"30.0"^^ . "Ryusei Nakao"@en . . . "17"^^ . "Nekomata"@es . "Drain"@en . "5"^^ . "41"^^ . "42"^^ . "12"^^ . "10"^^ . "Nekomata"@es . "11"^^ . "-"@en . . "Phys\\+2\nFire\\+2\nForce\\+2\nSupport\\-2\nIce\\-5\nElec\\-5"@en . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "6"^^ . "Nekomata"@de . "Turtle Candy"@en . "3"^^ . . "4"^^ . "14"^^ . "1"^^ . "7"^^ . "Chef des chats ninjas"@fr . "is a giant cat and the boss of the ninneko underworld."@en . "Lange Zeit nur in Asien lebend, haben sich die letzten Nachfahren der Nekomatas inzwischen \u00FCber die ganze Welt verstreut. Hier wird es ihnen, oder besser gesagt ihren Besitzern oft zum Verh\u00E4ngnis, dass sie entweder unbekannt oder aber f\u00FCr ein M\u00E4rchen gehalten werden. Was bitte sind Nekomata? Im Grunde sind Nekomata n\u00E4mlich nichts anderes als Hauskatzen. Sie laufen auf vier Beinen, schnurren, wenn sie gl\u00FCcklich sind, und kratzen, wenn sie w\u00FCtend sind. Was sie dennoch mehr als deutlich von normalen Katzen unterscheidet, ist ihre Palette an besonderen F\u00E4higkeiten."@de . "Diarama\nStrandi"@en . "Nya? Fusion? As long as I get to relax, I guess I don't mind."@en . "49"^^ . "19"^^ . "S\u00F3lo Anime"@es . "25"^^ . "Etna\nMarin Karin"@en . "25"^^ . . . "Ryusei Nakao"@es . "93"^^ . "Mazan\nMarin Karin\nScratch\nSukunda"@en . "Mazan\nMarin Karin\nCharm Bite\nCharmdi\nEscape"@en . "8"^^ . "30"^^ . "5"^^ . "Nekomata"@es . "Vi +1"@en . "Attacks with a very large, non-elemental blast around the user."@en . . "256"^^ . . "Force"@en . "-"@en . "Seg\u00FAn el folklore Japon\u00E9s, un gato (neko) que ha vivido mucho tiempo puede convertirse en un tipo de youkai llamado nekomata (\u732B\u53C9). Se cre\u00EDa que cuando un gato llegaba a los diez a\u00F1os de edad, su cola empezar\u00EDa a dividirse lentamente en dos colas, y con el tiempo, desarrollar\u00EDa poderes m\u00E1gicos, principalmente aquellos relacionados con la necromancia y el chamanismo. El nekomata tambi\u00E9n tiene la habilidad de tomar forma humana y son normalmente hostiles hacia los humanos. \n* Ejemplos: Chen, Rin Kaenbyou Libros y art\u00EDculos: \n* Perfect Memento: Enciclopedia: Bestias Ver tambi\u00E9n:"@es . . "A kind of Werecat that only inhabits the Zipangu region. They possess high magical power and are distinguished by having a tail split in two. Using their magical power, they can change into the animal form of a cat. Similar to other races unique to Zipangu, they have lived among humans as neighbours since ancient times. Even in human settlements they can often be seen in both their cat form and their original form."@en . "Cat Punch"@en . "14"^^ . "Nekomata are a cat-like species of Youkai which specialize in using ki. It has been revealed that female Nekomata normally mate with the males of different races (mainly with human males), as males among their species are rare."@en . "-"@en . . "Blue, Amber, or Green"@en . "Recovery"@en . "You're pretty cool, mew! Teehee! I'll be your Purrrsona!"@en . . . "8"^^ . "You are the best, master. You're giving me the best life!"@en . "11"^^ . "Devil's Kiss\nMind catch"@en . "A kind of Werecat that only inhabits the Zipangu region. They possess high magical power and are distinguished by having a tail split in two. Using their magical power, they can change into the animal form of a cat. Similar to other races unique to Zipangu, they have lived among humans as neighbours since ancient times. Even in human settlements they can often be seen in both their cat form and their original form. When they find a man who strikes their fancy, they don't attack right away; they change into the form of a cat instead. Hiding their true form, they approach the man and use charm magic which causes the man to keep them as a pet. Once this is done, they can live together with the defenseless man and are able to ascertain whether or not he would treat them with love and kindness. In the same way as an ordinary cat, the following behaviour can be observed: \"When the man moves closer, they move away. When the man moves away, they move closer.