderwijsinstelling."@nl . "A professor was the highest academic rank in the field of education. In most cases, a professor also had the highest degree that is awarded to students in the higher education system, making them doctors of a certain field of science. The title was used on Earth, Colu, and possibly other worlds throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond."@en . "70"^^ . "Faction"@en . "Professor (\u535A\u58EB, Hakase) is one of the main characters for the single player narrative. She can fight beside the protagonist during hunts in the single player main story. She placed fourth in Famitsu's character popularity survey."@en . . "A Professor is an educator at the university level. There duties include conducting lectures and seminars in their field of study, performing advanced research in their fields and teaching campus-based or online courses with the help of instructional technology. Several members of the Stargate program were professors before joining the program, and such as Samantha Carter served as visiting professors at the Air Force Academy."@en . . . "Grey"@en . . . . . "Though the Professor initially positions his relationship with the CosmoNOTs as stemming from their unprovoked antagonism towards him, as the game goes on the player and Terry gradually learn that he is, in fact, stretching the truth. The Professor, a visitor from a distant planet, came across the CosmoNOTs' research when he passed by their planet, and promptly stole the entire supply of Element-117 they had accrued to manufacture Fuel Cells for his spaceship. Naturally, this immediately aroused their anger, and they proceeded to chase him across the globe in an attempt to reclaim their property; he would later position this as their trying to steal from him. He begins to broadcast a long-range distress signal, hoping dearly for aid. This continues for ten years."@en . . . . . "Professeur"@en . . "Lee Ames and \"Dennis Colebrook\""@en . . . . . . "Professora"@en . . . . . . . "Professor is from the moon who was a science experiment from Jigon. Professor was sent to earth to mutant it but Professor wanted to make friends, Professor helped Uncle Tentacles and now Squidward fight crime."@en . . "Professor is a wind-element based monster of which is located within The Law City, Zenebatos."@en . . "White"@en . "70"^^ . "no"@en . . . "Professor is an academic title, typically given to a tenured faculty member of a university or college. Becoming a professor usually involves having a doctorate in a field, and then becoming university faculty. Professors often have to split their time between two duties: teaching classes to students, and academic research. Indiana Jones was a professor of archaeology, while his father Henry Jones, Sr. was a professor of medieval history. See the category for a list of professors in the world of Indiana Jones."@en . . . . . . "Steve Blum"@en . "The Professor, real name Haksheen White, is a genius scientist who graduated at the top of his class at the Bormeo University. His assistant is Scott. After graduation, he was scouted by Vector Industries and a number of other top-tier research and development companies. He rejected all of the offers, however, and disappeared. He met Shion Uzuki and the others after establishing the dubious research facility known as the Robot Academy on the Kukai Foundation. Later, that fateful meeting became the key to accomplishing his dream of creating an indestructible giant robot, Erde Kaiser."@en . "\u30D7\u30ED\u30D5\u30A7\u30C3\u30B5\u30FC"@en . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Professor/preload editintro=Professor/editintro width=25"@en . "19"^^ . "Killed by Jason Bourne"@en . . . . . "none"@en . . . . . . "Experimenting"@en . . "2016-02-01"^^ . . . . . . . . . "Race"@en . . . . "9"^^ . . "A member of VIPER's Dragon Branch."@en . . "Xenosaga Episode I"@en . . . . . . . "The Professor is a friend of the Turtles. His first appearance was in the 2003 TV series episode Garbageman. He is a homeless elderly man who lives in a shantytown, and due to his moniker, may have once been a college or university teacher, or may simply just be well-learned. The Turtles give the Professor useful clothing and in return the Professor gives the friendly mutants things like old computer parts and comic books. During these exchanges, the Turtles noticed that there seemed to be a few less homeless folks around those days. The Professor tells them that people have been disappearing and the rumor is that somebody named the Garbageman is responsible. The TMNT think he is joking, but Donatello tells him to keep them posted on any further disappearances and then they ride off in the"@en . . . . . . "11"^^ . "A title Danny was given while out on holiday. He was mainly with the typical British lads and he wore glasses and so was called. Professor."