\" The reason why they move away when the man moves closer is that although they really like being touched and hugged, they also get turned on by the man's body heat and odour; it might even cause them to revert to their original form and assault the man on the spot. On the other hand, they move closer when the man moves away because it makes them feel uneasy when the man grows distant. It is said that they rub their body against the man, leaving behind their scent and demonic energy in order to keep other monsters from approaching him. In this way they try to hide their true form, but when they're living with a man they eventually become unable to suppress their instinct as a monster and they end up sexually assaulting him. When they break down and sex happens, it becomes more passionate or more frenzied and obscene the longer they spent living with him and the longer they had to endure it. Once their true form has been revealed, it is no longer necessary to hide their true nature or to control their lust towards the man; they will aggressively rub their bodies against the man and fawn on him regardless of which form they are in. After spending plenty of time enjoying the man's scent and body heat in this way, they get totally aroused by it. While their body is hot, they have sex with the man and indulge in the taste of spirit energy and pleasure. Nekomata are often misconceived as being \"a cat that lived a long time and obtained demonic energy, thus becoming a monster.\" In the eyes of the men who were assaulted by nekomata it looks like their pet cat suddenly changed into a nekomata one day, but the truth is that their cat was a nekomata from the beginning."@en . . "EH8N7XyVsv+E8mwN"@en . "5"^^ . "Omnivorous, but prefers meat, men's Spirit Energy"@en . "6"^^ . . "Kuroka"@en . "Strong"@en . . "Normal"@en . "19"^^ . "is a giant cat and the boss of the ninneko underworld."@en . . . "Normale"@fr . "21"^^ . "8"^^ . "14"^^ . "9"^^ . "-"@en . "23"^^ . "Provoke"@en . . "1"^^ . "Charm Slash\nTera\nTerazi\nSukukaja\nVoid Elec\nMarin Karin"@en . "90"^^ . "-"@en . "6"^^ . "7"^^ . . "Resist: Charm, : Bind/Daze"@en . "Nekomata"@fr . "NvT+8huVJHiV8n-w"@en . "Marin Karin\nMedi"@en . "48"^^ . "50"^^ . "-"@en . "2803"^^ . . "Forked Cat"@fr . "2804"^^ . . "asmodian 1"@en . "44"^^ . "40"^^ . . . "56"^^ . "Maha Garu\nThrow a Kiss\nScratch"@en . "Mazan\nMarin Karin\nCharmdi\nFeral Claw\nJump Kick\nEscape"@en . . "4"^^ . "P\u00E9pite de magie"@fr . "A cat spirit with a split tail. It has gained magic powers over its long life."@en . "Is your offering ready yet?"@en . "Bounce"@en . . "8"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "Strong"@en . "Description:"@en . "Dia"@en . "Single foe/1/Physical/Charm"@en . . "Sorano Sorceresses"@en . "Normale"@fr . . . "-"@en . . "30.0"^^ . . "Anime seulement"@fr . "9"^^ . "Bien"@en . "Attacks with a massive, non-elemental blast around the user."@en . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8, \"Forked cat\") is the name of a fictitious being from Japanese mythology. It is said to be a lower form of a Bakeneko (a high ranged cat-demon). Japanese folklore says that Nekomata just looks like a domestic cat, but they have twin tails instead of just one. As it said in the anime most of the people in a tribe resented the Nekomata because they thought they were evil, like with Kuroro. This article or section is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it] or contributing to the discussion."@en . "Lotus Whip"@en . . "P\u00E9pite de magie"@fr . "-"@en . "10"^^ . "137"^^ . "30"^^ . "Paral Eyes\nMulti-Hit *"@en . "9"^^ . "Nekomata est un ennemi de Final Fantasy XIII-2 qui apparait \u00E0 Oerba en 400 AC. Il est de type Chats-en-pot."@fr . "10"^^ . "Tarukaja\\i\nRakunda\\i\nFeral Claw\nCandy Voice"@en . "Null Block"@en . "R\u00E9sistance"@fr . "30.0"^^ . "-"@en . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . "96"^^ . . "Nekomata"@en . "-"@en . "beast"@en . . "Nekomata"@pt . "Walk"@en . . "54"^^ . "8"^^ . "Nekomata"@en . "10"^^ . "50"^^ . "6"^^ . . "1"^^ . "60"^^ . "15"^^ . "8"^^ . "6"^^ . "-"@en . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . "Hmmeow!"@en . "10"^^ . "Nekomata"@en . "60"^^ . "Electricity"@en . "18"^^ . "39"^^ . "cat"@en . "Triple Dagger"@en . . "46"^^ . "49"^^ . "Sexy Voice"@en . "Nekomata mutates into Fukurokuju"@en . "10"^^ . "A two-tail cat ghost who gained power over a long period of time."@en . "46"^^ . "22"^^ . "42"^^ . "43"^^ . "28"^^ . "5"^^ . "38"^^ . "39"^^ . "Jefe de los Gatos Ninja"@en . "43"^^ . "15"^^ . "47"^^ . "12"^^ . "13"^^ . "10"^^ . "22"^^ . "20"^^ . . "18"^^ . "16"^^ . "19"^^ . "It's like we've become a couple. *Yawn* *Stretch*"@en . "53"^^ . "28"^^ . "29"^^ . "25"^^ . "11"^^ . . "-"@en . "\u9154\u3044\u3069\u308C\u30AD\u30E3\u30C3\u30C8\u30C0\u30F3\u30B9 - 26 Turns"@en . "37"^^ . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesNekomata (\u732B\u53C8, Nekomata) es un gato gigante que es el l\u00EDder del hogar de los Gatos Ninja."@es . "35"^^ . "120"^^ . "Makajam\nMarin Karin\nDia"@en . "Zan\nPoison Claw\nMarin Karin\nDormina\nMudo\nZanma"@en . "102"^^ . . "31"^^ . "97"^^ . "99"^^ . "Pray yours has a benevolent spirit."@en . "19"^^ . "84"^^ . "27"^^ . "Two tails or a branching tail"@en . "-"@en . "200.37"^^ . "82"^^ . "20744"^^ . . "Daedalus"@en . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8, Nekomata) es un gato gigante que es el l\u00EDder del hogar de los Gatos Ninja."@en . "Rough Drink"@en . "Also known as \u2018Kit Cats\u2019, Nekomata are a clan of tomboys skilled in a unique martial arts equal to that of many Martial Artists. Supposedly, they are\u2014or were originally\u2014evolved from cats that wandered into the Netherworld and accumulated great spiritual power. Like cats, they are troublemakers and enjoy causing mischief. Surprisingly, they get along well with the Succubi and are often seen talking to them. Their fur is actual, genuine fur and part of their body; Nekomata often shed it when the weather becomes too hot. Due to a combination of their attractive, voluptuous bodies and adorable cat ears, the Nekomata have fans all across the Netherworld. Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Monster, Demon) Hit Die: d8 Class Skills The Nekomata's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Martial Knowledge (physical Monster Weapon) (Int), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Starting Wealth: 3d6 \u00D7 10 hl (average 105hl.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 hl or less. Alignment: Nekomatas are rarely ever lawful, however domesticated ones can sometimes be. They prefer being chaotic neutral or chaotic good. They are pranksters, however they tend to prefer good over evil. Religion: Nekomatas worship cats and nature, some worship the milky way galaxy in a kitten like fascination and others simply live a catlike way of life. Occasionally they\u2019ll follow an overlord but it all depends on the neko. *Evilty* Special Counter: When standing adjacent to an opponent, if they attempt to cast a spell, you are granted two attacks of opportunity instead of the usual one. If both attacks hit the opponent must make a concentration check DC 10+damage dealt, or instantly fail at casting the spell. \u2022 +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Intelligence Medium sized Monstrous humanoid \u2022 Darkvision out to 60 feet \u2022 Base move speed 30 \u2022 +4 to Stealth and Perception \u2022 Automatic Languages: English or Japanese and Nekomata Bonus Languages: any Monster Weapon Prof (Ex) Nekomatas are proficient and can only wield physical monster weapons, unless they have reincarnated from a previous body that had the ability to wield other weapons. A Nekomata's weapon takes the form of a clawed kick to the face. This claw deals 2d6 slashing damage. A Nekomata's relevant ability modifier is Strength and as such it determines her monster technique saving throws. As a free action, a Nekomata can change into a Sword. The Magichange lasts as many rounds as your Constitution Mod, and when it ends, the creature returns to it's former self but is exhausted. The wielder must be unarmed and able to hold the sword when the Nekomata transforms. Damage: 2d6 Critical: 20 Damage Type: Slashing Weight: 12 lb. Gauntlet Damage: 1d4 Critical: 20 Damage Type: Piercing Weight: 1 lb. Monster Technique (Su) Just like all classes, Nekomatas gain access to special techniques they can utilize to aid them in battle or day to day activities. At each level they gain 1 technique of any level they can perform. At the levels designated, Nekomatas also gain special Monster Techniques they can utilize to get an edge over their opponents. A Nekomata Learns a monster technique at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, and 20th level. These Techniques can be chosen from the Nekomata's list of techniques highlighted with two (**). The Nekomata must be able to perform techniques of the technique's level to learn it. If you run out of techniques that can be selected when you gain a new monster technique, you can instead choose another technique from your list. The Nekomata's relevant ability score is it's Strength. Ability Boost (Ex) Monster creatures do not gain the usual +1 bonus to an ability score every 4 levels, instead they gain powerful racial bonuses to specific racially important ability scores. Creatures gain Ability buffs at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. The Ability boost is determined by what kind of creature it is. Nekomatas gain bonuses to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These bonuses increase at the levels indicated. Natural armor (Ex) Nekomata gain a bonus to Natural armor at the levels indicated on the table. A Nekomata can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a Nekomata already has uncanny dodge from a different class (Reincarnation), she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below) instead. Bonus Feats At 2nd, 7th, and 9th levels, Nekomatta gain bonus feats. They gain Improved initiative, Superior Initiative, and Combat Reflexes. A Nekomata can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another Nekomata the ability to flank her, unless the attacker has at least four more Nekomata or rogue levels than the target does. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum Nekomata or rogue level required to flank the character. A Nekomata can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Nekomata does not gain the benefit of evasion. This ability works like evasion, except that while the Nekomata still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Nekomata does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. Counter Strike (Ex) If an opponent attacks the Nekomata and misses, the Nekomata gains an attack of opportunity, so long as the Nekomata still has attacks of opportunity left in the current round, and the opponent is within the Nekomata's reach. Movement increase (Ex) Nekomata's are nimble and quick creatures, as such they gain a movement increase at 5th, 10th, and 14th level. These bonuses are not cumulative, they overlap taking the highest bonus. A number of times per day equal to 3+ the Nekomata's Constitution modifier, she can lick her wounds to heal herself. This is a move action that heals a number of hit points equal to the Nekomata's level + her constitution modifier. As a full round action it can use this ability on a comrade instead. Bastet (Su) At 20th level the Nekomata becomes a paragon of catgirl kind and stands as a goddess like figure amongst her people. Once per day as a standard action, the Nekomata enters a state of great physical power that works as a doubled Haste effect. When making a full attack action, a the Nekomata may make two extra attacks with it's attack. The attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action, so you can't use it to cast a second spell or otherwise take an extra action in the round.) The Nekomata gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Any condition that makes you lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) also makes you lose dodge bonuses. All of the Nekomata's modes of movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 60 feet, This increase counts as an enhancement bonus, and it affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for increased speed. This effect does not stack with haste and lasts for a number of rounds equal to your level. Nekomata Techniques 1st-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Negate Aroma, LongStrider, Liberating Command, Keen Senses, Magic Fang, Endure Elements, Ant Haul, ** Cat Strike, ** Cat Kick 2nd-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 False Life, Cat's Grace, Barkskin, Certain Grip, Animal Messenger, Natural Rhythm, Scent Trail, **Rapid Kick, ** Cat Scratch (MC) 3rd-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Keen Edge, Haste, Burrow, Dominate Animal, Hide Campsite, Lilly pad Stride, Greater Magic Fang, ** Cat Strike III, ** Flaring Kitty Shot (MC) 4th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Greater Darkvision, Calcific Touch, Bloody Claws, Freedom of Movement, Strong Jaw, Dimension Door, ** Fists of Fury, **Kitty Brain Blast 5th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Sonic Thrust, Dismissal, Covetous Aura, Commune with Nature, Stoneskin, Break Enchantment, Feeblemind, Sonic Thrust, ** Mystic Blast 6th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014Enemy Hammer, Mass Cat's Grace, Move Earth, Battlemind Link, Legend Lore, Greater Heroism, ** Cat Blast, ** Cat Paw (MC) 7th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014Spell Turning, Rampart, Walk through space, Ki Shout, **Grand Slam (MC) 8th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Iron Body, Frightful Aspect, Sunburst, Stormbolts, Greater Shout, **Delta Kick 9th-Level Nekomata Techniques\u2014 Energy Drain, Fiery Body, Time Stop, Heroic Invocation, Clashing Rocks, Freedom,**Catfight, **Boxer Kitty"@en . "89"^^ . "Phys x2, 1 enemy"@en . "90"^^ . "Zanma\nMarin Karin\nFeral Claw"@en . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8) \u00E8 il Boss dei Gatti Ninja e appare solo nell'anime. Egli vive in una fortezza difesa da numerosi gatti ninja, proibita agli esseri umani. In passato fu sconfitto da Itachi Uchiha, quando era solo un bambino. Itachi gli rivel\u00F2 che anche Sasuke, un giorno sarebbe venuto a cercarlo. Infatti, anni dopo, Sasuke in compagnia del Team 7 raggiunge la fortezza di Nekomata e sconfigge i gatti posti a protezione della fortezza. Dopo un duro scontro, Nekomata viene sconfitto da Sasuke, il quale batte anche il record di Itachi."