@en . . . . . . . . . "Sage"@en . "Professor"@da . . "Professor"@en . . "En Professor \u00E4r en l\u00E4rare vid universitet niv\u00E5. Det arbetsuppgifter ing\u00E5r att utf\u00F6ra f\u00F6rel\u00E4sningar och seminarier inom deras utbildningsomr\u00E5de, utf\u00F6r avancerad forskning inom sina omr\u00E5den och undervisning campus-baserade eller online-kurser med hj\u00E4lp av instruktions-teknik. Flera medlemmar av Stargate programmet var professorer f\u00F6re delta i programmet."@sv . "Zodiac Training Event - Invention Cosmetics"@en . . "Warum er sich Salamandra anschloss, wird wohl immer ein Geheimnis bleiben. Ob dies freiwillig erfolgte oder er gezwungen wurde, kann niemand sagen, es ist nur gewiss, dass er nicht immer mit dem Magier Azar Javed einer Meinung war. Randnotiz Der Professor (Magister in der polnischen Version) im Computerspiel und Ralf Blunden, der ebenfalls Professor in der polnischen Ausgabe der Romane genannt wurde, sind nicht die gleiche Person. Ralf Blunden wurde von Geralt von Riva in Anchor get\u00F6tet, lange vor dem \u00DCberfall auf Kaer Morhen"@de . . . . "19"^^ . "-"@en . . . . "Professor"@nl . . "White"@en . . "The Professor is a new character introduced in Metal Slug Attack."@en . "Gray"@en . . . . . "JAP 18"@en . . "The Professor (portrayed by Clive Owen) is a Treadstone operative based out of Barcelona, Spain whose specialty appears to be sniping. He was assigned to kill African dictator, Nykwanna Wombosi in The Bourne Identity. He successfully kills Wombosi in his own home using his Sig 550 sniper and is then sent over to kill Jason Bourne by orders of Alexander Conklin. When Bourne, accompanied by Marie Kreutz, escape to the French countryside, Centre, to evade Treadstone they stop briefly at Kreutz's step-brother's vacation home. Unfortunately it is currently occupied by the step-brother and his two children. Once given their location the Professor arrives to eliminate his target, killing the family dog and cutting off the phone lines and positioning himself to overlook the home through his sniper scope. Once everyone has taken cover in the basement, Bourne proceeds to confront the assassin. Using a double-barreled shotgun to blow up the home's fuel tank to provide cover, he moves from open ground into the woods to pursue the sniper. Abandoning his position, the Professor moves into the woods and takes new cover in a wheat field, a perfect ambush spot, waiting with his suppressed SIG 550 sniper. Bourne stops just at the edge of the field, both out of sight of the other, and fires his gun into the air. This alarms the birds, who fly into the air briefly before landing again. Unable to detect any sound due to the commotion, the Professor takes out a pistol (which changes from a Walther p5 compact and a cz 100) and attempts to flee to the woods to get to a better position but is spotted by Bourne. Bourne shoots the Professor who trips and attempts to recover his weapon but is given both barrels by Bourne who reloaded faster, and is interrogated briefly. The Professor talks with Bourne, his humanity apparently resurfaced, even indicating the painful headaches he gets. The Professor dies almost immediately from blood loss, saying, \"Look at us. Look at what they make you give.\" Bourne finds out that he is Treadstone's lone agent in Paris, and sends Kreutz away with the rest of the money for her own safety. He uses the Professor's phone to arrange a meeting with Conklin, which he uses as a distraction to plant a tracking device on Conklin's vehicle and discover the location of the CIA's Paris safe house. The Professor is the only Treadstone operative that identifies a medicine (pills) which may contribute to the assassin's performance. Theoretically, the pills make the operatives more efficient in killing by raising their senses, and aerobic performance. After The Bourne Identity, behavior modifying medicine is not touched on again; although in The Bourne Supremacy Jason is seen visibly affected from headaches, which may be attributed to withdrawal from the medicine. The pills played a larger role in Robert Ludlum's books."