@it . "12"^^ . "Resist"@en . "2992"^^ . "35"^^ . "32"^^ . "72"^^ . "180.87"^^ . . "75"^^ . "32"^^ . "Passion"@en . . . "Feral Claw\nMagaru\nBlow a Kiss"@en . . "Evil"@en . "Gala Gala Drink"@en . "30.0"^^ . "Rats, Mice, Small Birds, Insects, Cat Food, Meat"@en . . "71"^^ . "3135"^^ . . "+Paralyze\nWatchful"@en . "VIT +1"@en . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8, \"Forked cat\") is the name of a fictitious being from Japanese mythology. It is said to be a lower form of a Bakeneko (a high ranged cat-demon). Japanese folklore says that Nekomata just looks like a domestic cat, but they have twin tails instead of just one. As it said in the anime most of the people in a tribe resented the Nekomata because they thought they were evil, like with Kuroro. This article or section is a stub. You can help by [ expanding it] or contributing to the discussion."@en . "Absorb"@en . "Male"@en . "86"^^ . "3"^^ . "250"^^ . "Beast"@en . "Laut dem japanischem Volkstum eine Katze (jap.Neko) , die schon lange lebt , die eine Art eines Youkai ist.Man dachte , dass , wenn eine Katze zehn Jahre alt wird , teilt sich deren Schwanz in zwei Teile und entwickelt dabei magische Kr\u00E4fte.Haupts\u00E4chlich die Kr\u00E4fte des Shamanismus und der Necromantie.Gew\u00F6hnlicherweise befinden sie sich in menschlichen K\u00F6rpern , sind allerdings feindseelig zu Menschen. \u00DCbrigens sagt man in Japan , dass es einen Nekomata gibt , dessen Schwanz sich schon sechs mal geteilt hat und somit sieben Schw\u00E4nze besitzt.Er ist der st\u00E4rkste Nekomata in Japan."@de . "Rostro_de_Nekomata.png"@es . "Agilao\nMega Claw\nRetaliate"@en . "A bakeneko is, in Japanese folklore, a cat with supernatural abilities akin to those of the fox or raccoon dog. A cat may become a bakeneko in a number of ways: it may reach a certain age, be kept for a certain number of years, grow to a certain size, or be allowed to keep a long tail. In the last case, the tail forks in two and the bakeneko is then called a nekomata. This superstition may have some connection to the breeding of the Japanese Bobtail."@en . "148"^^ . "31"^^ . . "24400"^^ . . "22239"^^ . "Japanese Mythology"@en . "-"@en . . "10.0"^^ . "\u30DE\u30BF\u30BF\u30D3\u30FB\u30C9\u30E9\u30F3\u30AF - 12 Turns"@en . . "-"@en . "20"^^ . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Nekomata est un chat g\u00E9ant et c'est le chef de la p\u00E8gre des chats ninjas."@fr . "Animal Leg"@en . "Light"@en . . . "Beast Hairball\nLife Stone\nRevival Bead"@en . "-"@en . "Sly"@en . . "30"^^ . "element"@en . "Dormina\nShibaboo"@en . "14"^^ . . . "Foolish, Joyful"@en . "23"^^ . "-"@en . "2054"^^ . "42"^^ . . "Axel Claw\\Innate\nPulinpa\\Innate\nBeastly Reaction\\36\nMazanma\\37"@en . . "461"^^ . "D"@en . "19"^^ . "Skill"@en . "Marin Karin\\Innate\nRakukaja\\29\nForce Bullet\\30\nDesperate Power\\Max Loyalty"@en . "Scratch Dance\\Innate\nPulinpa\\Innate\nBeastly Reaction\\38\nHaste Lesson\\40"@en . "2850"^^ . "5"^^ . "Laut dem japanischem Volkstum eine Katze (jap.Neko) , die schon lange lebt , die eine Art eines Youkai ist.Man dachte , dass , wenn eine Katze zehn Jahre alt wird , teilt sich deren Schwanz in zwei Teile und entwickelt dabei magische Kr\u00E4fte.Haupts\u00E4chlich die Kr\u00E4fte des Shamanismus und der Necromantie.Gew\u00F6hnlicherweise befinden sie sich in menschlichen K\u00F6rpern , sind allerdings feindseelig zu Menschen. \u00DCbrigens sagt man in Japan , dass es einen Nekomata gibt , dessen Schwanz sich schon sechs mal geteilt hat und somit sieben Schw\u00E4nze besitzt.Er ist der st\u00E4rkste Nekomata in Japan."@de . "14"^^ . "12"^^ . "10"^^ . "8"^^ . "nekomata beg.png nekomata play.png nekomata stand.png \"Oh you have a cat? Here Kitty Kitt-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!\" Nekomata is based on Japanese folklore Bakeneko (Monster Cat). Nekomatas are Bakenekos that have forked tails and are said to have supernatural abilities. Mike Neko Eggs can be found in the Sorven Pet Stop for 15,000 gold. Interested in learning about other pets of Sorven? Visit the KogoDex to learn more!"@en . "-"@en . "\u732B\u53C8"@es . . "Nekomatas are generally hard to find as their illusions often shield them from unwanted attention. Also, if they are discovered, it is assumed they are the result of some genetic mutation. However, Nekomatas are only distantly related to cats despite having a similar appearance."