@en . "no"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Doctor, Inventor, Slayer"@en . . "Professors are college-educated men who serve as college-level educators and researchers. The higher a professor's skill is, the less time it takes for their college students to graduate, the faster they can make presidente clones, the more nuclear power they can produce, and the better the service quality where they work is. Professors work in colleges, radar dishes, horticulture stations, the Academy of Science, the nuclear program, the nuclear power plant, the botanical garden, the weather station, and museums set in both ancient ruins and colonial forts. Experience in being a professor is required for men to become the Minister of Education. It's possible for a presidente to have been a professor before rising to power, boosting their relationship with the Intellectuals and greatly increasing the rate of experience and skill training across the island."@en . . . . . "Wind"@en . "Spyro: Year of the Dragon"@en . "Yes"@en . "Gameplay"@en . . . "Raydian"@en . . . . . . . "JAP 999"@en . "Sage's Cloak"@en . . . "Takeshi Aono"@en . . . . . . "A Professor is someone who's filled all the rounds. Waited out the long and hard years for tenure. Now that he or she has made it, 50% of them will proceed to stop giving a crap about teaching you and will make at least several of your undergraduate classes miserable experiences."@en . . "-"@en . "*Allium\n*Huyang\n*Sahali\n*Thlu-Ry"@en . "4"^^ . . "Earth Kingdom"@en . "Professor is a wind-element based monster of which is located within The Law City, Zenebatos."@en . . . . "Mole"@en . . . "Melee Damage: 1"@en . . . "176"^^ . . "The Professor was Phoebe Halliwell's biology professor at college. He was giving a lecture on the mating rituals of animals while Phoebe flirted with Ethan, mirroring the lecture of the professor."@en . "Quenching their lifelong thirst for learning, Professors have accumulated a greater body of knowledge than ever before! They have new, creative uses for their mystical skills to support allies and frustrate enemies. Although Professors do not boast the sheer power of their counterpart, the High Wizard, their inventive applications of magic are their keys to victory. On iRO, this job class was localized as Scholar for some reason."@en . "Science: 85"@en . "Professor"@en . "Professor"@en . . "Professor is an evil Ultimate Antagonist"@en . . "Yes"@en . . . . "thumb|\"Professor\" Scott und sein \"Assistent\" McCoy. Professor ist ein akademischer Titel, der Wissenschaftlern mit einer Professur, d.h. Inhabern von Lehrst\u00FChlen an einer Universit\u00E4t, verliehen wird. Zudem wird der Titel f\u00FCr Dozenten an der Akademie der Sternenflotte gebraucht. 1996 kontaktiert ein Freund von Rain Robinson seinen Professor f\u00FCr Raketentechnik und informiert ihn \u00FCber die Entdeckung der USS Voyager. (VOY: ) Miles O'Brien erh\u00E4lt beispielsweise 2375 das Angebot, als Professor f\u00FCr Ingenieurswesen an der Sternenflottenakademie zu lehren. (DS9: )"@de . . "En Professor \u00E4r en l\u00E4rare vid universitet niv\u00E5. Det arbetsuppgifter ing\u00E5r att utf\u00F6ra f\u00F6rel\u00E4sningar och seminarier inom deras utbildningsomr\u00E5de, utf\u00F6r avancerad forskning inom sina omr\u00E5den och undervisning campus-baserade eller online-kurser med hj\u00E4lp av instruktions-teknik. Flera medlemmar av Stargate programmet var professorer f\u00F6re delta i programmet."@sv . . "Toukiden 2 Hidari artwork"@en . . . "Professor"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . . "Xenosaga Episode III"@en . "The Professor is a fictional class for Stick Ranger. It throws pencils to show its wits."@en . "+9"@en . "Mad scientist"@en . . "Professor is de aanspreektitel van lesgevend personeel aan universiteiten en hogescholen. De term professor komt van het Latijnse werkwoord profiteri, waarvan professus het voltooid deelwoord is. Profiteri betekent o.a.: in het openbaar verklaren dat je een expert bent en kreeg later de betekenis: het beroep van leraar uitoefenen. De titel is in Belgi\u00EB niet beschermd. Dit wil zeggen dat het niet strafbaar is om de titel te gebruiken, ook als je geen docent bent aan een onderwijsinstelling. Professor is ook geen rangaanduiding van het academisch personeel. Daarvoor gebruikt men de termen: Docent, Hoofddocent, Hoogleraar en Gewoon Hoogleraar. Daarnaast bestaat nog de Buitengewoon Hoogleraar. Dit is een docent die naast zijn academische opdracht nog een functie heeft in het publieke leven of in een bedrijf. Een professor die de pensioenleeftijd bereikt, krijgt soms zijn 'emeritaat. Dit betekent dat hij nog enkele van zijn oude taken op zich neemt (meestal onderzoek)."@nl . "The Professor is a character from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. He bases his research in the Marine Research Lab located just off Great Bay Coast."@en . "Professor"@en . "Original Publisher"@en . "Healing Rate: 1"@en . . . . . . . "Action Points: 8"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xenosaga Episode II"@en . "Professor is a mad-scientist he is Appeard in \"Red White and Boo\""@en . "The Professor (\u535A\u58EB Hakase?) (real name unknown) is a character introduced in Toaru Majutsu no Index. An elderly man, he is the leader of MEMBER, an underworld organization that answers to the Academy City Board of Directors and Aleister Crowley directly."@en . "9"^^ . . "Michael Gough"@en . "The Professor (portrayed by Clive Owen) is a Treadstone operative based out of Barcelona, Spain whose specialty appears to be sniping. He was assigned to kill African dictator, Nykwanna Wombosi in The Bourne Identity. He successfully kills Wombosi in his own home using his Sig 550 sniper and is then sent over to kill Jason Bourne by orders of Alexander Conklin."@en . . "The Professor made its first appearance in the Disgaea series in Disgaea 4, where she can be unlocked after having a level 20 Healer and Onmyo Monk"@en . "\u535A\u58EB"@en . "no"@en . "Majora's Mask"@en . . "A professor was a teacher at a university or at an institute. Doctor Leah Brahms was a Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Daystrom Institute of Technology, Mars, prior to stardate 43205. (TNG: \"Booby Trap\" ) Professor Chapman was an instructor at Starfleet Academy. One of his students was B'Elanna Torres. (VOY: \"Parallax\") Miles O'Brien became a Professor of Engineering at Starfleet Academy after the end of the Dominion War. (DS9: \"What You Leave Behind\") Tuvok was once a professor of archery at the Vulcan Institute for Defensive Arts. (VOY: \"Basics, Part II\")"@en . "Professorer er NPC'er som f\u00F8lger med tilleggspakken Livets skole til The Sims 2. Professorene holder til p\u00E5 universitetet, og hver student blir kjent med to (eller tre) professorer hvor hvert hovedfag de tar mens de studerer. Forholdet til professorene simmen har kan trekke karakterene til studenten opp eller ned, alt etter hvor vellykkede samhandlingene imellom professorene og studenten er. \u00C5 ha et godt forhold til professorer er ikke n\u00F8dvendig for \u00E5 opprettholde og forbedre karakterene til studentene, og studenter kan g\u00E5 igjennom hele studiene uten noen n\u00E6rmere kontakt med dem. Som mange andre sosiale NPC-er, kan professorer dukke opp p\u00E5 hobbyklubber. Dramaprofessorer kan v\u00E6re irriterende, de kan ringer p\u00E5 d\u00F8ra p\u00E5 et hybelhus. Hvis de blir invitert inn, kan de begynne \u00E5 fl\u00F8rte, noe som oftest blir avsl\u00E5tt."@no . . . . "Der Professor war ein namentlich erw\u00E4hnter Charakter aus Ratchet & Clank 3, der die Qwark Videospiele erz\u00E4hlte. Sein wahrer Name ist unbekannt,und er zeigte wenig Glauben an den Abenteuern des Copernicus Leslie Qwark.Somit bezeichnete er zum Beispiel Robo - Piraten - Geister als Quatsch. Da er oft \"falsche Informationen\" an die Zocker weitergab wurde er von Qwark verpr\u00FCgelt."@de . "-"@en . . . "Biology professor"@en . . . . . . . . "Some time after the events of the battle for Yu Dao, the professor was asked by Earth King Kuei to give a lecture in Yu Dao on ancient theories of government, in the hopes they could be used to \"build a society of the future\". In attendance at his lecture, among a number of other dignitaries, were Avatar Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Fire Lord Zuko, all of whom, with the exception of Katara, showed little interest in what the professor was saying. However, his mention of the word \"family\" peaked Zuko's interest, and upon the Fire Lord's request, the professor reiterated an ancient Earth Kingdom philosophy regarding the nature of family and government, and how the two are invariably intertwined. Upon finishing his statement, he returned to delivering his lecture with the same monotony as before."@en . . "Though the Professor initially positions his relationship with the CosmoNOTs as stemming from their unprovoked antagonism towards him, as the game goes on the player and Terry gradually learn that he is, in fact, stretching the truth. The Professor, a visitor from a distant planet, came across the CosmoNOTs' research when he passed by their planet, and promptly stole the entire supply of Element-117 they had accrued to manufacture Fuel Cells for his spaceship. Naturally, this immediately aroused their anger, and they proceeded to chase him across the globe in an attempt to reclaim their property; he would later position this as their trying to steal from him. He begins to broadcast a long-range distress signal, hoping dearly for aid. This continues for ten years."