@en . "Null Wind"@en . . "-"@en . "445"^^ . "All enemies can't move for 1 turn / 15% chance"@en . "Feline and Human"@en . . . "39"^^ . "63"^^ . "32"^^ . "Force"@en . "I'm Beast Nekomata. And for your information, I'm not your average cat!"@en . . "Repel"@en . "\u732B\u53C8"@en . . "None"@en . "46"^^ . "\u732B\u53C8"@en . "Neutral-Neutral"@en . . "5"^^ . "99"^^ . . "Strong"@en . "Nekomata"@fr . . . "14"^^ . "2695"^^ . "S\u00F3lo Anime"@en . "Are you Nekomata's other self, meow? Huh..."@en . "Varied"@en . "11"^^ . "Stun Needle\\Innate\nMarin Karin\\Innate\nParaladi\\Innate\nMana Bonus\\19\nFeral Claw\\20\nPester\\21\nMute Gaze\\22"@en . "12"^^ . "14"^^ . "Normale"@fr . "10"^^ . "1"^^ . "90"^^ . . "4"^^ . "7"^^ . . "Hamma Hammer"@en . "329"^^ . . . "Charm"@en . "Mazan\nMarin Karin\nFeral Claw\nJump Kick"@en . . "Mike Neko Kitten at level 30 with mood below 400."@en . "5"^^ . "6"^^ . "Feline"@en . "7"^^ . "Found:"@en . "12"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8, Nekomata) es un gato gigante que es el l\u00EDder del hogar de los Gatos Ninja."@en . "5"^^ . "12"^^ . "6"^^ . . "De acordo com o folclore japon\u00EAs, um gato que viveu durante muito tempo pode se tornar um tipo de youkai chamado de Nekomata (\u732B\u53C9, nekomata). Acreditava-se que ap\u00F3s um gato ter vivido 10 anos de idade, sua cauda lentamente se dividiria em duas, e ao longo do caminho, ele iria desenvolver poderes m\u00E1gicos, principalmente de necromancia e xamanismo. Nekomatas tamb\u00E9m t\u00EAm a capacidade de mudar para uma forma humana e s\u00E3o geralmente hostis aos seres humanos. \n* Exemplos: Chen Livros e artigos: \n* Perfect Memento: Encyclopedia: Beast Tamb\u00E9m Veja: \n* Artigo da wikipedia sobre Nekomata"@pt . "Beast"@en . "3"^^ . "30.0"^^ . "30"^^ . . "6"^^ . . "24"^^ . "I'll show you my ghost ability!"@en . "7"^^ . "25"^^ . "A cat which became a Youkai due to its long life. Has a split tail."@en . "21"^^ . "Fire"@en . "4"^^ . "374"^^ . "Electricity"@en . "-"@en . "Evolves From:"@en . "16"^^ . "Master, hold me. Pet me!"@en . "280"^^ . "-"@en . . . "Marin Karin\nDormina\nScratch\nEstoma"@en . "Fire"@en . "Cheerful, whimsical"@en . "2572"^^ . "Ailment"@en . "Koneko Toujou"@en . "None"@en . . "Nekomata"@en . . "-"@en . "Ni and Li"@en . "Scratch\nZanma\nMarin Karin\nKamitsuki\nZanmaon\nMazanma"@en . "293"^^ . "Hamma Hammer"@en . "Also known as \u2018Kit Cats\u2019, Nekomata are a clan of tomboys skilled in a unique martial arts equal to that of many Martial Artists. Supposedly, they are\u2014or were originally\u2014evolved from cats that wandered into the Netherworld and accumulated great spiritual power. Like cats, they are troublemakers and enjoy causing mischief. Surprisingly, they get along well with the Succubi and are often seen talking to them. Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Monster, Demon) Hit Die: d8 Class Skills The Nekomata's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Damage: 2d6"@en . "60"^^ . . "Yoma"@en . "yes"@en . . . "Nekomata"@fr . . "192"^^ . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Nekomata est un chat g\u00E9ant et c'est le chef de la p\u00E8gre des chats ninjas."@fr . "205"^^ . "Light"@en . "Ni and Li"@en . . "8"^^ . "R"@en . "9"^^ . "-"@en . . . "Saboteur"@fr . "Kintaria"@en . "Normale"@fr . "30.0"^^ . "220"^^ . "221"^^ . "5"^^ . "30.0"^^ . "7"^^ . "Common"@en . "Koneko Toujou"@en . "10"^^ . "2915"^^ . "237"^^ . "224"^^ . "7"^^ . "0.0"^^ . "4"^^ . . "16"^^ . "Categor\u00EDa:PersonajesNekomata (\u732B\u53C8, Nekomata) es un gato gigante que es el l\u00EDder del hogar de los Gatos Ninja."@es . . "12"^^ . . "10"^^ . "\u8001\u732B\u5996\u602A \u732B\u53C8"@en . "Dark"@en . "11"^^ . "240"^^ . "9"^^ . . "Cyclone\nVenom Claw\nDistract\nSlumber\nHex Coma\nCycloburst"@en . . "30"^^ . "13"^^ . "Come see the ghost cat! Meow! I demand attention!"@en . "29"^^ . "Paral Eyes*"@en . "38"^^ . . "156"^^ . "88"^^ . "180.0"^^ . "145"^^ . "84"^^ . "43"^^ . "148"^^ . "150"^^ . "Increases Speed."@en . . . "21"^^ . "Phys x2 hits, 1 enemy"@en . "30.0"^^ . "Haughty, Joyful, Foolish"@en . . "Evolves To:"@en . "The Nekomata is a mythical being from Japanese mythology. It is said to be a lower form of a bakeneko. Traits of a nekomata include looking like a domestic cat, having two tails, having the ability to walk on two legs but only when unobserved, and can morph into a demon when angered. The first stories of this feline popped up during the 17th century in Japan. The Nekomata have the ability to enter people's dreams."@en . "160"^^ . "Nekomata"@it . . "20170"^^ . . "Insightful"@en . "30.0"^^ . . . "174"^^ . "176"^^ . "Magician"@en . "Nekomata"@fr . "-"@en . "8"^^ . "9"^^ . "Oerba / 400 AC"@fr . "13"^^ . "Bead"@en . "9"^^ . "66"^^ . "10"^^ . "Leads teammates against the enemy."