@en . . . "A Professor is someone who's filled all the rounds. Waited out the long and hard years for tenure. Now that he or she has made it, 50% of them will proceed to stop giving a crap about teaching you and will make at least several of your undergraduate classes miserable experiences."@en . "11"^^ . . "none"@en . "First Appearance"@en . . . . . . ""@en . "Professor"@en . . . . . . "2"^^ . "7"^^ . "Professor"@en . . . . . . . . "Tomohisa Asou"@en . . "New York City, Garbageman's Island"@en . "Professor"@fr . . . "no"@en . . "2"^^ . . "Haksheen White"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . "The Professor"@en . . . . "Professor"@en . "no"@en . . . . "Ally"@en . "Good"@en . . "En person der har uddannede sig til professor. N\u00E6sten alle l\u00E6rerne p\u00E5 Hogwarts bliver tiltalt \"professor\"."@da . . . "65"^^ . "The Professor is a new character introduced in Metal Slug Attack."@en . . . . "Male"@en . "Hit Points: 45"@en . "Federation, Klingon as well as Lyran professors generally held a Doctor of Science in their field. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files: \"The Defector\")"@en . "Deceased"@en . . "de Blob, de Blob 2 (DS), de Blob 2, de Blob Revolution"@en . . . . . "The Professor (\u6559\u6388 Professor?) is one of the main antagonists of Mega Man Network Transmission. He is responsible for spreading the Zero virus and initiating the events of the game. His partner was Lord Wily."@en . "Professor was a title used by educators, including the individuals who taught at the Royal Imperial Academy on the planet Coruscant."@en . . "Hakase"@en . "17"^^ . "The Professor"@en . . . "Accolades"@en . "Fiction House"@en . . . "Juno"@en . "White"@en . "It is, perhaps most notably, used by teachers at wizarding educational institutions such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang Institute. It is considered rude by some for students to not address a member of a teaching staff on their school as professor, Madam or Sir, as is the case with Professor Snape. Harry Potter often chose to omit this title when speaking of Snape to others, leading them to chastise him. However, the most notable exception to this is Rubeus Hagrid, who is usually referred to by his surname. The term Sir or Madam (depending on the gender) is an alternative title to use instead of Professor, on the speaker's preference. While talking to their colleagues, they usually use their first name. Professor Snape, however, preferred to use others' surname"@en . . "55.0"^^ . . . "The Professor is a bearded scientist-type character in a lab coat in 1971-1987 McDonald's commercials. He served as McDonaldland's local inventor and researcher. In 1983 (the year the Chicken McNuggets became a menu item), he invented live talking, delicious food items called the McNugget Buddies. The Professor was portrayed by Lou Wagner, and voiced by Andre Stojka."@en . "The Professor is a mole and a genius like Coco Bandicoot who appears in the Spyro the Dragon series. The professor helps Crash Bandicoot find Cortex and Ripto's space station in \"Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage\". In the Spyro the Dragon series, Spyro performs errands for the Professor to help with his research."@en . . "Blink"@en . . . "All"@en . "Hobo"@en . . . . . . . . . "The Professor, referred to as \"Per'fessor\" by Captain Plunder, is a character that appears in the Sonic the Comic series published by Fleetway Editions. He is an anthropomorphic purple walrus (vaguely resembling an elderly Joe Sushi)."@en . . "First Aid: 95"@en . . "Dead in Test Subject Green"@en . "tba"@en . . . . "The Professor (\u6559\u6388) is an NPC in Romancing SaGa 3 and an playable character in Imperial SaGa. She's a scientist who works for the Duke of Zweig."@en . . "Human"@en . . . . . . "Law City, Zenebatos"@en . . "10200"^^ . . . . . . "200.0"^^ . . . . . . "The Bourne Conspiracy"@en . . . . "Human"@en . . . . . . "A professor was the highest academic rank in the field of education. In most cases, a professor also had the highest degree that is awarded to students in the higher education system, making them doctors of a certain field of science. The title was used on Earth, Colu, and possibly other worlds throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond."@en . . . . . . "180"^^ . "Brown"@en . . . . . . "A professor is a title applied to an individual who is qualified to teach, lecture, or research in an institute of higher education, such as colleges, universities, or more specific training academies such as Starfleet Academy and the Vulcan Science Academy."@en . . . ">\"It's working! I've got a dragon!