@en . "8"^^ . "70"^^ . "88"^^ . . "11"^^ . "92"^^ . . "116"^^ . "Jefe de los Gatos Ninja"@es . "83"^^ . "Normale"@fr . "30.0"^^ . "106"^^ . . . . "98"^^ . "The Nekomata is a mythical being from Japanese mythology. It is said to be a lower form of a bakeneko. Traits of a nekomata include looking like a domestic cat, having two tails, having the ability to walk on two legs but only when unobserved, and can morph into a demon when angered. The first stories of this feline popped up during the 17th century in Japan. The Nekomata have the ability to enter people's dreams."@en . . "100"^^ . "103"^^ . "Kuroka"@en . "-2.840184E9"^^ . "6"^^ . "?"@fr . "112"^^ . . . . . "asmodian"@en . "22"^^ . "Control Corpses, Illusions"@en . "-"@en . "22"^^ . "Force"@en . . "-"@en . "25"^^ . . . "7"^^ . "Transform, Demonstrate"@en . "Evolution"@en . "Zan *\nTaunt *\nMedia *"@en . . "14"^^ . . . "12"^^ . "10"^^ . "11"^^ . "Snob, Cheerful, Fool"@en . "Cat Trick"@en . "Double Strike *\nAnti-Elec *"@en . "215"^^ . "53"^^ . "51"^^ . "Nekomata are a cat-like species of Youkai which specialize in using ki. It has been revealed that female Nekomata normally mate with the males of different races (mainly with human males), as males among their species are rare."@en . "2650"^^ . "+Paralyze\nAnti-Force *"@en . "Feral Claw\nMarin Karin"@en . "\u30CD\u30B3\u30DE\u30BF"@fr . "None"@en . "96"^^ . "56"^^ . "57"^^ . "Kitty Claws"@en . "58"^^ . "-"@en . "33"^^ . "20"^^ . . "30.0"^^ . "30.0"^^ . "Lange Zeit nur in Asien lebend, haben sich die letzten Nachfahren der Nekomatas inzwischen \u00FCber die ganze Welt verstreut. Hier wird es ihnen, oder besser gesagt ihren Besitzern oft zum Verh\u00E4ngnis, dass sie entweder unbekannt oder aber f\u00FCr ein M\u00E4rchen gehalten werden. Was bitte sind Nekomata? Im Grunde sind Nekomata n\u00E4mlich nichts anderes als Hauskatzen. Sie laufen auf vier Beinen, schnurren, wenn sie gl\u00FCcklich sind, und kratzen, wenn sie w\u00FCtend sind. Was sie dennoch mehr als deutlich von normalen Katzen unterscheidet, ist ihre Palette an besonderen F\u00E4higkeiten. Und was k\u00F6nnen sie bitte? Nekomata haben unter anderem die F\u00E4higkeit, sich in Menschen zu verwandeln. Sie erlernten deren Sprache und k\u00F6nnen sich fast unauff\u00E4llig unter Menschen bewegen. Die Betonung liegt allerdings auf \u201Efast\u201C. Obwohl sie optisch nicht von Menschen zu unterscheiden sind, sp\u00FCrt man deutlich, wenn ein Nekomata in der N\u00E4he ist: Sie verbreiten eine Aura der Furcht und Beklemmung. Wer dieser Aura f\u00FCr l\u00E4ngere Zeit ausgesetzt ist, wird unweigerlich krank und stirbt im schlimmsten Fall. Was die meisten allerdings nicht wissen, ist, dass diese Furcht daher kommt, dass Nekomata jegliche Art der besonderen F\u00E4higkeiten unterbinden. Magier k\u00F6nnen nicht mehr zaubern, Werw\u00F6lfe bleiben sch\u00F6n brav Menschen und G\u00F6tter sind nicht m\u00E4chtiger als ich und du. Als w\u00E4ren sie so nicht schon stark genug, besitzen Nekomata auch noch die Gabe sich katzengleich zu bewegen, also lautlos und furchtbar schnell, und k\u00F6nnen zudem auch noch Tote wiederbeleben. Allerdings brauchen sie f\u00FCr alle F\u00E4higkeiten eine lange Zeit \u00DCbung und Training. Nur die \u00C4ltesten und St\u00E4rksten k\u00F6nnen sich tats\u00E4chlich in Menschen verwandeln, geschweige denn Tote auferwecken. Ouh, das ist toll, du willst auch Nekomata werden? Fehlanzeige. Niemand, der das hier liest kann Nekomata werden. Zwar sind Nekomata nicht von Geburt an wie sie sind, aber sie sind nun mal in ihrem tiefsten Inneren Katzen. Die meisten von ihnen waren mal ganz normale Hauskatzen, bei denen allerdings das spezielle Gen, das sie zu Nekomata macht, aktiviert wurde. Meist geschieht diese Aktivierung durch besonders schlimme Erfahrungen. Die Katze wurde misshandelt oder war sonst wie \u201Etierisch\u201C unzufrieden mit ihrem Leben. Diese Tatsache erkl\u00E4rt auch, warum die meisten Nekomata schlecht gelaunte, griesgr\u00E4mige Gestalten sind."@de . "54"^^ . "19"^^ . "8"^^ . "Resists Expel"@en . "9"^^ . "10"^^ . "Nekomatas are generally hard to find as their illusions often shield them from unwanted attention. Also, if they are discovered, it is assumed they are the result of some genetic mutation. However, Nekomatas are only distantly related to cats despite having a similar appearance."