\" \u2014The Professor The Professor (\u306F\u304B\u305B in Japanese) is another main character in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!. This ingenious mole is the uncle of Blink the Mole, Spyro's colleague and companion."@en . . "Takanobu Hozumi"@en . . . "It is, perhaps most notably, used by teachers at wizarding educational institutions such as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang Institute. It is considered rude by some for students to not address a member of a teaching staff on their school as professor, Madam or Sir, as is the case with Professor Snape. Harry Potter often chose to omit this title when speaking of Snape to others, leading them to chastise him. However, the most notable exception to this is Rubeus Hagrid, who is usually referred to by his surname. The term Sir or Madam (depending on the gender) is an alternative title to use instead of Professor, on the speaker's preference. While talking to their colleagues, they usually use their first name. Professor Snape, however, preferred to use others' surnames. For example, he called Remus Lupin, Lupin, and Gilderoy Lockhart, Professor Lockhart in the Duelling Club in 1992. The exception to this would be Professor McGonagall, whom Professor Snape called Minerva."@en . . . "This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:"@en . . . "Maaya Sakamoto"@en . "Created by"@en . . . "A professor is an educator at the university level. Their duties include conducting lectures and seminars in their field of study, performing advanced research in their fields and teaching campus-based or online courses with the help of instructional technology. Several members of the Stargate Program were professors before joining the program."@en . . . "9"^^ . . . . "The Professor"@en . . "Status"@en . "0"^^ . . . . . . "Professor"@de . . "Starting off as a Sage, a magic-oriented class often neglected for their presumed lack of offensive ability, he transcend into not only one of the most powerful magic wielders but also one of the best providers of support for a party. Professors are eternal students; these people never lose their sense of wonder and their search for knowledge and wisdom. With their innovative skills, such as mastery over mana via Indulge, Soul Burn and Soul Change, bending the probabilities of time and space to allow a spell to reccur via Double Bolt and ensnaring opponents via Fiber Lock, even if they lack offense compared to High Wizards, the innovative spells will surely bring victory to the Professors."@en . "T.C. 4703"@en . . "160.0"^^ . "Martian Researcher"@en . . . "none"@en . "+13"@en . "The Professor was Phoebe Halliwell's biology professor at college. He was giving a lecture on the mating rituals of animals while Phoebe flirted with Ethan, mirroring the lecture of the professor."@en . "The Professor (\u6559\u6388 Professor?) is one of the main antagonists of Mega Man Network Transmission. He is responsible for spreading the Zero virus and initiating the events of the game. His partner was Lord Wily."@en . . . "Xenosaga: The Animation"@en . "This title changes according to the language of the server on which RuneScape is played, as shown below:"@en . "The Professor, also known as Prof for short, is an old, Brown-coloured Raydian and the leader of the Colour Underground. He is also an inventor. He created Pinky and the hovering device that he uses to get around, which he calls his 'Pants Engine'. He also invented the Transformation Engines that are used in the fight against the INKT Corporation."@en . . "Rebirth Class"@en . . . . "260"^^ . "Female"@en . "The Professor is a friend of the Turtles. His first appearance was in the 2003 TV series episode Garbageman. He is a homeless elderly man who lives in a shantytown, and due to his moniker, may have once been a college or university teacher, or may simply just be well-learned. The Turtles give the Professor useful clothing and in return the Professor gives the friendly mutants things like old computer parts and comic books. During these exchanges, the Turtles noticed that there seemed to be a few less homeless folks around those days. The Professor tells them that people have been disappearing and the rumor is that somebody named the Garbageman is responsible. The TMNT think he is joking, but Donatello tells him to keep them posted on any further disappearances and then they ride off in the Battle Shell. However, the Professor won\u2019t get any chances to pass any information to his turtle friends, because later that night a garbage truck invaded the shantytown and grabs the remaining homeless there, including the Professor! He was captured by the Garbageman and is taken to be a slave on his Island Landfill. Fortunately, he and the other homeless people are freed by the Turtles soon afterwards. File:Professor.jpg After the Garbageman was defeated the Professor and other homeless people voted to stay on the island. In the episode \"Worlds Collide, Part 1\" Don meets the Professor, who has been keeping the Shredder\u2019s helicopter hidden for the Turtles. He would later attend the wedding of April O'Neil and Casey Jones in Back to the Sewer where he played the piano."@en . . ">\"It's working! I've got a dragon!\" \u2014The Professor The Professor (\u306F\u304B\u305B in Japanese) is another main character in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!. This ingenious mole is the uncle of Blink the Mole, Spyro's colleague and companion."@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Armor Class: 6"@en . "Barcelona, Spain"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . "Warum er sich Salamandra anschloss, wird wohl immer ein Geheimnis bleiben. Ob dies freiwillig erfolgte oder er gezwungen wurde, kann niemand sagen, es ist nur gewiss, dass er nicht immer mit dem Magier Azar Javed einer Meinung war. Randnotiz Der Professor (Magister in der polnischen Version) im Computerspiel und Ralf Blunden, der ebenfalls Professor in der polnischen Ausgabe der Romane genannt wurde, sind nicht die gleiche Person. Ralf Blunden wurde von Geralt von Riva in Anchor get\u00F6tet, lange vor dem \u00DCberfall auf Kaer Morhen"@de . . . "Professor"@en . . "6"^^ . "Professor was a title given to scholarly teachers to denote their academic ability. It was often, though not exclusively, given to those who had achieved a certain level of learning or held a position that earned them the title. Ace often referred to the Seventh Doctor as \"the Professor\" throughout her early association with him (TV: Dragonfire, et. al.) and still continued to refer to him as \"professor\" in a friendly manner several years later. (PROSE: Happy Endings)"@en . . . . . "Professor is from the moon who was a science experiment from Jigon. Professor was sent to earth to mutant it but Professor wanted to make friends, Professor helped Uncle Tentacles and now Squidward fight crime."@en . . "McDonaldland's scientist, inventor and researcher"@en . "The Professor is a scientist with an insane gleam in his eye living in the town of Broken Hills. His real name is unknown, as he is only known to others as \"the Professor\"."@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "empty"@en . . . . . "9"^^ . . . "-"@en . . . "59"^^ . . "A Pok\u00E9mon Professor (Japanese: \u30DD\u30B1\u30E2\u30F3\u535A\u58EB Pok\u00E9mon Expert) is a veritable expert on the Pok\u00E9mon World. They are known for giving rookie Trainers their Starter Pok\u00E9mon. All of the Professors from the main Pok\u00E9mon series are named after a plant, tree or shrub: Professors Oak, Elm, Ivy, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Sycamore, and Kukui, as well as Pokemon Go's Professor Willow . The Professors are also responsible for the distribution of the Pok\u00E9dex."@en . . . . . . . . "Professor (\u535A\u58EB, Hakase) is one of the main characters for the single player narrative. She can fight beside the protagonist during hunts in the single player main story. She placed fourth in Famitsu's character popularity survey."@en . . . . . . . . "+11"@en . . "A professor is a scholarly teacher and researcher in a post-secondary education institution, such as a college, a university, a graduate school or a professional school."@en . "Crash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage"@en . . . . "The Professor, real name Haksheen White, is a genius scientist who graduated at the top of his class at the Bormeo University. His assistant is Scott. After graduation, he was scouted by Vector Industries and a number of other top-tier research and development companies. He rejected all of the offers, however, and disappeared. He met Shion Uzuki and the others after establishing the dubious research facility known as the Robot Academy on the Kukai Foundation. Later, that fateful meeting became the key to accomplishing his dream of creating an indestructible giant robot, Erde Kaiser."@en . "17"^^ . . "100"^^ . . . . "no"@en . . . "Professor"@no . . . . . . "Professor"@sv . . . . . "Real Name"@en . "+4"@en . . . . . "Has appeared in many TV/print ads for McDonald's from 1971-1987"@en . "Professor"@en . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Professor/preload editintro=Professor/editintro width=25"@en . . . "Professor"@en . "Name can be alternately translated as \"Doctor\"."@en . . . .