@en . "De acordo com o folclore japon\u00EAs, um gato que viveu durante muito tempo pode se tornar um tipo de youkai chamado de Nekomata (\u732B\u53C9, nekomata). Acreditava-se que ap\u00F3s um gato ter vivido 10 anos de idade, sua cauda lentamente se dividiria em duas, e ao longo do caminho, ele iria desenvolver poderes m\u00E1gicos, principalmente de necromancia e xamanismo. Nekomatas tamb\u00E9m t\u00EAm a capacidade de mudar para uma forma humana e s\u00E3o geralmente hostis aos seres humanos. Existe tamb\u00E9m um tipo de Nekomata, que viveu em Nabeshimahan (\u9505\u5C9B\u85E9), que viveu tempo suficiente para dividir sua cauda seis vezes, resultando em sete caudas; \u00E9 o mais poderoso nekomata no Jap\u00E3o. \n* Exemplos: Chen Livros e artigos: \n* Perfect Memento: Encyclopedia: Beast Tamb\u00E9m Veja: \n* Artigo da wikipedia sobre Nekomata"@pt . "6"^^ . "Rostro_de_Nekomata.png"@en . "5"^^ . "7"^^ . "2450"^^ . "\u30CD\u30B3\u30DE\u30BF"@en . "Dark"@en . "Fire, Ice, Mind"@en . "20"^^ . "Nekomata (\u732B\u53C8) \u00E8 il Boss dei Gatti Ninja e appare solo nell'anime. Egli vive in una fortezza difesa da numerosi gatti ninja, proibita agli esseri umani. In passato fu sconfitto da Itachi Uchiha, quando era solo un bambino. Itachi gli rivel\u00F2 che anche Sasuke, un giorno sarebbe venuto a cercarlo. Infatti, anni dopo, Sasuke in compagnia del Team 7 raggiunge la fortezza di Nekomata e sconfigge i gatti posti a protezione della fortezza. Dopo un duro scontro, Nekomata viene sconfitto da Sasuke, il quale batte anche il record di Itachi."@it . "16"^^ . "Forests, human settlements, Zipangu Region"@en . "Null"@en . "26"^^ . "0.0"^^ . "9"^^ . "Etherean"@en . . "-"@en . . "3"^^ . "normal"@en . "24"^^ . "7"^^ . "13"^^ . "-"@en . "14"^^ . "nekomata beg.png nekomata play.png nekomata stand.png \"Oh you have a cat? Here Kitty Kitt-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!\" Nekomata is based on Japanese folklore Bakeneko (Monster Cat). Nekomatas are Bakenekos that have forked tails and are said to have supernatural abilities. Mike Neko Eggs can be found in the Sorven Pet Stop for 15,000 gold. Interested in learning about other pets of Sorven? Visit the KogoDex to learn more!"@en . "9"^^ . "Power"@en . "Bye-Bye. I'm... I'm not sad this is goodbye, okay!?"@en . "10"^^ . "A bakeneko is, in Japanese folklore, a cat with supernatural abilities akin to those of the fox or raccoon dog. A cat may become a bakeneko in a number of ways: it may reach a certain age, be kept for a certain number of years, grow to a certain size, or be allowed to keep a long tail. In the last case, the tail forks in two and the bakeneko is then called a nekomata. This superstition may have some connection to the breeding of the Japanese Bobtail."@en . "76"^^ . "Mutates into Hotei."@en . "70"^^ . "64"^^ . "You are Nekomata's soul mate? Hmmm... I like you, meow!! Purrrrr..."@en . "Nya? Did you call Nekomata, nya? Purrr... I'll scratch all who step on our territory!"@en . "-"@en . "4"^^ . "7"^^ . . . "Vulnerable"@en . "10"^^ . "Pet Type:"@en . "11"^^ . "2"^^ . "Prayer"@en . "15"^^ . "23"^^ . "1"^^ . "17"^^ . "30.0"^^ . "Agi\\Innate\nCleave\\Innate\nProvoke\\6\nRe Patra\\7\nMaragi\\10"@en . "Dorminar\nShibaboo"@en . "-"@en . . "Charm Slash\nZanma\nMarin Karin"@en . "180"^^ . "9"^^ . "Elec"@en . "6"^^ . . "All enemies can't move for 1 turn / 10% chance"@en . . "Hermit"@en . "Death"@en . "Peut r\u00E9g\u00E9n\u00E9rer ses PV"@fr . "*Stretch* *Yawn* Where's my souvenir?"@en . "Seg\u00FAn el folklore Japon\u00E9s, un gato (neko) que ha vivido mucho tiempo puede convertirse en un tipo de youkai llamado nekomata (\u732B\u53C9). Se cre\u00EDa que cuando un gato llegaba a los diez a\u00F1os de edad, su cola empezar\u00EDa a dividirse lentamente en dos colas, y con el tiempo, desarrollar\u00EDa poderes m\u00E1gicos, principalmente aquellos relacionados con la necromancia y el chamanismo. El nekomata tambi\u00E9n tiene la habilidad de tomar forma humana y son normalmente hostiles hacia los humanos. Tambi\u00E9n hay una clase de nekomata que vivi\u00F3 en Nabeshimahan \uFF08\u934B\u5CF6\u85E9, que vivi\u00F3 lo suficiente como para que su cola se dividiera seis veces, resultando en siete colas, siendo \u00E9ste el nekomata mas poderoso en Jap\u00F3n. \n* Ejemplos: Chen, Rin Kaenbyou Libros y art\u00EDculos: \n* Perfect Memento: Enciclopedia: Bestias Ver tambi\u00E9n: \n* Entrada del Wikipedia para nekomata"@es . . "2782"^^ . "Resists magic"@en . "54"^^ . "48"^^ . "Meow Claw"@en . "Nekomata est un ennemi de Final Fantasy XIII-2 qui apparait \u00E0 Oerba en 400 AC. Il est de type Chats-en-pot."@fr . "50"^^ . . "47"^^ . "Nekomata"@en . "15990"^^ . "1"^^ . "1"^^ . "\u732B\u53C8"@fr . "38"^^ . "8"^^ . "Jupiter, Miyu, Ezma, Ami, Whisper, Hiro, Winter, Thorn, Nagisa, Vash, Rena, Others"@en . "Forest"@en . .